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Why is my character always treated like a junior officer?



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  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    spiritborn wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Yes, I know. I meant her colonel rank. As in, it's not necessarily the same as a Starfleet colonel.
    Yeah that's what I meant by "considered her rank to be equilevant of a lt. colonel" or a starfleet commander since starfleet uses naval ranks for the most part.

    The Bajoran name of the rank is actually "field colonel", which is indeed equivalent to a NATO lieutenant colonel. Her temporary commission as a Starfleet commander put her at a rank equivalent to her grade in her home service.

    As for this nonsense:
    Captain is a role. It is an adjective used to describe the actions performed by an officer. An XO can Captain a vessel, so can a leftenant or any other subordinate. It is most often used to describe the commanding officer of a given vessel or situation. You don't make the Rank of Captain - rank includes a pay increase, you achieve the Captain status and are given a leadership role. Also, you will not achieve "Captain" unless there is a vessel for you to assume command of. No vessel, no command.
    Captain is both a role and a rank. It's a rank of OF-6 pay grade, and it's the form of address for a commanding officer of a ship. Not all commanding officers of ships are ranked "captain"--Sisko was ranked commander until the season 3 finale of Deep Space Nine, despite having command of both DS9 and USS Defiant--and not all ranked captains are CO of a starship.

    In fact, on a US Navy carrier in real life, it's actually common for there to be multiple ranked captains. The CO is a captain and usually came up as a naval aviator. The XO is also almost always a captain, usually a surface warfare officer with nuclear power certification. The chief engineer is also often a captain, as is the Commander, Air Group (although s/he's technically part of a different chain of command, answering to the admiral in charge of the battle group rather than the captain of the carrier).

    But only the CO of the ship is addressed as "Captain So-and-So", for clarity's sake. Which is also true in Starfleet.
    DAX: Are you two ever going to be finished?
    NOG: Just a few more minutes, Commander.
    O'BRIEN: That's 'Captain'. It's an old naval tradition. Whoever's in command of a ship, regardless of rank, is referred to as Captain.
    NOG: You mean if I had to take command, I would be called Captain too?
    O'BRIEN: Cadet, by the time you took command, there'd be nobody left to call you anything.
    NOG: Good point.
    No, Starfleet is a citizen organization. The United Federation of Planets falls under the purview of a Mandate and universal governance. This does not allow for the creation of an organized military. This is also quoted by Roddenberry, "Starfleet is more like a Coast Guard than an army." Coast Guards' are organized citizen defense force(s). They are not answerable to any government authority. Universal or otherwise.
    The US Coast Guard is part of the United States military, genius. And it very much does answer to the civilian government, as does Starfleet. Reference all the times they have to defer to the Federation Council. Sisko even spends a two-parter working as an advisor to the President of the Federation.
    Additionally, there is no actual fleet admiralty. What it refers to is a theater commander. Quinn is the Beta theater commander. There are five such Admirals that sit on a bench and oversee the functions of Starfleet. He is not the sole authority but he does not answer to the President either.

    This is just simply false. "Starfleet Command" has been referenced since TOS; there is also a Commander, Starfleet, who is equivalent to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

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  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    I was watching Balance of Terror last night and Kirk tells Uhura to contact the nearest command base. That tells me that there are theater commanders.

    As a carrrier Sailor I can confirm that carriers have more than one officer with the rank of Captain.
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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,423 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    starswordc wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Yes, I know. I meant her colonel rank. As in, it's not necessarily the same as a Starfleet colonel.
    Yeah that's what I meant by "considered her rank to be equilevant of a lt. colonel" or a starfleet commander since starfleet uses naval ranks for the most part.

    The Bajoran name of the rank is actually "field colonel", which is indeed equivalent to a NATO lieutenant colonel. Her temporary commission as a Starfleet commander put her at a rank equivalent to her grade in her home service.
    where was this mentioned, I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm just curious as the later half of DS9 didn't air here when I did follow it and I don't have Netflix to watch the reruns.
    starswordc wrote: »
    Captain is both a role and a rank. It's a rank of OF-6 pay grade, and it's the form of address for a commanding officer of a ship. Not all commanding officers of ships are ranked "captain"--Sisko was ranked commander until the season 3 finale of Deep Space Nine, despite having command of both DS9 and USS Defiant--and not all ranked captains are CO of a starship.

    In fact, on a US Navy carrier in real life, it's actually common for there to be multiple ranked captains. The CO is a captain and usually came up as a naval aviator. The XO is also almost always a captain, usually a surface warfare officer with nuclear power certification. The chief engineer is also often a captain, as is the Commander, Air Group (although s/he's technically part of a different chain of command, answering to the admiral in charge of the battle group rather than the captain of the carrier).

