No please, let's not start arguing semantics or we'll be chained to this thread for the rest of our lives! XD
Seriously now, more than stupidity I'd call it laziness, which is not the same thing - or at least, it shouldn't be, imho.
And you're right, it's not entirely the players' fault, and that's demonstrated everytime you PUG something and you've got even just single player that don't ignore mechanics in favour of simply steamrolling everything.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Can you please pass up your chain to Cryptic. It would be nice to get an official statement regarding this section of the patch notes. The rumour mill is already at impulse and approaching warp speed. Normally i wouldnt request.
However, the fact of what occurred in the last livestream and all of the sudden this? It just makes it look like it was removed for another reason and maybe not the reason you might have. It also might in the minds of some STO players set a precedent if something else happens in another livestream. That might be relatively minor, but in the minds of some STO players they might start to worry.
Livestream do sometimes show bugs and it's good if Cryptic see this and action fixes. However, just the way everything has happened just might not make you guys at Cryptic look good.
Nah, it's not a question of intelligence. It's a question of not wanting to put in some effort to learn, listen and better yourself.
But when the system itself encourages you to just go in and shoot everything inside, because for most queues having enough DPS is what matters instead of mechanics, the current situation is the only outcome. And if they expected something different, well then...
That's right. But its worse than that because for the most part it's not even having enough DPS that matters anymore. The new standard is queues that will win themselves and actually playing at all is optional.
And because there is no rewards incentive to play the "dated" content that doesn't play itself, avoiding it is in fact the rational thing to do. Why waste time and effort to learn to play something, however easy it would be to do so, when other content will shower you with all same rewards literally just for being there?
the answer will be most likely:
"it does not meet our standards for queues"
and we all know, the new way of doing queues is to literaly afk it all the time, so warp in, launch pets, tap out of the game and come back to get the reward ^^
Agreed, unfortunately. And that's true for even newer queues, like the Competitive or Temporal ones.
Then you have Swarm, which is played only because people don't want to go to the Tzenkethi Battlezone and if you need the carapaces for anything, it's the only other way to obtain them (except for the once-per-day- reputation project).
I mean, look at the Disco queues, and compare how many times can you get DoSB1 to pop in comparison with all the others.
It's fairly easy to assume that it pops way more frequently because it's easy as pie: just shoot everything. You don't even need to interact with anything if you're fast enough and don't have to "repair" the ships because they got damaged.
Quite frankly, it's discouraging. I don't expect to have queue as complicated as the raids I used to do in SWTOR (even the story mode ones are way more complicated than, like, 99% of what we have in STO), but come on.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Infected ground is ancient. It really could use some tweaking, but making it disappear is silly.
It's true, though, people are too stupid to run it, generally. It was easier for PUGs years ago because people knew how to run it and you were almost certain to get 3+ people who knew it. Now though, no one understands it because no one runs it and too many are unwilling to learn and just quit when the team has trouble learning the final room.
My main gripes with it are that its too long and needs tweaking. Its very much a slog through constant streams of Borg bags of HP. I think the scaling to 65 has made it significantly harder too, especially with the potential gear disparity.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone get the optional though, and I'm not sure how you could in all honesty without being able to utterly steamroll it.
I think it could probably do with what I'll call a dummy alarm too. When you need three simultaneous activations, nothing in the game tells you that you're doing it wrong when you are. Any group who has no idea how it works has no real way to learn they are doing it wrong because they don't know what is supposed to happen. Now you're supposed to learn this at the door past the first boss, but I've seen so many random groups get that no problem then utterly fail to understand the final room.
not really. the dps we could deliver on ground atm is so extremly high... i mean as example we saw a 50k+ max onehit with a transphasic bomb as example. one of us could wipe a room full of borg in like 3 seconds. its just that (like always) not everyone is using those strong combinations of powers, but the potential to easily deal with x5 the hp in advanced/elite queues in an acceptable speed is there.
and the part with the notification could be easily changed by just adding an comm popup telling the team to activate the consoles simultaniously
its most likely because of the ten forward stream one week ago when ambassador kael showed in a detailed way how to not play that queue
going to that queue in the randoms, since its a great one and one of the few you cant just dps your way through
Yeah i have seen that, it was embarrassing to watch. I also seen when he showed us the Franklin with epic mk xv gear on normal and still died, now i just hope they don't take a way promo ships...
