We're looking for ACTIVE STO players and experienced RP'ers to join in.
If you like to team up with experienced players on STO and/or like to participate in Star Trek RP.... well then head over to the Lotus Fleet. Our new RP season is just starting now... so if you hurry up we can beam you aboard in the nick of time!
Come visit and apply to our very detailed Starfleet Academy and complete a series of specialized Star Trek related courses. You will receive a diploma if/when you graduate!
So... don't miss out on the available opportunities and the fun.... come and join us!
Hey there Starfleet Officers... there is quite a variety of RP activity and opportunity within the Lotus Fleet.
The stories are creative and true to Star Trek lore and cannon, yet often expand on ideas, events, characters, technology, etc...
If you always wanted to be an active Starfleet Officer aboard a Starship serving in a specific department... well then look no further.
The crew of the USS Phoenix is already aboard and preparing for the opening ceremony and subsequent launch of this newest federation starship.
The USS Horizon, the flagship of the fleet, is beginning its RP story tomorrow.
There are available positions on each ship for those that like to be involved in Star Trek RP.
Looking for Events to participate in? Well... in Sorripto's capable hands there are Events to participate in throughout a given week. You can check out our weekly thread of upcoming events and also check out the monthly calendar as well. There is even a thread available for you to put in a request for an Event or to even host an Event yourself or with a teammate.
We have members in STO virtually everyday. STO players looking for a Fleet are encouraged to look around our active website... sign in... post a message in the Shoutbox... then watch and see all of the members that will appear to greet you. This is probably one of the most organized yet fun fleets that you will find, but we really want to add more active STO players to our fleet! Do you like to lead Missions and STFs? Then come and join in. We would love to add you to our team!
Our Starbase and Embassy are well underway and progressing daily & weekly.
We are NOT a massive fleet filled with anonymous members. Instead, we all interact with each other in-game, through the website, and through RP. We use Skype for messages and actual conversations, and TeamSpeak 3 for official and unofficial meetings, in addition to PMs and email.
In other words, we are known individuals among the fleet and with each other. The more you participate then the better you will be known and appreciated... just like in the real world.
Here are some thoughts from Fleet XO Kheren regarding RP:
"The greatest fun of RP, be it in forum form as here or the more classical tabletop format or even LARP (Live Action Role Playing), is to build an imaginary personality and biography and make it a moving part of an ongoing story, with main plot elements (like finding a solution to the plot) as well as little details on the side (like things from personal flashbacks to thoughts, dreams. personal logs etc).
Our Lotus Fleet Star Trek roleplaying format is most ideal for this: instead of having random individualistic and unrelated characters haphazardly meeting in a tavern for some supposedly common goal (the classic ''starting dungeon set up''), we have dedicated and similarly focused characters (Starfleet officers) not only working towards the same overall goal (serving the Federation and its ideals through Starfleet) but each having a definite and crucial role within the story (starship rank and duty) and, most of all, a believable and implicit reason to be together and work together.
Sorripto tells us he knows about engineering, science and Trek and use this knowledge to contribute to the story; I am also a lifetime Trekker with knowledge in martial arts, History and sciences: this allows us both to enrich stories through our characters and thus build fun for ourselves by sharing what we love, and thus the fun, with all, players and readers alike.
But such extra knowledge is NOT mandatory for both fun and meaningful contribution: this is the computer age. Anyone can become a Trek expert and a credible-sounding tactician, historian, engineer, doctor or scientist in minutes, at least enough to RP one. The internet provides all the information you might want to write interesting posts with just a few clicks. Just using things like Memory Alpha and Wikipedia will instantly provide ideas and content for posts in a Star Trek story.
Writer's block in LF Star Trek RP is the easiest thing to break : the setting is well established already; then, take your job description (i.e. security), take the plot (i.e. rescue operation) or even just the ship (i.e. tactical sensors), look something up relevant to one (i.e. Memory Alpha: Ambassador class starship) or the other (i.e. Wikipedia: naval rescue operations) or both (i.e. watch some relevant Trek episode) and write it down as your character would say and do it (i.e. ex-convict Andorian shen soldier hard at reforming herself). Et voila! Instant quality post!
Star Trek is richly detailed and expansively developed. It talks about RL science, projected technology and the Human experience (even if you are playing an alien: you're still talking about the human experience but from a specific imaginary angle). Much easier to talk about than some undefined ''magic,'' anachronistic equipment (bola-using druid...) and weird imaginary creatures (what's a Merrow? How does it think, feel? what does it want, do, cope with? etc).
By assuming a specific role in one starship crew, LF RP allows the easiest, most convenient and believable setting for RP. Moreover, the established Starfleet rank structure is easily transposed as, not just some imaginary ''XP points'', but actual goals and rewards for the player as well as their character: through successive stories, the character rises in rank, build both RP experience and character experience, personality, relationships and history until ready to captain a ship (lead a RP story as GM) and bring other players into the fun... or, like Spock, keep to his specific field and become '' the best First officer in Lotus Fleet and best science officer in Starfleet'', as one might prefer.
Below is an observation from one of our members that I'd like to share with everyone.
"I have been playing MMOs for many years. Everything you can think of from Everquest I & II, Matrix Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, CoH, CoV, Champions, Tabula Rosa, and many more. In each one of these I have had a strong guild that supported its members. Guilds that would watch over new recruits and all the while allowing members to grow and explore on their own. This was the especially the case in SWG, MXO, and LOTRO.
I set about looking for a guild that would be as supportive and cool as the ones I had known in other MMOs when Star Trek Online was getting closer to going live. And, I found one, Lotus Fleet!
My Fleet experience started with a crash course in Lotus Fleet Starfleet Academy! Lotus Fleet Academy is the training and education division of Lotus Fleet. The Academy is free and open to anyone and everyone who wishes to learn about Star Trek with no commitment to join. What a great way, I thought, to immerse yourself in Star Trek knowledge and lore. After The Academy I joined the Fleet as a full member and have enjoyed it everyday since then. We are serious with our guild jobs and serious about having fun when we play! Our RP Department has a strong presence in our fleet. Although RPing is not required at any level, the choice is yours. Being former military myself, I have notice a strong work ethic in the Fleet that seems to come from some of our former military members; I certainly welcome and appreciate this attitude. It is a very well organized guild and allows members to contribute as much or as little as they want. I have seen nothing but great attitudes, laughs, Star Trek fandom, and gaming expertise, with no drama!
If you find that after checking out our website http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php that you are interested our Fleet. Please give a PM and one of us will be more than happy to assist you in anyway we can.
