Players Lose Nothing – As much as possible, everything available in the current system will be made available under the new system, and investments in equipment and ships retain full value.
In regards to this, i´d like to extend my thanks because i can now be sure that Cryptics Employees do not put any Value into staying true to their words.
Peace out.
Yeah. "... and investments in equipment and ships retain full value." Riiiight.
.One thing I noticed before new test characters wipe but didn't quite understand the significance of... I'm still not sure if it's a bug, a description omission, or my maths fail, but unlocked sector space buff seems to act differently from what the description says.
It states it's a flat 25% speed buff, and on its own it is, but if you have another subtranswarp buff it seems to use the original Driver Coil formula with 100+[coi] in Driver Coil instead. And, again, it's not a bad thing, but it's the kind of thing new tooltips were supposed to improve on. (Something like "some special items can further improve the speed boost granted.")
Let me stop you right there. This was supposed to be a Skill Revamp, where "players lose nothing" and "investments in equipment and ships retain full value." Nothing more. Or was it?!
Whoever concocted that "Players will lose nothing" line didn't do a good job and made Cryptic look bad, no question here.
But anyone who took it at face value is at best naive. There's no way something like this won't affect current top-performing builds, and generally affect them for the worse, simply because of what a top-performing build is: an attempt to utilize every minute and non-obvious detail of game mechanics to your advantage, and with a major re-work of a core gameplay system there are a lot of minute and non-obvious details being changed, no matter what.
Speaking of what started this whole storm, I personally would be glad to stop seeing the vampire squid console in every other YouTube video and mentioned in every single DPS thread. Contrary to what Bort said, alternatives to it (which exist, and aren't all that much worse) are so un-dominating the discussion in places a J. Average Player like me gets conventional build wisdom it's not funny. When anyone saw A2B or maco recommended in the Academy or recent YT?
That said... I think nerfing it now is a bad move, would create waves of unneeded controversy over something already controversial and probably will hurt the game. It's a real money item (even if you got it off the exchange, it simply means somebody else paid real money for it.) and, unlike kemo, it was there for years, and yes, it's a part of conventional build wisdom, deservedly or not.
nothing that boosts the control skill will boost grav well's pull because it isn't registering the control skill at all - it'll be fixed in a future tribble patch
The game needs rebalancing. Much of the causes for this will not be addressed with the skill system revamp (especially immunities are a big error on the systems design part), but some will. Some improvement is better than no improvement.
Want to show that item x does not need a nerf? Stop using it and defeat users of it in PVP our out-damage them in PvE.
Stop using those things so you can prove they don't need a nerf.
Either everything is the same, or some things are better.
If everything is supposed to be the same (it's clearly not), then there's no game to really play. There's no reason to grind for anything as you gain nothing from it.
If some stuff is better, than not using it will make you worse.
Or to put it another way: Why did you spend 3 months grinding to get a 70million EC item?
Having done so: Why wouldn't you be upset if the fruit of your effort were rendered null and void?
Maybe you guys should split all this 'I hate borticus and the devs and their dog' whining off to its own thread, because quite frankly it's getting to ludicrous levels of moping and whining.
This is a thread for constructive feedback to the skill revamp. We got all the doom and gloom out of the way pages ago, now the thread is aimed at doing what we can to ensure the smoothest transition.
Except you guys don't care about any of that, do you? The anti-dev lobby is just here to spam up the thread and attack the devs who have dared come out in public and put their best shoe foreward because MY WORLD IS CHANGING AND I DON"T LIKE IT.
The worst part here is that there's so much self-justification going on that it's hard to see the real issues under all the BS. For example:
The real issue here isn't 'leech is required to play romulan characters'- because it isn't. It really isn't.
The issue you guys ACTUALLY have is this: The power nerf on romulan characters 'in exchange' for the decidedly lackluster singularity abilities negatively impacts those characters in endgame content. Those powers are pretty useful leveling up, but after level 40, you barely use them. The singularity core mechanic, with gaining power over time- that's pretty cool. But that gain doesn't make up for the loss in all systems from being a romulan.
Yeah, yeah, romulans have crit availabilitiy, but even the devs have said they don't want you to be pigeonholed into only one build or whatever. leech, the other power granting devices- that's what they do for romulans.
