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Rise of the TFO trolls



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  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    Just wish we could get a personal black/block-list that would disallow us to be placed into groups with players on it in stfs. Than you could tailor your experience as you find players that are afking/triolling in that content, and not have to actually outwardly they would know about. I would gladly take having my que times go up if it meant i would not have to deal with some actives I don't like, or that make my experience worse
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  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    Can we leave the e-peen waving out of this discussion? Using mission reward gear i.e. Mk XII Purple gear is not the same as AFK in a TFO. Mark XII Purple is still the golden standard for normal and advanced queues, anything above is just a bonus.

    For Elite content it is a different story, but those are not included in the RTFO so discussion them here is nonsensical and simply distracts from the topic at hand.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • edited March 2019
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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    It isn't.

    then what kind of issue are you describing? If it's not a bug the only other thing it could be is user error or something on the end of the user.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    First: All of those missions only offer low-mark space gear. As we can see in this chart here...
    ...using low-mark space gear is functionally equivalent to being AFK anyway.

    First of all, if you go back to these missions as max level, you will get a mark appropriate for your level, meaning at least a mk xii very rare in most cases. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen people take mk xii budget ships into a STF/TFO run and be equal to or even outperform the folks with all the fancy bells and whistles. What someone's build can do on paper assuming perfect conditions, isn't always what happens in reality, they might get better and they might get worse. I have taken mk xii builds into a run as a tank and dropped 40k dps with it. No it's not my highest parse ever, but well more than enough to keep me from getting an AFK penalty. We're talking someone doing less than 1-2% of the damage across the ENTIRE RUN. If someone can't pull 1-2% of the total damage across the entire run, there's more issues going on than what you might consider subpar gear. No the mk xii gear isn't going to let you break 202938740293741398 dps or whatever the highest numbers are now, but it will get you through any advanced content with proper piloting. You do NOT and I repeat do NOT need mk xv golds in this game to succeed and farm marks.

    If you've picked up some mk xii and are concerned they won't be up to snuff, then try them out on normal mode first, or upgrade them before taking those items into advanced level content. You can get all the dilithium you need in this game to upgrade items without ever touching a queue. If you think your gear isn't up to snuff then level it up before attempting higher tier stuff. Again you already have a solution to this.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    So I can replace a small chance of not being paid for a penalty on EVERYTHING? I don't think so. Full pay or no work. And realistically, that isn't really the problem: I know how to manipulate the system into giving me what I want, anyway.

    The problem is you're agreeing to those terms by clicking random knowing full well you might not get the usual daily rate, yet are turning around and complaining when the system gives you exactly what you agreed to. You're getting paid, you're just not getting paid the rate you would prefer. If that's a concern then again your solution is to specific queue if you don't want to risk it. Leaving the group even though you agreed to play it is the epitome of griefing. I fail to see what's bad about expecting people to play a queue they signed up for unless there is some real life issue that occurs beyond that user's control. There's 4 other people who have to be taken into account aside from just yourself. It's not fair to them that you refuse to use the solutions you already have and their gameplay gets disrupted as a result.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Yeah, if you do that, you're immediately penalized 70 marks out of the gate. That's just a complete nonstarter. But again, not the real problem.

    Once again you can't have your cake and eat it to. When you press the random button it's the same thing as joining queue for every single TFO in game at once. There is a chance by doing so you will get put into something you don't like and don't want to play. If you don't want to risk getting a queue you've already gotten the daily bonus for, or don't want to risk getting a queue you don't like, then do specific queues until you've ran out of the daily bonuses. Once more you are not the only person in the queues and they don't revolve around any one specific person.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    It should be noted that the current endeavor system forces us to attend multiples of a specific type of queue, even though we cease to be paid after the first one. At this point I am not being paid for any effort beyond completion, so I'm not going to do anything except what I'm being paid to do: Attend and finish.

    Once more, you are getting paid at the rate you agreed to accept, even if it doesn't include the daily bonus. So what's the problem? Now if you it threw you into one of the Dyson queues and didn't give you the daily bonus even though it was still active, then that would be a legitimate complaint. However expecting the queues to give you daily bonus level rewards every single time you hit the button is wholly unreasonable and unrealistic. You're being paid what you agreed to be paid, even though it may not be what you would like to be paid.