We are a great group of guys and gals (a lot of us are seasoned gamers) that have tons of experience with MMOs and a love of Star Trek."
There you go folks... an inspiring impression of the Lotus Fleet from a member.
I find after a quick tour of my new posting as Chief Engineer aboard the USS Phoenix, Lotus Fleets new Avenger class ship, that the CSO has been installing a new astrometrics computer on deck three. Nothing wrong with that, but her crew had tapped for power into the EPS conduits feeding the shield emitters. I had to shut that operation down ASAP and call in some of my own engineering crew to get that installation properly hooked up. Have not run into the CSO yet, but when I find her ....
Later, I happened to share a lift to the bridge with our chief Tac/Sec officer, Commander Vincent. Seemed an amicable human, and we parted without much ado. Toured the bridge then. Man, that is twice the size of the Spectre's bridge, my old ship. That is where I found that Captain Syntron and the XO, Commander Josh Riker, were down in main engineering. Probably looking for me. I had better get a move on.
Have not met the doc yet, but him being Deltan, I guess he'll be prodding me shortly. No telling what them med's like to schedule before launching a new ship. And I haven't run across our chief of operations either, now that I think of it. Mr. Jureth is an accomplished Lotus fleet officer with impressive credentials brought over from the USS Artemis. He'll be quite capable.
Every time I cross by a view port, I see the new USS Horizon ... or soon-to-be anyway. Her commissioning ceremony is coming up soon and then her and the Phoenix will be setting off on our maiden voyages. And that is where the adventure begins anew.
Well, best go find the captain before he keel-hauls me.
End log.
Commander Rogers stepped into the turbo lift and ordered it to main engineering, thirteen deck below.
If you are looking for an engaging Star Trek experience within a fleet then look no further.
Scroll up to the earlier posts on this page to learn about our Starfleet Academy, RP department or the forums on our main site.
Then stop on in a pay us a visit. If you like what you see, then you can request a course key and sign up for our Trek-filled academy.
Your course selection will be based on your area of interest... generally such as tactical, engineering or science, but with more specific specializations.
In the Lotus Fleet we'd like to acknowledge Fleet members that have stepped-up to apply, be interviewed, and then chosen to a specific division position. It is the work taken on and completed by such members in all divisions that allow the Lotus fleet to not only continue, but thrive.
First up... I would like to congratulate newly promoted Lieutenant Junior Grade Decatur as he steps into his new position as our Tier 2 Newsletter Writer in the Command Division.
He already has exciting ideas germinating for this issue and will work under RAdm Jureth toward completing and presenting our upcoming Lotus Fleet Newsletter; the first since our arrival to our new home.
There is lots of activity going on in RP aboard the Fleet starships and we have a rendezvous with the Crystalline Entity this Sunday @ 4:00pm EST.
Check it out for yourself to see if this is a fleet you could thrive in:
The Lotus Fleet RP is almost ready to start the USS Horizon commissioning ceremony. And it will prove to be one heck of a party afterwards. Hopefully Commander Rogers will not beam in sans uniform again.:rolleyes:
Also, the newest nanotechnology will be implemented on the USS Phoenix during her maiden voyage from Star Base 10. Let us also hope that these little bugger's don't get away from Lieutenant(jg) Decatur and compromise the ship.
Join us as our two newest star ships launch to explore the Hromi sector and keep the peace between the Romulan and Klingon border's.
For those of you out there who are still looking for "THE" fleet, and browsing threads here and there, I would like to say that we have quite the immersive RP experience awaiting you. Sign up today, enjoy a wonderful Academy where you can refresh your Star Trek knowledge, pick up new facts, and get a handsome Starfleet diploma for your efforts... perfectly suitable for framing. :-)
From there, it's a simple process to sign up for our RP! Once you've graduated and you're approved, you'll immediately have the opportunity to register and apply for a position on one of our currently two fully player-staffed RP ships, or if you choose, a notable position aboard our Starbase. Either way, you will find your PC immediately implemented in places where your character's actions and deeds matter. The level of your character's immersion and contributions are entirely up to you. There are no small roles.
In addition, we offer fleet resources that only a well organized and close-knit fleet can:
Lotus Fleet is actually composed of three fully-integrated sites:
Forum: includes a community hub, info about games, RP, Fleet HQ, Creation Corner, website info, Admin, and a Calendar, plus a side bar of links to help new members: Get started with LF, LF Academy, RP, Events, Fleet positions, support and Teamspeak. Plus an active Shoutbox! :-)
(Note: I'll continue with additional specific details about the fleet in an upcoming post)
Meanwhile, there is a Fleet Meeting tonight 5-14-2013 at 9:00 pm (Eastern) on Teamspeak 3.
Here is a rundown on available courses in the Lotus Fleet Academy:
Course categories
Year One
Engineering 101
Medical 101
Science 101
General Education
Starfleet Vessels
Helm & Navigation
Lotus Fleet Code of Conduct
Uniforms & Insignias
The Prime Directive
STO 101
STO 100
Early Starfleet History
Species Profile and Recognition 101
Introduction to the Federation
Command Profile: James T. Kirk
Command Structure of Starfleet
RP 101 - Introduction to Roleplay
Year Two
Engineering 200
Engineering 201
Engineering 202
Medical 201
Counseling 101
CMO Profile: Dr. Crusher
CMO Profile: Dr Pulaski
Counselor Profile: Deanna Troi
Science 201
Science 202
Science 203
STO 200
Security 201
Security 202
Security 203
Security 204
General Education
STO 201- Helm and Navigation
Starfleet Security and Threats to the Federation
Starship Operations
Treaties and Diplomacy
Species Profile and Recognition 102
Modern Starfleet History
Command Profile: Jean-Luc Picard
RP 201 - Starship RP
Year Three
Engineering 301
Engineering 302
Engineering 303
Engineering 304
Medical 301
Medical 302
CMO Profile: Dr. Bashir
CMO Profile: The Doctor/EMH
Science 301
Science 302
Science 303
Tactical 200
Tactical 301
Tactical 302
General Education
Basic Stellar Cartography
Cryptic Path to 2409
History 300
Command Profile: Kathryn Janeway
Temporal Studies
Species Profile and Recognition 103
Command Profile: Benjamin Sisko
Year Four
Engineering 401
Engineering 402
Engineering 403
Medical 401
Medical 402
CMO Profile: Dr. McCoy
CMO Profile: Dr Phlox
Science 401
Science 402
Science 403
Science 404
Science 405
Security 401
Tactical 402
Tactical 403
General Education
STO 400
Survival Training
Away Team Role-playing Simulation
Kobayashi Maru RP Sim
The Q Continuum
The Borg
Command Profile: Jonathan Archer
Species Profile and Recognition 104
Advanced School
Year 1
Advanced Engineering 501
There is also Command School for those individuals that have proven their dedication serving in positions beyond graduation, and are subsequently nominated to attend by a senior officer.
