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PSA: Romulans and Klingons, don't give up



  • goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    The kind of baggage I'm talking about is the KDF being a incomplete faction , that was stuck in one little corner of the map with pvp the only primary gameplay. STO lost many KDF players the first year, the faction would not as big as the FED side but there was a lot players organizing big KDF fleets before launch and the faction as whole would be a much better place today if it started with the content it has now. Consoles will have fresh audience that might chose the RED side more so now because there actually stuff to do.

  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    patrickngo wrote: »
    *snip goes the long winded rant*
    Did you actually read the news blog? Like the part where they redid the entire UI code so that it WILL work on console controllers? Among other info there
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Well, I was reading STO Reddit...and news out of the FEDCON in Germany states: they have added Orions to the list of characters available to the TOS/Fed faction.

    (Went back and re-read that STO Reddit thread...and I misinterpreted what was said.

    The correct Tribble info is here....watch blogs for any updates:

    Not hard to guess the direction they are taking this game, maybe not today....but it is definitely coming. LOL!
    Post edited by where2r1 on
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    samt1996 wrote: »
    If you're a fed-romulan you can use 7/11 of the ships.

    Cryptic has stated making single ships for KDF or ROM (17% and 13% of the player base respectively) is highly unprofitable for them so making ship packs is the best way to go so they can give everyone ships and still make the money they need. I would point out that many of these ship packs contain unique ships that aren't just copy and paste of each other, they are simply bundled together.

    Sorry your special snowflake sensibilities are offended but this is just basic math, It is a compromise that has benefitted the two smaller factions GREATLY however. You should appreciate just how many more ships are made now for KDF and ROM since DR, it is a significant improvement.

    The temporal ships are like the lockbox ones just from the C-Store and this is actually a really great idea because it allowed them to make a T6 science ship for you guys without risking a lot of money. If it weren't for those ships crossfaction nature you'd still be begging for a T6 science ship. When they see the sales numbers will determine if they ever make faction specific science ships again though, so buy the TRIBBLE out of the Eternal class.

    Cryptic is really trying to compromise here between making people happy and making a profit. There is only so far they can go though, a little appreciation for the great strides they've made towards better faction treatment might inspire them to go even further. Constant whining and ungatefulness will not.

    y'know what's funny, Sam?

    out in the world outside of STO, Klingon fans spend more $$$ than any other part or portion of trekdom.

    It's true. they do. see, you can do a competent cosplay of pretty much every variation of Starfleet uniform for under a hundred bucks if you've got a sewing machine and a goodwill store nearby. Halloween costumes too. You add a little more if you want 'vulcan ears' because, y'know, latex stuff.

    You only see Starfleet fans at Star Trek conventions.

    On the flipside-it's hundreds of dollars and nearly as many hours, to put together a typical convention-grade Klingon outfit, much of which can't be done with a cheapo sewing machine thanks to needing to use stiff, dense materials. Further, the latex isn't optional unless you're doing TOS klingon (which is, admittedly cheaper-but you still have to locate gold lame'.)

    Places to see Klingons:

    Anime Conventions
    General Sci-Fi Conventions
    Trek Conventions
    Comics conventions.
    STAR WARS conventions.

    Can you DIG that TRIBBLE?

    Klingon fans outside STO have put on whole translations of Shakespeare plays translated to th'lingan Hol. (Klingon speech) with costumes. This TRIBBLE is not cheap.

    The Klingon Language is accepted as a viable qualification for U.S. army linguists-because more people speak it, than the DoD financed Esperanto...worldwide.

    SOG knives will gladly sell you a D'kTag (Klingon Dagger, still in their catalogue as of 2013...), and you can usually find multiple Batt'leths in dealer rooms at Sci fi conventions, anime conventions, comics conventions, GUN SHOWS and online from various manufacturers at prices usually in the 300 to 1000 dollar range.

    (yes, Gun and Knife shows, you know, those places full of "Rednecks" and outdoorsman types that usually aren't viewed as even fans.)

    you're talking about a fandom that everyone but Cryptic seems to make money making stuff for.

    Doesn't that strike you as a little odd? Maybe...unprofitable because...the guy running the development team doesn't give a flying TRIBBLE?

    Inside STO;

    "Legacy of Romulus" was one of their most Financially profitable years at Cryptic-this they announced. That 13% of player-characters kept the servers lit and the lights on and let them temporarily expand their staff. It also paid the costs for Delta Rising while it was in development.

    When they released the 1-20 for KDF, it was buried at the back of the site. many players who weren't new didn't even know the missions existed until Delta Recruits.

    True fact.

