"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
honestly while not a popular opinion i would nerf damage across the board and enure it is capped.
Im really feeling fed up of doing pve space that last only a few seconds and damage being the be all end all requirement it makes the game a tad boring and repetitive, i think that if people could take on a borg ship or dreadnought by themselves and take it out in three seconds then it would open up more possibilities for players to spec their ship to do different roles.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
honestly while not a popular opinion i would nerf damage across the board and enure it is capped.
Im really feeling fed up of doing pve space that last only a few seconds and damage being the be all end all requirement it makes the game a tad boring and repetitive, i think that if people could take on a borg ship or dreadnought by themselves and take it out in three seconds then it would open up more possibilities for players to spec their ship to do different roles.
What parts of the aspects of damage dealing would you nerf (or cap lol)?
The list is long and no matter what you nerf it would hurt everybody using it, no matter if he does 1k or 100k with it.
If you are unsatisfied with the match durations you experience why not play elite space maps? Since only minor parts in most of them are shortened by DPS perhaps you get the match duration you desire there.
Be careful though, most of them have some hard DPS checks in them nonetheless. Not good enough and fail. But hey, not a problem I take it for as long as it took you long enough to do so eh?
There is nothing more satisfying in all of STO than to fail the boss fight in counterpoint elite after you closed rifts and transported troops for 15 minutes flat.
Post edited by peterconnorfirst on
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
honestly while not a popular opinion i would nerf damage across the board and enure it is capped.
Im really feeling fed up of doing pve space that last only a few seconds and damage being the be all end all requirement it makes the game a tad boring and repetitive, i think that if people could take on a borg ship or dreadnought by themselves and take it out in three seconds then it would open up more possibilities for players to spec their ship to do different roles.
What parts of the aspects of damage dealing would you nerf (or cap lol)?
The list is long and no matter what you nerf it would hurt everybody using it, no matter if he does 1k or 100k with it.
If you are unsatisfied with the match durations you experience why not play elite space maps? Since only minor parts in most of them are shortened by DPS perhaps you get the match duration you desire there.
Be careful though, most of them have some hard DPS checks in them nonetheless. Not good enough and fail. But hey, not a problem I take it for as long as it took you long enough to do so eh?
There is nothing more satisfying in all of STO than to fail the boss fight in counterpoint elite after you closed rifts and transported troops for 15 minutes flat.
it not just duration's that bothers me long ago you could actually do Advanced (before the revamp so advanced was the highest lvl) where you could have your ship specked out to actually tank or have a ship specked to support/ heal allies.
Now it is all about damage and since elite requires you to do damage to earn any rewards it has made even creating a support ship pointless.
As for how i would do it i honestly dont know without data but once i had it i would try to cap all damage that a player can deal id still try to keep it high enough so players could try to max out their builds but not so much they are a one man wrecking ball which would probably include boosting hull/shields and damage of npc ships but again id have to know the numbers.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Instead of nerfing damage, make more mechanics that force players to think outside the DPS box. Real bosses that require strategy instead of inflated-HP ships would be a start.
Isn't this subjective though?
I think it would be awesome to have a one shot one kill weapon. I guess alot of people disagree. It it should be a special weapon, not common or easy.
It sounds like it boils down to, how many shots do you think should kill ****? Not too little and not too many....subjective.
If you're in a single player environment, like a mission, sure, having a one shot weapon isn't the end of the world in most cases. Having a one shot weapon leads to issues in any content where there is more than one person participating, both PvE and PvP.
"How many shots it takes to kill something" shouldn't be subjective and up to the players because we have people like you saying, "****, just give PvE players one weapon slot and a weapon that kills things in like 4 hits". It should be based on math set by the developer, taking into account the item level, type, upgrades, all bonuses possible, and have a hard limit.
I prefer One Shot Weapons to stay in Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Gundam Musou/Hyrule Warriors.
Congrats guys. OP gets a nerf, replies get nerfs, everybody will soon get a nerf!