So maybe what you should do is make a thread to address the 'romulans need more base power' issue and take the discussion there? With the skill revamp now would be the perfect time to bring it back up, rather than the endless moaning about how you'll lose 5k dps on the dps kings charts and will only be able to smash through borg tactical cubes on elite in 3.5 seconds.
@borticuscryptic I just want to apologize for ever having been part of this crowd. I really appreciate and have always appreciated the work you and your team puts out, even when you make decisions I don't agree with. We wouldn't have this game without your investment, and I truly appreciate the work and effort you've put in to opening lines of communication with the community and trying your best to address issues.
I also respect that you hold your ground when it turns out that 'addressing an issue' leads to a change in what players were expecting, rather than mindlessly kowtowing to the complaining. Sorry if any of my posts ever rile you up, I'm a bit of a drama llama at times.
The problem, and what gets everyone riled up, is not that leech got nerfed as such, but that by many it is seen as a violation of Cryptics own words that players "will loose nothing".
Right or wrong, this has ultimately created a serious trust issue.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
The problem, and what gets everyone riled up, is not that leech got nerfed as such, but that by many it is seen as a violation of Cryptics own words that players "will loose nothing".
Right or wrong, this has ultimately created a serious trust issue.
Except what they actually said was 'as much as possible, players will lose nothing'. I mean, obviously stuff is going to change, they're changing a core mechanic, and frankly it's one that really needs change. I welcome the shakeup, even if it means some of the stuff I use is getting nerfed intentionally or otherwise.
I've been offered a chance to try and work with the devs to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible, and see things looked it if not necessarily fixed exactly the way I want- what do I gain by badgering them and whining and moaning? It doesn't make them any more likely to give me what I want- less, even. It doesn't give me anything except the temporary feel good that comes from making someone else feel bad when you're having a bad day. It's puerile self aggrandizement that creates nothing of worth.
I think I finally figured out this whole issue with people complaining about the "nerf" to aux/siphon/partG skills. It seems to me these people throwing a fit and showing up out of the blue are the PVP crowd.
These type of builds really only have a use in PVP. Drains and all that have no benefit to your dps when fighting something like the Borg queen vessel in an advanced or elite STF. Yet these people are complaining about the power of FAW builds. Builds that people are only using in PVE venues. I think that Cryptic is trying to get people on the weapon damage kick. Use your weapons and not rely on gimmick drain builds. Why do you think these new fire cycle haste traits and consoles are showing up?
You can drain that borg cube all day long and throw your gravity well on it, but you are not going to come close the destroying that cube as quick as somone with a spread III/FAW III setup. I even use a GW I occasionally just to group up my targets into a small area. As far as my science officer/ship, I use the Paradox and he has a heavy focus on weapon damage. Of course I have the GW III, Subspace Vortex III and destabilizing beam with a decent amount of part gen, but I use those in concert with FAW III and the leech. Sitting idle, I keep my aux power set at 90 and weapons at 125. By time leech kicks in and what ever else boosts that power, I'm at 125 and pulling some crazy numbers thanks to FAW and those science abilities. If I focused on drains and power levels alone, I would never reach the numbers I am.
Bottom line, there are not enough people that PVP in this game to constitue keeping drains as high as they have been. The nerf to leech is not going to break my builds because they are not gimmick builds focusing on draining power. They are focused on weapon dmg and crit chance/crit severity. All my captains maintain a crit chance of at least 25% with crit severity around 110% for non romulans and that much higher for my rom captains. With weapon dmg and other consoles alone, keeps me in the 75k + crowd and I'm happy with that. I suggest that the pvp crowd get used to using their weapons and other skills over draining your enemies.
All I see in this post is: "All hail FAW and DPS! Death to the PvP infidels!"
It'd be nice if deflectors generally retained the same... purpose... into the new build, where possible. Control focus = control, not... lol random healing boosts + 5 drain expertise.
Yeah, I have to agree with this. The skill merger means a lot of deflectors are going to change roles now. In some cases, this is good, like the Breen (Polarized Parabolic) deflector getting better at drains, but it also means oddities like you brought up, and some deflectors feel left behind because their primary skill boost hasn't changed at all. Some just seem too good compared to others. Solanae, which was always the go-to exotic damage deflector, has an equal amount of DrainX and EPG now.
