@askray "Okay, I do understand that people are quite agitated about this whole giveaway. The wording isn't the best, however it makes those that got it feel good about themselves." ___________________
You know, I have gotten one of these mystery give-a-ways over on Neverwinter... I wasn't feeling all that good when I told my rl friends/guildies to be looking forward the the new appreciation package they were giving away... Only to find out they received nothing for their loyalty to the game. Especiaaly when it was because of them, that I started playing...
These kinds of give-a-ways really are a double edged sword...
Some ppl are serious enough to spend 1,000s of $ and shrinkbrain to children because of some virtual pixel toy.
Ok, there are two cases, that I could understand them:
1. You are huge fan of ST + a ship collector or possibly a ferengi rpg player
2. You won, but missed it because of the lack of info from PWE about it (checkbox in profile)
At least they could announce somewhere to subscribe the newsletter for participating.
Why email at all and not just unlock it in c-store? And avoiding unhappy loyal supporters?
Al Rivera did mention "owning mistakes". Funny, how we haven't heard from him about this particular topic.
Not that I'd ever equate this blinged out Nagus Marauder with plagiarism.
He did on twitter in a response to someone who got the ship, using his usual view on the player base being haters.
Rather ironic considering Cryptic/PWE being the haters towards their player base, in this case..
Just get's better and better ... I was enjoying AoY, but since my support clearly isn't valued or appreciated, and voicing my discontent at the lack of communication makes me a "hater", it's time to start preparing to take on the Burning Legion and leave the Envoy and his allies to do whatever they want with the timeline.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I just don't understand why they didn't introduce this ship as Cryptic's version of the EVE monocle. A $120 C-Store ship that looks and plays almost identical to a $30 ship.
Glad I didn't buy lifer.. The fact that Rivera basically crapped all over his fan's as "haters" for not having access to this ship. Sums up how Cryptic/PWE sees us less financially endowed folk.
Hey. People. Let's be fair, ok? Geko didn't say everyone was a "hater". He only thinks you are a "hater" if you have a legitimate complaint, or don't think AOY is the best expansion ever. But if you think the game is perfect and the devs are gods, he thinks you're ok.
Hey. People. Let's be fair, ok? Geko didn't say everyone was a "hater". He only thinks you are a "hater" if you have a legitimate complaint, or don't think AOY is the best expansion ever. But if you think the game is perfect and the devs are gods, he thinks you're ok.
Not exactly, but I guess, he hates the player base anyway.
What about an "unwavering hater" promo, so he can reward himself?
I already got over this issue with their inner circle. Is why when I see their fleets spamming me needing help I just refer them to their inner circle for that. Although that is not what bothers me today what does bother me is accumulation of 5+ years or resources for dilithium collection has been nerfed by cryptic and I don't see myself coming back to STO unless they reverse this change which I am really attempted even with a LTS account to just uninstall because its the same old TRIBBLE of giveth and taketh away when they feel like it. Although if something is their fault they won't lift a finger to help out it just really has turned into abusive relationship between game company and customers which is really sad.
Although that is not what bothers me today what does bother me is accumulation of 5+ years or resources for dilithium collection has been nerfed by cryptic and I don't see myself coming back to STO unless they reverse this change which I am really attempted even with a LTS account to just uninstall because its the same old **** of giveth and taketh away when they feel like it.
Hyperbole much?! Geez, they extended the cooldown on that contraband assignment to 20 hours. Big deal! In what universe is that nerfing your '+ years or resources for dilithium collection'?!
And now ppl are so hating on everything, they even bring up an old, completely unrelated, incident, in which Geko said people on the forum are whiners (or words to that effect). Haters are gonna hate. Give it a rest, ppl; and don't prove him right on every count.
When I heard the rumors about the ship, was excited at the chance to get it as the summer event ship especially for my FERENGI character. Then heard the Vorgon ship was for that. So thought, must be some Star Trek Anniversary event they'll include it in.
Now, I'm just disgusted. Won't spend any money on a Cryptic game ever again. Not even the Temporal ship I had been planning to buy. I'll F2P grub this game out from now on if I don't just quit playing it.
Glad I didn't buy lifer.. The fact that Rivera basically crapped all over his fan's as "haters" for not having access to this ship. Sums up how Cryptic/PWE sees us less financially endowed folk.
People think because they didn't get something they should turn on the butthurt.
