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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short Term:
    • Remove binding of the Daily Exploration Missions to one specific nebula / cluster. Let us explore, where we want to explore...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In that they assimilate, they are, by default, just as good as we are at their worst.
    Not so. I would have to say that innovation trumps reaction any day. As long as we have them reacting to us we have the upper hand. Since the Federation has such a vast number of member worlds, the Borg are at best a small but virulent cancer. We are certainly more innovative than the Borg. They have to play catch up with us. Picard does play an instrumental role in the tactics used by the Enterprise-E, but by the current era, his tactics are probably required reading at the Academy. Also on the subject of First Contact, the story line leaves one point open that most fail to address. The why behind it all. Why did the Borg launch only a single cube at Sol? Why did they find it necessary to go into the past? To the first, they probably knew it was a suicide mission and assumed that the cube would be lost. It was basically a launch mechanism for the Sphere to go into the past. They were not willing to risk anything more than a single cube should the gambit fail. To the second question, they probably calculated that they could not keep up with the innovation of the Federation and knew the only way to rectify it was to attack them when they could not pose a threat to the Borg. Basically the whole impetus of the movie was because the Borg must have projected that they would not win against a unified Federation. It was a move of desperation. Yes we made the Borg desperate. They knew that ultimately the Federation was the largest threat to the Borg until the introduction of the Undine. Another reason that they must have been looking into other realms is to assimilate enough technology to keep pace with the Federation. Gotta look at things from different points of view.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Mid Term goals- expand what we can spend out EC, Merits, Latinum on. Let's see some personal things that we could buy, not just C-Store items. In many other MMOs you have a multitude in which to spend your hard earned currency. This probably has the least. No point bothering to illustrate many MMO set in a fantasy past like WoW EQ, or DDO, but you could take some pointers from those. Star Wars Galaxies didn't do a whole lot right, but it did have homes that you could decorate. Little trinkets you earn for every few months you are a member. There is so much that could be done. You guys made that beautiful interior for the ships, let's use that space. Give us the ability to upgrade, improve, and decorate our ships. It would be nice to have each one unique, it wouldn't even be a problem, as all the memory for it would be on our own hard drives. You left it open for great expansion, I say start using it before season 3 as you will have to dedicate all your resources on making sure you learn from the past of the Klingons and have a more presentable Romulan.
    Someone pointed this out before, I agree assigning crew members to their posts would be nice. Having the First Officer position would be nice also for delegation. I would like sometimes to delegate certain things to have the FO take care of. That would be a way to make things easy for the more casual player to play and satisfy the player who want a little more complex interaction from the game. Of course, personal involvement would be so much more advantageous, but you don't HAVE to take care of everything personally. While I may be a casual player, there is something of an administration hound about me that would find daily operations of a starship fascinating. Plus that would allow for missions based entirely on your vessel a possibility.
    Break down the components so that we can get sub components to make the larger component. Make it some sort of assembly game that you could then put into your own ship or sell to others. That might satisfy some of the crafting grinders in the game. Still have the larger components available for those who don't wish to get so complex (and so you don't have to reinvent the wheel), but add that in as a possibility.

    P.S. I was shown how to turn off my gear and that there was more to the bridge than I first thought. So ignore those points, but I'm still firm on the Cargo Bay thing, I think it would be an awesome 3D Tetris type of game. Also I wasn't able to participate in the PvP test, but thanks for trying to clear that up. Hope it worked for everyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short) For everything to be polished as planned. For the attention to detail to go to another level. NPC Captains should look like captains (4 pips, red uniform). For instance, who is the Tellarite who talks to me during combat exploration missions? Isn't Lt. Grall my POC for this mission? Grall is also a Lt., but wears an ensign uniform. This also goes for all the little nuance bugs that have been in the game for awhile, eliminate them and immerse and ground the player more. Give us Caitian, Benzite, and Lethean BOs. I replayed the Treasure Trading Station with an alt today and was pleasantly surprised by the updated NPCs on the mission. Good variety and look. Hopefully a taste of things to come.

    Mid) Improved PvP/Fleet Action, added missions, fleshed out Klingons. I'd really like to see them develop a way to improve PvP enough to get players involved again. It seems the major complaint has been wait times so lets hope it can be improved. I'd also like to see some added missions. PvP space capture and hold is probably the most popular map. I think a ground capture and hold would be just as popular and might get players into ground PvP again. I always liked Shanty Town but nobody ever plays, same goes for the DS9 Fleet Action. The space part is one of my favs but nobody ever plays. Finally, added missions. I hope for some more upper tier admiral missions, even if they are more fleet action dailies, but the Klingons is where the most attention is needed obviously.

