Means the Ten Forward subforum. But he's a little late with that suggestion since this thread has been here for months now.
My latest additions:
My Ferengi character has a cruiser called the USS Noble Greed couldn't resist.
When I bought the excelsior of the C-store I named it the USS Overmars. Thought it sounded cool. It's the last name of a famous dutch football player. Don't care much for football but it was World Cup time then.
My Excelsior Class Ship is the U.S.S. Miyaneko (NCC-407000-B) named after Miyaneko Gato from the webcomic "Angel Moxie". It was to be NCC-407-B, but the number limiter scratched that idea.
There's also a little back story to why this is the Miyaneko-B
The first one (NCC-407000) was an Oberth Class ship destroyed by a Klingon vessle. Miyaneko-A was a Constitution class that made it to decomissioning. Before she was retired however, the Miyaneko-B was constructed and for her test run round the solar system, was escorted by her predesesor.
All Miyaneko's have been captined by someone in my characters family.
My other ships are: red means decommisioned.
Najiko= Japanese for "son of the rainbow" i think. I promices a friend I would name my first ship this.
Seto= after my Fav. Yu-Gi-Oh character.
Ponyo= after a Myazaki character Howl= same as Ponyo
Totoro= same as Howl
Cave Story= after a freeware PC game
Jenifer Wakemin (Original, A, = after the main character of "My Life as a Teenage Robot" (this is my escorts name)
Edmund Fitzgerald= after the sunken ship
I have a hard time coming up with good ship names, On some I settled for the names because I coulden't come up with better ones..
From LtC onwards my Federation Tactical Captain's escort ships were named after weapons connected in some way to the ship class or an established naming convention.
Tier 2 Saber class - USS Claymore (had to be a sword)
Tier 3 Akira Class - USS Tomahawk (In the Decipher RPG this class had a Native American tribe naming convention)
Tier 4 Defiant Class - USS Katana (I had a Defiant by the same name in SFC3 that I had great fun with)
Tier 5 Dervish Class - USS Scimitar (A tricky one for various reasons but keeping to the middle eastern theme this name seemed to work. It didn't occur to me until later that there had been a romulan ship by the same name.:o)
USS McKenna... Only Star League vessel to win the Martial Olympiads on two consecutive occasions, and...
USS Damascus on the road to Damascus where Paul found Christ.
All my characters vesels follow the same group theme.
Engineer- USS Honor Harrington (David Weber's Honor Harrington Series)
Science- USS Suffolk (Cities in Hampton Roads)
Tactical- USS Shiva (Summoned Entities from the Final Fantasy series)
USS Damascus on the road to Damascus where Paul found Christ.
grrrrr, people stealing my ideas!
My ship names are often series. My primary character was originally planned as a 'get to high level and use to fund the toons you really want to play' so fitting with a pseudo-Messianic lifespan. But I actually like playing her so changes need to be made. Her ships are named after important locations in the life of arguably the world's famous sacrificial lamb.
USS Gethsemane - as in 'Garden of'
USS Calvary - traditional acknowledgement of the cruxifixion (it's actually Golgotha but, whatever)
USS Galilee - where Jesus found the first bridge officers.....errr, disciples
USS Nazareth - hometown
USS Damascus - as quoted above (though I wonder if Christ was lost since Saul "found" Him)
USS Judea - Romanized version of the name of the area Jesus was born in. Kinda like a state in today's parlance (Bethlehem of Judea). I chose the Romanized version because the actual name (Judah) is the name of a tribe and I wanted to make the distinction. I'm the son of a theologian. Sue me.
My tactical alt names her ships after prominent warriors in Earth history (Earth due to the influence of Tarania plus the fact that she doesn't feel comfortable using Vulcan warriors for non-Vulcan ships):
USS Boadicea - now known as Boudica (I used the name from the Enya song ), queen of a British tribe who revolted against Roman occupation
USS Zenobia - Syrian queen who revolted against Roman occupation
(future ship) USS Artemisia I - ruler of the Ionians and the only female commander of King Xerxes (yes, that King Xerxes) and commanded five ships in the Battle of Salamis)
(future ship) USS Fu Hao - King Wu Ding of the Shang dynasty's "problem solver" and the only female military general in China at the time. The ambush of the Ba that she designed and commanded was a thing of beauty.
