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S13 turned out worse than Delta Rising



  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    So Silverlobes how do you feel about a Player like me ? who has been parsed with his strongest toon doing around 77k in a ISA.

    Characters on my acc range between 28k-77k after the balance pass.

    I don't build my ships to chase numbers as I personally have no parser installed to test and bench mark and fine tune, I find out my DPS from others who post it in team chat after a match.

    And for me its like ok I can do this with this build, i'm happy to with that, and plod along.

    I build my ships solely to be as strong as possible for the content I run to make the game more fun for myself. And to make sure that if i'm playing with others i'm as strong as I can be, so i'm not being carried by the others and being a hindrance to the teams success.

    Is it wrong for me to enter Public Queues ? someone who doesn't chase numbers but has a strong build that could be classed a DPS build ?.

    What do you care what I think of you? I don't know from numbers alone, what is considered a good, bad, or even average build, so I'm not going to get drawn into the question of if you should or not. I'll simply say that if you think your build is significantly outperforming other random players, and you're taking their kills, would it kill you to use another build when you enter RAs, and keep your mentioned build for other private queues or solo mission content?

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Like I've said already: My previous main build, was a regeneration build based on this concept. I didn't have any of the fancy consoles, just 7 turrets and a wide-angled quantum torpedo launcher, and things like nanite-infused circuitry (I did itemize the build a few pages back, and someone kindly worked out an estimate of the DPS output) It was able to sit in the middle of a Kazon mob, and when the shields eventually went down, they would just spring back at full power, and the hull would also regenerate every few seconds. It wasn't Unbeatable, but it took a Serious Pounding to do so. Since S13 was released, that regeneration appears to be only a third of what it previously was. RAs which had previously been handleable, no longer were, and the ship was getting blown up each grouping of cube/spheres it encountered. That never used to happen. So something must have been done in the code jiggling of the rebalance, to have affected the performance of the ship's systems.

    That's one way of looking at it. Another way is to say that, pre-S13, the (literal) power creep tended to mask off certain weaknesses of people's build. On mine, for instance, I often needed to adjust aux power a bit, and lower it, as an endless supply to all subsystems simply wasn't a thing any more. More Shield power increases shield hardness too; and less aux affects thing like Nukara Defensive too, etc. So, less thereof will be felt as well.

    Also, the weekly Combat Performance Boost Project no longer adds, what was it, like +20 resists across the board!? You may feel that too. So, I changed my meta a bit, adding a Xenotech Resilince console, lost the Zero-Point (as there was literally zero point any more, for me, slotting it, what with the Leech cap nerf and all), and gladly took the bonus resists + Armor pen off the K13 shelves. Or then changed some builds to an Armor pen meta altogether, while I was at it.

    FTR, Not happy with the nerfs, of course; but just sitting around, complaining your old build gets shot dead now, in something as mundane as a Borg RA, no less, that's seems a mite too passive for me. At some point, I figured I needed to either quit, or make like a Borg, and adapt. :)
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Like I've said already: My previous main build, was a regeneration build based on this concept. I didn't have any of the fancy consoles, just 7 turrets and a wide-angled quantum torpedo launcher, and things like nanite-infused circuitry (I did itemize the build a few pages back, and someone kindly worked out an estimate of the DPS output) It was able to sit in the middle of a Kazon mob, and when the shields eventually went down, they would just spring back at full power, and the hull would also regenerate every few seconds. It wasn't Unbeatable, but it took a Serious Pounding to do so. Since S13 was released, that regeneration appears to be only a third of what it previously was. RAs which had previously been handleable, no longer were, and the ship was getting blown up each grouping of cube/spheres it encountered. That never used to happen. So something must have been done in the code jiggling of the rebalance, to have affected the performance of the ship's systems.

    That's one way of looking at it. Another way is to say that, pre-S13, the (literal) power creep tended to mask off certain weaknesses of people's build. On mine, for instance, I often needed to adjust aux power a bit, and lower it, as an endless supply to all subsystems simply wasn't a thing any more. More Shield power increases shield hardness too; and less aux affects thing like Nukara Defensive too, etc. So, less thereof will be felt as well.

    Also, the weekly Combat Performance Boost Project no longer adds, what was it, like +20 resists across the board!? You may feel that too. So, I changed my meta a bit, adding a Xenotech Resilince console, lost the Zero-Point (as there was literally zero point any more, for me, slotting it, what with the Leech cap nerf and all), and gladly took the bonus resists + Armor pen off the K13 shelves. Or then changed some builds to an Armor pen meta altogether, while I was at it.

    FTR, Not happy with the nerfs, of course; but just sitting around, complaining your old build gets shot dead now, in something as mundane as a Borg RA, no less, that's seems a mite too passive for me. At some point, I figured I needed to either quit, or make like a Borg, and adapt. :)
    And adapt I did: By assimilating a new ship :tongue: The irony being, that the same build components, transposed from the Science Curuiser to the Dreadnought, is perfectly adequate to survive the RAs (although still nowhere near as much regeneration, just a ship more capable of taking the pounding :wink: )

    Again, I'm not trying to get things done/fixed/whatever for my benefit, I just want the content to be even for everyone, and appropriately matched/tiered :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    So you're saying that tunebreaker needs his DPS MegaBuild to handle the game's Routine Content?!?!? :open_mouth::joy:

    Um, no. I was simply saying that if tunebreaker can't handle the content, I certainly can't either.

