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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Long-term requests

    Increase the available pitch of your ship in space! Circling around for 3 mins to reach an objective due to combat elsewhere on the map is a pain.

    I have to agree with this! Also, how do you know you are "right side up" in space? I think the maneuverability of ships in the game should be loosened up a lot. You should be able to "pull back on the stick" per se, and fly completely inverted if you want to. When not in sector space you should be able to fly freely in all directions, using planets and asteroids on the map as guide posts so you don't get lost. The old game X-Wing Alliance has this "free space" game mechanic. (Sorry to compare STO to a Star Wars game.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Don't you think that instead of 99% of combat, shouldn't there be a faction looking to make a profit instead of JUST serving Starfleet or the KDF? Something like the smuggling faction, or a merchent faction would be nice. Also, how about a "fleet ship", where one person becomes an indivisual crew member, manning the phasers, or maintaining engineering. I also think that people should be able to manuver ships into the surface and giving a landing zone, instead just auto-docking. Also, instead of being the person who calls the airstrikes, how about you be the person who fires the airstrikes? How about getting on a trading ship and running blockades for a profit? Another thing I want to suggest is that how about you can drive, say a starfighter or a shuttle into the atmosphere to support the ground troops? Just a few suggestions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short term:
    In teamplay with a level difference and 'match level' the only way to play it without having trouble with the level adjusting to the person with the highest level when switching maps, is adjuting to the highest team member all the time. But drops are also adjusted to the higher level so that the lower member(s) cant use them.
    I would like to see it fixed/implemented correctly so that you can match level to the lowest level in a correct way.

    Mid term:
    Id like to see certain interaction possibile with (for instance) emotes with bridge officers and other players, Its awefully quiet in my bridge, they just stand there typing, ignoring me :(
    Also Id like some extra minigames like some card games being able to play with a friend on ones ship.

    Long term:
    Id like to b able to gain more in sto in general. like higher level and better weapons. Also the possibility to enchant the weapons and equipment somehow (like all the other mmorpgs out there) Its always nice to b able to distinguish yourself from others in a way that not everyone you encounter has the same equipment.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I recall i've answered on this thread before but now this game's situation is different.
    Now I feel that STO is getting near a state of stagnation and I will try to explain why.

    In every MMO the core that makes you playing it is character progression and in STO
    that include ship progression as well. Traditionally you keep on developing a character
    until you reach a level cap. During or after that you're developing the character skills
    (if only that its a skill-centric game) and/or getting better equipment (if only that its a
    item-centric game). STO have all these elements but I beleive they could be more

    First of all, you reach your level cap to soon! Especially now with the new DOFF-
    system. A natural step now is to continuing your character progression with the
    skill system and getting better gear. But in STO you reach skill cap and level
    cap at the same time. That leaves only the hunt for gear as the remaining character

    You get new gear by crafting, doing missions or participate in STF's (and of course buying).
    Crafting is a good tradition in most MMO's. It may take a while to get enough skill
    to get what you want, but if you endure it you'll be rewarded with the items you
    sought. Except in STO you have to pay for it with real money. So crafting is for
    rich people only.

    By doing missions you get items that scales with your level. But in STO you
    probably have done those missions before. How fun is that given that you now
    are supposed to play your endgame play?

    STF's is what's left to do. A futile grind for Borg parts that are tradable for better
    gear at DS9. A monotonic gameplay that wears you out. On the elite difficulty version
    of STF's there is a chance to get very rare parts from enemies. The chance is allmost

    The endgame in STO is all about getting gear to your character and ship and once you
    get it, your character progression is over. At this moment all you can do is to roll an alt
    and start over again.

    The skill-centric gameplay should be prolonged so that you could attend to it after
    you hit level cap. The DOFF system is not enough because it only allows you to carry
    out a limited number of tasks within a timeframe. Crafting must not have a pricetag on it.
    Crafting is probably that STO needs most right now to fill the gap as post-level cap
    character progression.

    Very true

    KiraYamato wrote:
    Short Term: Give us Katanas as an additional Melee Weapon Choice!! We have Bat'leth's, Lirpas, Tsunkatse Falchions, and Nausicaan Tegolar Swords, but we need a melee weapon from Earth. And, frankly, Katanas Are Just Better.

