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Retiring Glossy Photos of Q



  • centaurianalphacentaurianalpha Member Posts: 1,150 Arc User
    Yay! I'll have more bank slots available now that I won't be storing stale event tokens. I am also pleased with the reasonable trade-in value; R&D materials & upgrades are the best possible use for me... B)
    Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac
    Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
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    Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
    STO player since November 2013
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    I can pretty much say I'm not surprised about this. However, I feel the exclusivity line could be thrown out the window when you look at the previous winter ships.

    2012: 1st year Chel Grett was available as a reward.
    2013: 2nd year Chel Grett was available, 1st year Plesh Brek Raider was available.
    2014: 3rd year Chel Grett was available, 2nd year Plesh Brek Raider was available, 1st year the Sarr Theln Carrier was available as a ship reward.

    The Chel Grett Warship was around a year longer than even the Plesh Brek when it didn't really have to be. Anybody who was around since the winter event last year would have been able to have ample time to grab it if they wanted it. The same can't be said about the Sarr Theln this year.

  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    Can the cap on accumulated Speculation points please be raised?
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    Disapointing, since it only penalizes players for having foresight and planning to stick around for another year. Ah well, doesn't change that I'd have been running the laps anyway (to stock up for next year).

    Really, I think you've been looking at resource stockpiling wrong. Those stockpiles are an indication of our intention to stick with STO for another year. They don't cost you (the company) money, because folks willing to stockpile items for a full year are not likely to be the ones willing to burn Lobi just to save time; they're already willing to take a full year to unlock the next item, right? Plus, by continually retiring currencies and introducing replacements, you're wasting space with additional resource trade-in shops and item entries that really weren't needed in the first place.

    Disappointing, but not surprising, and at least we get some random stuff...

    [EDIT] Unless you're actually adding value to these Events by opening up the trade-in shops for all prior years' currencies, allowing us to potentially stockpile on more characters to get trade-in stuff when the Events return the following year? I'm certainly not interested enough to bother (I only stockpile on one character for the ship, and I'm certainly not going to spend the Lobi at current purchase rates just to save a couple days), but I can actually see this being a benefit for folks that really like the Event's minigame.

    They've made a number of changes to the reward mechanisms for the event. The most significant is that the cost for additional ships per alts has been reduced to running the event once - not multiple times. This is hugely beneficial for players with multiple alts - getting essentially the rewards for free.

    From the company's perspective (at least from my view point) : The game mechanism - using the same rewards for each new seasons ship - was a bad design choice. It encouraged stockpiling for the next season. It made no sense if the goal was to encourage people to play each season. It was further made worse (from a company perspective) with the 'free' ship per alt strategy. Players spent less time in the Winter Event, exacerbated by the significant bugs in the new events. Something had to give, and losing a saved currency was the best direction.

    The thing is, though, you still had/have to play the game to get the stockpile. Those Glossies didn't just magically appear from not playing the game, despite the source/subject of said glossies. :tongue:

    Now, you don't need to play to stock up. Just do the minigame on one character, call it good, and if you get bored with STO in the mean time you don't really have any pre-investment or whatnot tying you to the game. I just don't see why stockpiling, with the clear intent of being present in STO next year, was bad for the company... and yet if trade-in is going to be a consistent option, it actually creates even more incentive to stockpile resources to get the trade-in rewards when the Events roll around the following cycle. They're retiring the currency to prevent stockpiling while potentially introducing a mechanic that engourages it even more... it's odd.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,278 Arc User
    T6 Versions of the Plesh Brek Raider / Chel Grett next year and the year after?

    Lobi ships?

    Mission reward?

    Breen T5 Pack?

    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    Thank You for making it so that my Time Spent Playing the Game BECOMES WORTHLESS Once Again.

    Seriously. Who's the idiot that comes up with this bull TRIBBLE?

    To the Idiotmobile , Robin!​​
  • captainfelidaecaptainfelidae Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Can I slot a new project for previous Winter Ships?

    No. These ships are being retired with the start of the 2015 Winter Event.

    Ahhhh once again the wonderful feeling I'm somehow being punished because I'm not a member of the old guard...
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    The problem with giving players "one last chance" to get the previous ship(s), is that there would always be someone asking for "one last chance" because [insert excuse here as to why they missed it before]. If an exception were granted for this year, it would be used as the basis of an argument for granting an exception the next year. Players were told during the summer that this was going to happen, so if Cryptic is going to retire them, then just retire them. No "last chance" promotions.