If that is really the reason shame on you cryptic, its one of the few tfo's who actually require team work. But in case that isn't up to date anymore please make those tfo's so i can sign up solo and don't have to wait for 4 more people to join.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
soon we wont have any borg ground maps todo as random's there keep removing them I know team work is a dying concept in sto but don't mess with the few we have.
"Which is why i stated in my post it could do with some polish, and maybe some more highlights or notifications to players about what to do. But not pull it from random. It just looks like that Kael didnt like the queue for whatever reason and then got the queue "pulled". I doubt Kael would be like that. However Cryptic's silence is not helping matters from that perception starting to get around.
Hence why i asked them for an official statement. If it is several bugs that they have now finally decided to tackle, just tell us. We are all adults here right "
We're going on the fact that at the end of the run he literally said he was going to get the map pulled from Random. He made multiple comments about how it was broken and outdated and that he wanted it 'fixed.'
I doubt that Kael himself made the decision to pull the map, I don't know if he even has that authority, but it was pulled literally the patch after he said he wanted it pulled.. so we're just adding up 2+2 on this one.
soon we wont have any borg ground maps todo as random's there keep removing them I know team work is a dying concept in sto but don't mess with the few we have.
No soon we only have maps in there where there is a timer running you don't have to do anything and you get a reward for it. It will become if it not already hasn't a safezone game where everybody can be happy other the people who actually would like to have a challenge.
These are the only few missions left where your gear actually matters and equals time. Why else do i need to upgrade my gear to epic xv? To just stand around and wait for a timer to run out? All these new TFO's are a joke, boring beyond believe and clocked up with one timer after the other. The best part i don't have to do nothing and get rewarded. Problem is i be bored out of mind after 2 of these not doing anything.
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
Manus requires more than pressing a space bar and waiting for timers to countdown. It requires something that's a relic in this game : Teamwork
Removed for this reason as teamwork is not up to Cryptics quality standards
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
A premade that fail at Infected Ground is either a very unlucky one or is comprised of people that: a) don't know what they're doing, b) are very poorly geared, c) can't follow instructions if/when given, d) are not willing to cooperate with their teammates.
Just because those queues are the oldest in the game it doesn't mean they need to be axed.
They removed Infected now from the random pool, the next step will be to remove it entirely. And when it comes back, it will be a "revamped, newer content that looks better and plays better" which means a damn no-brainer that a macro could play in your place and no one would even be able to tell the difference.
Fun fact is: the problem is not the system. While there are bugs, those could be resolved invidually - infact, they should've been when the dev responsible for creating that(the) queue(s) was still around. The problem is that we're in a vicious cycle of "waaaaaaa, the queue is too hard even though I didn't bother to read anything about it, I don't listen when someone gives me pointers and I'm just not willing to play with others in a coordinated effort", to which the devs answered with "ok, no problem... we'll reduced the difficulty" and then proceeded to produce such easy content that now everything that's not "oh, yeah... I can AFK this until the very last minute and it gets done anyway" is too hard.
This is an MMORPG. There are things that are SUPPOSED to be hard and that NOT EVERYONE should be able to play.
Like the old No-Win Scenario. Remember that one? It was purposedly hard, it was made for only the very best.
And of course, it got axed. I never went anywhere past wave 4 - maybe 5, once? don't remember - but it was damn fun to play. It was a team-building experience, an extremely good way to try out new ships and new builds that wasn't just going in shooting everything in sight with little consideration for anything else. Most importantly: it was a damn good teaching tool. But it got removed, and it will soon be replaced with this "new" Kobayashi Maru" queue - and I sure as hell hope that the difficulty on this new one will be worth the experience.
You want to "revamp" old content? Please, by all means... go ahead, at least it would show us were some of the money goes.
But there's absolutely no need for the revamped versions of past stuff to be absolute no-brainer even on higher difficulties.