    I agree with that also ^^ + I want BLOOD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short-term requests

    - Better BOFF Ground AI.
    Don't stand in DoTs/AoEs, Avoid Grenades/AoEs where possible. Selective behavior patterns, i.e. Defensive Maximum focus on Avoidance, Normal, and Aggressive with Least focus on Avoidance, most focus on dealing damage/using abilities.

    - Better Carrier Fighter AI
    If the fighters are too far away from the carrier, they blatantly ignore commands and do their own thing this needs addressing. They also need to avoid Core Breeches where possible, at least intentionally flying on top of exploding ships should be a nono.

    - Import Character Settings.
    Import GUI layout, keybinds, controls ect from other characters on the same account.

    - Adjustable Popup Delay.
    Let us adjust the popup delay for context menus on terminals/NPCs ect.

    - Refillable stacks of consumables.
    Give us an option to refill existing Stacks of consumables on BOFFs, Player and Ship.

    - Ability Cooldown reset when changing maps
    It's annoying not having Space Cooldowns count down while on Ground and vice versa.

    Mid-term requests

    - Bridge Officer Academy Training Program.
    Drop the idea of Players training Officer's skills. Let the Player send their BOFFs to the Academy for X duration, to train one of the currently available BOFF skills at the desired Rank. The higher the rank the longer the duration. Incur a Dilithium cost to train the skills.

    - First Officer designation.
    There isn't a Star Trek TV show with more than 1 commander/First Officer present. Rename the BOFF ranks accordingly to Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander. Commander is reserved for the BOFF which is designated First Officer. Add a bonus for First Officer, a skill % increase to Ground Team and Space abilities and Ship due to command efficiency.

    - Fully reskinnable GUI via XML
    See http://www.eqinterface.com for reference.

    - New Crafting & Loot system.
    The excessive amount of trash items which drop are borderline pointless, and serves little more than to be vendored, with the odd item sold to players on the Exchange. Loot drops should be Salvage parts, which could then be used in a Crafting System to create Common/Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare Weapons, Shields, Engines, Deflectors, Consoles ect ect.
    The Higher Tier (MK 3, 4, 5 ect) consumes exponentially more components to craft than lower Tier items.
    Consume more resources the more of the same kind of modifier is on the item. I.e. Accx3 is far more expensive than Acc, CritH, DMG.
    This system would also support the crafting of custom kits, letting players create Class Specific Kits by picking and choose from the list of available Player Kit Abilities.

    Fleet Action Revamps.
    “Terradome” revamp and put it on the PvE queue.
    Gekli Feeding Grounds FA revamp, scrap it and complete remake.
    Gorn Minefield FED FA revamp
    Klingong Scout Force FED FA revamp
    Crystaline Entity FA Revamp

    Add additional Story Missions to the Borg Collective, Breen Invasion and Undine Advance series, and flesh out the story lines similar to the Klingon War and Romulan Mystery.

    Rename Player Ranks.
    Ensign (1-9), Lieutenant Junior Grade 10-19), Lieutenant (20-29), Lieutenant Commander (30-39), Commander (40-49), Captain (50).

    Revamp the Item Tier System.
    There's an overabundance of redundant items within the current system. Merge the MK down to half of current. I = I-II, II = III-IV, III = V-VI, IV = VII-VIII, V = IX-X, VI = XI-XII distributed over 1-9 = I, 10-19 = II, 20-29 = III, 30-39 = IV, 40-49 = V, 50 = VI.

    Dilithium based currency.
    Change all Currencies to Dilithium Ore. Scrap Energy Credits, Gold-Pressed Latinum and Lobi Crystals.

    Move armor and shield consoles to their own ship slot.
    Add two new ship slots, one to handle the current Engineering Coinsoles for Hull and Armor platings, and one to handle Science Field Generators and Shield Emitter Amplifiers. That way you can put 1 Armor/Hull Plating on the ship, and either one Field Generator or Shield Emitter Amplifier. Making the choices more relevant, and opening the existing Console slots to fill more of their "intended" role to boost specific Ship functions such as Science or Engineering Abilities, or Turning rates and Crew recovery ect.

    Long-term requests

    Proper Boldly Go and Explore and meet new cultures and races system.

