Consider yourself lucky... I just did a Voth DSE in the DQ and was struggling to deal with a single Level 60 Bullwark.
I think the changes to tachyon beam was given to the NPCs... which spam the cake out of it.
My shields were gone within 2 seconds of engaging in combat. I couldn't keep them up... and I'm a sci/sci shield tank!
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Consider yourself lucky... I just did a Voth DSE in the DQ and was struggling to deal with a single Level 60 Bullwark.
I think the changes to tachyon beam was given to the NPCs... which spam the cake out of it.
My shields were gone within 2 seconds of engaging in combat. I couldn't keep them up... and I'm a sci/sci shield tank!
I wish I were so lucky; I was completely face-rolling the DSEs in the Beta Quadrant - Borg Cubes were popping in 3 seconds or less. The level-scaling doesn't quite seem to be properly functional just yet.
The revamp is very nice. It will take some getting used to learning the new locations for things.
I do have one suggestion on navigation between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
Can you guys put 4 nav markers (like the old ones between maps) pointing to the adjacent sector blocks between the 2 quadrants? Like a marker beside the Risa sector to the Betazed Sector and vice versa and for all adjacent sector blocks on up? This would make navigation between the quadrants easier because I first tried to cross at the Ba'aja Sector and I didn't realize there was nothing there to cross over to. If there was a marker I could have clicked the to Betazed, Draylon, Deneb, or Tellar Sector marker and flown to the right point to cross over to that sector. Adding nav markers would give an indication of how the two quadrants line up on the sector map which it doesn't have at the moment. The galaxy map shows it but that isn't a navigation map.
Hfihar I has a large non-borg Cube above it. Basically a whole tac cube's worth of boxes saying "whitebox". ^_^
With astrometrics on, if you start scraping the bottom of the map, the grid starts acting totally weird as well, dizzying effect. ^_^
And can the sound PLEASE not skip whenever crossing a sector line?
Another minor nit, and might just be me. Wasn't DS9 a bit further away from Bajor than that? I could've sworn the denerios belt was far enough they had to take a warp capable runabout to investigate it, then get a subspace field up around the station to move it there... hn. I'll go back and rewatch the first season I guess.
Ya, i think Aokii is getting attacked by the Whiteboxes from Planet Z, too. I'll fix it.
I'm not sure what you mean about astrometrics acting wonky?
Sound between sectors is a known issue.
They moved DS9 160,000,000 km from Bajor to the Wormhole. That's only slightly farther than 1 AU.
Alright, so I'll admit it: I really didn't see what the big deal about this update was. Everyone always talked about wanting a single sector space map, and I just didn't get it. The load screens between blocks were just part of the game to me, no big deal at all.
But now, a few minutes trying this on Tribble, and I don't want to go back to Holodeck. It's such a massive improvement! So much nicer going between distant systems -- I probably won't abuse mission transwarps nearly as much as I had been. The flight improvements are great, too! Sector space was always annoying to me, a place I didn't want to be, wanted to get through as fast as possible. Now that the controls are nice, I'm just flying around checking systems out. It's wonderful.
This is worse than when the new boff training was on Tribble. It's going to be painful waiting for this to go live...
I have my complaints, though:
- Sector-specific doff assignments all seem to be getting dumped into department heads, not current map, and it doesn't seem like all of them are there. Current map is only showing 3-4 assignments now, no where near as many as it does on Holodeck, even without the sector-specific ones.
- Auto-travel takes you really really close to a system's star. I autotraveled to Vulcan and just got a mess of glowy bright stuff filling my screen, I couldn't even see Vulcan. I didn't really appreciate the work done on systems until I started flying through them manually. I don't mind losing the orbiting planets at all, now that I see how detailed the new systems are compared to the old ones.
- Deep space encounters seem randomly placed. I got the Breen and Deferi-themed one ("Could Shoulder") near Betazed, for instance, and an Elachi one (Abductions?) in the Alpha quadrant, far from Romulan space. (They're also really boring, but I suppose that's feedback for a different thread.)
The Ganalda System is on the map, and located just south of the Klingon Fleet Starbase, in the Archanis Sector.
I think it's a fine idea to add Ganalda Station in orbit of Ganalda IV (which is the planet listed at the moment). Please post that as a request in the tribble forum, so I can keep track of it better than the mass of posts here.
Basically, there are two things that need to be noted here:
1. I asked for the Ganalda Space Station to have a proper Klingon starbase icon on the flat, 2D map we have in game when we press default key "M". Currently it's just marked as a star system on the map and what I wanted to see since the 2D map is also being revamped/expanded is for that system to be marked on the 2D map with a Klingon Starbase icon, just like the Deep Space K-7 in Sherman System is marked with a separate Federation starbase icon. A while ago this map was ehnanced with new icons, but somehow Ganalda Station was missed in that touch-up.