    Didn't TRIBBLE KNOW it existed.

    some of them with KDF mains they'd had to level a fed to gen up under the old system.

    That's how well it was promoted.

    The claim that KDF is 'unprofitable' comes for the abject failure to sell of the Varanus, and the Bortasque when they were released-at the time of their release the Varanus was directly compared to the 'free' Fed Long-range-science vessel, and legitimately found to be substandard in all ways save hull points. in every aspect, inferior. Naturally people didn't buy it.

    The Bort, at release, was absolutely the opposite of how a Battlecruiser in the game could be defined as performing, when compared to existing BC's of the time both in terms of quality (buggy animations, buggy consoles that often did not work) and usefulness (literally outperformed in the battlecruiser role by the free Negh'var, nevermind lower tier offerings. you can't apply heavy cannons if you can't get the nose to line up-and the Bort couldn't.) It was, in short, the developmentally disabled, special needs, overweight little brother of the Oddy. Naturally, once word circulated in the KDF community of the time, they looked at the price, and said, collectively, 'No thank you.'

    both of those were built to fail.

    Particularly when it comes to sales.

    Two years of nothing in terms of development for the KDF faction didn't help matters in terms of building customer confidence, either.

    Delta Rising Operations Pack

    Came across as a full-on mission statement. "You're not important enough for us to bother" the KDF got ONE full-spec ship (the Qib) and ship-powers that neither worked together, nor (in the case of Overwhelming force) worked at all for the first three weeks after it went live.

    The pack itself was designed with the intent that KDF and Rom characters would be relegated to Dilithium and Doff generation duties to support Fed characters. every aspect of it practically rubbed our noses in how little we mattered to Cryptic's developers.

    the reaction at the time was extreme enough to contribute to the replacement of an executive producer, and for a while we got 'what everyone else gets' and no more in the era of the 3-faction packs.

    but that era is clearly in the past, and things have returned to that mindset. KDF and Romulan players 'don't matter' and 'aren't profitable'...and why would they be, after six years of neglect, passive-aggressive hostility from the lead developer, having their specific faction elements ported Fedside wholesale, usually in the improved form?

    (First done with consoles-the lockbox tech exchanges only stopped once they'd run out of useful KDF consoles to give the Feds... but also carriers, which began the game as KDF exclusives, Battlecruisers, which Feds got the improved version of in the store with the Avenger while KDF got a raincheck that lasted three months...)

    now, not saying it's a completely hostile environment, after all, neither KDF nor Romulan players have had the kind of outright open hostility that PvP players got, but it's only 'just' for KDF=we're at the bottom of the list, but we're at least still thought about once in a blue moon...

    But be sure you understand;

    Klingon trek fans are the most ridiculous overspenders in the larger Trek community, and most of them aren't uneducated low-tier service workers-they're usually a bit 'up there' with money to spend. if Cryptic can't make money off them, it's probably Cryptic's fault, not the fanbase.

    The sixteen percenters (used to be eighteen) and the thirteen percenters collectively come out about a third of the total-if you can't make a profit off 30% of your customers, you've done something catastrophically wrong somewhere. People get fired for those kind of things.

    BRAVO !
    That is the most truthful and honest assessment of the KDF 'situation' I've read on these forums in years.

    Most of my fleet has already gone, we've been a KDF organization since the starfleet command days, and I'm the late addition in the STO branch. I was invited over in S6 by the guys I played with years earlier on Dynaverse, as Klingons. They've been here @ STO since the beginning. The bleeding began around S7, and hasn't stopped. Few of them even considered playing their FED alts, tho back then there wasn't a choice as he only way to unlock the KDF was to be fed for 20 missions, and many like myself deleted the fed alt as soon as 'our' faction was accessible.

    We started with nothing in STO except ridicule from the devs, but finally got some scraps when the ROM's got their faction (LOL, thats a joke). They've since reverted to their previous behavior of neglect. They claim it's a simple matter of numbers. They've made it clear (again) they don't care about anyone but the feds. They don't want us here. They don't want our money. The notion that KDF and ROM's shouldn't give up on STO is ridiculous.

    STO has given up on US.

    My KDF fleet has no such problems, seems like you picked the wrong people to play with.

    Good for you.
    Our fleets fed starbase isn't even T1 while the KDF base is almost T5.

    Apparently it isn't the people I play with, but the game we picked to play.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    If it is so truly horrible...

    Then just give it up already.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.

    Yup, that would pretty much solve all the problems. Eliminate 30% of the playerbase by removing the KDF/ROM factions, and those who won't play as FED are easily replaced by the new console players. No need for cross faction or non-fed faction specific items or powers, and mission design is streamlined since it's single faction. PvP is already dead so it can't suffer any more damage by STO going pure single-faction PvE. No need for servers either- except for patching.