Those that graduate Command School are then eligible to apply and be interviewed/placed in higher level positions within the fleet.
As you can see here, this is quite an extensive offering for those that truly love Star Trek and are willing and inspired to join a fleet that has a well-rounded and dedicated membership.
Next up: Additional information about our Roleplaying department.
I first discovered Lotus Fleet 5 years ago when I found their Academy. That is when I also found out this fleet was truly a well-built community in love with Star Trek and serious about it and sharing that love with the larger community.
As for the Academy itself, which is open to anyone, regardless of joining the fleet or not or being a member or not, I will quote one former member:
Personnel section- includes a crew manifest for each department on the starbase and the fleet starships.
A Tab of Stories- includes current and past posts/threads, personal logs and complete RP stories.
Specification- For those with a love for details... well they are all mapped out here: Details about each ship layout- deck-by-deck, department divisions, ship dimensions-speed, personnel, quarters, facilities, rooms, weapons and defense systems, security protocols, etc...
RP Awards- Given for contributions and participation.
Here is the current list of awards that can be earned (except for previous participation awards):
RP Legend
For serving in Role Play for 25 episodes.
RP Specialist
For serving in Role Play for 20 episodes.
RP Professional
For serving in Role Play for 15 episodes.
RP Veteran
For serving in Role Play for 10 episodes.
RP Master
For serving in Role Play for 5 episodes.
JOC Participant
Participated in a Junior Officer Cruise to the satisfaction of the RP Admin or RP Member assisting in the journey.
Senior Mission Specialist
Has had 5 suggested detailed mission outlines made in to RP Episodes.
Mission Specialist
Has had 3 suggested detailed mission outlines made in to RP Episodes.
Junior Mission Specialist
Has had 1 suggested detailed mission outline made into RP Episode.
Maiden Voyage
Participated in the first mission of the USS Lotus.
Participated in the first mission of the USS McKenzie.
Captive Starbase
Participated in the first mission of the Starbase 10.
Wrong Place Wrong Time
Participated in the first mission of the USS Alsea.
Lament of the Missing
Participated in the first mission of the USS Spectre.
Before the Storm
Participated in the first mission of the USS Artemis.
Borg War
Participated in the first joint RP Fleet Action, The Borg War.
Azimuth Horizon Crusade
Participated in the second joint RP Fleet Action, Azimuth Horizon: Crusade.
Details of Awards:
Character Sacrifice
For those who have paid a high or ultimate sacrifice of his or her RP character in order to improve and enhance the story creatively, including, but not limited to, dishonorable discharge, imprisonment, or death.
Starfleet Command Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct while in a position of command.
Starfleet Engineers Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to engineering and construction.
Starfleet Science Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to non-medical sciences.
Starfleet Tactical Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to tactical and security.
Starfleet Medical Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritous conduct in relation to medical sciences.
Starfleet Medal of Honor
One of Starfleet's highest commendations. It recognized valor and bravery in action above and beyond the call of duty.
Starfleet Medal of Commendation
An award bestowed upon Starfleet personnel for conspicuous acts of valor and heroism.
Prentares Ribbon of Commendation
An award presented to Starfleet personnel who show a talent for leadership during the most difficult situations.
Temporal Ribbon of Excellence
For outstanding conduct in diffusing a temporal situation or anomaly with the successful resolution of maintaining the time line, while adhering to Starfleet morals and regulations. The award shall remain classified.
Lotus Fleet Medal of Distinction
A medal given by Lotus Fleet in recognition of outstanding achievement.
Star Cross
A medal awarded to members of Starfleet for distinguished actions.
Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry
An award declaring an act of particular heroism by a member of Starfleet.
Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry
A medal given to Starfleet officers who show extreme bravery in the line of duty.
Karagite Order of Heroism
In recognition of a significant act of bravery, heroism, or self-sacrifice above and beyond duty.
Christopher Pike Medal of Valor
A prestigious medal awarded to Starfleet officers in recognition of remarkable leadership, meritorious conduct and acts of personal bravery.
Jonathan Archer Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in specific situations of exploration and scientific discovery, or helping in establishing new rules and policies according to the ideals of the Federation.
James T. Kirk Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in colonization or humanitarian missions and rescue operations specifically, with a display of high regard for morality and the sanctity of sentient life.
Jean-Luc Picard Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in colonization or humanitarian missions and rescue operations specifically, with a display of high regard for morality and the sanctity of sentient life.
Jean-Luc Picard Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in first contact and diplomatic situations specifically, and showing exemplary conduct regarding Starfleet and Federation ideals, rules, and regulations.
Benjamin Sisko Medal of Valor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in strategic/tactical situations or in declared times of war; such action directly contributing to major success in such difficult times.
Kathryn Janeway Medal of Valor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership when out of contact with Starfleet, or without any available support, for an extended period and still upholding Starfleet rules and Federation ideals.
Starfleet Medal of Valor
An award given to officers for the display of devotion to their duty and the show of valor.
Starfleet Award for Valor
A decoration issued by Starfleet for a display of valor.
Legion of Honor
A commendation given by Starfleet to honorable Starfleet members.
Lotus Fleet Medal of Diplomacy
A medal given to Lotus Fleet officers in recognition of diplomatic achievement.
Starfleet Silver Palm
A medal for valor presented to deserving Starfleet personnel who demonstrated diplomacy in the most volatile of times.
Cochrane Medal of Excellence
A prestigious medal awarded to Starfleet engineers in recognition of outstanding feats within the fields of Engineering and Science.
Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor
A prestigious medal awarded on Vulcan in recognition of an individual's accomplishments in theoretical science.
Daystrom Award
A prestigious medal awarded in recognition of extraordinary progress in applied science.
Starfleet Surgeon's Decoration
For significant achievement and progress in medical research and practice.
Grankite Order of Tactics
An award given to Starfleet officers for creating an effective battle tactic.
I am happy to announce that the first issue of Lotus Fleet's official newsletter has arrived!! This issue focuses on Legacy of Romulus as well as Lotus Fleet RP plus an interview with Fleet Admiral Kheren!
Lotus Fleet is proud to announce the re-launch of it's own LFN ... Lotus Fleet News.
During our transition over the last year or so, we had to store our news letter in the pattern buffer while we re-organized and then launched on our new website.