    If someone is going to join a queue they have told the system and the others in the queue they're willing to accept the queue and play it. Barring something completely out of their control that they can't help, swapping to another toon just to avoid that afk penalty is intentionally griefing the other 4 people in there who now have their gameplay negatively effected by the actions of one person. No one person is so important in this game that they should be allowed to game the system in such a way, and expect no consequences from it.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Thing is, unless doing Elite, you don't NEED ground specs.
    You do if they're part of your CDM. Otherwise you push the button and NOTHING HAPPENS. You are physically unable to function! Your ship stops dead in space, your gun doesn't fire, nothing works. In 15 seconds when it's time to push the button again, because the button did not function previously, it's still broken. Breaking CDM breaks the entire build, rendering the entire thing inoperable, like ripping out someone's heart.
    In other words, you setup your skills and weapons in a way that's abnormal and only works some of the time.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    And as I said, doing queues a rando or two short isn't worth noticing most of the time...so I don't. I just see this "queue leavers" issue here on the forums. My only interest in the matter is the integrity of the RTFO rules as it applies to the extra reward, something the leavers seek to subvert.
    Well, another significant thing to keep in mind is that, currently, with no way to separate ground/space configurations, someone can be queued for something for which they are simply not configured to do and therefore cannot do anything in. And since you cannot be configured for both, you have to pick one and guess wildly, and if you're wrong? None of your buttons work and you are a brick.
    Obviously not true. However, anyone who believes such, should simply stay away from the RTFOs completely.
    The other issue is that the system still queues you for things that you've already burned your reward on, so you're no longer getting paid. If I'm not getting paid, I see no reason why I should work. Which brings us back to the two options: You can then walk off, since no pay, no work, or you can sit around and not do anything, because no pay, no work.
    Then you shouldn't queue to the RTFO once you've "burned" your reward on it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You do if they're part of your CDM. Otherwise you push the button and NOTHING HAPPENS. You are physically unable to function! Your ship stops dead in space, your gun doesn't fire, nothing works. In 15 seconds when it's time to push the button again, because the button did not function previously, it's still broken. Breaking CDM breaks the entire build, rendering the entire thing inoperable, like ripping out someone's heart.
    Um... wut? First off... what is CDM? Second... how does it TOTALLY shut you down until you can't even do anything? Do you have no power? Do you have all your gear stripped off just because you're not running certain things? Does your computer just lock up or something?
    It doesn't make sense because he's talking in metaphor and not saying what he means. I'm pretty sure what he's talking about is some sort of keyboard macro build. Note how he says "push the button" as if playing his build requires no more effort on his part in combat that a single key stroke every 15 seconds.

    Also he's probably exaggerating quite a lot. He tends to say things are "useless" or "do nothing" simply because it doesn't do as much as he wants it to.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,971 Community Moderator
    You're probably right.
    I don't use macros, and I'm not so hardcoded that I have to run the absolute best, most optimized thing just to function.
    The solution for him honestly is really simple. Don't queue for Randoms. But he's so hung up on reward and not gameplay fun that he's going around in circles to defend his POV of "I can't do anything because reasons" and saying this is a job.

    Its not a job. In one form or another every game rewards players. Hell... you get in game money for winning a Trainer Battle in POKEMON. That's not work. No one is "employed" and thus entitled to maximum reward for minimal effort.

    If he wants to run only space... why queue for randoms and risk getting ground in the first place? If you're not willing to be ready for ANYTHING... why queue for random in the first place?