    They should hire you for game design, you're a natural.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.
    Yup, that would pretty much solve all the problems. Eliminate 30% of the playerbase by removing the KDF/ROM factions, and those who won't play as FED are easily replaced by the new console players.
    Where did I say eliminate 30% of the playerbase? There is no rational reason for players to leave the game over the "loss" of faction restrictions. Some people would inevitably hate their newfound freedom, because some people inevitably hate any change made in a game, but it wouldn't be 30% or even 3%.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.
    Yup, that would pretty much solve all the problems. Eliminate 30% of the playerbase by removing the KDF/ROM factions, and those who won't play as FED are easily replaced by the new console players.
    Where did I say eliminate 30% of the playerbase? There is no rational reason for players to leave the game over the "loss" of faction restrictions. Some people would inevitably hate their newfound freedom, because some people inevitably hate any change made in a game, but it wouldn't be 30% or even 3%.

    You seem to mistakenly assume everyone wants to play a fed character. I don't blame you, Cryptic thinks so too. And 'newfound freedom' ? Freedom from choosing non-fed factions ? Like you, Cryptic thinks they're doing the players some favors by removing choices. Just look at the rational behind the skill tree revamp, they think removing players ability to make bad choices is a good thing. I think you and them underestimate how many players actually DO want choices, and the ability to make unpopular ones.

    But I'll bet you always take the white guys in chess too, amiright ?
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.
    Yup, that would pretty much solve all the problems. Eliminate 30% of the playerbase by removing the KDF/ROM factions, and those who won't play as FED are easily replaced by the new console players.
    Where did I say eliminate 30% of the playerbase? There is no rational reason for players to leave the game over the "loss" of faction restrictions. Some people would inevitably hate their newfound freedom, because some people inevitably hate any change made in a game, but it wouldn't be 30% or even 3%.

    You seem to mistakenly assume everyone wants to play a fed character. I don't blame you, Cryptic thinks so too. And 'newfound freedom' ? Freedom from choosing non-fed factions ? Like you, Cryptic thinks they're doing the players some favors by removing choices. Just look at the rational behind the skill tree revamp, they think removing players ability to make bad choices is a good thing. I think you and them underestimate how many players actually DO want choices, and the ability to make unpopular ones.
    Factionless gameplay is adding choices, not removing them. But if you can't or won't understand the freedom to choose any species, any outfit, any ship, any boffs, etc that you want instead of being forced into a pre-defined template (faction), this conversation is unlikely to go anywhere.

    Fortunately, most players are not going to be so extreme as to reject factionless characters just because they would have the option of using Fed stuff.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I would have loved to make a TOS Klingon.

    I don't think they will have playable Klingons or Romulans in TOS because they have them as the bad guys in the beginning of the Fed story, no point in confusing issues. It could even mess with the TOS faction story...depending on where they decide to slide them in with Feds.

    It is how Neverwinter is set up...all players on the same side, everyone fight against the same villains and big bad guys. There is still in-fighting among the classes, anyway. They can't seem to get the "balance" right. LOL!

    It is what it is. And that is the way Cryptic wants to make their games. I hate the change. But. So be it.

    I don't own a console and don't expect to spend money for extra A/V equipment for one game I play.
    I will play with my KDF characters until I get tired of the PC version of STO.

    I still have plenty to do....haven't got to the end of the episodes.
    And I love replaying the Klingon tutorial and low level stories.

    Oh and I love playing the Summer and Winter events. :)
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • mneme0mneme0 Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    I'm alt-happy and kinda OCD. I try my best to have an even representation of the game's options. In STO that means I have 4 Feds, 4 Roms (all Fed for some reason), and 4 KDF. I am likely to make 4 TOS characters. I try to continue the balance by leveling and equipping all my characters evenly. The KDFs lose out badly: our fleet (admittedly newer) is 1/1/1/1/2 whereas the Fed is 3/3/3/3/4; I have far less KDF ships because there are less desirable options; customization is horrible what with the palette and uniform limitations; the KDF is inferior in every way. I honestly don't have much complaint with the Romulans except my general complaint with Romulans in Star Trek in general, being their sloppy canon due to the early writers on the subject being unable to form a consensus and little effort being made to cleanly retcon it. But the Klingons do not have that excuse--as noted by others, the Klingons are very well defined and a subject of high-spending fandom and could be the subject of excellent storytelling (not that this game really excels in ANY storytelling aspect) and player immersion.