    NPC companions in Space.
    Let our BOFFs pilot some of the abundance of ships we have, or let us recruit other NPC ships somehow, via Dilithium.

    One seamless sector space.

    More of everything.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Fix the uber stealth in pvps. Cryptic says they want to change pvp, so make it so you can't stealth so much you can't be seen or buff up while cloaked. How do you defend what you can't see?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Hi. Long time listener, first time caller here.

    Short term

    When Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer were considering solutions they couldn't choose the option that was either colored green or last on the list of options and nor should we be able to. Get rid of green text and make the correct option for choices be randomly placed on the interaction windows.

    Mid term

    Make future mission rewards dependant on difficulty level and whether or not you die.

    Stop making all missions combat. Diplomacy missions with the option of failing can be engaging if done correctly. Having fail conditions increases the engagement of missions.

    Make branching storylines. This will give the missions replay value. Especially if different branches offer different equipment.

    Account banks so you can transfer stuff to new characters. If some people think this doesn't make sense, you can look at it from the point of view that the older character is the mentor of the new one and is helping them out.

    More ships. Also, make more higher level variants and refits of mid-game ships.

    Long term

    Another playable faction. The Ferengi might be a good start as you could introduce a completely new mechanic, being profit based promotion. This new promotion method shouldn't be hard to implement but would be an awesome and refreshing change for long time players.

    Non-combat based console equipment for ships. Imagine if you're on a search mission and it takes you longer to search because you didn't equip long a long range scanning booster or some such device. For this to work, the pre-mission briefing would need hints as to what the player may encounter and players wouldn't be able to change their consoles once a mission begins. This would mean players would need to give more thought as to their ships before commencing a mission. This would work better if there were serious non-combat aspects to play.

    These are my suggestions. Hopefully Cryptic is still reading this ultra long thread!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I only have 1 request that I feel is very important, I recently spent $30 dollars to buy the new fed carrier and then I bought dilithium so that I could buy the advanced fighters. The problem that I have is that they are very very weak, I do elite STF's with my carrier and it has full mark 12 antiproton cannons but if I get close enough to shoot at something I die within seconds. Please make the fighters upgradeable just like our ships please, you know give us the ability to use the STF drops like EDC's and stuff to upgrade the fighters. They are our DPS, without them we are worthless as carriers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I only have 1 request that I feel is very important, I recently spent $30 dollars to buy the new fed carrier and then I bought dilithium so that I could buy the advanced fighters. The problem that I have is that they are very very weak, I do elite STF's with my carrier and it has full mark 12 antiproton cannons but if I get close enough to shoot at something I die within seconds. Please make the fighters upgradeable just like our ships please, you know give us the ability to use the STF drops like EDC's and stuff to upgrade the fighters. They are our DPS, without them we are worthless as carriers.

    The ATROX is a SUPPORT ship. NOT a DPS boat. Carriers are NOT supposed to be Battleships. The Fighters work fine. I own ALL the Advanced Fighters. Yes, ALL of them, 2x of each. The only gripe I have with them, is there Fragile HP. I think they can be a little tankier then getting wiped out by one shot. Otherwise there DPS is fine, Same with the KDF side, The DPS is fine, the Skills are fine. There HP for advanced should be Buffed a LITTLE more. If you do not want to be picked apart in an STF, Learn to set your range. Sit at 9km+ away, just get in range to fire, and let everyone else get close and take dammage. Your primary skills for that ship is disabling systems, it's a sci ship, so also debuffing and crippling the enemy. It is NOT a Tac Ship. On that note...

    Short term goals:
    Revamp of the lifetime and Gold structure to push people to wanting to aquire it, It will provide long term stability if people are going for subs.
    Additional Costumes for the FED and KDF Sides
    XMPP chat Finally and Correctly FIXED to where we can access All Fleet, and channel tabs.

    Medium term goals:
    Additional Mission arcs to the KDF side especially faction based missions, Fixes of KDF areas and completion of the Faction.
    Additional Missions added to KDF and FED side. Faction based towards each. Content is needed to keep the player base active.
    Strong push towards Changing some of the movement in the game. This is space... Up/down should not have limits. Especially to take several minutes to circle yourself up or down towards the next group of enemies.
    Open up Unlocked Character traits and costume pieces to the "alien" race if you have unlocked them (aka Borg/Caitian/ feresean etc etc) to creating an Alien race. This is supposed to be an alien, or new race part of/or not part of the factions. If we have unlocked options account wide, Unlock them into the character generator.

