So... STO is interesting in may ways... It sticks with Star Trek, and generally follows those (mostly) rules for how ST is supposed to be.
It's mostly within the experience, but every now and then, we come across something that is introduced, but just dosen't seem quite right.
This is a DISCUSSION about those things that we, as individuals, find out of place... Everything goes.
So, for me, it is mostly the whole concept of people flying around so many alien ships... Sure, there are times when all the great captains flew around enemy and allied ships, but never on a permanent basis..
People mostly tend to swap back to the faction specific ships of cause, but somehow it's always bugged me...
You're up....
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas 0
STO Resources: <Ship Comparison - All Tiers + Small Craft + Hangar Pets> <Damage Resistance>
<R&D + Upgrade Costs> <Duty Officer Finder> <Suliban Doff Reqs> <Fleet Costs> <Rep Costs>
<Keybind Tour the Galaxy> <Fleet / Armada Management> <Currency Exchange> <Other STO Links>
How we have the title of Admiral, but we're constantly being told what to do. I thought that an Admiral is a management level position, not a foot soldier position.
Let me explain:
ENT era (22nd century): Tons of T5/T6 ships. They get treated like the best thing ever. This is stupid beyond belief considering the following:
TOS (mid 23rd century): Treated like a taboo. Barring uniforms and maybe 1 or 2 missions, the devs act like this era never happened. No ships beyond T1 with the exception of the D7... which needs a dire revamp.
TMP (late 23rd-early 24th century): Pretty much the same as TOS. It gets treated like dirt. Barring the Excelsior and K't'inga, none of the ships from this era make it to T5/T6 for "reasons".
TNG (mid to late 24th century): Gets everything. Very few ships from this era are omitted from endgame so far (Centaur).
Just to iterate: When I started playing the game, I understood why people were against T5 connies and stuff like that, because of the setting of the game and the fact that it would have made no sense. Now, we got even older ships flying around leaving the top dogs of the 24th (!!) century in the dirt. IT MAKES NO SENSE. So because of that, I want TOS and TMP to get the same coverage. Its far beyond making sense as to what we fly with the most obscure alien ships everywhere right now. At least that kind of content would harken back to the roots of Star Trek.
Let's face it. I love the story and creativity of the game but when it comes to ship tiers, any logic has jumped ship long ago. If you are gonna turn STO into a theme park with every ship ever made, at least give me the option to fly my favorites without arbitrary tier regulations excluding eras for no good reason.
End of rant.
"Let them eat static!"
I'll just repost what I said elsewhere on that subject:
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
White orion girls wearing armor bikini that look l Iike princess leia.
Non trek related characters, ive seen homer simpson, yoda, men in black, etc, guys in pin stripped suits, girls in TRIBBLE prom dresses, elves....
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
I always thought that ranks should have stopped at "Captain." Whether the level cap is 40, 50, 60, whatever. The devs still call us captains in their blogs and community alerts.
[Attention, Captains! STO will be experiencing maintenance.....]
This. All the this.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
give that a read...maybe you'll realize how silly what you just said sounds
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
STO isn't like WoW, where the developers own the IP to the materials in the game. Cryptic has to get the OK from CBS, which owns the rights to Star Trek. The reason ships from the TOS/TMP era don't really see endgame status *cough Connie cough* is because CBS said no to some details.
I'm still waiting for my ST5/6 Assault Phaser to go with my WoK uniform...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
The amount of Escorts in this game.
How many ships are just sitting around Earth Space Dock. In the movies you only seen one ship...maybe two around Earth Space Dock...suddenly there are thirty plus...all sitting and fighting for one pinpointed location. Absolutely silly to me.
The odd ball outfits people wear...looks more like Champions Online costumes rather than Federation Uniforms.
A lot of these "futuristic" ships are looking downright retro and ugly as hell. I can barely find a T6 ship I actually find to be a good looking ship.
All the ships you fly past in Sector Space...way7 too many. It seems like every other light year you travel you just happen to visually see another allied ship. It's almost as if the wide open space has become as small as a busy New York street.
Since when does getting a communication suddenly drop you out of Cloaking? Extremely annoying.
Kinda countered by the existance of the Voth from Star Trek Voyager.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Do we see the Voth running around with Tyrannosaurs in "Distant Origin"? Armored vehicles don't need to be fed and watered, don't sh*t, don't go into heat, aren't likely to eat their operators because of operator error, and fixing them doesn't involve anesthetizing an animal the size of a house that's thrashing around in pain because it took a disruptor blast to the face.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
Star Trek is going to, by nature, have a heavy non-combat element. I'd say large sections of Star Trek fit more in with, say, Law & Order than with G.I.Joe.
