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We deserve compensation!!!!!!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    EDIT: this posting mainly adresses the OP. But everyone who feels some serious rage right now over STO is free to read on as well.

    Ok, first and foremost, I think that you either are exaggerating or haven't actually witnessed any MMO launch outside of Hello Kitty Online.

    Each and every at least slightly anticipated MMO has had its unexpected downtimes, crashes and waiting queues.
    Even World of Warcraft occasionally has login waiting queues to this day on some servers at certain times of the year.

    No MMO really worked flawlessly from day 1, and since Star Trek Online basically has all its customers within one "realm", this thing is bound to cause even some more trouble than your average MMO server.

    Plus, technically STO isn't released yet - you're in headstart, remember?

    Let's look at the bright side: waiting queues already forming during headstart means there are a LOT of people who want to play and eventually continue to pay beyond the initial requisitional cost.
    Since "normal" release is still around the corner, this also means that probably more people will come and will want to play.
    This, in turn, shows Cryptic that they created themselves a winner - a winner well worth investing more money into.

    And more money invested should normally mean more servers to enhance the capacities of the game, thus (hopefully) eradicating the wait queues and improving the game's performance.

    HOWEVER! not subscribing or even cancelling the account now to "prove a point" will show Cryptic that those who'd probably bug out anyway after the first 30 days will leave - and if a certain amount of players leaves, they don't need to enhance the servers, as the then reduced playerbase will fit again nicely on what's currently available.

    All I'm saying is this: either shut up and leave if you're really that ****ed, or shut up and wait, or shut up and play if possible, or add some constructively phrased criticism here on the forum.
    But never, ever! threaten a company unless you are really out to make good on your threat. 'Cause you might come up lookin' EXTREMELY stupid, especially when you fluff your feathers that quickly over the "first-month"-issues (emphasis on "month") of a brand-new MMO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Clenzo wrote:
    I have seen far worse launches then ST:O...

    Name them, as I haven't yet.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree...i paid £10 MORE for the pre-order box for the headstart than i would if i bought the retail version...£10 for not actually being able to play.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    windra wrote: »
    I agree...i paid £10 MORE for the pre-order box for the headstart than i would if i bought the retail version...£10 for not actually being able to play.

    Ummm....no, you didn't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Shaka! When The Walls Fell!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is stupid. All you people who are siding with them after launch are going to drag the game down worse.

    You're right! We should all cancel our preorders! Then they'll fix be able to fix things using they money they made from the........wait.........
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok, first and foremost, I think that you either are exaggerating or haven't actually witnessed any MMO launch outside of Hello Kitty Online.

    Each and every at least slightly anticipated MMO has had its unexpected downtimes, crashes and waiting queues.
    Even World of Warcraft occasionally has login waiting queues to this day on some servers at certain times of the year.

    No MMO really worked flawlessly from day 1, and since Star Trek Online basically has all its customers within one "realm", this thing is bound to cause even some more trouble than your average MMO server.

    Plus, technically STO isn't released yet - you're in headstart, remember?

    Let's look at the bright side: waiting queues already forming during headstart means there are a LOT of people who want to play and eventually continue to pay beyond the initial requisitional cost.
    Since "normal" release is still around the corner, this also means that probably more people will come and will want to play.
    This, in turn, shows Cryptic that they created themselves a winner - a winner well worth investing more money into.

    And more money invested should normally mean more servers to enhance the capacities of the game, thus (hopefully) eradicating the wait queues and improving the game's performance.

    HOWEVER! not subscribing or even cancelling the account now to "prove a point" will show Cryptic that those who'd probably bug out anyway after the first 30 days will leave - and if a certain amount of players leaves, they don't need to enhance the servers, as the then reduced playerbase will fit again nicely on what's currently available.

    All I'm saying is this: either shut up and leave if you're really that ****ed, or shut up and wait, or shut up and play if possible, or add some constructively phrased criticism here on the forum.
    But never, ever! threaten a company unless you are really out to make good on your threat. 'Cause you might come up lookin' EXTREMELY stupid, especially when you fluff your feathers that quickly over the "first-month"-issues (emphasis on "month") of a brand-new MMO.

