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We deserve compensation!!!!!!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    High pop WoW servers still have ques. Age of Conan had ques the first 3 weeks until they expanded their server clusters.

    Which they did 1 week before the numbers of players plummeted into the cellar and made all the new server hardware forfeit... :)

    Now if only the OP would see, that queues are nothing unusual for an MMO...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Compensation ?
    The game launches tomorrow , this is the final test aka headstart
    This is no OB true but the real deal and yes some polishing has to be done but if ya have any xp with servers or launches of MMO's this is one of the best :D
    Been there done that and yes i did see some TRIBBLE , anyone that was with the wow launch can tell ya
    that no one would have thought that wow would survive when that sh*t came online :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in. You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue. Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break. On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing. This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta. Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    Cryptic can not make a announcement to offer compensation yet for a simple reason until a policy about it is decided and confirmed they cannot say anything. So be patient.

    As for worse launch ever sheesh you don't play many mmorpgs at launch do you ? WOW had worse server queues than this one, and they didn't do to bad afterwards. At least the game play itself is smooth and works which is a lot better than a great many mmorpgs have managed yes Vanguard i'm looking at you !!

    A server overload such as Cryptic are suffering now normally means one thing. That the initial demand was higher than anticipated which means Cryptic needs to get more resources together to handle the load. This may take a little time. The good thing is it shows there is a lot of interest in STO which can only mean good things for the game,

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    AUPilotAU wrote: »
    If this is the worst launch you've ever had, you haven't played too many mmo's :p

    LOL I remember SWG Launch day you couldnt even log in.:eek:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    Name them, as I haven't yet.

    Discussion of worst MMO Launches

    My own expeiences of MO Launches

    Darkfall : Constant crashing, server failures, kicked from game, Lag, queues
    Aion : Queues, lags, downtimes, crashes
    AoC: Crashing, server lag, Queues
    Fallen Earth: Server restarts, slight lag (actually one of the best MMO launches I did)

    Currently STO is not even pinging my radar for Worst MMO Launches (thats left for Darkfall)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    bruckner wrote: »
    To this day, the most popular of all WoW servers have ques, on prime times on weekends those ques reach upwards of 1k, even more so during an event of some kind. I've heard of them still passing 2k.

    Now consider the fact that STO has only 1 server. We all log in and we all join the SAME server. In that way it is exactly the same as EVE. Now in STO's system they use instances to split us back up. Those instances are literally the only thing keeping us from having so many people in Sol that you couldn't walk.

    STO has NOT launched yet. You want to whine and complain do it in a week when we have the servers up for real game play. But if you seriously want to get all bent out of shape over a game this early, then you seriously should not 'ever' play an MMO. Because you are the kind of person that will nerd rage the first time someone kills you in PvP.

    Just to point out a few things, there is no way this game is on "ONE" server, its on a cluster. They knew a week ago they were under specced for launch but have done nothing to sort it out. If any other company were to say they couldn't get the equipment for 7 days, you'd go elsewhere.

    And yes, proper stated launch maybe in a day or so, but people who have PAID lifetime subscriptions have already paid there dues and should be able to use a product for which they have paid. Early access is a bonus for people who have paid for it, to not be able to access it, is again a break in a contract between the 2 parties, and as such should be subject to some kind of compensation.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Badem wrote: »
    Discussion of worst MMO Launches

    My own expeiences of MO Launches

    Darkfall : Constant crashing, server failures, kicked from game, Lag, queues
    Aion : Queues, lags, downtimes, crashes
    AoC: Crashing, server lag, Queues
    Fallen Earth: Server restarts, slight lag (actually one of the best MMO launches I did)

    Currently STO is not even pinging my radar for Worst MMO Launches (thats left for Darkfall)

    You forgot AoC had a client memory leak!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seveer wrote:
    Just to point out a few things, there is no way this game is on "ONE" server, its on a cluster. They knew a week ago they were under specced for launch but have done nothing to sort it out. If any other company were to say they couldn't get the equipment for 7 days, you'd go elsewhere.

    And yes, proper stated launch maybe in a day or so, but people who have PAID lifetime subscriptions have already paid there dues and should be able to use a product for which they have paid. Early access is a bonus for people who have paid for it, to not be able to access it, is again a break in a contract between the 2 parties, and as such should be subject to some kind of compensation.

    I am wondering, how do you know Cryptic has done nothing to sort out the server issue? Do you work there? How could you possibly know that they literally sat in their chairs and did nothing?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I will play no matter what. I know cryptic will sort all the buggs out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Badem wrote: »

    I just read it. And yes, I totally forgot Vanguard. Has there ever been ONE launch worse than Vanguard???
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Huutini wrote: »
    REad it. And yes, I totally forgot Vanguard. Has there ever been ONE launch worse than Vanguard???

    I don't know, but I know STO surely isn't worse than Vanguard.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ghostspock wrote: »
    I will play no matter what. I know cryptic will sort all the buggs out.

    High Five to you!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't know, but I know STO surely isn't worse than Vanguard.

    Yep. I stick to my opinion: STO has the smoothest headstart and launch I personally experienced to this day.

