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We deserve compensation!!!!!!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is my first launch MMO, and I"m not too upset by anything....so the server's down for a few hours....go play another game.

    I achieved my goal in Headstart, which was to achieve Lt Commander BY launch......and I did it in spades.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dotson wrote:
    I paid to and it's my money. Money makes the world go round if didn't know. The fact is they aren't providing on their end. No offense either, but bringing world politics into a game has no meaning. People paid for a product that they thought they were going to get, and they haven't been getting it.

    My point is that if the worst thing that happened to someone today is that they got jipped out of a few hours of game play, well it was a pretty good day. Politics aside, did your dog get hit by a car? Did your grandma die? Did your wife admit shes having an affair with your best friend? no? So whats your big gripe? That you didn't get to play a game as much as you really wanted to. Okay, the pitty party is over. Now you may elect to flip out and cancel your subs and return the pre-buy...whatever. Its not that big of a deal. And if your patient, you can play next weekend and it will be better, not perfect, but better. The week after that, will be even better. Ok, now go take a nap.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the only launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in.

    Fixd that for ya.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I feel obligated to point out that no GOVERNMENT healthcare is a very, VERY good thing.

    With all due respect sir, I have friends who will die in 2010 because they have no health insurance. So it may not be a very, VERY good thing, but it would be life saving, thus at the very least a modestly good thing, especially to the people whose life is saves.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    William Munny says, "Deserve's got nothing to do with it."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Man I had no idea the guilds in WoW were this desperate to kill a game, I mean these threads pop up like clockwork.

    What are they afraid of?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Adalwulff wrote: »
    Man I had no idea the guilds in WoW were this desperate to kill a game, I mean these threads pop up like clockwork.

    What are they afraid of?

    that their raiders will leave them and they will have to recruit noobs
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Seadgir
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Everytime WoW has a new release there are wait queues.. So don't think it's just an STO issue, I've waited to log into my WoW account for over an hour once, when Lich King was released.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dotson wrote:
    It's just a bad launch plain and simple. They need to communicate better with us right now and try to work something out. Ya we have the right to leave and not sub, but is that what they really want? That's bad business. Sure you're not going to be able to please everyone, but look how lit up the forums are over everything that has been going on since head start. Their are ample enough people who are really upset at this matter. Defend them all you want, but they aren't handling the situation well at all.

    *buzzz* *buzz* *buzz*

    what's that?

    The sound of all the bees in your bonnet.

    It's not that bad. and asking for communication is far too vague to be a viable suggestion to resolve the matter. Come up with a tangible offering for a way to resolve the issue or leave it alone. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism only please.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in. You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue. Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break. On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing. This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta. Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    Must be your first MMO. Why do I say that? Because obviously you weren't playing when the following MMOs launched (and they were all way worse in terms of server stabilty):

    1) Anarchy Online (Still considered the most nightmarish launch of any MMO)

    2) Star Wars Galaxies (They couldn't even handle the people enteriung retail codes and trying to start an account).

    3) EVE Online (Want to talk about a company that started without a clue with regard to an MMO)

    3) World of Warcraft (The server stability issues at the end of open beta and launch - and which CONTINUED for the first 3 months (and this was the MMO that INVENTED a queue login system as a result make all the server issues STO has had to date look trivial. Yep, this MMO died as a resul...oh, wait; it went on to become the most subsdribed to MMO to date).

    4) Age of Conan (Want to talk nightmare - not only were they servers crashing regulary like closckwork, the GAME CLIENT itself wouldn't save video settings and would crash a users PC every 2 hourrs like clockwork).

    Personally, I'd love to know just what other MMO launches you played though, as by your comments, I don't think you have actually played any MMO at launch before.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I agree its not the worst, but something does need to be done about the queue system. I am not stating to remove it, but yesterday people sat in a queue from 45 minutes to almost two hours. Bit extreme no? I am all for the queue system as long as I don't have to sit and wait 'forever', just to get in. 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, in all honesty.