    Crafting: Revamp Crafting add Newer materials perhaps for shipyards and Fleet built items. Let us Salvage wrecks for rare drops to build new Shiny things, Starbase/shipyard upgrades, Starship construction options.

    CUSTOMIZED crafting. Be able to spend Additional rarer Materials to Customize Kits, Consoles, Weapons etc (items that have modifiers on it) But make the Cost Compare to the effectiveness of what the player is trying to build. But Set limits so it is not Considered Over powered, or if it is High powered make it be Costly so it is not easily rebuildable.

    Add More Costume options to your character races. I find it hard to believe that eveyone is stuck to wearing a Federation or KDF uniform. Especially when you have the option of Creating Alien races. Unlock more Species direct Costumes. Worf wore Klingon pieces on his Federation uniform.

    Long Term:
    Strong Push towards a Graphical Update to the game, new Engine. Your competitor has marvelous graphics and does not have half the memory murder this game has. It's 2 years into running and no where near the graphical beauty of competition.

    Alot of UI tweaks, Ability to Zoom in on BOFF's and Drones.

    Stronger push towards Fleets then what is coming. Unless there is some hidden areas coming for it.
    EXPAND the maps. Expand the Sectors. Space is supposed to be Big and Open. Make it feel that way. Open up a solar system to look like a solar system. If I go into SOL, it should not just be Earth. It's a system, make it one.

    Star trek has always been about things not being boiler plate. Stuff happens.. Make it so! Set up Random encounters (no not deep space encounters we all see) but RANDOM ones. Flying towards DS9 and randomly your dragged into something involving the dominion, tru way, whatever. Maybe you stumbled upon a random alien race and have to use diplomacy, Maybe a KDF squad ambushed you. Give randomness.

    Q... Oh Q.. Oh Q.. Oh Q... Q has always appeared in the most humorous or most uneeded times to Taunt and harrass and overall have fun with us puppets. Make it happen. Add Q as a random encounter in ANYTHING.. STF, PVE mission, hell PVP. MAke him show up and throw a Monkey wrench into the gears of what is going on. Make him a Super Rare appearence and Give a Decent Reward For solving whatever he has tossed at ya. But Again... Ultra rare.. with a Good reward for solving his riddle, or situation he throws you into. Ala Q.

    More Randomness in player characters, Currently we are all Kind of cookie cut where it comes to Kit's, weapon lay outs, looks Caused by Set Items. Give us the ability to further Tweak our Bridges, and decks, the outer look of the ships and our characters. Open up an anything Goes Uniform slot, where you can mix all the costumes you own. Yes this goes along with my medium goal. But again, Give us greater customizations to differ ourselves. Sure we can make some pretty different alien races.. But in the end.. we all become a standard uniform.

    A Cross-Faction Fleet. We team up at higher level to Take out the Borg, We team up to take on the Dominion and the Undine at times. Let us Create a Cross- Faction Fleet. Hell make it a Purchaseable Option. People will still have there Faction based fleets. Hell we have Race based fleets with the Andorian Gaurd, Caitian fleets, banished Orions, etc. and to my next point which goes towards Cross-Faction

    Your talking about possibly Making PVP just Cross-Faction so honestly.. this Klingon/Federation war is just old at this point, been done in the show... Lets move away from it in game, That or Open up PVP direct Areas to get threw. Not just PVP arenas but make the war REAL. IF a KDF and Fed Cross in a PVP area, make them have a choice of opening fire on each other. If there is a War.. Make war occur. War is not supposed to be a when I feel like it moment. It is war, it is supposed to be high casualty, dragged in against your will battle. Soldiers do not have a choice when its time to fight, They go fight, whether they are leading the battle or out of no where Defending themselves. It is war... Make it so, or ditch it. Really... The Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, WTF ever have always had there battles and bickering even while nuetral. This would not change game mechanics or even story lines much. Players will Draw there lines. We all have our Favorite Classes/races to play. There will always be a rift for PVP. Let the players who want to run together with whatever they make, do it, let those who want to draw a line and draw blood do so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    New Medium Term:

    Add all of the shuttles and ships in the game their own DOff stats and then use them for Assignments.
    Considering how often our DOffs get dumped light years away from the ship, many of the Assignments should require them to use a ship or shuttle.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i want to explore , i want to warp to mars and beam down and see the mar rovers memorial i want to fly to jupiter and see the moons i want to warp to the edge of the solar system and see pluto . not to mention beaming down to venis or mercury to collect samples and see the landscape .i want to explore planets that hubble telescope has discoved is there anyway to put that in the game .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Lower the Cost On TransWarping.