    Now, that's not to say that I support that decision. I don't agree at all with retiring rewards, or one-time only rewards that cannot be reclaimed. I do not see the problem with allowing the winter/summer ship or CC/MI projects to be done indefinitely. Especially when Cryptic runs new player recruitment promotions like Delta Rising. I just don't see how it's advantageous to Cryptic to deny rewards to newer players.

    That would be a valid argument, if anyone knew the ships would be retired before it happened. As it is now, the playerbase was only notified of the changes after it was too late to do anything other than complaining (and complain I did/will, that I can assure you of :rage:) and praying someone would react to the complaints.

    Sadly, the one response those complaints prompted was Trendy commenting on how nobody even considered the possibility that she had also lost the chance to get some of the ships. I can only surmise that means the feedback, while definitely passed on, was not acted on.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    There was plenty of advance warning even before the summer event started. Personally, I'm grateful that my Q-Pics won't go to waste. I can stock up with upgrades, spec points and materials :sunglasses:

    Plus, unlocked event ships become available for all characters account-wide. Some people may not agree, but with the new Admiralty system now added to the mix, that's a huge bonus for me :smile:
    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    orion0029 wrote: »
    Can't say I'm surprised about this, since I've vented about this change during the summer event changeover I don't see any reason to complain now.

    Carry on.

    Edit: I'd just like to add that retiring the Sarr Theln (a T6 ship) does seem rather mean toward people who were counting on it being available this year. A more acceptable method of retiring these ships would be to leave them available for this year (after announcing they will be retired), then remove them after the event ends. This would let players have one last chance to get them, then they'd be gone forever. Still unpleasant, but would give players at least a chance to get one before its gone...

    Agreed, especially considering the utility of the ship in the Admiralty system.

    Especially after the Delta Recruitment event, anyone who created a new account will essentially be cut off from the rewards of years past. It doesn't really make sense to me.
    Disapointing, since it only penalizes players for having foresight and planning to stick around for another year. Ah well, doesn't change that I'd have been running the laps anyway (to stock up for next year).

    Really, I think you've been looking at resource stockpiling wrong. Those stockpiles are an indication of our intention to stick with STO for another year. They don't cost you (the company) money, because folks willing to stockpile items for a full year are not likely to be the ones willing to burn Lobi just to save time; they're already willing to take a full year to unlock the next item, right? Plus, by continually retiring currencies and introducing replacements, you're wasting space with additional resource trade-in shops and item entries that really weren't needed in the first place.

    Disappointing, but not surprising, and at least we get some random stuff...
    Indeed, stockpiling is intelligent resource management to me. What was that children's story? The Cricket and the Ant? The Cricket had fun all summer, while the Ant collected food. And when the winter came the Cricket starved, while the Ant ate well in the colony.

    There's really no logical reason not to stockpile and that stockpiling is a good thing. It should truthfully be encouraged and people who have enough event tokens should have a second, higher tier reward for putting in the work.
    [EDIT] Unless you're actually adding value to these Events by opening up the trade-in shops for all prior years' currencies, allowing us to potentially stockpile on more characters to get trade-in stuff when the Events return the following year? I'm certainly not interested enough to bother (I only stockpile on one character for the ship, and I'm certainly not going to spend the Lobi at current purchase rates just to save a couple days), but I can actually see this being a benefit for folks that really like the Event's minigame.

    That would be nice.
    questerius wrote: »
    bioixi wrote: »
    Forget about the pictures, we need to know the stats of the dreadnought, is it 4/4 or 5/3? how many tac consoles? intel or command?

    Show us a picture of the new model.

    IMPORTANT-->will we be able to use the old model too?<---IMPORTANT

    No ship, only an admiralty card. :open_mouth:​​
    Hey, don't act like that's a small deal, those Admiralty cards are serious business.
    gulberat wrote: »
    haplo013 wrote: »
    Would be nice if we were informed at the beginning of an event that this would be the last time and the change would happen for the next time the event ran.

    I believe we were warned before Risa started that this was the way forward for ALL events. I don't necessarily agree with all aspects of the decision, but there was advance warning.

    As for me I am still refusing to do that stupid race. (I suck so bad at racing games it's not even funny.) Which means as usual no Breen ship for me, but oh well.