You say that like it's a bad thing, like we're somehow struggling with content. That PvP time-to-kill hasn't been boiled down to 1 second or less.
And despite your fear mongering, NO, not everyone is gonna get a nerf. There's lots of places you can shave the upper edge of performance 20-40% and only scratch the average player for a single percent or less.
The question isn't 'what's getting nerfed', it's what do we hope to see as a new meta? Obliterating the runaway damage curve is HIGH on my list. Because doing that opens up space for new content and makes trying to resuscitate PvP for the new console audience something other than a sick joke. Making people say "you should try them all, they're all good" in answer to people asking "what kind of captain should I make?" is high on my list too.
When you're ready to talk like an adult - one who only days ago was cheering these exact same people on for their efforts at clarity and transparency - look me up. I'm extraordinarily good at translating player concerns to 'Dev speak'.
Congrats guys. OP gets a nerf, replies get nerfs, everybody will soon get a nerf!
You say that like it's a bad thing, like we're somehow struggling with content. That PvP time-to-kill hasn't been boiled down to 1 second or less.
And despite your fear mongering, NO, not everyone is gonna get a nerf. There's lots of places you can shave the upper edge of performance 20-40% and only scratch the average player for a single percent or less.
The question isn't 'what's getting nerfed', it's what do we hope to see as a new meta? Obliterating the runaway damage curve is HIGH on my list. Because doing that opens up space for new content and makes trying to resuscitate PvP for the new console audience something other than a sick joke. Making people say "you should try them all, they're all good" in answer to people asking "what kind of captain should I make?" is high on my list too.
I'm with you on this, you've explained it well.
We all benefit from having some degree of balance in the game. And while there's many people who try to pretend that it's just people whining or not knowing how to play, most of us know better.
It looks like my Sci's ground build will be less impressive for example. Looks like it will be harder for me to deal as much damage as the rest of the team combined in KAGA for example. That's alright, I'll adapt and I'll still be able to play the content. The upper echelons have nothing to fear, nothing in the list of changes gives the impression that this will hurt the average player or turn PUGging into a hell.
If this makes the game a bit more enjoyable for the rest of the playerbase, the ones you won't find that often on the Forum, then I'm happy to sacrifice a bit of my own build.
Personally I want a reason not to bring embassy consoles into a PvE queue. I'm getting honestly bored with how overpowered they are. Same goes for EPG based attacks.
At the moment my main cruiser only has two tanking boff powers - ET1 and Aux2Damp. That's despite the fact I aggro everything on the map. Everything else is for DPS. All consoles are DPS. All traits, with the exception of energy refrequencer, are DPS. I don't even use emergency power to shields, which I junked for emergency power to engines.
I don't need to worry about survival because pretty much everything is dead before it scratches my hull.
honestly while not a popular opinion i would nerf damage across the board and enure it is capped.
I wouldn't cap it, but yeah, it needs an across the board nerf.
It needs to be done in a fashion that'll seriously decrease the damage of high DPSers, but not adversely effect inexperienced players. Frankly that's not as difficult as it sounds, just look at the buff bars.
I think what we really need is to drop DPSers who do 200k to 30-35k, 75kers to 20-25k and 10kers to 5k. Inexperienced players meanwhile will still be doing about 2k.
The special snowflakes who whine about balance and cry NERF NERF WHAAAA (whatever flavor of the week) IS OPed and I can't keep up Whaaa! They refuse or are unable to read the endless posts how to bring thier ships and gear up to par. So yeah we getting the old shaftereno from the Devs with a "balance restructure". Hey Devs how about listening to those of us who aren't whining about balance for a change?
Speak for yourself, I do 100k+.
The game doesn't need 100k+. It doesn't even need 30k+.
Frankly I'd find this game much more enjoyable if I'm having to struggle at 25k, rather than zapping a Borg armada in a minute.