And yeah, maybe this was not a knee-jerk reaction to what happened in the stream, but the fact that Infected ground is the ONLY queue that's being removed from the random is telling, is it not? Why not remove the lot of them, if it was something they were already planning to do?
P.S.: before anyone try to put word in my mouth, the fake-quote "waaaaaaa, the queue is too hard even though I didn't bother to read anything about it, I don't listen when someone gives me pointers and I'm just not willing to play with others in a coordinated effort" is about everyone that can't be bothered to learn to play a game that they supposedly like, regardless of who they are.
Can't agree more with your statement. However The old No Win Scenario would be to easy with now days gear. But yeah everything what takes half a brain and an ounce of skill will be replaced by a no brainer with timer map. What a joy...
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
There have been bugs in the mission a couple of years ago (it was impossible to complete the mission just after Delta Rising launched for example) but more recently I, like many others it seems, have not encountered any bugs.
Unless there truly are bugs in the mission, removing it from the RTFO system is a stupid decision. The system was added to make missions quicker playable, and give players who take the risk of ending up in a mission they're less prepared to play compensation by way of higher rewards.
Removing stuff because it is less appreciated content works against both those principles. You might as well remove the entire RTFO system if you're going to arbitrarily exclude certain missions from it.
I understand why they removed it, tbh. Yeah, watching Kael fail spectacularly at it was something interesting, but unfortunately Kael's experience seems to be the average pug experience. The few times it's popped on random for me in the past, I was definitely excited. Until players got angry and left >_>
We're going on the fact that at the end of the run he literally said he was going to get the map pulled from Random. He made multiple comments about how it was broken and outdated and that he wanted it 'fixed.'
was that said by Kael or Jesse Heinig? There's a BIG difference there.
I doubt that Kael himself made the decision to pull the map, I don't know if he even has that authority, but it was pulled literally the patch after he said he wanted it pulled.. so we're just adding up 2+2 on this one.
Jesse Heinig was sitting next to Kael watching him fail in person and telling him what to do to avoid failing... and watching it not work.
So, I'm a new player; I just started... three weeks ago? Anyway, that's my perspective: new player. Level 65, but still not great with the... idiosyncratic... ground game in STO.
I played Infected: Manus for the first time a couple nights ago. I needed Borg ground kills or somesuch, I believe. Not something I look forward to, but I queued up everything that looked like it might have those, and off I went!
I got a decent enough group of people - they all stuck around, nobody raged, and we commiserated about the issues we were encountering. It took us a full hour to finish, which was stressful as I'd planned on getting something that was the more normal fifteen minutes or less. But, we did finish.
Things I noted:
If there's a Frequency Remodulator available in that mission, I didn't see it. I hope everyone had one with them. I did, and it took my damage output from zero to... just above zero. Fire, fire, remodulate, over and over. Switching weapons helped, marginally.
Enemies in the first stretch (especially) felt significantly tougher and more damaging than what I was accustomed to from other ground TFOs, and it seemed like they were spawned in groups of relatively elite mobs. It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back; that's not what it felt like we were getting, though I wasn't taking a census.
Up until the first boss fight, all respawns were all the way back at the start, which was tedious and split us up. We respawned a lot.
We were only able to get to that boss by fully grouping and focusing down one mob at a time, then usually being wiped by the next mob back. Challenging!
After getting over the unpleasant discovery that what seemed like a climactic boss fight wasn't actually the end of the mission, we proceeded; things got a bit easier from here out, and respawn points were slightly better. Perplexing unevenness, but whatever.
The last fight took some figuring out, but we did it; the hardest part was that respawned players were locked out until the whole group wiped, for no legitimate reason I could fathom. Walked the whole way back to the start at one point looking for an environmental hazard to die on so I could try respawning again, but no luck. Why isn't the respawn in the room with the content? Why isn't there a way for excluded players to get back in? This felt both sloppy and wrong-headed.
Like I said, we did finish it. To me it felt noticeably out of sync with the standards of all the other TFOs I've played so far in terms of scope and difficulty, both ground and space.