    I do, however, have an obscene number of Q-Mendations stashed from last year's Winter Anniversary...which I would not be surprised if they are phased out as well. Oh well...it'll be part of my mission for this year to give my Reman some love...spec points, in this case. I would particularly like to know, are the spec points you get for turning in your old marks account-bound or character-bound? If account bound, I would at least consider that fairly reasonable compensation as it would spare me at least a few weeks of work on that toon (and net me more time to rack up Omega particles, as I am pretty danged good at the Guitar Hero game).

    It's funny, for the first couple of years of the winter event, those races were solo for me. Only last year did I start getting a competitor regularly, it was LOVELY. But if you get DQ'ed or lose, I think you still get to run it solo for the reward. Now the Fast and the Flurrious? I don't even try to win. I'm gonna go for the accolade this year on all my characters and never again.
    The problem with giving players "one last chance" to get the previous ship(s), is that there would always be someone asking for "one last chance" because [insert excuse here as to why they missed it before]. If an exception were granted for this year, it would be used as the basis of an argument for granting an exception the next year. Players were told during the summer that this was going to happen, so if Cryptic is going to retire them, then just retire them. No "last chance" promotions.

    Now, that's not to say that I support that decision. I don't agree at all with retiring rewards, or one-time only rewards that cannot be reclaimed. I do not see the problem with allowing the winter/summer ship or CC/MI projects to be done indefinitely. Especially when Cryptic runs new player recruitment promotions like Delta Rising. I just don't see how it's advantageous to Cryptic to deny rewards to newer players.
    Disapointing, since it only penalizes players for having foresight and planning to stick around for another year. Ah well, doesn't change that I'd have been running the laps anyway (to stock up for next year).

    Really, I think you've been looking at resource stockpiling wrong. Those stockpiles are an indication of our intention to stick with STO for another year. They don't cost you (the company) money, because folks willing to stockpile items for a full year are not likely to be the ones willing to burn Lobi just to save time; they're already willing to take a full year to unlock the next item, right? Plus, by continually retiring currencies and introducing replacements, you're wasting space with additional resource trade-in shops and item entries that really weren't needed in the first place.

    Disappointing, but not surprising, and at least we get some random stuff...

    [EDIT] Unless you're actually adding value to these Events by opening up the trade-in shops for all prior years' currencies, allowing us to potentially stockpile on more characters to get trade-in stuff when the Events return the following year? I'm certainly not interested enough to bother (I only stockpile on one character for the ship, and I'm certainly not going to spend the Lobi at current purchase rates just to save a couple days), but I can actually see this being a benefit for folks that really like the Event's minigame.

    They've made a number of changes to the reward mechanisms for the event. The most significant is that the cost for additional ships per alts has been reduced to running the event once - not multiple times. This is hugely beneficial for players with multiple alts - getting essentially the rewards for free.

    From the company's perspective (at least from my view point) : The game mechanism - using the same rewards for each new seasons ship - was a bad design choice. It encouraged stockpiling for the next season. It made no sense if the goal was to encourage people to play each season. It was further made worse (from a company perspective) with the 'free' ship per alt strategy. Players spent less time in the Winter Event, exacerbated by the significant bugs in the new events. Something had to give, and losing a saved currency was the best direction.

    Well the free ship per alt strategy was logical when you look across the board. There are people with 10+ 20+ Alts. For these people who have spent money to have so many characters they were running into a grind wall having to run the event the full amount on each character. Reducing it to a one run discount was a simple step. Then came the problem of reclaiming a ship that had been worked hard for. I actually had reserved slots in the Event rep that were just filled unclaimed ships, so I could dismiss the ship and reclaim it if I needed it later. It was a simple jump to creating a store for an account-wide unlock, so they're now more like C-store ships. Which is a vast improvement.

    One thing that no one has spoken on is the fact that if I recall correctly, on Risa they allowed the old projects to be complete-able with the new currency. Is that still on?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • berahtberaht Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I was unable to complete the anniversary event last year, but I was lead to believe that I could continue to work on the samsar cruiser so long as it was slotted. I've waited eagerly for a year for the anniversary event in order to complete it. I will be beyond dismayed if before the event happens, I read an announcement stating that I will be unable to complete the project to get the cruiser due to a desire to "maintain exclusivity" on cryptic's part. There is such a thing as too much exclusivity. Not to mention it's just wrong to not give me the opportunity to complete the project.
  • daendaedaendae Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    Information about the return of Q’s Winter Wonderland is just around the corner! As part of this year's holiday festivities, we will be retiring the “Autographed 8x10 Glossy Photos of Q” and changing how starships will be earned during this event.