The special snowflakes who whine about balance and cry NERF NERF WHAAAA (whatever flavor of the week) IS OPed and I can't keep up Whaaa! They refuse or are unable to read the endless posts how to bring thier ships and gear up to par. So yeah we getting the old shaftereno from the Devs with a "balance restructure". Hey Devs how about listening to those of us who aren't whining about balance for a change?
What I think would be nice is adding Triangles to the Classes:
Tactical would do better against Engineering. Escorts > Cruisers
Engineering would do better against Science. Cruisers > Sci
Science would do better against Tactical. Sci > Escorts
That attack power would be higher against one class and your defense lower again the other class. Maybe a 30% Bonus/Penalty.
There would be more benefit to playing in teams like that too as people could cover each other's weaknesses. You wouldn't want to try to steamroll everything anymore; you'd want to hit where you'd do the most good. I think that it would make the game more fun.
I probably shouldn't be responding to this as it's hardly worth it - but you're misleading yourself if you think that 'everyone who wants some balance is whining/unable to read/whatever'-story is convincing to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in this thread who defended some - in their eyes needed - corrections are more than capable of playing the game and know perfectly well how to build a well performing ship or ground build.
If you have anything substantial to add, please don't hold back.
One more thing BURN PVP to ashes and remove it from this game!
Six months from now I'm going to look back on this revamp, and I'm going to laugh that every single thing you've ever said or asked for during this process was used as a blueprint for what not to do.
honestly while not a popular opinion i would nerf damage across the board and enure it is capped.
Im really feeling fed up of doing pve space that last only a few seconds and damage being the be all end all requirement it makes the game a tad boring and repetitive, i think that if people could take on a borg ship or dreadnought by themselves and take it out in three seconds then it would open up more possibilities for players to spec their ship to do different roles.
So you want the same queues that we have to do day in and day out to take longer?
I probably shouldn't be responding to this as it's hardly worth it - but you're misleading yourself if you think that 'everyone who wants some balance is whining/unable to read/whatever'-story is convincing to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in this thread who defended some - in their eyes needed - corrections are more than capable of playing the game and know perfectly well how to build a well performing ship or ground build.
If you have anything substantial to add, please don't hold back.
It seems those that whine the loudest have in other threads cried about one thing or another being OPed and " oh gee a PUG was over in seconds because some one did this or that and it's not fair". Those are who I was refering to in my post I should have been a bit more clear. I do agree some things are unbalanced but then agian many many times in the various series some ship or person has been unbalanced compared to another. Does the First Federation and Q ring a bell? There is a very fine line to walk in games like this and most when it comes to trying to rebalance things fail miserably at it. Prime Example WOW when DK's first came out they were balance to Paladins the walking gods of the game. New tactics had to be learned to defeat the DK no big deal you would think. Well the Paladin faction was very vocal that they were no longer the walking god of the game and cried the game is unbalanced and DK's OPed. They were anything but that (I played both so I have a good read on that) but the cries and whines got the ear of the Dev's and the DK's got neutered and Paladins got massive buffs all in the name of Balance. I fear this may happen here if the way vocal "Balance faction" gets their way. Balance is an illusion in these games unless you force players to use prebuild's and pre created charecters with all the same gear and abilities. Hie dull and boring that would be. I really hope they listen to the voices that are silent in other words the millions (?) who have no issues with balance. I fear we will have another DR fiasco when all the Borgs got massive HP and DPS buffs because things were "unbalanced".
That's very unlikely though. I do agree that DR was a fiasco and that the changes there were too sudden. But the changes that are currently being applied are nothing like that.
As for those millions that are silent: those are more likely to be average players who are suffering from the very extreme situation we're in. I think they'd welcome some changes.
Also note that 'balance' doesn't mean that everyone will have to use the same build. Some things will perform better than others, that's not the problem here. The problem is that there's a very unhealthy and extreme situation where one player can deal up to 30 times the damage that is needed for one person to complete advanced content. That's 6 times the total damage a whole team would have to do.
