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Na'kuhl Lock Box



  • jtoon74jtoon74 Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    What I find amusing is people complaining about the aesthetics of the ships. Alot of Star Ttrek fans seem to love the Enterprise-D style ship and not only have I personally always found it fairly ugly, in STO it handles like a brick. Awful ship.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    jtoon74 wrote: »
    What I find amusing is people complaining about the aesthetics of the ships. Alot of Star Ttrek fans seem to love the Enterprise-D style ship and not only have I personally always found it fairly ugly, in STO it handles like a brick. Awful ship.

    Aesthetics are something that's difficult to criticize but it can be done. Sometimes there's a point to make that a given thing doesn't fit, doesn't work, or isn't finished but that always comes down to how those aesthetics work within a functional media (there's a thing that art's trying to do but for some problem or another that isn't happening). However that's divorced from the question of what you do or don't find tasteful. :tongue:

    Rule of thumb for people: if the statement deals only with "I" when talking about how something looks you should try your darnedest to make sure you don't appear to be reflexing that reaction as something others (implicitly) should be concerned about. It's just personal trivial you're sharing. :smile:
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    As far as aesthetics, i think this sums up the whole "eye of the beholder" thing.
    Mighty Car Mods: https://youtube.com/watch?v=s7Iv42AOZIk

    Honestly, I don't have a problem w/the ships so far. Just waiting on the official stats to make a decision.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • msb777msb777 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    With plasma weapons and battle cloaks sounds like good romulan ship, but without singularity core. StarFleet and the Klingons can have fun with that.
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices. I'd happily buy all of the costumes if they were in the c-store. I've only ever bought the Vaadwaur costume because I really liked it but if these were c-store I'd happily part with some zen in the quiet periods between ship releases.
    Seconded. When you actually calculate the cost of many lobi store items in terms of keys (assuming the most conservative payout of 4 crystals each), the figures become ridiculous. Of course, there are many things in the lobi store which have no business whatsoever being there instead of in the various rep tracks' dilithium stores (one of my favorite examples would be the rad crystals and web grenades... logically, you'd expect to get those from the Nukara Strikeforce (see: TF Omega and their requistionable consumables)) but that's a debate for another thread.

    This said, I wonder if a, well, unpowered version of that sword might show up as a drop or craftable item... which reminds me of many things that need to be added to the crafting system, but that too is a discussion for elsewhere.

    Now, while Na'Kuhl Red Alerts are likely their own thing in the vein of the Borg and Tholian varieites... could we also find that existing DSEs will now have a chance for a group of Na'Kuhl to spawn. It's hinted that this could happen in certain existing missions, reflecting their use of temporal shenanigans, so it would not be beyond the realm of possibility.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices. I'd happily buy all of the costumes if they were in the c-store. I've only ever bought the Vaadwaur costume because I really liked it but if these were c-store I'd happily part with some zen in the quiet periods between ship releases.
    Seconded. When you actually calculate the cost of many lobi store items in terms of keys (assuming the most conservative payout of 4 crystals each), the figures become ridiculous. Of course, there are many things in the lobi store which have no business whatsoever being there instead of in the various rep tracks' dilithium stores (one of my favorite examples would be the rad crystals and web grenades... logically, you'd expect to get those from the Nukara Strikeforce (see: TF Omega and their requistionable consumables)) but that's a debate for another thread.
    It's not an accurate calculation if it doesn't take into account the other things you get out of the boxes.
    This said, I wonder if a, well, unpowered version of that sword might show up as a drop or craftable item... which reminds me of many things that need to be added to the crafting system, but that too is a discussion for elsewhere.
    You can. It's a Nukara rep weapon requisition.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    It's not an accurate calculation if it doesn't take into account the other things you get out of the boxes.