I feel this is important not only because of nitpicking and wanting everthing to be as complete as possible, but it's good for new players or players new to the faction for it to be clearly visible on the map. A lot of people were asking "Where is Ganalda Station?" these days with the anniversary minigame, since the way it's currently marked as only a star system doesn't immediately catch the eye.
2. This one is inspired of Taco's missinterpretation of my initial request, but OMG Taco - your missinterpretation resulted in such an awesome idea on your behalf!!! That is the part you spoke about in the reply I quoted here - adding the Ganalda Station in orbit of Ganalda IV in the new sector space. I can't describe how awesome that idea is and how much I'd love to see it in game.
If you make this happen, you'll see a Klingon that'll sqeeeee...:D
Ship: Phantom Escort
Assimilated console visuals didn't scale down with my ship when i entered sector space so it was like 4 times the size of mu actual ship.
Counter Command Warp Trail from Engines wasn't scaled down and is HUGE.
I had to practically be touching the iconian gateway to get to solanea/delta before the button popped up to activate.
Does anyone know how new Romulan player characters are being dealt with in regards to the "version" of the Tau Dewa Sector Block that they see which references "Dewa III System" instead of "New Romulus" before playing the mission Turning Point. Romulan characters before completing that mission are restricted to the confines of the Tau Dewa Sector Block for story purposes.
Does anyone know how new Romulan player characters are being dealt with in regards to the "version" of the Tau Dewa Sector Block that they see which references "Dewa III System" instead of "New Romulus" before playing the mission Turning Point. Romulan characters before completing that mission are restricted to the confines of the Tau Dewa Sector Block for story purposes.
... and also, what's up with Diplomacy and Maurading T3? Some FED below T3 went straight to Qo'noS last night.
Ship: Phantom Escort
Assimilated console visuals didn't scale down with my ship when i entered sector space so it was like 4 times the size of mu actual ship.
Counter Command Warp Trail from Engines wasn't scaled down and is HUGE.
This. Seems like number of visuals haven't been scaled down (yet). On an eclipse intel (battle)cruiser, assimilated deflector and engine are scaled down correctly, however their glows are not, they're glowing all over the ship. Same with the assimilated warp trail. For pics, see here:
2) Zooming.
Currently, I can't zoom out enough in sector space. I've got my ship taking a far larger part of the screen than I'd like. In system space, all zooming seems fine, still same as on holodeck.
3) Sol placement.
I believe Sol should be 'visible' from both Alpha and Beta quadrants. One should thus be able to enter it from both and exit from Sol to both quadrants. Given the currrent first FED missions, the default exit from Sol (next to the minimap) should be to the beta quadrant, as always.
4) Red Alerts.
It seems the Tholian RA is the same as ever, nothing to note here.
But the Borg RAs seem to take players into a sort of DSE. Just groups of probes and spheres to defeat (6) to complete the RA. No unimatrix to fight and so no accolade for it. EDIT:Err, actually not sure if that's just the Gamma Orionis version or all of them. No, just ran another like that in Deferi space. And not even ANY rewards for completing it, unless I missed the prompt to accept the mission. Seriously, bring the old RAs back.
Also, if you activate the 'transwarp' to a Red alert afer you select a system to auto-travel to, you won't stop next to the Borg contact and instead restart traveling towards your previous target. Quite annoying and made me miss a RA.
5) Rolor nebula.
Is currently missing the Doff icon and also shows no doff assignements at all upon interacting with it.
6) Khazan cluster.
Ugh, I can't find the Khazan cluster.
7) Doffing.
Overall, it seems that doffing assignements work about the same as before. I've noticed the sectors that used to be together in blocks still share the same list of doff assignements. And new sectors share the same list as the closest previous sector block (seems like the new sectors around Tellar etc. might have their own doff assignement list, however).
A potential problem is some of the new sectors take a long while to load their 'Current map' assignements. But that might only be the case on the first visit to those sectors.
A larger problem is that most sectors show very few assignements in the 'Current map' tab. In old Tau Dewa's sectors, only 2 trade assignemnts and one engineering were offered (the char in question hasn't run any assignements in days, weeks, so definitely not on CD for 99,9% of assignements). Similar in the old Omega Leonis territory.
This should be looked at.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Hey tacofangs, just wondering on a question I wanna ask...