    Adding a Transaction sheet option on C-Store.
    So we can see are past Transaction.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I only have one request, the ability to upgrade a ship to the tier above it...
    I have always liked the Nova class, and would like to be able to command one at VA level. (I know I can command a Nova.. But it is still a Lt Commander ship, and therefor useless at VA level)
    Hope that this gets noticed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term -
    1) Bank Storage that can be shared by all your characters.
    2) Easy to use email that allows you to save 'Favorites' and offers a drop down list for both to whom your emailing and the 'Topic'. INCLUDING your other characters on the same account (both Fed and Klink factions)
    3) Allow your characters to easily transfer their Bridge Officers to your other characters for Training.

    1) Bank Storage that players can customize so they can separate Ground and Space gear, or Purple items separate from Blues and Greens, etc. While the 'Total' Bank storage would still be fixed, allow players to make 'Tabs' and then label so they can organize their storage.
    2) Fleet Map - show the locations of all your Fleet Members on the Galaxy Map. Use a hoover over cursor to see details (sector, system, instance) Point and click cursor to send a private IM.
    3) Starship Storage Depot - Allow players to put some of their ships into 'storage' (not on their Dockmaster list) but then allow them to recall those ships from storage. This can be done for a small 'transaction fee' (Dilithium?) Even better would allow all characters on the same account (Faction specific of course) to recall ships in storage to other characters. Limits would be based upon level.

    Long Term
    1) Warp Cores power Warp Engines, Reactors power Impulse Engines, Generators power other Ship Systems including Weapons.(Some would argue that the Weapons get powered off the Warp Core but after the lesson in ST:TMP you would figure Starfleet would figure out that was a BAD idea). EPS channels power throughout the ship. Computer Core(s) are another unique system to starships. All these should be added to starship design as customizable just like Deflectors, Impulse Engines and Shield systems. This allows player's a much greater degree on customizing their ships, within limits. Say you can't put a Mark XII Warp Core on your Tier 1 ship, ships would have a limit to the minimum and maximum capability on each 'Component'.
    2) Re-traiting your Duty Officers - Allow players to remove and add traits to Duty Officers. This should not be easy but at least feasible. There could be a limit, say you can remove only one trait you don't like and only add one trait you want per Duty Officer. To do this you have to 'Earn' a special Re-Trait' token. You could make those 'Tokens' specific to the Duty Officer's Specialization or specific to that 'Trait' you want to change.
    3) More NPC Races - There are thousands of races in the Federation (and likely many conquered ones in the Klingon and Romulan Empires). While the 'Alien Captain' option does allow the player to customize the appearance and capabilities of those characters, we should have more options for our Bridge Officers and Duty Officers. Horta Engineer? Tholian Tactical Officer? Binar (pair) Science Officer(s)? Many of these races could bring a special ability to their position.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Please find these Gold Sellers that are Bots please.
    I don't Know how they are PMing me.

    One thing i see that could be changed is the name of the Respec token

    it really should be called Retrain Token Not (Respec)

    Find the Gold Seller Bots.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Xcom46 wrote: »
    Please find these Gold Sellers that are Bots please.
    I don't Know how they are PMing me.

    One thing i see that could be changed is the name of the Respec token

    it really should be called Retrain Token Not (Respec)

    Find the Gold Seller Bots.

    You know, you should always report any Gold Seller PMs as Spam.

    It builds up your Ignore List in a hurry, but eventually you won't get any more PMs from these Gold Sellers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I only have one request, the ability to upgrade a ship to the tier above it...
    I have always liked the Nova class, and would like to be able to command one at VA level. (I know I can command a Nova.. But it is still a Lt Commander ship, and therefor useless at VA level)
    Hope that this gets noticed.