    it's not an accurate calculation, you missed the randomness of the drops. ;)

    most of the time, these boxes give only crappy stuff. I tried to open a lot of boxes because I wanted the vaadwaur uniforms, and finally I stopped; this is a waste of time.
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  • This content has been removed.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    Can you give me one good reason we and the Temporal Authority should be allowed to use time travel to save our own hides but the Na'kuhl not? Can you give me one good reason the Na'kuhl shouldn't consider what happened to them an act of war and anything they do to fight back a legitimate case of self-defense?​​

    kill or be killed, self explanatory. and the minority should never used as an excuse to claim it is the majority. in this case, vosk only has a small group of people and the rest probably do not know that there is a war going on, not that they would want any part in it anyway to add to this godwins law is also very applicable argument as it is actually valid to this point and also vosk,

    remember this is a small band of na'khul, i doubt every na'khul wants to be involved in such things.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    This, by any sane measure, is genocide.
    No. The Na'kuhl were offered assistance and refused it. Also it's pretty obvious that they didn't die off with their star. It's not genocide if no one actually dies.

    It's no more about "saving the Na'kuhl" than reversing Hobus would be about saving the Romulans.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Sorry to interrupt this debate on Interstellar Politics and Temporal Ethics, but there's another aspect of the article that I've been thinking about...
    However, in the interest of continuing to improve the perceived value of opening each Lock Box, we have decided to remove a number of less-desirable numeric boosts, and distribute those odds out to other more sought-after prizes. Duty Officer CXP Bonus Pools, R&D Experience Bonus Pools, and Catalysts have all been removed, leaving only the remaining prizes:

    Is there any word on the idea that had been mentioned back with the Year of Hell LB* to go back to the older Lock Boxes and make these same adjustments that we've seen in the last two or three to those older ones? Removing mini-packs and small boosts, adding Extra Large boosts, removing Catalysts, adjusting prize drop rates, etc. I don't know about anyone else, but I think I'd be more willing to open the older LBs - especially the pre-Dominion ones that didn't even have Rich Mining Claims - if I was more likely to get something I could actually use like a weapon or a 'special' DOff rather than just a bunch of white DOffs or boosts that get used up in a matter of minutes...

    While these changes will be restricted to the Year of Hell Lock Box for the time being, we are considering updating older boxes with similar changes if they receive a positive reception.

    (On a side note, however - if the Na'kuhl were to go back to just before their star was destroyed, or even during events in the Lukari system, and prevent the Tholians from acquiring or using the Quantum Phase Inhibitor, then I could support them; if they were attacking the Tholians, you know, the crystalline spider-types who actually did the deed of killing their star, then I could support them; but they're trying to wipe out the ones who tried to help them just because we failed. Sorry, but I can't support that. I'm reminded of 'Good Samaritan' Laws, for one thing...

    Anyway, It's not necessarily their actions, but their attitude that's my problem with them. Yes, we were going to wipe out the Iconians, but it was a last-ditch plan, a Doomsday Plan, at the time it seemed like we killed them or they killed us with no other option... The Na'kuhl could have gotten help from the Ferengi, the Klingon, Cardassians, Federation, they could have made a mass exodus and established a new homeworld (for crying out loud, we had the option to give a group of VAADWAUR a new home in the Beta Quadrant in one mission, why wouldn't we help the Na'kuhl establish a new home on Nopada or Crateris or somewhere?) - instead, they think the galaxy, the timeline owes it to them to restore their world... Sorry, if "Butterfly" showed us anything, it's that messing with the timeline focused only on a goal and not the side-effects can have unforeseen complications. Remember Borg-Romulus?)
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    I loved Borg Romulus! Why? I got to kill Hakeev again! :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    Battlecloaking science ship, raider, and ultra rare battlecruiser?

    Now it feels like all existing ships won't have a chance against this. It's not only something specific to KDF and especially Rom factions, and C-store ships in general, but it's taking things 3 steps higher to what's been available before, and setting a new standard that practically walks all over the 'old'.

    Now that you mention it, are these supposed to be modern Na'khul ships or future ones? Also are these gonna replace the ships attacking New Khitomer in Time and Tide? I noticed that they have the same abilities.

    I knew I liked it for a reason. That classic rear delta silhouette. She's still bleeding edge.

    There's a little Star Destroyer in there too.
    stobg2015 wrote: »
    Not really interested in this much either.

    I like the Temporal Ally thing, but the knowledge that it's locked up behind a rarer-than-rare lockbox ship means I know better than to chase after it.