Now, LFN has re-emerged out of the transporter! Under the guidance of LFN Editor R. Adm. Jureth, with the capable assistance of staff writer Lt.(jg) Decatur, the news letter has graced our pages.
Read the interview with our (acting) Fleet Admiral Kheren. He has interesting ... and perhaps controversial(?) ... comments on the state of Star Trek; Televised, In-game and on the big screen.
Read a synopsis of the 'next generation' of Fleet role play ships; USS Horizon and USS phoenix.
Read about today's release of the Legacy of Romulus expansion in Star Trek Online, and our staff's take on the Tribble testing they undertook on our behalf to bring you their insights.
But most of all ... read!
Captain BLZBUB,
Fleet Recruitment and Retention Director
Just gaze back at all of the info on the previous posts and you can see that we have quite an extensive offering for those that truly love Star Trek and are willing and inspired to join a fleet that has a well-rounded and dedicated membership.
If you are looking for an amazing fleet with fun, knowledgeable, involved, helpful, and clever members... well then look no further before you checkout the Lotus Fleet.
One of the reasons that this is an exclusive fleet is that you must go through Starfleet Academy, and PASS your classes to be eligible to join. Some of you may be thinking, hey that sounds like too much work... well... are you Star Trek fans or not????
One of the advantages in this fleet is that members must WORK, LEARN, THINK, and TEST their skills and knowledge just to become a member. As a result, we have a fleet of very dedicated and involved members who each play a role in the fleet: based on their interests and initiative. We don't have just a huge number of uninvolved members that come and go; instead we have a core of involved Lotus Fleet members that are welcoming and involved!
For example, we go on fleet episodes and missions together (using TeamSpeak3 to communicate), craft specific items, members are involved in creating some great role playing stories: we hold a rank and a particular position on a specific ship involved in episodic missions that are better than some published novels out there, weekly meetings, etc... and a collection of different social groups and other game related activities that occur.
Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces and was formerly known as Decoration Day.
It originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.
It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.
Here in the Lotus Fleet we extend our acknowledgements and gratitude to the families that lost a loved one serving honorably in our armed forces.
Since I provided rather detailed descriptions of the Forum, Academy and Roleplay aspects of this fleet in recent posts, this time I'd like to give an overview of our leadership in terms of the fleet.
Here are some of the common qualities that you'll find in our leaders and members of the Lotus Fleet:
-Knowlegable about Star Trek in its many facets
-Effective leadership
-Adaptable to change
-Lifelong learners
-Ability to multi-task
-Goal-oriented fleet management
-Excellent communication skills
-Good listening skills
-Possesses a thick skin when needed
-Ability to make reasonable decisions
-"People Person" Admirals and division leaders
-Sense of humor coupled with a sense of duty
-Professionalism and yet personable
-Diplomatic skills
-Innovative and creative
-Wanting the experiences of members to be fun and fulfilling
-Opportunity for participation and advancement in various aspects of the fleet.
Those are but a few of the qualities that you can see evident within the Lotus Fleet.
My point is that choosing a fleet that is established yet open to new ideas and innovation can be of long-term to members. Having a fleet that is well-managed and active can add to your Star Trek experience beyond your time playing STO.
So if this is of interest to you, then you owe it to yourself to visit our site and consider enrolling in our Star Trek Academy. From this point there are many opportunities awaiting your initiative and decision.
Long lists of available fleets are listed in these threads. But if you were to exam each one, just how comprehensive is their organization?
If you are looking for a fleet that exists and functions beyond STO, then just gaze back at all of the info on the previous posts and pages of the Lotus Fleet and you can see that we have quite an extensive offering for those that truly love Star Trek and are willing and inspired to join a fleet that has a well-rounded and dedicated membership.
"Hello fellow Lotus Fleeters!
Just a line to tell you how grateful I am to have such a competent, mature fleet to be a part of. If I had my way, there would be Lotus Fleet events all day, every day, and hundreds of us flying around at any given moment. Problem is, there is just too much "Reality" bleeding into our fantasy life!!
After almost 3 months with Lotus, I can say I have no regrets joining the Fleet. Its so well organized and everyone is so helpful. If you are looking for a guild you really should check them out. Its not just a fleet, its a family. Its also not just all STO. There is the arcade, trivia role playing, and a host of features that go hand and hand with STO to improve the experience. But you don't have to take my word for it. Check us out.
There you have it again.
Why would you even bother going anywhere else? (rhetorical question!)
In pondering another message to convey to all of you Star Trek enthusiasts out there looking for a fleet to join... these thoughts come to mind when contemplating the benefits of joining Lotus Fleet.
-When a team works well together as a unit they are able to accomplish more than its individual members can do alone.
-When members apply different skills they are often able to come up with a more effective solution than one person working on the same problem.
-Mutual support can have the benefit of encouraging others in the fleet to achieve goals they may not have realized they could reach on their own.
-The diversity that exist working with fleetmates from around the globe along with the benefits of teamwork that include an increased level of efficiency by having the ability to focus divergent minds on different perspectives of the same problem in a mutually supporting environment is clearly evident in the high level of content found within our conjoined sites.
A summary of benefits to Lotus Fleet teamwork include:
Better Outcomes: Teamwork can lead to better fleet outcomes and site features because the team can bring more resources to bear against any challenge, and there is more oversight to reduce risk of poor individual contributions.
Better Ideas: A good team is made up of diverse members. When these members apply different skills to the same problem, they come up with a more effective solution than one person working on the same problem.
Sense of Accomplishment: When members of a team work to achieve specific goals, there is often a greater sense of accomplishment than what an individual may feel when working on their own.
However, in order for our team to achieve these benefits, individual members must work well together. They need to be able to put thoughts of their own accomplishments aside to work for the benefit of the team and be able to make consistent contributions by staying involved with the fleet throughout a given week.
If this is something that you are seeking and are motivated to do, then come join us and be a part of our dedicated Star Trek- inspired fleet! http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
We're looking for ACTIVE STO players and experienced RP'ers to join in.
If you like to team up with experienced players on STO and/or like to participate in Star Trek RP.... well then head over to the Lotus Fleet. Our new RP season is just starting now... so if you hurry up we can beam you aboard in the nick of time!
Come visit and apply to our very detailed Starfleet Academy and complete a series of specialized Star Trek related courses. You will receive a diploma if/when you graduate!
So... don't miss out on the available opportunities and the fun.... come and join us!
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
The stories are creative and true to Star Trek lore and cannon, yet often expand on ideas, events, characters, technology, etc...
