I am SO excited about this development. However, can't help but notice; the OS era was famous because of Enterprise - and that's still the tier 1 Light Cruiser we can already have. That's a let down. No OS era T6 ship? Seriously? Do I detect the stink of purchasable extra ships? Otherwise, this made my day.
Can we get TNG era expansion next year? I'd like to play as a 2360's Starfleet captain cruising around the Alpha Quadrant in my retro-Galaxy class starship.
Or better yet, a DS9 era expansion. Fighting in the Dominion War would be SO AWESOME!!!
If this new temporal/delta recruit thing can't be applied to old characters this will be moment that business model snaps.
The expansion could be pretty great. Still waiting for my tier 6 connie refit though.
Quite honestly, if this leaves older characters completely out of the loop Cryptic has stepped in a large pile with a very foul odor.
Availability of the TOS era isn't going to dodge a lot of ill temper over it either.
I find it absolutely typical that they haven't said anything at all regarding it, and also very foreboding.
Sorry but what's the point playing through LvL 1-60 ... with new T1 - T5 Ships ... using an "old" toon ? So of course you'll have to start a new toon ...
... the only real question is if those T6 Ships are also going to be available to "regular" FEDs ...
Your asking me an obvious question?, the answer is none, which is what you think flew right over my head, it didn't.
My question is what "new" content comes with all this for all the old characters, probably none, my point is many people wont be overjoyed about it, including me.
hope this isnt a one sided facion expansion otheriwse it will be just incomplete, if the roms and klinks are not included
Very much this.
The pack looks great, and I would buy it if there was one single KDF ship and costume in there. But, nothing. So they'll get nothing from me unfortunately.
My question is what "new" content comes with all this for all the old characters, probably none, my point is many people wont be overjoyed about it, including me.
we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction, the Temporal Initiative Resistance Reputation, a Temporal Operative Primary Specialization along with brand new Bridge Officer powers. Players who create their captains during the first six weeks of launch will also be able to participate in the new Temporal Agent Recruitment system for bonus personal and account-wide rewards, a new iteration of the popular Delta Recruitment system that released a year ago.
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
For folks worrying it's going to launch sometime during the Risa summer event, you can stop. The last day of summer here in the northern hemisphere is on September 21st. Plenty of time between the end of Risa and the launch of AoY.
The one thing that has me concerned and probably a couple other folks out there too (I hope) is are we going to get an increase to the number of characters we can make?
I'm not asking for free slots here (though I won't turn them down), I'm asking if there will be an increase to the current cap of 51 characters. Seeing as how I have reached said cap already, this pack (and I dare say nearly the entire expansion) will be a huge waste for me. I'm willing to buy more character slots, Cryptic just needs to ALLOW it.
Oh sure, I could delete some characters, but considering the time and Zen I've spent on some of them that isn't going to happen. As an altaholic that is like telling a parent to choose which 2 of their 3 children will live.
Plenty of time to get more details and adjustments made to the system so I'm not too worried.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
Do we really need a resikn of the 1-50 FED leveling experience?
Maybe I'm getting a bit jaded. I wouldn't of had problems with a TOS-era shoutout like in the Devidian FE arc. I just can't get my head around fighting through a element in the Temporal Cold War in the TOS era.
Thank you for the time...
STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
My question is what "new" content comes with all this for all the old characters, probably none, my point is many people wont be overjoyed about it, including me.
we will be introducing a new episode arc for players of every faction, the Temporal Initiative Resistance Reputation, a Temporal Operative Primary Specialization along with brand new Bridge Officer powers. Players who create their captains during the first six weeks of launch will also be able to participate in the new Temporal Agent Recruitment system for bonus personal and account-wide rewards, a new iteration of the popular Delta Recruitment system that released a year ago.
Read that again,
Players of every faction
Players "who create" their capatains
No indication of any content for existing characters, my question remains unanswered.
No indication of any content for existing characters, my question remains unanswered.
Except within the first sentence ... clearly describing a new (additional) FE-Series for EVERYONE ... the second sentence mentioning a new Reputation ... the third sentence mentioning a new Specialization, and last but not least the ACCOUNT Rewards you'll get for every toon on your ACCOUNT ... *sigh*
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
Interested, but I want to see some T6 love for the TOS ship. Even if it's just skins for existing ships...."holograms" or whatever to fit in. Looksy, all these pretty TOS themed ships that (based on The Delta event) you will be in for MAYBE a week TOTAL before you are T5+?
