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I'd forgotten how utterly terrible the entire DS9 episode is.



  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,911 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Kurland here will soon be a thing of the past.
    Kurland here.
    When they reworked the Romulan arc they didn't really touch the Reman Feature Series missions, so I predict that the Jem'Hadar Feature Series with the dreaded "Kurland here" will get the same treatment. Maybe a polish but not removed.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Honestly, how is it any different than the new episodes they've done? Run around killing a bunch of stuff, collecting stuff, f-keying through a bunch of dialogue, transition here, transition there...etc, etc, etc.

    Would it be any different having played the Dyson or Delta stuff for the past three years and wanting to skip it?

    Most missions look something like this: 1) kill some stuff in space, 2) scan some stuff in space, 3) beam down and kill some stuff on the ground, 4) scan some stuff on the ground, 5) beam up and kill some more stuff in space, 6) get a reward that matches the time you spent on the mission.

    The missions we're talking about, however, go like this: 1) kill a LOT of stuff in space, 2) kill even MORE stuff in space, 3) beam down and kill a LOT of stuff on the ground, 4) kill even MORE stuff on the ground and maybe scan some stuff too, 5) transition to another ground area where you kill and scan even MORE stuff, 6) beam back up to space where you kill a LOT of stuff, 7) get a smaller reward than a mission half the length of this one would award you.

    So, yeah.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    Most missions look something like this: 1) kill some stuff in space, 2) scan some stuff in space, 3) beam down and kill some stuff on the ground, 4) scan some stuff on the ground, 5) beam up and kill some more stuff in space, 6) get a reward that matches the time you spent on the mission.

    The missions we're talking about, however, go like this: 1) kill a LOT of stuff in space, 2) kill even MORE stuff in space, 3) beam down and kill a LOT of stuff on the ground, 4) kill even MORE stuff on the ground and maybe scan some stuff too, 5) transition to another ground area where you kill and scan even MORE stuff, 6) beam back up to space where you kill a LOT of stuff, 7) get a smaller reward than a mission half the length of this one would award you.

    So, yeah.

    See, if you were talking about Coliseum...Cutting the Cord...and oh, I don't know - countless other missions that drag on for days from other arcs...wow, it's a trip to go through and look at each of the arcs to see just how many missions are like that - way longer than some of the other missions out there. Yeah, Cryptic does a TRIBBLE job of balancing rewards. They do it with everything...look at Breach/Storming vs. Infected, eh? Hell, Infected vs. Khitomer, yeah? How about what they did with those Delta patrols? Hell, they did it with the standard patrols long before DR was ever a thought. They did it with the Tau Dewa patrols as well.
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    See, if you were talking about Coliseum...Cutting the Cord...and oh, I don't know - countless other missions that drag on for days from other arcs...wow, it's a trip to go through and look at each of the arcs to see just how many missions are like that - way longer than some of the other missions out there. Yeah, Cryptic does a TRIBBLE job of balancing rewards. They do it with everything...look at Breach/Storming vs. Infected, eh? Hell, Infected vs. Khitomer, yeah? How about what they did with those Delta patrols? Hell, they did it with the standard patrols long before DR was ever a thought. They did it with the Tau Dewa patrols as well.

    There we go! It took you a few posts and whole bunch of edits, but you finally managed to write something that wasn't just an insult!

    I almost feel as though I ought to give you a round of applause.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Honestly, how is it any different than the new episodes they've done? Run around killing a bunch of stuff, collecting stuff, f-keying through a bunch of dialogue, transition here, transition there...etc, etc, etc.

    Would it be any different having played the Dyson or Delta stuff for the past three years and wanting to skip it?

    Obviously the least Trek series would have been fine in your book...

    Virus i didnt think you of all people would stoop to such childish antics...ive been proven wrong

    As far as the cardassian arc it really needs some love i dont mind long missions but i would prefer to have it better written.

    And the kurland VO has to go that is very annoying i love "Boldly they rode" good mission while your on the outside of DS9 except for kurland annoying you at every step.

    The whole cardassian arc just seems poorly written the missions dont even tie in together well and most the times not at all

    I would not mind long missions that are well written well put together but with more puzzles like boldly they rode and even dust to dust shooting tons of mobs is not fun.