If you always wanted to be an active Starfleet Officer aboard a Starship serving in a specific department... well then look no further.
The crew of the USS Phoenix is already aboard and preparing for the opening ceremony and subsequent launch of this newest federation starship.
The USS Horizon, the flagship of the fleet, is beginning its RP story tomorrow.
There are available positions on each ship for those that like to be involved in Star Trek RP.
Looking for Events to participate in? Well... in Sorripto's capable hands there are Events to participate in throughout a given week. You can check out our weekly thread of upcoming events and also check out the monthly calendar as well. There is even a thread available for you to put in a request for an Event or to even host an Event yourself or with a teammate.
We have members in STO virtually everyday. STO players looking for a Fleet are encouraged to look around our active website... sign in... post a message in the Shoutbox... then watch and see all of the members that will appear to greet you. This is probably one of the most organized yet fun fleets that you will find, but we really want to add more active STO players to our fleet! Do you like to lead Missions and STFs? Then come and join in. We would love to add you to our team!
Our Starbase and Embassy are well underway and progressing daily & weekly.
We are NOT a massive fleet filled with anonymous members. Instead, we all interact with each other in-game, through the website, and through RP. We use Skype for messages and actual conversations, and TeamSpeak 3 for official and unofficial meetings, in addition to PMs and email.
In other words, we are known individuals among the fleet and with each other. The more you participate then the better you will be known and appreciated... just like in the real world.
Check it out for yourself: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
"The greatest fun of RP, be it in forum form as here or the more classical tabletop format or even LARP (Live Action Role Playing), is to build an imaginary personality and biography and make it a moving part of an ongoing story, with main plot elements (like finding a solution to the plot) as well as little details on the side (like things from personal flashbacks to thoughts, dreams. personal logs etc).
Our Lotus Fleet Star Trek roleplaying format is most ideal for this: instead of having random individualistic and unrelated characters haphazardly meeting in a tavern for some supposedly common goal (the classic ''starting dungeon set up''), we have dedicated and similarly focused characters (Starfleet officers) not only working towards the same overall goal (serving the Federation and its ideals through Starfleet) but each having a definite and crucial role within the story (starship rank and duty) and, most of all, a believable and implicit reason to be together and work together.
Sorripto tells us he knows about engineering, science and Trek and use this knowledge to contribute to the story; I am also a lifetime Trekker with knowledge in martial arts, History and sciences: this allows us both to enrich stories through our characters and thus build fun for ourselves by sharing what we love, and thus the fun, with all, players and readers alike.
But such extra knowledge is NOT mandatory for both fun and meaningful contribution: this is the computer age. Anyone can become a Trek expert and a credible-sounding tactician, historian, engineer, doctor or scientist in minutes, at least enough to RP one. The internet provides all the information you might want to write interesting posts with just a few clicks. Just using things like Memory Alpha and Wikipedia will instantly provide ideas and content for posts in a Star Trek story.
Writer's block in LF Star Trek RP is the easiest thing to break : the setting is well established already; then, take your job description (i.e. security), take the plot (i.e. rescue operation) or even just the ship (i.e. tactical sensors), look something up relevant to one (i.e. Memory Alpha: Ambassador class starship) or the other (i.e. Wikipedia: naval rescue operations) or both (i.e. watch some relevant Trek episode) and write it down as your character would say and do it (i.e. ex-convict Andorian shen soldier hard at reforming herself). Et voila! Instant quality post!
Star Trek is richly detailed and expansively developed. It talks about RL science, projected technology and the Human experience (even if you are playing an alien: you're still talking about the human experience but from a specific imaginary angle). Much easier to talk about than some undefined ''magic,'' anachronistic equipment (bola-using druid...) and weird imaginary creatures (what's a Merrow? How does it think, feel? what does it want, do, cope with? etc).
By assuming a specific role in one starship crew, LF RP allows the easiest, most convenient and believable setting for RP. Moreover, the established Starfleet rank structure is easily transposed as, not just some imaginary ''XP points'', but actual goals and rewards for the player as well as their character: through successive stories, the character rises in rank, build both RP experience and character experience, personality, relationships and history until ready to captain a ship (lead a RP story as GM) and bring other players into the fun... or, like Spock, keep to his specific field and become '' the best First officer in Lotus Fleet and best science officer in Starfleet'', as one might prefer.
So people: enjoy!"
Thanks Fleet XO Kheren for your thoughts here!
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
"I have been playing MMOs for many years. Everything you can think of from Everquest I & II, Matrix Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, CoH, CoV, Champions, Tabula Rosa, and many more. In each one of these I have had a strong guild that supported its members. Guilds that would watch over new recruits and all the while allowing members to grow and explore on their own. This was the especially the case in SWG, MXO, and LOTRO.
I set about looking for a guild that would be as supportive and cool as the ones I had known in other MMOs when Star Trek Online was getting closer to going live. And, I found one, Lotus Fleet!
My Fleet experience started with a crash course in Lotus Fleet Starfleet Academy! Lotus Fleet Academy is the training and education division of Lotus Fleet. The Academy is free and open to anyone and everyone who wishes to learn about Star Trek with no commitment to join. What a great way, I thought, to immerse yourself in Star Trek knowledge and lore. After The Academy I joined the Fleet as a full member and have enjoyed it everyday since then. We are serious with our guild jobs and serious about having fun when we play! Our RP Department has a strong presence in our fleet. Although RPing is not required at any level, the choice is yours. Being former military myself, I have notice a strong work ethic in the Fleet that seems to come from some of our former military members; I certainly welcome and appreciate this attitude. It is a very well organized guild and allows members to contribute as much or as little as they want. I have seen nothing but great attitudes, laughs, Star Trek fandom, and gaming expertise, with no drama!
If you find that after checking out our website http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php that you are interested our Fleet. Please give a PM and one of us will be more than happy to assist you in anyway we can.
We are a great group of guys and gals (a lot of us are seasoned gamers) that have tons of experience with MMOs and a love of Star Trek."
There you go folks... an inspiring impression of the Lotus Fleet from a member.
Perhaps you too could find a home here too.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
I find after a quick tour of my new posting as Chief Engineer aboard the USS Phoenix, Lotus Fleets new Avenger class ship, that the CSO has been installing a new astrometrics computer on deck three. Nothing wrong with that, but her crew had tapped for power into the EPS conduits feeding the shield emitters. I had to shut that operation down ASAP and call in some of my own engineering crew to get that installation properly hooked up. Have not run into the CSO yet, but when I find her ....