    Mostly because apart from some server issues, the game itself runs pretty smooth. Usually, MMOs have bad server issues AND heavy ingame bugs at launch... :)
    bugs might get worse in higher levels, but until now, it's a pleasure to play, and I'm used to worse...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ghostspock wrote: »
    I will play no matter what. I know cryptic will sort all the buggs out.

    Hear! Hear!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    AdmGillis wrote: »
    They need to compensate us another bonus to replace our stolen Headstart.

    GIve us all liberated Borg.

    You wish...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow its amazing how fast the fanboy brigarde are there if someone complains for a shortage on Serverpower that was already there on OB!

    Yeah there are launches worse then STO, but out of the news spread around on the Net couldnt Cryptic learn something from them? The launches of COH/COV wasnt so good either, did they learn anything out of it?

    It was the OB to stresstest the server, but apparently nothing has changed. I even think the patches make it worse, because the downtimes now are more frequent then in the beta.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe its just some of use don't want to pay and not be able to play, ok its only £10 (yes £10 cause the £8.99 is without VAT!) but for some people with limited free time paying for something and not being able to play is a waste of money, money that can be used to buy more beer!! :p

    All I know is, I am patient, but not with money. Thats why I am giving Cryptic 1 month to make the game worth paying for. Others I know just quit because they can't play when they want...sure that will change, but I'm not paying for somethign I have no access to.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe its just some of use don't want to pay and not be able to play, ok its only £10 (yes £10 cause the £8.99 is without VAT!) but for some people with limited free time paying for something and not being able to play is a waste of money, money that can be used to buy more beer!! :p

    All I know is, I am patient, but not with money. Thats why I am giving Cryptic 1 month to make the game worth paying for. Others I know just quit because they can't play when they want...sure that will change, but I'm not paying for somethign I have no access to.

    We will miss you when you go...but I call dibs on ur stuff.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Working great for me, as well as can reasonably be expected. I remember the 2 hour queues to get into WOW after WOTLK, that was how many years after launch?

    We didn't even have queues until a few weeks ago, just "try again later" messages when this game turned out to be more popular than even Cryptic expected.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Huutini wrote: »
    Yep. I stick to my opinion: STO has the smoothest headstart and launch I personally experienced to this day.

    Mostly because apart from some server issues, the game itself runs pretty smooth. Usually, MMOs have bad server issues AND heavy ingame bugs at launch... :)
    bugs might get worse in higher levels, but until now, it's a pleasure to play, and I'm used to worse...

    To be fair, wait till it actually launches.

    While I do suspect that there was a higher headstart crowd relative to it's total population, I'm still going to assume that the crowd at 'full launch' is going to be larger yet.

    I am happy with the launch so far, but the servers are having alot of stress issues.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seveer wrote:
    Just to point out a few things, there is no way this game is on "ONE" server, its on a cluster. They knew a week ago they were under specced for launch but have done nothing to sort it out. If any other company were to say they couldn't get the equipment for 7 days, you'd go elsewhere.

    And yes, proper stated launch maybe in a day or so, but people who have PAID lifetime subscriptions have already paid there dues and should be able to use a product for which they have paid. Early access is a bonus for people who have paid for it, to not be able to access it, is again a break in a contract between the 2 parties, and as such should be subject to some kind of compensation.

    So, in essence, to some degree you acknowledge the fact that there are problems which prevent smooth sailing, yet you hammer the "but I've paid for this" bandwaggon in order to accomplish... what?

    Plus implying that Cryptic "have done nothing to sort it out" without concrete proof comes dangerously close to a crime - false accusations.

    Ah, I'm also amazed about how some raging mama's boys in here keep literarely ignoring all the reasonable explanations and examples that are thrown at them.
    Please, honestly, just shut up and leave. If the few hundred loudmouths actually DO quit as they always threaten, the absolute majority of more reasonable and intelligent players might actually be able to have a more peaceful life once again.
    Also, there would be a few less people in the login queues :D .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Questarian wrote: »
    I demand danish! Cheese, Lemon, Blueberry, Cherry, It doesn't matter... Danish Now! :p

    OK, du kan f
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    reiella wrote: »
    To be fair, wait till it actually launches.

    While I do suspect that there was a higher headstart crowd relative to it's total population, I'm still going to assume that the crowd at 'full launch' is going to be larger yet.

    I am happy with the launch so far, but the servers are having alot of stress issues.

    I won't play on Tuesday. I KNOW it's gonna get rough and overcrowded. So I rather spend my time reading a good book. :)

    But the fact remains that the ingame performance bugwise is pretty smooth at least for the first 20 levels, and that alone sets it apart from any other MMO which launch I've experienced... :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    duckwaltz wrote: »
    Shaka! When The Walls Fell!

    you sir, win.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Also, there would be a few less people in the login queues :D .[/QUOTE]

    or asking where sulu is
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    No one did promise huh game time huh? Their underlying principles that a person who provies a customer with service should be willing or trying to provide to the consumer. Don't pull that lame excuse on me man. When did wow have these issues? It's like someone is trying to run this game off their desktop in a basement.