I think I finally figured out this whole issue with people complaining about the "nerf" to aux/siphon/partG skills. It seems to me these people throwing a fit and showing up out of the blue are the PVP crowd.
These type of builds really only have a use in PVP. Drains and all that have no benefit to your dps when fighting something like the Borg queen vessel in an advanced or elite STF. Yet these people are complaining about the power of FAW builds. Builds that people are only using in PVE venues. I think that Cryptic is trying to get people on the weapon damage kick. Use your weapons and not rely on gimmick drain builds. Why do you think these new fire cycle haste traits and consoles are showing up?
You can drain that borg cube all day long and throw your gravity well on it, but you are not going to come close the destroying that cube as quick as somone with a spread III/FAW III setup. I even use a GW I occasionally just to group up my targets into a small area. As far as my science officer/ship, I use the Paradox and he has a heavy focus on weapon damage. Of course I have the GW III, Subspace Vortex III and destabilizing beam with a decent amount of part gen, but I use those in concert with FAW III and the leech. Sitting idle, I keep my aux power set at 90 and weapons at 125. By time leech kicks in and what ever else boosts that power, I'm at 125 and pulling some crazy numbers thanks to FAW and those science abilities. If I focused on drains and power levels alone, I would never reach the numbers I am.
Bottom line, there are not enough people that PVP in this game to constitue keeping drains as high as they have been. The nerf to leech is not going to break my builds because they are not gimmick builds focusing on draining power. They are focused on weapon dmg and crit chance/crit severity. All my captains maintain a crit chance of at least 25% with crit severity around 110% for non romulans and that much higher for my rom captains. With weapon dmg and other consoles alone, keeps me in the 75k + crowd and I'm happy with that. I suggest that the pvp crowd get used to using their weapons and other skills over draining your enemies.
So basicly your saying: TRIBBLE anyone who likes to fly a "true" science ship, their playing the game wrong and they should fly a generic FAW spamboat, is that it?
I mean god forbid someone should try to actually kill things in a "fun" way rather than go for optimal DPS.
I'm perfectly content with 46k DPS, more than enough to play through "any and all" content in the entire game.
I think I finally figured out this whole issue with people complaining about the "nerf" to aux/siphon/partG skills. It seems to me these people throwing a fit and showing up out of the blue are the PVP crowd.
These type of builds really only have a use in PVP. Drains and all that have no benefit to your dps when fighting something like the Borg queen vessel in an advanced or elite STF. Yet these people are complaining about the power of FAW builds. Builds that people are only using in PVE venues. I think that Cryptic is trying to get people on the weapon damage kick. Use your weapons and not rely on gimmick drain builds. Why do you think these new fire cycle haste traits and consoles are showing up?
You can drain that borg cube all day long and throw your gravity well on it, but you are not going to come close the destroying that cube as quick as somone with a spread III/FAW III setup. I even use a GW I occasionally just to group up my targets into a small area. As far as my science officer/ship, I use the Paradox and he has a heavy focus on weapon damage. Of course I have the GW III, Subspace Vortex III and destabilizing beam with a decent amount of part gen, but I use those in concert with FAW III and the leech. Sitting idle, I keep my aux power set at 90 and weapons at 125. By time leech kicks in and what ever else boosts that power, I'm at 125 and pulling some crazy numbers thanks to FAW and those science abilities. If I focused on drains and power levels alone, I would never reach the numbers I am.
Bottom line, there are not enough people that PVP in this game to constitue keeping drains as high as they have been. The nerf to leech is not going to break my builds because they are not gimmick builds focusing on draining power. They are focused on weapon dmg and crit chance/crit severity. All my captains maintain a crit chance of at least 25% with crit severity around 110% for non romulans and that much higher for my rom captains. With weapon dmg and other consoles alone, keeps me in the 75k + crowd and I'm happy with that. I suggest that the pvp crowd get used to using their weapons and other skills over draining your enemies.
All I see in this post is: "All hail FAW and DPS! Death to the PvP infidels!"