    I consider the gimping of KDFs and to a lesser degree Roms not to be limited to the money-making aspect of things. I believe it to go deeper than that--into a management process concerned only with what can be crammed into lockboxes. I sincerely wish that STO was run in the opposite direction: a large staff of dedicated Star Trek writers intimately familiar with both canon and non-canon works, able to negotiate with CBS, Simon and Shcuster, Paramount, or whatever other POIs might be involved and capable of directing the efforts of the rest of the team to tell the myriad possible stories in the Star Trek universe. Instead, the richness of the Star Trek IP seems to an afterthought rather than a driving force, and to me that's disappointing.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User

    warpangel wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    ONLY way I see it working with the console port, is to cut the minority factions and PvP entirely, remove mentions of them, fill the gaps with buymoregrind, and market to console as Fed/PvE only. anything more and they're dealing with the major un-repaired defects in the game, starting with faction imbalance, PvP..everything, and the unfortunate condition where some careers are completely useless in the game while others are totally the go-to for every situation.
    That's what they should do with the PC version, too.
    2. Console version will be released as a single-faction, pure PvE game.
    3. Console version will retain multiplayer raids, but will not retain career differences-everyone will be a Tac.
    4. Fed levels will start with AoY/The old series federation, jump to 2410, and story missions will stretch to level 60 since the new build doesn't have to cope with multiple factions or careers, the UI will be streamlined, the mission set will also be streamlined to fit a 1-60 leveling progression, so underperforming missions and sidelines will be removed temporarily then reinserted as paid or ground for content.
    That would be pure awesome.
    6. Console players will get a different c-store that doesn't include Klingon or Romulan goods (since those don't sell per Dev statements).
    Or just sell them to Feds. Non-Fed goods sell just fine when they aren't artificially restricted to a minority customer base. Just look at lockboxes.
    7. Additional factions will be added after release, behind a leveling or paywall, and not until the bugs are removed and things streamlined, but PvP will still be left off-Cryptic doesn't have the ability to handle PvP. They just don't. It's something they never should have tried because nobody on-staff has a TRIBBLE clue and nobody in management had a clue how to retain the people who did have a clue.
    I sure hope not. Adding factions was a mistake the first time, no point repeating it.
    In short, it'll be a totally different game, with a major difference that if it does relatively well, the console version will be supported while this version dies.
    In more likelyhood any changes that succeeded with a console version would be backported to the PC version as well.
    Yup, that would pretty much solve all the problems. Eliminate 30% of the playerbase by removing the KDF/ROM factions, and those who won't play as FED are easily replaced by the new console players.
    Where did I say eliminate 30% of the playerbase? There is no rational reason for players to leave the game over the "loss" of faction restrictions. Some people would inevitably hate their newfound freedom, because some people inevitably hate any change made in a game, but it wouldn't be 30% or even 3%.

    You seem to mistakenly assume everyone wants to play a fed character. I don't blame you, Cryptic thinks so too. And 'newfound freedom' ? Freedom from choosing non-fed factions ? Like you, Cryptic thinks they're doing the players some favors by removing choices. Just look at the rational behind the skill tree revamp, they think removing players ability to make bad choices is a good thing. I think you and them underestimate how many players actually DO want choices, and the ability to make unpopular ones.
    Factionless gameplay is adding choices, not removing them. But if you can't or won't understand the freedom to choose any species, any outfit, any ship, any boffs, etc that you want instead of being forced into a pre-defined template (faction), this conversation is unlikely to go anywhere.

    Fortunately, most players are not going to be so extreme as to reject factionless characters just because they would have the option of using Fed stuff.

    LOL, ya I'm sure there are 1000's of Fed players that want to buy that Bortasq instead of their Galaxy-X.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Well, I was reading STO Reddit...and news out of the FEDCON in Germany states: they have added Orions to the list of characters available to the TOS/Fed faction.

    Not hard to guess the direction they are taking this game, maybe not today....but it is definitely coming. LOL!

    is there a link to where they confirmed they're adding orions to the TOS faction?
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    is there a link to where they confirmed they're adding orions to the TOS faction?

    I think they said: it is already on Tribble (not sure why that was in the News from Germany FEDCON thread). You know anyone with a Gold or LTS?

    ADD: The correct Tribble info is here....watch blogs for any updates:

    Post edited by where2r1 on
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    where2r1 wrote: »
    is there a link to where they confirmed they're adding orions to the TOS faction?

    I think they said: it is already on Tribble (not sure why that was in the News from Germany FEDCON thread). You know anyone with a Gold or LTS?

