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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Long Term Suggestion:

    Why not include "captured" and repurposed enemy vessels among the possible ship options? Who wouldn't want to fly a Rom. Warbird, Rom/Reman Dreadnought, Borg Sphere, etc.?

    This has probably already been suggested, but I thought I would throw the suggestions in anyway. Thanks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    short - everything that is currently announced

    middle - PVP PVE charts, more maps and accolades, new PVP, PVE sets
    - buff science

    long - RSE
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Beside minor and major Bugs:

    Short: More Ship costume parts options, especially for the Nebula class. Still hoping that all the shipparts that are available for Galaxy will be available for the Nebula.

    Mid: New traits for Characters and BO´s, like "engineered clone", or genetically enhanced or augement etc.

    Long: Customize Ship interior (maybe to option to craft furniture and also depending of the ships size. A Galaxy would obviously have more space than a Defiance), Customize looks of the crew (at least the uniform), to have the DOff as "avatars" running around the ship.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Add romulans

    add more clothing

    add ALL the species homeplanets to be able to beam down at ..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Bring back the Captain database I used to enjoy reading it finding out about different captains.
    Put less focus on c points use em for thing like costumes and stuff
    Add more ranks ... if u extended RALH to ten lvls and RAUH to ten lvls then VA for 10 there's 20 extra lvls which gives us as players more freedom and you guys as devs more freedom to make ships, items , missions
    That's all I wish for :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'm back with even MORE suggestions. I had listed two of each and I am back for my third.

    Short- Ability to modify weapons and equipment. What I mean is this. A special console on memory alpha that you can put a weapon, psg, engine, whatever, and it will open up a screen from which you can insert various items in. Like this. Jem hadar polaron full auto rifle. 5 slots. one for a device and the rest for modifyers/consumables. Insert frequency remodulator into device slot, and 3 nanoenergy cells, and a small power cell into the consumable slots. The consumables are activated when the weapon is next fired, and then act as normal , but only applying their effects to the weapon they are equipped to, and expiring like normal consumables and with their effects as normal. However the frequency remodulator stays in as it is not a consumable, and will automatically activate when borg adapt to the weapon that has it, but it will only remodulate that weapon. Cappish?

    suggestion for as to how to do it. Once a person reaches VA, he/she gets access to a monthly mission. repeat. Monthly. Where they can choose to do one of two things. 1 is: capture an enemy ship. From there, you get several choices as for who to rob. Romulans. If you do this mission on normal, you get a mogai escort. On adv. you get a d'deridex. on elite you get a scimitar. True Way- normal- galor or jem'hadar heavy escort. adv.- dominion battleship or keldon. Elite- Jem'hadar dreadnaught. Hirogen.- normal- Hunter escort. Adv.- Apex battleship. Elite- Huntmaster dreadnought. Breen- Normal- Chell Grett cruiser. Adv.- Sarr thein warship. Elite- Breen capital ship. Nausicaan- Normal- destroyer escort. Adv.- Talon battleship. Elite- Scourge dreadnaught. Gorn- Normal- draguas cruiser. Adv.- Zilant battleship. Elite- Balaur dreadnaught. The mission would go something like this. (I will use breen as an example.)
    Find a breen patrol.
    Scan breen patrol.
    Engage breen patrol
    Destroy escorts- (normal- 3 plesh brek, adv. 6 plesh brek 1 chell grett, elite, 9 plesh brek, 2 chell grett 1 sarr thein)
    Disable target ship (difficulty based ship you are capturing)
    Board target ship
    Kill crew (10 groups normal, 20 groups adv, 30 groups elite)
    Secure the bridge (Kill captain boss and guards)
    Repel enemy attempts to retake bridge (3-5 waves based on difficulty)
    preform necessary repairs
    Beam up to ship.
    Defend disabled ship (2 minutes of regular attacks)
    Hail salvage team.
    warp to sector.
    go to earth spacedock, first city, or DS9 to claim ship.
    The other option is to design your own ship using premade components. However, we don't want any sector block sized behemoths, so size limits have to be put into place. You are limited to 1 ship per month.

    Long- Fleet wars. When you are part of a fleet, reality is, you spend most of your time chatting. As a result, fleet wars would be a much more active way to participate in a fleet. As said on the wiki, there will be fleet owned starbases coming up. With these as bases of operations, the fleets can attack sectors, make alliances with other fleets, and conquer one another. Each sector owned will give a fixed daily dillithium income. The more sectors you control, the more dilithium you get.