All I see in that post is "All hail FAW and DPS! Death to infidels who do anything else!" :P
Heck, I bet he thinks Cryptic should delete Engineers and Science captains and only Tactical's should be allowed to exist.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
Has anyone tested the Drain Infection Skill? It sounds interesting as the tool tip it triggers once every 5 seconds. It just does not say how much electrical damage it generates.
After playing with it a bit, I wonder if we can change the UI a bit?
I think a horizontal layout might be better than the current vertical layout. I play off a laptop so screen space is rather precious. I feel that a horizontal presentation of the skills might be easier to look at.
The fact that changes to this single item have dominated so much of a discussion supposedly dedicated to discussing far-reaching systemic changes that are having an impact on hundreds - possibly thousands - of other mechanics, is probably a very strong indicator of a need for we developers to consider substantial modifications to the item in question.
I disagree with this sentiment. Allow me to explain why.
You have two possibilities.
1) all items are equally useful.
2) some items are more useful than others.
If you chose #1, then there's no meta game about equipping your ship. I can throw on whatever and it's all good. People will not play for long as there's nothing to do.
So you've chosen option #2. This means that people can work, grind, save, etc to get into ever better equipment. This also means that there's a significant investment in that kind of equipment. So yea, when you nerf it, it makes people unhappy.
You nailed it!
There's also what I'd like to call the Parity Trap. This is the fallacy in which Devs, like Bort, fall into the trap of using metrics to show that 'X is being used the most, therefore X must be nerfed.' Here is why that thinking is erroneous:
a) For one, as sarcasmdetectot pointed out, because being used a lot != automagically overpowered. It's like saying "Our metrics are showing us that everyone is using car seats, therefore we must nerf car seats!"
b) And, for two, when you remove/nerf X, now Y will show up in your metrics as the new flavor, and next month you'll be seeking to nerf Y for the exact same reasons you went after X. Ergo, the entire notion of going after the top item is a fallacy.
The real stinger, of course, is that all these nerfs are simply part of their business model. Obviously they've chosen Option #2 on jerryspock's list (so people will spend money); but that only works if you occassionally nerf the sh*t out of stuff, so you can start the cycle again and have people buy new shinies (that you'll then nerf too, of course, later on).
Parity trap only works when we are talking about complete parity which these changes have not made. Further more it's not a balance issue that is about dps but one that dilutes a whole Class. It would be like if suddenly your class in put random rpg ___ one of their defining characteristics started slowly becoming every other classes ability. It leaves one class diluted and not useful, EPS transfer has become that with plasmonic leech and to some extent things like supremacy. Maco never over took it because 10 power is nothing and can easily stack. But as power is a hard limit a engineer benefits less then other classes from these. As well as having a inferior version of which use to be their play ground which is extra power.
Has anyone tested the Drain Infection Skill? It sounds interesting as the tool tip it triggers once every 5 seconds. It just does not say how much electrical damage it generates.
This is the tooltip I typed off. I found it a bit confusing to read: To Target: 266.5 Elecrtical Damage every 1 sec for 5 seconds (max 1x per 5 sec)
But it doesn't seem much.
Drain Infection Skill
Could be a bit more impressive. It's basically like a skill that buffs your damage output, and probably would need to be compared to how much, say, a skill point in projectile or energy training would offer to a build. (Of course, that is a variable target number - +50 Projectile Training to a torpedo boat means more than +50 to a ship that only uses one torpedo launcher.)
Also, the tooltip needs clarification.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
After playing with it a bit, I wonder if we can change the UI a bit?
I think a horizontal layout might be better than the current vertical layout. I play off a laptop so screen space is rather precious. I feel that a horizontal presentation of the skills might be easier to look at.
That is my thought as well. Whether we like it or not, how things work as a result of the new skill tree won't change, so please at least make it half decent to look at.
Is there a way to even see what manuals will unlock on what skill cause it doesn't say that anywhere. Also Shield hardness says 100% reduction if you get all 3 points that cant be correct.
Is there a way to even see what manuals will unlock on what skill cause it doesn't say that anywhere. Also Shield hardness says 100% reduction if you get all 3 points that cant be correct.
hover the mouse on the lightning bolts down at the bottom of the skill tree where you choose your options.
Is there a way to even see what manuals will unlock on what skill cause it doesn't say that anywhere. Also Shield hardness says 100% reduction if you get all 3 points that cant be correct.