    Long) Added factions and ships. Looks like Romulans will be first but hopefully all species in the ST universe become playable. If you want to be a True Way, Dominion, Borg, or Ferengi Trader you should have those choices. Also more ships and a way for ships to tier up should be added. I see the Ambassador did really bad in the poll but I still hope it gets added somewhere one day. I also wouldn't mind having a tier 6 Sovereign one day. All in all, please just keep adding ships. Maybe have another community design project next year?

    Sorry for the long post but I played for awhile today and just kinda dumped what I had on my mind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    (Ironmike) = Ideas for Klingon uiform: adding a cloak for male/female, geeting Chancellor Gorkon Red uniform from the movie startrek #6 Undiscovered country and in the gamma sector in Enemy Sigle Contact reset menu does not show on the screen.

    (Sheval1) = Issue in Azlesa Expanse Sector Block when teaming together to do a mission each player in the team show-up in different instance or different mission either space or ground missions, issue with BG5 sheild - getting the right type of badge and can't scan mission objective.

    (Me'groth) = Issue - Team can't come together in lower ranking in the same instance together in Karrat, Nebula etc...,can this be fixed so fleet's can enter in same instance.

    (Ironmike) = Issue: I have a problem installing my weapon and console's on my ship on the ground. "Krev aka Yarrkon" told me to go out to space and try to install your weapons/console's and it worked, before i could install them in the shipyard when exchanging vessels, if you have this poblem try this method. Crytic need to fix this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short term:

    I'm happy with the game at the moment. My one desire is remove the restriction that stops VAs from doing the RA daily pvp missions and getting Honor mark rewards. Failing that, and a lot easier, make the old rewards that you could only get from the mark of honors (i.e. Covariant shield array mk x [cap x3]) available for the marks of exploration.

    Medium term:

    For the love of the game, PLEASE remove the skill cap. You originally advertised that despite a level cap, which is vital for any game, there would be no cap on skill points. I dont believe it would be hard to introduce this.

    Also I would like serious thought given to allowing a pilot who wants to fly escorts, science or cruiser the ability to fly any of the skins without it effecting the available BOs or Consoles. I made a post about replaceing the Ensigns with Universal ones for this purpose but it went un-noticed.

    Maybe a quicker way to earn diplomatic points wouldnt go amiss either.

    Long term:

    I'd like to see Romulans added to the game. I want a Mogai Escort :P
    Other than that i'm happy to see what direction the game takes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Priority 1:
    Fix every damned bug before you have the audacity to introduce more money making items in the c-store.
    Get an 800 number for customer service so we don't pay for being on hold for 5 hrs.
    Refund anyone in the klingon empire at least 1 emblem per day that has not had the option to both explore & chart Azlessa since 2.0 came out, & continue to do so until it is fixed.

    As for the other mid & long term issues why don't you fix what's here first before we give you more money making ideas?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Korhil wrote:
    Short term:

    I'm happy with the game at the moment. My one desire is remove the restriction that stops VAs from doing the RA daily pvp missions and getting Honor mark rewards. Failing that, and a lot easier, make the old rewards that you could only get from the mark of honors (i.e. Covariant shield array mk x [cap x3]) available for the marks of exploration.

    Medium term:

    For the love of the game, PLEASE remove the skill cap. You originally advertised that despite a level cap, which is vital for any game, there would be no cap on skill points. I dont believe it would be hard to introduce this.

    Also I would like serious thought given to allowing a pilot who wants to fly escorts, science or cruiser the ability to fly any of the skins without it effecting the available BOs or Consoles. I made a post about replaceing the Ensigns with Universal ones for this purpose but it went un-noticed.

    Maybe a quicker way to earn diplomatic points wouldnt go amiss either.

    Long term:

    I'd like to see Romulans added to the game. I want a Mogai Escort :P
    Other than that i'm happy to see what direction the game takes.

    I agree to all of that! Just add swimsuits to Risa and we're cool :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I agree with one of them saying of the flight in space being 90 degres and such but I feell it need sto be abale to fly much different then you would flying in Air. You see space is flying is much differnet then in air you move much faster and and almost instantanicly when out in space.