    I never expected this game to work flawlessly, but this is a joke. I have played other mmos and have been part of launches other than this one. No I didn't play WoW at launch, but I've played other games such as Star Wars galaxies, Vangaurd, AoC, Earth and Beyound, and many more. Also, if you're so inclined to to tell people to shut up over the internet, than it shows how "constructive" your posts are. I don't care if this is an mmo at this point. I'm not comparing to other mmos either. I'm basing everyone and principles of them supplying a product to me that I bought. So stop with bs WoW TRIBBLE and talk about customer service.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    I never expected this game to work flawlessly, but this is a joke. I have played other mmos and have been part of launches other than this one. No I didn't play WoW at launch, but I've played other games such as Star Wars galaxies, Vangaurd, AoC, Earth and Beyound, and many more. Also, if you're so inclined to to tell people to shut up over the internet, than it shows how "constructive" your posts are. I don't care if this is an mmo at this point. I'm not comparing to other mmos either. I'm basing everyone and principles of them supplying a product to me that I bought. So stop with bs WoW TRIBBLE and talk about customer service.

    Wait, please tell me the part where anything you've said so far has been constructive?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    j911g wrote: »
    Wait, please tell me the part where anything you've said so far has been constructive?

    I was plenty constructive in beta. Now I'm asking from them as this is the product I've bought with my money how their going to satisfy the me the custumer. What have you said constructive besides pointing fingers? You guys can flame all you want, I could careless at this point. There comes a time in point when businesses need make critical decisons involving either their products or services they provide to customers. Obviously, Cryptic has made some bad decision involving the launch of this game. I would love to know from someone who works in the gaming industry how long it truely takes to get servers online for this game. That's a fair question, and I don't understand the complexities behind it. If it takes more than a mounth to actually get servers online, then I can understand that, but they are still neglecting customers. It's that plain and simple.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    Name them, as I haven't yet.

    Wow, Aion, Eve Online, Warhammer, Conan, DAOC, Anarchy Online, SWG, Vanguard, Darkfall.

    Were all worse for me then ST:O.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    I never expected this game to work flawlessly, but this is a joke. I have played other mmos and have been part of launches other than this one. No I didn't play WoW at launch, but I've played other games such as Star Wars galaxies, Vangaurd, AoC, Earth and Beyound, and many more. Also, if you're so inclined to to tell people to shut up over the internet, than it shows how "constructive" your posts are. I don't care if this is an mmo at this point. I'm not comparing to other mmos either. I'm basing everyone and principles of them supplying a product to me that I bought. So stop with bs WoW TRIBBLE and talk about customer service.

    Ok, how about that:

    First, from a Cryptic viewpoint: those who announce that they don't wanna be customers any more aren't worth listening to, 'cause why bother when they're leaving anyway?

    Now, from the community viewpoint: why should one try to keep another on board who might be in front of him or her right this second within the dreaded login queue?
    You leave and thus there's one less person that hinders those who really wanna stick around and play.

    The WoW comparison, by the way, fits nicely as I wanted to prove that even the by far most succesful MMO out there isn't really running "flawlessly", even after more than 5 years.

    In terms of customer support - I'm confident Cryptic will do everything they can to fix the situation, as they still have to prove they are worth our ongoing trust and our ongoing payments.

    Also, "customer support" is not the equivalent to "tending to whiny spoiled brats", no matter what is normally practiced in the USA or some other country with questionable customer practices. Understand this: the customer is NOT always right. And yelling at the one person or the few persons that could actually get you what you want sure as hell doesn't get you what you want any faster.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    Name them, as I haven't yet.

    Anarchy Online. Looks like you havent been playing games too long whipper snapper
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I don't really get the point of this argument, at all.

    Downtime = bad. Okay, that is a solid complaint. You don't like it when the servers are down, as that's bad both for the game and reflects poorly on the company. Downtimes are expected to happen, but the quality of a company is usually reflected on how quickly problems can be sorted. Okay, I understand that.