    Also, tunebreaker needs to do what he needs to do. It is not for me -- a considerably weaker player -- to dictate where he can, or cannot, take his DPS MegaBuild. You'd better ask him yourself, of course, but I reckon he's taking the entirely reasonable position that he's always seeking to do the best he can, and is not inclined to gimp himself severely, just on the off-chance he might be grouped with other players who can't keep up (unless he were helping/instructing someone, of course, in a premade; the sort of thing he does quite often, actually).

    Woud be nice if the PPS worked on the queues, but I heard they haven't even enabled it for PvE yet (my guess: the queues are simply too empty for such 'thin' matching). But as long as queues are public, I encourage everyone, you, me, and tunebreaker, to always bring the best they got, and to do the best they can. Doesn't get more fair than that.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    valoreah wrote: »
    1 You're twisting the point (or trying to) I don't assume that they build them out of malice. I never did. But when it's brought to their attention that DPS MegaBuilds have the effects which They Do Have on pugs, they should keep them for private-use only in consideration for other players.

    I'm not twisting anything. The words you chose to use are very confrontational and have a punitive tone toward anyone who has a high DPS build or disagrees with you. As to who belongs in private matches, again, this door swings both ways. Those with sub-par builds can do the same and create private matches.
    You are twisting it, because you're trying to narrate my intentions. I'm equally not commenting on DPSers intentions, but the effects of their builds, the affect it has on others, and their inability to acknowledge, let alone begin to address the behaviour. And yes, I was using firm words, because I don't believe people are aware of how toxic this mindset being collectively displayed by the DPSers is at its core.

    As far as someone of that mindset is concerned, as long as they get theirs, **** everyone and anyone else, and **** the notion of them behaving differently. It's an absolutely disgusting mindset, and needs to be acknowledged for what it is.
    2 I acknowledge it, and I think if anyone is stupid enough to try and enter an Advanced queue with a sub-par build, then they deserve the consequences of that, such as not being able to get their hits in, getting AFKd etc. But. Someone should not have to think twice about entering a Borg or Tholian Red Alert, because their ship may not be able to keep up with the other players. Two very different things, which I'm sure you're well aware of, and just being deliberately disingenuous of.

    If people want to participate in a mixed build environment - like the public queues and Red Alerts - then they should be properly outfitted and experienced enough to do so. If your skills and build cannot compete with others, 99.99% of the time that is on the player, not the game.
    3 And as we've discussed previously: The fact that The Game gives that same offer of potential to all players, DOES NOT translate into all players being able (or even wanting to) take advantage of that possibility. I'm happy with my vr gear, and don't see why I should spend out further on higher tier gear, just to be able to participate in Red Alerts.

    If any player makes the conscious decision not to take advantage of what is available in the game to improve, then that is their decision and they must live with the consequences of that decision. Because you choose to stay with sub-par gear in no way means other people should do the same just to accommodate you. What you are saying with your last sentence is that you want to enjoy the same benefits as those who worked harder, invested more time and resources and practiced more than you. Life does not work like that.

    Personally, I don't much care for upgrading stuff either. However, I want to remain competitive so I will do what I have to do in order to achieve that. I in no way expect anyone better equipped than me to dumb down their game just to match my level. I do expect those at a lesser performing level to me improve themselves. If I can do it, anyone can.
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're using 'you' collectively. I have, and do, upgrade my gear and ships. As a result of the S13 changes, my personal favorite ship (T6) is no longer adequate for Red Alerts, so I had to upgrade it to a Dreadnought. A ship I don't even really like the look of. Paid for with cash, just because I had to update, to be able to undertake the Red Alerts. Paid for with cash, not grinding, cash. Just the Same as Galor, and the Ouroboros, and the second Dreadnought I bought at the same times (That's right, I bought them all at the same time, just as I will also be buying the Atlas, the Konstitution and a second Galor) So don't be under the impression that I'm not willing or able to make the upgrades. I can make them, but I object to having to do so, just because someone can't leave their DPS epeen in drydock for five minutes, and because they need to show off and curb-stomp a Red Alert. As I've said before, I'm not primarily talking about my own personal experience, I'm advocating for a more balanced gaming environment for everyone, and simply relating my own experience as to why I understand the need for more balancing in this type of content.
    4 Again, deliberately missing the point that I don't care if someone is better than me. What I do care about, is the entitled narcissism and self-centered attitudes of DPSers who continue to say "We'll use our MegaBuilds wether you like it or not, Scrub!" I do care about having to spend my resources to upgrade stuff just to remain competitive with other competitors, who could just as easily stick to totally private runs with their MegaBuilds.