    The inside structures of a ship or building are way to big as if some one that is 30 feet tal would be walking around there. The scale of it is just to big.. You may want to look at the Game Mass Effect and see how the inside of there ships and building look the are the right size they need to be to look real enough 10 ft high ceiling is about the right size I think. For ships and for most builings that you walk in. Down size the the scale and make it right it just looks to big.

    Now I think that for the Different ships we have the inside of each one should look different, like for instance; the The enterprise Kirk typ ships the hall ways and engine room and what ever else maybe. should look like what it look like on the show and for the Voyager type ships the inside hsould look like the Tv shows as well. because right now all engine rooms look the same on the all ships they shouldn't.

    when starting out the game, the're to many missions to do and when it calls for a fleet to do a mission not enough people to do it with you, not everyone wants to be in a fleet right away. Plus most of this game play is the same you go down you find the thing your looking for you pull out tricorder and scan it then your done.
    Or you go out and destroy teh enemey with your ship. it just doing the same thing over, and over and over again. Just needs more to it then that. We need to have more missions that in volve doing things on the ship.
    Random things happen on the ship that call you to stop from warp and take care of it. or some alien comes aboard and disrupts things.
    Also would be nice to have a bridge command from an old game some how be intergrated in this game.
    And would be nice to have you get rid of the beaming on board your bridge when you click to go to bridge. Maybe go from tactical to Bridge where the Captain is already sitting in his chair. It just looks more realistic to do that then to look as if you beamed to your bridge.
    These are just some of the thing that I feel need to change if they don't then I will later decline from this game cause I'm loosing my intrest in it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    my two cents:

    Priorities are marked by bold yellow

    Short term
    • New C-Store items: Sovereign bridge refit (same fashion as done with Galaxy)
    • Improvement of Starfleet B-01 uniform to resemble Star Trek:Countdown properly (have a look, there are some tweaks - e.g. white lines around collars, shiny (looks more like plastic) colored shoulders instead of leather
    • New C-Store ships: Perpetual's Excalibur (with touch of cpn. Logan) as alternative to T5 refit expl.cruiser

    Mid term
    • Fluidic space DSE (Undine)
    • Orelius sector DSE (Breen)
    • iPhone app for inventory / exhchange checking

    Long term
    • War - open competition for control of sectors in neutral zone (Fed/Kling) both Space and Ground (space superiority first, than ground assaults).
    • War 2 - In neutral zone locations players can be attacked by other players while travelling through sector space
    • Continual Federation content updates, more storyline missions involving standard AQ races (no Borg or Undine), ignition of the Undine war (here obviously involving Undine)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short / Med / and Long term..
    The new sector space looks a-lot better...You guys did a very good job with it.. But ! !!
    Could you guys please get ride of the bottom grid lines,trader routes,tether from the planets?
    We don't need all that stuff in sector space....
    THEY LOOK LIKE FLOOR PLANS ! LIKE WE'RE FLYING OVER DRAFTING PAPER! You can't fly that low to get lost anyway , so why are they there??? I am sure a lot of people would agree
    sector space needs to look more like space.. empty! ( like eve online) Doing away with the grid lines on the bottom would make it appear more like open space and get rid of the trader routes, and the line coming from the systems that looks like a tether for a balloon .... It would help out with our screen-shots The rest is O.K
    If you need to have all that in there, then at least give the player and on and off switch like the Shield rings, I must add that was a 100% !!!!! improvement BTW .

    Well thats my 0.02 cents..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short time:
    1More NEW (not repetative!) Quests for the Klingons
    2. Long Coats for Klingon Player Chars

    Mid Term:
    1. A kind of Ship designer of the Ships Interior. More personalisation. So the Player can chose how large the Ships inside is, if it has the clean look of a Science Ships or a dark look of a batteship,...
    2. That Failure in Missions, like diplomatic Miissions should have consequences. This is a game, no one needs to be protected, You could create a kind of mission tree for succsss and failing. If you ever played Wing Commander or one of the Elder Scrolls RPGs, you know of what I am talking about.
    It's just silly, that you can fail a Mission and than you can try it again, the only consequnce is to chose NOT to try it again, but thta's for babies, sorry!