    I like this idea very much. That and much more and diverse endgame content. I enjoy STFs but there has to be more than that to foster player retention. Given that you can max a character so quickly, I'd like to see other things to do besides grind those alone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I would like to request a few tweaks to the DOFF User Interface;

    1) Put a different colored border (perhaps red) around missions in the list that will result in the loss of a Duty Officer. I encountered several Federation Duty Officer assignments recently that I had not encountered before (either they were new or this was my first time reaching the end of some arcs), and due to the amount of descriptive text in the mission, the red text warning you that your duty officers would be removed was not actually visible without scrolling down. This cost me my Engineering Exocomp (which I am hoping I can reclaim during the next Junior Officer Appreciation Weekend), but putting a red border around those assignments that remove DOFFs regardless of quality would put my mind at rest.

    2) Add a tab to the Duty Officer User Interface that lists the specializations and the number of each type of Duty Officer (ie. Advisor x3, Armory Officer x5). This would be extremely useful when deciding what duty officers to dismiss or reassign.

    3) Add an option (ie. a check box somewhere) to hide Duty Officers during the "Reassign Underperforming Duty Officers" if they are the last duty officer of that specialization.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    KiraYamato wrote:
    You know, you should always report any Gold Seller PMs as Spam.

    It builds up your Ignore List in a hurry, but eventually you won't get any more PMs from these Gold Sellers.

    I am one of the few who do report the gold seller spammers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Server being updated so there isn't so much game lag and getting dropped from the game. Its happening much more often lately, I'm starting to wonder what I'm paying for.:mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Xcom46 wrote: »
    I am one of the few who do report the gold seller spammers.

    So am I. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    heres my 30 cents

    My Requests. these could be short. long and mid, depends on the developers. so ill just list them

    - Fixing The Command Radius/distance and Command ability's for Carrier's and Fighters/any hanger item's, to often do i hear complaints, and experience myself from fellow players about Fighters not listening. such as "i have no idea why its 30KM away attacking the wrong gate, i hit recall" whilst recall. or attack is Selected. the fighters need to listen and respond quickly. no matter the target or recall distance, ive had instances myself were id select a target only 12KM away. id have attack selected. and select to hit the shields. and the fighters will literally turn around and go behimd me to a target 30KMs away in STF, so more response to command abilitys/the players commands is vital. when i want all my fighters on one target. i want them on that target, when i want my fighters to return before an explosion. i expect them to

    - Fighter/Pet HP Bar Box on the interface. scalable and move-able - one sheer annoyance especially when using the smaller fighters in a carrier is tracking your pets. there HP, there status. and how many you have available. yes i understand its not like you cant just reploy everyone 18 seconds. but, having a small box listing possably your fighters HP Bars. or How many fighters are alive and active. would be highly useful to carriers to track our status and whats needed to proceed to the next target

    - Damage Meters. I know theres a 3rd party program but alot of games have figured out its time to incorporate damage meters in there games default options. its good to track your partys damage, your own, and overrall DPS. to figure out what needs improved. who needs improvement, and overall performance within STFs, yes you can end up with a community based on numbers. but so what? thats every game with or without damage meters. there will always be elitists requiring specific gear to attend there partys and groups. its the way gaming life is

    - More Races. To many times, To long have i seen a ship or battlecruiser, or carrier in NPC Missions or story Missions going "i wish i could fly that ship", it would be great to see more races, more new ship designs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1. Make green lock-boxes Feringi, Cardassian any future one redeemable for something else.... Di-lithium maybe?> Or just more random gold on elite missions.

    2. Gold lifetime members don't seem to be happy with their C-Store Stipends..... Perhaps unfair/fair but offer cheaper rates for those members in purchasing new special items(make us feel special:)). Or perhaps some other no cost to you guys rewards.

    3. I really only had those 2 concerns, I dislike green lock-boxes heavily, trading on exchange is not worth the effort. The new releases are awesome, constant new things throughout the season, I like the recycle of material but maybe offer more for elite in game rewards. I think fleet battles would be more fun on like red alert like Borg only Klingon-federation incursions.
    ----Still really enjoy the game and the heavy new social side of it. Keep up the good work and let me know if you're hiring!!!!:):):)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short term request:
    fix: Cage of fire mission. when you run through the cat walks. your bridge officers seem to get stuck as they go through. please fix that.