    The Phasic Shroud thing sounds cool. But not worth gambling for.

    I -might- decide to pursue something with my Romulan to take advantage of synergies with plasma weapons, but that's about it.

    I don't like the temporal ally thing, I realized it's that cheap TRIBBLE move that the Na'khul do in Time and Tide to waste my time before I scrap them.
    With ummm the whole raider thing would be nice if we had bird of preys to get other than depending on lockbox ships.

    I need a tier 6 Hegh'ta in my life.
    ltminns wrote: »
    It is closer to 40 Lockboxes for a One Character Uniform (200 Zen). Average drop per box is 5. Assuming about an average of 100 Zen per Key (list price balanced against sale price for a rounded average). About 4,000 Zen ($40) per Uniform.

    Account-wide C-Store Uniform is 500 Zen.

    Do the math and think again about future C-Store Uniform chances.

    Assuming, naturally, that the only thing you get out of those boxes is that one uniform. The problem for the simple math though is that there's other stuff too (which if you want to take from a production standpoint also costs dev time and whatever internal resources that requires.) The calculated cost of any lobi store item is that minus all the other content that went into the boxes. And because that's variable it's not directly comparable to c-store equivalents (as is readily apparent when examining ships.)

    My problem with that logic is that usually I don't want any of the other TRIBBLE out of it. I can't assign value to things I don't want and was not out to get. I simply want the shortest distance from point A to point B, my money to the outfit I want for my character. I'm much more comfortable with just paying 200 zen for a single character outfit unlock if they just want to sell the same thing four or five times.
    Infiltrators and saboteurs, the Na'kuhl have become a scourge of the timelines. With the introduction of the Na’kuhl Lock Box, these powerful abilities can yours!

    Learn more in our first Lock Box blog here.

    ~Morrigan "LaughingTrendy"
    There's so much stuff in these boxes it feels like there should be part of a Reputation System. :)

    Shh! Don't say that, they might listen and we'd end up with a 'Temporal War Reputation'!

    Considering the primary storyline and the fact that the Mirror Invasion is a retroactive insertion into the older Cardassian Struggle storyline, frankly we should have a Temporal Defender Reputation.
    After losing their homeworld to the machinations of the Tholian Assembly, the Na’kuhl people underwent a terrible transformation as they were forced into refugee status amongst the stars. They hold the Federation responsible for this loss, since it was they that failed to fulfill their promise of protecting the Na’kuhl.

    That's not true at all. What happened was a time traveler from the future brought a sun-killing superweapon back with him in time to save his own timeline, failed to secure it and got it stolen from him whereupon it was used against the Na'kuhl star. We then proceeded to recapture it and then the Temporal authority had it eliminated rather than try to use it to save the Na'kuhl. The same Temporal Authority then continues to refuse to do anything about it, and refuses Na'kuhl requests to be allowed to fix it themselves. Only after attempting to work within the system and getting nowhere do they finally rebel for the sake of billions of lives and their entire world.

    So to sum up, these future "heroes" create a mess by way of time travel used to save their own butts, utterly fail to do anything to clean it up and in fact actively prevent anyone else from fixing it either all because it turned out well for them and the innocent Na'kuhl are written off as collateral damage. And these are supposed to be the good guys, the ones we're helping? Are you freaking kidding me?

    We are on the WRONG side here. And I refuse to play this storyline so long as it requires me to choose the side of genocide against an innocent species.​​

    As many times as this has been debated with you, you refuse to acknowledge that we simply don't know the whole truth yet.
    Can you give me one good reason we and the Temporal Authority should be allowed to use time travel to save our own hides but the Na'kuhl not? Can you give me one good reason the Na'kuhl shouldn't consider what happened to them an act of war and anything they do to fight back a legitimate case of self-defense?​​

