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ST Discovery: Choose your pain

mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
edited October 2017 in Ten Forward
I putting this up early because there is a Hurricane heading for the UK and i have no idea what will happen to the power or internet after it comes through. With that said, When the latest Discovery episode is released, what do you think of it?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.

ST Discovery: Choose your pain 39 votes

I like it
irm1963garaks31mirrorchaosmattjohnsonvavengefuldjinncrypticarmsmandavidp0418artan42mhall85ltminnsseaofsorrowsrickpaaavaloreahwildthyme467989markhawkmanevilmark444kekvintheraven2378lordgyorpostinggum 22 votes
I don't like it
alexraptorrjcswwmeimeitoovelquavonestelshadowslasher410#3475 6 votes
I don't care
patrickngoricosakarathay8472tarran61darakossminidarikabutotokugawa 7 votes
reyan01crashdragonthelordofshadesrhenvar42 4 votes


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  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    I don't care
    Choose your pain ... in more ways than ones.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
    I like it
    It may not be traditional trek but a change is good every so often.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
      I like it
      I've likes all the others so far so why the hell not?

      Also, hurricane!?

      Nobody tells me nuffink.​​
      Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
      JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


      '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
      'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
      'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
      '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
      'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
      '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

      Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
      edited October 2017
      I like it
      80 mph winds, that's a slight breeze lol
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
        If this is supposed to be a thread for a specific episode, you should probably follow the usual standard of listing season and episode number in the title as well.
        Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
      • tunicate515#4416 tunicate515 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
        Someone else already posted a thread for this episode, and it was still on the FIRST PAGE of ten forward when you posted this.

        I will now bump that thread to the top to make your duplicate more obvious. Don't be a nitwit.
      • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
        I like it
        If this is supposed to be a thread for a specific episode, you should probably follow the usual standard of listing season and episode number in the title as well.

        I can do that next time, but that depends if someone else posts first as tunicate pointed out.
        Someone else already posted a thread for this episode, and it was still on the FIRST PAGE of ten forward when you posted this.

        I will now bump that thread to the top to make your duplicate more obvious. Don't be a nitwit.

        Just for your information i already reported on the duplication, however the insult is not needed. i am willing to be reasonable but that does go both ways. :smile:
        T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
        Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
      • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
        I like it
        i would rather comment on this thread. the op is a veteran in this forum with over 8k posts.

        there are rules, there are 3post fake acc's, that exploit the rules and then there are unwritten rules. which basically means respect is everything.
      • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,028 Arc User
        I like it
        The episode itself was good, and presented an interesting potential issue for later episodes. Discovery's transporter room was awesome, the first thing set wise in this entire show to aesthetically resemble the franchise in any way. Loved the character development between Burnham and Saru, Burnham is still unlikable in my opinion but is gradually becoming a decent Starfleet officer.

        Oh and one other thing, that "D7" designation was a load of horse manure.
        Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
        ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
      • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
        I like it
        Though it was not on broadcast TV, Star Trek: Discovery tonight dropped the "F" Bomb, or bombs. It was kind of amusing, but generally Star Trek has been a family show... at least until now. This doesn't bother me, I think it was a bad move and quite unnecessary.

        All in all this was some great Star Trek even if the orcish (Zug Zug!) speaking klingon fish people in their little fish of prey fighters made me long for real Klingons, and dulled an otherwise brilliant show so far.
        Member since December 2009

      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
        I like it
        Great episode, Stamets is quickly becoming a likable character.
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
        • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
          I like it
          artan42 wrote: »
          I've likes all the others so far so why the hell not?

          Also, hurricane!?

          Nobody tells me nuffink.​​

          Will hit Ireland, Northern Scotland and western parts of the UK mainland today.

          Haven't seen the ep yet so not voting yet, still 25 minutes 'til it hits Netflix, but if it's anything like what I've seen so far, I'm going to like it.
        • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
          I can't wait to see the mushroom drive animation in STO.

        • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
          I don't care
          So the Klingons have sex slaves now? or was that prisoner her consort? :S so much for being honourable warriors.

          Thank you for the Typhoon!
        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,052 Arc User
          I like it
          Tilly dropping the F-Bomb, that was unexpected.
            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
          • irm1963irm1963 Member Posts: 682 Arc User
            I like it
            Post-eating forum monster got me, second try :pensive:

            Good episode. Trek-style solutions, lots of character development and a few mysteries to look forward to solving. Lorca gets to kick donkey, Saru gets to show why he's First Officer and Tilly gets a Trek first (as well as remaining fantastically fun).

            Tad suspicious of Tyler's story, been some speculation he might not be who he says he is (we'll see if that pans out when he meets Lorca's desktop guard Tribble :)).

            Didn't see the point in changing the D7 design (even if it's a "house custom" why not just call it something else ?). It's the ship Kol had last episode, with the "boom and ball" but with long triangular wings running the length of it. Makes me wonder if there's some licensing issue at work. My Klingon characters really want those disruptor rifles though (ouch L'rell).
          • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
            I like it
            At least that whole dark story ended up with something good for that lifeform when it was set free. Saru gets his first command experience without the safety net and has proven to be that he can get the job done when the situation requires it.

            I'm not entirely convinced the bad blood between Saru and Burnham is resolved that quickly despite the peace offering and honesty of both, there is still alot of history to resolve there. I think Burnham is starting to understand and learn that her way isn't the only way that works, it happened twice, once with Stamets around the creature and the second with Saru confining Burnham to quarters.

            Now i am wondering about Lorca's state of mind, the female Klingon torturer and how much she will become a problem later on like Mudd and what the Federation and Klingon responses are to the Discovery and the capture and escape of Lorca. Tyler is the question mark and like Lorca, his state of mind is likely to play a role in up coming episodes.
            T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
            Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
          • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
            I don't like it
            There was a lot more I disliked about the episode than I liked.

            Saru continues to develop into the most likable and character of the series and seems to be among the few that actually fit in with what I would expect from a Star Trek show. His short time as acting Caption, I thought he did a good job in making the tough choices to get the job done. The actor who played Harry Mudd did an excellent job.

            Starfleet's standards seem to be exceptionally low at this point in time. Giving Lorca another command after he blew up his previous crew to prevent them from being imprisoned by the Klingon's, while he escaped. His previous actions fit in well with him giving Burnham a place on his ship. Trash tend to surround themselves with trash, which makes me feel sorry for Saru. Lorca seems to have something over that female Admiral. He basically tells her; his ship, his rules. That seemed out of place. He doesn't fit the misunderstood Captain profile because one of his superiors seems content to allow him to do whatever he likes. The D7 designation annoyed me a bit. I really like the TOS D7 and that thing looked nothing like it.

            The F-bombs seemed very out of place and unnecessary. Some shows need the language to fit the theme, like Ash VS Evil Dead, but Discovery still doesn't fall into that type of show for me.
          • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
            That mushroom drive exposition talk was painful to watch and as unnecessary as dropping the f-bomb. We, the audience are not that stupid, and the whole mushroom concept wasn't that complicated to begin with.

            I wish they would give us break from the Klingons for at least one or two episodes. We get it. They are incompetent brutes with a speech disorder. On the other hand, most of the Discovery's bridge crew are still nothing more than cardboard cutouts to us. We know absolutely nothing about them. Not even about the woman who served aboard the Shenzhou under Burnham. How about an episode that focuses on the crew and their interactions instead?

            Meanwhile Lorca is even darker than we thought. He blew up his former crew and escaped as the sole survivor. He was then given command of Starfleet's most advanced science vessel as 'reward'. Ok..?!? Well at least the new guy, the one Lorca saved from the Klingon prison ship, seems like an interesting character.

            I'm glad that at least some relationships were developed further. Saru and Burnham, Lieutenant Stamets and Doctor Culber. I liked Culber in particular. He made it quite clear that he wouldn't sacrifice his principles not even if their own survival was at stake. Saru's decision to let Burham free the creature was also a step in the right direcion. I'm curious to see Lorca's reaction to this.