    I hope the Sarr Theln and Plesh Brek will still be available to get, since I just started playing STO after Winter Event 2014 and I never got a chance to earn them (if not, then I hope there will be more T6 Carriers)
  • potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    When can I trade in my Qmmendations?
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
    Dahar Master Jacket

  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I wish this news (and the news that the Risa currency was being retired) had been made available at a moment when it was still possible to start the projects and collect the ships one last time :/

    At least I'll be able to complete the Chel Grett project it seems. I'm still hoping the ships will be made available in the Lobi store at some point.
  • wylonuswylonus Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    one word, NO!!!!!!!
    this is very extremely pure evil, another stab in the back, are you devs killing older gamers, now some will not be looking forward to next year festivals.
    why more grindy then ever?

    i see the list to trade in, but none of them are desirable, i would rather trade in for lobi than that lame emote signs, one ups power point? eh?
    is the Cryptic are full of nasty green aliens (not those orions) from planet Grinchia who doesnt like winter holiday?
  • weirdjediweirdjedi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I was actually looking forward to this event. I missed out on quite a bit of ships in the past years and thought it would be awesome to work on 4 characters and each get a different event ship. This would allow me to unlock all 4 year ships in one go.

    Now? I'm ultimately confused. Is there some sort of huge issue with people stockpiling tokens? They may not be available to login several days the following year. This would make it beneficial for them to get some early. Does getting it early by a few days before everyone else that big of deal?

    Or maybe you want people to feel special for obtaining these now "exclusive" event ships. That doesn't really make sense either. You offer alternatives to people who weren't able to obtain the Odyssey, the Obelisk, or even the Dyson ships when they were being offered through a promotion. And as I know it, you kept offering these ships each and every year beforehand. You offer so many things to get players to return or play the game for the first time and then withhold these past ships from them.

    I'm sorry for not liking change. I can get a little upset when you decide to change the date for certain weekend events. Sometimes this is good and sometimes it is bad. This change will only make me play less and I don't really see how this makes anyone happy. Sadly, this was probably some form of business decision to get people spending more money/zen/dilithium/time on better ships in the store.
  • donitiardonitiar Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    When people stockpile tokens, they doesn't spend lobi to get the ship sooner. That's all this is about, another cash grab same as the summer one.
  • constellusconstellus Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Hello all !

    I hope you can help me, i dont know if i understand correctly ,i have with almost all my characters from 200+ to 800+ [Autographed 8x10 Glossy Picture of Q] and [Anniversary Qmendation] with everyone (12 or 14 i think) , now they going to open a special store to trade this, because they are going to retire them, now my question is : why cant we use " [Autographed 8x10 Glossy Picture of Q] and [Anniversary Qmendation] " on the new winter event project ? you can use old and the new currency to finish a partial Winter Reputation project in progress, why not give also the possibility to use them on the new project ? for me the items they are going to offer on that "Winter Buyback" store are not worth it , the time and efford i spend with every character to get them.

    PS: Yes, i read that you only need to doit with only one character now, and it will unlock to every character in your account, but i spend the time and efford before that was posible, or maybe because i did not know about it,12 to 14 characters is to much time and efford spend.
  • f9thretxcf9thretxc Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    Am I correct in my understanding that any current slotted projects will be removed when this event starts? Or will it be at the end of the event.

    I have last years event slotted, but didn't have time to complete it , due to my wife taking ill, but it would be nice to be able to finish it this year. If not, so be it. Life happens sometimes.
    My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
  • drakon1s2drakon1s2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    my only real complaint is that i started playing in september/october last year and only ever got the T6 carrier, but have one of the previous ships slotted atm on my main, but i still want the other ships. i understand from their perspective (Cryptic) they are trying to keep the game interesting, and i understand from our perspective (the players) that we don't really want this type of change, especially since the whole Delta recruit thing happened after the winter event last year so everyone that started playing during Delta is basicly getting screwed out of the currently available ships,

    That being said the whole "last chance" idea would be both good and bad. good in that the newer players that weren't around last year would have a chance to claim one of the Breen ships from previous years, bad because people would be complaining about why they should get another chance even after the last chance, when they made a choice to not work on getting the ship/s they wanted from it or in some cases, like mine will possibly be this year, not being able to play due to holiday travel plans and such.

