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Carrier Pets



  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    Taking the entity idea... how about for a say, 6 ship group you have the total hp divided by six ...thus when theres only 80% of the group hp missing, one of the ships will explode/be disabled, reducing the shots fired by said group

    Same pet function but less overhead
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    If a wing was a single entity then losing a ship could be done in a similar way to how a ship degrades as its health bar goes does. Less that 50% health (for frigate pets) a ship is visually lost along with the damage reduction from less weapons and it then has that as the cap until a new ship is launched to bring the wing back to full.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    This question can go here as it's directly related.

    The RNG blessed me with a single epic token and I have my eye on the Breen carrier or it's brother.

    I am also aware that the Jem'Hadar attack ship is within reach as well. I do plan on getting a Jem'Hadar dreadnought carrier at some point.

    Are the Breen ships worth the token and if so, which pets can I get for the carrier. Is the Plesh Tral available for it?
  • ucgsquawk#5883 ucgsquawk Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    On the console I picked up the carrier for my science captain, it's pretty good. I used the plesh...brek I think, the free one from the Winter event, the frigates are very good but the ai doesn't work to well for them, at least on console, they tend to not move past the carrier. They'll keep up with you but when you target an enemy they move much slower than the carrier and have to be dragged into battle.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    This question can go here as it's directly related.

    The RNG blessed me with a single epic token and I have my eye on the Breen carrier or it's brother.

    I am also aware that the Jem'Hadar attack ship is within reach as well. I do plan on getting a Jem'Hadar dreadnought carrier at some point.

    Are the Breen ships worth the token and if so, which pets can I get for the carrier. Is the Plesh Tral available for it?

    you should unlock the frigate pets if you have ether breen raider from the winter event. personally I rather enjoy the breen carrier. if you don't have the raider. I would just save the token tell you get the Jem'Hadar dreadnought then figure out if you want to get a t-6 version of the attack ship so you can use the console set as well or just unlock the frigate pet.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Got the Sarr Thein. I bought the entry level frigate pets for it too, the Plesh Breks that are actually Trals. Obviously not the advanced ones though as I don't have much dil for the next few days.

    I'll give it solid test shortly. Yep, a fine choice as it turns out. The pets aren't nearly as derpy as the Callistos and the ship itself isn't half bad either.

    The scaling is a little....off though. I'm supposed to believe 4 Plesh Trals can fit inside an asymmetrical pancake. Even one of them covers nearly the entire back of carrier.
    Post edited by orangenee#2931 on
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    so with the return of the R&D infinity pack be a great chance for me to get the universe :) shame the pets look like utter TRIBBLE tho, cud of made smaller versions of the J as the frigates, or being as its as big as they say it is use a GAL - X as the pets lol hahaha
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    Maybe modify "great chance" to small chance.

    I think it works out to about 1%.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    Maybe modify "great chance" to small chance.

    I think it works out to about 1%.

    well i was thinking more like buying off the exchange. :smile:
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    Maybe modify "great chance" to small chance.

    I think it works out to about 1%.

    well i was thinking more like buying off the exchange. :smile:

    Ah in that case, that'll be the best shot. The boxes sell for about 15-20 million I believe so if you can buy a few you'll be well on your way.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    AN idea I thought about while talking in another thread about hanger-pets, which I think might be good to debate an toss around in here is as fallows. What about adding a mechanic to the hanger/carrier ships that directly interacts with the pets in a variety of ways, kinda like how the spec ships have a mechanic that adds/expands to their own playstyle (intel, command,pilot).

    What are your thoughts on the idea, and what kind of mechanic do you think would fit a carrier/hanger-using ship to make them feel less shallow in the playstyle department.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    AN idea I thought about while talking in another thread about hanger-pets, which I think might be good to debate an toss around in here is as fallows. What about adding a mechanic to the hanger/carrier ships that directly interacts with the pets in a variety of ways, kinda like how the spec ships have a mechanic that adds/expands to their own playstyle (intel, command,pilot).