    Overall i would prefer they wait till we get a cardassian micro faction like the romulans then use the cardassian arc as their tutorial.

    But i wont hold out hope for a cardassian faction best i can hope for is they rework the cardassian arc to make it more appealing to play.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for that nightmare. I like ground over space but Coliseum drags off to the point where I would deal with any other mission.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for that nightmare. I like ground over space but Coliseum drags off to the point where I would deal with any other mission.

    Yeah thats one mission that could use a reworking after you exit the arena why trek through a desert with slamek go run around finding herbs to heal the POS then run again till you find his ship only to run around again finding pieces to make a beacon to contact your ship who should already be looking for you.

    I did a run on sentence to give the feeling of how that mission tends to be after you exit the arena.

    Tbh after you exit the arena you should link up with your crew and make your escape they can have slamek betray you like he tells hakeev of your escape attempt.

    He tries to stop you but fails the mission does not need to be so long
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm mostly fine with it, I just think Badlands is the worst piece of garbage in the entire game. I really don't want to have to do it again, but the OCD completist in me will no doubt force me through that damn level once more ...
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    They should have remade all the Episodes before they launched the Delta Recruit Event. Of all the characters i have and had only my very first, not knowing what was waiting for me, did the DS9 Storyarc. All others skipped the complete arc, including the 2800.
    The Cardassian storyline was one of the reasons why i didn´t want to create a Delta Recruit at first (the other reason was the immense grinding that awaits me, from R&D to the Rep. systems to upgrading, Dilithium farming and so on).

    The Game is very interesting if you play it the first time( or: it was interesting before they introduced all the grinding) but unfortunately most of the epiodes are not worth replaying. I know that the original creators put some hard work into creating those missions, and they did a good job because a new player could spend some time doing the missions, get the Star Trek feeling, and have fun.

    But for a second or third time the missions are just not interesting enough, you know exactly what to do and that just makes it boring, especially because you usually just kill one group of enemies after the other.
    So there is no real interest in moving on, especially with the, already mentioned, grind that comes when your Character reaches LvL 50.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I agree the gameplay is pretty bad overall, but I kind of liked the story. The only problem is, it was out of order. "Forging Bonds" is supposed to be where we learn the True Way and the Alpha Jem'Hadar are allying, but we've been fighting both of their mobs since "Badlands". And "Cage of Fire" felt really unnecessary.

    I hope the revamp preserves some of that without needlessly tying everything into the Iconians.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • edited April 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    the ds9 episodes in the game are about equal to most of the ds9 episodes in the show. if you take the dom war out of it most of ds9 was TRIBBLE. :)
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    stf65 wrote: »
    the ds9 episodes in the game are about equal to most of the ds9 episodes in the show. if you take the dom war out of it most of ds9 was TRIBBLE. :)

  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Honestly, how is it any different than the new episodes they've done? Run around killing a bunch of stuff, collecting stuff, f-keying through a bunch of dialogue, transition here, transition there...etc, etc, etc.
    Yes, but you're not clearing multiple waves of enemies in space, then multiple waves on the ground, then finding multiple clickies on the ground, then clearing multiple waves of enemies in space, before warping to the next system where you again clear multiple waves of enemies, then multiple waves on the ground, then find multiple clickies, then beam up to clear multiple waves in space...

    I'm comfortable with a relative non-combat approach to story content. Combat was typically such a minor part of the IP. The best characteristic of the current FE is the relative lack of combat, which both emphasizes the non-combat aspects of the mission while reducing the tedium of clearing multiple waves. Additionally, there's no significant in-system travel, which means no boredom as your non-endgame ship takes forever to reach anywhere, even at full impulse.

    That said, the game desperately needs some combat training missions. The current tutorials just don't cut it. Tutorials in general won't cut it; players ignore them, and there is a massive difference between lieutenant and admiral, such that the tutorial could never approach teaching advanced concepts.

    Here's hoping Season 10 includes an end-game holodeck solo adventure zone type of thing, with "our metrics demand you come here" levels of rewards.
    stf65 wrote: »
    the ds9 episodes in the game are about equal to most of the ds9 episodes in the show. if you take the dom war out of it most of ds9 was TRIBBLE.
    If you take out the war, there's barely anything left. No Defiant, no Worf. Still plenty of Quark, Rom, Garak, Bashir and O'Brien, but many of their best episodes were interspersed with the war arc.