And that's of course a handful of players, but if we take somewhere between 15 and 30k as 'normal' DPS which is good enough for advanced, then it's ridiculous that there's a plethora or ways to easily reach at least double that amount in the benchmark mission. If they limited this amount of DPS a bit, then it would allow other roles to become more important: tankers, healers. Right now it's just 'shoot your way through' and that's slowly killing the fun for many as well as it's often one person shooting through and the rest can watch him or her do it.
No one is saying that everyone has to do the same amount of damage, or that everything needs to have the same potential. That's not realistic anyway. What some of us are arguing for, is correcting some of the extremes and bring down what is considered 'average' DPS to be more in line with what's actually needed to normally play the game. Cause in the end, if they don't try and change this weird situation we're in, it will also make things less interesting for the top-performers.
For example: I did an ISA with people from, I think it was, the Gold-channel once. It was the most boring mission I've ever done, simply because the content isn't fit for such powerful players. Had I been a newer player who encountered these people in a PUG, I likely would have left the game. Not because I would be impressed, but because I would be under the impression that something is fundamentally wrong at that moment. And that's the effect this extreme situation probably has on newer players, which is not good for the game either.
That's why I keep repeating it: balance is also important in PvE, and it benefits us all.
One more thing BURN PVP to ashes and remove it from this game!
Six months from now I'm going to look back on this revamp, and I'm going to laugh that every single thing you've ever said or asked for during this process was used as a blueprint for what not to do.
As will I with yours. PVP sucks in STO it is a wallet war and needs a serious revamp or just be done away with.
One more thing BURN PVP to ashes and remove it from this game!
Six months from now I'm going to look back on this revamp, and I'm going to laugh that every single thing you've ever said or asked for during this process was used as a blueprint for what not to do.
As will I with yours. PVP sucks in STO it is a wallet war and needs a serious revamp or just be done away with.
I'll never understand why people call for pvp to be removed. Don't like it? Don't do it. Simple as that. No point in getting rid of it when it doesn't harm anyone by having it in the game.
I probably shouldn't be responding to this as it's hardly worth it - but you're misleading yourself if you think that 'everyone who wants some balance is whining/unable to read/whatever'-story is convincing to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in this thread who defended some - in their eyes needed - corrections are more than capable of playing the game and know perfectly well how to build a well performing ship or ground build.
If you have anything substantial to add, please don't hold back.
It seems those that whine the loudest have in other threads cried about one thing or another being OPed and " oh gee a PUG was over in seconds because some one did this or that and it's not fair". Those are who I was refering to in my post I should have been a bit more clear. I do agree some things are unbalanced but then agian many many times in the various series some ship or person has been unbalanced compared to another. Does the First Federation and Q ring a bell? There is a very fine line to walk in games like this and most when it comes to trying to rebalance things fail miserably at it. Prime Example WOW when DK's first came out they were balance to Paladins the walking gods of the game. New tactics had to be learned to defeat the DK no big deal you would think. Well the Paladin faction was very vocal that they were no longer the walking god of the game and cried the game is unbalanced and DK's OPed. They were anything but that (I played both so I have a good read on that) but the cries and whines got the ear of the Dev's and the DK's got neutered and Paladins got massive buffs all in the name of Balance. I fear this may happen here if the way vocal "Balance faction" gets their way. Balance is an illusion in these games unless you force players to use prebuild's and pre created charecters with all the same gear and abilities. Hie dull and boring that would be. I really hope they listen to the voices that are silent in other words the millions (?) who have no issues with balance. I fear we will have another DR fiasco when all the Borgs got massive HP and DPS buffs because things were "unbalanced".
That's very unlikely though. I do agree that DR was a fiasco and that the changes there were too sudden. But the changes that are currently being applied are nothing like that.
As for those millions that are silent: those are more likely to be average players who are suffering from the very extreme situation we're in. I think they'd welcome some changes.