Later, I happened to share a lift to the bridge with our chief Tac/Sec officer, Commander Vincent. Seemed an amicable human, and we parted without much ado. Toured the bridge then. Man, that is twice the size of the Spectre's bridge, my old ship. That is where I found that Captain Syntron and the XO, Commander Josh Riker, were down in main engineering. Probably looking for me. I had better get a move on.
Have not met the doc yet, but him being Deltan, I guess he'll be prodding me shortly. No telling what them med's like to schedule before launching a new ship. And I haven't run across our chief of operations either, now that I think of it. Mr. Jureth is an accomplished Lotus fleet officer with impressive credentials brought over from the USS Artemis. He'll be quite capable.
Every time I cross by a view port, I see the new USS Horizon ... or soon-to-be anyway. Her commissioning ceremony is coming up soon and then her and the Phoenix will be setting off on our maiden voyages. And that is where the adventure begins anew.
Well, best go find the captain before he keel-hauls me.
End log.
Commander Rogers stepped into the turbo lift and ordered it to main engineering, thirteen deck below.
Director of Staff,
Lotus Fleet
On the ship we have an upcoming officer's meeting occurring in the main briefing room on deck 1 of the USS Phoenix this Wednesday 4-17-13.
Again, this is but a glimpse into the RP activity that occurs regularly in the Lotus fleet.
Those that truly want to be involved in a rewarding and enriching Star Trek RP experience are welcome to check us out on our main site:
From there you can access the main Fleet site, Our Starfleet Academy site and the RP site.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
If you are looking for an engaging Star Trek experience within a fleet then look no further.
Scroll up to the earlier posts on this page to learn about our Starfleet Academy, RP department or the forums on our main site.
Then stop on in a pay us a visit. If you like what you see, then you can request a course key and sign up for our Trek-filled academy.
Your course selection will be based on your area of interest... generally such as tactical, engineering or science, but with more specific specializations.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
In the Lotus Fleet we'd like to acknowledge Fleet members that have stepped-up to apply, be interviewed, and then chosen to a specific division position. It is the work taken on and completed by such members in all divisions that allow the Lotus fleet to not only continue, but thrive.
First up... I would like to congratulate newly promoted Lieutenant Junior Grade Decatur as he steps into his new position as our Tier 2 Newsletter Writer in the Command Division.
He already has exciting ideas germinating for this issue and will work under RAdm Jureth toward completing and presenting our upcoming Lotus Fleet Newsletter; the first since our arrival to our new home.
There is lots of activity going on in RP aboard the Fleet starships and we have a rendezvous with the Crystalline Entity this Sunday @ 4:00pm EST.
Check it out for yourself to see if this is a fleet you could thrive in:
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Chief Operations Officer on the USS Phoenix
Chief Engineer on the USS Horizon
Basic details about qualifying for an RP position in Lotus Fleet:
1. Complete the Academy courses. (choose your specialization)
2. Graduate & receive Diploma
3. Complete these RP courses:
4. Complete a character application: http://www.lotusfleet.org/form.php?f=18
5. Find/choose an available position on one of the ships and apply for that position.
(there will be room even if a particular position is unavailable)
Additional info: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
- New recruits just starting the Academy
- Recent Graduates becoming actively involved in the fleet in a variety of ways
- Events going on throughout a given week and weekend: STO & others
- Simultaneous Star Trek RP stories ongoing on the USS Phoenix and the USS Horizon
-Threads of discussions on a plethora of topics
-Weekly live Fleet meetings (Tuesday Evenings @ 8:00pm EST)
-A fantastic new Fleet Newsletter coming your way
and the list goes on....
So... if you are truly looking for an organized and active Fleet to join... look no further than the Lotus Fleet! http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Also, the newest nanotechnology will be implemented on the USS Phoenix during her maiden voyage from Star Base 10. Let us also hope that these little bugger's don't get away from Lieutenant(jg) Decatur and compromise the ship.
Join us as our two newest star ships launch to explore the Hromi sector and keep the peace between the Romulan and Klingon border's.
Director of Staff,
Lotus Fleet
From there, it's a simple process to sign up for our RP! Once you've graduated and you're approved, you'll immediately have the opportunity to register and apply for a position on one of our currently two fully player-staffed RP ships, or if you choose, a notable position aboard our Starbase. Either way, you will find your PC immediately implemented in places where your character's actions and deeds matter. The level of your character's immersion and contributions are entirely up to you. There are no small roles.
In addition, we offer fleet resources that only a well organized and close-knit fleet can:
Lotus Fleet is actually composed of three fully-integrated sites:
Forum: includes a community hub, info about games, RP, Fleet HQ, Creation Corner, website info, Admin, and a Calendar, plus a side bar of links to help new members: Get started with LF, LF Academy, RP, Events, Fleet positions, support and Teamspeak. Plus an active Shoutbox! :-)
(Note: I'll continue with additional specific details about the fleet in an upcoming post)
Meanwhile, there is a Fleet Meeting tonight 5-14-2013 at 9:00 pm (Eastern) on Teamspeak 3.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Course categories
Year One
Engineering 101
Medical 101
Science 101
General Education
Starfleet Vessels
Helm & Navigation
Lotus Fleet Code of Conduct
Uniforms & Insignias
The Prime Directive
STO 101
STO 100
Early Starfleet History
Species Profile and Recognition 101
Introduction to the Federation
Command Profile: James T. Kirk
Command Structure of Starfleet
RP 101 - Introduction to Roleplay
Year Two
Engineering 200
Engineering 201
Engineering 202
Medical 201
Counseling 101
CMO Profile: Dr. Crusher
CMO Profile: Dr Pulaski
Counselor Profile: Deanna Troi
Science 201
Science 202
Science 203
STO 200
Security 201
Security 202
Security 203
Security 204
General Education
STO 201- Helm and Navigation
Starfleet Security and Threats to the Federation
Starship Operations
Treaties and Diplomacy
Species Profile and Recognition 102
Modern Starfleet History
Command Profile: Jean-Luc Picard
RP 201 - Starship RP
Year Three
Engineering 301
Engineering 302
Engineering 303
Engineering 304
Medical 301
Medical 302
CMO Profile: Dr. Bashir
CMO Profile: The Doctor/EMH
Science 301
Science 302
Science 303
Tactical 200
Tactical 301
Tactical 302
General Education
Basic Stellar Cartography
Cryptic Path to 2409
History 300
Command Profile: Kathryn Janeway
Temporal Studies
Species Profile and Recognition 103
Command Profile: Benjamin Sisko
Year Four
Engineering 401
Engineering 402
Engineering 403
Medical 401
Medical 402
CMO Profile: Dr. McCoy
CMO Profile: Dr Phlox
Science 401
Science 402
Science 403
Science 404
Science 405
Security 401
Tactical 402
Tactical 403
General Education
STO 400
Survival Training
Away Team Role-playing Simulation
Kobayashi Maru RP Sim
The Q Continuum
The Borg
Command Profile: Jonathan Archer
Species Profile and Recognition 104
Advanced School
Year 1
Advanced Engineering 501
There is also Command School for those individuals that have proven their dedication serving in positions beyond graduation, and are subsequently nominated to attend by a senior officer.