    These are my suggestions. please read them, review them, and PLEASE at least give them a chance to get into the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    To have it so that all ships have a hanger/shuttle bay to launch your fighters from. And the amount and type of shuttle you have depends on your rank. Have a nice day everyone :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1. Improve BOFF and Pet pathing and AI
    2. More life on planets
    3. More episodic missions
    4. Random hail missions, get a hail from starfleet to go on a mission.
    5. Fix long-standing bugs

    1. Make each ship class mean something/specialization
    2. Allow assignemts of crew to Chief Engineer, Chief Medical, etc...(maybe play as one of your boffs)
    3. Flesh out the Klingon Faction and move to the next, add some diversity

    1. Remove the exploration sectors and just make them regions so you can travel way way off into deep space.
    2. Add more systems, currently there are very few with not much to do in many except patrol.
    3. Customizable ship (house) interiors with full deckplans and interactive NPC crewmembers. Assign people to quarters shifts, etc...
    4. Real crafting
    5. More endgame, raids, fleet actions, give us something to do that is not "scheduled"

    Updated and nice to see my requests have not changed much, just had to add things I thought would be done over a year ago by now :).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term:
    Could we please get improved damage modeling? I don't like seeing identical blast lines along both sides of my ship.

    Mid Term:
    Perhaps a C-Store account services option where for like 2000 CP we can transfer everything from 1 character to a second? But the second wouldn't be able to participate in that kind of action again, and the one thats giving would be destroyed.

    Long Term:
    Maybe able to customize the interior of your starship beyond bridge and interior size? Whenever you guys get 3D editing in Foundry, add an option where you can go into your ship and pretty much edit it exactly like a foundry mission, without the storyline. (So you could make a fireplace that can be toggleable or a crazy disco captains quarters with a tribble infestation in the hallways :))
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    short term:
    -Nerf the damn Borg! They drop peple way to fast! they need to be easier to kill and not do redicilous amounts of damage! I know they are suopposed to be a super villan but C'Mon!

    Mid Term:
    More missions for max level players with game content. The invasion of DS9 was brilliant and I had a lot of fun re-taking it from the Dominion. more missions like this please?

    Long Term:
    -Fix the glitches that are constantly being reported. I know the list is long but im tired of being logged out for no reason or going to a vendor, highlighting an item to see what it does, then highlighting a different one and I am still reading the first one's description this is getting anoying.

    -Create an axis where ships can move verticaly. Its kinda dumb that space ships can not move streight up or down.

    -Create a Special senario for landable craft that can land on a planet? One of my fave things about the Intrepid class is it has the ability to land. Shuttles should be able to do this too.

    -Fix the poor catian graphics. Their tails seem to defy gravity and when i read up on them they dont wear shoes and instead spray a polymer on their foot pads. They are also supposed to be Digiti grade.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    - Short term : a better crafting system. It's already working as it is, but the dilithium use is just ridiculous, and it's always more interesting to buy it for ECs (easy to farm). Those who want to spend Dilithium would use the dil store anyway.

    - Mid term : More VA (or above if higher levels are coming) science ships. The science path is really neglected by cryptic. Science power insaleny nerfed, almost no c-store ships, the intrepid is quite lame and the carrier is nice, but it's a kind of game you have to like. So, since you removed most of the science usefull science powers, at least, give us some ships ! Odyssey, gold box ships, every new ship is a f***ing cruiser. I'm sick to see that every new added ship is a cruiser. So, please stop that cruiser spam. :(

    - Long term : Romulan / Borg factions. Everyone wants it. Why don't you reward the best foundry missions in c-points to add it to the KDF storyline and get a full faction for a low cost for you to focus on other factions ?

    Edit : long-long term request : a more realistic game : people able to watch battles from the ship itself, inside it, allowing friends to fight on your side in your fighter pets, the ability to land with the ship / shuttle on any planet, the ability to build player cities, etc. To make a deep and way more interesting game !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1 fic the problems with game like recent glitch that keeps dumping people out of game its really no fun to get booted out when boss in stf is about to die to log back in and find boss dead and no loot for you because you werent loged in when boss died
    now that feds have carriers please fix lag in stfs caused by multiple fighter swarms
    3make a loot button that when you loginto play stfs you can set loot to no lockboxes i am getting tired of all the lock boxes poping up for need or greed it really obsures vision so make a button for players to auto pass on all lock boxes
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I recall i've answered on this thread before but now this game's situation is different.
    Now I feel that STO is getting near a state of stagnation and I will try to explain why.