(future ship) USS Ahhotep - one of the most influential figures in the founding of Egypt's 18th dynasty. She was such a fierce and capable warrior that her sons put weapons and items celebrating her prowess in their own tombs (kinda like a 'look how badass my mom was').
(future ship) USS Tamar - Georgian Queen who built the Trebizond Empire commanding her army
Pretty easy to think of ship names for me when I have a theme to work off of.
My Klingon ships were from the random name generator so they stayed Klingony.
My federation ships are
The USS Mercury -a galaxy class cruiser retrofit Named for the greatest rockstar ever to of lived, Freddie Mercury.
The USS Victory - a stock fleet escort named for the Flagship of lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, a historic victory of England over the french.
USS Constitution-Sovereign Class- Named for the 18th century American Frigate which had such a sturdy hull that cannon balls would bounce of the hull. It is still offically in active service with the United States Navy and is the oldest commissioned sea-worthy naval vessel in the world.
USS Eisenhower-Galaxy Refit- Named for General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War II. He led the all the Allied forces to victory over the TRIBBLE and later became the 34th President of the United States.
USS George Patton-Defiant Refit-Named after General George Smith Patton Jr. Commander of United States Third Army. One of if not the best armored field commanders to ever step upon the battlefield.
USS Omar Bradley-Intrepid Refit- Named for General Omar Bradley Commander of Twelfth United States Army Group. He commanded the American half of the D-Day landings and later commanded much of the American Forces charging across Europe into Germany. He later was promoted to General of the Army and became the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
USS Florida-Galaxy X- No fancy description here, its the state I'm from and live in
USS Warchild - Named for a Steamrunner class starship from my fanfic series that served from 2372-2374 and was destroyed with all hands lost during the Dominion War.
NX- 912045-D, U.S.S. Sinistar Reborn, Defiant class Tactical Escort Refit.
My ship is a refit of a past Tactical Escort ship that was destroyed in battle, that is why I added `reborn` in this version. The name Sinistar comes from a horrifying old arcade game that scared the bejesus out of me as a child.
In the Sinistar game you would pilot a spacecraft gathering the only object capable of damaging Sinistar.
While doing so you would get taughted by the menacing voice of Sinistar untill he appeared, chased down your ship and eats it.
No one stands a chance against Sinistar. It is a giant spacecraft eating skull thing that cannot be stopped. It constantly hungers for more, and destroys all in its path.
``I am Sinistar! Beware I LIVE!! Run, run, run!! Beware coward!! RUN coward! RAAWWRR! I Hunger!``
USS Mutara, Nebula class Advanced Research Cruiser
USS 40 Eridani, all-Vulcan crewed DSSV
USS 61 Cygni, all-Tellarite crewed RSV
USS Empress of Indii, all Andorian crewed Dreadnought
"Captain, pattern-recognition subroutines running at 99.9%..."
I decided that all my ships would be named after events, places, or people from my home country of Canada.
USS Charlottetown - Shikar Class - Origin: Provincial Capital of Prince Edward Island, Location of the signing of the "BNA Act, 1867" - which would be analogous to Canada's "Declaration of Independence" and her first Constitution. (before anyone asks, I'm a Toronto born and Mississauga raised)
USS Strachan - Excalibar Class - Origin: Bishop John Strachan was an important Anglican Bishop during the early 19th century, who ended up founding 2 Universities (including my alma matter).
USS Pearson - Stargazer Class - Origin: Canadian Prime Minister, full name Lester B. Pearson, winner of the Noble Peace Prize for coming up with the idea of UN Peacekeepers
USS MacDonald - T3 Galaxy/T5 Celestial - Origin: First Canadian Prime Minister, Full Name Sir John A. MacDonald. Ship was originally a T3 Galaxy, but was exchanged for a T5 Celestial when it came out.