    Though I'm sure things will improve over time, just have to be patient. If people don't enjoy it, they can always sub in 4-6 months when the game will be more stable at this time. I honestly don't think cryptic realized how many subs they were going to get, and they really got slammed because of it.

    The game however, is a pretty good MMO. The AI are pretty smart (minus them eating all there food items), and I enjoy space battle because it a bit more interesting then simple fire and hit keys. Controling the ships movement to position your weapons/reduce damage/rotate shields, and all those things give it a better edge.

    Ground combat, like I stated, AI are pretty smart, although its pretty generic and hugely reminds me of there other games, its not so bad I guess. Some missions are quite fun on ground though but alot of them 'are' repetitive. With space combat, it kind of is repetitive, but they make some interesting ways to fix that so it doesn't 'seem' like it is.

    Overall its just stability issues that I'm waiting on, and those will be fixed.. Hopefully sooner then later. It's a shame though that Cryptic is very non communicative when things go down. They did reply a couple times but there has been no formal, proper statement, or even a 'whats being done'. I honestly wouldn't mind the servers/etc going down if they let us know whats going on, and perhaps a 'estimated time' to fix, granted even if its a couple days.

    Edit: MOAR. Do we deserve compensation for the headstart issues? No. It was a bonus, tough luck. If it continues and the servers are down more then quarter of a day when the games 'released' then yes, I would say so. And yes, we did pay for the '30 days' in Feb in the package you buy from where ever (Steam/D2D/amazon etc) So these 30 days aren't 'trial days', and people need to stop thinking like that. Most MMOs come with a free month, thats just how it is.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you think Star Trek Online launch is bad, you must not have played SWG during launch, or Age of Conan then. Besides the game hasn't officially launched. But I guarantee it will be at least a month before STO is running somewhat stably.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    After catching up a bit since my last posting in this thread, I have come to the following conclusions:

    1.) The rather rational and mostly mature people in here still form the majority of the community.

    2.) The crybabies THINK they are a lot of people because every second one of them opens his own thread and of course also posts his new and never-ever-heard-before-"opinion" in the countless threads of his fellow douchebags.
    And even when only a few cry out loud, you can clearly hear and see them as they, well, are crying out loud - as opposed by the many, many people around them who by now have probably perfected Picard's legendary facepalm in response.

    This leads me to believe that STO will keep going rather strong, even if all those whiny brats actually carry out their "threat" and leave the game.
    And I also believe now that those who will remain with STO will be a lot more friendly.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First of all, this game hasn't launched yet.

    That being said....

    AC2, bad as the game ended up being, launched fairly smoothly.
    LoTRO had an exceptionally smooth launch.
    EQ2 had a mostly smooth launch.
    City of Heroes had a fairly smooth launch.

    So, while *most* MMOs have endured rocky launches, there have been a few exceptions. MMOs CAN launch smoothly if the companies responsible understand what they're doing and are provided the resources to properly prepare.

    We'll find out on Tuesday where Cryptic's most recent project falls, but if it's anything like the head start period, stuff doesn't look too promising.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You want compensation for free days?

    Because your not paying for it as its not been officailly released so no payment days are being taken off your account so what do you want back exactly?

    Although queuing for servers is not on and should be sorted out asap.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic have 1 month to ge tthe game up to OB standards, thats right OB was much better than HS.

    I already know someone whos cancelled their pre-order because they couldn't play when THEY wanted too, myself and 2 other mates are willing to give the first month a try. But if things donot improve then Cryptic can say good-bye to 3 more subs.

    and yes, lauches are hectic and are buggy. But right now OB was better performance. I don't want to wait in a queue for 30+mins to log in (Yes 30+mins I waited) then the server went down! Why should I PAY for that???
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cryptic have 1 month to ge tthe game up to OB standards, thats right OB was much better than HS.