    What are your thoughts on the idea, and what kind of mechanic do you think would fit a carrier/hanger-using ship to make them feel less shallow in the playstyle department.

    Could you elaborate on what you mean here? are u meaning like intel/command/temporal boff powers? or with some ships like intel ships have the intel abilities built into the ships, mask warp signature, and the find weakness stuff?
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    one thing i would love to see them do is give the pets basic healing powers.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    so ive changed my build for my carrier, atm its the jem carrier, thinking saving to the get t6 xindi carrier, and running double aux2batt build so i can get crf/bo on cd so its constantly proccing the 2 traits, but i feel its doing more harm than good as im seeing my pets having 30 secs before able to relaunch so can proc scramble fighters every 15 secs... :(
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    just had a wee thought there, we been talking about a new c-store carrier pack, thinking about it, i think it will be a t6 atrox, kdf voquv, and a rommie carrier.......which is all fine n good, but i really not into sci carriers, just dont feel it with them, as i just not that into sci magic. thats why i prefer my dreadnought carriers, and has 1 extra weapon slot which i dont get why sci carriers lose one weapon slot its bizarre.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    The main problem with pets is they wildly vary in usefulness.

    For example Callistos are designed to be pure pewpew. Yet the Breen frigate pets are FAR more useful as they have tachyon beams which they don't mind using at all. Means I have a free shield strip. They actually have better AI in general too.

    Scorpion fighters like spamming plasma torps, which can be useful.

    Peregrines on the other hand derp around not doing much.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    cause looking back through them since t6 ships came out from lock box alone only 2 new carriers have come out, im not talking about the T6 versions of T5 ships, im meaning brand new ships, and the only 2 were the the hearlad and the sphere builders carriers thats it. yes we have from the R&D pack ships, like universe, but im meaning just lockbox and cross faction ships.
    were defo due a new carrier from the lock box tho im hoping a really good one :) with serious weight on playing as a carrier, a good trait a good universal console and a great frigate pet! lol oh i can dream lol
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    AN idea I thought about while talking in another thread about hanger-pets, which I think might be good to debate an toss around in here is as fallows. What about adding a mechanic to the hanger/carrier ships that directly interacts with the pets in a variety of ways, kinda like how the spec ships have a mechanic that adds/expands to their own playstyle (intel, command,pilot).

    What are your thoughts on the idea, and what kind of mechanic do you think would fit a carrier/hanger-using ship to make them feel less shallow in the playstyle department.

    Could you elaborate on what you mean here? are u meaning like intel/command/temporal boff powers? or with some ships like intel ships have the intel abilities built into the ships, mask warp signature, and the find weakness stuff?

    Absolutely. What I mean is not the boff powers, but like the inspiration mechanic of the command spec-ships, the gather intelligence mechanic of the intel spec-ships, or the Molecular Reconstruction mechanic of the temporal spec-ships. It would be basically a mehcnic that would function have some interaction between the hanger-pets an the main-ship, though maybe such a mechanic might be better used on specifically carriers.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    The main problem with pets is they wildly vary in usefulness.

    For example Callistos are designed to be pure pewpew. Yet the Breen frigate pets are FAR more useful as they have tachyon beams which they don't mind using at all. Means I have a free shield strip. They actually have better AI in general too.

    Scorpion fighters like spamming plasma torps, which can be useful.

    Peregrines on the other hand derp around not doing much.

    well ive not used the peregrines, i tend to stay away from fighters far too weak for my liking lol, but yeah defo agree with the breen pets i tested them out with a friend and they srtipped away the guys shields in no time, only issue is its a sci carrier.
    They really nee to make pets universal lol

    I love the callistos, when they work properly they are awesome, esp seeing the quad cannons firing x 4 and with crf constantly proccing its nice, but they lack badly they need to rework pets as ive tried using them but again with most pets just like to hang back and contemplate their life! lol
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    The only fighter level pet I tend to use is the delta flyer which are more a middle ground pet as they're a wing of two but more robust than standard fighters.