    I am not missing anything. You are failing to see that you are just as narcissistic and self-centered as the next person. There are two sides to this coin and neither side is the correct one. It's just as easy for the casual player to create private runs for their sub-par builds as it is for high DPS players to create a private match.
    You are missing it, brother, because you seem convinced that I care if someone else is better than me, or if I'm better or worse than anyone else, and thus doing the DPS Race because my ego needs the validation, no matter how many times I say that I'm not :D I didn't like that my previous build was insufficient for Red Alerts (not the DPS Race, but the Red Alert itself, because the ship couldn't regenerate as much as it used to) so I did something about it. People shouldn't have to do that though, just to be able to keep up with a MegaBuild on a curb-stomp. It's a subtle distinction, but it needs to be acknowledged, because that's the point I'm making, not the other :wink:

    Creating private matches doesn't address the issue with the Red Alerts.
    DPSers' collective attitude has shown that they can't be trusted with the cool toys, which sadly, means it has to be taken away... It can either be via more nerfs till morale improves, or It should be tier-locked content: No one higher, no one lower. I don't really care which.
    You probably do not want tier-locked content either.
    :D:D Oh man, are you that compelled to try and counter-point anything I say?? :D:D I've actively suggested tier-locked content many times throughout this conversation! :D:D I said, I'd like to see more nerfs, or tier-locked content as solutions to this issue, but that I don't really care which (although to be honest, I'm more in favor of tier-locking, because it solves the issue of mis-matched queues)

    The whole game is tier-locked, so why not do the same with the Red Alerts?

    Say some n00b (or even an existing player starting a new alt) leaves Admiral Quinn's office, and rather than playing Stranded in Space, decides to jump into Butterfly or Midnight with their T2 Miranda... Game's not going to let them do it, is it. So why not have the same mechanic in the RAs? I thought that that was the idea behind the PPS System.

    If the issue is that there's not necessarily enough players of x tier to fill a run, then that's a sign that the RAs do need to be unlocked, but they would then also need to lose the AFK penalty, so it won't matter if someone winds up getting sidelined by a MegaBuild.

    The game can't have it both ways: It can't insist on making everyone participate together, and then penalize those who are trying and failing, due to being over-shadowed by a MegaBuild. Now if the system was to detect actual 'hands off the keys' idling for more than twenty seconds in an RA (the same way it does when someone is AFK for an hour) then by all means, hit them with an AFK ban to discourage reward-leeching. Given the level of input activity an RA requires, I'd say that 20-30 seconds would be a reasonable indicator that someone is indeed just leeching, rather than someone who's Trying to participate, but not getting anywhere in a hurry :sunglasses:
    The Borg STFs used to be like that before the public queues. Only the few who had the right gear and teamwork could complete them and it led to a lot of crying on the forums.
    :D:D:D:D You mean scrubs who never open their wallets, where whining that they either couldn't afford (or more likely couldn't be bothered to grind) to bring themself up to a suitable level? I wasn't here for that, but; "That's pretty funny!" - Geordi LaForge

    It's not as if the game isn't easy enough already, I guess some people just want their lives spoon fed to them :D:D:D:D

    OMG...the level of wrong in this steaming pile of excrement is just mind boggling.

    So lets start with the not saying anything about DPSer's intentions while spewing off things like....
    4 Again, deliberately missing the point that I don't care if someone is better than me. What I do care about, is the entitled narcissism and self-centered attitudes of DPSers who continue to say "We'll use our MegaBuilds wether you like it or not, Scrub!" I do care about having to spend my resources to upgrade stuff just to remain competitive with other competitors, who could just as easily stick to totally private runs with their MegaBuilds.

    So saying that DPSers are self centered and entitled narcissist isn't saying anything about their intention in what universe again? because it ain't this one. I hope unicorn farts tastes like rainbow sherberts where you are because you are utterly delusional if you think what you said there isn't making a comment about the intentions of DPSers...and you have the gaul to twist Val's word to try and make it not about the utter stupid you just said by saying he is twisting your words when he ain't. Nice.
    As nice as their attitude of 'we're going to keep doing it, and don't give a TRIBBLE if it ruins your pug... Don't like it? TRIBBLE off...' Yeah. Nice.

    That's a direct observation of what's been said here. As patrickngo pointed out above, I'm not saying that it's being done out of malice, but there is definitely an attitude of 'we don't give a TRIBBLE about you or your experience, as long as we get ours' He gets what I'm referring too.
    Followed by you HAD to buy a new ship?!? HAD to? You could not do the contents in the game with whatever ship you had. You do realize AVERAGE gamers can do normal content in this game with a T1 ship...right. **** POOR ones like me needs a T3. And yes I am a **** poor gamer. I play things on easy mode...and have trouble. If you "need" better ships, the level of bad you are at makes it so that basically anything you say about the game is worthless. You have to actually UNDERSTAND how the game works before you can make any sensible recommendation. You are at the level of ignorance where you don't even know how ignorant you are.
    I'm not talking about the mainline Game Content, dude, but RAs. RAs which the ship used to handle, and no longer could. Again, an observable reduction in performance.
    No, things are not tier locked. You can take your T1 starter ship and do EVERY SINGLE MISSION in this game. There are people who actually do this as a challenge. I do T1 ISA runs with my fleet (although I do get carried a bit by them). If you get to be an average gamer level, you too can do these things. Not average STO player...average GAMER.
    Yes, things are tier-locked. A player who has hit L60 can certainly take their starter ship into any mission replay they want for the lulz: That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to a Brand New Player who's just competed the tutorial, they cannot just select any mission they want to play and jump in feet first: They have to play their way through, and level up accordingly. A Player who has just completed the tutorial, can't load Mk XIV phasers onto their starter ship. Again, the content is tier-locked (at least, that's what I was referring to by the term :D )

    coldnapalm wrote: »
    OMG not this again. You can't say dpsers can't join a public queue because they may ruin someone's fun while not acknowledging that low dpsers can do the same to the high dpsers. Public queue is PUBLIC. Don't like it, make a private queue and shut up already about whi can and can join a PUBLIC queue.
    Please see my above post to valoreah, as it covers what I would also say in response to your points :sunglasses:

