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Why is my character always treated like a junior officer?



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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,617 Arc User
    Personally, I talk when it comes to my speaking parts as a character in the missions. Besides if I did get VO, what if I do not like the voice actor doing it? Thanks. :)
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    tomilak wrote: »
    I have also said for a long time, how come the npc talks like THEY are doing the task when WE are. Menial tasks being done by superior officers. BACKWARDS! LOL. EX Uneasy Allies, Sela is talking like she is looking up all the data and unlock codes for the door when she isnt soo much as lifting a fingernail to even try. LOL

    Sela is really not a good example. She's pretty well portrayed as the type to take credit for others work and blame them when she messes up.

    Worf does the same thing in "Sphere of Influence", most of the time when the player character scans or explores things Worf comes up with "I am reading …" or other Worf-centric dialog instead of the PC saying something about the readings or whatever and Worf responding to it. That is the problem with NPC-only voice acting instead of the more expensive option of having several voices available for the player to read lines like SWTOR has, it takes a totally different writing style than a TV show or other conventional storytelling style would.
    STO like many other games with custom player character, does not presume to assign any particular predefined voice (or selection of voices) to the player, leaving it up to the player's imagination to decide what their character thinks about the storyline. This is a style choice that some players will appreciate for leaving them free to roleplay their character as they wish without having words put in their mouths, while others will deride as a "featureless protagonist." It's really a matter of opinion.
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    phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,645 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    tomilak wrote: »
    I have also said for a long time, how come the npc talks like THEY are doing the task when WE are. Menial tasks being done by superior officers. BACKWARDS! LOL. EX Uneasy Allies, Sela is talking like she is looking up all the data and unlock codes for the door when she isnt soo much as lifting a fingernail to even try. LOL

    Sela is really not a good example. She's pretty well portrayed as the type to take credit for others work and blame them when she messes up.

    Worf does the same thing in "Sphere of Influence", most of the time when the player character scans or explores things Worf comes up with "I am reading …" or other Worf-centric dialog instead of the PC saying something about the readings or whatever and Worf responding to it. That is the problem with NPC-only voice acting instead of the more expensive option of having several voices available for the player to read lines like SWTOR has, it takes a totally different writing style than a TV show or other conventional storytelling style would.
    STO like many other games with custom player character, does not presume to assign any particular predefined voice (or selection of voices) to the player, leaving it up to the player's imagination to decide what their character thinks about the storyline. This is a style choice that some players will appreciate for leaving them free to roleplay their character as they wish without having words put in their mouths, while others will deride as a "featureless protagonist." It's really a matter of opinion.

    True. I brought up the player voice thing only in reference to the difference in how dialog is scripted between the two styles, the main point was that when you have NPC-only voice acting the dialog has to be written differently to avoid the voice actor character from trampling the player character. A non-dialog example of the same thing is during the 'blow the door off' cutscene Warf is definitely the main character, and really the player is only supporting cast from a writing style viewpoint in that whole episode.

    It is not a dealbreaker or anything, but it is a bit annoying sometimes so I see Tomilak's and Foxrockssocks's point.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    tomilak wrote: »
    I have also said for a long time, how come the npc talks like THEY are doing the task when WE are. Menial tasks being done by superior officers. BACKWARDS! LOL. EX Uneasy Allies, Sela is talking like she is looking up all the data and unlock codes for the door when she isnt soo much as lifting a fingernail to even try. LOL

    Sela is really not a good example. She's pretty well portrayed as the type to take credit for others work and blame them when she messes up.

    Worf does the same thing in "Sphere of Influence", most of the time when the player character scans or explores things Worf comes up with "I am reading …" or other Worf-centric dialog instead of the PC saying something about the readings or whatever and Worf responding to it. That is the problem with NPC-only voice acting instead of the more expensive option of having several voices available for the player to read lines like SWTOR has, it takes a totally different writing style than a TV show or other conventional storytelling style would.
    STO like many other games with custom player character, does not presume to assign any particular predefined voice (or selection of voices) to the player, leaving it up to the player's imagination to decide what their character thinks about the storyline. This is a style choice that some players will appreciate for leaving them free to roleplay their character as they wish without having words put in their mouths, while others will deride as a "featureless protagonist." It's really a matter of opinion.