            As I said earlier. I think what this show needs right now is a break from the Klingon war. Let us see the Discovery and its crew. Let us at least get emotionally invested in some of the characters before you kill them off. I'm still a little bit salty about how they 'got rid' of the chief of security in the last episode. Her and Lorca against Burnham, Saru and Stamets would have made for some interesting dynamics in the future.

          • This content has been removed.
          • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
            I like it
            So, I liked this episode more than last week's episode. A few thoughts:
            • Lorca is still intriguing, but I wonder if he is going to turn into a Matt Decker-like character (if he isn't already). It still seems like we're only operating on minimal information about him, though. While we learned more, I don't feel the backstory about his previous ship was given enough breathing room. Also, his relationship with the admiral is interesting, but again, just felt like a tease to something later down the road.
            • Rainn Wilson as Harry Mudd really turned out well! I was quite worried about this, to be honest, but I'm glad it worked out. I look forward to seeing more of him in later episodes.
            • I thought Burnham and Stamets acted like proper Starfleet officers in this episode. This was set up in the previous episode, and was adequately paid off here. Fans who are used to things getting resolved in 42 minutes need to adjust their expectations, as this is a different form of storytelling.
            • So, does the Tardigrade DNA somehow connect one to the Mirror Universe? That's got to be what the ending is hinting towards, but I will be very curious if they stick the landing here. Also, to those that said Discovery is based in the Mirror Universe... theory sunk, LOL.
            • The F-bombs... Tilly's reaction felt natural, but Stamets' response felt forced. I almost expected Anthony Rapp to turn to the camera, wink at the audience, and whisper, "We can curse now!" I can do without it, TBH.
            • The D-7 reboot... I can get that this will upset some fans. I won't forgive it, but honestly, it doesn't hit home with me. Now, if they do the same with the Connie? LIGHT THE TORCHES.
          • thelordofshadesthelordofshades Member Posts: 258 Arc User
            edited October 2017
            The best episode since episode 01 - some interesting character development, more or less internally consistent plot.
            The show's writing though remains very uneven, while the script is good at fleshing out characters and developing their relationships, the general plotline remains rather weak. It really leaves me conflicted about the series estimation.

            I especially dislike the way they portray both the Klingons and the Federation, which is almost completely incompatible with all the previous canon. These attempts at being all dark and gritty, The Expanse with a bunch of alien races, do not fit in the previously established universe - and The Expanse still does it like 2x better despite lower production values, because that is what it was supposed to be from the start.

            1. Federation. The more they show the more it looks like Kelvin timeline dystopian Federation. Only this episode adds such as points as:
            Cornwell all but confirms that Starfleet Command is quite aware that the war is not Burnham's fault, but chose her as a scapegoat anyway - people wanted someone to be punished, so they've given them "this organization's only convicted mutineer". (BTW, interesting choice of words there "only convicted" - which somewhat implies that there were others, which were not convicted). Nice sleazy politician move there, Starfleet !
            A bunch of Starfleet admirals are totally on board with the idea of using living and possibly sentient creatures as an engine part, what has demonstrated negative effect on the said creatures, and don't question it in a slightest. Way to go there, Federation ! What's next ? Releasing bio-engineered plague in Qo'nos atmosphere ? Thalaron weapons ? Deathcamps for Klingons ?
            Starfleet Command has given a crucial position to a man, who had just murdered his own crew, time and time again demonstrated neglect for the lives of his current crew - moreover, they are basically handed him a carte blanche for any actions he deems necessary.
            Also apparently ST:D Federation has both quite poor and extremely wealthy people.
            So much for optimistic vision of the future.