    I do have some widow fighters from tholian rep on one character. Although thats more for the weapon damage endeavour than actually using them. With coordinated assault you can easily get it done in first wave of a japori patrol.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    Yeah I agree that too many of the pets just seem so very useless, which to a point is based on the firing arc of the pet's weapons they use, it would be nice if they buffed the hanger-pet's firing arc on the cannons an dual beam banks abit as that might make more of the pets more viable a choice compared to how they are now. With how small the hanger-pets are it would make sense that they would have a much easier time in bringing their weapons to bare on a target, which increasing the firing arc would simulate as it would increase the time they have their targets in the firing arc.

    Also as an example of what I was meaning as a carrier/hanger-pet mechanic, it would be something like this if using existing systems. Maybe make a inspiration like system, that uses your pets to gather info that builds a bar allowing you to spend it to use different abilities buffing either the pets or the main ship. I could even see it that instead of the abilities using all of the bar built up to use an ability, the abilities would have different amounts that you needed to have built up to use them, and so would allow you to chain/combo abilities.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Absolutely. What I mean is not the boff powers, but like the inspiration mechanic of the command spec-ships, the gather intelligence mechanic of the intel spec-ships, or the Molecular Reconstruction mechanic of the temporal spec-ships. It would be basically a mehcnic that would function have some interaction between the hanger-pets an the main-ship, though maybe such a mechanic might be better used on specifically carriers.

    yeah thats interesting, having 4+ pets each scanning for weaknesses etc.... ive never really used the temporal stuff as its sci magic so dont know how they work, and as for the miracle ships if its like the tzenkethi carrier that wud be cool as they are random buffs could be interesting.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Yeah I agree that too many of the pets just seem so very useless, which to a point is based on the firing arc of the pet's weapons they use, it would be nice if they buffed the hanger-pet's firing arc on the cannons an dual beam banks abit as that might make more of the pets more viable a choice compared to how they are now. With how small the hanger-pets are it would make sense that they would have a much easier time in bringing their weapons to bare on a target, which increasing the firing arc would simulate as it would increase the time they have their targets in the firing arc.

    thing is i dont think changing the firing arc is needed, what they should do, being as they are ALL escort, speedy ships, they Should be able to keep the enemies in the firing easy but they cant for some reason, its bizarre totally strange they are acting more like cruisers, slow maneuvers slow turning, totally unlike any escort ive ever flown!
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Also as an example of what I was meaning as a carrier/hanger-pet mechanic, it would be something like this if using existing systems. Maybe make a inspiration like system, that uses your pets to gather info that builds a bar allowing you to spend it to use different abilities buffing either the pets or the main ship. I could even see it that instead of the abilities using all of the bar built up to use an ability, the abilities would have different amounts that you needed to have built up to use them, and so would allow you to chain/combo abilities.

    I like that idea of the buffing thing i would always send the buff to the pets, i want it to be the pets do all the work and i just sit there buffing healing them etc... so as been said many times in this thread the idea of having more hangars then weapons wud be cool....many things cryptic could do for us carrier lovers
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Yeah I agree that too many of the pets just seem so very useless, which to a point is based on the firing arc of the pet's weapons they use, it would be nice if they buffed the hanger-pet's firing arc on the cannons an dual beam banks abit as that might make more of the pets more viable a choice compared to how they are now. With how small the hanger-pets are it would make sense that they would have a much easier time in bringing their weapons to bare on a target, which increasing the firing arc would simulate as it would increase the time they have their targets in the firing arc.

    thing is i dont think changing the firing arc is needed, what they should do, being as they are ALL escort, speedy ships, they Should be able to keep the enemies in the firing easy but they cant for some reason, its bizarre totally strange they are acting more like cruisers, slow maneuvers slow turning, totally unlike any escort ive ever flown!

    That is if you take the ships being flown by players, than yes it would be quite easy for the pets to keep the target in their firing arc. Yet I think it is mostly to do with the AI of the pets that keeps the larger firing arc pets like beam arrays, or turret using pets much more viable, as the Ai does not adjust for the narrower firing arc on non-array/turret pets an so does not make the quicker turns to bring their weapons to bare on the targets.