    Wow had these problems circa 2004

    I quote from this article http://world-of-warcraft-gold.com/world-of-warcraft.html

    The World of Warcraft Launch
    As is common with the launch of a MMORPG, World of Warcraft had its share of problems at first. Partly because of the huge number of people who bought the game, along with server instability, Blizzard chose to stop selling copies of the game some time after the launch. Sales were limited accordingly until more servers, called worlds, or realms, could be assembled. Due to the massive initial sales, there were also periods where players had to wait in queues before playing, as some realms were at their maximum player limit. When more servers were added, these queues became less common and sales of the game resumed. Still, in certain high population areas with World of Warcraft like Ironforge or Orgrimmar, players continued to experience game performance delays.

    Some other supporting articles:




    QQ, You havent paid anything, any retailer can return your money for your precious beta/head start.

    ps. Found all those articles in less that 1sec thank you google!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So, in essence, to some degree you acknowledge the fact that there are problems which prevent smooth sailing, yet you hammer the "but I've paid for this" bandwaggon in order to accomplish... what?

    Plus implying that Cryptic "have done nothing to sort it out" without concrete proof comes dangerously close to a crime - false accusations.

    Ah, I'm also amazed about how some raging mama's boys in here keep literarely ignoring all the reasonable explanations and examples that are thrown at them.
    Please, honestly, just shut up and leave. If the few hundred loudmouths actually DO quit as they always threaten, the absolute majority of more reasonable and intelligent players might actually be able to have a more peaceful life once again.
    Also, there would be a few less people in the login queues :D .

    I agree, btw, I think the operative word here is Libel :)

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Karvashio wrote: »
    or asking where sulu is


    If they can't find sulu they are in real trouble, And I am very surprised that I haven't seen
    "Gold PLZ" and "How do I play"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Seveer wrote:
    Just to point out a few things, there is no way this game is on "ONE" server, its on a cluster. They knew a week ago they were under specced for launch but have done nothing to sort it out. If any other company were to say they couldn't get the equipment for 7 days, you'd go elsewhere.

    And yes, proper stated launch maybe in a day or so, but people who have PAID lifetime subscriptions have already paid there dues and should be able to use a product for which they have paid. Early access is a bonus for people who have paid for it, to not be able to access it, is again a break in a contract between the 2 parties, and as such should be subject to some kind of compensation.

    I'm a lifer and well, to not be able to play for hell, even a week after launch is not going to hurt me, in fact, i'll be happier since more people will be supporting the game. I paid for a lifetime, not "if I miss an iota of these crucial 4 days before launch" kind of deals. I expected that the servers would have problems druing CB, OP, HD, and the first couple of weeks of launch. STO has a huge international following that has spanned over 2 decades, your telling me that WoW had that kind of following? (Take into account at Launch and "paid subs" != "hourly subs" like they have in China)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So, in essence, to some degree you acknowledge the fact that there are problems which prevent smooth sailing, yet you hammer the "but I've paid for this" bandwaggon in order to accomplish... what?

    Plus implying that Cryptic "have done nothing to sort it out" without concrete proof comes dangerously close to a crime - false accusations.

    Ah, I'm also amazed about how some raging mama's boys in here keep literarely ignoring all the reasonable explanations and examples that are thrown at them.
    Please, honestly, just shut up and leave. If the few hundred loudmouths actually DO quit as they always threaten, the absolute majority of more reasonable and intelligent players might actually be able to have a more peaceful life once again.
    Also, there would be a few less people in the login queues :D .

    Firstly, allow me to enlighten you:
    This is really amazing! We have hit the limit of how many players we can fit on the server right now!

    This is one of those times where we're both sad, and glad. On the one side, you all enjoy the game so much, we can't squeeze anyone else on to the server. (I can't log in right now either! )

    On the other side, we really want to let you all on the server! So, here's what we're working on:

    1) We're increasing server capacity. We have new machines coming in to add to the server, and we've put a rush order on them. We're going to bring them online as soon as we can.

    2) We're working on software solutions as well. Our development team is working night and day to be able to get as much power as we can from each machine, and we're focusing on increasing capacity, and server stability.

    For now, all we can say is, please keep trying. We know it's frustrating. Please keep trying though. You never know when you might be able to get in!

    Thank you for your patience, thank you for your support, and thank you for your interest in Star Trek Online!

    If i was as incompetant as to not to be able to get equipment for my company in place and not up and running within 3 days of notification, i would be losing business as they would have gone elsewhere. This quoted post was more than a week ago, and as yet have seen no increase in capacity or speed of logins, which brings me also to you and friends next comment.
    rarenomad wrote: »
    I agree, btw, I think the operative word here is Libel :)


    Evidence that obviously is staring the pair of you fanbois in the face, but are quite frankly too zealously ignoring, is the fact that nothing has been done to alleviate the problems being experienced by most users. Can you point to any evidence that something has been done besides some mouth-pieces word? I can sure point to evidence that it hasn't and so can many others. As usual though, the name callers are usually the ones who are the pre-pubesants in thier own mothers basements.
This discussion has been closed.