USS Canada - Nomad Class - Origin: Self evident - Main Vessel
USS Dominion - Sovereign Class - Origin: When Canada was founded, it was decided that it's full name was to be "The Dominion of Canada" However in recent years the descriptive "Dominion" has been completely dropped. My original intention was to fly the Dominion and the Canada equally, but i just ended up playing the Canada all the time.
USS Credit River - Danube Class - Origin: Nearest river to my present location.
USS Black Mesa - Miranda Class (decommissioned) & Nebula Class (shiny new ) - cos I think Half-Life (1/Blue Shift/Opposing Force) is one of the best games ever devised.
USS Braben (Nova Class) - after David Braben, creator of the Elite series of space trading games.
USS Hawking (Olympic Class) - after Stephen Hawking.
IKS Da'vI' (Bird Of Prey) - (n) a bird characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior. From Klingon Language Institute ( )
I decided that all my ships would be named after events, places, or people from my home country of Canada.
USS Charlottetown - Shikar Class - Origin: Provincial Capital of Prince Edward Island, Location of the signing of the "BNA Act, 1867" - which would be analogous to Canada's "Declaration of Independence" and her first Constitution. (before anyone asks, I'm a Toronto born and Mississauga raised)
USS Strachan - Excalibar Class - Origin: Bishop John Strachan was an important Anglican Bishop during the early 19th century, who ended up founding 2 Universities (including my alma matter).
USS Pearson - Stargazer Class - Origin: Canadian Prime Minister, full name Lester B. Pearson, winner of the Noble Peace Prize for coming up with the idea of UN Peacekeepers
USS MacDonald - T3 Galaxy/T5 Celestial - Origin: First Canadian Prime Minister, Full Name Sir John A. MacDonald. Ship was originally a T3 Galaxy, but was exchanged for a T5 Celestial when it came out.
USS Canada - Nomad Class - Origin: Self evident - Main Vessel
USS Dominion - Sovereign Class - Origin: When Canada was founded, it was decided that it's full name was to be "The Dominion of Canada" However in recent years the descriptive "Dominion" has been completely dropped. My original intention was to fly the Dominion and the Canada equally, but i just ended up playing the Canada all the time.
USS Credit River - Danube Class - Origin: Nearest river to my present location.
I tend to try to come up with cool, but original names. If not, I just go with cool.
USS Alent <- originated from Ebon Scape, the game I'm designing.
USS Legacy <- A really bad a$$ T5 escort with what I thought to be a bad a$$ name.
USS Ebon Scape <- again, named after the game I'm designing.
USS Blue Horizon <- As original as I could think really. It was for a T3 cruiser in OB... I really liked that T3 Cruiser, and I have to admit, I hate the T4 and T5 Cruisers. They can't turn worth TRIBBLE, it's really hard for me to get some good shots off... I guess that's why I switched to Escorts, different play styles... But I really loved that T3 Cruiser I built in OB, I don't think I'll ever forget it.
USS Phoenix <- A little corny, but I still liked the name. Used it for a dinky T1 ship.
USS Peregrine <- I didn't know there was an actual class until the ship naming contest, still, I liked the name and I used it for my T1 ship after OB.
USS Nova <- It's what I'm planing on using for my next ship, I'm going for Science and trying out that style until season 3.
USS Aegis
Because the saucer section of the Sovereign reminds me a shield(aegis is shield in Greek) and to make sure the military purpose of the ship even in a defensive way,by the principles of the federation.
Just loved the new craft set was named after Aegis,it matches my ship in name and role:cool:.
USS Defalus - All my main ships, the name came from Egosoft's "X2 The Threat", the name was from an Argon Destroyer. It also puts me at number one in google when searching for Defalus - yay.