    In every MMO the core that makes you playing it is character progression and in STO
    that include ship progression as well. Traditionally you keep on developing a character
    until you reach a level cap. During or after that you're developing the character skills
    (if only that its a skill-centric game) and/or getting better equipment (if only that its a
    item-centric game). STO have all these elements but I beleive they could be more

    First of all, you reach your level cap to soon! Especially now with the new DOFF-
    system. A natural step now is to continuing your character progression with the
    skill system and getting better gear. But in STO you reach skill cap and level
    cap at the same time. That leaves only the hunt for gear as the remaining character

    You get new gear by crafting, doing missions or participate in STF's (and of course buying).
    Crafting is a good tradition in most MMO's. It may take a while to get enough skill
    to get what you want, but if you endure it you'll be rewarded with the items you
    sought. Except in STO you have to pay for it with real money. So crafting is for
    rich people only.

    By doing missions you get items that scales with your level. But in STO you
    probably have done those missions before. How fun is that given that you now
    are supposed to play your endgame play?

    STF's is what's left to do. A futile grind for Borg parts that are tradable for better
    gear at DS9. A monotonic gameplay that wears you out. On the elite difficulty version
    of STF's there is a chance to get very rare parts from enemies. The chance is allmost

    The endgame in STO is all about getting gear to your character and ship and once you
    get it, your character progression is over. At this moment all you can do is to roll an alt
    and start over again.

    The skill-centric gameplay should be prolonged so that you could attend to it after
    you hit level cap. The DOFF system is not enough because it only allows you to carry
    out a limited number of tasks within a timeframe. Crafting must not have a pricetag on it.
    Crafting is probably that STO needs most right now to fill the gap as post-level cap
    character progression.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    low term
    1. Romulan Faction
    2. Dilithium Fleet Bank
    3. Convert Latinum to Dilithium
    4. TOS Interior's for the Foundry

    Medium Term
    • Cardassian Faction
    • More mini-games

    Long Term
    • Borg Faction (unimatrix zero)
    • Open PvP
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term---- The sheer volume of Ferenghi lockboxes is bordering on harrassment. I get that you need to make $$$, and selling keys is a good way to do it, I really do. I even bought points, and spent a good chunk of them buying keys. I didn't win anything useful, and feel a bit ripped off, but I'm not just expressing bitterness over that here. I really feel the incredible number of box drops is killing my enjoyment of the game. I hate playing STF missions because I have trouble seeing the action because I am always being asked to pick up 2-3 lockboxes. I never win useful gadgets in game because all I get are lockboxes. I keep filling up my inventory (paid to expand it twice already btw) with useless lockboxes in batches of 20. And if I get a special gold lockbox it always drops a plain lockbox, which means I have even more slots of inventory devoted to lockboxes.

    Seriously guys, please layoff the lockboxes. The 80% mission drop rates., the stacks and stacks of them, it's passed the border part of borderline ridicullous a long time ago and it's just become offensive. I don't want or need 80-100 lockboxes a week. Chill yourselves out!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Something i have been wanting is the ability to see how other ships are configured. when i do a borg invasion or fed mirror and i see someone absolutely kicking butt and taking names i think, how is he configured that I'm not? I wish i could right click on his ship and have it pull up a readout of his weapons, consoles and what BOFF powers are configured
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Since I'm back in game again, it's time for a new list! :p


    PvP fixes: make science ships useful again, lower the extremes of both DPS and heals, cut down on the amount of pet and NPC harassment in PvP arenas.

    Slow leveling back down a bit: there is no way you can make endgame content fast enough to keep all the VAs happy, fast levelling only adds to the problem.

    New PvP maps: what ever happened to converting some of the Reman FE maps?

    More windows for 'gated' content: I do understand the reasoning behind the time gated content, but making it as restricted as it currently is just annoys people to no benefit.


    More 'classic' ship styles: I appreciate that you guys don't want lots of really old ships flying around, but that doesn't mean you couldn't make ships that look kinda retro without necessarily being old. More circular saucers, more clean and smooth hulls, more dome capped nacelles, etc.

