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Galaxy class



  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    But even if the Galaxy was an amazing ship, she's still vastly outdated just like my beloved Refit Enterprise from TMP and TWOK.

    It all comes down to players wanting their iconic ships being competitive with the new brand being shown off in the game. A player should not have to accept a poorly spec'd ship because of the developer's opinion or biased for or against the ships from the series.

    As for your 23rd Century fav's, those have been discussed repeatedly and (supposedly) denied for any advancement to end-game content viability (though some use to use these for fun in the old end-game content).

    A better Galaxy in a rebranded default skin is still possible and players can redress it to the old style. It is the player's game, so let them play the way that is fun (and that has multiple meanings).
  • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    sentinel64 wrote: »
    It all comes down to players wanting their iconic ships being competitive with the new brand being shown off in the game. A player should not have to accept a poorly spec'd ship because of the developer's opinion or biased for or against the ships from the series.

    As for your 23rd Century fav's, those have been discussed repeatedly and (supposedly) denied for any advancement to end-game content viability (though some use to use these for fun in the old end-game content).

    A better Galaxy in a rebranded default skin is still possible and players can redress it to the old style. It is the player's game, so let them play the way that is fun (and that has multiple meanings).

    No, not really. Players would accept the Galaxy in it's current state if it wasn't so blatantly surpassed in every way by ships that were shown time and time and time and time again to be inferior to it. If the game had an honest tier system, and you could only use Cryptic specials at endgame. If the Excelsior and Ambassador and Vor'Cha, and Galor were properly balanced as things a Galaxy could curbstomp as easily as it could in the show.

    The problem is - the Galaxy is given to us weaker then ships decades or nearly a century older then it - when no matter how you look at it in, the Galaxy's design was to be upgraded to current tech every 20 years - actually designed to be upgraded. Should the Geneva and Odyssey be superior? Absolutely. Should the Galaxy be surpassed by things that were decade old rustbuckets before she was even a pencil sketch? No.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    no even if the game was rebalanced having 3 engineering ensigns is redundant and serves no function
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You k ow this argument has been piping up off and on for the last 5 years. With the same examples and explanations appearing on both sides without much variation.

    The guardian is a rebranded revamped galaxy so no need to ask for one.

    A t5 and up Connie I totally possible if it were just based on the Exeter.

    The excelsior was probably the first ship to be canonically modular, being built as a test bed for an engine meant to go faster than any before also gives it a canonically superior hull since it was over engineered. Meaning it has a longer life span than most.

    The average life span of most ships is usually around 80 years with some exceptions for specific designs.

    The ambassador is only in game because it was an anniversary reward and can only be has at t5 from a fleet. Putting it in the realm of lockbox ships in terms of explanation.

    Specific episodes or realm the series on general are poor examples of what something is supposed to be capable of since the are examples of face rolling and exploding for no reason. The writers were never very good at consistency and tended to modify deflector pulses to fix every thing.

    And realm with these new t6 ships and specializations soon everything fleet or t5 will be obsolete, and you wont have to worry about being competitive with your galaxy because you wont be anyway.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    the guardian is not a galaxy you can not use the galaxy consoles on it or the skins. it;s also physically smaller then the galaxy model

    and the excelsior having a superior hull? tell that tot he ones that where popping like grapes in the dominon war when looked at funny. they where only slightly better then the mirandas

    in canon the galaxy is said to be the first modual starfleet design to fit any mission profile as soon as an excelsior was built it was locked into the mission profile until it was scrapped. the galaxy could be swapped out per mission

    average life span before the galaxy was 50 years.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    starswordc wrote: »
    Well, I'll be damned. I was about to post that you were completely wrong but then I found a mention of it on page 130 of the TNG TM on my second reading. My bad.

    The Oddy saucer also gets GW3 and its own set of workbees if you have the three-piece set equipped.