USS Vinicator - Advanced Escort, Escorts need a kick a@s name and Vindicator rocks
USS Ethos - Long Range Explorer - Saw the name Ethos when looking through a Thesaurus for alternative words to the mundane words. My thesaurus ties Ethos with - philosophy, beliefs, principles, code, character, tenet (formal), attitude, spirit, moral belief.
USS Indefatigable - Assault Cruiser, Indefatigable was the name of an old Royal Navy warship, the name stuck with me and I thought it was apt for my cruiser because no matter what it will fight to the bitter end, that and there is no death penalty.
I tend to be sort of all over the place with inspirations but all my ships have womens names.
U.S.S. Millennia-Advanced Escort, it's a reference to the Leiji Matsumoto anime Queen Millennia.
U.S.S. Euphemia-Tactical Cruiser, named after my Grandmother
U.S.S. Arturia-Currently an Intrepid. I wanted to do something that had an Arthurian influence but I figurd someone was already flying the U.S.S. Gewnevyre.
what does 10-F mean ???
Means the Ten Forward subforum. But he's a little late with that suggestion since this thread has been here for months now.
My latest additions:
My Ferengi character has a cruiser called the USS Noble Greed couldn't resist.
When I bought the excelsior of the C-store I named it the USS Overmars. Thought it sounded cool. It's the last name of a famous dutch football player. Don't care much for football but it was World Cup time then.
There's also a little back story to why this is the Miyaneko-B
The first one (NCC-407000) was an Oberth Class ship destroyed by a Klingon vessle. Miyaneko-A was a Constitution class that made it to decomissioning. Before she was retired however, the Miyaneko-B was constructed and for her test run round the solar system, was escorted by her predesesor.
All Miyaneko's have been captined by someone in my characters family.
My other ships are: red means decommisioned.
Najiko= Japanese for "son of the rainbow" i think. I promices a friend I would name my first ship this.
Seto= after my Fav. Yu-Gi-Oh character.
Ponyo= after a Myazaki character
Howl= same as Ponyo
Totoro= same as Howl
Cave Story= after a freeware PC game
Jenifer Wakemin (Original, A, = after the main character of "My Life as a Teenage Robot" (this is my escorts name)
Edmund Fitzgerald= after the sunken ship
I have a hard time coming up with good ship names, On some I settled for the names because I coulden't come up with better ones..
Tier 2 Saber class - USS Claymore (had to be a sword)
Tier 3 Akira Class - USS Tomahawk (In the Decipher RPG this class had a Native American tribe naming convention)
Tier 4 Defiant Class - USS Katana (I had a Defiant by the same name in SFC3 that I had great fun with)
Tier 5 Dervish Class - USS Scimitar (A tricky one for various reasons but keeping to the middle eastern theme this name seemed to work. It didn't occur to me until later that there had been a romulan ship by the same name.:o)
USS Damascus on the road to Damascus where Paul found Christ.
Engineer- USS Honor Harrington (David Weber's Honor Harrington Series)
Science- USS Suffolk (Cities in Hampton Roads)
Tactical- USS Shiva (Summoned Entities from the Final Fantasy series)
grrrrr, people stealing my ideas!
My ship names are often series. My primary character was originally planned as a 'get to high level and use to fund the toons you really want to play' so fitting with a pseudo-Messianic lifespan. But I actually like playing her so changes need to be made. Her ships are named after important locations in the life of arguably the world's famous sacrificial lamb.
USS Gethsemane - as in 'Garden of'
USS Calvary - traditional acknowledgement of the cruxifixion (it's actually Golgotha but, whatever)
USS Galilee - where Jesus found the first bridge officers.....errr, disciples
USS Nazareth - hometown
USS Damascus - as quoted above (though I wonder if Christ was lost since Saul "found" Him)
USS Judea - Romanized version of the name of the area Jesus was born in. Kinda like a state in today's parlance (Bethlehem of Judea). I chose the Romanized version because the actual name (Judah) is the name of a tribe and I wanted to make the distinction. I'm the son of a theologian. Sue me.