I gather that it puts me in a minority, but when I saw "Both Normal and Advanced versions of 'Infected: Manus' are no longer eligible for Random TFO inclusion" in the patch notes, I smiled. Oh, I smiled. It made me happy, because I would just as soon not repeat that experience any time soon, simply as punishment for hitting "random".
So, I'm a new player; I just started... three weeks ago? Anyway, that's my perspective: new player. Level 65, but still not great with the... idiosyncratic... ground game in STO.
I played Infected: Manus for the first time a couple nights ago. I needed Borg ground kills or somesuch, I believe. Not something I look forward to, but I queued up everything that looked like it might have those, and off I went!
I got a decent enough group of people - they all stuck around, nobody raged, and we commiserated about the issues we were encountering. It took us a full hour to finish, which was stressful as I'd planned on getting something that was the more normal fifteen minutes or less. But, we did finish.
Things I noted:
If there's a Frequency Remodulator available in that mission, I didn't see it. I hope everyone had one with them. I did, and it took my damage output from zero to... just above zero. Fire, fire, remodulate, over and over. Switching weapons helped, marginally.
Enemies in the first stretch (especially) felt significantly tougher and more damaging than what I was accustomed to from other ground TFOs, and it seemed like they were spawned in groups of relatively elite mobs. It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back; that's not what it felt like we were getting, though I wasn't taking a census.
Up until the first boss fight, all respawns were all the way back at the start, which was tedious and split us up. We respawned a lot.
We were only able to get to that boss by fully grouping and focusing down one mob at a time, then usually being wiped by the next mob back. Challenging!
After getting over the unpleasant discovery that what seemed like a climactic boss fight wasn't actually the end of the mission, we proceeded; things got a bit easier from here out, and respawn points were slightly better. Perplexing unevenness, but whatever.
The last fight took some figuring out, but we did it; the hardest part was that respawned players were locked out until the whole group wiped, for no legitimate reason I could fathom. Walked the whole way back to the start at one point looking for an environmental hazard to die on so I could try respawning again, but no luck. Why isn't the respawn in the room with the content? Why isn't there a way for excluded players to get back in? This felt both sloppy and wrong-headed.
Like I said, we did finish it. To me it felt noticeably out of sync with the standards of all the other TFOs I've played so far in terms of scope and difficulty, both ground and space.
Some of the issues you mention can be alleviated quite easily.
The need to remodulate is drastically reduced once you get access (and use) the tier 3 omega reputation trait. Without it, you need to remodulate after three or four shots indeed. With it, I can play a mission and perhaps I'll need to remodulate three or four times in 15-30 minutes.
There are also some weapons (look for '116' on the exchange and you'll find one) that remove the need to remodulate altogether. I'm not a huge fan of these weapons, but they exist.
There seems to be a respawn point inside the final room nowadays, or at least I encountered it without having died a couple of days ago. Then again, once you know these things, they're not really an issue anymore. I believe there is a warning just before you enter the room (not sure about that though, it must have been years since I actually read the text in that mission).
All that being said btw... welcome to the game and enjoy your time here
avoid remodulation and just tommy gun em... or shot gun. you can get shotgun via phoenix box if you do not own tommy gun. does the crafted rifle do physical dmg? that has 100% shield pen, but not sure on dmg type. Also you can do melee... but yeah I dont like melee in this game. remodulation in show is ok... in game it sucks. in show you shoot borg it dies... here you need to chew thru shield then hp before it dies. in show you can kill a few borg before you need to remodulate... good luck with that here unless you slot rep trait... even then you still need to remod frequently.
If you've only been playing a few weeks you probably don't have the tommy gun or the shotgun. But the TR116-B sniper rifle negates the need for a remodulator, as captain said. You can find UR versions on the Exchange for pretty cheap. The Borg do not adapt to these as they give physical or kinetic damage and bypass shields altogether.
Also, the Defera Invasion Zone is the best place for the Borg ground endeavor, no teaming needed. Just go to Defera and enter the zone, kill your Borg and leave.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
@markhawkman If by "watching it not work" you mean "watching as he ignored every single tip", then you'd be right.