    Finally, no, no you did not. You did not touch one iota on the fact that public queue are PUBLIC. Don't like it? Then it is on YOU to make a private match, not the people you have issues with.[/quote]
    You're conflating my discussing a topic for my personal opinion on it. Many people have complained about DPS MegaBuilds spoiling their RAs, I'm just commenting on what I've seen people saying. My RA issue, was down to whatever code changes were made with S13, and as a separate incidental aside, I happen to be able to understand why the people who are complaining about DPSers, are doing so. I'm no DPS wizard, but I can hold my own in terms of the game's content. That doesn't mean I can't understand the complaints of those who are feeling unable to participate because of their own builds :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    So you're saying that tunebreaker needs his DPS MegaBuild to handle the game's Routine Content?!?!? :open_mouth::joy:

    Um, no. I was simply saying that if tunebreaker can't handle the content, I certainly can't either.

    Also, tunebreaker needs to do what he needs to do. It is not for me -- a considerably weaker player -- to dictate where he can, or cannot, take his DPS MegaBuild. You'd better ask him yourself, of course, but I reckon he's taking the entirely reasonable position that he's always seeking to do the best he can, and is not inclined to gimp himself severely, just on the off-chance he might be grouped with other players who can't keep up (unless he were helping/instructing someone, of course, in a premade; the sort of thing he does quite often, actually).

    Woud be nice if the PPS worked on the queues, but I heard they haven't even enabled it for PvE yet (my guess: the queues are simply too empty for such 'thin' matching). But as long as queues are public, I encourage everyone, you, me, and tunebreaker, to always bring the best they got, and to do the best they can. Doesn't get more fair than that.
    Okay, allow me to rephrase, as I think my tone may have been missed... If Any Player, needs a DPS MegaBuild, just to get through routine game content, then there is either an issue with the content, or, they are a seriously crappy player who needs the crutch of the build.

    I've gone through all game content (bar Mirrors and Smoke) with the in-game-provided ships and resources. I didn't need to MegaBuild anything just to be able to play the game.

    This is why, when tunebreaker said that if the game was such that they needed a MegaBuild, then I had no hope, I took that as an attack on my ability to handle the content, which as illustrated, I had handled without issue until the rebalance was put into effect. I suspect that when I play Mirrors and Smoke (and I will try it with the old build, just to see) I'll have no real issues. But I can't deny the change in the build's survivability in terms of RA performance.
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
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  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    You are missing it, brother, because you seem convinced that I care if someone else is better than me, or if I'm better or worse than anyone else, and thus doing the DPS Race because my ego needs the validation, no matter how many times I say that I'm not :D I didn't like that my previous build was insufficient for Red Alerts (not the DPS Race, but the Red Alert itself, because the ship couldn't regenerate as much as it used to) so I did something about it. People shouldn't have to do that though, just to be able to keep up with a MegaBuild on a curb-stomp. It's a subtle distinction, but it needs to be acknowledged, because that's the point I'm making, not the other

    But you do care if someone is better than you. You're going to great lengths in various diatribes to say how high DPS folk in public queues are ruining your fun and the fun of other people. Those high DPS people have invested more time and resources and practiced more to become a better player than you.
    And yet, neither you, nor anyone else, actually refutes any of the points I made, they just get defensive, deny everything, and get argumentative, rather than actually addressing the points put forth.

    Again, I don't care if anyone is better than me. I'm not going to waste my time in an RA where I can't participate, but I don't care that the Scimmy pilot has more of an investment than me, because I understand that they have invested more than me. Me acknowledging that it's a waste of time, and acknowledging that it's not fair on other players, is not the same as me personally caring. To go back to the guy and girl and Door Number Two scenario: If my sister was to tell me that her bf hit up Door Number Two regardless of her saying she doesn't like it, I'm not jealous about a guy for hitting a girl up in Door Number Two, I'm pissed off that someone has the lack of consideration for someone else's feelings, and just Does What They Want anyway. I can't explain it any more simply than that, so if you still can't understand what I'm trying to express or explain, sorry, I'm going to have to drop things, as I'm clearly not making myself properly understood. Peace :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    valoreah wrote: »
    1 You're twisting the point (or trying to) I don't assume that they build them out of malice. I never did. But when it's brought to their attention that DPS MegaBuilds have the effects which They Do Have on pugs, they should keep them for private-use only in consideration for other players.

    I'm not twisting anything. The words you chose to use are very confrontational and have a punitive tone toward anyone who has a high DPS build or disagrees with you. As to who belongs in private matches, again, this door swings both ways. Those with sub-par builds can do the same and create private matches.
    You are twisting it, because you're trying to narrate my intentions. I'm equally not commenting on DPSers intentions, but the effects of their builds, the affect it has on others, and their inability to acknowledge, let alone begin to address the behaviour. And yes, I was using firm words, because I don't believe people are aware of how toxic this mindset being collectively displayed by the DPSers is at its core.