    Personally speaking i'd like to have a final chance to get the ships prior to the carrier, but so long as i can finish off the one i have slotted i don't really care myself.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    On the one hand, people complain that people that don't play get stuff like free ships, and say Cryptic never does anything for people that do play all the time.

    The exclusive ships are pretty much exactly what they do for people that play the game - you were there to play the event? You're getting something all those johnny-come-latelies that needed a bribe to find back into the game will miss out forever.
    wylonus wrote: »
    one word, NO!!!!!!!
    this is very extremely pure evil, another stab in the back, are you devs killing older gamers, now some will not be looking forward to next year festivals.?

    Why? You have to do it once on a single character, and then the ship becomes an account unlock and it's yours forever, even for future characters.

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    We want to maintain the exclusivity and collectability of the event ships from the Winter Event each year, and in order to do that we will be retiring the existing items.

    Absolutely disgusting.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • blaze1006blaze1006 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    With all of the star ships being retired and there being a chance to get them, will starship for this winter event cost less marks so players can focus on finishing the old starship projects or will the starship cost about the same?
  • worgausworgaus Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    The only thing that makes this even remotely tolerable was the change to make the winter event ships account wide unlocks, so I only have to unlock with one character to get the ship with all characters. If it weren't for that I'd have more than a few impolite words to say. Instead I'll go with disappointed, but not surprised.
  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    This whole "exclusivity" thing and retiring being able to get previous ships is complete bull IMO. I can't think of a single valid reason to not let people pick which ship they want to get from an event. The ship that will be available for this winter event, I have little interest in. So there's a good chance I won't bother with the event. But there ARE previous ships I'd like to get and so would do the event to get one of them.
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    Information about the return of Q’s Winter Wonderland is just around the corner! As part of this year's holiday festivities, we will be retiring the “Autographed 8x10 Glossy Photos of Q” and changing how starships will be earned during this event.

    You can learn more about the trade-in system here.


    Does this mean we will be able to do something other than the race thing to earn a ship? I never ever do those. Any of them.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    On the one hand, people complain that people that don't play get stuff like free ships, and say Cryptic never does anything for people that do play all the time.

    The exclusive ships are pretty much exactly what they do for people that play the game - you were there to play the event? You're getting something all those johnny-come-latelies that needed a bribe to find back into the game will miss out forever.
    wylonus wrote: »
    one word, NO!!!!!!!
    this is very extremely pure evil, another stab in the back, are you devs killing older gamers, now some will not be looking forward to next year festivals.?

    Why? You have to do it once on a single character, and then the ship becomes an account unlock and it's yours forever, even for future characters.

    What irks me is that I was there. I don't remember why I didn't finish the 2014 summer event (whatever it was, it cost me a Luxury Cruiser :angry:), but I was there during the 2014 winter event. I finished the Plesh Brek, I almost finished the Sarr Theln and Chel Grett.

    So why am I losing these ships? Simple. Ridiculously stupid but simple. Between the debacle that was Delta Rising, and a series of bugs related to the account-wide unlock, I gave up - unslotted the Sarr Theln/Chel Grett projects (more likely, I never slotted them to begin with and had merely collected photos, expecting to slot them once I had all the photos ready) and went on another break that lasted until Season 10.

    Now, I get roughly 4.7 specialization points on all my characters except the Delta Recruits and whoever it was that first claimed the Plesh Brek. Because that's apparently a fair trade.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    I never started the 2014 summer event because i hated that a converted party boat had better stats than my beloved ambassador. Not to mention i loathed the design.

    Only reason why i now wish i had done the event was to have access to the admiralty card.​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,317 Arc User
    kelettes wrote: »
    There was plenty of advance warning even before the summer event started. Personally, I'm grateful that my Q-Pics won't go to waste. I can stock up with upgrades, spec points and materials :sunglasses:

    What does "advanced warning" do to you if you accumulate portraits a year ago? You can't use those past the event.

    -Have a common currency for ALL events (winter/summer/anniversary) or
    -Make transitional items fully usable account wise and not character bound.

    Are we going to have to do this with the anniversary event or summer event again? C'mon this is rotten eggs policy.​​
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