Those that graduate Command School are then eligible to apply and be interviewed/placed in higher level positions within the fleet.
Officer School
Leadership 501
Leadership 502
Leadership 503
Leadership 504
Leadership 505
Leadership 506
Leadership 507
Command 601
Command 602
Command 603
Command 604
Command 605
As you can see here, this is quite an extensive offering for those that truly love Star Trek and are willing and inspired to join a fleet that has a well-rounded and dedicated membership.
Next up: Additional information about our Roleplaying department.
Additional info: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
As for the Academy itself, which is open to anyone, regardless of joining the fleet or not or being a member or not, I will quote one former member:
"It's like school except it's fun!"
Personnel section- includes a crew manifest for each department on the starbase and the fleet starships.
A Tab of Stories- includes current and past posts/threads, personal logs and complete RP stories.
Specification- For those with a love for details... well they are all mapped out here: Details about each ship layout- deck-by-deck, department divisions, ship dimensions-speed, personnel, quarters, facilities, rooms, weapons and defense systems, security protocols, etc...
RP Awards- Given for contributions and participation.
Here is the current list of awards that can be earned (except for previous participation awards):
RP Legend
For serving in Role Play for 25 episodes.
RP Specialist
For serving in Role Play for 20 episodes.
RP Professional
For serving in Role Play for 15 episodes.
RP Veteran
For serving in Role Play for 10 episodes.
RP Master
For serving in Role Play for 5 episodes.
JOC Participant
Participated in a Junior Officer Cruise to the satisfaction of the RP Admin or RP Member assisting in the journey.
Senior Mission Specialist
Has had 5 suggested detailed mission outlines made in to RP Episodes.
Mission Specialist
Has had 3 suggested detailed mission outlines made in to RP Episodes.
Junior Mission Specialist
Has had 1 suggested detailed mission outline made into RP Episode.
Maiden Voyage
Participated in the first mission of the USS Lotus.
Participated in the first mission of the USS McKenzie.
Captive Starbase
Participated in the first mission of the Starbase 10.
Wrong Place Wrong Time
Participated in the first mission of the USS Alsea.
Lament of the Missing
Participated in the first mission of the USS Spectre.
Before the Storm
Participated in the first mission of the USS Artemis.
Borg War
Participated in the first joint RP Fleet Action, The Borg War.
Azimuth Horizon Crusade
Participated in the second joint RP Fleet Action, Azimuth Horizon: Crusade.
Details of Awards:
Character Sacrifice
For those who have paid a high or ultimate sacrifice of his or her RP character in order to improve and enhance the story creatively, including, but not limited to, dishonorable discharge, imprisonment, or death.
Starfleet Command Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct while in a position of command.
Starfleet Engineers Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to engineering and construction.
Starfleet Science Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to non-medical sciences.
Starfleet Tactical Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritorious conduct in relation to tactical and security.
Starfleet Medical Decoration
A decoration issued by Starfleet for meritous conduct in relation to medical sciences.
Starfleet Medal of Honor
One of Starfleet's highest commendations. It recognized valor and bravery in action above and beyond the call of duty.
Starfleet Medal of Commendation
An award bestowed upon Starfleet personnel for conspicuous acts of valor and heroism.
Prentares Ribbon of Commendation
An award presented to Starfleet personnel who show a talent for leadership during the most difficult situations.
Temporal Ribbon of Excellence
For outstanding conduct in diffusing a temporal situation or anomaly with the successful resolution of maintaining the time line, while adhering to Starfleet morals and regulations. The award shall remain classified.
Lotus Fleet Medal of Distinction
A medal given by Lotus Fleet in recognition of outstanding achievement.
Star Cross
A medal awarded to members of Starfleet for distinguished actions.
Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry
An award declaring an act of particular heroism by a member of Starfleet.
Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry
A medal given to Starfleet officers who show extreme bravery in the line of duty.
Karagite Order of Heroism
In recognition of a significant act of bravery, heroism, or self-sacrifice above and beyond duty.
Christopher Pike Medal of Valor
A prestigious medal awarded to Starfleet officers in recognition of remarkable leadership, meritorious conduct and acts of personal bravery.
Jonathan Archer Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in specific situations of exploration and scientific discovery, or helping in establishing new rules and policies according to the ideals of the Federation.
James T. Kirk Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in colonization or humanitarian missions and rescue operations specifically, with a display of high regard for morality and the sanctity of sentient life.
Jean-Luc Picard Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in colonization or humanitarian missions and rescue operations specifically, with a display of high regard for morality and the sanctity of sentient life.
Jean-Luc Picard Medal of Honor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in first contact and diplomatic situations specifically, and showing exemplary conduct regarding Starfleet and Federation ideals, rules, and regulations.
Benjamin Sisko Medal of Valor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership in strategic/tactical situations or in declared times of war; such action directly contributing to major success in such difficult times.
Kathryn Janeway Medal of Valor
Awarded to Starfleet officers for remarkable leadership when out of contact with Starfleet, or without any available support, for an extended period and still upholding Starfleet rules and Federation ideals.
Starfleet Medal of Valor
An award given to officers for the display of devotion to their duty and the show of valor.
Starfleet Award for Valor
A decoration issued by Starfleet for a display of valor.
Legion of Honor
A commendation given by Starfleet to honorable Starfleet members.
Lotus Fleet Medal of Diplomacy
A medal given to Lotus Fleet officers in recognition of diplomatic achievement.
Starfleet Silver Palm
A medal for valor presented to deserving Starfleet personnel who demonstrated diplomacy in the most volatile of times.
Cochrane Medal of Excellence
A prestigious medal awarded to Starfleet engineers in recognition of outstanding feats within the fields of Engineering and Science.
Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor
A prestigious medal awarded on Vulcan in recognition of an individual's accomplishments in theoretical science.
Daystrom Award
A prestigious medal awarded in recognition of extraordinary progress in applied science.
Starfleet Surgeon's Decoration
For significant achievement and progress in medical research and practice.
