Should the Klingon and Romulan empires been made playable in the new expansion. I am still excited for this being a huge TOS fan but I am disheartened that the two other factions were left out. It would have been super fun to play a TOS Klingon or Romulan in that time period. I personally think that after the time and effort put into this they should have gone the extra mile.

original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
Should the KDF and ROM been included in the New Expansion? 166 votes
pointless poll is pointless... the content is largely done at this point and in the polish phase... adding them LATER as a second expansion maybe... but they're not gonna push back the expansion for 18mo no matter what percentage of the player base yells, screams and waves money at them.
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
Just alter the wording of the title and question a little and run with it then. Just make it more clear you're asking if people think that Cryptic should have included them as part of this expansion and not that you're asking should Cryptic stop now and add them.
The problem is we're getting a second federation faction and its being sold as a TOS expansion. TOS was more than just the federation, and the love for both Klingons and Romulans began with TOS.
Honestly there should never be a Cardassian faction but thats a different rant.
By this media logic, there should not be any KDF or Romulan factions.
TOS was primarily not even the Federation. It was very much focused on the dynamics between Kirk and his crew, with a heavy part of that being Bones and Spock.
The Romulans were in two episodes. The Klingons a handful.
Luckily the Romulan Republic and the Klingon Defense Force will be involved in this expansion as much as the Federation faction is. Which will likely be the storyline featured episode whatever they're creating for it.
It's, however, not very likely that a playable Romulan or a playable Klingon will be part of the 23rd century Starfleet that the TOS faction starts out as. And I'm not really sure that's a great idea as it would go against canon pretty directly. By the time we get to the 28th century, I'm sure the other three factions will hook into the story and the gameplay.
to be honest I would rather they just did a complete rerun of the first delta event with standard fed, kdf & rom characters even if they changed the format slightly and renamed it temporal recruits, they could just as easily added the TOS as a backdrop for standard new episodes that could have been played by existing character or temporal recruits at a slightly later point say around September to coincide with the anniversary.
with this release cryptic are of a mind that they have added a new faction where many players like myself are not, to me the TOS recruit is just part of the fed faction but with just a slightly different start in life and not a separate faction at all and not even a half faction like the roms or even a quarter, eighth or sixteenth of a faction.
add to this the fact that as cryptic are looking at this as the forth faction and it leaves me with the impression there will never be a fifth (true forth) faction be it cardassian, borg or dominion faction.
as the expansion stands I would have to vote no as a kdf or rom character would not fit with the format of an all in one faction as cryptic have designed it, it would be daft to have feds, kdf and rom all included as part of one TOS faction.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I said in another thread that from a story-wise point of view, I think the Klingons and Romulans of that era would provide an interesting perspective. It is after all in a time where the two Empires and the Federation were at odds with each other.
Add to the fact that your captain is a time traveler on a mission would be a very interesting take in my opinion.
Yes, yes I know the creative process is extensive and none of us really know for sure how much time and resources were used to create the expansion, I get it.
Anyway, that’s my vote and the reasons behind it.
dude... QFT... pvpeen is dead. Which is right where it belongs.
Outside of that I could see a RSE/Gorn/KE/Orion Cartel faction for TOS content given its own faction. Each limited to one race in char gen and some specific dialogues for each race. That would allow TOS red v blue stuff and then once they move 'back to the future' they split along KDF/RR lines with Romulans given a quick half mission allowing them their typical fed/klink alliance.
Which I think it should do.
If you are asking if there will be KDF or Rom TOS expansions, thats a maybe. Geko mentioned that it took a lot of effort to get AoY out of development and the development team didnt have the ability to put out any KDF or Rom based stuff and also because they were not as popular anyway.
I mentioned maybe because they could do it some point down the road, it would depend if they feel upto creating a whole backstory to the TOS klingons and Romulans as not much was known about them during this timeline.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
This is like a asking them to introduce three new factions at the same time. They would all be half baked or the dev's would've died of exhaustion.
I don't think that would quite fit Star Trek Online's usual approach to what player characters do. And if they make more STO type Klingon and Romulan activities, it would quite frankly feel fake.
It looks however as if they made some new TOS style Klingon ships - they should make those available to KDF players. IF they did that for the Romulans, the same there.
So giving separate Romulan and Klingon storylines will not change the grudge of many of those dissatisfied with their absence - it will just shift the focus of their complaints to the story being "rehashed Fed story" and whatever else we have now. Thus Cryptic's efforts will be wasted.
Cryptic did say it did not intend to do a genuinely badguy playable faction. TOS romulans and Klingons were for better or worse the badguys. Though I find it hard to say that of the romulans seen. (Probative strike on Federation outposts. Romulan captain was honorable and skilled foe. Second had Fed sending an incursion to Romulan space to steal a cloaking device and the Romulans were relatively calm about it till the theft succeeded. The Klingons were shown to be more the back stabbing conspirators than the romulans despite the latter having cloaking devices.)
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Because TOS Klingons being hired as Temporal Agents just doesn't make any sense whatsoever ... after all they're the "bad guys" back in those days ... just imagine a TOS Klingon being hired as Temporal Agent from some "Human-looking" Dude from the future, telling him that Klingons are going to join the Federation ... it's rather likely that the TOS-Klingon will shoot that guy in the face = Game Over ...
In many cases, even mentioned in TOS iirc, other governments saw the rapid rise of the UFP and its aggressive expansion as a threat. Hell in "The Enterprise Incident" your glorious good guys order Kirk to violate treaties, conduct espionage and theft. The antagonists there were quite clearly NOT the Romulans.
That was the feeling I got from the Romulans and Klingons as well. You know it’s unfortunate that both factions get labeled “the bad guys” because their way of life is not in accordance to what the Federation believes in.
Some factors I would consider is according to Star Trek lore the Klingon and Romulan Empires predate the Federation by a great many years. That for me is that they have been doing business like this for a long time. Their cultures and way of life reflect this, most likely the reason the Klingons have their “honor” philosophy where to die in battle is the goal of every warrior. The Romulans I see as a society more of the “cloak and dagger” types where subtlety is the name of the game. Now a lot of folks would think that is just another way to saying that they are just “sneaky” but it has kept it’s empire together up until Hobus blew up.
We do see some merit in the Romulans in their tactics as shown in the TOS episode “Balance of Terror” the quick hit and fade tactic that they turned into an art form. We also see that the commander of the Romulan ship (portrayed rather well by the actor Mark Lenard) and see he is not some evil warlord but a person that is caught in the middle of his personal honor and the orders that he is given.
I think that story-wise Cryptic could pull it off if they had the time and resources for such an endeavor. I would have loved to have seen Romulas before it’s destruction or to have met Kang and who knows? Maybe that might happen down the road. Regardless of whatever I wrote down now, I am looking forward to the new expansion and hope to have an entertaining time of it.
PS : i.E. it's funny watching some DS9 Episodes where Jadzia is basically praising Kor as some kind of "honorful War-Hero" ... yet rewatching the TOS-Episode he's basically some TRIBBLE-War-Criminal ...