Also note that 'balance' doesn't mean that everyone will have to use the same build. Some things will perform better than others, that's not the problem here. The problem is that there's a very unhealthy and extreme situation where one player can deal up to 30 times the damage that is needed for one person to complete advanced content. That's 6 times the total damage a whole team would have to do.
And that's of course a handful of players, but if we take somewhere between 15 and 30k as 'normal' DPS which is good enough for advanced, then it's ridiculous that there's a plethora or ways to easily reach at least double that amount in the benchmark mission. If they limited this amount of DPS a bit, then it would allow other roles to become more important: tankers, healers. Right now it's just 'shoot your way through' and that's slowly killing the fun for many as well as it's often one person shooting through and the rest can watch him or her do it.
No one is saying that everyone has to do the same amount of damage, or that everything needs to have the same potential. That's not realistic anyway. What some of us are arguing for, is correcting some of the extremes and bring down what is considered 'average' DPS to be more in line with what's actually needed to normally play the game. Cause in the end, if they don't try and change this weird situation we're in, it will also make things less interesting for the top-performers.
For example: I did an ISA with people from, I think it was, the Gold-channel once. It was the most boring mission I've ever done, simply because the content isn't fit for such powerful players. Had I been a newer player who encountered these people in a PUG, I likely would have left the game. Not because I would be impressed, but because I would be under the impression that something is fundamentally wrong at that moment. And that's the effect this extreme situation probably has on newer players, which is not good for the game either.
That's why I keep repeating it: balance is also important in PvE, and it benefits us all.
Not to go off topic but i don't think it's ever been that tactical captains in and of themselves have been overpowered but rather that the other two classes were poorly thought out and the simplistic combat system and numerous healing passives made those two classes partially obsolete when compared to tac captains who remained just as useful as ever.
Sorry, when 1 thing out of three is uneven, you fix the one thing. When a game is already absurdly easy, you don't fix the one thing out of three being the worst offender by making two other things just as bad.
first for me it is the console stacking, be it embassy sci consoles or tac consoles. There should be a "unique equipped" limit for all consoles.
What I think this would do:
make ships with a less favourable console setup relevant
make other less favourable consoles more attractive
more build variaty
make ship specific consoles relevant
I was always baffled by the fact that the game allowed stacking the same equipment anyway and that having the maximum possible tac consoles slotted is meta for most energy weapon builds.
by "this game" you mean WoT, or some other russian or asian wallet harvester.
Srsly, STO is the least P2W MMO out there, because there is nothing to win...or to buy that can't be aquired through ingame means. All PVE is free to all, best gear in game does not require or is exclusive to real money market...the contrary actually, because you can't buy the fleet or reputation gear with money. Ships are either RNG drops or easily farmable...as is the main currencies of the game, which allows you to buy EVERYTHING in terms of gear the game has to offer.
PVP is dead for the most part, and is more about team play than about the the equip you have. Sure you need a certain standard that requires you to play the game extensively, but if you want to play with the top dogs you certainly need to invest more time than money into the game, and any game for that matter. If you still loose hard in PVP, you might want to search other team mates or reflect on your own preformance appart from gear.
STO is at the most a game that allows certain grinds (not even all grinds, like factions for example) to be shortened, but never even bypassed. I could sink a million dollars into a character, but I would still need to play a whole lot to earn specialisation and faction rep and fleet credits. And while doing that, you become dilithium and EC millionaire anyway, which directly translates into ZEN to purchase whatever I desire.
From the point of view of someone who has worked really hard to collect all their gear and level it all up to epic quality. Nerfing is a means to take all that away.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Im really feeling fed up of doing pve space that last only a few seconds and damage being the be all end all requirement it makes the game a tad boring and repetitive, i think that if people could take on a borg ship or dreadnought by themselves and take it out in three seconds then it would open up more possibilities for players to spec their ship to do different roles.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
What parts of the aspects of damage dealing would you nerf (or cap lol)?