Love the new sector space, beautiful and gorgeous... How ever my question is...
What are the technical problems on combining alpha and beta quadrants in to one map... or why the decision to make them 2 separate maps.... just curiosity....
My main points of feedback, so far (and just let me preface them by saying this update is fantastic and dramatically improves the gameplay experience):
1. I'm glad the star art isn't final, because it definitely needs some work; right now, the bloom is too bright and when you get up close, they just look like enormous red, orange, and white spheres. I'm not too sure how to improve them; maybe add some color gradients, shifting sunspots, solar flares, and bloom up close?
2. The New Romulus system should probably just be called the Dewa system, as Dewa is the name of its star, with New Romulus as its gateway planet, following the Sol system/Earth precedent.
3. I know Star Charts has Nimbus out near Romulus, but I agree that for gameplay purposes, it really should be more centrally located. The Xarantine sector would be about right.
4. Cestus should probably be moved as well, or deleted. I know there's really no good place to put it, but it just doesn't seem right to have it several sectors north of Klingon space.
5. The factional coloring on the map should be Federation blue for the Bajor sector and probably the Minos Corva sector as well. Meanwhile, the Khitomer and H'atoria sectors should be Klingon red.
6. I get why the Sol system can't be moved to the Alpha Quadrant. But now that the walls are down, maybe it could be moved slightly north into the southwestern corner of the Teneebia sector? The Vulcan sector just looks very crowded, and canonically, the Sol and Vulcan sectors are separate. (Star Charts lists the Vulcan sector as Sector 005, while Earth is obviously located in Sector 001.)
BONUS. Maybe it's just because I have a couple of Foundry missions involving a terraformed Venus, but it would be nice to show the planet a little bit more Earthlike, sort of like how Mars appears to have clouds and some water on the surface. At least one episode of DS9 mentioned that it was being terraformed, and Star Charts referred to it as having a sizable surface population.
BONUS #2. I'm a nerd, but wouldn't it be cool to give numerical designations to each section, just on the map? Beneath the large "XXXX Sector" font, there would be a smaller number, like (001) or (003). It wouldn't have much bearing on gameplay, but it would be a nice nod to canon.
kagasensei also had a lot of great feedback in #50 that I endorse.
Author, "Facing the Past" and "Stepping Over the Line" (a duology), "Venus Unveiled", "Worlds of the Federation", and "Alliances and Alignments"
Member, Shadowbroker
Not linear
Hey tacofangs, just wondering on a question I wanna ask...
Love the new sector space, beautiful and gorgeous... How ever my question is...
What are the technical problems on combining alpha and beta quadrants in to one map... or why the decision to make them 2 separate maps.... just curiosity....
Looking at the size of the maps, it's probably an issue with the size of map allowed, be it due to file size restraints or due to code restraints.
Those systems are specifically DOFF contacts, which is why they have that icon.
respectfully suggest that instead of a three persons icon, use an icon that represent the nebulas/regions that these once were.
further, there are other nebulas and what not in the game, could those also get specialty doff missions? perhaps just science related once, looking for resources or science related research items. I know there are a lot more nebulas and whatnot in the game than just the place holders from the original exploration zones.
other issue: the Ha'feh warbird lights are not attactched to the ship
what skin are you using an I will check it out. I have some aesthetic issues with a few of the skins -- they don't interact well with the visual from Rom rep shield, some lights are blue instead of green. Not the Reman cyan blue but a blue blue
anyway the I have like 7 skins and they all are slightly different. Its hard to tell if they really meant to omit lights here and there or make lights and ship panels an odd color or whether they were just thrown together or used some macro to create them.
the zooms for the map(s) and more importantly, for the player's ship in sector space is awful. depending on the size of your ship, you cant actually see anything other than your own ship.
this makes it nearly impossible to manually naviate, you are forced to use automatic navigation.
it also means you can't enjoy the new scenery when you ARE using autnav.
all the new locations are GREAT. it all lines up nicely with the charts. but you ought to consider putting borders in. the color changes are good, but I imagine Klingon and fed space stil has no travel limits until you finish diplomacy. I assume that needs to be integrated. does this mean kdf core space is nor expanded a bit?
fed space sure is.
but, none of the new stuff is active. I know its early of course, but its kinda sad to think that these might not be usable destinations. of course, its a long term project, but will they get fleshed out over time? at one system a month (or two) for a while?
also, there is a starbase near donobula, wil that get added in like the other main stations?
its not very obvious, but how do kdf players navigate past fed core space to cardasian and deferra regions without diplomacy?
could you perhaps more blatantly add the border for fed/kdf space since it has a go/no-go for players?
the engine effects for player ships is comically massive. same for brightness at times too.
would it be possible to make the autonav system slightly more sophisticated? those stars become massive obstacles if you travel too close to them, would it be possible to give the autonav a very small collision avoidance ability so that it adjust course slightly around systems? only needs a 1-2 degree deviation off of baseline (either to the side or above or below the obstacle) to avoid smacking straight into the expanding star. also, in the past, the autonav has been stymied by elevation changes. small correction like that would also be compatible with slipstream drive.
as an observation, I expect the slipstream abilities to suddenly become a lot more useful and desirable. longer and faster durations will be fare more useful than they once were.