    Sorry, my bad, I should have included a citation but I was a bit short on time so I just posted from memory. Usually I have my TMs reay when posting in threads like these :D

    Gw3, really? The main ship can't slot that. So a pet doesn't need to make snese at all, I guess...
    You k ow this argument has been piping up off and on for the last 5 years. With the same examples and explanations appearing on both sides without much variation.

    The guardian is a rebranded revamped galaxy so no need to ask for one.


    No, the Guardian is a rebranded, revamped Ambassador. It even uses parts of the original Ambassador design (especially the neck and engineering hull). It also comes much closer to the support cruiser in it's layout and function, plus it cannot use the Galaxy consoles (although it's supposed to get the separation console at one point).

    A T6 Galaxy would keep the CMDR and LTC engineering seats, have one command hybrid LT (probably tac), a LT sci and a lt uni, just like the pathfinder.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    But even if the Galaxy was an amazing ship, she's still vastly outdated just like my beloved Refit Enterprise from TMP and TWOK.

    That's just some hooey spouted by writers/directors who need newer, sleeker ship designs to compensate for their lack of talent, and the apparent one Galaxy blind-hater (you're literally the first I've come across).

    Anyone else is just trying to create their own canon.

    Move the IP 70+ years into the future, and then we can talk about how the Galaxy is outdated blah-blah-blah.

    What an ignominious end to 1701-D; crushed under the weight of that fat-TRIBBLE, Shatner.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    That's just some hooey spouted by writers/directors who need newer, sleeker ship designs to compensate for their lack of talent, and the apparent one Galaxy blind-hater (you're literally the first I've come across).

    Anyone else is just trying to create their own canon.

    Move the IP 70+ years into the future, and then we can talk about how the Galaxy is outdated blah-blah-blah.

    What an ignominious end to 1701-D; crushed under the weight of that fat-TRIBBLE Shatner.

    Shatner didn't decide to have the Enterprise get pwned by an outdated bop, commanded by the klingon bimbo sisters....
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    yup i thought the guardian was like a galaxy too then a parked it next to an ambassador and looked at proberts original enterpise-c sketches

  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    Shatner didn't decide to have the Enterprise get pwned by an outdated bop, commanded by the klingon bimbo sisters....

    no bean counters did original script had a vor'cha but they where going over budget so they ripped out every BoP scene from the undiscovered country. every scene with the BoP is from that movie
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In another thread, someone complained about the Galaxy class in game being a "gimped Titanic" and wanted a better one. That sentiment is one I've seen a lot, with people who grew up on TNG having an attachment to that ship and wanting it to be made as a viable endgame ship if not THE main flagship as it was lo those decades ago when TNG was still on the air. My reply to him was as follows:
    A "gimped Titanic" is EXACTLY what the Galaxy class should be. It was a fragile, bloated, overly luxurious space cruise liner built in a time of unprecedented peace and woefully unprepared for any form of challenging duty. The Enterprise-D was destroyed by a freaking B'Rel, for crites sake, and virtually every other one ever seen on screen was also blown to bits. It was rightly replaced by the Sovereign class which was a superior ship in every way, andeven that is no longer a front-line vessel in the current STO timeline though I wouldn't mind seeing a decent refit for endgame that could be like the old Excelsior refit that stuck along past it's prime because it was such a good base design.

    The Guardian class is the 2410 successor to the Ambassador / Galaxy design lineage. Perhaps it should have a different shaped deflector dish and pylon options to bring out a little more of the Galaxy aesthetic for those who want that, but no to an endgame Galaxy. It's out of date just like the Constutution and Galaxy whining should go on the FCT list just like the endgame Connie.

    Now I won't deny I hate the Galaxy and have from the first moment I laid eyes on it in 1987. I feel it's hideously ugly and the design principles both inside and out were misguided at best. I grew up on TOS, but I immediately recognized the Constitution refit as vastly superior to the original and the Excelsior as better still. I fell in love with the Sovereign at first sight as it corrected virtually every design mistake made with Galaxy and restored grace and beauty to the Enterprise line.