The list is long and no matter what you nerf it would hurt everybody using it, no matter if he does 1k or 100k with it.
If you are unsatisfied with the match durations you experience why not play elite space maps? Since only minor parts in most of them are shortened by DPS perhaps you get the match duration you desire there.
Be careful though, most of them have some hard DPS checks in them nonetheless. Not good enough and fail. But hey, not a problem I take it for as long as it took you long enough to do so eh?
There is nothing more satisfying in all of STO than to fail the boss fight in counterpoint elite after you closed rifts and transported troops for 15 minutes flat.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Now it is all about damage and since elite requires you to do damage to earn any rewards it has made even creating a support ship pointless.
As for how i would do it i honestly dont know without data but once i had it i would try to cap all damage that a player can deal id still try to keep it high enough so players could try to max out their builds but not so much they are a one man wrecking ball which would probably include boosting hull/shields and damage of npc ships but again id have to know the numbers.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I prefer One Shot Weapons to stay in Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors/Gundam Musou/Hyrule Warriors.
You say that like it's a bad thing, like we're somehow struggling with content. That PvP time-to-kill hasn't been boiled down to 1 second or less.
And despite your fear mongering, NO, not everyone is gonna get a nerf. There's lots of places you can shave the upper edge of performance 20-40% and only scratch the average player for a single percent or less.
The question isn't 'what's getting nerfed', it's what do we hope to see as a new meta? Obliterating the runaway damage curve is HIGH on my list. Because doing that opens up space for new content and makes trying to resuscitate PvP for the new console audience something other than a sick joke. Making people say "you should try them all, they're all good" in answer to people asking "what kind of captain should I make?" is high on my list too.
When you're ready to talk like an adult - one who only days ago was cheering these exact same people on for their efforts at clarity and transparency - look me up. I'm extraordinarily good at translating player concerns to 'Dev speak'.
I'm with you on this, you've explained it well.
We all benefit from having some degree of balance in the game. And while there's many people who try to pretend that it's just people whining or not knowing how to play, most of us know better.
It looks like my Sci's ground build will be less impressive for example. Looks like it will be harder for me to deal as much damage as the rest of the team combined in KAGA for example. That's alright, I'll adapt and I'll still be able to play the content. The upper echelons have nothing to fear, nothing in the list of changes gives the impression that this will hurt the average player or turn PUGging into a hell.
If this makes the game a bit more enjoyable for the rest of the playerbase, the ones you won't find that often on the Forum, then I'm happy to sacrifice a bit of my own build.
At the moment my main cruiser only has two tanking boff powers - ET1 and Aux2Damp. That's despite the fact I aggro everything on the map. Everything else is for DPS. All consoles are DPS. All traits, with the exception of energy refrequencer, are DPS. I don't even use emergency power to shields, which I junked for emergency power to engines.
I don't need to worry about survival because pretty much everything is dead before it scratches my hull.
I wouldn't cap it, but yeah, it needs an across the board nerf.
It needs to be done in a fashion that'll seriously decrease the damage of high DPSers, but not adversely effect inexperienced players. Frankly that's not as difficult as it sounds, just look at the buff bars.
I think what we really need is to drop DPSers who do 200k to 30-35k, 75kers to 20-25k and 10kers to 5k. Inexperienced players meanwhile will still be doing about 2k.
Speak for yourself, I do 100k+.
The game doesn't need 100k+. It doesn't even need 30k+.
Frankly I'd find this game much more enjoyable if I'm having to struggle at 25k, rather than zapping a Borg armada in a minute.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Tactical would do better against Engineering. Escorts > Cruisers
Engineering would do better against Science. Cruisers > Sci
Science would do better against Tactical. Sci > Escorts
That attack power would be higher against one class and your defense lower again the other class. Maybe a 30% Bonus/Penalty.
There would be more benefit to playing in teams like that too as people could cover each other's weaknesses. You wouldn't want to try to steamroll everything anymore; you'd want to hit where you'd do the most good. I think that it would make the game more fun.