I found travel times quite reasonable. even for longer distances, no load screens, so its actually less for the most part. till now, I used transwarp to hopscotch my way around the game, then slipstream for the last bit. now, if its in the same quadrant, for the most part, I can simply use autonav and a slipstream burst to get there. much simpler. far less need for shortcuts.
another issue is while the dyson sphere has been resized, the new Delta Quadrant map was not implemented. Alpha and Beta are fine, but delta hasn't been changed. its still got sector walls and the old version of star systems
This is my first time posting on the forums (hurray!). I figured this update was important enough to warrant actually testing and posting feedback. Without further ado:
1) The limited zoom makes flying in sector space feel claustrophobic. We should be able to zoom out farther.
2) The AR-558 system should be the Chintoka system. Despite the star charts used saying it is a separate system, dialog in the episode Siege of AR-558 indicates otherwise. In the beginning of the episode, I believe it's Worf and Quark who discuss being in the Chintoka system before the gang beams down to the planet.
3) The location of Nimbus seems awkward. As a planet that apparently served a similar purprose to what Khitomer did after Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, being near the edge of map next to Romulus and Hobus is confusing.
4) There should be no decals for distant stars within any systems. In the Trill system, for example, a decal for a distant star is quite obviously floating between the stars and planets, near Trillius Prime.
5) The bloom for stars needs to be toned down. It adds to the claustrophobic feeling, because it's hard to determine the location of things within the system. Being able to zoom out will also help with this. In addition, our ships shouldn't be completely obscured by the bloom of stars when we're near them.
6) Stars should start to "explode" into size and brightness when we're much closer. Being able to see giant, bright suns of the Mizar system while in the Trill system seems silly.
7) Smearing star decals while at warp might make travelling at warp feel more canon. Especially when astrometrics are turned off.
8) Deflector effects in sector space are extremely large, bright, and annoying.
what skin are you using an I will check it out. I have some aesthetic issues with a few of the skins -- they don't interact well with the visual from Rom rep shield, some lights are blue instead of green. Not the Reman cyan blue but a blue blue
anyway the I have like 7 skins and they all are slightly different. Its hard to tell if they really meant to omit lights here and there or make lights and ship panels an odd color or whether they were just thrown together or used some macro to create them.
also which lights,
My upgrade skin lacks lights all the others have.
it wasn't me flying the Ha'feh, and the light was a white blinker light on the top of the ship but it was floating a good several feet above it
[*]Deep Space Encounters: The symbol for the encounters on the area map is turned upside-down and cannot be clicked on to plot a course to it. Also: For a Borg Red Alert, the symbol reads "Assimilate the Barbarians". That sounds totally un-Borgish. I also have to admit: I am confused by the duality Red Alerts <--> Deep Space Encounters. Why not just merge those?
Red alerts refer to Borg mostly, except in Tau Dewa were it's Tholians
Deep Space Encounters are encounters with the different NPCs in the game up until the Borg.
1) The problem with merging them is that there are different accolades tied to each.
2) The Red Alert ones do give out the daily mark bonus, although same can be said for the Gamma Orionis DSE.
3) #1 might not matter because the DSEs aren't counting towards the existing accolades in Tribble.
could this expansion also include a modest expansion to the number of doff missions?
there is a pretty limited number of different doff missions in rotation. more of them to spread across the game would make it far less of an issue that the new map system is going to scramble things a bit.
the new areas of the map include more locations. could these also include an expansion to the type sof doffs? donobulus is now on the map. same for the doff missions too.
since the sector is all one big playpen now, why not have lots of alerts? borg alerts, undine alerts, whatever alerts. and they give out the appropriate reputation marks depending on what they are. that would let you get away with having alerts all over the "quadrant" and not have reject you running it more than once.
further, currently, you can only run the sector you are in once per div, we now have one giant map. respectfully request that at least a partial credit is available for the runs inside the main reward cooldown, or at least give it a cooldown timer so we know how long to blow the alert off until we can run it again for credit.
another issue is while the dyson sphere has been resized, the new Delta Quadrant map was not implemented. Alpha and Beta are fine, but delta hasn't been changed. its still got sector walls and the old version of star systems
Actually, you can get to the new Delta Quadrant by entering the Jenolan Sphere and hitting the "Depart System" button on the minimap window. Be warned, the Voth Bulwarks are no slouches in the Territory Dispute/Voth DSEs.
