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origin of your ship name



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    U.S.S Ally -in the hopes of confusing the Klingons

    I.K.S. Klee'Tus -I thought it was funny at the time

    These are alts ...
    On my main toon ...

    U.S.S. Longsword -My Star Cruiser - my ship of personal preference.

    U.S.S Broadsword -My TacRetrofit Cuiser - my cruiser I have to use because it's so much better.

    U.S.S Viper -My Fleet Escort - just sounds cool.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Ascension - Excelsior - Ascended from the grave for a new era

    USS Cerberus - Assault Cruiser - To protect the Federation just like Cerberus protected Styx

    USS Pegasus - Star Cruiser - Named after Battlestar Pegasus. My char is named Caine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The galaxy class ship that Benjamin Dawson commanded and appeared in the backround in a few DS9 episodes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Main: U.S.S. Evangelion, from.....well, the Evangelion anime series/movies.

    A subtle acknowledgement that even in star trek, individuals are weak beings, but with great perseverance they can overcome almost anything.

    Alt: U.S.S. Seraphim, highest order of angels. This ship is a sovereign class, so i named it as a variation of the non-canon sovereign U.S.S. Archangel.

    Klingon: I.K.S. Hegh'tah, err......well came out of the random generator.....my klingon vocabulary is limited to the glossary at the back of the Gorkon series novels...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Far from his world in the Delta Quadrant, Rockairee has dedicated his Starship's titles
    for things related to his part of the galaxy, and some for this quadrant.....

    Flagship: USS Myopic Shift (relating to the anomaly that marooned him in the Alpha Quadrant
    Tier 5 Excelsior class Heavy Cruiser Retrofit

    Cruiser Class Vessels: USS Alpha Male (the name says it all)
    Assualt Cruiser
    USS Tunosian Sunset (named for the spectacular view on his home planet)
    USS Anadall (Name relating to my Real-life spouse)
    Star Cruiser
    USS Mustang (named for my favorite Fender Guitar)
    Light Cruiser

    Tactical Vessels: USS Tunosian Crush (named for his planet and the result of his assault)
    Advanced Escort
    USS Assimilate This (again, the name says it all)
    Fleet Escort Retrofit

    Science Vessels: USS Omega Directive (dedicated to a favorite Voyager episode)
    Reconnaissance Science Vessel
    USS Tarthis (named for the system of his home planet "Tunosia")
    Nebula Class Retrofit
    USS Omega Molecule (named for 7 of 9's view of perfection)
    Long Range Science Vessel

    And the rest is history, see you out there.........................................Vice Admiral Rockairee out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Nevermore - T5 Fleet Escort Ship for my latest character: Engineer/Tac Ship captain. Named after watching that video on Youtube of John De Lancie reading "The Raven". It seemed so apropos.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My main character is a human science officer (based on me, living it up in the 25th century) has commanded the following ships:

    USS Magellan - Centaur/Miranda/Shirkahr hybrid. My first ship and it needed a name. I realised that the name I wanted could only be carried through each ship by putting -A or something unique on the end of it, so decided the 'hero name' I was after would be saved for later in the game. Magellan was a generic choice, based on the Portuguese explorer.

    USS Enigma - Excalibur class (with Constitution neck & pylons). A name I had used in a previous Babylon 5 universe I had imagined. Based off of the coding device from WWII and the 20th century 'music project'.

    USS Thunderbird - Akira/Oslo class hybrid. Based on the Gerry Anderson sci-fi series and also as one of the famous Akira class ships from First Contact was named Thunderchild (albeit from The War of the Worlds), I figured there could be a whole fleet of Akira type ships named based on the 'Thunder' theme including Thunderflash, Thunderstreak, Thunderchief, which also pays tribute to some awesome aircraft from Earth's 20th century.

    USS Tempest - Galaxy class. Named after a storm, much like Typhoon and Hurricane. Another tribute back to a WWII fighter plane as well.

    USS Conquest - Sovereign class. This is my ships 'hero name', finally realised on my favourite class of ship. Conquest does carry some connotations of war but I have always reasoned that the name was designed to be in an explorative context of Earth's conquest of the stars. Conquest comes from a Trek universe I had previously imagined, with the Conquest originally named Explorer.

    For my new Caitian Tactical Officer:

    USS Montana - Shirkahr class. The initial ship used in the STO Tutorial. Named after the launch site of the Phoenix and where First Contact took place in 2063.

    USS Liberty - Constitution class. My characters story tells that he was born in the Mirror Universe in the 23rd century and through an anomaly was transported forward to the prime universe in 2408. The Liberty is my character's ship from the Mirror Universe which he retakes command of in 2409 :)

    In the future as I level my Tactical Officer I've planned he'll command the Enigma (from above) and possibly the Tempest either in its normal Galaxy class or perhaps as a Dreadnought.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Each of my characters have their ship's named for members of the US Air Force.