I probably shouldn't be responding to this as it's hardly worth it - but you're misleading yourself if you think that 'everyone who wants some balance is whining/unable to read/whatever'-story is convincing to anyone.
I'm pretty sure that everyone in this thread who defended some - in their eyes needed - corrections are more than capable of playing the game and know perfectly well how to build a well performing ship or ground build.
If you have anything substantial to add, please don't hold back.
Six months from now I'm going to look back on this revamp, and I'm going to laugh that every single thing you've ever said or asked for during this process was used as a blueprint for what not to do.
Betcha I can do it again
So you want the same queues that we have to do day in and day out to take longer?
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
That's very unlikely though. I do agree that DR was a fiasco and that the changes there were too sudden. But the changes that are currently being applied are nothing like that.
As for those millions that are silent: those are more likely to be average players who are suffering from the very extreme situation we're in. I think they'd welcome some changes.
Also note that 'balance' doesn't mean that everyone will have to use the same build. Some things will perform better than others, that's not the problem here. The problem is that there's a very unhealthy and extreme situation where one player can deal up to 30 times the damage that is needed for one person to complete advanced content. That's 6 times the total damage a whole team would have to do.
And that's of course a handful of players, but if we take somewhere between 15 and 30k as 'normal' DPS which is good enough for advanced, then it's ridiculous that there's a plethora or ways to easily reach at least double that amount in the benchmark mission. If they limited this amount of DPS a bit, then it would allow other roles to become more important: tankers, healers. Right now it's just 'shoot your way through' and that's slowly killing the fun for many as well as it's often one person shooting through and the rest can watch him or her do it.
No one is saying that everyone has to do the same amount of damage, or that everything needs to have the same potential. That's not realistic anyway. What some of us are arguing for, is correcting some of the extremes and bring down what is considered 'average' DPS to be more in line with what's actually needed to normally play the game. Cause in the end, if they don't try and change this weird situation we're in, it will also make things less interesting for the top-performers.
For example: I did an ISA with people from, I think it was, the Gold-channel once. It was the most boring mission I've ever done, simply because the content isn't fit for such powerful players. Had I been a newer player who encountered these people in a PUG, I likely would have left the game. Not because I would be impressed, but because I would be under the impression that something is fundamentally wrong at that moment. And that's the effect this extreme situation probably has on newer players, which is not good for the game either.
That's why I keep repeating it: balance is also important in PvE, and it benefits us all.
I'll never understand why people call for pvp to be removed. Don't like it? Don't do it. Simple as that. No point in getting rid of it when it doesn't harm anyone by having it in the game.
Slow clap
Tac's getting a nerf. And SHOULD.
What I think this would do:
I was always baffled by the fact that the game allowed stacking the same equipment anyway and that having the maximum possible tac consoles slotted is meta for most energy weapon builds.
by "this game" you mean WoT, or some other russian or asian wallet harvester.
Srsly, STO is the least P2W MMO out there, because there is nothing to win...or to buy that can't be aquired through ingame means. All PVE is free to all, best gear in game does not require or is exclusive to real money market...the contrary actually, because you can't buy the fleet or reputation gear with money. Ships are either RNG drops or easily farmable...as is the main currencies of the game, which allows you to buy EVERYTHING in terms of gear the game has to offer.
PVP is dead for the most part, and is more about team play than about the the equip you have. Sure you need a certain standard that requires you to play the game extensively, but if you want to play with the top dogs you certainly need to invest more time than money into the game, and any game for that matter. If you still loose hard in PVP, you might want to search other team mates or reflect on your own preformance appart from gear.
STO is at the most a game that allows certain grinds (not even all grinds, like factions for example) to be shortened, but never even bypassed. I could sink a million dollars into a character, but I would still need to play a whole lot to earn specialisation and faction rep and fleet credits. And while doing that, you become dilithium and EC millionaire anyway, which directly translates into ZEN to purchase whatever I desire.