Actually, you can get to the new Delta Quadrant by entering the Jenolan Sphere and hitting the "Depart System" button on the minimap window. Be warned, the Voth Bulwarks are no slouches in the Territory Dispute/Voth DSEs.
then i modify my initial statement. the old Delta Sectors have yet to be shut off then :P
I have checked out the revamp and I must say, I love it. Very beautiful and I like the added functionality of astrometrics though, I personally wont be using it. I also love the revamped DSE. Very nicely done.
A few notes:
1. Sprites associated with the Borg set (Deflector orb and engine trail) are huge though the parts themselves are normal.
2. SB24: On the map you are using for referencing shows SB24 to the "east" of the Hromi Cluster. With the SB24 Fleet Action being a queued event now, what is the reason for it being left in it's current location.
Hey tacofangs, just wondering on a question I wanna ask...
Love the new sector space, beautiful and gorgeous... How ever my question is...
What are the technical problems on combining alpha and beta quadrants in to one map... or why the decision to make them 2 separate maps.... just curiosity....
I covered this in mor detail recently (before the Sector Space Blog), but basically, we run out of numbers. Putting A and B on one map would require more space than we can put in a single map. We had to split things up, and this was the most logical method.
Well it would be to go between Alpha and Beta Quadrants now. Other than manually travelling to the quadrant boarder, there is no way to auto pilot.
Unless I am missing something?
Sorry, I misunderstood. We will add landmarks for the transition between Alpha and Beta Quadrants. I thought you still wanted to fly to the borders between sectors. Like, "Man, I really need to fly to the line between the Unroth sector and the Gasko sector!' Which made little sense to me.
Any points in Starship Power Insulators? If not, you're not going to be enjoying the Borg either.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Did some combat logging... turns out they're not using Tachyon Beam at all...
The Bullwark was doing 3.5k DPS. :eek:
Lol, at least the enemies will just ignore you and assume you're a natural phenomenon.
It's kinda cool they haven't sorted that yet though, it shows how much the ships have been scaled down in sector space.
I wish I were so lucky; I was completely face-rolling the DSEs in the Beta Quadrant - Borg Cubes were popping in 3 seconds or less. The level-scaling doesn't quite seem to be properly functional just yet.
Yup, Text walls like we used to have between Sector Blocks are planned, just haven't gotten there yet. Pardon our dust.
Ya, i think Aokii is getting attacked by the Whiteboxes from Planet Z, too. I'll fix it.
I'm not sure what you mean about astrometrics acting wonky?
Sound between sectors is a known issue.
They moved DS9 160,000,000 km from Bajor to the Wormhole. That's only slightly farther than 1 AU.
That was kind of only there because you COULDN'T Select a system in the next sector block. Is there a reason you'd want to fly to a sector border?
Yes, there are a few stations that still need to be added, and old stations need to be scaled properly.
I'll look into the transwarp gate. The idea was to disable/hide them and see if that works for people.
Memory Alpha says that the System is actually Beta Penthe, and it's just the moon itself that is Rura Penthe.
But now, a few minutes trying this on Tribble, and I don't want to go back to Holodeck. It's such a massive improvement! So much nicer going between distant systems -- I probably won't abuse mission transwarps nearly as much as I had been. The flight improvements are great, too! Sector space was always annoying to me, a place I didn't want to be, wanted to get through as fast as possible. Now that the controls are nice, I'm just flying around checking systems out. It's wonderful.
This is worse than when the new boff training was on Tribble. It's going to be painful waiting for this to go live...
I have my complaints, though:
- Sector-specific doff assignments all seem to be getting dumped into department heads, not current map, and it doesn't seem like all of them are there. Current map is only showing 3-4 assignments now, no where near as many as it does on Holodeck, even without the sector-specific ones.
- Auto-travel takes you really really close to a system's star. I autotraveled to Vulcan and just got a mess of glowy bright stuff filling my screen, I couldn't even see Vulcan. I didn't really appreciate the work done on systems until I started flying through them manually. I don't mind losing the orbiting planets at all, now that I see how detailed the new systems are compared to the old ones.