    My tactical officer's are based on key Generals.
    My engineer's are based on TACPs that have died in the line of duty.
    My science's are based on Pararescuemen that have died in the line of duty.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My sci main:
    T1: USS Stormchaser
    TOS Constitution: USS Redoubtable
    T2 Escort: USS Ad Astra (Latin for "to the stars")
    T2 Science: USS Leonard H McCoy

    My Tac alt
    T1: USS Ticonderoga (only because I like the way it sounds)
    TOS Constitution: USS Vimy Ridge
    T2 Cruiser: USS Indomitable

    My Klingon Eng alt:
    T1: IKS Qo'nosDaj SuvwI' (Warrior of Kronos)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Argo as it was the famous ship of heros from greek mythology and has a constellation in the sky meaning i am out exploring those stars. thought it was a cool name at the time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    These are just a few that I've used on my 4 FED. Characters so far...

    USS Schenectady
    It's where I live, so I name all of my T-1 Light Cruisers this one.

    USS Thunderbird
    Because I loved that show as a kid and also because my Uncle was a pilot on the Air Force Thunderbird Team, stationed in Jersey many years ago

    USS Galaxy Star
    Just because I like the sound of it.

    USS Star Dragon
    Again,... Just because I like the sound of it.

    USS Ticonderoga
    It's a Fort here in NY State up near Canada.

    USS Marco Polo
    That's the name on my LRSV refit. It just seemed appropriate for a vessel that is supposed to be way out on the frontier of Federation space.

    USS Jim Thorpe
    This is what I named my Runabout, because it's fast and agile just like this guy was in every sport he competed in.

    USS Dragonfly
    I named my Research Science vessel this cause I used the bug-eye front end, and that's just what it looks like to me.

    My one Klingon character is currently flying the "I.K.S. Mah'Duj Hegh" which roughly translates to:

    " We Are, the Vessel of Death"

    I'm about to use...

    USS Serendipity
    I'm working on a brand new FED Engineering Character with Cruiser's. I'm hoping that this one will give me better luck in getting rare drops when I get to my T-2 Connie. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    As someone who owns the updated Star Trek Encyclopedia, the Franz Joseph Starfleet Technical Manual, a copy of Ships of the Star Fleet 2290-2291, damn near every Trek novel published in the 1990s, and two bookcases full of 20th-century European history books, I am basically never short of decent names. The following are the ones I've used for my current sci Saurian character.

    USS Tashkent, Shi'Kar class Light Cruiser

    I always like to use names from Russian and Soviet history, and this one is named after the current capital of Uzbekistan (and former rest stop on the Silk Road).

    USS Mantell, Nova class Science Vessel

    A little joke on my part, the Mantell is named after the 19th century English geologist and paleontoligist Gideon Mantell, whose main claim to fame was discovering the dinosaur Iguanadon (cuz, you see, dinosaurs and Saurians, dur hur hur).

    USS Brian Aldiss, Stargazer class Heavy Cruiser

    I didn't really like the designs of the research science vessels, so I went with a heavy cruiser. The name's another joke on my part; most ships in Trek named after SF authors are named after American authors from the golden age of John W. Campbell and the pulps, so I thought it'd be kinda funny to name a ship after someone from the British New Wave, particularly someone who wasn't a fan of TOS back when it was originally airing. Thankfully, Aldiss is a kickass author, so I can forgive him his human failings.

    USS Pathfinder, Intrepid class Long Range Science Vessel

    This is a shout-out to the USS Pathfinder that appeared in the Shatnerverse novel Preserver. (Yes, I read the Shatnerverse. I know it's basically Kirk****, but there are some cool ideas hidden away in those books.) It seemed like a great name for an Intrepid class ship.

    USS Marignano, Oracle class Deep Space Science Vessel

    My pride and joy, this ship is a reference to a ship in the awesome TNG novel Intellivore that had the sort of backstory you'd expect a DSSV to have; lots of time out on its own, wandering through the cosmos exploring stuff, but with enough engine and weapon power to look after itself.

    USS Thuban, Polaris class Reconnaissance Science Vessel

    I'd originally named this ship the Iapetus, after the moon of Saturn, before deciding to redo the hull into a Polaris class one. Since the Luna class went with a lunar naming theme, I figured that the Polaris class used a stellar naming theme. After a quick trawl through Wikipedia star name list, I chose "Thuban" after discovering it translates from Arabic into "snake" (reptiles hurr durr). A few days later, a little further research reminded me that Thuban is a star in the constellation Draco that, thanks to galactic evolution, actually was the North Star about half a million years ago. Totally unintentional, but I really like the name.

    USS Pathfinder II, Intrepid class Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit

    What can I say? I really like the name. It's also a memorial to the original Pathfinder from Preserver, which came to a tragic end after body-slamming the planet Halkan.

    It's a long story.

