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What would you like to see in 2016?

Just a bit of a STO wish list really.

what would you like to see come to STO in 2016?

I am a total temporal geek...i know its not the strongest thing out there but I LOVE the wells. T6 versions (with scaled up hull and shields) would be very very nice. possibly a extra weapon slot and engineering slot?

while I'm on temporal stuff, chroniton beam arrays! I love my rainbow beams of dooms. but would like to kit a ship out exclusively with them. just an aesthetics thing really...i don't like the look of all the mixed weapon types when they deal the same kind of damage. iconian, voth, standard AP. but i understand they need to be like that so u can tell what different stuff is being used. just would like the full range instead of just the 1 dual beam bank.

quad AP cannons?

Thalaron ground weapons?

i get the feeling a T6 oddys, scims and bortasqu are on there way at some point anyway but deffo ready for them!

and maybe another chance to earn an annorax (my temporal set isn't complete!) and a few of the event ships i missed out on like the kobali ship and breen carrier. even it its just with more lobi or something, like they have done with the breen dreadnaught. i don't mind saving up lobi for something i really want.

not really sure how they would fit in but would like to see some Son'a at some point too. despite the awful film i thought as a race the idea of them was really interesting!

thats about it for me.... what would other ppl like to see? guns? ships? races? would love to see peoples ideas on what could add to the game.


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    nubishfromslonubishfromslo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hi,i would like to see..

    Cheaper EC prices, so that people that actually buy EC come back and key prices drop to 1m again xD,
    also nice marketing now, u buy ships and use the traits on any other ship, dolla dolla bills yo xD
    Most of the STFs that people dont play at all, make them single player with less marks at the end, and halt the
    foundry missions, everyone at same map over and over again, people play this game like its their job,
    trying to get most of dil per day, there is no more playing because u actually enjoy it.
    No more free ships, because mostly they are TRIBBLE xD
    Bop T6 needs 5 slot weps in front xD
    More Pvp, kerrat is an empty place for some time now.

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    cassiusdiocassiusdio Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    I do not wish for much...just a rom sci ship T6.
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    lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    The Big Bug Fix
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
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    nerd2224nerd2224 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    oh yeah... a fix on the costumes would be nice. id like my BOFFs to actually have helmets and its really weird seeing people in iconian armour running around with no heads lol
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    thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    An ability to convert 100 pass tokens into a permanent +1 sci, tac, OR eng for one ship admirality card.

    A very rare DOFF espionage mission that gets you a one-time use ESD passport for KDF.

    Also exchange market buy orders.

    And a pony.
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    mrsmitty81mrsmitty81 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    Since they won't make Rom or KDF science ships make the next freebie ship a purely science ship. That way they don't lose money cause nobody buys science ships, since it was a freebie anyways.
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,973 Arc User
    • Risa/New Romulus FPS bugs resolved.
    • T6 Sovereign Class
    • T6 Patrol Escort
    • More foundry stuffs and things.
    • More hats.
    • Oh, and I guess more episodes, events, ship releases, ect.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    themartianthemartian Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    An end to the drab KDF colour scheme.
    An end to the ship XP system so that I don't have to fly around in ship's I'm not really geared for and don't want to fly just for the starship trait.
    More story missions.
    More KDF carriers. More Orion, Gorn and Nausicaan ships.
    Bug fixes.
    I would also like a pony.
    My alt army:
    K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical.
    T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical
    Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    1. All the wee bugs fixed. I said this years ago in a similar thread by the way... So I know that this will be the year! That having been said, I don't find the bugs game-breaking or particularly annoying , it's a quality of life issue for me.

    2. Dialog fixed up so Romulans, Klingons, Federation aren't treated as interchangeable once they hit DS9. Some post-Adventure With Worf episodes do it but it's really jarring because it's so infrequent.

    3. Reputation coming earlier, integrated into the leveling process . Even just a mild amount of rep for defeating Tal Shiar (for example) would normalize the rep grind as part of game play instead of being a whole new mechanic you need to grind through suddenly. The game shifts gears so suddenly at level 50 it's sometime hard to believe I'm playing the same one.

    4. I know that this is probably part of the deal to get Dorn, Russ, and the other show's stars in the game, but a lot of the episodes starring them put my character in a sidekick role. As far as being a player is concerned, I'm the star of this particular TV show. I'm ready for my close up.

    The early KDF missions? The Worf Show. (Though the end of it I did say, "It's a good day to cry." so great job with it writers and voice actors.) Blowing up that door in the Dyson Sphere? Worf now walks through and poses instead of the both of us like before. (And we should high five each other after we do that) Dealing with the Undine? Tuvok appreciates having you there to take the Zerg rush in the face while he does all of the being a Star Fleet officering.

    And why was Shon the one to do the glory attack against the planet killer and not me? I'm the hero. It's my job to be admired for my idiotic grand gestures.
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    chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    An ability to convert 100 pass tokens into a permanent +1 sci, tac, OR eng for one ship admirality card.