    But only the CO of the ship is addressed as "Captain So-and-So", for clarity's sake. Which is also true in Starfleet.
    This can even happen in finnish defense force navy (dispite being much smaller then the USN), though we got around it by having the rank be called "komentaja-kapteeni" (literally: commander-captain) and the title/role be just "kapteeni" (literally:captain), though those ranks are just only in finnish and swedish (Finland is dual lingual) and the English translation is the same in the US rank.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    It's also of note that Kira was given her Starfleet rank by Sisko, who, as a captain at the time, wouldn't have had the authority to promote her above commander anyway.
  • pelon56pelon56 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    My two cents
    Don't have a preference on what rank gives the orders.
    I'm sure they all probably orginated from Starfleet HQ
    I would like the game to address my toons by the correct name and rank.
    i.e. Fleet Admiral Legion
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    strathkin wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    On the TV shows before Discovery:
    - why do captains go on away missions?
    - why are 90% of episodes about the captain when he is just supposed to be managing the crew?
    - what's the deal with airline peanuts?

    Because it makes for better television and games.

    If you want a more realistic view of a grand admiral poobah's duties, do some Admiralty Ship System.

    Or just ignore your Level 65 rank which has nothing to do with the Trek universe and consider yourself still only a captain. Kirk never talked about his skill tree choices or specialization points. He also never applied tech upgrade points to a Phaser to have it reach Epic.

    Yeah, I agree.

    I generally don't consider my characters to be Fleet Admirals. Whilst have no problem with anyone who does (each to their own) my personal view remains that Captain's command Starships, not Admirals.

    Heck, we never actually even SAW a 'Fleet Admiral' in canon.

    Well I think the original REQUEST is really just a 'slight' manner in how Lt. Commander's thru Captain's should really be speaking to us in the story line.

    I agree that they should be requesting our help rather than issuing orders, now it's one thing if another Admiral on behalf of Starfleet request we go to a system to investigate. But upon arriving we should be treated more like the Flag Officer, where they consult with or offer an opinion, rather than order around like they are the senior officer.

    I think this REQUEST seems perfectly reasonable--as most near end game players would likely be in Admiralty or Flag Officers. You'd think the STO writers of several campaign's since past the Delta Quadrant really should have several text or some voice additions to comply more.

    But certainly more of the latest content should be reflective of this for sure.

    the thing is, virtually EVERY episode was release as a feature episodes, available from level 5 or 10 or whatever. it's double the code to write for above and below the issuer's rank, and double the cost for the voice actors to record double lines. it would be completely idotic for a captain to kiss a Lt's tribble. also, just because you are a higher rank doesn't mean you are in charge
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  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    spiritborn wrote: »
    starswordc wrote: »
    spiritborn wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Yes, I know. I meant her colonel rank. As in, it's not necessarily the same as a Starfleet colonel.
    Yeah that's what I meant by "considered her rank to be equilevant of a lt. colonel" or a starfleet commander since starfleet uses naval ranks for the most part.

    The Bajoran name of the rank is actually "field colonel", which is indeed equivalent to a NATO lieutenant colonel. Her temporary commission as a Starfleet commander put her at a rank equivalent to her grade in her home service.
    where was this mentioned, I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm just curious as the later half of DS9 didn't air here when I did follow it and I don't have Netflix to watch the reruns.
    It's not, directly. However, as to the pay grade, there are two other Bajoran Militia "colonels" in the series.
    Day Kannu appears in "The Siege" with an similar rank pin to post-promotion Kira. It's hard to see, but this is Colonel Day...
    ... and this is Colonel Kira.
    But then Colonel Lenaris Holem appears in "Shakaar".
    He wears this insignia.

    So you've got at least two, maybe even three grades of colonel here.

    I think it was the continuation novels that named the rank "field colonel" and decided that the orb minus the outermost ring segment, plus Kira being commissioned as a Starfleet commander instead of a captain, plus the convention in Star Trek that the CO almost always is a grade above the XO, meant it was an OF-5. So Col. Lenaris is a "full bird", whereas Kira and Day are lieutenant colonel-equivalent.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    So, you want your job to meet out your rank?

    Sure thing, Admiral.

    Here's your desk.

    Here's your padd.

    This is you assistant.

    Enjoy sitting on your rear and doing paperwork from now until the end of time.

    Also, no more away missions, or riding around in spaceships all the time. Best you're going to get is the occassional round of golf.
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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,423 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    trennan wrote: »
    So, you want your job to meet out your rank?

    Sure thing, Admiral.

    Here's your desk.

    Here's your padd.

    This is you assistant.

    Enjoy sitting on your rear and doing paperwork from now until the end of time.

    Also, no more away missions, or riding around in spaceships all the time. Best you're going to get is the occassional round of golf.

    Actually, we already have this, more or less. I spend more time assigning crew to DO missions than anything else.

    Well that's your choice since I spend most of my STO time doing other stuff instead of being in the doff/admirality system. EDIT:fixed phrasing to sound less arrogant.
    Post edited by spiritborn on
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    It's also of note that Kira was given her Starfleet rank by Sisko, who, as a captain at the time, wouldn't have had the authority to promote her above commander anyway.

    Which kinda makes our character's rank laughable.

    I mean, I'd guess the excuse would have to be that Admiral Quinn has the authority to promote someone to the same rank as himself because of his position within Starfleet Command.
    Or he goes through the proper channels to arrange it. I mean, someone obviously has the authority and he's sitting there in his office on Earth with nothing but time to do his paperwork.
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