    Hell... my main runs Intel/Pilot so on ground I am literally only running with Intel/nothing. Does that stop me? Nope. I got a decent set of ground gear and some decently balanced traits slotted. Is it the absolute best for any one thing? No. I'm not specialized for one at the expense of the other. I can handle both space and ground because I prefer a more balanced approach to things.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • ucgsquawk#5883 ucgsquawk Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    In the end, if you decide to queue random and don't get a mission you want then as the saying goes "suck it up buttercup".
    You knew exactly what you were doing, you clicked the button to take a random mission with random players...it's a game and so you're outside your comfort zone for 10-15 minutes to complete...who cares? Lives are not lost, it's not a job with big money on the line...it's a game where you have fun and get rewarded for doing so. Don't like a mission, then stick to only playing what you like and leave random alone.
    If the reward is a touch less because someone died or struggled with a build then play again...you're allowed to do that.
    Players aren't always geared perfect...they could be new, they could be trying something different. If a player doesn't perform to your expectations then too bad, play again.

    The very idea of dropping out of a random queue because it isn't the mission you want or you decide before hand that other players aren't good enough to get you an optional is the very height of selfishness.
    To demand extra rewards to play the specific mission you want equal to ransoms because you don't like what you might get is bordering on ignorant.

    Now please forgive me my rant, I don't mean to be attacking anyone specific, I really do mean my comments to the idea behind these and not a person. I'm just so annoyed by players who decide that all rewards must be for them and the slightest mark lost means the other players aren't worth playing with.

    This is a game...there are players of different skill levels, different builds, different styles, different approaches to the game...and in the end it IS a game. If you can't have fun with it then you really need to consider why you are playing and learn to play with others (I do believe that's a basic life skill taught at kindergarten levels still).

    My opinions and two cents only.
  • viridian74#1359 viridian74 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    That "Vote to Abandon" feature that was mentioned somewhere above would be a good thing. Either that, or an automatic end if the TFO takes much, much longer to complete than intended, or if more than half of the team has gone (or something). I was in one TFO where two people left early, one of them was cursing because the first optional goal wasn't met and called everyone stupid who stayed. I don't know why the other person left.

    The TFO was, unfortunately, too much for the three of us left. It became the TFO from hell. We tried for the better part of an hour. Player number three kept dying and respawning almost continously, me and the other player didn't die as much, but all together we didn't even put a dent in that last boss that showed up. Yes, we coordinated attacks and discussed the situation in chat.
    We decided to quit, and we tried to explain in chat to the third player in there with us, the one who was valiantly fighting, dying and respawning, that we could not win because we were doing zero damage. As in, ten minutes of concentrated fire, all the abilities we had, coordinate attacks, all of us flatline and the boss ship that was the problem did not drop below 98%. By the time everyone was back, the Invincible Boss was at a 100% again. We did not get any penalty for leaving this TFO, and I hope number three did not get a penalty either, and also knew that leaving the TFO was actually possible.

    Side note: The other time I left a RTFO was when I got stuck on a map. Bug Hunt, it was. The team sprinted off, I tried to follow, and ended up falling down some hole and couldn't get out, so I took the penalty. Luckily, the others on the team didn't mind (at least those who bothered to reply in chat).
  • risian6#1997 risian6 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    trennan wrote: »
    I've had a couple instances of this happening. Though I can't say for sure if this is the case. They may have disconnected and done a safe login, which drops them in Beta Quad. So there is this to consider.

    As far as ground, I haven't ran into this problem. Plus there aren't any ground TFO's you can't complete with 4 people. Minimum is 3. The main example of this are:

    Infected Manus ground
    Khitomer Ground
    Cure Ground
    Brotherhood of the Sword

    Well, Infected needs at least three, that's true. BotS needs two at least, the others can, in theory, be soloed.

    (Yes, even Khitomer if you're an engineer. Place mortars, mines, run to the hills, ehm, console room to drop the shielding.)
    Formerly known as Risian4. Risian6 is my new PS4-account. Fleetcaptain5 is my main PC account. I hope to actively play again on PC in a few months.

    Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle? :)
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    'No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.'
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • edited March 2019
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  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Well, I have a Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedo that would like to have a word with these capped Mk XII rewards.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • fury#0751 fury Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    To what end are they doing this - just to wreck things for others? They should be switching characters straight into a leaver penalty.