This game's gameplay is MMO and bordering on action MMO based.
So when we delve into non-combat, I've always been puzzled why I get ripped out of gameplay for a Choose Your Own Adventure style dialogue, especially with a fixed outcome.
If you look back at play station games from the 90s, the idea of arcade controls to manage things like bluffs and deception were already there in video games. And if you go back to our original EP, Zinc... Well, I always felt more like I saw eye to eye with him than some in the community; I think he took heat for things like a launch date and monster play Klingons, which were outside his control.
Zinc was very interested in how to expand the game's non-combat gameplay and immersion. In fact, I think it gained some infamy that he said he'd like it if security came in and shot any player who stood on tables. And the original discussion for Diplomacy, which began under his tenure, was for diplomacy as an active gameplay mechanic with power emotes, a kind of verbal combat system. Instead it became more of a "Scanning/Exploration" game and ultimately a DOff category.
I think for what this game is, it would have been a stronger choice to have Diplomacy as a third mode along with ground and space with "Persuade" and "Bluff" and "Rebuttal" and "Sympathize" and so on as combat powers. Phoenix Wright it up a bit, maybe. Power meters and combos to interrogate captives or gain the trust of aliens.
I'd love it if there were an STF that had 5 Captains beam into a courtroom and they took positions and started furiously mashing spacebar to flirt with jurors and time objections.
"Hold off on the persuasion per second while I heal the friendly guy's ego!"
"I'm getting aggro! Can someone else troll the critics while I heal my ego?"
Pretty much this.
Canon origin or not but those T-Rex V-Rex with their laser breaths are the icing on this cake of ridiculousness.
Srsly it's like cryptic are NSP fans or something.
Second I don't like the fireing mechanism of ship weapons. They are supposed to fire in a sequence not at all at once. In fact there's only one single TNG episode in which you can see the Enterprise firing all weapons simultaneously. And there's not a single DS9 or Voyager episode showing this.
In the mission Midnight Kagran suggests to bring your ship into orbit near the pole. Can one do that? Orbitting a planet near one of the poles?
Also as someone said here, the genocide. I would say all the cannon fodder. We are in a very far future. Technology has that far advanced that we can travel among the stars. There are many species from other worlds advanced as we are or even more, yet they lack simple understanding of combat, it tactics and strategy.
Mission givers being in the chain of command AT ALL has been something I have always said seems fairly un-Trek.
Go watch five episodes at random, any series. Odds are, none of them start with an admiral or any officer aside from the captain giving orders. Odds are they don't start with the captain giving orders. Odds are that the events of the episode are framed as a civilian request or a natural curiosity. And that the captain goes through with it not because of orders but because they want the civilian's cooperation or because of natural curiosity.
And this isn't an MMO thing. Go play WoW. A game predicated on a two side war. Notice a distinct lack of chain of command. Your hero character sometimes assists in battle but almost nobody pulls rank on him or her because outside of PvP and some roleplay, there is no rank.
So it's not just that they get military orders wrong in STO. It's that they introduce military orders as a justification for stories in a franchise with little history of that and in a game genre with very little history of that and then proceed to get it wrong.
Instead of being assigned to chasing Epohhs, wouldn't it make considerably more sense if the researcher said, "We're short on hands. If you're not willing to chase an epohh, I'm not willing to share the research with you." "Couldn't I just send an officer to assist you?" "We'll take all the hands we can get but if you think you're too good to do it personally, I'm not sure you're cut out to care for an Epohh."
The questgivers don't need to be senior officers. They just need to be civilians with attitude who we can't get cooperation out of unless we play by their rules.
Funny thing there: If you fly a Temporal Lockbox ship in City on the Edge of Never, they acknowledge you're flying a timeship in alternate dialogues.
Not in any other time travel mission in the game. And as far as I know, none of the other missions are built like this.
Try flying a Vaadwaur ship and replay that mission where you need to get a holographic disguise to pose as a Vaadwaur ship.
Or try flying a Dominion ship in The 2800.
End race and gender discrimination!
(Yes, this is about the costume restrictions)
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
Take Jem'Hadar. They exist solely as enemy in the Foundry, but in Midnight we have friendly NPC's.
It seriously limits options in the Foundry, which feels out of place in the general game.
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