    What a show it would have been if Dorn and Forbes had signed on.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The whole cardassian arc just seems poorly written the missions dont even tie in together well and most the times not at all

    You report to Deep Space 9.
    A classic investigation of raiders leads to adventure, an enemy, and a surprise friend.
    A classic investigation of anomalies leads to adventure mission - involving Section 31 and the Undine - with a twist.
    A classic war game mission with a twist - the Undine!
    A classic rescue/recapture mission as you must retake DS9 from the Undine.
    A classic rescue/retrieval mission within the wormhole with the Dominion on your heels.
    A classic diplomatic/investigative mission with the Cardassians and True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the True Way threat.
    A classic investigation mission into reports of Klingons in the Alpha Trianguli Sector Block with a twist - Tribbles!
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns into adventure with a twist - returning the Orb of Possibilities, discovering an enemy is not quite defeated, and the tease of a new enemy to come.
    A classic downtime mission which turns into fighting off a surprise attack from that new enemy - from the Mirror Universe!
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the "new" Dominion behind the True Way.
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns to adventure while dealing with remnants of the True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the Terran Empire.
    A classic diplomatic/escort mission that takes you to Bajor with a twist.
    A classic diplomatic mission where various powers of the Alpha Quadrant are meeting to discuss the Borg - only to come under attack by the return of the Dominion.
    A classic kitchen sink mission where you fall back to Bajor to prepare to retake DS9.
    A classic behind enemy lines mission trying to seek aid from the Dominion against the Returned.
    A classic prisoner release in exchange for assistance mission with conflict.
    A classic infiltration mission leading to the climatic battle for DS9.

    So uh...you'll have to excuse me if I don't see it the way you do.

    An ongoing story against multiple enemies, stressing the dangers that are out there, the attempts at diplomacy, and well...yeah...plays out pretty much like one might expect a season of the series to have gone.
    stf65 wrote: »
    the ds9 episodes in the game are about equal to most of the ds9 episodes in the show. if you take the dom war out of it most of ds9 was TRIBBLE. :)

    Hrmm, I was never a fan of the Dominion War story there...it just never made sense. Then showing the same recycled footage over and over again for different episodes...meh. Course, I didn't like how the majority of DS9 could have been set on Earth as some family dramedy...something that somebody might watch on ABC.

    Thanks for that nightmare. I like ground over space but Coliseum drags off to the point where I would deal with any other mission.

    To me, it's the poster child for effort/time/rewards not being balanced...it was my common example for issues of Argala vs. the rest - with Coliseum being at the other extreme. The reward for the replay of that is brutal...
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You report to Deep Space 9.
    A classic investigation of raiders leads to adventure, an enemy, and a surprise friend.
    A classic investigation of anomalies leads to adventure mission - involving Section 31 and the Undine - with a twist.
    A classic war game mission with a twist - the Undine!
    A classic rescue/recapture mission as you must retake DS9 from the Undine.
    A classic rescue/retrieval mission within the wormhole with the Dominion on your heels.
    A classic diplomatic/investigative mission with the Cardassians and True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the True Way threat.
    A classic investigation mission into reports of Klingons in the Alpha Trianguli Sector Block with a twist - Tribbles!
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns into adventure with a twist - returning the Orb of Possibilities, discovering an enemy is not quite defeated, and the tease of a new enemy to come.
    A classic downtime mission which turns into fighting off a surprise attack from that new enemy - from the Mirror Universe!
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the "new" Dominion behind the True Way.
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns to adventure while dealing with remnants of the True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the Terran Empire.
    A classic diplomatic/escort mission that takes you to Bajor with a twist.
    A classic diplomatic mission where various powers of the Alpha Quadrant are meeting to discuss the Borg - only to come under attack by the return of the Dominion.
    A classic kitchen sink mission where you fall back to Bajor to prepare to retake DS9.
    A classic behind enemy lines mission trying to seek aid from the Dominion against the Returned.
    A classic prisoner release in exchange for assistance mission with conflict.
    A classic infiltration mission leading to the climatic battle for DS9.

    So uh...you'll have to excuse me if I don't see it the way you do.