    Because there's a fair chance that the Temporal Authority's actions are actually preventing the the collapse of all space time, thus preventing ALL of us from going extinct.
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices. I'd happily buy all of the costumes if they were in the c-store. I've only ever bought the Vaadwaur costume because I really liked it but if these were c-store I'd happily part with some zen in the quiet periods between ship releases.
    Seconded. When you actually calculate the cost of many lobi store items in terms of keys (assuming the most conservative payout of 4 crystals each), the figures become ridiculous. Of course, there are many things in the lobi store which have no business whatsoever being there instead of in the various rep tracks' dilithium stores (one of my favorite examples would be the rad crystals and web grenades... logically, you'd expect to get those from the Nukara Strikeforce (see: TF Omega and their requistionable consumables)) but that's a debate for another thread.
    It's not an accurate calculation if it doesn't take into account the other things you get out of the boxes.
    This said, I wonder if a, well, unpowered version of that sword might show up as a drop or craftable item... which reminds me of many things that need to be added to the crafting system, but that too is a discussion for elsewhere.
    You can. It's a Nukara rep weapon requisition.

    ON the other hand, I don't want the other stuff that comes out of the boxes. I get that certain uniforms that you wouldn't normally have access to go in the Lobi/Lockboxes I get that. But the Mirror Uniforms that were released with Season 11 should ALL have gone in the C-store on precedent.

    Sorry to interrupt this debate on Interstellar Politics and Temporal Ethics, but there's another aspect of the article that I've been thinking about...
    Sounds like a class in the Academy doesn't it?
    (On a side note, however - if the Na'kuhl were to go back to just before their star was destroyed, or even during events in the Lukari system, and prevent the Tholians from acquiring or using the Quantum Phase Inhibitor, then I could support them; if they were attacking the Tholians, you know, the crystalline spider-types who actually did the deed of killing their star, then I could support them; but they're trying to wipe out the ones who tried to help them just because we failed. Sorry, but I can't support that. I'm reminded of 'Good Samaritan' Laws, for one thing...

    Anyway, It's not necessarily their actions, but their attitude that's my problem with them. Yes, we were going to wipe out the Iconians, but it was a last-ditch plan, a Doomsday Plan, at the time it seemed like we killed them or they killed us with no other option... The Na'kuhl could have gotten help from the Ferengi, the Klingon, Cardassians, Federation, they could have made a mass exodus and established a new homeworld (for crying out loud, we had the option to give a group of VAADWAUR a new home in the Beta Quadrant in one mission, why wouldn't we help the Na'kuhl establish a new home on Nopada or Crateris or somewhere?) - instead, they think the galaxy, the timeline owes it to them to restore their world... Sorry, if "Butterfly" showed us anything, it's that messing with the timeline focused only on a goal and not the side-effects can have unforeseen complications. Remember Borg-Romulus?)

    On that bolded subject.

    They DID get help from the Ferengi. Do you know what kind of help Ferengi give? The type that costs more than you actually get out of it. Think of Madran. That was stated in the story blog where the Na'khul kid goes to join Vosk. They were taken advantage of.

    The Klingons? You know that basically makes you a vassal state of the Empire. The only people J'mpok treats fairly are the Deferi.

    The Cardassians still aren't in much shape to help anyone, though they would try.

    The Federation, well they told us to TRIBBLE Off.

    Unlike those Vaadwaur, the Na'khul representatives told us quite plainly they didn't want our help, placing them firmly behind the Prime Directive.
    I loved Borg Romulus! Why? I got to kill Hakeev again! :D

    That was certainly a highlight...pity my Captains don't remember it.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices.

    200 lobi is hardly extortionate. Do you not realize how easy it is to get EC to buy keys?

  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    huskerklg wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices.

    200 lobi is hardly extortionate. Do you not realize how easy it is to get EC to buy keys?

    it is for me and i do not have the inclination to play cryptics "game" for them. i never have.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • tigrovaya13akulatigrovaya13akula Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    "Duty Officer CXP Bonus Pools, R&D Experience Bonus Pools, and Catalysts have all been removed, leaving only the remaining prizes:

    35,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    25,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    150 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    100 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    750 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    500 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    Dilithium Mining Claim – Extra-Special VIP Customer
    Dilithium Mining Claim – VIP Customer
    --- These two (IMHO) useless items need to be removed from ALL lockboxes
    Salvaged Technology (2)
    Salvaged Technology (1)"
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    "Duty Officer CXP Bonus Pools, R&D Experience Bonus Pools, and Catalysts have all been removed, leaving only the remaining prizes:

    35,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    25,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    150 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    100 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    750 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    500 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    Dilithium Mining Claim – Extra-Special VIP Customer
    Dilithium Mining Claim – VIP Customer
    --- These two (IMHO) useless items need to be removed from ALL lockboxes
    Salvaged Technology (2)
    Salvaged Technology (1)"

    Now that I'm looking at the list....are catalysts going to become regular drops then? They can be very useful as far as upgrading gear is concerned. Or is it just going to be restricted to R&D packs?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    I'm guessing the ship stats and specifics about the new Red Alerts will be revealed in blogs on Monday?
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    Actually, I don't think I've ever really used a Catalyst - the 'boost' they provide is so negligible most times that it's ridiculous. Especially since it's nearly always +10 Catalysts that we receive from Lockboxes, R&D packs, R&D Nodes during the weekend events, etc., and rarely +25 or +50. +10 is hardly enough to change the odds on something unless it's already within a few percent.
    "Duty Officer CXP Bonus Pools, R&D Experience Bonus Pools, and Catalysts have all been removed, leaving only the remaining prizes:

    35,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    25,000 Fleet Credit Bonus Pool
    150 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    100 Fleet Mark Bonus Pool
    750 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    500 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool
    Dilithium Mining Claim – Extra-Special VIP Customer
    Dilithium Mining Claim – VIP Customer
    --- These two (IMHO) useless items need to be removed from ALL lockboxes
    Salvaged Technology (2)
    Salvaged Technology (1)"

    You do have a point, I guess... Dilithium mining does seem to have become outdated with Dil rewards from missions, Dil rewards from Admiralty, etc. I've got a bunch of claims sitting in my Account Bank that haven't been touched since the last Dilithium Weekend because most of mine is now coming from Admiralty. Maybe this should be taken as further proof that the Refinement Cap needs to be raised to that more Dilithium sources become viable again?
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    captaind3 wrote: »
    On that bolded subject.

    They DID get help from the Ferengi. Do you know what kind of help Ferengi give? The type that costs more than you actually get out of it. Think of Madran. That was stated in the story blog where the Na'khul kid goes to join Vosk. They were taken advantage of.

    The Klingons? You know that basically makes you a vassal state of the Empire. The only people J'mpok treats fairly are the Deferi.

    The Cardassians still aren't in much shape to help anyone, though they would try.

    The Federation, well they told us to TRIBBLE Off.

    Unlike those Vaadwaur, the Na'khul representatives told us quite plainly they didn't want our help, placing them firmly behind the Prime Directive.

    Which is actually my point - they got help from the Ferengi and complained that it cost them; was their possessions worth more than their lives? They could have rebuilt, made new memories, passed down new items to become heirlooms, but they couldn't do that if they were dead.

    They could have gotten help from the Klingons or Cardassians, all they would have needed to do was be willing to fight for the Empire or help in the rebuilding efforts in exchange; look at the Gorn - they fought and lost against the Klingons, but they're treated mostly as equals because they proved themselves as warriors (The King's position on the High Council is non-voting, but S'taass seems to be the Empire's lead Ambassador now...), the Na'kuhl couldn't do similar with so many enemies around (including the Tholians, the ones who actually used the Tox Uthat on their sun)?

    The Federation offered, they rejected out of anger because we tried to stop the Tholians and failed; should military failure automatically displace civilian humanitarian (and suddenly I'm hearing Azetbur's line about the Federation as a 'homosapiens-only club') aid?

    They could have turned to the Deferi, whose belief in Balance would have most likely led them to help; to the Romulan Republic, who know what it's like to lose a world to treachery and 'temporal integrity'; they chose not to. They chose to reject aid, for whatever reasons, and then they blamed the rest of the galaxy for not helping them, for 'sacrificing them on the altar of the timeline', so to speak. They made their choice and when it seemed like it would turn out to be the wrong one, they blamed everyone but themselves.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    I love the designs of these new ships. I love the engines in the back, they're something different.

