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Pilot Bridge Officers



  • captainfelidaecaptainfelidae Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think this is kind of neat, I also think that a universal BOFF slot on a ship should mean truly be UNIVERSAL.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    What's funny is when I read the article, my mind mis-read it to say: Attack Pattern: Lambada.

    I thought... "Huh... I guess that's ONE way to get your ship to dance."


    LOL same here, glad I am not the only one. Ty for the link, that sure brings back some good memories :)

    I knew about these abilities from tribble allready, and cant help to think if Borticus didnt watched Stealth movie while he designed them :P (assuming he did designed them). Lock trajectory skill reminds me of that scene where EDI destroys the russion fighter with its guns. Altho a similar thing was seen in Battlestar Galactica on cylon raiders maneuvres.

    Anyway, they look interesting and cant wait for them since I am a big fan of dogfighting. Shame you cant do that much in STO without feeling like your been punished, since allmost all content is massive HP and short timers thus only way to do it is BFAW/BETA. And cannons are behind beams by a long shot aswell becouse of soft caps :(

    As for pilot ship speculation, I think we gonna see a cruiser first with pilot seatting (T6 galaxy/-x maybe). Wonder if a T6 Pilot Defiant variant is acoming too. Now that would be badass.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mosul33 wrote: »
    As for pilot ship speculation, I think we gonna see a cruiser first with pilot seatting (T6 galaxy/-x maybe). Wonder if a T6 Pilot Defiant variant is acoming too. Now that would be badass.

    Wait a second... if the teaser post talks about cruisers and escorts and...


    Could it be the 3-pack will be a pure cruiser, pure escort, and pure sci ship??? For each faction?!?!?! :eek:

    That'd be awesome.
  • redwren89redwren89 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Pilot spec being something above a normal helmsman still stands unchallenged.

    Every ship has a helm, the only difference is who sits there and what the ship is capable of. So you're saying that a 'normal helmsman' station on a ship has no ability to cater for any specialised experience that officer may have? There has to be some specialisation on every ship, though I can appreciate limits to the levels of pilot abilities is able to use depending on the overall capabltilies of the vessel.

    In 'reality' any ship can use a pilot who is specialised in this field. Therefore I support the many times aforementioned necessity to make universal seats truly 'universal' to bring ships in line with true Star Trek Canon.

    And let me add, as much as I want to fly a ship that feels canon - I feel I cannot in this current environment of re-release of my favourite ships. Coupled with that, the need to bring out a singular specialisation with each ship. If cryptic wants to make all ships more canon, it'll have to make certain specialisation abilities available to a wider range of ships. I'm taking the fanboy approach and from this point of view I can only use the star trek episodes to support these suggestions.

    ...but thats all a star trek game should need...
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    redwren89 wrote: »
    Every ship has a helm, the only difference is who sits there and what the ship is capable of. So you're saying that a 'normal helmsman' station on a ship has no ability to cater for any specialised experience that officer may have? There has to be some specialisation on every ship, though I can appreciate limits to the levels of pilot abilities is able to use depending on the overall capabltilies of the vessel (emphasis mine).

    And that's the kicker. We already have attack patterns, different emergency maneuvers, etc. So those abilities are already dependent on a competent helmsman.

    But using the new Pilot abilities would require a ship that's specifically built for them. Finely tuned impulse engines, a reinforced frame, double the standard complement of RCS thrusters, a cold-start / hot-shutdown warp core, and so on.

    A NASCAR driver could do some pretty impressive things in a Honda Accord off the lot (again, think our currently-available abilities). But they need an actual NASCAR vehicle to really let their skills shine. Top speeds in NASCAR are way beyond the red-line in your average family sedan, and the suspension just wouldn't hold up for that long on even the slightest turn.

    So, a Pilot BOFF trying any of these new abilities on a ship that's not built for them... well, every attempted maneuver would end up being different variations of the "Fly Her Apart" ability :P

    Edit to address your edit...
    redwren89 wrote: »
    And let me add, as much as I want to fly a ship that feels canon - I feel I cannot in this current environment of re-release of my favourite ships. Coupled with that, the need to bring out a singular specialisation with each ship.

    You should have no trouble taking any ship into combat. I have the freebie T5 Ambassador that can't even be upgraded to T5-U, and in all honesty it runs just fine. My Scimitar is T5-U and can't access the new abilities, but it's no worse for wear either.