    But even if the Galaxy was an amazing ship, she's still vastly outdated just like my beloved Refit Enterprise from TMP and TWOK. Time moves on and beloved ships get outdated and replaced by modern designs. That's how it works. It happens to cars too. Why can't some people accept that and move on from the Galaxy, especially when the Guardian exists to represent the Ambassador / Galaxy design lineage in the modern setting?

    The Connie did not get an update, the excelsior did not get an update, the ambassador class did not get an update, neither has the galaxy or sovvie nor even that oddy. none of them are t6. these lines of ship class are done for. i do agree the galaxy class saucer section is ridiciously too big and far too forward with the neck at the back and the smaller engineering section below that, but this absurd ship elements are not an issue in space though where gravity does not have much effect.

    If the guardian is the TNG of heavy cruiser flagship material design you are hoping for then the ent-f would transfer its record, name and service to the guardian as the Ent-g but that would be a waste of a perfectly good oddy though.

    i have underlined the quote within a quote because to counter this easily is if the person who watched generations actually took the effort to hear and see the storyline unfold as to how the ent-d was destroyed, or what happened to the yamato.

    the ent-d was destroyed not because it was fragile of over-bloated with useless features, but because the duras sisters had planted a device in la forge's visor that found the frequency the ent-d has set on their shields. in effect the b'rel stood a small chance of success in defeating the ent-d along with a sneak attack.

    The yamato was destroyed because of an iconian virus picked up from a probe that was scanning the ship. it caused a catastropic reaction the warp core that was highly unlikely to happen.

    the various other galaxy class ships were destroyed in combat during the dominion war, the oddy was destroyed because starfleet had no data on the dominion ships and they did try to adapt, but a kamikaze run was the end of that ship, and those defeated during the war was mostly because the artists on the show didnt have the money to add the shields. so there can't be an opinion on every other ship.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    not a single galaxy was destroyed in the dominon war stated by the FX guys and the producers as D type starships. the only one that got close was the USS Galaxy when it took an orbital canon to the engineering hull but it was later seen in the response fleet list in nemesis so it got better

    and even then the uss galaxy took out the orbital cannon wile the excelsior got blown to bits by the same one. the other galaxies shown on screen where one shotting galors and producing covering fire. basically being used as siege weapons to break the dominon fleets lines. and they succeeded. there was even a full wing of galaxies in DS9
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I don't know - I have to say, I sort of hope that this isn't the case - they don't need EVERY canon character, who we saw an alternate future for, to actually wind up living almost the exact same life as they were seen to have in their alternate future.

    Granted, there are a few differences, but Worf has wound up as an Ambassador, estranged from Starfleet just as he did in 'All Good Things' and Harry Kim has wound up as Captain of the USS Rhode Island, just as he did in 'Endgame'. As I said, I hope that they don't continue this trend - they seem to have missed the point of it being an 'alternate' timeline.

    I think it makes sense. Nothing in STO follows established canon anyway and since we have all the alternate reality ships in the game they can just as well explain a lot of those oddities in-game away with "it's the alternate timeline"...
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just because it was one possible future doesn't mean there arent more possible futures with similar outsomes. And really the only thing in all good things that changed was the anomoly and Picards reactions through history, no reason for the other events to not take place since the singularity didnt really interact with anyone else.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    And really the only thing in all good things that changed was the anomoly and Picards reactions through history, no reason for the other events to not take place since the singularity didnt really interact with anyone else.

    You mean other than the E-D being destroyed, and the E-E built?

    One would assume that would have some bearing on future events.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    hravik wrote: »
    You mean other than the E-D being destroyed, and the E-E built?

    One would assume that would have some bearing on future events.