    Mid term request:
    add: please add the planets Trill, Ferenginar, and Betazed.

    Long term request:
    add: in a lot of episodes of the star trek serials. the use of jury rigging deflector arrays and engines to create or modify in some way or another anomalies as well as other things was used quite often. I'd like to see missions with these ideas in mind.

    change: no matter what star ship i use, the hallways are the same and the layout is only changed to satisfy the options of small medium and large. i request that the hallways be layed out in a more suitable fashion that fits the ship you are commanding. i also request the ability to change the look of the hall ways. If you watch the different star trek serials, each ship has a different type of medical facility, bar, and most definitely the engine room. to fit the needs of the ship. infact, add a holodeck. a working holodeck, while a ship is enroute to anywhere why not enjoy a nice time in the holodeck. for that matter, why not allow the ship to be on auto pilot to what ever the destination was chosen so that you can go inside your ship, like in the serials.

    Create: please create a version of star trek online for the mac computer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I got a good one At First city we should be able to fight at that small arena in the middle of first city just like the NPCs are.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I know this will be kind of a stupid idea but, when you watch the shows you hear about other professions other than Starfleet. It would be rather fun I think to (at Captain level) to be able to resign your commission and strike out to be say a miner mining dilithium, or a mercenary working for the highest bidder, or even a weapons trader. This is not a sandbox game I know but the universe of Trek is rich enough for these types of personal story-lines.

    Oh and it would be nice for particle traces not to be so random, for instance really great traces in the more remote parts of the quadrants and so on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I see a few Skill Timers that should not be shared with others like for instance

    Engineering team
    Science Team

    Should not Share with

    Tactical team

    these three timers should not Share the same timer share.
    Kinda point less to have all three skills That share the same timer cool down
    At lest make the Tactical team a part from Engineering team and Science team skills
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    1. I'd like to be able to buy more slots for consoles, weapons and devices. So we can max out on 8 slots each for those categories via a new upgraded warp core. And make new devices for those warp cores that enhance weaponry types. Like a Tertyon Core will increase Tetryon Dmg by 20% on top of all other modifiers.

    2. Contest held every quarter for star ship design, shuttle design or other ship design. Winner gets his/her ship in game or wins prizes, C-Points, special 1-of-a-kind ships from the DEV's, COMMUNITY voted, not DEV voted.

    3. I'd like to be able to craft weapon hybrids at Memory Alpha. Like mix a Polaron and a Phaser matrix to build beam arrays and cannons and with that be able to buy parts to upgrade the weapons. So basically make the customization more 'Forza 4' like (Turn 10 studios race game for XBOX360.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short Term : More Content, more STFs , Raids and more PVE Fun

    Mid Term : FERENGINAR! And other Missing Parts .. maybe even the Gamma and Delta Quadrant. .. A New Klingon/Federation Alliance against playable Romulans/Cardassians

    Long Term : NO OPEN PVP ... the PVP Zones are OK as they are... Those who like to bang heads with each others are contained and don't disturb those who prefer PvE ... and especially NO OPEN PVP around the fleet base ...as the base is for ALL Fleet Members ... PVE/PVP alike ....and not only for those defining themselves by taking the fun from others . PVE/PVP are two seperate worlds as each player has his own way of fun...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    arinuling wrote:
    change: no matter what star ship i use, the hallways are the same and the layout is only changed to satisfy the options of small medium and large.

    i request that the hallways be layed out in a more suitable fashion that fits the ship you are commanding. i also request the ability to change the look of the hall ways.

    If you watch the different star trek serials, each ship has a different type of medical facility, bar, and most definitely the engine room. to fit the needs of the ship. infact, add a holodeck. a working holodeck, while a ship is enroute to anywhere why not enjoy a nice time in the holodeck. for that matter, why not allow the ship to be on auto pilot to what ever the destination was chosen so that you can go inside your ship, like in the serials.

    I wholeheartedly concur! I would love to see cstore or player-made items I could buy to install in my ship. I'd also love to have bank, mail, and exchange stations in the interior of each ship. I'd bet that those would be hot items in the cstore or on the exchange.
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