It seems to have been a spontaneous giveaway with no advertisement of any kind and very little explanation.
Unless I'm misreading things; didn't they break California law by not following these laws on giveaway?
All the rules, regulations, terms and conditions of the contest.
The maximum number of puzzles or games which may be necessary to complete the contest and determine winners.
The maximum amount of money, including postage and handling fees, which a participant may be asked to pay to win each of the prizes offered.
The date(s) upon which the contest will terminate, and upon which all prizes will be awarded.
Whether future contests or tie-breakers, if any, will be significantly more difficult than the initial contest, and the method of determining prize-winners if a tie remains after completion of the last tie-breaker.5
I will admit that the page is hard to follow *legal jargon is fun to watch, not read* so according to this blog which has the rules for giveaways/sweepstakes, but given they are the same that are under the contest laws in the above state website I've been lead to believe that the rules for contests (mainly the rules of a contest) apply to sweepstakes as well.
For the official record I'm not native of the State of California, thus I'm unfamiliar with all the laws of the state that STO in based in and I'm an not a lawyer in trade, but I'm inclined to think that something is amiss here. Please, feel free to point out my errors.
And you are a prime example of someone who thinks they can run around with "the law" and think's your an entitled social justice warrior.
Cryptic is a INDEPENDENT and PRIVATELY OWNED company. They are in a FREE MARKET and follow the principles of FREE ENTERPRISE. If you do not like there business practices, complaining about it and getting butt-hurt and stating laws does nothing. If you do not like a business/product/service/corporation/contractor ect., go somewhere else if it means that much to you that you will erupt in fits of rage over things not going your way.
You all missed the give away, myself included. We all have to move on and SUCK IT UP. I know, it hurts, I want the ship too because I have no money to spend on the game and I really want to get a decent Tier 6 ship collection so I am stuck with getting the free hand outs. But for crying out loud, this has to stop. The community understands, this was not a well thought out affair. But crying and calling Cryptic stupid and saying they broke the law is just as productive as giving someone with no legs a treadmill. Deal with the fact that you missed something. YES, it would be nice for Cryptic to take some IMMEDIATE action, but how about we give this 24, eh?
Think about all the free give aways that happen DAILY for STO on various websites that you never participate in. Better yet, OUTSIDE of STO. Free gas events held for people searching for jobs, free food from food banks, monetary assistance for those that need it (those that ACTUALLY need it). All of that is free stuff given away on a daily basis that YOU NEVER EVEN GET TO SEE.
So get over yourselves as a collective whole (talking to the butt-hurt in this thread here, and those who can relate to them), and forget about all of this. Immediately the minute something DOESN'T go your way suddenly you get the self-entitled right to complain and be nasty to a company offering a service. Cryptic owe's you NOTHING unless you pay them money, in which they owe you the product you purchased with money that you got from a job that you work at. Otherwise, they are off the hook.
Support the movement! Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are. Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Some ppl are serious enough to spend 1,000s of $ and shrinkbrain to children because of some virtual pixel toy.
Ok, there are two cases, that I could understand them:
1. You are huge fan of ST + a ship collector or possibly a ferengi rpg player
2. You won, but missed it because of the lack of info from PWE about it (checkbox in profile)
At least they could announce somewhere to subscribe the newsletter for participating.
Why email at all and not just unlock it in c-store? And avoiding unhappy loyal supporters?
That's what made me puzzled.... They could have used just as easily used in-game mail for this.
And now ppl are so hating on everything, they even bring up an old, completely unrelated, incident, in which Geko said people on the forum are whiners (or words to that effect). Haters are gonna hate. Give it a rest, ppl; and don't prove him right on every count.
Am I right in assuming, you got your golden shiny?
You are really loyal then and deserve it LOL
And now ppl are so hating on everything, they even bring up an old, completely unrelated, incident, in which Geko said people on the forum are whiners (or words to that effect). Haters are gonna hate. Give it a rest, ppl; and don't prove him right on every count.
Am I right in assuming, you got your golden shiny?
You are really loyal then and deserve it LOL
Yup, got it. It's indeed very shiny! And very golden! And the players love it!
Other ships I didn't get. Like the T6 Avenger, or the T6 Defiant, that got tossed other people's way. Was I annoyed about that? Sure, for all of 5 minutes. Then I moved on. Why can't you? The T6 D'Kora is sweet, but no uebership, by any means. In fact, I already shelved it again, LOL (and bought a Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel to play with today).