    As far as someone of that mindset is concerned, as long as they get theirs, **** everyone and anyone else, and **** the notion of them behaving differently. It's an absolutely disgusting mindset, and needs to be acknowledged for what it is.
    2 I acknowledge it, and I think if anyone is stupid enough to try and enter an Advanced queue with a sub-par build, then they deserve the consequences of that, such as not being able to get their hits in, getting AFKd etc. But. Someone should not have to think twice about entering a Borg or Tholian Red Alert, because their ship may not be able to keep up with the other players. Two very different things, which I'm sure you're well aware of, and just being deliberately disingenuous of.

    If people want to participate in a mixed build environment - like the public queues and Red Alerts - then they should be properly outfitted and experienced enough to do so. If your skills and build cannot compete with others, 99.99% of the time that is on the player, not the game.
    3 And as we've discussed previously: The fact that The Game gives that same offer of potential to all players, DOES NOT translate into all players being able (or even wanting to) take advantage of that possibility. I'm happy with my vr gear, and don't see why I should spend out further on higher tier gear, just to be able to participate in Red Alerts.

    If any player makes the conscious decision not to take advantage of what is available in the game to improve, then that is their decision and they must live with the consequences of that decision. Because you choose to stay with sub-par gear in no way means other people should do the same just to accommodate you. What you are saying with your last sentence is that you want to enjoy the same benefits as those who worked harder, invested more time and resources and practiced more than you. Life does not work like that.

    Personally, I don't much care for upgrading stuff either. However, I want to remain competitive so I will do what I have to do in order to achieve that. I in no way expect anyone better equipped than me to dumb down their game just to match my level. I do expect those at a lesser performing level to me improve themselves. If I can do it, anyone can.
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're using 'you' collectively. I have, and do, upgrade my gear and ships. As a result of the S13 changes, my personal favorite ship (T6) is no longer adequate for Red Alerts, so I had to upgrade it to a Dreadnought. A ship I don't even really like the look of. Paid for with cash, just because I had to update, to be able to undertake the Red Alerts. Paid for with cash, not grinding, cash. Just the Same as Galor, and the Ouroboros, and the second Dreadnought I bought at the same times (That's right, I bought them all at the same time, just as I will also be buying the Atlas, the Konstitution and a second Galor) So don't be under the impression that I'm not willing or able to make the upgrades. I can make them, but I object to having to do so, just because someone can't leave their DPS epeen in drydock for five minutes, and because they need to show off and curb-stomp a Red Alert. As I've said before, I'm not primarily talking about my own personal experience, I'm advocating for a more balanced gaming environment for everyone, and simply relating my own experience as to why I understand the need for more balancing in this type of content.
    4 Again, deliberately missing the point that I don't care if someone is better than me. What I do care about, is the entitled narcissism and self-centered attitudes of DPSers who continue to say "We'll use our MegaBuilds wether you like it or not, Scrub!" I do care about having to spend my resources to upgrade stuff just to remain competitive with other competitors, who could just as easily stick to totally private runs with their MegaBuilds.

    I am not missing anything. You are failing to see that you are just as narcissistic and self-centered as the next person. There are two sides to this coin and neither side is the correct one. It's just as easy for the casual player to create private runs for their sub-par builds as it is for high DPS players to create a private match.
    You are missing it, brother, because you seem convinced that I care if someone else is better than me, or if I'm better or worse than anyone else, and thus doing the DPS Race because my ego needs the validation, no matter how many times I say that I'm not :D I didn't like that my previous build was insufficient for Red Alerts (not the DPS Race, but the Red Alert itself, because the ship couldn't regenerate as much as it used to) so I did something about it. People shouldn't have to do that though, just to be able to keep up with a MegaBuild on a curb-stomp. It's a subtle distinction, but it needs to be acknowledged, because that's the point I'm making, not the other :wink:

    Creating private matches doesn't address the issue with the Red Alerts.
    DPSers' collective attitude has shown that they can't be trusted with the cool toys, which sadly, means it has to be taken away... It can either be via more nerfs till morale improves, or It should be tier-locked content: No one higher, no one lower. I don't really care which.
    You probably do not want tier-locked content either.
    :D:D Oh man, are you that compelled to try and counter-point anything I say?? :D:D I've actively suggested tier-locked content many times throughout this conversation! :D:D I said, I'd like to see more nerfs, or tier-locked content as solutions to this issue, but that I don't really care which (although to be honest, I'm more in favor of tier-locking, because it solves the issue of mis-matched queues)

    The whole game is tier-locked, so why not do the same with the Red Alerts?

    Say some n00b (or even an existing player starting a new alt) leaves Admiral Quinn's office, and rather than playing Stranded in Space, decides to jump into Butterfly or Midnight with their T2 Miranda... Game's not going to let them do it, is it. So why not have the same mechanic in the RAs? I thought that that was the idea behind the PPS System.

    If the issue is that there's not necessarily enough players of x tier to fill a run, then that's a sign that the RAs do need to be unlocked, but they would then also need to lose the AFK penalty, so it won't matter if someone winds up getting sidelined by a MegaBuild.