            2. Klingons. It is episode 5 already and they are still portrayed as murderous brutes, whose main meaning of life is killing, destruction and torture. They are not in this for territory, resources and power - they apparently enjoy the process itself. However this raises one big question - how the hell the surrounding civilizations didn't wipe out such "nice neighbours" long ago, while they were "still small" ?
            Also a sex slave on a warship ? Really ?
            The portrayal of Klingon Empire in ST:D is extremely one dimentional and lacks nuance. They are some kind of space orks, but not the Klingons of TOS, TNG, even DS

            P.S.: Cursed be the forum post-eating monster.
          • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
            I like it
            thay8472 wrote: »
            So the Klingons have sex slaves now? or was that prisoner her consort? :S so much for being honourable warriors.
            Not much of a stretch given how they produced dilithium in TOS....
            My character Tsin'xing
          • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
            I like it
            Oh! I forgot one thing...

            Gotta wonder if Lt. Tyler is a Klingon spy. If that turns out to be true, bonus points to the writers.
          • This content has been removed.
          • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
            edited October 2017
            I like it
            reyan01 wrote: »
            This isn't the Kelvin timeline - the Constitution class should look exactly as it did in 'The Cage'.

            We do not agree here.

            I think there is a "design triangle" to play within, placing the 1966 Enterprise model in one corner, SOMETHING like the early concepts of the Enterprise from the 2009 movie, and the Discovery in the final corner. Find a sweet spot between the two Connie models, then bring it closer to the design language of the Discovery. There's room in there for some interesting designs, while still holding true to the PRIME Connie. There's also a reason why Jeffries' model is iconic, after all.

            You're not getting the 1965 "Cage" model. You're just... not. At best, you'd get a re-skinned model of the 1966 model.
          • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
            I like it
            I especially dislike the way they portray both the Klingons and the Federation, which is almost completely incompatible with all the previous canon.
            Cornwell all but confirms that Starfleet Command is quite aware that the war is not Burnham's fault, but chose her as a scapegoat anyway - people wanted someone to be punished, so they've given them "this organization's only convicted mutineer". (BTW, interesting choice of words there "only convicted" - which somewhat implies that there were others, which were not convicted). Nice sleazy politician move there, Starfleet !

            Politically-driven admirals are nothing new to Trek. Nacheyev (or however you spell it) takes the cake here, but TOS even had commodores/admirals that were driven by the wrong motives, if not outright incompetent.

            A bunch of Starfleet admirals are totally on board with the idea of using living and possibly sentient creatures as an engine part, what has demonstrated negative effect on the said creatures, and don't question it in a slightest. Way to go there, Federation ! What's next ? Releasing bio-engineered plague in Qo'nos atmosphere ? Thalaron weapons ? Deathcamps for Klingons ?

            I agree that this should have been addressed better in the episode, but you are jumping to extremes. Burnham, of all people, already cited the illegal nature of biological weapons in this universe. This episode also brought up the illegality of eugenics experiments. And, even though it was handled in a clunky way, they weren't sure that "Ripper" was sentient. In fact, once the subject was finally addressed, Burnham, Stamets, Tilly, and the doctor guy all began to act like your stereotypical Starfleet officer.

            So, yes, potentially poor writing, but no need to go off the deep end.
          • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
            I really found the whole escape a bit too easy to pull off there, so I remain suspicious about it. I'd definitely take a look out for the Tribble (at this time, probably no one knows that Tribble and Klingons don't get along).

            There is also some "meta" information that makes it suspicious, as I learned:
            The actor who plays Voq (the Albino) and the actor who plays the escaped Lieutenant are different according to credits. But there were originally some different plans on who would play what role, and the actor playing the Lieutenant has only one role listed on his credit page, and the name might actually allude to the birth name of the actor playing Voq. And since Voq was supposed to "give up everything" in the last episode, and his slogan is "Remain Klingon", what if he really was just altered to look human to infiltrate them?
            Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
          • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
            I liked Rainn Wilson as Mudd, but the overall direction of this is just silly. It's fun to riff but so very silly. There are some nice moments in this, but I'm afraid the story with the Klingons will just end in stupegeddon.
            ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
            "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
            "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
            "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
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