    I do it because
    1. I have zero interest in playing ground.
    2. Tzenkathi, Herald Sphere, Gravity etc. are never worth the time in a PUG. Even with a full team i've never done these without ending in fail.

    I also don't switch toons. When I hit an unwanted TFO I log out and switch games. I have a minecraft server, RIFT character, Season 16 Diablo 3 character that all need some love too so I am not going to engage in unpleasant work because the developers are too lazy to add some basic filtering.

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  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,268 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    fury#0751 wrote: »
    protoneous wrote: »
    To what end are they doing this - just to wreck things for others? They should be switching characters straight into a leaver penalty.

    I do it because
    1. I have zero interest in playing ground.
    2. Tzenkathi, Herald Sphere, Gravity etc. are never worth the time in a PUG. Even with a full team i've never done these without ending in fail.

    I also don't switch toons. When I hit an unwanted TFO I log out and switch games. I have a minecraft server, RIFT character, Season 16 Diablo 3 character that all need some love too so I am not going to engage in unpleasant work because the developers are too lazy to add some basic filtering.
    Perhaps you should consider not hitting the random button then? I don't leave because I care about other players STO gaming experience. It's not about me it's about the TEAM.

    What I'd like to see is some more smarts/intelligence in how a leaver penalty is assessed though. Just minutes ago while doing the current FTFO I had a game error that actually created a ticket. Still got a leaver penalty.

    This is counter-intuitive to me but it may very well be people like yourself that have created a system where any form of leaving (aside from the exploit) counts. I'm confident the exploit will be fixed soon and a stacking leaver penalty certainly has my vote.


    Post edited by protoneous on
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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    I'd also like to point out that this is actually literally false, because it should be obvious that GOLD is the gold standard, that's why it's GOLD. DUH!

    You do NOT need mk xv golds to succeed in this game and if someone says otherwise they're blatantly lying to you. They most definitely help, but are by no means required. A ground or space build loaded with full mk xii very rare items is more than enough to clear anything on advanced level, and even several of the elite queues. Hence the statement that mk xii is the gold standard.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    No, no you don't. Mission rewards cap out at MK XII, which is now 15-20 levels out of date.

    The keyword I believe you missed was that MOST cases it will be a mk xii very rare item. There are a few missions within the Delta Quadrant Arc that reward mk xiii gear. It's not a set bonus item or the most powerful stuff, but it is in fact a higher grade that mk xii. Most of them stop at mk xii, but there are some that go slightly higher. There are reasons that those items stop at mk xii for the most part, but that's an entirely different can of worms. Up until you get to mk xii every item you get will be around the minimum grade of equipment your rank can use. If I go through the mission Dust to Dust while i'm in the level 10-19 or the LT Cmdr level bracket, it will give me a mk iv version of the kobali set. If I go back later on while I'm in the rear admiral lower half bracket of 40-44, it will give me a mk x version of the kobali set. If I finally go back at vice admiral or higher, it will give me a mk xii version of the set.

    So if the goal is to farm out a basic set of gear for a budget build, then yes if you repeat missions you did earlier in that toon's life in their lower levels, you will in fact get an item more appropriate to your toon's current level, up to the maximum that mission is allowed to give out.

    As for the items being out of date, that's what the upgrade system is for. If you think your equipment is not up to snuff, then once more, get some upgrades before you go in. Especially with this last phoenix promo, there's no reason for this to be that large of an issue with established veteran players that can bring in well over 100k dilithium per day. There are ways to get resources in this game easily enough. Whether one chooses to utilize them is something else entirely.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Yeah, so? 40K is nothing, I get that while AFKing. Which just proves my point: MK XII is indistinguishable from AFK.

    It takes alot to make me laugh on this forum sometimes, but this right here actually made me laugh until my ribs hurt. I've played this game for 6 years now and put in at least a thousand hours of dedicated testing, and at least another 4500 general hours of play time on just my main toon alone. In fact when the current skill trees were on tribble I put in at least 200 hours of test on that feature by itself. In all of that time I never once seen anyone capable of doing 40k get smacked with an AFK penalty. So the idea that mk xii and 40k are nothing is just flat out laughable. no 40k isn't chart topping, but again will get you through any advanced content and a good chunk of the elites in this game as well. Expecting your teammates to be able to carry their own weight in a queue is one thing and is healthy for the game. However to have expectations set so high that 40k is considered no better than being AFK is the exact kind of attitude that's wrong with some of the people in game today. That's just living in a whole different universe of unrealistic.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Precisely, so it's not my problem. The queue doesn't revolve around me, so I am unimportant.