    More foundry assets and tools: 'nuff said.

    Exploration revamp: I'd have made it long term, but haven't we waited long enough?


    More STFs.

    More alternatives to STFs.

    More Iconians. :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Something i have been wanting is the ability to see how other ships are configured. when i do a borg invasion or fed mirror and i see someone absolutely kicking butt and taking names i think, how is he configured that I'm not? I wish i could right click on his ship and have it pull up a readout of his weapons, consoles and what BOFF powers are configured

    I agree. I have gave my fair share of money to you guys to get keys and get TRIBBLE in exchange. I could have used those c-Points for Dilithium and get better gear than what the lock boxes offer. Please stop waisting time, money and ruining our game play with the ridicilious amounts of lock boxes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term

    Please fix the Ring glitch on the Vulcan D'Kyr Ship

    Long Term (Just ideas that I have for the game)

    Romulan/Reman faction, (Romulans make peace treaty with the Feds, Remans turn to the Klingons) Gimmi a Warbird now ! :)

    New Faction, reagade Borg (Sort of like Hugh, there could be a story line that affects the borg so you get a Splinter group, less powerfull than the collective but with individulaity (So players can play them) with a few (New) Borg ships to fly.

    D'Kora on the C-Store .. I really want one and have opend about 70 boxes no deal grrrrrrrrrrrrr, in fact there should be an option to but the limited ships (make em expencive if need be) but ive probably spent £100 on blimmin keys and I would prefer to have just got the thing in the C-Store, you could run it as a Limited time purchase.

    Perhaps some more varied ships that are not Fedderation, Son'a perhaps, and have a Mercenary faction that could operate between both feds, and kling factions.

    This http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=257999

    More C-Store ships

    Thats about it so far.

    (Edit) one last thing, a bit more mission variaty that goes beyond, warp to X, kill X ships in orbit, beam down kill X aliens, beem up, kill a few more X ships .... rince and repeat for all the missions, there must be a way to add some viriaty. ?

    (Edit Again) Alien Bridges, IE Borg infested, Vulcan, Son'a .. just something more that the standard fed stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I don't really have long- or medium- term requests, all I ask for is:

    The ability to stop levelling at any time I choose (see here: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=270086).
    To be able to set space difficulty and ground level to different amounts (ie all space combat takes place at elite, while ground combat is at normal).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term: Give us Katanas as an additional Melee Weapon Choice!! We have Bat'leth's, Lirpas, Tsunkatse Falchions, and Nausicaan Tegolar Swords, but we need a melee weapon from Earth. And, frankly, Katanas Are Just Better.

    Mid Term 1: Revamp the Ship Tiers based on Suricata's Ship Tier Revamp Proposal. It could probably use some minor tweaks, but it works.

    Mid Term 2: Add some Belfast Bridge Type variants, which are basically changes to the lighting color/intensity and to the console color scheme.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short Term: Kilts (and other non-trouser options) for males for uniforms

    Mid Term: customizable bridges and ship interiors.

    Long Term: More mature content targeted for adults

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I'd like to see ship equipment reflected on interiors too.

    Borg set a the majority? Your interior has Borg console panels and more green.

    Full aegis set? Darker lighting with more neon "light effects" along the halls.

    Breen? Cool blue lighting with cold fog in the halls.

    Jem'Hadar? Make the interior more spartan, no carpet, low light, dominion inspired console panels.

    Oh, And maybe allow us to customize our ready rooms. With the exception of specialty interiors every ready room looks exactly the same.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I would like to see a customizable palate for UI colors, with the option to choose more subdued colors or even level of transparency. Federation UI to look like the LCARS system that has been used in television series and movies for some time. Klingon UI to use the triangular icon system as has been portrayed in television and movies.

    The ability to use mods for HUDs to allow players to create and share custom UIs of their own design.

    Ship interiors that are more accurate to the styles portrayed in the shows, not the bland huge corridors and generic rooms that we have. Better lighting in Klingon ships, yes the walls are usually painted a darkened color, but they still should be amply lit.

    An actual Hanger bay for shuttlecraft rather than going to the transporter room.
    A working Holo-deck, ie beach scene for relaxation, casino with working games, combat practice zones with selectable enemies, ship/shuttle training, (Give players the chance to try and deal with the dreaded Kobayashi Maru scenario)

    Functional bridge stations, ie library computer, stellar cartography, communications.
    Benefits to making use of ship interiors rather than it just being mostly useless eye candy. Ie resting in your quarters gives some kind of boost for a short period of time.