    I already know someone whos cancelled their pre-order because they couldn't play when THEY wanted too, myself and 2 other mates are willing to give the first month a try. But if things donot improve then Cryptic can say good-bye to 3 more subs.

    and yes, lauches are hectic and are buggy. But right now OB was better performance. I don't want to wait in a queue for 30+mins to log in (Yes 30+mins I waited) then the server went down! Why should I PAY for that???

    You shouldn't have to. But I am an extremely patient person, and being a techie I know exactly what Cryptic is going through right now. I don't expect everyone to be as patient as me though, I am STILL waiting for SWG to be a stable game haha, that shows how long I am willing to wait on something I really love!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You shouldn't have to. But I am an extremely patient person, and being a techie I know exactly what Cryptic is going through right now. I don't expect everyone to be as patient as me though, I am STILL waiting for SWG to be a stable game haha, that shows how long I am willing to wait on something I really love!

    Well I think Cryptic missed the mark with when it should be released. They prob expected to get it all stable by now.

    Though people are screaming "INCREASE BETA TIME, DELAY RELEASE" and other stupid things like that, you can't just DO that to people, the market doesn't work that way unless you want to be bent over by everyone. It's like you were 'promised' a game, and you pay for it, then they would go "GAMES DELAYED FOR ANOTHER TWO MONTHS'. That would not fly with most people ;)

    I'm sure it will be solved, it's a shame its not, but nothing can be done about that really at this time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In every single game i have played, they ALWAYS had load problems

    WoW had endless queues
    Aion had more than endless queues
    Age of Conan was lagging like hell

    Just to take 3 out the cap, let them buy more servers and fix issues, the things you should look at are bugs and things like that. In the last years we are literally paying to play on released games that are like a beta, and every game needs months and lot of patches to be playable

    Will this game follow that road? I think it's less buggy than others was at launch
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in. You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue. Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break. On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing. This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta. Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    Ive read many posts like this on many forums on many games. Ik get that you are frustrated, but I find it a little naief of you to think there would not be problems during the launch of any MMO.

    Some are worse some are better. And FYI, i have no problems with the maintenace schedule, but i think i am in a diffrent timezone.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think that you need to take a look a the slightly bigger picture, how many games are being released nowadays where they are emergency patched within the first week because something's gone wrong?
    :) I don't have the answer on that but I'm guessing "quite a few" will probably cover it.

    Needless to say be patient, true its frustrating but if it takes another few weeks for the servers to so be it, so it takes you an extra couple of weeks to get leveled up big deal. If you've subscribed for the lifetimer account then so what you've got YEARS left to play the dang game!! If you've not subscribed yet, then you've got the month to see what Crypic come up with to solve the problems, if you don't like what they've done then you don't have to subscribe and you're not worse off!

    Whining/complaining/threatening to leave don't really do anything to improve the situation nor help the majority of the community come in on your side.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Valleriani wrote: »
    Well I think Cryptic missed the mark with when it should be released. They prob expected to get it all stable by now.

    Though people are screaming "INCREASE BETA TIME, DELAY RELEASE" and other stupid things like that, you can't just DO that to people, the market doesn't work that way unless you want to be bent over by everyone. It's like you were 'promised' a game, and you pay for it, then they would go "GAMES DELAYED FOR ANOTHER TWO MONTHS'. That would not fly with most people ;)

    I'm sure it will be solved, it's a shame its not, but nothing can be done about that really.

    I hear everything you are saying, but you have to remember Cryptic has deadlines to meet. Even if they wanted to push the launch back, they probably can't. At the same time, many many many unforeseen events can occur during big launches like this. I understand wanting to play a game when it is released, I totally do. But having been apart of numerous MMO launches and expansion launches, as well as a few beta tests and early access launches, they only go smoothly maybe 40% of the time, if that.

    After many years you learn that this just comes with the MMO territory, and that launches are the WORST times to play an MMO. Usually 6 months to 1 years is when an MMO becomes very stable, and regular weekly maintenance prevents major server problems.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think that you need to take a look a the slightly bigger picture, how many games are being released nowadays where they are emergency patched within the first week because something's gone wrong?
    :) I don't have the answer on that but I'm guessing "quite a few" will probably cover it.