    Long Tern: Go in detail on with the "World gives Feedback to Players actions" (like that one with the consequnces) and there should be certain PvP battlefields that have an effect on the territory. That a fraction can lose Planets or even whole Sectors and as long a a faction own such a territory, it should givea bonus to all chars from the faction.Like faster Exp earning or that Ship Equipment becomes cheaper.

    As much as a game reacts to the playerrs actions, a more and much fun it makes!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    AdmBora wrote: »
    Short time:
    2. Long Coats for Klingon Player Chars

    I'm with you on the rest of your post, but I've seen players in the long cloaks, they must be made available once you're a General or as part of some sort of reward (100/200/300 day)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I haven't searched the forum, so this may already have bben mentioned, but:
    I find myself starting new characters over and over just because I want to play with a particular ship. In my case, the TOS constitution. Once I reach a certain point it's not really practical to continue with my favorite ship. Now, having introduced the concept of Retrofit ships, I'd really like to see some option to choose older ships as retrofits, brought up to the point where we can use them even at the endgame levels. I know I'll play longer if I can still play my favorite ship at higher levels. Any way to make a Connie or other ships into something like a tier 5 ship?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I would lilke to see the star trek emblems back on the armor you can wear in ground combat.

    missions on risa would be cool. a takeover or a hostage situation or a secret has been found or something crazy.

    I was thinking could it be possible to give 2 or 3 choices to handle a situation. If there is going be dialogue before an encounter with a Klingon ship maybe weas captains can choose what to say back and somehow that impact how the encounter will go. Did I just save my tail by being diplomatic or did I just doom my ship because I cursed him in klingon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    SHORT: All work that may have been started to create the Enterprise-J is put to a halt.

    MID: All halted work on the Enterprise-J model is destroyed and hard drive are wiped.

    LONG: The DEVs all agree to never speak of the Enterprise-J again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short Term -
    I was running around the Great Hall on Qo'noS and I just thought how cool it would be if I ran into a Klingon, that every once in a while he or she would get upset and attack me. That would be a nice little diversion, not a high rate, but say one in a hundred. More if you go to the bar, buy a few drinks and get a little belligerent the rate would increase. At least in the bar. I would be kind of cool to see a knock down bar brawl when you go to the hall sometime. Have the Gorn pick up a chair rather than the block of stone and throw it. I think that would be a nice little ambiance thing. Just a thought.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    (a) (Korax) = Create a Klingon Social Search, Creating a Ground Base Empire Defense (grinding) and Up-Grading Klingon Targ to a Combat Targ,

    (b) (Ironmike) = Klingon Uniform: Adding a Generals trench coat for the male/female, getting Chancellor Gorkon Red uniform from the movie star trek #6 Undiscovered country and increase the Emblem Awards from three to five.

    (c) (Whor) = Up-Grading Klingon Targ to a Combat Targ, adding hand to hand weapons and Creating a Dynamic PVP map control area for either side.

    (d) (Tide) = Create a open space zone, Create a ground/Space PVP minimum of 5 personnel (pre-made teaming) and (ssue) - Mark 11 Weapons are not good the Mark 10's are better when playing PVP.

    (e) (T-Wolf) = There is not enough side mission for the Klingons - Lets create a Space/Ground mission Base, Create a open Fleet War Zone "Klingons vs Federation via Factions and Create more uniforms for the other races (NAUSICAAN, GORN, LETHEAN etc..) .

    (f) (Krev) = Bring back the Marks of Honor Mission for t "LT. General " to receive the Marks of Honor points so we can go to Ganalda System to purchase Mark of honor item's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    re: short/mid/long term ideas
    by Korax ZHantI' Solizarn on 23 Aug 2010 12:35 pm
    short term= fed filter social search. A way Klingons can do a social search of all Klink faction members & filter out feds.

    mid term= Wartarg. Upgrade your targ pup to a Wartarg to be used in battle. this could be a C-store purchus & would replace your curent targ pup as if your trained it to fight.

    Long term= Ground Empire Defence. A Ground equivient of the current Space Empire Deffence missions to give lvl grinding a lil more varity & make it interesting, Possiblie Defend the Collany or Space Station from Feds/Cardies/ Roms. or maybe put down riot at Rura Pentha
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short Term:

    Fix the bugs.
    Fix the bugs.
    Stabilize the game so it is playable again.
    Fix the bugs.


    Make the Klingons complete.
    Initiate a special promotion or initiative that will coax back the Klingon community to STO.