    An ongoing story against multiple enemies, stressing the dangers that are out there, the attempts at diplomacy, and well...yeah...plays out pretty much like one might expect a season of the series to have gone..

    But you're not actually addressing the issues other people are bringing up. You're taking a bunch of mission abstracts (as well as several that actually aren't part of the episode we're all talking about (there are no Undine in this arc, for example)) and putting the word "classic" in front of them as though that ought to stand on its own as an argument.

    If you actually like these missions, then good for you! The fact that you feel that way about them, however, does not make insults and avoidance an acceptable way to deal with reasonable criticism against them.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    But you're not actually addressing the issues other people are bringing up. You're taking a bunch of mission abstracts (as well as several that actually aren't part of the episode we're all talking about (there are no Undine in this arc, for example)) and putting the word "classic" in front of them as though that ought to stand on its own as an argument.

    If you actually like these missions, then good for you! The fact that you feel that way about them, however, does not make insults and avoidance an acceptable way to deal with reasonable criticism against them.

    No Undine? No Undine for KDF playing through. There are Undine for the Feds. The KDF have a TRIBBLE half-assed here's some missions version of the arc.

    The insults came from the melodramatics in your original post...even the thread title...

    "utterly terrible"
    "It's bad. It's SO bad."
    "they are also excruciatingly long and tedious."
    etc, etc, etc...

    ...if you don't want somebody to /facepalm stuff you're saying, don't come off like some tween girl complaining about not being able to go to a party or some toddler boy not wanting to clean his room.

    Want to be treated like an adult...complain like one...not like a child.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You report to Deep Space 9.
    A classic investigation of raiders leads to adventure, an enemy, and a surprise friend.
    A classic investigation of anomalies leads to adventure mission - involving Section 31 and the Undine - with a twist.
    A classic war game mission with a twist - the Undine!
    A classic rescue/recapture mission as you must retake DS9 from the Undine.
    A classic rescue/retrieval mission within the wormhole with the Dominion on your heels.
    A classic diplomatic/investigative mission with the Cardassians and True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the True Way threat.
    A classic investigation mission into reports of Klingons in the Alpha Trianguli Sector Block with a twist - Tribbles!
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns into adventure with a twist - returning the Orb of Possibilities, discovering an enemy is not quite defeated, and the tease of a new enemy to come.
    A classic downtime mission which turns into fighting off a surprise attack from that new enemy - from the Mirror Universe!
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the "new" Dominion behind the True Way.
    A classic diplomatic mission that turns to adventure while dealing with remnants of the True Way.
    A classic adventure mission as you seek to end the threat of the Terran Empire.
    A classic diplomatic/escort mission that takes you to Bajor with a twist.
    A classic diplomatic mission where various powers of the Alpha Quadrant are meeting to discuss the Borg - only to come under attack by the return of the Dominion.
    A classic kitchen sink mission where you fall back to Bajor to prepare to retake DS9.
    A classic behind enemy lines mission trying to seek aid from the Dominion against the Returned.
    A classic prisoner release in exchange for assistance mission with conflict.
    A classic infiltration mission leading to the climatic battle for DS9.

    So uh...you'll have to excuse me if I don't see it the way you do.

    An ongoing story against multiple enemies, stressing the dangers that are out there, the attempts at diplomacy, and well...yeah...plays out pretty much like one might expect a season of the series to have gone.

    Hrmm, I was never a fan of the Dominion War story there...it just never made sense. Then showing the same recycled footage over and over again for different episodes...meh. Course, I didn't like how the majority of DS9 could have been set on Earth as some family dramedy...something that somebody might watch on ABC.

    To me, it's the poster child for effort/time/rewards not being balanced...it was my common example for issues of Argala vs. the rest - with Coliseum being at the other extreme. The reward for the replay of that is brutal...

    I shouldve clarified i was talking everything up to the mission where DS9 gets taken i forgot the name of it.

    but befire that starting with badlands all the way down to the DS9 invasion one the missions dont tie in together and there practically no story at all.

    I forgot to clarify what missions i meant as far as kurland he and tovan khev need to be put in a shuttle bound for a sun never to be seen or heard from again THE END!!!
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    No Undine? No Undine for KDF playing through. There are Undine for the Feds. The KDF have a TRIBBLE half-assed here's some missions version of the arc.