- Deep space encounters seem randomly placed. I got the Breen and Deferi-themed one ("Could Shoulder") near Betazed, for instance, and an Elachi one (Abductions?) in the Alpha quadrant, far from Romulan space. (They're also really boring, but I suppose that's feedback for a different thread.)
Basically, there are two things that need to be noted here:
1. I asked for the Ganalda Space Station to have a proper Klingon starbase icon on the flat, 2D map we have in game when we press default key "M". Currently it's just marked as a star system on the map and what I wanted to see since the 2D map is also being revamped/expanded is for that system to be marked on the 2D map with a Klingon Starbase icon, just like the Deep Space K-7 in Sherman System is marked with a separate Federation starbase icon. A while ago this map was ehnanced with new icons, but somehow Ganalda Station was missed in that touch-up.
I feel this is important not only because of nitpicking and wanting everthing to be as complete as possible, but it's good for new players or players new to the faction for it to be clearly visible on the map. A lot of people were asking "Where is Ganalda Station?" these days with the anniversary minigame, since the way it's currently marked as only a star system doesn't immediately catch the eye.
2. This one is inspired of Taco's missinterpretation of my initial request, but OMG Taco - your missinterpretation resulted in such an awesome idea on your behalf!!! That is the part you spoke about in the reply I quoted here - adding the Ganalda Station in orbit of Ganalda IV in the new sector space. I can't describe how awesome that idea is and how much I'd love to see it in game.
If you make this happen, you'll see a Klingon that'll sqeeeee...:D
Assimilated console visuals didn't scale down with my ship when i entered sector space so it was like 4 times the size of mu actual ship.
Counter Command Warp Trail from Engines wasn't scaled down and is HUGE.
I had to practically be touching the iconian gateway to get to solanea/delta before the button popped up to activate.
I love how huge the Jenolan Dyson Sphere is now.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
... and also, what's up with Diplomacy and Maurading T3? Some FED below T3 went straight to Qo'noS last night.
1) Scale of some items.
This. Seems like number of visuals haven't been scaled down (yet). On an eclipse intel (battle)cruiser, assimilated deflector and engine are scaled down correctly, however their glows are not, they're glowing all over the ship. Same with the assimilated warp trail. For pics, see here:
2) Zooming.
Currently, I can't zoom out enough in sector space. I've got my ship taking a far larger part of the screen than I'd like. In system space, all zooming seems fine, still same as on holodeck.
3) Sol placement.
I believe Sol should be 'visible' from both Alpha and Beta quadrants. One should thus be able to enter it from both and exit from Sol to both quadrants. Given the currrent first FED missions, the default exit from Sol (next to the minimap) should be to the beta quadrant, as always.
4) Red Alerts.
It seems the Tholian RA is the same as ever, nothing to note here.
But the Borg RAs seem to take players into a sort of DSE. Just groups of probes and spheres to defeat (6) to complete the RA. No unimatrix to fight and so no accolade for it. EDIT:Err, actually not sure if that's just the Gamma Orionis version or all of them. No, just ran another like that in Deferi space. And not even ANY rewards for completing it, unless I missed the prompt to accept the mission. Seriously, bring the old RAs back.
Also, if you activate the 'transwarp' to a Red alert afer you select a system to auto-travel to, you won't stop next to the Borg contact and instead restart traveling towards your previous target. Quite annoying and made me miss a RA.
5) Rolor nebula.
Is currently missing the Doff icon and also shows no doff assignements at all upon interacting with it.
6) Khazan cluster.
Ugh, I can't find the Khazan cluster.
7) Doffing.
Overall, it seems that doffing assignements work about the same as before. I've noticed the sectors that used to be together in blocks still share the same list of doff assignements. And new sectors share the same list as the closest previous sector block (seems like the new sectors around Tellar etc. might have their own doff assignement list, however).
A potential problem is some of the new sectors take a long while to load their 'Current map' assignements. But that might only be the case on the first visit to those sectors.
A larger problem is that most sectors show very few assignements in the 'Current map' tab. In old Tau Dewa's sectors, only 2 trade assignemnts and one engineering were offered (the char in question hasn't run any assignements in days, weeks, so definitely not on CD for 99,9% of assignements). Similar in the old Omega Leonis territory.