    The existance of the Dreadnaught Cruiser in STO is really a problem. From the episode's dialogue we can deduct that the "Galaxy-X" was not a class of ships-of-the-line in the portrayed future but was really a unique refit specifically made for the Ent-D personally supervised by Admiral Riker. With the Ent-D being destroyed there is no reason for the "Dreadnaught Cruiser" to exist. Back in the days when this ship was a reward for bringing in new subscribers that was not a problem as it was a gimmick for a few players to have. When STOs continuity made it a regular class of ships though it became a continuity problem.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    starswordc wrote: »
    No, it isn't. The Samsar has a lieutenant commander science slot, an engi/command hybrid LCDR slot, and a universal ensign. The Gal-R has none of those. The only thing that's the same is the console layout.

    More Ambassador in handling and boff layout I's say
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
      edited February 2015
      reyan01 wrote: »
      I don't know - I have to say, I sort of hope that this isn't the case - they don't need EVERY canon character, who we saw an alternate future for, to actually wind up living almost the exact same life as they were seen to have in their alternate future.

      Granted, there are a few differences, but Worf has wound up as an Ambassador, estranged from Starfleet just as he did in 'All Good Things' and Harry Kim has wound up as Captain of the USS Rhode Island, just as he did in 'Endgame'. As I said, I hope that they don't continue this trend - they seem to have missed the point of it being an 'alternate' timeline.

      Actually, in the path to 2409 they told us where most of the Trek characters are in 'this' timeline - and some of the changes are kind of interesting. Chakotay leading Starfleet Intelligence, for example. Naomi Wildman runs Deep Space K7, Miles O'Brien is the head of the SCE.
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      edited February 2015
      angrytarg wrote: »
      The existance of the Dreadnaught Cruiser in STO is really a problem. From the episode's dialogue we can deduct that the "Galaxy-X" was not a class of ships-of-the-line in the portrayed future but was really a unique refit specifically made for the Ent-D personally supervised by Admiral Riker. With the Ent-D being destroyed there is no reason for the "Dreadnaught Cruiser" to exist. Back in the days when this ship was a reward for bringing in new subscribers that was not a problem as it was a gimmick for a few players to have. When STOs continuity made it a regular class of ships though it became a continuity problem.

      I wonder if there isn't a department in Starfleet that does nothing but go through log files on temporal anomalies and try to scrounge data from it. It could very well be that Picard mentioned the Galaxy-X and that was used as springboard for further research.

      I mean, in the end, even if Riker could choose his own flagship - the modifications were not hand-made by him - so there is someone in Starfleet that could pull this off, and for all we know, it was one of many possible retrofit/refit options proposed by Starfleet Engineering - it wasn't at all sure it would be made, but hearing about a future in where this project was actually used succesful could have influenced the decision.

      That said - theoretically every player in this game could fly a Jem'Hardar ship, but we can't really take this to imply it's a "regular" ship. A player ship still may be a "one-off". Of course, it breaks immersion a bit ,but there is just no immersive/believable Star Trek timeline in where we'd fly around with adapted ships from other species on a regular basis, while Starfleet is still churning out its own models.
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
      edited February 2015
      Well, here's my 2 cents. The galaxy, Connie, Miranda, ect are old and therfore it is unrealistic for them to perform as well as current ships.

      HOWEVER, Cryptic's great wisdom has turned the area around earth space dock into a random assortment of Dominion, Breen, Cardassian, Species 8472, Voth, Vaudwar, Kobali, Ferengi, etc etc ships all commanded by Starfleet officers ... so so really cares if a ship is too old anymore?

      I'd honostly rather see a Tier 6 NX-01 than another enemy alien vessel.

      The miranda, Excelsior and Galaxy classes seem to be work horse ships as of 2409-10, the connie has long been retired from front line service.
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        You still miss the point that that was 50 years ago in game. Since then the Sovereign, Odyssey, Avenger, Guardian, and Eclipse have all been made. Those ships should be superior, thus placing the Galaxy at the middle of the pack and not at the cutting edge. There should be no T6 Galaxy unless it's a retro skin on an all-new ship like the optional Intrepid skin on the Pathfinder.