    The insults came from the melodramatics in your original post...even the thread title...

    "utterly terrible"
    "It's bad. It's SO bad."
    "they are also excruciatingly long and tedious."
    etc, etc, etc...

    ...if you don't want somebody to /facepalm stuff you're saying, don't come off like some tween girl complaining about not being able to go to a party or some toddler boy not wanting to clean his room.

    Want to be treated like an adult...complain like one...not like a child.

    No, what you're actually saying here is that you won't insult me if I don't complain about something that you happen to like. You can't possibly call me childish when the very first (and second, and third) thing you did was to insult me without even attempting to contribute to thread. An adult would have had actual arguments. You did not.

    I'm sorry I didn't like the thing that you happen to like, but frankly, that's just something you're going to have to deal with, and I really think you ought to do so in a much less childish way than you are right now. Children blame others for their own behavior, and that is what you are currently doing. I can't stop you from writing in this thread, but at least stop embarrassing yourself.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    No Undine? No Undine for KDF playing through. There are Undine for the Feds. The KDF have a TRIBBLE half-assed here's some missions version of the arc.

    The insults came from the melodramatics in your original post...even the thread title...

    "utterly terrible"
    "It's bad. It's SO bad."
    "they are also excruciatingly long and tedious."
    etc, etc, etc...

    ...if you don't want somebody to /facepalm stuff you're saying, don't come off like some tween girl complaining about not being able to go to a party or some toddler boy not wanting to clean his room.

    Want to be treated like an adult...complain like one...not like a child.

    Idk if maybe today is a bad day for you man :confused:
    olessius wrote: »
    No, what you're actually saying here is that you won't insult me if I don't complain about something that you happen to like. You can't possibly call me childish when the very first (and second, and third) thing you did was insult me without even attempting to contribute to thread. An adult would have had actual arguments. You did not.

    I'm sorry I didn't like the thing that you happen to like, but frankly, that's just something you're going to have to deal with, and I really think you ought to do so in a much less childish way than you are right now. Children blame others for their own behavior, and that is what you are currently doing. I can't stop you from writing in this thread, but at least stop embarrassing yourself.

    Tbh im kinda shocked by how virusdancer is acting he has always been one of the more level headed people on this forum but now i must rethink my opinion of him.
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Tbh im kinda shocked by how virusdancer is acting he has always been one of the more level headed people on this forum but now i must rethink my opinion of him.

    We all have bad days, and sometimes they're bad enough that it's impossible for them not to spill over. I've had more than a few days like that, and others still where I was lucky enough to have them spill over in places where nobody could see me.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Obviously the least Trek series would have been fine in your book...

    Well, comes down on what you expect from Star Trek, eh? Do you wish to show a utopia with nearly no cracks whatsoever or philosophical debate? Do you measure Trek in the Amounts of lightyears flown or in character development?

    The second choices brings DS9 pretty much in lead positions. And still make JJverse a joke :D
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,454 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm not going to argue about this being the worst overall arc, but I think perhaps the worst mission isn't in this arc.

    Last Stand
    Go to Sienae System
    Repair Mining Installations
    Exit System
    Hit and Run
    Go to Ra'kholh System
    Approach the Station
    Defend the Station
    Reprogram Satellites (0/2)
    Defeat the Elachi (0/3)
    Depart System
    Candle in a Hurricane
    Go the Tephrei System
    Hail Station
    Repel Waves of Elachi (0/3)
    Answer Hail
    Depart System
    Hail Admiral Kererek
    Keeping in mind that each of the Elachi "waves" you have to defeat have a ridiculous number of ships with a ridiculous number of HPs. Especially "Candle in a Hurricane." You really feel like one.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    We all have bad days, and sometimes they're bad enough that it's impossible for them not to spill over.
    Based on your OP, his initial zinger was deserved.

    We all know where you're coming from. That he could even produce a list of examples from your OP reflects just how excessively you engaged in hyperbole.

    If you were so upset by his initial comments, you would have been better served to ignore them. For having (poorly) tried to insult him in return, you've just ensured this thread descended past the point where a lock is justified and likely incoming...eventually.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Based on your OP, his initial zinger was deserved.