    True. I brought up the player voice thing only in reference to the difference in how dialog is scripted between the two styles, the main point was that when you have NPC-only voice acting the dialog has to be written differently to avoid the voice actor character from trampling the player character. A non-dialog example of the same thing is during the 'blow the door off' cutscene Warf is definitely the main character, and really the player is only supporting cast from a writing style viewpoint in that whole episode.
    Yes, but do remember this is also a vidoegame. The NPCs aren't there just for plot exposition, they must give information to the player on how to progress in the game. While I would personally enjoy a mission that left it up to the player to figure out for themselves what is required to proceed, that's not STO's style so having an NPC tell the player they need to 'blow the door off' is more or less required.

    Similarly, the player is often placed in the role of defending some NPC that's doing important plot stuff, because this is a combat game and what is important in the story isn't always important in gameplay. I would like to see a mission one of these days in which the NPCs defend me while I solve puzzles for a change, though I don't see that as very likely to happen.
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    kaloriaa4kaloriaa4 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    It would not matter what rank I was at if someone needed help I'd help. It would not matter if I was a Elite fleet Elite admiral grand marshal of the whole Federation insert some super high rank here or petty officer insert lowest rank here. It is about right and wrong if someone asks for help on something with reason i'll help. Depending what it is they are asking. Like helping injured people or whatever yeah i'll help.
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    ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.

    Roddenberry was an idiot regarding this. A laughable idiot. The Coast Guard is a branch of the United States military. Just as the National Guard is part of the United States military. The Coast Guard does answer to the government's authority. They are part of Dept. of Homeland Security, but the President has the authority(as Commander in Chief), to move assets and resources from the Coast Guard to the Navy. Look up Titles 10 and 14 of the United States Code, which explicitly states and confirms the Coast Guard(which has existed since 1790, and been in every war since then) as a military branch. Just like the other branches, you go to MEPS(Military Entry Processing Station) after visiting with a recruiter and filling out the paperwork. If you pass, you take the oath, and get shunted to a station to train, and if you pass through all of that, you get your orders and duty station. And no, I didn't wikipedia this.

    Anyone who says Starfleet isn't a military, is clinging way too hard to blissful and hopeful ignorance at the cost of logic and facts.


    Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Your intellect-fu is weak with this argument.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    You would get more respect if you were given the Rank of Mucho Grande Almirante. :)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    jennycolvinjennycolvin Member Posts: 1,100 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    I'd PAY to have Mucho Grande Almirante as a title I can actually use for my toons! tiger-2.gif
    (Forgive me for saying so, though, but bilingual self would not be happy if I didn't: it should be Almirante Muy Grande)
    Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.

    Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
    - quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;

    Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
    Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
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    tasshenatasshena Member Posts: 530 Arc User
    I've made fun of this muchly over the years, mostly in terms of missions where something was 'classified' beyond a char marked as a fleet admiral's authority. Usually wishing could say "Oh really. If it's 'classified' past my FA, you can find someone who it isn't classified to, to do it. Good luck with that!" :p ^_^​​
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    isn't the most junior rank for army private, not Lt. 2nd grade?​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    isn't the most junior rank for army private, not Lt. 2nd grade?​​

    true but I excluded the enlisted ranks (and flag ranks as well) for the sake of clarity, not mention that USN has plenty of more enlisted ranks compared to FDF navy which I'm personally familiar.

    EDIT:the most junior naval rank is seaman (or branch exclusive equilevant) but as I said I excluded the enlisted ranks as they were irrelevant to the conversation.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    reyan01 wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    This applied to Trek too. Spock was promoted to the rank of Captain by TWOK and retained that rank as the Enterprise's XO, with Captain Kirk (obviously) being the ship's CO. By the same token, Scotty was promoted to Captain in TSFS ("Captain of Engineering") and retained that rank when resumed service on the Enterprise-A.

    However, I will note that in Trek Colonel didn't = Captain. Colonel Kira, when given a Starfleet Officer comission (DS9 episode "When it Rains"), became Commander Kira.

    I think a better comparison would be sole Starfleet colonel we saw rather then a colonel from the bajoran militia.

    Granted Col. West wears the uniform of a vice admiral (which would the equilevant of a lt. general).

    EDIT:in case of Kira it's difference can easily be solved by assuming the Starfleet considered her rank to be (the equilevant of) a Lt. colonel (which are still addressed as "colonel" in common speech) rather then a "full bird" colonel as lt. colonel would be equilevant of a commander.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    This applied to Trek too. Spock was promoted to the rank of Captain by TWOK and retained that rank as the Enterprise's XO, with Captain Kirk (obviously) being the ship's CO. By the same token, Scotty was promoted to Captain in TSFS ("Captain of Engineering") and retained that rank when resumed service on the Enterprise-A.