What I believe it means is your getting a 100% increase to whatever your current shield hardness is. That basically means the same as doubling it. On tribble, you get .2% damage reduction per point of power you put in shields. I keep my shield power at 75, so that means 15% damage reduction. If I put three points into shield hardness, the damage reduction goes up to 30%.
"Let me guess, my theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters and you don't like my tie" - The Doctor
"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" -Agatha Heterodyne
Let me stop you right there. This was supposed to be a Skill Revamp, where "players lose nothing" and "investments in equipment and ships retain full value." Nothing more. Or was it?!
Yes, some moron in marketing fired off a ridiculous placate largely unrelated to the reality of STO getting its house in order with a new TV series stirring up the hopes and wallets of the larger Star Trek fan base.
So lets put the question a different way. What's more important to you: Your personal parses going untouched or this game still being here in five years? Because you can't have both. The current meta is filled with things toxic to attracting new players. For the people to whom STO is their livelihood and not just a chance to stroke your own ego, there is only ONE answer to that question and that's what you see actually happening on Tribble.
But please, try to beat them about the head an shoulders with a pie-in-the-sky press release some more, because it seems clear enough the guys down in the trenches doing the work have already committed to ignoring that TRIBBLE. It's not the lever that going to move them in a direction you want them to move. Find another one.
Is there a way to even see what manuals will unlock on what skill cause it doesn't say that anywhere. Also Shield hardness says 100% reduction if you get all 3 points that cant be correct.
As I understand it, it is a 100% increase to the reduction amount, which was changed to baseline .2% per point of shield power, putting it at .4% per point of shield power (Which would be 52% reduction to shields vs 26% baseline when your shields are at 130 power).
Also, concerning the leech console, it could be possible for them to just roll that functionality into the drain expertise skill tree instead.
I'd suggest replacing the electrical damage debuff on the tree with an effect similar to the console, and changing the console to an electrical drain debuff similar to the tree skill. That way the console has drain build functionality (helping it keep some value and the same audience), but the whole build isn't based around the console.
For those still complaining about leech and drain abilities, are you taking into account Science Fleet now boosts them, instead of just providing drain resists?
Yet another boost for science captains that tacs don't get.
So, not putting enough skill points into Tactical to get the threat control bubble unlocked, or the threatening stance power, I still show 'Threatening III' as a skill available for my skillbar.
Honestly, if that is a bug; it would be preferable to leave it as is. That way engineers who wish to have the increased threat gen for tanking purposes have the toggle for it, but only those who invested into tac heavily will get the threat reduction.
So, not putting enough skill points into Tactical to get the threat control bubble unlocked, or the threatening stance power, I still show 'Threatening III' as a skill available for my skillbar.
Honestly, if that is a bug; it would be preferable to leave it as is. That way engineers who wish to have the increased threat gen for tanking purposes have the toggle for it, but only those who invested into tac heavily will get the threat reduction.
It's not a bug. The skill point threat control is just a buff to the "Threatening" toggle. Everyone gets the "Threatening" toggle by default.
For those still complaining about leech and drain abilities, are you taking into account Science Fleet now boosts them, instead of just providing drain resists?
Yet another boost for science captains that tacs don't get.
So sci fleet, which provides a temporary boost to some skills, which have had their investment returns halved, and also their resists boosted, is an overall buff? I honestly don't think you've considered this properly when trying to convey something, but please, tell me how 100+K DPS tac captains are honestly in a position to complain about a sci buff when Sci powers are being nerfed across practically their entire spectrum...
What everyone buying Zen are really saying while all these bugs are still floating freely:
Stop new content until quality returns
Yeah. "... and investments in equipment and ships retain full value." Riiiight.
It states it's a flat 25% speed buff, and on its own it is, but if you have another subtranswarp buff it seems to use the original Driver Coil formula with 100+[coi] in Driver Coil instead. And, again, it's not a bad thing, but it's the kind of thing new tooltips were supposed to improve on. (Something like "some special items can further improve the speed boost granted.")
Let me stop you right there. This was supposed to be a Skill Revamp, where "players lose nothing" and "investments in equipment and ships retain full value." Nothing more. Or was it?!