        No, you seem to miss the point, but it's allright because it's obvious by now even to a blind person that you're trolling because of some childhood/early adulthood trauma caused by some TNG fans back in 1987.

        You don't have a point in-universe, you don't have a point out of universe and you don't have a point even regarding STO's own canon. You only have a tantrum you're throwing here and that's about it.
      • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        I'm sure you tried to make some point, but all I heard was tantrum, tantrum, tantrum.... ;)
      • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        Oh no? Then please explain to me why Galaxy should be equal or superior to Odyssey, Avenger, Eclipse, or Guardian. Can you even give a single good reason?

        The single good reason. The Excelsior and Ambassador are as good as or superior to the the Odyssey and Avenger. T5U Ambassador is almost as good as the Guardian. The Eclipse can't be compared - it's a niche ship and there's no other Federation cruiser with the intel module.

        So if two ships older and inferior to the Galaxy can be as good/better then 'top of the line' - then why can't the Galaxy?

        No one is asking for the Galaxy to be a 5/5/5 console ship with 5 commander universal stations. Most of us simply want the ensign engineer made universal. If we ever get a T6 upgrade - copy the Pathfinder except with an engineering slant. All we want is a Galaxy that doesn't require a build that's a patch away from an exploit to be usable.
      • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        You can only upgrade a ship so far before its no longer feasible. It's like a PC. I could upgrade this, that and everything else that's in the case, but eventually the TRIBBLE holes, rear slots and vents won't be in the right place for new parts and I'll have to get a new one.
      • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        gonalius wrote: »
        You can only upgrade a ship so far before its no longer feasible. It's like a PC. I could upgrade this, that and everything else that's in the case, but eventually the TRIBBLE holes, rear slots and vents won't be in the right place for new parts and I'll have to get a new one.

        ... um idk what your talking, but I'm still using the case to a computer i got in 2000, and everything still fits when i upgrade it ... several new mobos and power supplies, no problems
        Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
      • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        gonalius wrote: »
        You can only upgrade a ship so far before its no longer feasible. It's like a PC. I could upgrade this, that and everything else that's in the case, but eventually the TRIBBLE holes, rear slots and vents won't be in the right place for new parts and I'll have to get a new one.

        Actually STO itself completely throws that out the window. This is from the zen store.

        After Starfleet starships were converted to a modular design, a group from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers working at Utopia Planitia wondered if vessels from the Federation's past could be constructed in this manner. Working with Federation historian Geoffrey Pacelli, the SCE officers chose the famed NX Class for reconstruction. The NX Class Starship Replica sports the classic look of Earth's starships from the 22nd century, but has been updated with modern technology to meet current Starfleet specifications

        Ergo - an NX can be built to top end gear - so anything else can be too.
      • jer5488jer5488 Member Posts: 506 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        I see Excelsiors and Ambassadors everywhere, so I'm the one who doesn't see what you're talking about. The only time I see a Galaxy that isn't an X refit - it's on a level 35 player who is using it as their free leveling ship.

        Actually - and forgive me if I'm reading into it wrong - if you don't care about the Galaxy, and if you love your Avenger... Why do you give a single damned if the Galaxy gets an upgrade? It won't devalue your Avenger. It won't effect your game play in any way, shape or form. How does us arguing for a universal ensign station matter to you?
      • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        I find that very difficult to believe, as I see Avengers all the time (and fly one myself) while my Ambassador I got for free sits in mothballs and I never see them flying around. Hell I can't remember the last time I saw an Excelsior being flown in game. If they're so great, why aren't they being used?

        I fly the Excelsior quite often (not even T5U'd, or Fleet). It has a Lieutenant Commander tactical boff station, and is fun to fly.

        The Ambassador you "got for free" is a bare bones version of the Ambassador. A very interesting boff layout, so could be considered better than the free level 40 cruisers, but overall nothing special.

        The Fleet Ambassador on the other hand, is a beast. Lieutenant Universal, another console slot. T5U it and it gets even better.