    USS Kronstadt, Sovereign/Imperial hybrid class Assault Cruiser

    Part of my lamentable attempts to fit out a cruiser to handle combat in B'Tran, this one's named after the famous Russian naval base in the Baltic. It's basically a Sovereign hull with the Imperial neck pod sticking out where the main shuttlebay was. Depending on my mood, I say it's part of an prototype ECM system that was never widely implemented in the fleet, or it's the Federation's biggest heat sink (on the plus side, the ship's holodecks can run Crysis at 60 FPS).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Helios, greek sungod, it just seemed to rly fit to my nebula class. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Newst ship. The USS Lewis and Clark. Famous Explorers
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Shank: Shanks was a guild on the Vallon Zek server in Everquest.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    U.S.S. Vostok

    U.S.S Buran

    K.D.F. Zvezda
    "Star" in Russian.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Most of my fed ship names come from people or places from Texas history because lets face it, Texas is pretty much awesome. My Vo'Quv is the I.K.S. Unrelenting in honor of my favorite ship from Escape Velocity Nova.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Crow_Splat wrote:
    Most of my fed ship names come from people or places from Texas history because lets face it, Texas is pretty much awesome. My Vo'Quv is the I.K.S. Unrelenting in honor of my favorite ship from Escape Velocity Nova.

    Kudos on the EVN reference. Sad that ev-nova.net died.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Thanks Pougan! One of my old roommates turned me on to EVN several years back and I must have played through every storyline at least 5 times. Think I might name my Kar'fi the Thunderhead or whatever the final ship of the auroran story was called!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Most of my ships are named after areas in the UP where I live I have too many ships to conveniently list though.



    St Ignace





    Pretty sure you get the idea
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My Latest ship name; IKS Unvanquished.

    Honestly, I got it from Caprica. Name of the twelfth episode, thought it sounded cool.

    Curse SyFy for canceling it. And changing it's name from Sci-fi to SyFy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Poseidon-A
    Sovereign Class

    It's the name of the first (and only) Star Trek forum RP ship that I played on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I named mine the USS Rijeka (pronounced ree-YAY-kuh). It's a city in Croatia, where my mom has spent the last decade or so teaching English. She said Rijeka was her favorite city there, and I've become good friends with a few people from there as well.

    When they heard that I named my ship after their city, they were so happy -- even my mother, who sadly had to retire from going overseas due to a heart condition.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    My Sovereign is named the Randy White, after the Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor/Football Hall of Famer. All the ships on my engineer toon are named after Ring of Honor inductees.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Shummy wrote:
    My Sovereign is named the Randy White, after the Dallas Cowboys Ring of Honor/Football Hall of Famer. All the ships on my engineer toon are named after Ring of Honor inductees.

    If this were a Facebook post, it would say Sanford likes this and have a thumbs-up icon.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Captain Iria Tru'Keng(Vice Admiral)
    Current Command
    U.S.S. Delia Excelsior Class(Lakota Refit)
    Served onboard during the Dominion War as Chief Engineer
    Past Command
    U.S.S. Ambassador NX-910521-B Sovereign Class
    U.S.S. Shawee Saber Class

    Vice Admiral Josh
    Current Command
    U.S.S. Bismarck Excelsior Class(Bismarck Refit)from Star Trek Starfleet Command
    Past Command
    U.S.S. Carcass Sovereign Class
    U.S.S. Calombia Miranda Class

    Yes I do RP
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Decided to go for my federation fleet ships, all ladies names, mostly from greek mythology, and always ending in "a", except for my escort....

    USS ATHENA = goddess of wisdom and war
    USS CORTANA = cool blue AI from Halo
    USS HERA = mother of the gods, wife of Zeus
    USS AGATHA = Patron saint of my Church
    USS PANDORA= in greek mythology, the first woman created, with her box of bad stuff in it, except for "hope"
    USS ANNA = after my grandma
    USS DEFENDER = obvious

    since I am part of a mirror universe fleet, I have some spare ships for that, with appropiate paint jobs...(generally what I imagine the mirror verse to be like, is "the Clans, and their ways" from the battletech /mechwarrior universe....

    ISS Turkina's Pryde = Flagship of Clan Jade Falcon, capital ship of the 3rd Falcon Talon Cluster
    ISS Falcon's Prey = again themed after Clan Jade Falcon, but instead of 3067ad, its in dark age 3143ad....

    ISS Marthe Pryde (under construction) = the best Falcon leader, in my book
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Take this TRIBBLE to 10-F
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~GM Tiyshen
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    USS Bad Romance - I Think you can guess where that is from.

    USS Valentine - My RL last name

    USS Terra Externa - Attack featured in RPG Eternal Sonata

    USS Nimbostratus - A type of cloud, also featured as an attack in Eternal Sonata

    USS Sepharim - A type of angel, highest chorus of Angels

    USS Malificent Harm - An attack from RPG Valkyrie Profile

    USS Fredick Chopin - Named after a famous Polish composer

    USS Imperium - The Latin word for "Empire"

    IKS Federation - Just to annoy Klingons

    IKS Starfleet - Just to annoy Klingons

    IKS Dominion - Named because of my Vorta character
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