    A very rare DOFF espionage mission that gets you a one-time use ESD passport for KDF.

    Also exchange market buy orders.

    And a pony.

    A PONY! Yes yes yes!

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    cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    I want to see the value of my zen worth more. Now that the game dumps dil on ppl, I would like to see the dil exchange at 500 to 1 zen.
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
    95bced8038c91ec6f880d510e6fd302f366a776c4c5761e5f7931d491667a45e.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
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    gabeoz1gabeoz1 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    T6 Sovy is all I want.
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    misterferengi#8959 misterferengi Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    Tier 6 Sovereign, Nebula and Vor'cha Classes.
    A true Romulan Science ship.
    A new Ground Battlezone taking the best elements of Dyson and Vaadwaar and creating a epic Dominion Battle zone
    Ground weapons esp phasers and disrupters to be given new TNG-VOY skins.
    R&D mats to be easily obtainable in bulk rather than random drops like in the good old days when we had star clusters to farm mats.

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    sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    - a new fight system (space)
    - new open spaces like the voth bz or new romulus
    - exploration
    - more things to do past level 60
    - the end or a modification of the upgrade system; the stop of the random upgrades
    - "uniform" and "outfit" must be merged (tailor)
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    fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    @themartian you do know youve been able to change the UI colors for over a year now?
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    risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    Actual factions not just another version of Federation and balance.
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    themartianthemartian Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    @themartian you do know youve been able to change the UI colors for over a year now?

    Not the UI colours, the boring ones we have to wear with the faction uniforms. Even some of the cross-faction clothes have restricted options KDF side.
    My alt army:
    K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical.
    T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical
    Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
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    spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    No Lag

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    sirerblingtonsirerblington Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    T6 Sovereign Class

    I've been waiting since the first T6 ship came out!
    Was really hoping for a release before Christmas...
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    Realistic: T6 Nebula!

    Unrealistic: Dominion Faction

    wall-of-crazy: playable Suliban or Acamarians.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    azudazud Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Argo racing !!!!!! yeah baby ...... the possibilities are endless.........
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    teluasteluas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    My list is simple and similar to others...

    1. T6 Sovereign or Odyssey (either or both, I'm easy that way ;) )
    2. Some sort of exploration system
    3. New FEs and more updating of existing FEs
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    I would like a Cardassian faction.

    I would like another Delta Recruit (or something similar) event.

    In the next specialization, I would like a decent health heal kit module for ground.

    I would like for Ferengis to be able to wear helmets. (Even if it removes their Lobes.)

    I would like for Caitians and Ferasans to have the full range of hair that other species have. (Or at least one long hair option.)
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    imkainimkain Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    My wish is that the Gateway gets taken down and replaced with something similar to Neverwinter's. This way we could possibly perform Admiralty or DOFF missions through an online portal. I know the Gateway is being discontinued, but I see a whole lot of potential. I would like to see newer content, as well as other ways to achieve ships with Energy Credits instead of using just Zen, or Lobi store, or even Dilithium. Just my opinion.
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    trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    For me it's the following

    - T6 Sovy as well as a T6 Neby (like most here already have pointed out)
    - Elite versions of Infected, Cure & Khitomer
    - New Borg missions (Personally something like CCA but instead of the giant snowflake.. a giant Tactical Cube)
    - A balance in the space powers to have torps do more dmg (travel faster & hit harder) and having BO do more damage as well
    - New powers like ones from the FE like attack pattern Worf/Shon etc that is available from FE's and NOT lockboxes
    - Solo stf missions?... they would have less mobs and more 1 on 1 battles.
    - teaming w/KDF.. war is over right?
    - Make more traits available via boxes like AHOD etc.
    - New ships (that I can get behind on all sides that will pull me away from canon ships =))
    - Some sort random exploration missions like when you go to a system you have to patrol/defend/attend a conference etc..
    - Customize weapons color options
    - Kitbash options that use all ships you own?
    - Way to do PvP that gives you default ships to use w/default loadout gear/powers
    - Bring back missions like NWS & Breach

    All I can think of for now but yeah... no that much to ask for right? xP

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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    I would like to see something other than what is planned.
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    eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    1. Romulan Featured Series follow up (Imperial Romulans)

    2. Ferengi Featured Series

    3. Gorn Rebellion

    4. T6 Sovereign, T6 Qang (From Star Trek Gorkon novel series), T6 Romulan Science Vessel

    5. Daily STF Promotion (increased rewards)

    6. Shuttle Racing

    7. Memory Alpha

    8. Better implementation of the Specializations along with unique specializations (Cook, Weaponstech) that could lead into more of a Ferengi style black market
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    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Stability. I'd like the game to NOT turn into a 10 fps nightmare when everyone starts firing their phasers.

    Oh, and see that signature below? Enough excuses.
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