The self-entitlement is simply too strong in this thread.
Could Cryptic just give the rest of us a normal t6 ferengi ship? At least put it on the store...Jesus, this is just horrible PR on their part. Are they trying to make people mad?
It worked.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
If you're gonna be a hater why get upset when you get named?
Because they're professionals and people who get paid to do a job are there to be abused and treated like garbage instead of human beings, and they should not only enjoy being given insults and death threats over the internet anonymously, they should be fired for the mere suggestion people should be less toxic, and if they call anybody out on their childish behavior, it's the exact same thing (if not worse) as the person who started it because shut up that's why.
I hope the gold ferengi ship also comes with a 'one finger salute' ship emote. Just in case the shiny gold uber-rare ship doesn't get the message across by itself.
I hope the gold ferengi ship also comes with a 'one finger salute' ship emote. Just in case the shiny gold uber-rare ship doesn't get the message across by itself.
*omg-rofl* the uber emote
=> Grind peeps, grind! Now for half the rate, while I get free ships I dont need.
So a giveaway was held but there was no announcement and only some people got it without knowing what criteria and... yeah. I decided to delete the game before this bs so I'll just add it to the list of reasons.
I hope the gold ferengi ship also comes with a 'one finger salute' ship emote. Just in case the shiny gold uber-rare ship doesn't get the message across by itself.
Heh, also with a nice global message in chat saying, "Sucks to be you"
So basically this "promotion" is the equivalent of the new Ghostbusters movie. Cryptic/PWE is Sony, Geko is Paul Feig, and the customers expressing themselves with calm rational complaints are the out of control haters.
To me being called a whiner is about the worse thing i could be called in this game or subject. Being called a hater is darn near being cute these days. But i am neither.
Congratulations on those lucky people whom the RNG choosen, im happy for you. And im just disappointed i didnt get RNG blessed. I have a contingency plan though
And now ppl are so hating on everything, they even bring up an old, completely unrelated, incident, in which Geko said people on the forum are whiners (or words to that effect). Haters are gonna hate. Give it a rest, ppl; and don't prove him right on every count.
Am I right in assuming, you got your golden shiny?
You are really loyal then and deserve it LOL
Yup, got it. It's indeed very shiny! And very golden! And the players love it!
Other ships I didn't get. Like the T6 Avenger, or the T6 Defiant, that got tossed other people's way. Was I annoyed about that? Sure, for all of 5 minutes. Then I moved on. Why can't you? The T6 D'Kora is sweet, but no uebership, by any means. In fact, I already shelved it again, LOL (and bought a Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel to play with today).
The self-entitlement is simply too strong in this thread.
Please stop rubbing it off...don't think I have seen you in Beta testing or prior to F2P at these forums at STO...yet I'm happy for your accomplishment. What some of us (veterans) are discussing here is the lack of communication from Cryptic "not" entitlement.
"Okay, I do understand that people are quite agitated about this whole giveaway. The wording isn't the best, however it makes those that got it feel good about themselves."
You know, I have gotten one of these mystery give-a-ways over on Neverwinter... I wasn't feeling all that good when I told my rl friends/guildies to be looking forward the the new appreciation package they were giving away... Only to find out they received nothing for their loyalty to the game. Especiaaly when it was because of them, that I started playing...
These kinds of give-a-ways really are a double edged sword...
Ok, there are two cases, that I could understand them:
1. You are huge fan of ST + a ship collector or possibly a ferengi rpg player
2. You won, but missed it because of the lack of info from PWE about it (checkbox in profile)
At least they could announce somewhere to subscribe the newsletter for participating.
Why email at all and not just unlock it in c-store? And avoiding unhappy loyal supporters?
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
Just get's better and better ... I was enjoying AoY, but since my support clearly isn't valued or appreciated, and voicing my discontent at the lack of communication makes me a "hater", it's time to start preparing to take on the Burning Legion and leave the Envoy and his allies to do whatever they want with the timeline.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Not exactly, but I guess, he hates the player base anyway.
What about an "unwavering hater" promo, so he can reward himself?
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
One of those podcasts, anyways...
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Just how does this relate to the issue at hand again?
I agree with you. A year ago is said a year ago, doesn't matter today.