    However, I will note that in Trek Colonel didn't = Captain. Colonel Kira, when given a Starfleet Officer comission (DS9 episode "When it Rains"), became Commander Kira.

    I think a better comparison would be sole Starfleet colonel we saw rather then a colonel from the bajoran militia.

    Granted Col. West wears the uniform of a vice admiral (which would the equilevant of a lt. general).

    EDIT:in case of Kira it's difference can easily be solved by assuming the Starfleet considered her rank to be (the equilevant of) a Lt. colonel (which are still addressed as "colonel" in common speech) rather then a "full bird" colonel as lt. colonel would be equilevant of a commander.
    Or the bajorans simply have different ranks. Like the romulans, whose commander rank is equal to Starfleet captain.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    This applied to Trek too. Spock was promoted to the rank of Captain by TWOK and retained that rank as the Enterprise's XO, with Captain Kirk (obviously) being the ship's CO. By the same token, Scotty was promoted to Captain in TSFS ("Captain of Engineering") and retained that rank when resumed service on the Enterprise-A.

    However, I will note that in Trek Colonel didn't = Captain. Colonel Kira, when given a Starfleet Officer comission (DS9 episode "When it Rains"), became Commander Kira.

    I think a better comparison would be sole Starfleet colonel we saw rather then a colonel from the bajoran militia.

    Granted Col. West wears the uniform of a vice admiral (which would the equilevant of a lt. general).

    EDIT:in case of Kira it's difference can easily be solved by assuming the Starfleet considered her rank to be (the equilevant of) a Lt. colonel (which are still addressed as "colonel" in common speech) rather then a "full bird" colonel as lt. colonel would be equilevant of a commander.
    Or the bajorans simply have different ranks. Like the romulans, whose commander rank is equal to Starfleet captain.

    from what I've gather the bajorans do have their own ranks but Kira's commander rank was a starfleet one (she got starfleet commission while working on Cardassia as it was figured that cardassians might not trust an officer of the bajoran militia to have their best intrest at heart).
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    This applied to Trek too. Spock was promoted to the rank of Captain by TWOK and retained that rank as the Enterprise's XO, with Captain Kirk (obviously) being the ship's CO. By the same token, Scotty was promoted to Captain in TSFS ("Captain of Engineering") and retained that rank when resumed service on the Enterprise-A.

    However, I will note that in Trek Colonel didn't = Captain. Colonel Kira, when given a Starfleet Officer comission (DS9 episode "When it Rains"), became Commander Kira.

    I think a better comparison would be sole Starfleet colonel we saw rather then a colonel from the bajoran militia.

    Granted Col. West wears the uniform of a vice admiral (which would the equilevant of a lt. general).

    EDIT:in case of Kira it's difference can easily be solved by assuming the Starfleet considered her rank to be (the equilevant of) a Lt. colonel (which are still addressed as "colonel" in common speech) rather then a "full bird" colonel as lt. colonel would be equilevant of a commander.
    Or the bajorans simply have different ranks. Like the romulans, whose commander rank is equal to Starfleet captain.

    from what I've gather the bajorans do have their own ranks but Kira's commander rank was a starfleet one (she got starfleet commission while working on Cardassia as it was figured that cardassians might not trust an officer of the bajoran militia to have their best intrest at heart).
    Yes, I know. I meant her colonel rank. As in, it's not necessarily the same as a Starfleet colonel.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    Yes, I know. I meant her colonel rank. As in, it's not necessarily the same as a Starfleet colonel.
    Yeah that's what I meant by "considered her rank to be equilevant of a lt. colonel" or a starfleet commander since starfleet uses naval ranks for the most part.
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    baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,482 Community Moderator
    The Kira discussion is a bit off topic, but I'll throw in 2ec. Consider that in the modern US military, it's possible to "lose a stripe" due to switching services. Also, while Kira's Bajoran commission and military experience were obviously recognized and allowed her to bypass Starfleet Academy, Starfleet might still require more testing or even a selection board to attain the rank of captain.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    Also remember in any of the Series, a Lieutenant Commander was normally referred to as 'commander', Lieutenant only being added when formal introductions were made with other Flag Officers.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    There are also variations for Major, as some militaries use 'Commandant'.

    Some armies also use Colonel General but would be informally noted as General in greetings.