This should be looked at.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
hey, Tacofangs, was playing tribble with folks and figured something out. (may already be known)
It isnt a camera issue most of the time, its a scale issue. some of the ships are HUGE!!!
ships I noted not to scale
*Type 8 Shuttle
*Captains Yacht (really big)
*Mobius Destroyer (dwarfs the Odyssey)
*Type F Shuttle
*Obelisk Carrier (OMG ITS GODZILLA)
*Risian Corvette
*Danube Runabout
*Yellowstone Runabout
*Ferengi Shuttle
*Breen Sar Theln Carrier
*Nicor Bioship
*Delta Flyer
*Breen Plesh Brek
still looking for more
other issue: the Ha'feh warbird lights are not attactched to the ship
bug discovered at Iconia System. (blame them :P )
*extra note: Fireworks have the same problem, but while i would rescale them, i'd leave 'em bigger than they were for fun
Love the new sector space, beautiful and gorgeous... How ever my question is...
What are the technical problems on combining alpha and beta quadrants in to one map... or why the decision to make them 2 separate maps.... just curiosity....
1. I'm glad the star art isn't final, because it definitely needs some work; right now, the bloom is too bright and when you get up close, they just look like enormous red, orange, and white spheres. I'm not too sure how to improve them; maybe add some color gradients, shifting sunspots, solar flares, and bloom up close?
2. The New Romulus system should probably just be called the Dewa system, as Dewa is the name of its star, with New Romulus as its gateway planet, following the Sol system/Earth precedent.
3. I know Star Charts has Nimbus out near Romulus, but I agree that for gameplay purposes, it really should be more centrally located. The Xarantine sector would be about right.
4. Cestus should probably be moved as well, or deleted. I know there's really no good place to put it, but it just doesn't seem right to have it several sectors north of Klingon space.
5. The factional coloring on the map should be Federation blue for the Bajor sector and probably the Minos Corva sector as well. Meanwhile, the Khitomer and H'atoria sectors should be Klingon red.
6. I get why the Sol system can't be moved to the Alpha Quadrant. But now that the walls are down, maybe it could be moved slightly north into the southwestern corner of the Teneebia sector? The Vulcan sector just looks very crowded, and canonically, the Sol and Vulcan sectors are separate. (Star Charts lists the Vulcan sector as Sector 005, while Earth is obviously located in Sector 001.)
BONUS. Maybe it's just because I have a couple of Foundry missions involving a terraformed Venus, but it would be nice to show the planet a little bit more Earthlike, sort of like how Mars appears to have clouds and some water on the surface. At least one episode of DS9 mentioned that it was being terraformed, and Star Charts referred to it as having a sizable surface population.
BONUS #2. I'm a nerd, but wouldn't it be cool to give numerical designations to each section, just on the map? Beneath the large "XXXX Sector" font, there would be a smaller number, like (001) or (003). It wouldn't have much bearing on gameplay, but it would be a nice nod to canon.
kagasensei also had a lot of great feedback in #50 that I endorse.
Member, Shadowbroker
Not linear
Looking at the size of the maps, it's probably an issue with the size of map allowed, be it due to file size restraints or due to code restraints.
Well it would be to go between Alpha and Beta Quadrants now. Other than manually travelling to the quadrant boarder, there is no way to auto pilot.
Unless I am missing something?
Also, as already mentioned, can we zoom out from our ships more in sector space?
respectfully suggest that instead of a three persons icon, use an icon that represent the nebulas/regions that these once were.
further, there are other nebulas and what not in the game, could those also get specialty doff missions? perhaps just science related once, looking for resources or science related research items. I know there are a lot more nebulas and whatnot in the game than just the place holders from the original exploration zones.
what skin are you using an I will check it out. I have some aesthetic issues with a few of the skins -- they don't interact well with the visual from Rom rep shield, some lights are blue instead of green. Not the Reman cyan blue but a blue blue
anyway the I have like 7 skins and they all are slightly different. Its hard to tell if they really meant to omit lights here and there or make lights and ship panels an odd color or whether they were just thrown together or used some macro to create them.
also which lights,
My upgrade skin lacks lights all the others have.
this makes it nearly impossible to manually naviate, you are forced to use automatic navigation.
it also means you can't enjoy the new scenery when you ARE using autnav.
all the new locations are GREAT. it all lines up nicely with the charts. but you ought to consider putting borders in. the color changes are good, but I imagine Klingon and fed space stil has no travel limits until you finish diplomacy. I assume that needs to be integrated. does this mean kdf core space is nor expanded a bit?
fed space sure is.
but, none of the new stuff is active. I know its early of course, but its kinda sad to think that these might not be usable destinations. of course, its a long term project, but will they get fleshed out over time? at one system a month (or two) for a while?
also, there is a starbase near donobula, wil that get added in like the other main stations?
its not very obvious, but how do kdf players navigate past fed core space to cardasian and deferra regions without diplomacy?
could you perhaps more blatantly add the border for fed/kdf space since it has a go/no-go for players?
the engine effects for player ships is comically massive. same for brightness at times too.
would it be possible to make the autonav system slightly more sophisticated? those stars become massive obstacles if you travel too close to them, would it be possible to give the autonav a very small collision avoidance ability so that it adjust course slightly around systems? only needs a 1-2 degree deviation off of baseline (either to the side or above or below the obstacle) to avoid smacking straight into the expanding star. also, in the past, the autonav has been stymied by elevation changes. small correction like that would also be compatible with slipstream drive.
as an observation, I expect the slipstream abilities to suddenly become a lot more useful and desirable. longer and faster durations will be fare more useful than they once were.