I mean T6 Fed Dreadnought:
Or what about cross faction love for species that used to be their own empires, not subservant to Klingons? Like some TOS Gorn ships?
Okay, sooo if I get it right, we'll be getting a storyline that is entirely branched off from the main one.
Got a few loud noises in my head at the moment
For example:
This is all about the TOS era, buuut what about 2410? What happens after Temporal Front?
I see the temporal agent pack contains "temporal" ships, some of them TOS themed -- are those "modern day" starships disguised for TOS era "field work"? Cause stating that the TOS era had ships like that is a biiiit of a stretch.
Since we're talking about another Delta Recruit level craze, looks like our current characters (even the Delta Recruits) will have to skip out on the TOS-fun -- what about people who don't have free character slots?
What about people who don't invest in the temporal pack? Do they get "vanilla versions" of these temporal ships to run the TOS story? (you know the free baseline ships you get / rank as you level) Or will they be restricted to using w/e ships they currently have and look a little... odd one out?
I'll have to chew on this some more. Sounds interesting. X)
"Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Do we really need a resikn of the 1-50 FED leveling experience?
Maybe I'm getting a bit jaded. I wouldn't of had problems with a TOS-era shoutout like in the Devidian FE arc. I just can't get my head around fighting through a element in the Temporal Cold War in the TOS era.
Thank you for the time...
Ehh, i dont know that i am greatly dissapointed about this, what "is" rather depressing about it is that "no" information has been posted about where "existing" characters stand with all this as relates to "new" content.
Honestly wanting older players to start over from lvl 1 and grind them to 60 through 6 tiers of ships "and" buy new ships for them is fine.
However no new content for those old characters while doing it isn't.
Interested, but I want to see some T6 love for the TOS ship. Even if it's just skins for existing ships...."holograms" or whatever to fit in. Looksy, all these pretty TOS themed ships that (based on The Delta event) you will be in for MAYBE a week TOTAL before you are T5+?
I mean T6 Fed Dreadnought:
Or what about cross faction love for species that used to be their own empires, not subservant to Klingons? Like some TOS Gorn ships?
I'd buy those.
(already have the plastic/metal miniature versions from my old tabletop playing days)
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I really hope we dont HAVE to start a new toon. Id rather use my Delta Captain that I barely touched. Im already at more toons than I ever said Id own, and playing casually, the others barely get any love.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Six years later and they still cannot develop anything for KDF. We don't even get PVP anymore.
Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content." Al Rivera hates Klingons Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert All cloaks should be canon.
Do we really need a resikn of the 1-50 FED leveling experience?
Maybe I'm getting a bit jaded. I wouldn't of had problems with a TOS-era shoutout like in the Devidian FE arc. I just can't get my head around fighting through a element in the Temporal Cold War in the TOS era.
Thank you for the time...
Ehh, i dont know that i am greatly dissapointed about this, what "is" rather depressing about it is that "no" information has been posted about where "existing" characters stand with all this as relates to "new" content.
Honestly wanting older players to start over from lvl 1 and grind them to 60 through 6 tiers of ships "and" buy new ships for them is fine.
However no new content for those old characters while doing it isn't.
Let me see if I can clarify my view.
By "reskin of the 1-50 FED leveling experience" is based mainly from the Announcement video
From all appearances, new characters going through the TOS AoY material are going to be dealing with stuff FED characters already deal with in the current time. And while I don't expect things to be a 1:1 repeat of the current FED say to Level 20-ish (at least through the Klingon War Arc) material, the impressions I get from the trailer seem to reflect it.
And from what was mentioned in the announcement blog, there is going to be a tie-in FE series for current characters.
Thank you for the time...
STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
No indication of any content for existing characters, my question remains unanswered.
Except within the first sentence ... clearly describing a new (additional) FE-Series for EVERYONE ... the second sentence mentioning a new Reputation ... the third sentence mentioning a new Specialization, and last but not least the ACCOUNT Rewards you'll get for every toon on your ACCOUNT ... *sigh*
Lol, i'll give you the "FE" arc statement although the rest of it sounds content-lite at best for those older toons i mentioned.
Your happy, i get it, im glad your happy, your also reading more into your posted Cryptic statements than are actually there.