My tactical alt names her ships after prominent warriors in Earth history (Earth due to the influence of Tarania plus the fact that she doesn't feel comfortable using Vulcan warriors for non-Vulcan ships):
USS Boadicea - now known as Boudica (I used the name from the Enya song ), queen of a British tribe who revolted against Roman occupation
USS Zenobia - Syrian queen who revolted against Roman occupation
(future ship) USS Artemisia I - ruler of the Ionians and the only female commander of King Xerxes (yes, that King Xerxes) and commanded five ships in the Battle of Salamis)
(future ship) USS Fu Hao - King Wu Ding of the Shang dynasty's "problem solver" and the only female military general in China at the time. The ambush of the Ba that she designed and commanded was a thing of beauty.
(future ship) USS Ahhotep - one of the most influential figures in the founding of Egypt's 18th dynasty. She was such a fierce and capable warrior that her sons put weapons and items celebrating her prowess in their own tombs (kinda like a 'look how badass my mom was').
(future ship) USS Tamar - Georgian Queen who built the Trebizond Empire commanding her army
Pretty easy to think of ship names for me when I have a theme to work off of.
My federation ships are
The USS Mercury -a galaxy class cruiser retrofit Named for the greatest rockstar ever to of lived, Freddie Mercury.
The USS Victory - a stock fleet escort named for the Flagship of lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, a historic victory of England over the french.
USS Eisenhower-Galaxy Refit- Named for General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War II. He led the all the Allied forces to victory over the TRIBBLE and later became the 34th President of the United States.
USS George Patton-Defiant Refit-Named after General George Smith Patton Jr. Commander of United States Third Army. One of if not the best armored field commanders to ever step upon the battlefield.
USS Omar Bradley-Intrepid Refit- Named for General Omar Bradley Commander of Twelfth United States Army Group. He commanded the American half of the D-Day landings and later commanded much of the American Forces charging across Europe into Germany. He later was promoted to General of the Army and became the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
USS Florida-Galaxy X- No fancy description here, its the state I'm from and live in
My ship is a refit of a past Tactical Escort ship that was destroyed in battle, that is why I added `reborn` in this version. The name Sinistar comes from a horrifying old arcade game that scared the bejesus out of me as a child.
In the Sinistar game you would pilot a spacecraft gathering the only object capable of damaging Sinistar.
While doing so you would get taughted by the menacing voice of Sinistar untill he appeared, chased down your ship and eats it.
No one stands a chance against Sinistar. It is a giant spacecraft eating skull thing that cannot be stopped. It constantly hungers for more, and destroys all in its path.
``I am Sinistar! Beware I LIVE!! Run, run, run!! Beware coward!! RUN coward! RAAWWRR! I Hunger!``
USS 40 Eridani, all-Vulcan crewed DSSV
USS 61 Cygni, all-Tellarite crewed RSV
USS Empress of Indii, all Andorian crewed Dreadnought
"Captain, pattern-recognition subroutines running at 99.9%..."
From the Wheel of Time series, it's the name of Perrin's Power wrought Hammer
USS Delphi: Nebula-class science cruiser, named because I like the sound of it.
USS Raleigh: Luna-class variant experimental recon explorer vessel, named twofold after the capital of my home state and Sir Walter Raleigh.
IKS Skeiron: Bird-of-Prey, named after a minor Greek wind god.
My Nebula is the USS Into the Void. That should be pretty obvious
USS Paramount - Definition: above others in rank or authority; superior in power or jurisdiction.
USS Sentinel - Named after the USAF unmanned aircraft RQ-170
USS Predator - Again named after a USAF unmanned aircraft the MQ-1
USS Akatsuki, Light Cruiser. In japanese, Akatsuki means Dawn or Daybreak
And last but not least.
The USS Saratoga, a canon ship from ST: Movie and ST: DS9 as well as a novel...cause everyone knows that the saratoga is starfleets bish lol.