    Nothing's stopping you from using your existing ships. It's just that, for the special abilities, you'll need a special ship. Which I'm fine with. I can use my Command cruiser whenever I feel like, and then hop straight back into my Scimitar for a few runs - and maybe even do better than I was doing in the Command cruiser. A great case in point is that I love my Command cruiser for heavily team-based play, but I'll jump back into something I'm more confident in for single player content or queues that are more free-for-all in nature.
  • darleathdarleath Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Server is down, and it shows.
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Thanks :) Yeah, I'm really interested to see the Pilot ships' specs and abilities. Like the other specs, that's what'll determine if I buy in or not.

    Please read the rest of the thread before posting essentially the same thing that several other players have already suggested. Half of this thread is the same complaint over and over. It's a long thread, I know - but please read through it before commenting.

    Pilot being an "every starship" thing was addressed by a post on the same page as yours. Also, please read through the thread - it would've been nice if you could reply to the other post and offer something new to the discussion, instead of just repeating what several other players have already said.

    Do you expect to just be handed everything for free? Or when free of a money cost, without putting some effort in?

    If so, MMOs are not for you I'm afraid.

    If a lot of people complain about the same thing... maybe that thing is a problem.
    I already gambled with the Command ships, and I found I prefer the ones I already had.

    Seriously, there is one thing Cryptic should be doing: checking things like the auction and see what zen-dependant products are used the most.
    Right now, without being an expert, nor a player of the auction, I can tell you people buys Keys and modules to update ships (to Fleet or T5-U). Of course, Keys are the kings there because there is a limit on the number of upgrade tokens the market can assimilate. But the tokens? There is a market there.

    So, release a new wave of ships. With Pilot-specific ship powers and pilot-specific seats for the Bridge Officers (and please, be considerate enought to limit it to ONE Boff acting as Pilot at any given time...).
    But also start releasing "console upgrade tokens". In fact, I will be good with you: do it in two flavours. Generic ones we have to tweak (given enough mastery on that specialization), and attuned ones (slightly more expensive).
    And we can use those tokens to change the ONE of the seats of the ship (the Commander seating, I think it would be wise) into the specialization we want, the same way we can switch the active specialization of our Bridge Officers now.

    See? Everybody is happy. Grinders can get their hands in the stuff on their own pace, and people without patience can too!
    And we won't feel forced to keep changing ships because of the new stuff, and will be able to stay flying the ship we like instead of the "competitive" one.
    Or let us "dress" our ships!
  • rogue6800rogue6800 Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I would like to suggest an ability: Sonya's Maneuver. I'm not sure if the lock trajectory is similar, but this would involve the ship continuing to drift in one direction, while you can turn and continue to fire forward weapons.

    Same Direction and speed whiel rotation faster.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    rogue6800 wrote: »
    I would like to suggest an ability: Sonya's Maneuver. I'm not sure if the lock trajectory is similar, but this would involve the ship continuing to drift in one direction, while you can turn and continue to fire forward weapons.

    Same Direction and speed whiel rotation faster.

    If you've ever played Freelancer, you're talking about a 'cruise-kill.' Cruise engines to full, nose pointed past the enemy. Kill the engines once you're at full tilt, then turn and strafe the enemy as you drift past.

    At least that's what I first thought when I read the lock trajectory ability. Either way, siiiiiiick space drifts ftw! :cool:

    I've been able to replicate that with the Scimitar, only with full impulse instead of cruise engines. Also, throwing the throttle back into reverse and letting it pull you into the drift works really, really well.
  • architect13architect13 Member Posts: 1,076 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Do the pilot bridge officers come with seatbelts? I ask because half of the bridge officers I have now apparently fall out of their seats and and are not at their stations. This happens over and over and over . . .
    Have you tried the new forum on your phone?
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Do the pilot bridge officers come with seatbelts?

    Picard approves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b8jsrDl89M&feature=player_detailpage#t=120
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    And that's the kicker. We already have attack patterns, different emergency maneuvers, etc. So those abilities are already dependent on a competent helmsman.

    But using the new Pilot abilities would require a ship that's specifically built for them. Finely tuned impulse engines, a reinforced frame, double the standard complement of RCS thrusters, a cold-start / hot-shutdown warp core, and so on.
    Voyager was a run of the mil intrepid ship, yet Tom Paris did amazing things. Which is quoted in the dev post. Unless you want to talk about the Delta flyer, that was custom built for performance. That would fall in the line of the new pilot ships you're talking about I think.

    Picard did his namesake maneuver in a piece of junk constellation, which was part of an, at least, 50 year old line when Picard commanded it.
    Yet that won't get piloting skills I bet.