This is a whole reboot for the Z-store, lets call it Temporal Cash, lol.
Interested, but I want to see some T6 love for the TOS ship. Even if it's just skins for existing ships...."holograms" or whatever to fit in. Looksy, all these pretty TOS themed ships that (based on The Delta event) you will be in for MAYBE a week TOTAL before you are T5+?
I mean T6 Fed Dreadnought:
Or what about cross faction love for species that used to be their own empires, not subservant to Klingons? Like some TOS Gorn ships?
Remember that just like the other expansions, this is just the bulk of the ships that will be available at launch. I fully expect to see the 23rd/29th Century Dreadnought announcement coming at some point before we go live, and likely some T5/T6 upgraded versions of the lower-tier ships for 23rd century use. That's if the TOS storyline isn't just a portal to getting a captain to the main storyline somehow (which is sadly very likely, as much as I would LOVE to see concurrent TOS and 2410 universes to play in for perpetuity).
Also very sadly, I am doubting that anything from Star Fleet Battles will make an appearance - even though it would be completely awesome to see it happen. I wanna see an SFB Andromedan invasion in STO! And some Hydrans!
Okay, so those T6 ships, Question, can my existing characters use them?
Temporal agents, will they be able to jump from the TOS pocket era to the current game timeline using these T6 temporal ships by means of actual time travel? (boy that WOULD BE COOL)
Say one day I wanna get my TOS on, can I have my agent skip back to TOS, catch a TOS style red alert or STF, then skip back to to the game's current timeline after to partake in the current timeline missions?
What about current temporal ships that are in game? Will they get some new temporal mechanic as well?
I mean we have all kinds of temporal ships already, the Wells class and the other faction variants, the Paradox, the Annorax.
I hope that they would get something outa this too.
What about those that already own the TOS enterprise ?
So MANY questions on how this is all gonna play out ! You've definitely generated excitement from me here!
I HOPE my current STAR TREK characters will somehow be able to participate in all this as well, BEYOND just getting some bonuses based on temporal agent's progress.
BEYOND all my questions, YOU GUYS DID AN AWESOME JOB on these ships, THE TOS area ships are DA BOMB, they are great !
Those TOS era ships would be great for PVP, If you were to introduce Klingon and Romulan ships too. That way you could limit all the cheese and stuff we've gotten muddled down in on the other end, get some straight up PVP going. After all, in THAT era, we were ALL still at war with each other....
The T6 temporal ships are FANTASTIC ! I can clearly see Enterprise J inspired designs there, AWESOME !
How long is the pack promos going on for? I hope I can pick it up next week too !
If we need to create a new toon, I hope we'll only have to create one for the (assumed to exist) account-wide benefits. But I fear that we're going to have to create a Klingon, Romulan and Federation character for that
Does this mean that Romulans will play as part of the Star Empire btw?
i ask as id like to get it but dont get paid till next week.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I'll hold onto my $130, thanks.
Or better yet, a DS9 era expansion. Fighting in the Dominion War would be SO AWESOME!!!
Your asking me an obvious question?, the answer is none, which is what you think flew right over my head, it didn't.
My question is what "new" content comes with all this for all the old characters, probably none, my point is many people wont be overjoyed about it, including me.
Any more "obvious" questions?.
The pack looks great, and I would buy it if there was one single KDF ship and costume in there. But, nothing. So they'll get nothing from me unfortunately.
You think this is expensive? lol
Try Star Citizen, you can easily drop over $1k on certain packs and even a single ship over there.
The one thing that has me concerned and probably a couple other folks out there too (I hope) is are we going to get an increase to the number of characters we can make?
I'm not asking for free slots here (though I won't turn them down), I'm asking if there will be an increase to the current cap of 51 characters. Seeing as how I have reached said cap already, this pack (and I dare say nearly the entire expansion) will be a huge waste for me. I'm willing to buy more character slots, Cryptic just needs to ALLOW it.
Oh sure, I could delete some characters, but considering the time and Zen I've spent on some of them that isn't going to happen. As an altaholic that is like telling a parent to choose which 2 of their 3 children will live.
Plenty of time to get more details and adjustments made to the system so I'm not too worried.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Do we really need a resikn of the 1-50 FED leveling experience?
Maybe I'm getting a bit jaded. I wouldn't of had problems with a TOS-era shoutout like in the Devidian FE arc. I just can't get my head around fighting through a element in the Temporal Cold War in the TOS era.
