From Reddit. Kael teased this in the last few seconds of this weeks livestream.
I wont be doing a livestream summary this week since it was pretty much just Kael and his guest talking about Star Trek day, and their history with Star Trek, rather then any real game news. They did comment about possibly turning down the frequency of Leeta's quips in Counterpoint due to how often they play, how they wish it was easier to do Holodeck content, and how some of the ESD lines had made it into some playthroughs of the new TFO before they got taken out.
"There are TWO TRIBBLEing people on your whole TRIBBLEing planet!?"
"Well yes, we're uh ... we're rich."
"Implode the moon."
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Or should I not ask?
Join Date: Sep 2008
We shouldn't have to wait long, "day-after-#startrekday hangover" implies the tweet was actually supposed to go out today.
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As much as I see your point, I'd be really surprised if a ship like this isn't cstore. It is a current year (for STO time) standard Federation design, and looks like a very good ship to see all over the place actually representing the game and time period.
I was also surprised about the stupid Inquiry, of course.
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For the weapons I'd prefer LB over Lobi, LB weapons can at least be purchased from the exchange.
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They probably sent the tweet out a day early by accident, and I wouldn't expect to hear anything until between 11AM EST and 1PM EST, that's the window where news usually comes out.
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I hadn't considered that possibility, but they haven't done that with new uniforms or weapons in a very long time so I doubt that as well, lockbox + Lobi Store really seems like the most likely possibility.
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> As assumed, now confirmed - Lock box ship.
Good thing I didn't buy Zen. I was briefly tempted to make use of bonus.
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Burnham's s3 hair... ON A TRILL!
And that Rifle is probably as close as we'll get to First Contact style for a while.
And I just wanna say... after seeing the console...
"Implode the moon."
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To put is as simply as possible: if it's in a new show, it's going in a box. That means both ships and uniforms, even if they are from STO's own approximate time period.
All of that said, I'll be picking up the uniforms for sure. I don't care for this particular ship, but will get the California class whenever it comes out.
Join Date: Sep 2008
For rifles I prefer the full auto variety, so unfortunately I'll be skipping that one.
I just KNEW they would use that for the console, lmao!
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I lean more split beam, but I'll probably pick up the sniper.
Hell yes. My inner costume fiend demands it.
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Yep, I am a fool, it seems. That is fine, I can spend $$ elsewhere.
And that will likely be an Infinity Promo ship, of which my luck has sucked so bad, I have not gotten a single khest'n ship out of. (The Disco-D7 I chose from the event, and the Annorax from the Lobi offer, don't count - because I didn't get them out of the box.) Meanwhile, I see this one guy - you may all have seen it - getting three or four ships out of those boxes every five minutes. It's nuts.
"There's No Way Like Poway!"
Real Join Date: October 2010
Cryptic isn't even pretending to care about the average player anymore.
...I really have to ask: you don't, perchance, go by the name "FireMage" on another site, do you? Because wow, does your debating style ring some bells.
So your argument is "they made lots of individual/'cheap'/c-store ships in the past, so there's no need for them to ever do it again"?
Seems weak.
Yes, that was my thought, too. He's basically saying, "You've got lots already, you have no business asking for new content". Kind of insulting, to be honest.