    Full 3 dimensional flight capability, it's space but we can't fly straight up, down or inverted? The ability to turn off engine control to allow for drifting on inertia.

    A reticule or piper aligned with the ships longitudinal axis to allow for better aiming and navigation.

    The ability for factions to share control of specific stations on a single ship, ie one player controls navigation, another shields, another damage control, another weapons, etc. Inclusion of faction oriented STF or campaign missions where co-operative ship control is critical/beneficial.

    Increased level cap to 60+ with eventual promotion to full Admiral/General.
    More playable races and factions and sub factions, Make Romulans a playable faction.
    Allow all factions to be played from level one starting point.
    More explorable space, instead of getting a warning about not being permitted to enter open space, you get the option to warp to an unexplored expanse populated with scan-able anomalies and unexplored systems.
    More accessibility to the gamma quadrant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The borg fix with there invisible stuff shoting @ you and the major crits that would have bin crankt down all ready ( the instand dead thing in stf people are complaning about )

    The abillity to have more then 2 types of carrier pets out.
    Like having 2 active hangers and 2 inactive by pressing a button switching the active out for the inactive without the need of getting out of batlte to switch out pets. ( with a cooldown of 30 sec so you can't keep doing it over and over would be fine )


    Some ballancing out the sci ships so it word taking them in to a pvp again then exept healing there damage wise afther nerfing sci stuff is way low maybe give then 25 points of aux ( not talking about carriers ) so min is 50 instat of 25.
    Just somthing.

    General pvp ballance FvK.

    I expect sezone 6 will bring some ballance to pvp lets hope so.

    Increase of turn rate of kling first carrier and fed carrier ( not Kar'Fi ) 1 or 2 points more base wise.
    Its like turning a brik even wen having points in turn.

    Long/ Mid

    The general game bug fixes Mainly the skill bar messup that accurs still ones in a wile. ( maybe some tamplate that you can load ones it got messtup 1 per ship this would also fix the problem when switching ships afther a update like for persons that don't stick to 1 ship like me but uses 2 or 3 per char ! ).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just one small suggestion. Now that the ship interior is so much more useful, how about adding a tailor or wardrobe on your ship instead of always having to go back to a space station?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    mAke energy credits mailable to any character on your account regardless of faction, the "work arounds" don't always work when there are too many of an item on the exchange for your "oddly" priced ones to show up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short-term requests

    Change the Retrofit Fore Phaser Bank and Retrofit Aft Phaser Bank from Unique to Bind on Pickup. With its current restriction, a full set can't be fitted on anything above Tier 1.

    Mid-term requests

    A doff ship interface like in "Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon", where you can place your crew into the various stations.
    As part of this, also please have it advise the limits of each doff type, instead of finding out when it rejects the crew request.

    Long-term requests

    Increase the available pitch of your ship in space! Circling around for 3 mins to reach an objective due to combat elsewhere on the map is a pain.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short term:
    Ship interiors. I love the interaction, but other than the bridges, they are all the same. An Odyssey Class interior should be different than say a MVAE interior.
    The auto holster would be a nice touch
    A Caitian Personel officer at Starfleet Acadamy. Actually, you should have a personel officer for each playable race.

    Mid Term:
    More Duty Assignments. This is one of my favorite aspects of the game. It could be so much better. Each sector gets a few different mission's but they are so generic I guess it the word. Make them a little more interesting, perhaps some chain assignments that open up episodes, or that are class or level specific.
    3d space flight would be nice.
    A better emote system would perhaps encourage more Roleplay.

    Long Term.
    Fleet episodes. Episodes that fleets can colaborate on, over an extended period of time, with the rewards being fleet oriented, i.e. a discount on teir2 starbase, or increased dil for daily's for a period of time.
    More premier missions would be nice as well..

    Thanx for making this an incredibly awesome game!!!! *gives the vulcan salute* Live long and prosper!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Short term: More missions to play

    Medium: More missions and klingon centric content

    Long term: Bigger galaxy, better exploration, more ships and the ability to make a ship from scratch more character options and at least two new factions: Romulan and Cardassian with complete and different storylines equaling the Federation faction.
This discussion has been closed.