    The game can't have it both ways: It can't insist on making everyone participate together, and then penalize those who are trying and failing, due to being over-shadowed by a MegaBuild. Now if the system was to detect actual 'hands off the keys' idling for more than twenty seconds in an RA (the same way it does when someone is AFK for an hour) then by all means, hit them with an AFK ban to discourage reward-leeching. Given the level of input activity an RA requires, I'd say that 20-30 seconds would be a reasonable indicator that someone is indeed just leeching, rather than someone who's Trying to participate, but not getting anywhere in a hurry :sunglasses:
    The Borg STFs used to be like that before the public queues. Only the few who had the right gear and teamwork could complete them and it led to a lot of crying on the forums.
    :D:D:D:D You mean scrubs who never open their wallets, where whining that they either couldn't afford (or more likely couldn't be bothered to grind) to bring themself up to a suitable level? I wasn't here for that, but; "That's pretty funny!" - Geordi LaForge

    It's not as if the game isn't easy enough already, I guess some people just want their lives spoon fed to them :D:D:D:D

    OMG...the level of wrong in this steaming pile of excrement is just mind boggling.

    So lets start with the not saying anything about DPSer's intentions while spewing off things like....
    4 Again, deliberately missing the point that I don't care if someone is better than me. What I do care about, is the entitled narcissism and self-centered attitudes of DPSers who continue to say "We'll use our MegaBuilds wether you like it or not, Scrub!" I do care about having to spend my resources to upgrade stuff just to remain competitive with other competitors, who could just as easily stick to totally private runs with their MegaBuilds.

    So saying that DPSers are self centered and entitled narcissist isn't saying anything about their intention in what universe again? because it ain't this one. I hope unicorn farts tastes like rainbow sherberts where you are because you are utterly delusional if you think what you said there isn't making a comment about the intentions of DPSers...and you have the gaul to twist Val's word to try and make it not about the utter stupid you just said by saying he is twisting your words when he ain't. Nice.
    As nice as their attitude of 'we're going to keep doing it, and don't give a **** if it ruins your pug... Don't like it? **** off...' Yeah. Nice.

    That's a direct observation of what's been said here. As patrickngo pointed out above, I'm not saying that it's being done out of malice, but there is definitely an attitude of 'we don't give a **** about you or your experience, as long as we get ours' He gets what I'm referring too.
    Followed by you HAD to buy a new ship?!? HAD to? You could not do the contents in the game with whatever ship you had. You do realize AVERAGE gamers can do normal content in this game with a T1 ship...right. **** POOR ones like me needs a T3. And yes I am a **** poor gamer. I play things on easy mode...and have trouble. If you "need" better ships, the level of bad you are at makes it so that basically anything you say about the game is worthless. You have to actually UNDERSTAND how the game works before you can make any sensible recommendation. You are at the level of ignorance where you don't even know how ignorant you are.
    I'm not talking about the mainline Game Content, dude, but RAs. RAs which the ship used to handle, and no longer could. Again, an observable reduction in performance.
    No, things are not tier locked. You can take your T1 starter ship and do EVERY SINGLE MISSION in this game. There are people who actually do this as a challenge. I do T1 ISA runs with my fleet (although I do get carried a bit by them). If you get to be an average gamer level, you too can do these things. Not average STO player...average GAMER.
    Yes, things are tier-locked. A player who has hit L60 can certainly take their starter ship into any mission replay they want for the lulz: That's not what I was referring to. I was referring to a Brand New Player who's just competed the tutorial, they cannot just select any mission they want to play and jump in feet first: They have to play their way through, and level up accordingly. A Player who has just completed the tutorial, can't load Mk XIV phasers onto their starter ship. Again, the content is tier-locked (at least, that's what I was referring to by the term :D )

    coldnapalm wrote: »
    OMG not this again. You can't say dpsers can't join a public queue because they may ruin someone's fun while not acknowledging that low dpsers can do the same to the high dpsers. Public queue is PUBLIC. Don't like it, make a private queue and shut up already about whi can and can join a PUBLIC queue.
    Please see my above post to valoreah, as it covers what I would also say in response to your points :sunglasses:

    Finally, no, no you did not. You did not touch one iota on the fact that public queue are PUBLIC. Don't like it? Then it is on YOU to make a private match, not the people you have issues with.
    You're conflating my discussing a topic for my personal opinion on it. Many people have complained about DPS MegaBuilds spoiling their RAs, I'm just commenting on what I've seen people saying. My RA issue, was down to whatever code changes were made with S13, and as a separate incidental aside, I happen to be able to understand why the people who are complaining about DPSers, are doing so. I'm no DPS wizard, but I can hold my own in terms of the game's content. That doesn't mean I can't understand the complaints of those who are feeling unable to participate because of their own builds :sunglasses:

    what you're asking for though-it's not really possible with on-line gamers as a 'community' (and I use that word very, very, loosely wrt STO.)

    Basically, what you're up against is This. that's whether you're doing PvE, or PvP.

    particularly, #4, #6, and #7.

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    I'll simply say that if you think your build is significantly outperforming other random players, and you're taking their kills, would it kill you to use another build when you enter RAs, and keep your mentioned build for other private queues or solo mission content?