Again, if the intention was to actually fix the (missing) bugs in the queue, then they would've removed it entirely. They didn't, opting instead to remove it from the Random. So, if it's full of bugs and can't be finished... why leave it up at all?
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
So, I'm a new player; I just started... three weeks ago? Anyway, that's my perspective: new player. Level 65, but still not great with the... idiosyncratic... ground game in STO.
I played Infected: Manus for the first time a couple nights ago. I needed Borg ground kills or somesuch, I believe. Not something I look forward to, but I queued up everything that looked like it might have those, and off I went!
I got a decent enough group of people - they all stuck around, nobody raged, and we commiserated about the issues we were encountering. It took us a full hour to finish, which was stressful as I'd planned on getting something that was the more normal fifteen minutes or less. But, we did finish.
Things I noted:
If there's a Frequency Remodulator available in that mission, I didn't see it. I hope everyone had one with them. I did, and it took my damage output from zero to... just above zero. Fire, fire, remodulate, over and over. Switching weapons helped, marginally.
Enemies in the first stretch (especially) felt significantly tougher and more damaging than what I was accustomed to from other ground TFOs, and it seemed like they were spawned in groups of relatively elite mobs. It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back; that's not what it felt like we were getting, though I wasn't taking a census.
Up until the first boss fight, all respawns were all the way back at the start, which was tedious and split us up. We respawned a lot.
We were only able to get to that boss by fully grouping and focusing down one mob at a time, then usually being wiped by the next mob back. Challenging!
After getting over the unpleasant discovery that what seemed like a climactic boss fight wasn't actually the end of the mission, we proceeded; things got a bit easier from here out, and respawn points were slightly better. Perplexing unevenness, but whatever.
The last fight took some figuring out, but we did it; the hardest part was that respawned players were locked out until the whole group wiped, for no legitimate reason I could fathom. Walked the whole way back to the start at one point looking for an environmental hazard to die on so I could try respawning again, but no luck. Why isn't the respawn in the room with the content? Why isn't there a way for excluded players to get back in? This felt both sloppy and wrong-headed.
Like I said, we did finish it. To me it felt noticeably out of sync with the standards of all the other TFOs I've played so far in terms of scope and difficulty, both ground and space.
I gather that it puts me in a minority, but when I saw "Both Normal and Advanced versions of 'Infected: Manus' are no longer eligible for Random TFO inclusion" in the patch notes, I smiled. Oh, I smiled. It made me happy, because I would just as soon not repeat that experience any time soon, simply as punishment for hitting "random".
Thing is, when you push the "random" button you're saying "ok, I'm ready to play WHATEVER queue is available at the moment (within the limits of those that actually are in the random pool)".
There's no "punishment" in the form of "hard" queues.
There's no "reward" in the form of "easy" queues.
There's just "queues". You can like them or not, that's perfectly fine, but they're just queues.
Now, you didn't say if you queued for normal or advanced - I'd like to assume you went for normal, being as new to the game as you are, and indeed you would've had it easier if you just went to Defera to kill some Borgs, which is something I highly recommend for future occasions.
The difference between normal and avanced, on some queue, can be quite game-breaking if you're not geared well enough and, especially, if you don't know what to do.
"It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back". Uhm, no? You weren't doing "Where Angels Fears to Thread". You were doing a team based content. That is going to change stuff, even on normal difficulty... and especially if you're not prepared for it.
Which is perfectly fine. We all need to start somewhere. We all need to learn. But I'm sorry to say, this is not the way.
Blaming the queue is not the solution. Not in this case, anyway.
We all agree that Infected can take some tweaking, (more respawn points, for once), but from that to say that it's "punishment", or that's an experience that you don't wanto to repeat any time soon... well.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
So, I'm a new player; I just started... three weeks ago? Anyway, that's my perspective: new player. Level 65, but still not great with the... idiosyncratic... ground game in STO.
I played Infected: Manus for the first time a couple nights ago. I needed Borg ground kills or somesuch, I believe. Not something I look forward to, but I queued up everything that looked like it might have those, and off I went!