    Oh but you see that's where you're wrong, it's most definitely in part your problem. There are 4 other people in that queue besides yourself. When you leave out of a queue by swapping toons, you are negatively impacting their game and potentially their ability to complete the queue through deliberate action. This means they must now try to play a man down or try to find a replacement, and depending on the TFO they may not get that replacement. Or their only other option is to leave and eat a leaver penalty themselves. So by deliberately starting up the queue and someone bailing because they have decided that they don't like the queue and aren't going to play the queue they signed up for, they foul it up for the 4 other people in the run, which is not fair to the 4 other people.

    If you don't want to risk getting a queue that you don't like or have already "burned your pay" on, then don't do randoms. No one person is so important that they should be allowed to negatively impact the game for 4 other people like that through deliberate action and expect nothing to happen to them.

    Some of the comments in here precisely highlight why the need for an account wide lockout exists.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    To paraphrase Norman, who said it best:

    NORMAN: You say you are trolling TFOs, but if everything you say is a troll, then you are not trolling TFOs, but you cannot troll TFOs because everything you say is a troll. You troll TFOs. You troll the Forums about trolling TFOs. But you cannot for. Illogical! Illogical! Please explain. ;)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • ucgsquawk#5883 ucgsquawk Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    > ucgsquawk#5883 wrote: »
    > The very idea of dropping out of a random queue because it isn't the mission you want or you decide before hand that other players aren't good enough to get you an optional is the very height of selfishness.
    > Newsflash: STO is a selfish game. It's designed this way. We're given mutually incompatible objectives and told that cooperating to achieve a goal is exploiting the game 17x faster. The very core design of STO is "Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost". This is why cooperative functionalities like "shared objectives" and "ability to give your old stuff to new players" are all disabled.

    No it isn't...the fact you believe this just shows how out of touch you are.
    The random queues are about a team working together on an objective. That's the end of the story. Whatever other nonsense you want to throw in about you "working" harder than others and ridiculous nonsense about what constitutes little better than afk is just fluff...the TFOs are about more than just you.

    And if you just leave the game to abandon your team rather than character switch, maybe consider not coming back...you are adding nothing to the game with that attitude.
    Pick the queue you want and play it, or click random and just play whatever you get otherwise you've already found the door. The rest of us don't need to have to make up or your inadequacies.
  • edited March 2019
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You're probably right.
    I don't use macros, and I'm not so hardcoded that I have to run the absolute best, most optimized thing just to function.
    The solution for him honestly is really simple. Don't queue for Randoms. But he's so hung up on reward and not gameplay fun that he's going around in circles to defend his POV of "I can't do anything because reasons" and saying this is a job.

    Its not a job. In one form or another every game rewards players. Hell... you get in game money for winning a Trainer Battle in POKEMON. That's not work. No one is "employed" and thus entitled to maximum reward for minimal effort.

    If he wants to run only space... why queue for randoms and risk getting ground in the first place? If you're not willing to be ready for ANYTHING... why queue for random in the first place?
    Which is exactly why the game should help these poor souls by giving them a progressively-increasing vacation from the RTFO every time they leave. Something like 4h to start with and longer every time they relapse.

    Since they don't really want to play a random mission, they should be directed toward picking their own instead.
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    How to make friends and influence people: by Armada Leader.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,971 Community Moderator
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    That sounds hilarious. The random missions aren't even random! And a 4 hour accountwide queue ban for every iteration, eh? I salivate the opportunity, with this we'll be able to completely empty the queues in an orgy of unending pain. Delicious.

    Thank you for confirming your Troll status.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    @patrickngo They will just change their tactics, you know.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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