    So you're saying I should dumb down my build, to make other players who aren't as versed in the game mechanics as myself to give them a chance to get a kill in. Which actually is very easy to do in a red alert, if you all split up instead of playing follow the leader. There's plenty of targets around.

    Little thing I often do in a pug Khitomer when carrying teams through to the Donatra fight.

    Just to see how bad the guys in my pug are I often take Donatra to between 5-10% health, back off out of firing range and watch these 4 other players fire everything they have at her and don't even take her down a single 1% hull. I did all the hard work and left them a simple kill. 4 on 1 and 5 mins later of watching them flap like a fish out of water, I get bored and just finish her off within a few secs.

    Those teams wouldn't have completed the mission ever if my dps wasn't there.

    I've been in plenty of Red Alerts where the 4 other players went after the 2 cubes. Probably the easiest kill to make in the 1st round. And i've seen them all wiped out by those 2 cubes. So i end up making 4 out of the 4 kills as they simply weren't capable of it.

    Sorry but why should I lower myself to those type of levels. Struggling to complete the game and seeing respawn or mission failure.

    Sorry but if you have no intention of learning or improving and this doesn't mean buying the latest lockbox boff skills/traits or consoles. Its learning about where to put points in the skill tree, traits to apply, boff skills, consoles, weapons, ship power levels, and NPC powers and abilities. If you don't want to learn or improve that's your choice but you have no right to judge others who are willing and have learnt and wish to continue improving and tell them which part of the game they can or cannot enter.

    Said it before its a public game, I don't see for example footballers moaning about seeing Ronaldo or Messi on the pitch and say to the officials its not fair they are better players than us, they shouldn't be allowed to play with us. No those players see having Messi or Ronaldo on the field as a test, to push themselves and see how well they can perform against the best.

    So rather than moaning about a DPSer ruining my Fun, how about looking at it at a different angle and seeing it as a challenge to raise your standard and prove you can complete, instead of wanting to bring them down to your level.


    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
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  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    I'll simply say that if you think your build is significantly outperforming other random players, and you're taking their kills, would it kill you to use another build when you enter RAs, and keep your mentioned build for other private queues or solo mission content?

    So you're saying I should dumb down my build, to make other players who aren't as versed in the game mechanics as myself to give them a chance to get a kill in. Which actually is very easy to do in a red alert, if you all split up instead of playing follow the leader. There's plenty of targets around.

    Little thing I often do in a pug Khitomer when carrying teams through to the Donatra fight.

    Just to see how bad the guys in my pug are I often take Donatra to between 5-10% health, back off out of firing range and watch these 4 other players fire everything they have at her and don't even take her down a single 1% hull. I did all the hard work and left them a simple kill. 4 on 1 and 5 mins later of watching them flap like a fish out of water, I get bored and just finish her off within a few secs.

    Those teams wouldn't have completed the mission ever if my dps wasn't there.

    I've been in plenty of Red Alerts where the 4 other players went after the 2 cubes. Probably the easiest kill to make in the 1st round. And i've seen them all wiped out by those 2 cubes. So i end up making 4 out of the 4 kills as they simply weren't capable of it.

    Sorry but why should I lower myself to those type of levels. Struggling to complete the game and seeing respawn or mission failure.
    *Picard-Riker-Worf facepalm*

    On a basic level, Yes, that is what I'm saying, but you're also not getting what I'm meaning on a deeper level.

    Okay, those runs you're talking about (and let's just stick to plain RAs) Do any of those players ever thank you for killing what they can't, and saving their TRIBBLE, or have you ever had someone yelling that you've taken their kill (while thinking you were helping)? Have you ever considered that they might not WANT your help?

    Would you rather have to carry players like that, or be in an identical-but tier-locked instance, where everyone else is on the same +/- as yourself?
    Sorry but if you have no intention of learning or improving and this doesn't mean buying the latest lockbox boff skills/traits or consoles. Its learning about where to put points in the skill tree, traits to apply, boff skills, consoles, weapons, ship power levels, and NPC powers and abilities. If you don't want to learn or improve that's your choice but you have no right to judge others who are willing and have learnt and wish to continue improving and tell them which part of the game they can or cannot enter.
    Again, and sorry for shouting, but IT'S NOT ME I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! I'M happy with how MY stuff is arranged. I've lost count of the days, maybe even weeks, worth of YouTube videos I've sat through to learn more.

    But just to turn that around for a split second, I don't see anyone offering to help anyone with this stuff. I see people saying 'You need to learn, you need to get better! *unspokenthought*But I'm sure as TRIBBLE not going to tell you, I'm just going to look down at you from my Pillar of Awesomeness and tell you you need to get better...'

    So consider those people who aren't able (for whatever reason) to do that. Are they supposed to just quit the game? This is supposed to be a way of getting to delve into the world of Star Trek, NOT a way of obsessing over mechanics and statistics to squeeze a few extra DPS points out of a build, or shave a few seconds of ISA runs...
    Said it before its a public game, I don't see for example footballers moaning about seeing Ronaldo or Messi on the pitch and say to the officials its not fair they are better players than us, they shouldn't be allowed to play with us. No those players see having Messi or Ronaldo on the field as a test, to push themselves and see how well they can perform against the best.
    Flawed example, because anyone going on to the pitch with those guys, is ALREADY A PRO. They're ALREADY in the same league as those guys, so they can still play with them and learn from them and vice-versa.