    We all know where you're coming from. That he could even produce a list of examples from your OP reflects just how excessively you engaged in hyperbole.

    If you were so upset by his initial comments, you would have been better served to ignore them. For having (poorly) tried to insult him in return, you've just ensured this thread descended past the point where a lock is justified and likely incoming...eventually.

    Uh-huh. Because saying that someone "smells like farts" is very clearly an honest insult, and should at no point be misconstrued as sarcasm used to make the point that somebody else's behavior was substandard.

    And no, I don't appreciate it when someone insults me. I also don't much care whether or not you appreciate hyperbole - if you fail to address the things I'm saying and instead use the way I say them as an excuse to insult me in petty and childish ways, you quite frankly have no leg to stand on.

    I guess I got on the wrong side of a forum clique, huh? Fun times.
  • quistraquistra Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The tedium of the Cardassian missions has nothing to do with the plot and everything to do with the mechanics. They are all very much old-style missions with gratuitous scan-five glowies and maps full of far too many mobs, and the rewards are low.

    I detest doing the Cardie missions.
    The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
    Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    Because saying that someone "smells like farts" is very clearly an honest insult, and should at no point be misconstrued as sarcasm used to make the point that somebody else's behavior was substandard.
    You want others to extend a courtesy you're refusing to give?
    olessius wrote: »
    I also don't much care whether or not you appreciate hyperbole - if you fail to address the things I'm saying and instead use the way I say them as an excuse to insult me in petty and childish ways, you quite frankly have no leg to stand on.
    Then why engage him?
    olessius wrote: »
    I guess I got on the wrong side of a forum clique, huh?
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    olessius wrote: »
    It's bad. It's SO bad. If I knew how, I would actually cheat my way past it while awarding my character twice the skill points and Dilithium this episode is worth (which still wouldn't be as bad it sounds since half of its thirteen (thirteen!) missions award less than half of what any mission from, say, Romulan Mystery would).

    But not only are they not rewarding - they are also excruciatingly long and tedious. One mission will have you single-handedly clearing out a small armada before beaming down to a planet and running to four widely placed objectives on an unnecessarily large map filled with trash mobs before entering an unnecessarily large underground complex which is also filled with an unnecessary amount of trash mobs before beaming back out to space and fighting back a three-part ambush.

    Yes, what I just wrote was a run-on sentence, and I did so because it felt like the most fitting way to describe what is essentially a run-on mission.


    And frankly, as I play these utterly, infuriatingly awful missions, I find myself wondering how the person or people who made them could possibly have thought that they'd actually be fun to play. Were they actually even supposed to be fun?

    So please, PLEASE give Delta Recruits the ability to skip a single episode while still receiving its corresponding assignment completion. Please, I beg you. Beyond all the bugs in the game, this is the one thing that I cannot stomach.

    Please don't make me play through this absolute freaking TRAVESTY of an episode on another Delta Recruit.

    That's your opinion.

    But I'm sure you, like so many others, will soon get their "revamp" that will trim it down to four or five story missions, removing a heap of content, so you can get back to the grind of patrols and STFs on your latest character. Just like the Romulan arc. :rolleyes:
  • olessiusolessius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Then why engage him?

    For the same reason I engaged you - I like to give people a chance. But you're both derailing the thread. As I said, you're more than welcome to disagree with me, but all he really did was insult me. I like disagreements. I hate insults. In fact, I hate them so much that you'll notice I actually never gave any back to viraldancer (except by the very broadest of definitions) as that would exacerbate a situation that I'd much rather just do without. either way, said situation escalated. Then it dropped off.

    And then you decided to piggyback on his insults because, well, I don't really know why, and I don't care anymore. So I'm done with this and I'm no longer going to respond to anybody who is unable to argue without insulting.
    That's your opinion.

    But I'm sure you, like so many others, will soon get their "revamp" that will trim it down to four or five story missions, removing a heap of content, so you can get back to the grind of patrols and STFs on your latest character. Just like the Romulan arc. :rolleyes:

    They can keep it at 13 missions for all I care. Just increase the rewards to match other missions and trim out the stuff that is completely unnecessary. More content does not necessarily equal good content.
  • chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    it's okay, it jsut needs tweking, I can't wait to see what new stuff they come up with.
    Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
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