    You can speculate all you want. Remember, the writers are not always consistent with some trivial items.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    I haven't read the whole tread, but here are my 2cents:

    They should have get rid of all rank increase and make the Player captain right after the tutorial (PC doesn't need to be a cadet in the first place imo.)
    After that, just have them get levels, without ever reaching anything greater than Fleet Captain or Commodore (TOS).
    That would solve a LOT of problems including how the player is adressed by almost any NPC and it would still make sense to get orders by various Admirals.
    Of course that would mean some work without any real $$$ gain for Cryptic, so it will never be realized.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
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    khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,007 Arc User
    Currently in the US Navy commodore is not a rank but a position. During my time in the Navy I worked on minesweepers. The commanding officer of these small ships is a commander. The person in charge of a squadron of minesweepers had the rank of Captain and was called Commodore.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    Is a title denoting a group leader.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    I know this part. Navy Captains are full birds like Colonel for the Army. When I made the remark of it possibly being the same way with other branches, I was meaning regards to jobs such as doctor. If the doctors are ranked comparably to those in the Army, all the way up to Captain(in the Navy), as an example.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    ichaerus1 wrote: »
    To put things into perspective, Admiral Quinn is the operational commander for the Beta Quadrant. He is what is referred to as a Fleet Admiral, which is a role and not an actual Rank while Tuvok would be Fleet Admiral of the Delta Quadrant.
    Quinn is the operational commander of Starfleet as a whole. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma. Tuvok was in charge of Operation Delta Rising, due to his past experience in the DQ, but he still takes orders from Quinn.
    A Captain, which is also a role and not an official Rank

    Captain is an official ranking in Starfleet in Trek canon, and IRL. It is both a rank and a role.
    Starfleet is a citizen organization.
    Starfleet is a military organization, and explicitly referred to as such several times in the series.

    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.

    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.

    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    As iterated before by others, Captain is a rank. It is a commissioned officer rank. Even though the UFP doesn't really use currency on some or most of their worlds, a rank isn't solely based on pay increase. When you get promoted, you are making rank to the next level. With that comes more responsibilities, but also more authority. And not all captains command a ship, or a company of soldiers. Doctors in the US Army for example, run the ranks from captain, to majors, Lt. Colonel, to full birds(Colonels) from what I've come across during my time in service. I imagine it's the same way with the other branches of the military as well. Also, a leadership role isn't reserved for just captains. It starts far lower than that.
    Just a minor correction but army captain and navy captain are in fact not the same rank, a navy captain is equilevant for an army colonel as mentioned before. an army captain is an equilevant of a navy lieutenant.

    the ranks go from the most junior to the most senior as follows
    lieutenant(2nd) lieutenant(1st), captain, lt. colonel, colonel for the army
    ensign, lieutenant (JG), lieutenant, Lt. commander, commander, captain for the navy.

    EDIT:"captain" is also an honorary title for the CO of a ship regardless of rank but that's just a title without any additional authority.

    I know this part. Navy Captains are full birds like Colonel for the Army. When I made the remark of it possibly being the same way with other branches, I was meaning regards to jobs such as doctor. If the doctors are ranked comparably to those in the Army, all the way up to Captain(in the Navy), as an example.

    I suppose it was my dyslexia combinied with a bit vague phrasing that made me think you implied that those ranks were the same.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,298 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @colonelmarik said:
    > I don't mind being asked to do missions, but I wish I could get my CREW to do things. My Klingon is a WARRIOR, not a doctor, you probably don't want him treating wounded or scanning things. I mean, Kirk let Spock and McCoy do their jobs. Picard let Data do the scanning.

    Yeah no kidding, the one time we saw Kirk doing CPR he was using techniques that went out of use 20 years before I was trained.

    Yeah my main is an engineer specializing in subspace devices not a field medic, hell even my AoY toon isn't a medical officer even though she's science branch (her specialization is temporal sciences).

    It would be lovely if we had option when doing something to say to our away team members to do a task they're specialized in, what I'd do is give options to delegate based on what primary careers are present in your away team. so if I had an engineer present in my away team I could delegate engineering tasks of the "press F to progress" style to that officer and only if there was no officer with correct career present would you be forced to do it yourself.

    Obviously you'd want to leave some gameplay in there and not just automate every task (you can excuse it by saying that officer needs your assistance), but the time sink tasks that don't involve any true gameplay could be easily turned into tasks you could delegate (storywise that is, I dunno what it would take from the systems side to impliment it).

    Oh and by timesink tasks I mean tasks that are literally just press a button and watch a progress bar go up, if there's a minigame involved then I don't consider it a timesink for this defination.
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    D*mmit Bones, I'm the Captain, not a Medic. :)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
This discussion has been closed.