I got a decent enough group of people - they all stuck around, nobody raged, and we commiserated about the issues we were encountering. It took us a full hour to finish, which was stressful as I'd planned on getting something that was the more normal fifteen minutes or less. But, we did finish.
Things I noted:
If there's a Frequency Remodulator available in that mission, I didn't see it. I hope everyone had one with them. I did, and it took my damage output from zero to... just above zero. Fire, fire, remodulate, over and over. Switching weapons helped, marginally.
Enemies in the first stretch (especially) felt significantly tougher and more damaging than what I was accustomed to from other ground TFOs, and it seemed like they were spawned in groups of relatively elite mobs. It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back; that's not what it felt like we were getting, though I wasn't taking a census.
Up until the first boss fight, all respawns were all the way back at the start, which was tedious and split us up. We respawned a lot.
We were only able to get to that boss by fully grouping and focusing down one mob at a time, then usually being wiped by the next mob back. Challenging!
After getting over the unpleasant discovery that what seemed like a climactic boss fight wasn't actually the end of the mission, we proceeded; things got a bit easier from here out, and respawn points were slightly better. Perplexing unevenness, but whatever.
The last fight took some figuring out, but we did it; the hardest part was that respawned players were locked out until the whole group wiped, for no legitimate reason I could fathom. Walked the whole way back to the start at one point looking for an environmental hazard to die on so I could try respawning again, but no luck. Why isn't the respawn in the room with the content? Why isn't there a way for excluded players to get back in? This felt both sloppy and wrong-headed.
Like I said, we did finish it. To me it felt noticeably out of sync with the standards of all the other TFOs I've played so far in terms of scope and difficulty, both ground and space.
I gather that it puts me in a minority, but when I saw "Both Normal and Advanced versions of 'Infected: Manus' are no longer eligible for Random TFO inclusion" in the patch notes, I smiled. Oh, I smiled. It made me happy, because I would just as soon not repeat that experience any time soon, simply as punishment for hitting "random".
if you're playing the pc version and need advice/help, just msg me ingame (@felisean).
or just check out, we published a lot of guides/builds there
it just seemed that no one in your team was actually prepared for that level, but thats something that could be changed super easy
I like how you can't actually provide a single instance of it happening, and instead just ignore the actual point made.
What point? Most maps autoconclude to be forrest gump proof, everybody knows that.
Also the only reason you find ISA easy is because so far you always ended up in teams concluding it for you. If you would not have you would find it it to be too long as well.
Speaking of too long, I just just made a run of IGA in private. Took the team 7 minutes so its as fast as the brain- and soon player-dead patrols. A team just needs to play here.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Seriously now, more than stupidity I'd call it laziness, which is not the same thing - or at least, it shouldn't be, imho.
And you're right, it's not entirely the players' fault, and that's demonstrated everytime you PUG something and you've got even just single player that don't ignore mechanics in favour of simply steamrolling everything.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Can you please pass up your chain to Cryptic. It would be nice to get an official statement regarding this section of the patch notes. The rumour mill is already at impulse and approaching warp speed. Normally i wouldnt request.
However, the fact of what occurred in the last livestream and all of the sudden this? It just makes it look like it was removed for another reason and maybe not the reason you might have. It also might in the minds of some STO players set a precedent if something else happens in another livestream. That might be relatively minor, but in the minds of some STO players they might start to worry.
Livestream do sometimes show bugs and it's good if Cryptic see this and action fixes. However, just the way everything has happened just might not make you guys at Cryptic look good.
And because there is no rewards incentive to play the "dated" content that doesn't play itself, avoiding it is in fact the rational thing to do. Why waste time and effort to learn to play something, however easy it would be to do so, when other content will shower you with all same rewards literally just for being there?
I so miss the STF drops.
"it does not meet our standards for queues"
and we all know, the new way of doing queues is to literaly afk it all the time, so warp in, launch pets, tap out of the game and come back to get the reward ^^
ingame: @Felisean
Then you have Swarm, which is played only because people don't want to go to the Tzenkethi Battlezone and if you need the carapaces for anything, it's the only other way to obtain them (except for the once-per-day- reputation project).
I mean, look at the Disco queues, and compare how many times can you get DoSB1 to pop in comparison with all the others.