Thank you for the time...
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Read that again,
Players of every faction
Players "who create" their capatains
No indication of any content for existing characters, my question remains unanswered.
Except within the first sentence ... clearly describing a new (additional) FE-Series for EVERYONE ... the second sentence mentioning a new Reputation ... the third sentence mentioning a new Specialization, and last but not least the ACCOUNT Rewards you'll get for every toon on your ACCOUNT ... *sigh*
I mean T6 Fed Dreadnought:
Or what about cross faction love for species that used to be their own empires, not subservant to Klingons? Like some TOS Gorn ships?
Okay, sooo if I get it right, we'll be getting a storyline that is entirely branched off from the main one.
Got a few loud noises in my head at the moment
For example:
I'll have to chew on this some more. Sounds interesting. X)
"To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
Ehh, i dont know that i am greatly dissapointed about this, what "is" rather depressing about it is that "no" information has been posted about where "existing" characters stand with all this as relates to "new" content.
Honestly wanting older players to start over from lvl 1 and grind them to 60 through 6 tiers of ships "and" buy new ships for them is fine.
However no new content for those old characters while doing it isn't.
I'd buy those.
(already have the plastic/metal miniature versions from my old tabletop playing days)
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Don't be greedy. You already got an announcement. It's not bound and can be traded freely between different players.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
Let me see if I can clarify my view.
By "reskin of the 1-50 FED leveling experience" is based mainly from the Announcement video
From all appearances, new characters going through the TOS AoY material are going to be dealing with stuff FED characters already deal with in the current time. And while I don't expect things to be a 1:1 repeat of the current FED say to Level 20-ish (at least through the Klingon War Arc) material, the impressions I get from the trailer seem to reflect it.
And from what was mentioned in the announcement blog, there is going to be a tie-in FE series for current characters.
Thank you for the time...
Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
Lol, i'll give you the "FE" arc statement although the rest of it sounds content-lite at best for those older toons i mentioned.
Your happy, i get it, im glad your happy, your also reading more into your posted Cryptic statements than are actually there.
This is a whole reboot for the Z-store, lets call it Temporal Cash, lol.
Remember that just like the other expansions, this is just the bulk of the ships that will be available at launch. I fully expect to see the 23rd/29th Century Dreadnought announcement coming at some point before we go live, and likely some T5/T6 upgraded versions of the lower-tier ships for 23rd century use. That's if the TOS storyline isn't just a portal to getting a captain to the main storyline somehow (which is sadly very likely, as much as I would LOVE to see concurrent TOS and 2410 universes to play in for perpetuity).
Also very sadly, I am doubting that anything from Star Fleet Battles will make an appearance - even though it would be completely awesome to see it happen. I wanna see an SFB Andromedan invasion in STO! And some Hydrans!
Temporal agents, will they be able to jump from the TOS pocket era to the current game timeline using these T6 temporal ships by means of actual time travel? (boy that WOULD BE COOL)
Say one day I wanna get my TOS on, can I have my agent skip back to TOS, catch a TOS style red alert or STF, then skip back to to the game's current timeline after to partake in the current timeline missions?
What about current temporal ships that are in game? Will they get some new temporal mechanic as well?
I mean we have all kinds of temporal ships already, the Wells class and the other faction variants, the Paradox, the Annorax.
I hope that they would get something outa this too.
What about those that already own the TOS enterprise ?
So MANY questions on how this is all gonna play out ! You've definitely generated excitement from me here!
I HOPE my current STAR TREK characters will somehow be able to participate in all this as well, BEYOND just getting some bonuses based on temporal agent's progress.
BEYOND all my questions, YOU GUYS DID AN AWESOME JOB on these ships, THE TOS area ships are DA BOMB, they are great !
Those TOS era ships would be great for PVP, If you were to introduce Klingon and Romulan ships too. That way you could limit all the cheese and stuff we've gotten muddled down in on the other end, get some straight up PVP going. After all, in THAT era, we were ALL still at war with each other....
The T6 temporal ships are FANTASTIC ! I can clearly see Enterprise J inspired designs there, AWESOME !
How long is the pack promos going on for? I hope I can pick it up next week too !
I'M SO EXCITED I can't tell ya!
Does this mean that Romulans will play as part of the Star Empire btw?