        With the logic of "old is garbage", you know what cruiser should be super popular and viable at endgame? The Star Cruiser. It's a "newer" design than most of the Fedside crusiers, so it should be better than anything other than the Odyssey and maybe the Avenger.

        Oh wait - I see way less of them, then I do of Excelsiors and Ambassadors. Heck, I see less Star Cruisers than I do Galaxys.

        The Galaxy could be fixed without disrupting everyone's "headcanon" of what "should be" an awesome ship in STO. Give it the BOFF layout of either the Excelsior or the Ambassador, which were both ships that the Galaxy was designed to replace. The Ambassador was seen on screen less then a handful of times in all TNG-era shows, it was effectively replaced. That would be a "fair" solution, that doesn't bring the Galaxy up to 2410 standards, but puts it a technical level higher than older, antiquated cruisers. I own all 3, so I'd see the logic.

        Better still - they could add some more engineering powers, or fix existing ones to make them more powerful. Engineering has the fewest space powers, so it could use a few more, and some fixing to the ones that are there.

        The forums would burn quite heavily though if people woke up and their Excelsiors or Ambassadors had the current Galaxy layout though, and rightfully so.
      • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        Oh no? Then please explain to me why Galaxy should be equal or superior to Odyssey, Avenger, Eclipse, or Guardian. Can you even give a single good reason?

        i love how no one holds any other canon ship to such a standard, its always only the galaxy that just couldn't compete!

        Just think about the fact that you're asking for a ship that debuted in 1987 to be competitive with ships introduced in 2014 and 2015. If Cryptic allowed that, they'd never sell anything new. They know it, and you know it. Selling new designs and keeping the upgrade treadmill moving is how they make their money. Expecting them to kill their own revenue stream over your love affair with a 30 year old ship design is ludicrous.

        right, because we all know the soverign refit, making it like the best tac cruiser of its time, was the last ship cryptic ever was able to sell. the soverign is surely more popular then the galaxy, yet it got a refit that made it one of the best ships for a wile. and cryptic never recovered! no one who bought the sov refit also bought the superior avenger, absolutely no one!

        biggest line of BS reasoning ever.

        But if I were Cryptic, I'd say ok fine. You can have your special snowflake unaging anachronism Galaxy if you want it so badly. For $299.95, the price of a lifetime subscription. Because it's clear that once you have your precious Galaxy you will never buy another ship again and so you'd better be willing to pay up front for all the money you won't be spending in the future.

        PS: Demanding something you want from the developers while flaunting a signature proclaiming that you refuse to spend money on the game... yeah. Keep pissing into that wind, I'm sure that will work out for you just great.

        can you even hear yourself right now drama queen?
      • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
        edited February 2015
        i love how no one holds any other canon ship to such a standard, its always only the galaxy that just couldn't compete!
        To be fair, it's only because the Galaxy crowd is the loudest. Though most have reasonable expectations, there are a few others that are outright deluded and are especially loud (anything better than an Engineer-variant of the Pathfinder's setup with the Hybrid on Tac seat, or expecting a seating arrangement that would technically be too close to the Guardian's or Odyssey's setup for Cryptic's comfort).

        Intrepid fans threw a little fit at the initial Pathfinder reveal, but ended up taking it.

        The Defiant crowd is also usually tied to the DS9 crowd, and they only make their requests known in a DS9-related thread, but tolerate the Phantom as the current T6 analog (though as discussed before, it's possible to get one in the future as long as it's not Intel; same way it's possible to get a T6 Galaxy as long as it's not Intel).

        Sovereign fans have little to complain about aside from no T6 option yet (not to mention, kind-of-sort-of gotten a successor in the Odyssey).

        And the Nova/Rhode Island fans are salivating in the hopes that DR switches focus to Kim long enough to star a possible T6 variant and maybe interior/bridge to sell to them (I think it's also 2 for 3 in a possible Bundle like the Galaxy and Defiant; could be wrong).
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