It's fairly easy to assume that it pops way more frequently because it's easy as pie: just shoot everything. You don't even need to interact with anything if you're fast enough and don't have to "repair" the ships because they got damaged.
Quite frankly, it's discouraging. I don't expect to have queue as complicated as the raids I used to do in SWTOR (even the story mode ones are way more complicated than, like, 99% of what we have in STO), but come on.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
not really. the dps we could deliver on ground atm is so extremly high... i mean as example we saw a 50k+ max onehit with a transphasic bomb as example. one of us could wipe a room full of borg in like 3 seconds. its just that (like always) not everyone is using those strong combinations of powers, but the potential to easily deal with x5 the hp in advanced/elite queues in an acceptable speed is there.
and the part with the notification could be easily changed by just adding an comm popup telling the team to activate the consoles simultaniously
ingame: @Felisean
Yeah i have seen that, it was embarrassing to watch. I also seen when he showed us the Franklin with epic mk xv gear on normal and still died, now i just hope they don't take a way promo ships...
If that is really the reason shame on you cryptic, its one of the few tfo's who actually require team work. But in case that isn't up to date anymore please make those tfo's so i can sign up solo and don't have to wait for 4 more people to join.
We're going on the fact that at the end of the run he literally said he was going to get the map pulled from Random. He made multiple comments about how it was broken and outdated and that he wanted it 'fixed.'
I doubt that Kael himself made the decision to pull the map, I don't know if he even has that authority, but it was pulled literally the patch after he said he wanted it pulled.. so we're just adding up 2+2 on this one.
No soon we only have maps in there where there is a timer running you don't have to do anything and you get a reward for it. It will become if it not already hasn't a safezone game where everybody can be happy other the people who actually would like to have a challenge.
These are the only few missions left where your gear actually matters and equals time. Why else do i need to upgrade my gear to epic xv? To just stand around and wait for a timer to run out? All these new TFO's are a joke, boring beyond believe and clocked up with one timer after the other. The best part i don't have to do nothing and get rewarded. Problem is i be bored out of mind after 2 of these not doing anything.
Removed for this reason as teamwork is not up to Cryptics quality standards
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
Can't agree more with your statement. However The old No Win Scenario would be to easy with now days gear. But yeah everything what takes half a brain and an ounce of skill will be replaced by a no brainer with timer map. What a joy...
Unless there truly are bugs in the mission, removing it from the RTFO system is a stupid decision. The system was added to make missions quicker playable, and give players who take the risk of ending up in a mission they're less prepared to play compensation by way of higher rewards.
Removing stuff because it is less appreciated content works against both those principles. You might as well remove the entire RTFO system if you're going to arbitrarily exclude certain missions from it.
My character Tsin'xing
I played Infected: Manus for the first time a couple nights ago. I needed Borg ground kills or somesuch, I believe. Not something I look forward to, but I queued up everything that looked like it might have those, and off I went!
I got a decent enough group of people - they all stuck around, nobody raged, and we commiserated about the issues we were encountering. It took us a full hour to finish, which was stressful as I'd planned on getting something that was the more normal fifteen minutes or less. But, we did finish.
Things I noted:
- If there's a Frequency Remodulator available in that mission, I didn't see it. I hope everyone had one with them. I did, and it took my damage output from zero to... just above zero. Fire, fire, remodulate, over and over. Switching weapons helped, marginally.
- Enemies in the first stretch (especially) felt significantly tougher and more damaging than what I was accustomed to from other ground TFOs, and it seemed like they were spawned in groups of relatively elite mobs. It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back; that's not what it felt like we were getting, though I wasn't taking a census.
- Up until the first boss fight, all respawns were all the way back at the start, which was tedious and split us up. We respawned a lot.
- We were only able to get to that boss by fully grouping and focusing down one mob at a time, then usually being wiped by the next mob back. Challenging!
- After getting over the unpleasant discovery that what seemed like a climactic boss fight wasn't actually the end of the mission, we proceeded; things got a bit easier from here out, and respawn points were slightly better. Perplexing unevenness, but whatever.