    Long Term:

    TOS Bridge
    TOS Interiors
    Complete Revamp and Expansion of Crafting
    Way more Mission Variety and Creativity.
    Tholians (As an NPC advesary - Not playable)
    Era specific ESD Instances (TOS, TWOK, TNG/DS9/VOY, 25th Century) - With appropriate interiors, NPCs, etc.
    Era Specific skins for weapons, tricorders, etc.
    Bonaventure Class Starship (Ships of the Line 2006)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Long: More content end and mid game both fed and K.
    Mid: Emprove crafting so it is not so limited in what we can make, add a crafting system to the K side.
    Short: a Dream I am sure but I would realy love to have a 3rd weapon slot for my Capt. So I can use Expose, Exploit or close combat.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I haven't got much to improve STO.

    Short Term:

    Money transfers between characters on same account and same faction.


    Balance Ships and weapons, where Plasma Torpedoes are way overpowered, i think they need to remove the slowdown effect of it, but leave the dot effect, which also effects Warp Plasma Ejection.

    Also, the Romulan Mokai(sp?) is way overpowered when it comes to speed and turn rate, it does the damage of an escort, also has the speed and turn rate of a very fragile escort, but has the durability of a Battleship.

    It also seems like it has a shorter cooldown of Evasive Manauvers then players do, cause it uses it every 20-30 seconds and when it doesn't use it, it moves like it is, but when it does use it, it looks like it is travelling at full impulse and turns MUCH faster.


    Vastly more Klingon PvE Content, i would have gone with Klingons if they were like the Federation when it comes to content focus.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I am fairly new to STO. I have only been playing a few weeks, but I am having a blast! I love this game. And its exciting to know that this game is only in its childhood. I can see SO MUCH potential to grow and only get better.

    That being said, I would like to post up my suggestions. I will try to keep them as general as I can, to leave more for your own personal expectations.

    Starting off. I LOVE my bridge. I love the sounds. I love being surrounded by the crew members I picked, trained, and personalized. I love walking around my ship as well. All I ask is for more opportunities to visit, or even stay for extended times on my ship.

    Missions on my ship that could be done solo or with a team would be a great way to show off the interior to friends. Combat or even non-combat missions. Combat would be things like fighting off an invading force or searching the ship for clues to find a saboteur and then confront them. Non-combat ship missions could be Diplomatic missions where you have to deal with Ambassadors or Delegates that your transporting, or perhaps your crew needs you to go to the Science labs and sickbay to cure a sickness the crew has. Or even run around your ship after a battle and help repair it, put out fires, and help injured crew.

    I would like the option of traveling sector space on my bridge, watching the stars streak by on my viewscreen. I underlined option because I would like to see sector space from the outside of my ship as well, depending on my mood. Again, star streaks at warp would be great.

    More about ship interiors. Engineering. I'm an engineer, I love engineering. I only ask that in the future we can not only personalize the Bridge, but Engineering as well. I would like to hear the pulsing sound of the Warp core from TNG. Or see the engine room style of a smaller ship like the Defiant class ships.

    That stuff would do nothing but enhance my gameplay. This game could be the first MMO in history (to my knowledge) that not only brings on customization player housing, but also involve that into the mission aspect of the game.

    Thats all I will post up for now. I hope my suggestions at least got the creative juices flowing for even more great ideas.

    Trek Fan for life
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I haven't been posting around on these forums for a while because of having to deal with some personal demons as well as real life. To say the least I haven't even played STO for 3-4 months.

    For me to come back and play STO, I'd like to see some (if not all) of the following (at least on the short term list):

    Short Term:
    - Fix the Tellarite height bug in the character creator which has been around since their arrival in the game. (They are definitely not in the six foot range).
    - Reorganize the skills window so that it makes sense logically. It currently looks disorganized (to me at least).
    - Give Risa its second sun!
    - SQUASH any remaining bugs.

    Medium Term:
    - Cardassians and Xindi (Primates, Arboreals, Reptillians and Insectoids) playable for the Federation.
    - Kriosians and Arin'Sen playable for the Klingons.

    - Redo some of the patrol missions in Romulan space. Some systems which could use an overhaul to be more interesting include:

    Elvren, Icari, Sienae, Ra'kholh, T'liss, Tephrei, Daise, Hfihar, Khellian, Aido, Muso, Althn'ndor, T'iokol, Khaiell, Dera, Cero, Fitzan, Aihai, K'shan, Lonco, Lirss, Vhoran.