But anyone who took it at face value is at best naive. There's no way something like this won't affect current top-performing builds, and generally affect them for the worse, simply because of what a top-performing build is: an attempt to utilize every minute and non-obvious detail of game mechanics to your advantage, and with a major re-work of a core gameplay system there are a lot of minute and non-obvious details being changed, no matter what.
Speaking of what started this whole storm, I personally would be glad to stop seeing the vampire squid console in every other YouTube video and mentioned in every single DPS thread. Contrary to what Bort said, alternatives to it (which exist, and aren't all that much worse) are so un-dominating the discussion in places a J. Average Player like me gets conventional build wisdom it's not funny. When anyone saw A2B or maco recommended in the Academy or recent YT?
That said... I think nerfing it now is a bad move, would create waves of unneeded controversy over something already controversial and probably will hurt the game. It's a real money item (even if you got it off the exchange, it simply means somebody else paid real money for it.) and, unlike kemo, it was there for years, and yes, it's a part of conventional build wisdom, deservedly or not.
Okay, I'll leave that one parked.
T6 ships.
Mk XIV gear
Elite Gear
Fleet Gear
Fleet Ships
Purple DOffs.
Stop using those things so you can prove they don't need a nerf.
Either everything is the same, or some things are better.
If everything is supposed to be the same (it's clearly not), then there's no game to really play. There's no reason to grind for anything as you gain nothing from it.
If some stuff is better, than not using it will make you worse.
Or to put it another way: Why did you spend 3 months grinding to get a 70million EC item?
Having done so: Why wouldn't you be upset if the fruit of your effort were rendered null and void?
This is a thread for constructive feedback to the skill revamp. We got all the doom and gloom out of the way pages ago, now the thread is aimed at doing what we can to ensure the smoothest transition.
Except you guys don't care about any of that, do you? The anti-dev lobby is just here to spam up the thread and attack the devs who have dared come out in public and put their best shoe foreward because MY WORLD IS CHANGING AND I DON"T LIKE IT.
The worst part here is that there's so much self-justification going on that it's hard to see the real issues under all the BS. For example:
The real issue here isn't 'leech is required to play romulan characters'- because it isn't. It really isn't.
The issue you guys ACTUALLY have is this: The power nerf on romulan characters 'in exchange' for the decidedly lackluster singularity abilities negatively impacts those characters in endgame content. Those powers are pretty useful leveling up, but after level 40, you barely use them. The singularity core mechanic, with gaining power over time- that's pretty cool. But that gain doesn't make up for the loss in all systems from being a romulan.
Yeah, yeah, romulans have crit availabilitiy, but even the devs have said they don't want you to be pigeonholed into only one build or whatever. leech, the other power granting devices- that's what they do for romulans.
So maybe what you should do is make a thread to address the 'romulans need more base power' issue and take the discussion there? With the skill revamp now would be the perfect time to bring it back up, rather than the endless moaning about how you'll lose 5k dps on the dps kings charts and will only be able to smash through borg tactical cubes on elite in 3.5 seconds.
@borticuscryptic I just want to apologize for ever having been part of this crowd. I really appreciate and have always appreciated the work you and your team puts out, even when you make decisions I don't agree with. We wouldn't have this game without your investment, and I truly appreciate the work and effort you've put in to opening lines of communication with the community and trying your best to address issues.
I also respect that you hold your ground when it turns out that 'addressing an issue' leads to a change in what players were expecting, rather than mindlessly kowtowing to the complaining. Sorry if any of my posts ever rile you up, I'm a bit of a drama llama at times.
Right or wrong, this has ultimately created a serious trust issue.
Except what they actually said was 'as much as possible, players will lose nothing'. I mean, obviously stuff is going to change, they're changing a core mechanic, and frankly it's one that really needs change. I welcome the shakeup, even if it means some of the stuff I use is getting nerfed intentionally or otherwise.
I've been offered a chance to try and work with the devs to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible, and see things looked it if not necessarily fixed exactly the way I want- what do I gain by badgering them and whining and moaning? It doesn't make them any more likely to give me what I want- less, even. It doesn't give me anything except the temporary feel good that comes from making someone else feel bad when you're having a bad day. It's puerile self aggrandizement that creates nothing of worth.