    Time = Money lost? This is a headstart. You don't have to play. The game doesn't officially launch for a few more days. Head starts are pretty common, but they're nothing more than a courtesy. You are not subscribed yet (unless you're a Lifetime purchaser), and in many cases, have not even paid for the game yet. So time lost, yes. Money lost? Very unlikely.

    Queue = bad? Woah, hold on. Okay. This, if anything, is a pro-active approach to keeping the servers up. Queue = controlled server load, controlled server load = less downtime + more stability. Isn't that the whole issue you were having at point number 1? Queue are unenjoyable, because it means individuals have to wait to play, but is a direct solution to problem 1, the most significant one. Queues are the first step to keeping servers up until the servers are able to properly handle the loads they are given.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    I was plenty constructive in beta. Now I'm asking from them as this is the product I've bought with my money how their going to satisfy the me the custumer. What have you said constructive besides pointing fingers? You guys can flame all you want, I could careless at this point. There comes a time in point when businesses need make critical decisons involving either their products or services they provide to customers. Obviously, Cryptic has made some bad decision involving the launch of this game. I would love to know from someone who works in the gaming industry how long it truely takes to get servers online for this game. That's a fair question, and I don't understand the complexities behind it. If it takes more than a mounth to actually get servers online, then I can understand that, but they are still neglecting customers. It's that plain and simple.

    More than a month? It's been three days, my point is that nothing you have said is worth while. Of course they are working on a solution, do you think they want angry customers? They don't. They aren't neglecting anyone, it's the weekend and their PR department doesn't work weekends, on Monday I'm sure we'll see a relevant post. What I would like, is for people like you to take two seconds, put some actual thought into it, and realize the same thing without having everyone else spell it out for you.

    In other words, cool off and stop making pointless posts on the forums. Patience is a virtue, realize that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in.

    This isn't launch yet

    You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue.

    World Of Warcraft

    Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break.

    Again World Of Warcraft

    On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing.

    To Fix the servers and stop your QQing

    This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta.

    Headstart is free, you didn't pay for it.

    Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    Good Riddance
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If this is the worst launch you've ever had, you haven't played too many mmo's :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    AUPilotAU wrote: »
    If this is the worst launch you've ever had, you haven't played too many mmo's :p

    Oh, that old chestnut! :cool: Unbelievable people still trot it out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ok, how about that:

    First, from a Cryptic viewpoint: those who announce that they don't wanna be customers any more aren't worth listening to, 'cause why bother when they're leaving anyway?

    Now, from the community viewpoint: why should one try to keep another on board who might be in front of him or her right this second within the dreaded login queue?
    You leave and thus there's one less person that hinders those who really wanna stick around and play.

    The WoW comparison, by the way, fits nicely as I wanted to prove that even the by far most succesful MMO out there isn't really running "flawlessly", even after more than 5 years.

    In terms of customer support - I'm confident Cryptic will do everything they can to fix the situation, as they still have to prove they are worth our ongoing trust and our ongoping payments.

    Also, "customer support" is not the equivalent to "tending to whiny spoiled brats", no matter what is normally practiced in the USA or some other country with questionable customer practices. Understand this: the customer is NOT always right. And yelling at the one person or the few persons that could actually get you what you want sure as hell doesn't get you what you want any faster.

    First, don't you think businesses would like to have as many people as they can? Wouldn't that make sense? Sure you can't please everyone and that is understandable, but listening to constumers' complaints is one way you can better your business.

    Second, you might say ol well, one less person playing the game. Well people quiting the game also affects you too. Less money for them to use on content and expanding the game. Less money for them to expand servers. Did I even mention anything about quiting the game at all in my posts? I only remember saying I'm not going to sub as is now.

    Third, only did a trial for WoW once, so I can't comment on the game.

    Forth, why pay for something that is busted at the moment? Isn't it the job of Cryptic to have a somewhat working game during the launch? I know it's and MMO, and I know MMOs go through certain situations during launch. This, however, has been a bad launch. One of the worst launchs I've seen.