    (Romulan Neutral Zone should also be wider.)

    - More Klingon content. (and as I understand it fix the PVP queues). Make use of Gorn space!
    - Emphasis on Vulcan, Andoria, Earth and Tellar Prime as social areas with ground quest hubs (preferrably with a ground combat revamp as many people don't like it.)

    - Fix the awful blue LCARS designs on most ships and make them closer to what has already been done in Trek.

    Long Term:
    - Fix the ship tier system so that it makes more sense... I'm not really understanding how some ships that were worse in abilities than the Sovereign and normal tier 5 ships are now better.
    - Fix the rank / levelling system. I'd really like Cryptic to tell us what they are going to give us for a rank when our characters reach like level 90 or something. Super Admiral? Let us unlock our ranks at certain levels BUT rank us by number like all other MMOs. It would make more sense (at least to me).
    - Make space and sectors bigger.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short Term-
    Not really a fix for the game rather than for the forum. When making change, let there be some sort of voting that takes place. I, for one, happen to like some of the things that so many complain about. I like the graph paper grid of sector space. I probably believe as you that no one can be good at everything so there is a skill cap. I like that. I think that you might be surprised with the results. Some probably are a forgone conclusion.

    And one sentiment I've probably beat to death. Don't move on to another faction until the current ones are equal. Not perfect, just equal. I'd like to see what goes for Klingon Formal Wear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short term
    -More exploration missions more variety
    -More diplomatic missions & first contact missions
    -More uniform options and more off duty outfit options

    Mid Term
    -UGC Sysem (that is easy to use for non coders like me)
    -Another time travel mission or 2
    -First Officer System -- Posibly an option to lead away misisons with your first officer

    Long Term
    -Travel between systems done form ship interior
    -Playabe Romulan/Reman/Hirogen Faction
    -Major worlds explorable -- earth vulcan andoria bajor
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I know that colorful Klingons might be anathema to some, but I for one would like at least purple. I'm sure that there are a few Orions who might like pink. Just because someone might have a melt down at a Klingon in pink, I still feel that we should have the same options. After all the full option of colors is available to the Federation and I don't see it that much. Options are always good. Let someone run around in pastel if they want. It's their world. The full option like the Federation would be nice, but at least a few more options would be appreciated.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Short Term:
    -Bug fixes
    -Less UI in sector space

    Mid Term:
    -Warp "feel" in sector space
    -More of the words, "warp out" or "Depart system" in your bridge officers words other than return to sector space all the time to give star trek online feel more realistic and star trekky.
    -Hailing ships

    -Long Term:
    -Traveling in the captains chair during warp
    -Stars going by you in the mess hall while in warp
    -It would also be cool if you could have a mission when you had to fight your mirror self! AWESOME. Like traveling through your own mirror ship and finding your mirror self on the bridge that'd be so cool.
    -I dont know if some of you like this idea or love it but it would be so awesome, if you could get REAL people as bridge offcers like ensigns and lieutenants. That'd probaly be the hardest thing to do so dont get all caught up in it just a suggestion or something like that. Then when you became a captain then you'd get your own crew of real people and your own ship too to make it more authentic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I have many ideas to improve sector space and make it more tactical and interesting

    1. make all stuff a tliitle smaller and decrease the traveling speed (ships ,stations, systems)
    and add more stellar object ,so the player have the feeling of a wide open universe
    2. add a sensor range to it (so that only objecs in range can be seen )
    3. add a drop out of warp option ,so that the player/or a fleet creates there own instance (like the enemy encounters) which you can only see if you in scan range , cloaket fleets are signed as unknown readings
    4. add a intercept mode (nice for pvp in sec space )
    5. add more nebulars and give them the ability to hide your ships from sensors

    would be nice to see that some day ingame
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Brozan wrote: »
    Short term
    -More exploration missions more variety
    -More diplomatic missions & first contact missions
    -More uniform options and more off duty outfit options

    Mid Term
    -UGC Sysem (that is easy to use for non coders like me)
    -Another time travel mission or 2
    -First Officer System -- Posibly an option to lead away misisons with your first officer

    Long Term
    -Travel between systems done form ship interior
    -Playabe Romulan/Reman/Hirogen Faction
    -Major worlds explorable -- earth vulcan andoria bajor

    I second all of that, and add Swimsuits (primarily for Risa) to Short Term.
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