Grankite Order of Tactics
An award given to Starfleet officers for creating an effective battle tactic.
So as you can see... we're much more than just a generic fleet. Come join us and see for yourself: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
You can check out here: http://www.lotusfleet.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=362&p=1388#p1388
Hope you'll check us out, and we'll see you in game!
Rear Admiral Jureth
Command XO
Senior Retention and Recruitment Officer
Command Division, Lotus Fleet
Lotus Fleet is proud to announce the re-launch of it's own LFN ... Lotus Fleet News.
During our transition over the last year or so, we had to store our news letter in the pattern buffer while we re-organized and then launched on our new website.
Now, LFN has re-emerged out of the transporter! Under the guidance of LFN Editor R. Adm. Jureth, with the capable assistance of staff writer Lt.(jg) Decatur, the news letter has graced our pages.
It is available in .pdf format here.
Read the interview with our (acting) Fleet Admiral Kheren. He has interesting ... and perhaps controversial(?) ... comments on the state of Star Trek; Televised, In-game and on the big screen.
Read a synopsis of the 'next generation' of Fleet role play ships; USS Horizon and USS phoenix.
Read about today's release of the Legacy of Romulus expansion in Star Trek Online, and our staff's take on the Tribble testing they undertook on our behalf to bring you their insights.
But most of all ... read!
Captain BLZBUB,
Fleet Recruitment and Retention Director
Director of Staff,
Lotus Fleet
This Klingon woman is most impressive and is embarking on her new role in the elite Lotus Fleet organization of the UFP.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Additional info: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Hey STO enthusiasts
If you are looking for an amazing fleet with fun, knowledgeable, involved, helpful, and clever members... well then look no further before you checkout the Lotus Fleet.
One of the reasons that this is an exclusive fleet is that you must go through Starfleet Academy, and PASS your classes to be eligible to join. Some of you may be thinking, hey that sounds like too much work... well... are you Star Trek fans or not????
One of the advantages in this fleet is that members must WORK, LEARN, THINK, and TEST their skills and knowledge just to become a member. As a result, we have a fleet of very dedicated and involved members who each play a role in the fleet: based on their interests and initiative. We don't have just a huge number of uninvolved members that come and go; instead we have a core of involved Lotus Fleet members that are welcoming and involved!
For example, we go on fleet episodes and missions together (using TeamSpeak3 to communicate), craft specific items, members are involved in creating some great role playing stories: we hold a rank and a particular position on a specific ship involved in episodic missions that are better than some published novels out there, weekly meetings, etc... and a collection of different social groups and other game related activities that occur.
You want to know more? Visit us here: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
It originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.
It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.
Here in the Lotus Fleet we extend our acknowledgements and gratitude to the families that lost a loved one serving honorably in our armed forces.
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Here are some of the common qualities that you'll find in our leaders and members of the Lotus Fleet:
-Knowlegable about Star Trek in its many facets
-Effective leadership
-Adaptable to change
-Lifelong learners
-Ability to multi-task
-Goal-oriented fleet management
-Excellent communication skills
-Good listening skills
-Possesses a thick skin when needed
-Ability to make reasonable decisions
-"People Person" Admirals and division leaders
-Sense of humor coupled with a sense of duty
-Professionalism and yet personable
-Diplomatic skills
-Innovative and creative
-Wanting the experiences of members to be fun and fulfilling
-Opportunity for participation and advancement in various aspects of the fleet.
Those are but a few of the qualities that you can see evident within the Lotus Fleet.
My point is that choosing a fleet that is established yet open to new ideas and innovation can be of long-term to members. Having a fleet that is well-managed and active can add to your Star Trek experience beyond your time playing STO.
So if this is of interest to you, then you owe it to yourself to visit our site and consider enrolling in our Star Trek Academy. From this point there are many opportunities awaiting your initiative and decision.
Additional info: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
If you are looking for a fleet that exists and functions beyond STO, then just gaze back at all of the info on the previous posts and pages of the Lotus Fleet and you can see that we have quite an extensive offering for those that truly love Star Trek and are willing and inspired to join a fleet that has a well-rounded and dedicated membership.
Additional info: http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Come visit us at http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Come visit us at http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
"Hello fellow Lotus Fleeters!
Just a line to tell you how grateful I am to have such a competent, mature fleet to be a part of. If I had my way, there would be Lotus Fleet events all day, every day, and hundreds of us flying around at any given moment. Problem is, there is just too much "Reality" bleeding into our fantasy life!!
Here's to the greatest Fleet in the Galaxy!"
Isn't it the truth! :-)
Anyway, come check out this awesome fleet here
> http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
After almost 3 months with Lotus, I can say I have no regrets joining the Fleet. Its so well organized and everyone is so helpful. If you are looking for a guild you really should check them out. Its not just a fleet, its a family. Its also not just all STO. There is the arcade, trivia role playing, and a host of features that go hand and hand with STO to improve the experience. But you don't have to take my word for it. Check us out.
There you have it again.
Why would you even bother going anywhere else? (rhetorical question!)
Come to where awesomeness exists!
> http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
-When a team works well together as a unit they are able to accomplish more than its individual members can do alone.
-When members apply different skills they are often able to come up with a more effective solution than one person working on the same problem.
-Mutual support can have the benefit of encouraging others in the fleet to achieve goals they may not have realized they could reach on their own.
-The diversity that exist working with fleetmates from around the globe along with the benefits of teamwork that include an increased level of efficiency by having the ability to focus divergent minds on different perspectives of the same problem in a mutually supporting environment is clearly evident in the high level of content found within our conjoined sites.
A summary of benefits to Lotus Fleet teamwork include:
Better Outcomes: Teamwork can lead to better fleet outcomes and site features because the team can bring more resources to bear against any challenge, and there is more oversight to reduce risk of poor individual contributions.
Better Ideas: A good team is made up of diverse members. When these members apply different skills to the same problem, they come up with a more effective solution than one person working on the same problem.
Sense of Accomplishment: When members of a team work to achieve specific goals, there is often a greater sense of accomplishment than what an individual may feel when working on their own.
However, in order for our team to achieve these benefits, individual members must work well together. They need to be able to put thoughts of their own accomplishments aside to work for the benefit of the team and be able to make consistent contributions by staying involved with the fleet throughout a given week.
If this is something that you are seeking and are motivated to do, then come join us and be a part of our dedicated Star Trek- inspired fleet! http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet
Come visit us at http://www.lotusfleet.org/index.php
RAdm Jeff T
Command CO
Lotus Fleet