    Also, Mr. Constructive, you can think I'm a "whiny spoiled brat" all you want, but I'm not the only one who feels this way. Look at the rest of the forums. It's more apparent from the forums that you're more of push over than an actual costumer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I was really hoping to get some play time in this weekend, I am carrying 21 credit hr at the local community college. I am pretty bummed out about this. I am sure they could give all the pre-order people a trinket of some sort to make it up to them. One of the things I hated about WOW was they they acted like they were doing me a favor by letting me pay to play there game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think people would rather everyone able to log in at the same time so the servers can crash again so they can whine about that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Individual wrote: »
    This is the worst launch I've ever had the pleasure in playing in. You guys can't even handle the load on your servers. I've never seen a game that has that issue. Laggy servers yes, but ques to get into the game? Give me a break. On top of that, you are bringing the servers down during prime time playing. This isn't beta anymore. I paid for headstart so I could play the game, not beta. Don't use us as your little testers now. If that was your intention, then you shouldn't of released the game this early. So Cryptic, what are you going to do to keep me or some us around? As is right now, I'm not subing. I suggest everyone else do the same until they get with the program.

    you never played AoC did you? lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've been following the ups and downs, quite annoyingly being a european player alot of the downtime has been our primetime.

    A fortnight ago when open beta started we were told we cryptic were going to purchase some additional servers, things may have changed but i don't think you can nip down to pcworld and walk away with a couple. These servers tend to be resource hungry behemoths that need building, configuring, testing and configuring. Considering the current state of play i doubt that these have arrived yet at cryptic HQ.
    Are we waiting until primetime (eurotime) Tuesday too install them?

    There is one other issue, starting the headstart over a weekend? the beta test showed that there were issues with server capacity.

    It would have been better if Cryptic admitted that there were problems last week or so instead of adopting the "everything is ok" and laughing about it.

    I read alot of people DEMANDING compensation, cancelling subscriptions in protest, this seems a bit extreme for a game.
    I am now lifetime subscriber, and i bought 2 boxes(due to the inability to realise the play.com version was not as good as the amazone borg offer) well what do i get for the inconvience of having to spend time with my wife whilst she laughs at me and continues to play on her "anarchy online" ( look up that launch fiasco).

    Monetary compensation is not what we want guys (and girls) , we all want 24 hours worth of skille points and energy if we are honest. All i wanted to achieve before official launch was to get into my t2 ship, which is all i really acheived in beta anyway.

    TBh i lost the point of my ramblings so gonna end it there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Is there any popcorn left?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The sad part is OB had less down time than Headstart.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I said this on Friday we should get 3 months and since they wont get paid till Feb 2 we can still call our CC and put a hold on the money...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    At least make it as easy as WoW, Y'know, it doesnt work so u leave and come back.
    1000'S!!! SAY WHAT? I cant stand this.
    Cryptic, its a GREAT game, but the ques ruin it because i wont get on as much.
    Make it so there are multiple servers, but 1 fleet can talk across servers, also you can teleport to your friends on another server. This would be like Pirates of the Carribean online, you CHOOSE the server.
    Please make it so ; )
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wow. Such whinging when the game isn't even _released_ yet.

    Every MMO goes through its issues. Those of you who find this irritating should quit, and stick to offline RPG's, such as NeverWinter Nights, or Final Fantasy.

    EvE had severe troubles with it's single-shard server keeping up with demand. Their server has gone through numerous refits and upgrades to accomodate players over a number is years.

    Things will get better, have faith. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to monitor my place in the Queue Continuum.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Come on guys this sis the worst launch ever, i cant believe line ques to get in, i love playing this game , when it functions:mad::mad: but its over this game will epic FAIL
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    matthmaroo wrote:
    Come on guys this sis the worst launch ever, i cant believe line ques to get in, i love playing this game , when it functions:mad::mad: but its over this game will epic FAIL

    If this is the worst launch you've ever had, you need to play more MMO's.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wow. Such whinging when the game isn't even _released_ yet.

    How was I suppose to know they ment early start actually ment early start beta. How stupid of me not to of read that somewhere.
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