USS Charlottetown - Shikar Class - Origin: Provincial Capital of Prince Edward Island, Location of the signing of the "BNA Act, 1867" - which would be analogous to Canada's "Declaration of Independence" and her first Constitution. (before anyone asks, I'm a Toronto born and Mississauga raised)
USS Strachan - Excalibar Class - Origin: Bishop John Strachan was an important Anglican Bishop during the early 19th century, who ended up founding 2 Universities (including my alma matter).
USS Pearson - Stargazer Class - Origin: Canadian Prime Minister, full name Lester B. Pearson, winner of the Noble Peace Prize for coming up with the idea of UN Peacekeepers
USS MacDonald - T3 Galaxy/T5 Celestial - Origin: First Canadian Prime Minister, Full Name Sir John A. MacDonald. Ship was originally a T3 Galaxy, but was exchanged for a T5 Celestial when it came out.
USS Canada - Nomad Class - Origin: Self evident - Main Vessel
USS Dominion - Sovereign Class - Origin: When Canada was founded, it was decided that it's full name was to be "The Dominion of Canada" However in recent years the descriptive "Dominion" has been completely dropped. My original intention was to fly the Dominion and the Canada equally, but i just ended up playing the Canada all the time.
USS Credit River - Danube Class - Origin: Nearest river to my present location.
USS Braben (Nova Class) - after David Braben, creator of the Elite series of space trading games.
USS Hawking (Olympic Class) - after Stephen Hawking.
IKS Da'vI' (Bird Of Prey) - (n) a bird characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior. From Klingon Language Institute ( )
USS Raven - for the two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, that Odin sent out each day to bring him news of the world.
+1 for Canadian brother
USS Alent <- originated from Ebon Scape, the game I'm designing.
USS Legacy <- A really bad a$$ T5 escort with what I thought to be a bad a$$ name.
USS Ebon Scape <- again, named after the game I'm designing.
USS Blue Horizon <- As original as I could think really. It was for a T3 cruiser in OB... I really liked that T3 Cruiser, and I have to admit, I hate the T4 and T5 Cruisers. They can't turn worth TRIBBLE, it's really hard for me to get some good shots off... I guess that's why I switched to Escorts, different play styles... But I really loved that T3 Cruiser I built in OB, I don't think I'll ever forget it.
USS Phoenix <- A little corny, but I still liked the name. Used it for a dinky T1 ship.
USS Peregrine <- I didn't know there was an actual class until the ship naming contest, still, I liked the name and I used it for my T1 ship after OB.
USS Nova <- It's what I'm planing on using for my next ship, I'm going for Science and trying out that style until season 3.
USS Panzer - Fleet Escort - Origin: German light tank
Because the saucer section of the Sovereign reminds me a shield(aegis is shield in Greek) and to make sure the military purpose of the ship even in a defensive way,by the principles of the federation.
Just loved the new craft set was named after Aegis,it matches my ship in name and role:cool:.
USS Vinicator - Advanced Escort, Escorts need a kick a@s name and Vindicator rocks
USS Ethos - Long Range Explorer - Saw the name Ethos when looking through a Thesaurus for alternative words to the mundane words. My thesaurus ties Ethos with - philosophy, beliefs, principles, code, character, tenet (formal), attitude, spirit, moral belief.
USS Indefatigable - Assault Cruiser, Indefatigable was the name of an old Royal Navy warship, the name stuck with me and I thought it was apt for my cruiser because no matter what it will fight to the bitter end, that and there is no death penalty.
U.S.S. Millennia-Advanced Escort, it's a reference to the Leiji Matsumoto anime Queen Millennia.
U.S.S. Euphemia-Tactical Cruiser, named after my Grandmother
U.S.S. Arturia-Currently an Intrepid. I wanted to do something that had an Arthurian influence but I figurd someone was already flying the U.S.S. Gewnevyre.
as in sir walter, It's a cruiser so i wanted a name that reflected exploration
Because USS Batman was pushing it.:p