    Consider this for a closer example: Some Pro-footballer joins his local pub's five-a-side team, runs round hogging the ball, and then tells Chaz, Dave, Mick and Paul that they're a bunch of losers who need to learn how to play, and stop being a bunch of fat TRIBBLE, but if they want more of the same humiliation, same time next week?
    So rather than moaning about a DPSer ruining my Fun, how about looking at it at a different angle and seeing it as a challenge to raise your standard and prove you can complete, instead of wanting to bring them down to your level.
    And as has already been said (several times): Not everyone has 40 hours a week free to play, or a deep enough wallet to buy the boosts they need.

    On a personal level, I have, but why the TRIBBLE you guys seem to think I'm only talking about myself, is starting to truly baffle me, given that I'm making observations based on OTHER PEOPLE'S OBSERVATIONS, and can simply relate to what they're saying, either from my own experiences, or the basic ability to empathize with someone else's position or situation. How hard is that for people to grasp? :confused:

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  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    I'll solo a Red Alert with any ship T4 or above. Sci, Dread, Cruiser, Escort, does not matter. So no I do not believe silverlobes "had" to get a new ship because it makes no manner of sense at all.
    So again, all you're proving by saying this, is that you are ONLY capable of viewing the world throough YOUR experience, and YOUR perspective.

    You think it makes no sense that the rebalance affected all manner of consoles, devices and statistics in the game? tacofangs said himself not more than a month ago, that some of the legacy code does stuff which they simply don't know what/why it does what it does: They do 'something' and 'something else' can unexpectedly happen.

    Again, my regeneration build Science Cruiser got bent over a barrel and dry TRIBBLE by the rebalance. The exact same weapons and consoles on the Dreadnought, and I'm able to handle the RA the same as before (the ship still gets beaten the TRIBBLE up, but it doesn't blow up as easily)

    Now if you don't believe me, or as is more likely the case, can't grasp that concept because it's not what YOUR experience said, then "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Rhett Butler,
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

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  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    And yet, neither you, nor anyone else, actually refutes any of the points I made, they just get defensive, deny everything, and get argumentative, rather than actually addressing the points put forth.

    Again, I don't care if anyone is better than me. I'm not going to waste my time in an RA where I can't participate, but I don't care that the Scimmy pilot has more of an investment than me, because I understand that they have invested more than me. Me acknowledging that it's a waste of time, and acknowledging that it's not fair on other players, is not the same as me personally caring. To go back to the guy and girl and Door Number Two scenario: If my sister was to tell me that her bf hit up Door Number Two regardless of her saying she doesn't like it, I'm not jealous about a guy for hitting a girl up in Door Number Two, I'm pissed off that someone has the lack of consideration for someone else's feelings, and just Does What They Want anyway. I can't explain it any more simply than that, so if you still can't understand what I'm trying to express or explain, sorry, I'm going to have to drop things, as I'm clearly not making myself properly understood. Peace

    So if I am understanding you correctly, it's ok for you not to care about others and how they invest their time and resources, but it's not ok for others to not care about you?

    You really don't see the hypocrisy in that?
    You're either not understanding me correctly, or understanding perfectly, and just doing a very good job of pretending not to for TRIBBLE and giggles.

    I don't care about how others invest their time. I'm not complaining about them ruining MY fun. I care that they don't care that they're ruining OTHER PEOPLE'S fun, and expecting them to like it and thank them for the educational experience. So not the hypocrisy you're attempting to inject.

    I'm not repeating myself any further, and if you STILL don't get it after the hypothetical Door Number Two scenario, then nothing I say will be able to clarify or better explain it for you :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

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  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    And even if there is hypocrisy in what I've said (which I refute that there is) it doesn't negate the 'we're going to do what we want: TRIBBLE you' mentality of the DPSers. I'd like to see the game balanced and fair for everyone, they want to not only keep doing what they doing (which is beyond the realm of the basic game) but are insisting that everyone else do it too, so they can keep up with their little clique. But by all means, keep cheerleading for that kind of mentality. I suspect you don't even care about DPS yourself, but just have a hard on for arguing with me.
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
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  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,263 Community Moderator
    edited July 2017
    And I never said there was anything toxic about being good at the game. There is, however, something very toxic about the attitude of 'get good or **** off!' To go back to the examples like above, and apologies up front for the analogy, but I simply don't think people are getting the point I'm trying to make, and I can't think of any other comparison: Girl says to a new guy that she's not down with Door Number Two shenanigans. Guy proceeds to tell her "I don't care if you don't like it, that's what I'm doing..." So what's the girl supposed to do? Invest heavily in AstroGlide and pillows to bite, or stop hooking up with an inconsiderate jerk? Or, a better idea, is that the guy, should just learn to be considerate of what a girl tells him she does or does not like, and not be a predator, just because that's what he wants to do :no_mouth:

    Wait. Did you seriously just compare DPSers to rapists??
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  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,263 Community Moderator
    Look. I've asked y'all be to civil. I even shut down this very argument once already in order to get the thread back on to a civil discussion. But I see the same people back at it again, going round and round with the same attitudes and same arguments. This is done.

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