    From the post:
    Even the largest modern Cruiser or Dreadnought can be made to dance through the stars when its pilot truly knows the ship and her capabilities.
    When the pilot knows the ship and her abilities. Not a highly tuned and specifically built ship.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    Voyager was a run of the mil intrepid ship, yet Tom Paris did amazing things. Which is quoted in the dev post. Unless you want to talk about the Delta flyer, that was custom built for performance. That would fall in the line of the new pilot ships you're talking about I think.

    Picard did his namesake maneuver in a piece of junk constellation, which was part of an, at least, 50 year old line when Picard commanded it.
    Yet that won't get piloting skills I bet.

    In all honestly, ST:Voyager and the USS Voyager herself are full of so many 'well.. we'll make it work for this one episode and forget about it later' moments that it really isn't a good comparison.

    And Picard admitted himself that the old Stargazer was about to fall apart at any second. Also, your helmsman is no Jean-Luc Picard, and your ship does not have plot armour to hold it together.
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    From the post:

    When the pilot knows the ship and her abilities. Not a highly tuned and specifically built ship.

    Right. And this is exactly why we have the existing Attack Patterns and other flight abilities.
  • zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I am seeing another new T6 ship bundle at the C-Store with "Hybrid" slots in the horizon for some reason...
  • predconpredcon Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    quintaris wrote: »
    The pics suggest a T6 Sovereign. I keep throwing my Zen at the screen, but nothing is happening.

    They also suggest that the Elachi dreadnaught is able to use these abilities, but it's already a ship with Intel seating. Does this mean that existing ships will be changed to accommodate new seating? Or are these mock-up screencaps meant to troll players and get them excited about something that they'll have to shell out for?
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    predcon wrote: »
    Does this mean that existing ships will be changed to accommodate new seating? Or are these mock-up screencaps meant to troll players and get them excited about something that they'll have to shell out for?

    Probably less "troll," more "mock-up" because they haven't showcased the new ships yet.
  • zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Probably less "troll," more "mock-up" because they haven't showcased the new ships yet.
    They haven't mentioned anything about "new" ships being involved.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    They haven't mentioned anything about "new" ships being involved.

    They pretty much did:
    They are not usable in “Universal” Profession seats, or existing Intelligence Specialist or Command Specialist Bridge Officer seats. The line-up of starships that will have hybrid Pilot Officer seats has not yet been announced, but keep your eyes on our website for those announcements!
    They didn't say which ones, but I read that as more are coming.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    They haven't mentioned anything about "new" ships being involved.

    Also, it's a new specialization, which as per Intel and Command means:

    - new C-Store ships, ideally a 3-pack for each faction
    - 1 new Lobi and/or 1 new Lockbox ship
    - 1 new freebie ship, likely a Risian one for the Summer Event
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    They spoke of Ryker and Paris? Dis they need new ships to show off their awesome piloting skills?
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • arcus13arcus13 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    if Tac Odyssey ship doesn't get it, I going flip the table :mad:
  • zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    They pretty much did:

    They didn't say which ones, but I read that as more are coming.

    I'm talking about new ships, not re-fitting the ones we already have.
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Also, it's a new specialization, which as per Intel and Command means:

    - new C-Store ships, ideally a 3-pack for each faction
    - 1 new Lobi and/or 1 new Lockbox ship
    - 1 new freebie ship, likely a Risian one for the Summer Event

    If they add more new ships, they best not look ugly like all the TRIBBLE they been adding (Romulan being an exception).
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    In all honestly, ST:Voyager and the USS Voyager herself are full of so many 'well.. we'll make it work for this one episode and forget about it later' moments that it really isn't a good comparison.

    And Picard admitted himself that the old Stargazer was about to fall apart at any second. Also, your helmsman is no Jean-Luc Picard, and your ship does not have plot armour to hold it together.

    TNG also had the same issues as Voyager did. Plot device and techno-babble was the order of the day for them as well.

    Also, Picard was not the helmsman for his namesake maneuver, he was captaining.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ltminns wrote: »
    They spoke of Ryker and Paris? Dis they need new ships to show off their awesome piloting skills?

    The Riker part was kind of funny too, we only saw him pilot a shuttle.
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    chipg7 wrote: »
    Thanks :) Yeah, I'm really interested to see the Pilot ships' specs and abilities. Like the other specs, that's what'll determine if I buy in or not.