    Needless to say be patient, true its frustrating but if it takes another few weeks for the servers to so be it, so it takes you an extra couple of weeks to get leveled up big deal. If you've subscribed for the lifetimer account then so what you've got YEARS left to play the dang game!! If you've not subscribed yet, then you've got the month to see what Crypic come up with to solve the problems, if you don't like what they've done then you don't have to subscribe and you're not worse off!

    Whining/complaining/threatening to leave don't really do anything to improve the situation nor help the majority of the community come in on your side.

    Exactly...what they said!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For the players who are only playing the first month, the one with the 'box' its clearly a steal. :D
    Hey! but i am one of them! :eek:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    but ques to get into the game?

    I remember them well from WoW and WAR... I think even AoC had them. Plus: QUEUES WERE DEMANDED BY PEOPLE ON THESE BOARDS!!!

    Sorry for the caps, just wanted to make sure it got through.

    And no, no one here deserves compensation... :)

    All we deserve are less Exclamation Marks111111111111!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Huutini wrote: »
    I remember them well from WoW and WAR... I think even AoC had them. Plus: QUEUES WERE DEMANDED BY PEOPLE ON THESE BOARDS!!!

    Sorry for the caps, just wanted to make sure it got through.

    And no, no one here deserves compensation... :)

    All we deserve are less Exclamation Marks111111111111!!

    High pop WoW servers still have ques. Age of Conan had ques the first 3 weeks until they expanded their server clusters.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in. You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue. Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break. On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing. This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta. Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    This might sound funny, but i have not experienced this, but i believe whole servers on wow were down for about 7-10 days straight upon release, so personally i don't think this is such a debarcle. Maybe when i am playing the population is low as i am an Aussie.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hope you all realise that their having shops open at midnight in america for launch of sto, so from late on the storm will hit the servers if alot more people login.....Should be fun, but I'll be in bed:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    To this day, the most popular of all WoW servers have ques, on prime times on weekends those ques reach upwards of 1k, even more so during an event of some kind. I've heard of them still passing 2k.

    Now consider the fact that STO has only 1 server. We all log in and we all join the SAME server. In that way it is exactly the same as EVE. Now in STO's system they use instances to split us back up. Those instances are literally the only thing keeping us from having so many people in Sol that you couldn't walk.

    The game has NOT launched. This is pre-launch. The thing about Open Beta is... you have a limited number of people who are playing your game, a limited server load, and limited amounts of data coming in on what your problems are. OB is a testing ground, nothing more. OB is not something you should ever use as a test of the success of a game. Just because you didn't have a que in OB doesn't mean jack. Of course you didn't, they didn't give out enough OB keys to ever fill the server.

    The point of giving us a 'bonus' of head start time is to 1) reward pre orders, and 2) have a mid ground test of their servers to iron out problems right before launch. Their population during head start I am sure is at least 10x the server load it ever was during OB. During this time they are finding problems that need to be resolved. The first of which I am sure is server load issues.

    I have followed this game a lot more closely then most people, I actually visited Perpetual Entertainment years ago before they went under and had to sell the rights. I have been waiting a long time to see this game get finished. If anyone should be ****ed off about these kinds of delays, game downtimes, and being kicked off during my head start it should be me. But I have been there before. I pre order collector copies of everything I play.

    I was there when Star Wars Galaxies took forever and a day to download and patch. I was there when WoW had ques that would even drop you in the middle of the que when you were at 2k/4k and make you get back to the end of the line. I was there in DDO, DAoC, EVE... I've even tried out playing various free games, but if I list those I'll never stop talking.

    STO has NOT launched yet. You want to whine and complain do it in a week when we have the servers up for real game play. But if you seriously want to get all bent out of shape over a game this early, then you seriously should not 'ever' play an MMO. Because you are the kind of person that will nerd rage the first time someone kills you in PvP.
This discussion has been closed.