    Lovin the fact that we've got a new ship for each class equipped with battle cloak and all.

    They should be a lot of fun !

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    huskerklg wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    It always disheartens me to see these wonderful costumes they make get shoved into the lobi store for extortionate prices.

    200 lobi is hardly extortionate. Do you not realize how easy it is to get EC to buy keys?

    Not extortionate?!?!?

    200 lobi which if you got really unlucky and only got 4 per box would still require 50 boxes to be opened. So on current prices that is either 220,000,000 EC (50 x 4.4 mil) or 6250 Zen (50 x 125 Z) for a single character unlock costume.
    Could be a bit cheaper but not by much.

    Even if you take into account the other goodies you could get from the lock box, unless you net a grand-prize ship to sell for hundreds of keys, you're still not going to be getting more lobi to magically appear from anywhere. Unless you got real lucky with that stuff you get from the boxes then that 220,000,000 EC is still a long way off.
    Sure you could save up all the EC and buy the costume off the exchange but tell me how many Jem Hadar armour sets do you see on the exchange currently, these costumes are not exactly commonplace.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    captaind3 wrote: »
    My problem with that logic is that usually I don't want any of the other **** out of it. I can't assign value to things I don't want and was not out to get. I simply want the shortest distance from point A to point B, my money to the outfit I want for my character. I'm much more comfortable with just paying 200 zen for a single character outfit unlock if they just want to sell the same thing four or five times.

    That's why I just go to the exchange for lobi-store costumes (it is substantially cheaper because you are only buying that one item). :P

    It's not, mind you, what I think should be the main way new costumes are added to the game. It's just a way to manage the current situation.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    You do have a point, I guess... Dilithium mining does seem to have become outdated with Dil rewards from missions, Dil rewards from Admiralty, etc. I've got a bunch of claims sitting in my Account Bank that haven't been touched since the last Dilithium Weekend because most of mine is now coming from Admiralty. Maybe this should be taken as further proof that the Refinement Cap needs to be raised to that more Dilithium sources become viable again?

    I actually find the mining claims quite useful for the simple reason I can use them over a dilithium event to get 40K ore in about 4 mins over the course of the weekend. That's literally the quickest return for effort short of buying it with real cash.

    I can see people who open hundreds of boxes might be swamped with them so my suggestion would be to make them tradeable on the exchange like all the other booby prizes from lockboxes. It can't do any more harm than all the pink stuff flooding out of the admiralty system.

  • jtoon74jtoon74 Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    Just a coment on he dilithium tokens still appearing in lockboxes, I think they should not appear in any future lockboxes as at end game there are many more ways to generate dilithium. I would like to see the reintroduction of Doff packs.
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    Actually, instead of 'normal' DOff packs, I'd prefer to see an increase in the chances for 'special' DOffs - Tholian Warfare Specialists, Xindi R&D Officers, Elachi Survivors, DOffs like that. - maybe by removing the 'only rewarded if you have an open spot in your roster'.
    (Believe me, if I knew I had a VR or UR DOff waiting to be opened, there'd be Rare DOffs being given the boot to make that spot open...)
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    You do have a point, I guess... Dilithium mining does seem to have become outdated with Dil rewards from missions, Dil rewards from Admiralty, etc. I've got a bunch of claims sitting in my Account Bank that haven't been touched since the last Dilithium Weekend because most of mine is now coming from Admiralty. Maybe this should be taken as further proof that the Refinement Cap needs to be raised to that more Dilithium sources become viable again?

    I actually find the mining claims quite useful for the simple reason I can use them over a dilithium event to get 40K ore in about 4 mins over the course of the weekend. That's literally the quickest return for effort short of buying it with real cash.

    I can see people who open hundreds of boxes might be swamped with them so my suggestion would be to make them tradeable on the exchange like all the other booby prizes from lockboxes. It can't do any more harm than all the pink stuff flooding out of the admiralty system.