I found travel times quite reasonable. even for longer distances, no load screens, so its actually less for the most part. till now, I used transwarp to hopscotch my way around the game, then slipstream for the last bit. now, if its in the same quadrant, for the most part, I can simply use autonav and a slipstream burst to get there. much simpler. far less need for shortcuts.
1) The limited zoom makes flying in sector space feel claustrophobic. We should be able to zoom out farther.
2) The AR-558 system should be the Chintoka system. Despite the star charts used saying it is a separate system, dialog in the episode Siege of AR-558 indicates otherwise. In the beginning of the episode, I believe it's Worf and Quark who discuss being in the Chintoka system before the gang beams down to the planet.
3) The location of Nimbus seems awkward. As a planet that apparently served a similar purprose to what Khitomer did after Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, being near the edge of map next to Romulus and Hobus is confusing.
4) There should be no decals for distant stars within any systems. In the Trill system, for example, a decal for a distant star is quite obviously floating between the stars and planets, near Trillius Prime.
5) The bloom for stars needs to be toned down. It adds to the claustrophobic feeling, because it's hard to determine the location of things within the system. Being able to zoom out will also help with this. In addition, our ships shouldn't be completely obscured by the bloom of stars when we're near them.
6) Stars should start to "explode" into size and brightness when we're much closer. Being able to see giant, bright suns of the Mizar system while in the Trill system seems silly.
7) Smearing star decals while at warp might make travelling at warp feel more canon. Especially when astrometrics are turned off.
8) Deflector effects in sector space are extremely large, bright, and annoying.
9) Quantum Slip Stream sounds often cut out.
it wasn't me flying the Ha'feh, and the light was a white blinker light on the top of the ship but it was floating a good several feet above it
Red alerts refer to Borg mostly, except in Tau Dewa were it's Tholians
Deep Space Encounters are encounters with the different NPCs in the game up until the Borg.
1) The problem with merging them is that there are different accolades tied to each.
2) The Red Alert ones do give out the daily mark bonus, although same can be said for the Gamma Orionis DSE.
3) #1 might not matter because the DSEs aren't counting towards the existing accolades in Tribble.
there is a pretty limited number of different doff missions in rotation. more of them to spread across the game would make it far less of an issue that the new map system is going to scramble things a bit.
the new areas of the map include more locations. could these also include an expansion to the type sof doffs? donobulus is now on the map. same for the doff missions too.
since the sector is all one big playpen now, why not have lots of alerts? borg alerts, undine alerts, whatever alerts. and they give out the appropriate reputation marks depending on what they are. that would let you get away with having alerts all over the "quadrant" and not have reject you running it more than once.
further, currently, you can only run the sector you are in once per div, we now have one giant map. respectfully request that at least a partial credit is available for the runs inside the main reward cooldown, or at least give it a cooldown timer so we know how long to blow the alert off until we can run it again for credit.
Actually, you can get to the new Delta Quadrant by entering the Jenolan Sphere and hitting the "Depart System" button on the minimap window. Be warned, the Voth Bulwarks are no slouches in the Territory Dispute/Voth DSEs.
then i modify my initial statement. the old Delta Sectors have yet to be shut off then :P
A few notes:
1. Sprites associated with the Borg set (Deflector orb and engine trail) are huge though the parts themselves are normal.
2. SB24: On the map you are using for referencing shows SB24 to the "east" of the Hromi Cluster. With the SB24 Fleet Action being a queued event now, what is the reason for it being left in it's current location.
I covered this in mor detail recently (before the Sector Space Blog), but basically, we run out of numbers. Putting A and B on one map would require more space than we can put in a single map. We had to split things up, and this was the most logical method.
Sorry, I misunderstood. We will add landmarks for the transition between Alpha and Beta Quadrants. I thought you still wanted to fly to the borders between sectors. Like, "Man, I really need to fly to the line between the Unroth sector and the Gasko sector!' Which made little sense to me.