Cryptic has a long record of that kind from its short STO history ;P
BTW: he called players complaining about a T6 D'akora vid as haters.
But it's really more the circumstances of this promo.
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
Hyperbole much?! Geez, they extended the cooldown on that contraband assignment to 20 hours. Big deal! In what universe is that nerfing your '+ years or resources for dilithium collection'?!
And now ppl are so hating on everything, they even bring up an old, completely unrelated, incident, in which Geko said people on the forum are whiners (or words to that effect). Haters are gonna hate. Give it a rest, ppl; and don't prove him right on every count.
People on the forums have nothing better to TRIBBLE about. For example:
Prime example. Oh, and this one too:
People think because they didn't get something they should turn on the butthurt.
And you are a prime example of someone who thinks they can run around with "the law" and think's your an entitled social justice warrior.
Cryptic is a INDEPENDENT and PRIVATELY OWNED company. They are in a FREE MARKET and follow the principles of FREE ENTERPRISE. If you do not like there business practices, complaining about it and getting butt-hurt and stating laws does nothing. If you do not like a business/product/service/corporation/contractor ect., go somewhere else if it means that much to you that you will erupt in fits of rage over things not going your way.
You all missed the give away, myself included. We all have to move on and SUCK IT UP. I know, it hurts, I want the ship too because I have no money to spend on the game and I really want to get a decent Tier 6 ship collection so I am stuck with getting the free hand outs. But for crying out loud, this has to stop. The community understands, this was not a well thought out affair. But crying and calling Cryptic stupid and saying they broke the law is just as productive as giving someone with no legs a treadmill. Deal with the fact that you missed something. YES, it would be nice for Cryptic to take some IMMEDIATE action, but how about we give this 24, eh?
Think about all the free give aways that happen DAILY for STO on various websites that you never participate in. Better yet, OUTSIDE of STO. Free gas events held for people searching for jobs, free food from food banks, monetary assistance for those that need it (those that ACTUALLY need it). All of that is free stuff given away on a daily basis that YOU NEVER EVEN GET TO SEE.
So get over yourselves as a collective whole (talking to the butt-hurt in this thread here, and those who can relate to them), and forget about all of this. Immediately the minute something DOESN'T go your way suddenly you get the self-entitled right to complain and be nasty to a company offering a service. Cryptic owe's you NOTHING unless you pay them money, in which they owe you the product you purchased with money that you got from a job that you work at. Otherwise, they are off the hook.
Come stand with us in supporting Star Trek: The Animated Series content for STO! (It's canon!) #TASforSTO
Time travel and glass-cannon ships hurt my head and is NOT what Trek is about. Trek is exploration, becoming better as a species, and gaining scientific knowledge while holding on to the traditions that got us where were are.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
My character Tsin'xing
Am I right in assuming, you got your golden shiny?
You are really loyal then and deserve it LOL
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
Yup, got it. It's indeed very shiny! And very golden! And the players love it!
Other ships I didn't get. Like the T6 Avenger, or the T6 Defiant, that got tossed other people's way. Was I annoyed about that? Sure, for all of 5 minutes. Then I moved on. Why can't you? The T6 D'Kora is sweet, but no uebership, by any means. In fact, I already shelved it again, LOL (and bought a Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel to play with today).
The self-entitlement is simply too strong in this thread.
It worked.
Because they're professionals and people who get paid to do a job are there to be abused and treated like garbage instead of human beings, and they should not only enjoy being given insults and death threats over the internet anonymously, they should be fired for the mere suggestion people should be less toxic, and if they call anybody out on their childish behavior, it's the exact same thing (if not worse) as the person who started it because shut up that's why.
*omg-rofl* the uber emote
=> Grind peeps, grind! Now for half the rate, while I get free ships I dont need.
Holy Grail of Gamification is Addiction | 5 Ways to Accomplisch | and the Psychology of Freemium
Heh, also with a nice global message in chat saying, "Sucks to be you"
Are you the Emperor? Can you *feel* their hate?
Congratulations on those lucky people whom the RNG choosen, im happy for you. And im just disappointed i didnt get RNG blessed. I have a contingency plan though
Please stop rubbing it off...don't think I have seen you in Beta testing or prior to F2P at these forums at STO...yet I'm happy for your accomplishment. What some of us (veterans) are discussing here is the lack of communication from Cryptic "not" entitlement.