- The last fight took some figuring out, but we did it; the hardest part was that respawned players were locked out until the whole group wiped, for no legitimate reason I could fathom. Walked the whole way back to the start at one point looking for an environmental hazard to die on so I could try respawning again, but no luck. Why isn't the respawn in the room with the content? Why isn't there a way for excluded players to get back in? This felt both sloppy and wrong-headed.
Like I said, we did finish it. To me it felt noticeably out of sync with the standards of all the other TFOs I've played so far in terms of scope and difficulty, both ground and space.I gather that it puts me in a minority, but when I saw "Both Normal and Advanced versions of 'Infected: Manus' are no longer eligible for Random TFO inclusion" in the patch notes, I smiled. Oh, I smiled. It made me happy, because I would just as soon not repeat that experience any time soon, simply as punishment for hitting "random".
Some of the issues you mention can be alleviated quite easily.
The need to remodulate is drastically reduced once you get access (and use) the tier 3 omega reputation trait. Without it, you need to remodulate after three or four shots indeed. With it, I can play a mission and perhaps I'll need to remodulate three or four times in 15-30 minutes.
There are also some weapons (look for '116' on the exchange and you'll find one) that remove the need to remodulate altogether. I'm not a huge fan of these weapons, but they exist.
There seems to be a respawn point inside the final room nowadays, or at least I encountered it without having died a couple of days ago. Then again, once you know these things, they're not really an issue anymore. I believe there is a warning just before you enter the room (not sure about that though, it must have been years since I actually read the text in that mission).
All that being said btw... welcome to the game and enjoy your time here
Also, the Defera Invasion Zone is the best place for the Borg ground endeavor, no teaming needed. Just go to Defera and enter the zone, kill your Borg and leave.
@markhawkman If by "watching it not work" you mean "watching as he ignored every single tip", then you'd be right.
Again, if the intention was to actually fix the (missing) bugs in the queue, then they would've removed it entirely. They didn't, opting instead to remove it from the Random. So, if it's full of bugs and can't be finished... why leave it up at all?
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Kael.. right at the end of the video before he quits he yells 'remove this from randoms!!'
It's not hard to find, it's in the last few min of the stream.
lol.. did you even watch it? Kael ignored anything that even resembled advice.
Thing is, when you push the "random" button you're saying "ok, I'm ready to play WHATEVER queue is available at the moment (within the limits of those that actually are in the random pool)".
There's no "punishment" in the form of "hard" queues.
There's no "reward" in the form of "easy" queues.
There's just "queues". You can like them or not, that's perfectly fine, but they're just queues.
Now, you didn't say if you queued for normal or advanced - I'd like to assume you went for normal, being as new to the game as you are, and indeed you would've had it easier if you just went to Defera to kill some Borgs, which is something I highly recommend for future occasions.
The difference between normal and avanced, on some queue, can be quite game-breaking if you're not geared well enough and, especially, if you don't know what to do.
"It's Borg, I'm expecting trash with a couple of heavy hitters in the back". Uhm, no? You weren't doing "Where Angels Fears to Thread". You were doing a team based content. That is going to change stuff, even on normal difficulty... and especially if you're not prepared for it.
Which is perfectly fine. We all need to start somewhere. We all need to learn. But I'm sorry to say, this is not the way.
Blaming the queue is not the solution. Not in this case, anyway.
We all agree that Infected can take some tweaking, (more respawn points, for once), but from that to say that it's "punishment", or that's an experience that you don't wanto to repeat any time soon... well.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
if you're playing the pc version and need advice/help, just msg me ingame (@felisean).
or just check out, we published a lot of guides/builds there
it just seemed that no one in your team was actually prepared for that level, but thats something that could be changed super easy
ingame: @Felisean
What point? Most maps autoconclude to be forrest gump proof, everybody knows that.
Also the only reason you find ISA easy is because so far you always ended up in teams concluding it for you. If you would not have you would find it it to be too long as well.
Speaking of too long, I just just made a run of IGA in private. Took the team 7 minutes so its as fast as the brain- and soon player-dead patrols. A team just needs to play here.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.