All I see in this post is: "All hail FAW and DPS! Death to the PvP infidels!"
Yeah, I have to agree with this. The skill merger means a lot of deflectors are going to change roles now. In some cases, this is good, like the Breen (Polarized Parabolic) deflector getting better at drains, but it also means oddities like you brought up, and some deflectors feel left behind because their primary skill boost hasn't changed at all. Some just seem too good compared to others. Solanae, which was always the go-to exotic damage deflector, has an equal amount of DrainX and EPG now.
So basicly your saying: TRIBBLE anyone who likes to fly a "true" science ship, their playing the game wrong and they should fly a generic FAW spamboat, is that it?
I mean god forbid someone should try to actually kill things in a "fun" way rather than go for optimal DPS.
I'm perfectly content with 46k DPS, more than enough to play through "any and all" content in the entire game.
All I see in that post is "All hail FAW and DPS! Death to infidels who do anything else!" :P
Heck, I bet he thinks Cryptic should delete Engineers and Science captains and only Tactical's should be allowed to exist.
I think a horizontal layout might be better than the current vertical layout. I play off a laptop so screen space is rather precious. I feel that a horizontal presentation of the skills might be easier to look at.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Parity trap only works when we are talking about complete parity which these changes have not made. Further more it's not a balance issue that is about dps but one that dilutes a whole Class. It would be like if suddenly your class in put random rpg ___ one of their defining characteristics started slowly becoming every other classes ability. It leaves one class diluted and not useful, EPS transfer has become that with plasmonic leech and to some extent things like supremacy. Maco never over took it because 10 power is nothing and can easily stack. But as power is a hard limit a engineer benefits less then other classes from these. As well as having a inferior version of which use to be their play ground which is extra power.
To Target: 266.5 Elecrtical Damage every 1 sec for 5 seconds (max 1x per 5 sec)
But it doesn't seem much.
Drain Infection Skill
Could be a bit more impressive. It's basically like a skill that buffs your damage output, and probably would need to be compared to how much, say, a skill point in projectile or energy training would offer to a build. (Of course, that is a variable target number - +50 Projectile Training to a torpedo boat means more than +50 to a ship that only uses one torpedo launcher.)
Also, the tooltip needs clarification.
That is my thought as well. Whether we like it or not, how things work as a result of the new skill tree won't change, so please at least make it half decent to look at.
hover the mouse on the lightning bolts down at the bottom of the skill tree where you choose your options.
"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" - Agatha Heterodyne
Yes, some moron in marketing fired off a ridiculous placate largely unrelated to the reality of STO getting its house in order with a new TV series stirring up the hopes and wallets of the larger Star Trek fan base.
So lets put the question a different way. What's more important to you: Your personal parses going untouched or this game still being here in five years? Because you can't have both. The current meta is filled with things toxic to attracting new players. For the people to whom STO is their livelihood and not just a chance to stroke your own ego, there is only ONE answer to that question and that's what you see actually happening on Tribble.
But please, try to beat them about the head an shoulders with a pie-in-the-sky press release some more, because it seems clear enough the guys down in the trenches doing the work have already committed to ignoring that TRIBBLE. It's not the lever that going to move them in a direction you want them to move. Find another one.
As I understand it, it is a 100% increase to the reduction amount, which was changed to baseline .2% per point of shield power, putting it at .4% per point of shield power (Which would be 52% reduction to shields vs 26% baseline when your shields are at 130 power).
I'd suggest replacing the electrical damage debuff on the tree with an effect similar to the console, and changing the console to an electrical drain debuff similar to the tree skill. That way the console has drain build functionality (helping it keep some value and the same audience), but the whole build isn't based around the console.
Yet another boost for science captains that tacs don't get.
It's not a bug. The skill point threat control is just a buff to the "Threatening" toggle. Everyone gets the "Threatening" toggle by default.
So sci fleet, which provides a temporary boost to some skills, which have had their investment returns halved, and also their resists boosted, is an overall buff? I honestly don't think you've considered this properly when trying to convey something, but please, tell me how 100+K DPS tac captains are honestly in a position to complain about a sci buff when Sci powers are being nerfed across practically their entire spectrum...
Stop new content until quality returns