    Please read the rest of the thread before posting essentially the same thing that several other players have already suggested. Half of this thread is the same complaint over and over. It's a long thread, I know - but please read through it before commenting.

    Pilot being an "every starship" thing was addressed by a post on the same page as yours. Also, please read through the thread - it would've been nice if you could reply to the other post and offer something new to the discussion, instead of just repeating what several other players have already said.

    Do you expect to just be handed everything for free? Or when free of a money cost, without putting some effort in?

    If so, MMOs are not for you I'm afraid.

    Unless I was just stating the same opinion to add my vote to the others.

    Whamhammer, I think they were thinking insurrection for riker. And what about whesly? He was in the same academy squadron as Paris.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • silverflame99silverflame99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Cool upgrade! However they need a separate slot for the pilot. Also time to let me set one of my BO as my first officer and let the 1st officer learn any and all skills and have their own slot.
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Also, Picard was not the helmsman for his namesake maneuver, he was captaining.

    That's correct. But he was helmsman of the Stargazer originally - that's what I was referring to there.
  • tigrovaya13akulatigrovaya13akula Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Once again, with emphasis:

    They're pretty much telling us what kinds of ships we can expect to see with this Spec.

    No Pilot cruisers. No Pilot battlecruisers. Probably all ships with a heavy tactical emphasis, although the "light starship" designation would seem to open it up to ships that aren't considered escorts or raiders. Or maybe they just mean light warbirds so our Romulan friends aren't excluded.

    I'd kind of like to see a fighter-class small vessel with a LT Tac/Pilot slot. That would be really useful for small craft missions.

    Ok, fine you've made your point.

    Now, many of us other players ARE TELLING them (Cryptic) what WE want. WE. The customers. Fancy that huh. How preposterous. Customers TELLING the "store" what WE want.

    Like that's NEVER happened before? There's so many precedents of The Customer telling the "store" what they want AND those customers actually getting what they asked for, that I do NOT have to cite ANY references to back it up. It happens EVERY single day in stores across America.

    So guess what Cryptic, get with the program.

    Macy's, Sears, JC Pennys, Walmart, etc. are multi- BILLION dollar companies that provide their customers with what they want.

    What is PWE/Crytic in comparison to that; nothing more than another two-bit software game provider.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    zeatrex wrote: »
    I'm talking about new ships, not re-fitting the ones we already have.

    So was I.

    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ok, fine you've made your point.

    Now, many of us other players ARE TELLING them (Cryptic) what WE want. WE. The customers. Fancy that huh. How preposterous. Customers TELLING the "store" what WE want.

    Like that's NEVER happened before?

    Well, I guess it depends on what their sales are. Obviously, the sale values are showing a different picture.

    Either way, I'm plenty fine with them releasing new ships for new specs because:

    A) My existing ships are still great, even without the new powers

    B) They've had Intel- and Command-specific ships already, so Pilot-specific ships wasn't a surprise move

    C) They knocked the ball outta the park with the Command ships. I see them everywhere in game, so it didn't surprise me when I heard on Priority One a few weeks back when Cryptic (maybe it was Geko?) said that the Command ships were the fastest out-of-the-gate sellers out of any ship released yet (to clarify as he did, that was most sales at initial adoption, not biggest overall volumes). So the outpouring of support for this release model speaks for itself, apparently. So I hope for good things with the Pilot ships.

    D) I'm not being forced to buy anything. I'm very happy they're giving players choices, because having more choice makes me feel like I'm really selecting a path I want to take in this game. I'm not just a sci captain on my main - I'm a sci captain, specializing in Command, with a Command ship. Offers more variation in ships, playstyles, etc.

    E) I didn't like Intel, I may like Pilot depending on how it turns out, but I really liked Command. As a player, there's nothing forcing me to buy into all three specializations. So I made the choice not to. So far I've only put spec points in Command, and I've only bought a Command ship. I'll wait to see about Pilot, but I may just pass on that one as well. I have that choice. I don't need access to everything.

    Either way, this seems to be the way they're going with it.

    But seriously... insulting the company, like you did lower in your post, isn't going to get you heard. It's going to get your post ignored by the very people you want to read it.
  • torgaddon101torgaddon101 Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    suaveks wrote: »
    Let me guess... One new FED Escort, one Lockbox/Lobi ship with Cmdr. hybrid pilot seating, one Lockbox/Lobi ship with Lt. hybrid pilot, and no ships for KDF and ROM as usual?

    can you give me this weeks lotto numbers....

    cause me thinks u hit it spot on m8ty...
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