    Let's face it, the real problem isn't dilithium ore coming from AdSys, DOffing, missions or even Mining Claims... the real problem is that, with all these new sources of dilithium popping up, we're still stuck with the same six-year-old 8k/day refinement cap that bottlenecks players into having tens or hundreds of thousands of ore just sitting there having to wait to be refined - especially with the fact that more ways to spend refined ore keep being added.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Let's face it, the real problem isn't dilithium ore coming from AdSys, DOffing, missions or even Mining Claims... the real problem is that, with all these new sources of dilithium popping up, we're still stuck with the same six-year-old 8k/day refinement cap that bottlenecks players into having tens or hundreds of thousands of ore just sitting there having to wait to be refined - especially with the fact that more ways to spend refined ore keep being added.

    Well I've seem discussions where people suggested that the 8K per character cap be replaced with a per account cap instead. That would reign in some of the crazy multi-toon farming of dilithium but at the same time open up more refining to those players who only have the 3(4 if you include and Deltas) starter toons.
    Set the limit to just over the current limit for the starter toons, say no more than 36,000 per day. It stops the dilithium refinement being exploited but allows players who aren't alt-crazy a decent stab at saving for things.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    questerius wrote: »
    I'm guessing the ship stats and specifics about the new Red Alerts will be revealed in blogs on Monday?

    That's what Trendy said on the Livestream, blogs on Monday and Tuesday.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    On that bolded subject.

    They DID get help from the Ferengi. Do you know what kind of help Ferengi give? The type that costs more than you actually get out of it. Think of Madran. That was stated in the story blog where the Na'khul kid goes to join Vosk. They were taken advantage of.

    The Klingons? You know that basically makes you a vassal state of the Empire. The only people J'mpok treats fairly are the Deferi.

    The Cardassians still aren't in much shape to help anyone, though they would try.

    The Federation, well they told us to TRIBBLE Off.

    Unlike those Vaadwaur, the Na'khul representatives told us quite plainly they didn't want our help, placing them firmly behind the Prime Directive.

    Which is actually my point - they got help from the Ferengi and complained that it cost them; was their possessions worth more than their lives? They could have rebuilt, made new memories, passed down new items to become heirlooms, but they couldn't do that if they were dead.

    They could have gotten help from the Klingons or Cardassians, all they would have needed to do was be willing to fight for the Empire or help in the rebuilding efforts in exchange; look at the Gorn - they fought and lost against the Klingons, but they're treated mostly as equals because they proved themselves as warriors (The King's position on the High Council is non-voting, but S'taass seems to be the Empire's lead Ambassador now...), the Na'kuhl couldn't do similar with so many enemies around (including the Tholians, the ones who actually used the Tox Uthat on their sun)?

    The Federation offered, they rejected out of anger because we tried to stop the Tholians and failed; should military failure automatically displace civilian humanitarian (and suddenly I'm hearing Azetbur's line about the Federation as a 'homosapiens-only club') aid?

    They could have turned to the Deferi, whose belief in Balance would have most likely led them to help; to the Romulan Republic, who know what it's like to lose a world to treachery and 'temporal integrity'; they chose not to. They chose to reject aid, for whatever reasons, and then they blamed the rest of the galaxy for not helping them, for 'sacrificing them on the altar of the timeline', so to speak. They made their choice and when it seemed like it would turn out to be the wrong one, they blamed everyone but themselves.

    I don't think it's really a complain if you're complaining about the cost of Ferengi. Quark is an anomaly, most Ferengi would say "we've got you over the barrel, we'll charge you everything you have". It's not just about their possessions. Like I said, look at what Madran did to the Romulans in Mine Enemy. Getting aid from the wrong Ferengi can find you in slavery.

    S'Tass himself has expressed a desire to restore Gorn sovereignty, but he's playing his role for the sake of his people.

    The Na'khul not being shown to strike back against the Tholians is the oddest part of this story. We're clearly missing something.

    You know in my internal Star Trek show that my characters inhabit, I coined the term sapientarian aid and rights. Humanitarian aid seems so weird to say to non-humans...or even humans in a multispecies arena, in my view.

    captaind3 wrote: »
    My problem with that logic is that usually I don't want any of the other **** out of it. I can't assign value to things I don't want and was not out to get. I simply want the shortest distance from point A to point B, my money to the outfit I want for my character. I'm much more comfortable with just paying 200 zen for a single character outfit unlock if they just want to sell the same thing four or five times.

