Disclaimer: Bioware don't officially support running it under these operating systems or conditions. Don't expect developer help. Don't go nagging when it won't run, or won't run right. This is just a place for users to share experiences, not a place to complain about support or lack thereof.
So, I'm an avid gamer. I've gotten a number of games running fine under Wine (Everything Source-based, Dragon Age, WoW, LotRO). I'm keen on playing STO, but before I lay down money I want to know that I can get it running.
So far, all I can get is the launcher updating and logging in. Once logged in, the "buttons" (app:2,3,4 links) don't seem to do anything. What I assume is the news pane never loads, the drop down box is empty, and it seems like nothing happens.
I've checked with Wireshark, the app is POST'ing the login data, and getting a 200 back, so that's working fine.
It might be something to do with Javascript not running properly on my end. I'm getting
0[18bf88]: file http://startrekonline.com/launcher_login, line1: ReferenceError: focus_password is not defined
focus_password is a Javascript function defined in
http://startrekonline.com/themes/startrek/js/launcher.js but I can also see from the wireshark cap that it's not being fetched. It's also this JS file that seems to have a decent hunk of content that runs on loading, so I'm guessing this is my current issue.
Actually, yeah that makes sense. I was wondering how that came about (the POST data is quite different to what I type) but if I think about, the 'action="app:4"' should've given it away.
Sorry, when i said updating, I meant the launcher itself is being updated. The client is not being updated. However, a lot of IE functionality does actually work. For example, Steam works fine, and it's internal browser is "meant" to be IE but is actually the Gecko engine. So support might not be too hard.
Anyway, I'm now pretty confident that the current issue is a JavaScript in Wine issue. I double checked my wireshark logs, and the javascript file is not even being downloaded. I'm not sure why, testing now.
Game itself does not launch (crash)
Wine 1.1.36 x86_32
DX9 August '09 (winetricks)
Linux Gaming: Are we there yet?
If you run "winecfg" and check the libraries tab, do you have an override for "mshtml", and if so, what is it?
Edit: Fixed my Javascript issue. I gave up on trying to get native Wine/Gecko working, and just moved to IE6. Currently patching, will keep this updated. Although with the downtime, might be a while.
Has anyone gotten this working successfully?
You can try the following, it stops using the native gecko HTML renderer, and uses IE6 instead
wget http://winezeug.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/winetricks
sh winetricks ie6
Go through the dialogs, and install IE6. Then try running the client again. It should now use the IE renderer, and work a bit better.
You can also try
sh winetricks ie7
if you want to see how that works. I tested with IE6, I get one javascript error that I ignore, and it's currently patching.
Sorry, really not sure what the deal is with the launcher for you, and I don't have a Mac to test with. I might have a shot at re-creating the launcher in a platform neutral way, but that's very tricky.
In crash.log I see
100114 09:35:58 18 MasterControlProgram[1]: Shutting down: C:\src\Core\CrypticLauncher\StartingScreen.c(618)
That seems to me like a source code reference, along with a line number. Not sure if it really is, and not sure if it would actually make a difference. Anyway, taking a break for dinner now.
Found some more debug info:
Loading PetContactList Defs...
Loading PetContactList... done (11 PetContactList). (0.00)
done (11 PetContactList). (0.01)
WorldLibZone startup...
Unloading map...memTrackValidateHeap: Infinite loop walking heap, last walked was 2ad0130
memTrackValidateHeap: Infinite loop walking heap, last walked was 2ad0130
memTrackValidateHeap: Infinite loop walking heap, last walked was 2ad0130
memTrackValidateHeap: Infinite loop walking heap, last walked was 2ad0130
Not sure what it means yet (yes I know what an infinite loop is).
I use wine 1.0.1 and Ubuntu 9.10
Anyone have working STO?
I am running Ubuntu 9.10 x64 with Wine 1.1.35 and ALSA audio drivers.
I have gotten the launcher working with WINE and Winetricks ie6. I have succesfully patched my client, and now upon launching, I am warned that my graphics card may be unsupported, and clicking continue both with default and lowered settings leads to a client crash. My final wine debug text is as follows:
I, too, have issues with heaps, leading me to believe there could be some bad translation from windows system calls to wine system calls, involving some sort of heap transversal. Looking at some of the errors, maybe there are memory OOB problems happening, but I'm not sure. WTB better third party support.
Does anyone know if STO has an option to use opengl?
I searched today for this answer, I would guess the answer is No. For the hell of it, I tried -opengl in the Advanced Command Line (under Options) but it has no obvious effect.
Note: -console command can provide additional debugging information that may prove valueable.
If OpenGL is not supported at all, I would guess it would be nearly impossible to have STO working at any sort of effective/reliable way.
That is what I am worrying about. The article linked early on in the thread, about the state of gaming on linux, discussed this very issue, and I'd be sad to see the STO devs not paying any attention to opengl. The launcher does not recognize the -opengl flag, I can see it in my terminal if I launch the game with -opengl appended.
I will update the thread with my progress, and I'll give the game a TRIBBLE rating on the appdb if nothing pans out in the coming days. I may actually have to install windows just to play this game :eek:
I'm not getting any heap "errors" from Wine, but from STO itself. I'm getting D3D unrecognised formats and some Shader debugging from Wine, and then the Cryptic error launcher thing.
For the record, a partial dump is at http://pastebin.ca/1752117
I'll point out too, that last line is due to a typo in my .asoundrc, which shows whenever a new app is starting. I haven't fixed the typo, as it gives a good indicator of when wine is spawning new processes The D3D unrecognised format errors and Shader stuff all come basically before the Cryptic logo shows up, so I don't think they're the cause either.
Also, running "GameClient.exe" in Cryptic Studios/Star Trek Online/Live/ gives the console output, same as adding the "-console" option in Options. Just a quicker way to test things, without having to log in. Don't know if the whole "not logging in" may add to the troubles though.
Scrolled through the console log, saw some errors about PhysX.dll missing, so I installed PhysX via winetricks, now it's giving an "error" that CUDA support isn't found. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I doubt CUDA is a "requirement".
I downloaded the beta client and run wine setup.exe
It take a while but the installation went fine.
First error MSVCR80.dll so I run winetricks vcrun2005 and that went ok.
But now I run wine Star Trek Online.exe and I get
c:/Cryptic/tools/bin/GimmeDLL.dll does not exist.
and crash
c:/Cryptic/tools/bin/GimmeDLL.dll does not exist. as well
however if i just run startrek online i get a login screen like i expect. it hangs though at the place where it is (or could) patch the game
This will launch the game in a virtual desktop sized 800x600, and seems to help stability a bit.
Run winetricks to install ie6, and you can get to the loading screen bug with the rest of us.
Hahaha brilliant
As for OpenGL and proper running of the game, not needed either. I play Dungeons and Dragons Online, and one of the performance hacks is a tweak to force some settings in D3D. And to be honest, on my iMac with a x2600, the game runs fine at mostly max settings. I am sure it would be perfect without Wine.
I currently am at everyone else's state on both my Fedora 12 and Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit installs. If I come up with anything I will share.
I run Borderlands quite well under wine.
D3D settings can be tweaked in the registry, i'll share what i can when my game finishes patching 10 GIGS OF TRIBBLE GOODFREAKINGGOSH.
I need to mess with the code some and try to figure out why it segfaults, or find the patch that fixed the D3D problem with CO and make a patch for 1.1.36.
On my Mac I have the same things by the way... IE6 with Winetricks and I can log in and crashes after the cryptic logo.