    If we as players could issue a command to have them change their attack run style, such as from the typical circling runs, to something more like a figure-eight strafe run that might help. Though just adjusting the firing arc on the pets that use the narrower firing arc weapons would help as well.
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Also as an example of what I was meaning as a carrier/hanger-pet mechanic, it would be something like this if using existing systems. Maybe make a inspiration like system, that uses your pets to gather info that builds a bar allowing you to spend it to use different abilities buffing either the pets or the main ship. I could even see it that instead of the abilities using all of the bar built up to use an ability, the abilities would have different amounts that you needed to have built up to use them, and so would allow you to chain/combo abilities.

    I like that idea of the buffing thing i would always send the buff to the pets, i want it to be the pets do all the work and i just sit there buffing healing them etc... so as been said many times in this thread the idea of having more hangars then weapons wud be cool....many things cryptic could do for us carrier lovers

    I can see the appeal of that, but also see the appeal of the pets being scouts too. Like they go out locating the target an reporting back when the target is immobilized, or vulnerable an the main-ship/carrier can launch a heavy bombardment/attack on the target/s. Though this could be part of that system, and could be as below;
      Carrier mechanic abilities: For multi-hanger ships like the carriers I could see either that the hanger-pet type in the primary hanger/first hanger determines the abilities, or it take abilities from both hangers pet's.
    • Fighters: I could see these ships being well as said in their ship type fighters. An so having alot of abilities that are focused around buffing the pet's themselves, buffing their damage, healing them, what have you.
    • Shuttles: Now theses I could see as more scout like ships in fucntion, going out to gather intel on where a target is, and what is going on with the target. As such I could see the abilities in the system being built around more of relaying info that buff the carrier an allies,
    • Frigates: Now this I could see being a mixture of the two other types, combining some of the main/ally ship buffing aspects of the shuttle types, while also having other abilities that buff themselves though more on the offensive side maybe.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »

    thing is i dont think changing the firing arc is needed, what they should do, being as they are ALL escort, speedy ships, they Should be able to keep the enemies in the firing easy but they cant for some reason, its bizarre totally strange they are acting more like cruisers, slow maneuvers slow turning, totally unlike any escort ive ever flown!

    That is if you take the ships being flown by players, than yes it would be quite easy for the pets to keep the target in their firing arc. Yet I think it is mostly to do with the AI of the pets that keeps the larger firing arc pets like beam arrays, or turret using pets much more viable, as the Ai does not adjust for the narrower firing arc on non-array/turret pets an so does not make the quicker turns to bring their weapons to bare on the targets.

    If we as players could issue a command to have them change their attack run style, such as from the typical circling runs, to something more like a figure-eight strafe run that might help. Though just adjusting the firing arc on the pets that use the narrower firing arc weapons would help as well.

    what they could do here is simple give us new boff abilites, like new attack patterns that instruct what our pets do, like a attack pattern that wud make the pets do attack runs like figure of 8 or thing styles! so they give use new boff abilites that work only for pets!
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    what they could do here is simple give us new boff abilites, like new attack patterns that instruct what our pets do, like a attack pattern that wud make the pets do attack runs like figure of 8 or thing styles! so they give use new boff abilites that work only for pets!

    I could see that if they gave us a spec-tree that largely worked, buffed, and functioned around hanger/separation pets. Though it would be better to not bloat the existing boff careers (tactical, science,engineering) with abilities that are used for specifically such a small group of ships, but just add such hanger/separation-pet attack patterns as functions of the carriers/hanger/separation-pet using ships. Could be done like the hanger-pet command we have now (like fallow, escort, dock, attack)
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    what they could do here is simple give us new boff abilites, like new attack patterns that instruct what our pets do, like a attack pattern that wud make the pets do attack runs like figure of 8 or thing styles! so they give use new boff abilites that work only for pets!