    That's why I just go to the exchange for lobi-store costumes (it is substantially cheaper because you are only buying that one item). :P

    It's not, mind you, what I think should be the main way new costumes are added to the game. It's just a way to manage the current situation.

    Is getting EC really that simple a manner for you guys? I mean purchasing even one lobi costime with my main could wipe me out. Is the turn around on keys that consistent?
    Actually, instead of 'normal' DOff packs, I'd prefer to see an increase in the chances for 'special' DOffs - Tholian Warfare Specialists, Xindi R&D Officers, Elachi Survivors, DOffs like that. - maybe by removing the 'only rewarded if you have an open spot in your roster'.
    (Believe me, if I knew I had a VR or UR DOff waiting to be opened, there'd be Rare DOffs being given the boot to make that spot open...)
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    You do have a point, I guess... Dilithium mining does seem to have become outdated with Dil rewards from missions, Dil rewards from Admiralty, etc. I've got a bunch of claims sitting in my Account Bank that haven't been touched since the last Dilithium Weekend because most of mine is now coming from Admiralty. Maybe this should be taken as further proof that the Refinement Cap needs to be raised to that more Dilithium sources become viable again?

    I actually find the mining claims quite useful for the simple reason I can use them over a dilithium event to get 40K ore in about 4 mins over the course of the weekend. That's literally the quickest return for effort short of buying it with real cash.

    I can see people who open hundreds of boxes might be swamped with them so my suggestion would be to make them tradeable on the exchange like all the other booby prizes from lockboxes. It can't do any more harm than all the pink stuff flooding out of the admiralty system.

    Let's face it, the real problem isn't dilithium ore coming from AdSys, DOffing, missions or even Mining Claims... the real problem is that, with all these new sources of dilithium popping up, we're still stuck with the same six-year-old 8k/day refinement cap that bottlenecks players into having tens or hundreds of thousands of ore just sitting there having to wait to be refined - especially with the fact that more ways to spend refined ore keep being added.

    But is the bottleneck a bigger problem than the lack of need for dilithium? For Fleets and Armadas with a lack of players or lost of new guys without dilithium stockpiles dilithium is at a premium.

    For rich people with more dilithium than they know what to do with, dilithium is next to worthless. It's function is to be sold for zen and that drives that price up.

    Dilithium sinks mean nothing if they're not seen as must have over a substantial period of time.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    Let's face it, the real problem isn't dilithium ore coming from AdSys, DOffing, missions or even Mining Claims... the real problem is that, with all these new sources of dilithium popping up, we're still stuck with the same six-year-old 8k/day refinement cap that bottlenecks players into having tens or hundreds of thousands of ore just sitting there having to wait to be refined - especially with the fact that more ways to spend refined ore keep being added.

    Well I've seem discussions where people suggested that the 8K per character cap be replaced with a per account cap instead. That would reign in some of the crazy multi-toon farming of dilithium but at the same time open up more refining to those players who only have the 3(4 if you include and Deltas) starter toons.
    Set the limit to just over the current limit for the starter toons, say no more than 36,000 per day. It stops the dilithium refinement being exploited but allows players who aren't alt-crazy a decent stab at saving for things.

    Eh, an account cap would just end Character Slot sales as folks farming multiple characters stop purchasing them for Zen in favor of making alt accounts for free. It would be an inconvenience to the hardcore farmers, sure, but not one likely to solve the concerns about folks farming dilithium en masse. Plus, it would reduce the pressure to purchase Character Slots for folks currently experiencing issues with the refining cap and reduce their individual desire/need for additional dilithium, making the Dilithium Exchange even less favorable for those trying to acquire Zen. As a side note, the worse things are for those selling dilithium, the better it is for those willing to buy some Zen to acquire that dilithium.

    As to folks with an excess waiting to be refined... that sounds like an opportinity to make a new character and try something different while the one rolling in Unrefined Dilithium hits that Refine button once a day.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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