    I do but after what he saw last night on tribble I doubt he's going back
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    I am fairly new here, so I can't speak of the history of Cryptic. I can say that I play all four factions, and I say four because I count Romulans as two- Federation and KDF aligned. As I see it, the Federation have the best ships, and the KDF have the advantage Doffing. Federation ships seem to be better and tougher, but Romulans have the singularity core that gives them more abilities. I don't see what advantage KDF has. Their admiralty fleet is seriously lacking science ships, as is the available playable KDF ships. Maybe in the shows, Klingons weren't terribly good at science. (However, there was at least one renowned Klingon scientist who almost got into a fistfight with Crusher.) But what about the Lethians, Orions, Gorn or other KDF allies? The z-store needs a viable KDF science vessel. Ships from the lobi store, exchange or lottery boxes don't solve the problem. It is a lot harder to get those, and they are for only one character. As for the argument going on in this thread, I see both sides of it. I see that Cryptic needs to make money doing something in order to put more resources into it. I also see that a quality Klingon ship will sell. As I make my wish list of T6 ships, I'm having a hard time picking a KDF one. I just don't see a KDF ship that stands out among Federation or Romulan ships. I also agree that Klingon themed stuff sells better everywhere else. You can find a clue of that on this very website. The grand prize in that Wizkids giveaway includes a foam bat'leth. However, for something to sell, you can't just make it look Klingon, it has to be a quality product. Again, I am new here, and maybe I just don't see the KDF advantage among T6 ships. But the message I hear from KDF players is that KDF product is lacking quality, and that's why it's not selling. As an all-faction player, I definitely see their point.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    is there a link to where they confirmed they're adding orions to the TOS faction?

    I think they said: it is already on Tribble (not sure why that was in the News from Germany FEDCON thread). You know anyone with a Gold or LTS?

    I do but after what he saw last night on tribble I doubt he's going back

    Yup...the first addition of anything new on Tribble defines the word: "testing out" because it really isn't ready. That is for sure. Hopefully, your friend can try again after a few more patches.

    I went back to look for what I was reading on STO Reddit earlier, now it (TOS Orions) doesn't sound as definitive as when I first read it. It was only one person stating it was confirmed. I can not tell if they were making some juvenile joke or not. I think some comments got removed or moved around. Reddit is always a challenge to figure out.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited May 2016
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    is there a link to where they confirmed they're adding orions to the TOS faction?

    I think they said: it is already on Tribble (not sure why that was in the News from Germany FEDCON thread). You know anyone with a Gold or LTS?

    I do but after what he saw last night on tribble I doubt he's going back

    Yup...the first addition of anything new on Tribble defines the word: "testing out" because it really isn't ready. That is for sure. Hopefully, your friend can try again after a few more patches.

    I went back to look for what I was reading on STO Reddit earlier, now it (TOS Orions) doesn't sound as definitive as when I first read it. It was only one person stating it was confirmed. I can not tell if they were making some juvenile joke or not. I think some comments got removed or moved around. Reddit is always a challenge to figure out.

    he wasnt bugged by bugs or that, it was something utterly different that killed his interest:
    some good artwork, some nice reproductions of some classic scenes in very tiny maps, but typical cryptic writing, spock being the worst of the worst. Just thrown together, and two missions super short done. Nothing special, and I count 4 more missions in the "Agents of yesterday" with nothing else showing. I mean I liked it, and I felt like it was written for a 6 year old also and super rushed. I hope they got quite a bit more story arcs to go, the map shows it could be nice, but ugg writing and their one dimentional designs.

    he just patched up and logged in. Orions are NOT on the list for new characters in the TOS faction
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    Pity... they missed a trick for getting the scantily clad big busted not green skin but causican skinned pervert player bucks... unless they plan to bring fully starkers betazoids in....​​
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    he just patched up and logged in. Orions are NOT on the list for new characters in the TOS faction

    I went back and pointed everyone to the other thread on playable races for the TOS faction.

    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    here's hopin she's buyable
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    here's hopin she's buyable

    would be nice.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Why does all the TOS ships look like plastic toys? Where are all the details?
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Why does all the TOS ships look like plastic toys? Where are all the details?

    because in the 60s they were plastic toys.... also in the 60s TV shows had budgets the size of a pinto bean, and movies werent a whole lot better.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    They MADE them to look like THAT? That's.... no way!!
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    where2r1 wrote: »
    They MADE them to look like THAT? That's.... no way!!


    yes way
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    here's hopin she's buyable

    Oooo... Am I finally getting my Romulan K'tinga complete with singularity core that I asked for years ago? PLEASE!

    Lol! =) No!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    You know seeing it from that angle.... there are certain similarities between the K't'inga and Mogai.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    You know seeing it from that angle.... there are certain similarities between the K't'inga and Mogai.

    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
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