    I could see that if they gave us a spec-tree that largely worked, buffed, and functioned around hanger/separation pets. Though it would be better to not bloat the existing boff careers (tactical, science,engineering) with abilities that are used for specifically such a small group of ships, but just add such hanger/separation-pet attack patterns as functions of the carriers/hanger/separation-pet using ships. Could be done like the hanger-pet command we have now (like fallow, escort, dock, attack)

    thing is i think we cud do with having boff powers that worked for carriers, not everyone has to use them, and there are now a huge selection of carriers available and more to come in the future... so yeah i think carrier boff abilities wud be nice, i dont think having a carrier spec tree boff powers wud be truly fair as all the other carriers wud not benefit from the specialized carrier boff powers as wud only be on certain carriers, it would be like, here have this nice new ability...but u cant actually use it.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    what they could do here is simple give us new boff abilites, like new attack patterns that instruct what our pets do, like a attack pattern that wud make the pets do attack runs like figure of 8 or thing styles! so they give use new boff abilites that work only for pets!

    I could see that if they gave us a spec-tree that largely worked, buffed, and functioned around hanger/separation pets. Though it would be better to not bloat the existing boff careers (tactical, science,engineering) with abilities that are used for specifically such a small group of ships, but just add such hanger/separation-pet attack patterns as functions of the carriers/hanger/separation-pet using ships. Could be done like the hanger-pet command we have now (like fallow, escort, dock, attack)

    thing is i think we cud do with having boff powers that worked for carriers, not everyone has to use them, and there are now a huge selection of carriers available and more to come in the future... so yeah i think carrier boff abilities wud be nice, i dont think having a carrier spec tree boff powers wud be truly fair as all the other carriers wud not benefit from the specialized carrier boff powers as wud only be on certain carriers, it would be like, here have this nice new ability...but u cant actually use it.

    Yeah that is why I mentioned that it might be better to create the attack patterns, but than link them specifically to the carriers in the same way as the carrier commands are. That way they are available to all hanger-using ships, but would not bloat the careers an need to be used in place of other boff choices like weapon buffs for instance. Something so major for pets to function, like using the correct attack pattern to keep targets in their weapon arcs, just sounds like something that should be built into the ship.
  • chrisevans34chrisevans34 Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    what they could do here is simple give us new boff abilites, like new attack patterns that instruct what our pets do, like a attack pattern that wud make the pets do attack runs like figure of 8 or thing styles! so they give use new boff abilites that work only for pets!

    I could see that if they gave us a spec-tree that largely worked, buffed, and functioned around hanger/separation pets. Though it would be better to not bloat the existing boff careers (tactical, science,engineering) with abilities that are used for specifically such a small group of ships, but just add such hanger/separation-pet attack patterns as functions of the carriers/hanger/separation-pet using ships. Could be done like the hanger-pet command we have now (like fallow, escort, dock, attack)

    thing is i think we cud do with having boff powers that worked for carriers, not everyone has to use them, and there are now a huge selection of carriers available and more to come in the future... so yeah i think carrier boff abilities wud be nice, i dont think having a carrier spec tree boff powers wud be truly fair as all the other carriers wud not benefit from the specialized carrier boff powers as wud only be on certain carriers, it would be like, here have this nice new ability...but u cant actually use it.

    Yeah that is why I mentioned that it might be better to create the attack patterns, but than link them specifically to the carriers in the same way as the carrier commands are. That way they are available to all hanger-using ships, but would not bloat the careers an need to be used in place of other boff choices like weapon buffs for instance. Something so major for pets to function, like using the correct attack pattern to keep targets in their weapon arcs, just sounds like something that should be built into the ship.

    yeah u are right, there is so much they could do with the carrier system, just dont know if they would, what they could do is simply 1 little change its so minor it wudnt change the way they work, is make ALL boff powers that have the word TEAM in them actually apply to pets, cause they are my Team, meaning when i hit sci team & eng team, would heal the pets makes it easier. and others.
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