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ITS BACK!!!!!! - Load Out and Statiosn CLEARING



  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I know this is a known issue. It is very frustrating to go into combat only to see all of your bridge officers are Missing In Action. Please fix this.
  • hugin1205hugin1205 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    that bug always was annoying. But in time I learnt to quickly put BOffs back to stations and adjust power tray.
    Now however BOffs revert to some random skills they know. In case of Intel/comander boffs that means blacked out skills.
    I did one cca today with 2x torp spread and 1x cannon rapid fire in a beam only ship. I only noticed half way through the mission (and couldn't change that then).
    Adjusting skills isn't always easy, but that may be another (unrelated) bug.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:
    18 characters
    KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
    KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
    FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
    TOS: 1 tac
    all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
    all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
    highest DPS: 60.982
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    yeah its back and spreading last week only one toon had the problem now im upto 4 of them that have to reload the saves with map changes. and even then sometimes the save is all jumbled up.

    i dont think they are ever going to figure this one out. and its not like i change gear boffs doffs or even ships. it just happens when it wants too.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Skills are not always showing up in the Skills Window for the Tray.

    Have an ensign who has multiple Ensign skills.

    The correct skill shows up in stations but not the window to drag skills to the tray,

    Have to click the skill again and make it default and then it appears an option and can be added to tray.
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Reporting this here...

    I've noticed that if I add/discharge BOFFs or Ships the bug hits in full force. It takes me a while to get things back to normal (multiple saves with various hijinks).

    After that it's back to normal, i.e. AWOL BOFFs now and then and I have to reload my loadout (which almost always, but not always fixes things for a while).

    If Cryptic had a sense of humor, they'd add a Duty Mission: "Retrieve AWOL BOFFs" that would reward a random Bridge Officer. If they can't fix it, they should at least make fun of it.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    If Cryptic had a sense of humor, they'd add a Duty Mission: "Retrieve AWOL BOFFs" that would reward a random Bridge Officer. If they can't fix it, they should at least make fun of it.

    I could see this happening. When they fixed the transporter on Qo'nos they also replaced the transporter officer NPC. You can ask him what happened to the old one, who was killed for incompetence.

    Of course I would like them to fix this issue before making jokes about it. Right now it would just be rubbing it in.
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/10/2015 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I had a perfectly good saved loadout; while on ESD, I made a change on the loadout and saved it only to find my Boffs cleared from my roster and my loadout was screwed up so it could not recover my saved Boff layout.

    Another time I was using my ship in CC during the event and after that mission jumped into AZN only find that between those two missions (probably right when I jumped into AZN) my ship power tray was scrambled. I spent the first few minutes just reorganizing my abilities so I could use my tray without having to hunt down the abilities that were no longer in the space I saved them under my SAVED LOADOUT. :rolleyes:

    The U/I maintenance is ruining the fun (along with other things)....
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/11/2015 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Loadouts are still not working. Was in pve queue for crystal advanced, accepted from K7 ground, zoned in to instance with messed up loadout. It's still F'ed up.
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Reporting this here...

    I've noticed that if I add/discharge BOFFs or Ships the bug hits in full force. It takes me a while to get things back to normal (multiple saves with various hijinks).

    After that it's back to normal, i.e. AWOL BOFFs now and then and I have to reload my loadout (which almost always, but not always fixes things for a while).

    If Cryptic had a sense of humor, they'd add a Duty Mission: "Retrieve AWOL BOFFs" that would reward a random Bridge Officer. If they can't fix it, they should at least make fun of it.

    They do have a sense of humor. They keep saying it's fixed :)
  • chad4231chad4231 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Its not just the tray & BOFFs vanishing for me, had my captains personal traits disappear as well .. & because its not obvious they have gone when changing maps i now have to keep checking "traits" before going into battle or missions to make sure they are still there.
  • philosopherephilosophere Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It has been happening for me on occasion entering CC, but I accidentally found a way to quickly fix it (hope it hasn't been posted already).

    1. Open your character window and select your ship.

    2. Click the button for your desired loadout (can't remember which tab it is on).

    3. Immediately click on the stations tab. Your desired Boffs will repopulate.

    Your tray powers should be back.

    Hope this helps. :)

    PS. As of late, I only enter space queues while in space, seems to eliminate tray clearing/boff-awol.
    Are we there yet?
  • dakotadahotnessdakotadahotness Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I thought this bug was fixed a while back but tonight it came back.

    I joined PvE Queues from Delta Quadrant and had no issues. I returned to ESD to heal from Bug Hunt and joined Borg Disconnected PvE. Upon entering I noticed that all of my bridge officers had been removed. I played the event with the handicap and reset my bridge and use tray upon returning to ESD.

    From ESD Sector space I joined Cured Space PvE and once again all my settings / bridge officers were reset and removed.

    I think this qualifies as a bug.

    It never left
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Meow, I got this on all my toons, again, as well. ^^ Just wanted to make sure that this thread gets as many posts and views as pussible, so the devs will take note of it. :)
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • duneytron2000duneytron2000 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This continues to be the #1 reason I end my STO play sessions. I hate this bug soo much. I feel like we have so many new powers and tools to explore different builds and ships and items and I want to try different combinations.. but this bug just says TRIBBLE YOURSELF if you ever change anything I'll dump your power tray. Sometimes I can't even drag new powers into the empty spaces until you drag invisible other powers out of them. It's so bizarre.

    This latest round of attempted loadout resets I noticed that clicking my loadout actually DOES load all my powers correctly into the tray.. and then they disappear again. I made a brief video to demonstrate this behavior:

    Prior to this, I'd just been sitting in the Sherman system slotting various Science powers and checking their stats on mouseover. I meant to save my current selections to a build and accidentally clicked on the build instead (side note, that happens a lot.. a little confirmation dialog would be wonderful there..), which switched to a non-viable build (I'd removed some boffs since then) and understandably cleared the tray. After my cooldown expired, I tried to switch back to my normal build.. and my powers just wouldn't go into the tray.

    Seriously dev team, I love this game and all the new content we've gotten lately, but THIS BUG makes me want to just stop playing. This is not like "oh, some effect is working differently than planned." It's not a little graphical glitch or a bad power description. Whenever this happens, WHICH IS ALL THE TIME, you just straight up cannot play the game until you fix your tray manually. Very frustrating!
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Just did my morning run of CC event, Every toon had the tray reset on entering the map. Every one.

    Not only that, I have a couple of toons that normally had a blank slot and that was filled in with a random skill from one of the BOs
  • contrarydecisioncontrarydecision Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've re-developed this issue on my main character across multiple ships. Loadout will briefly load properly, tray populates properly, then the tray scrambles the layout for the BOFF's powers.

    I've fixed them multiple times only for it to happen all over again sometimes the same day, sometimes literally by the time I've finished going through my other ships and fixing them.

    Edit: The fun part is that a fair bit of the time once I've fixed the tray layout the system will then recognize that my setup is in fact how the loadout should be and shows that loadout as equipped. Where as after it loads then scrambles it will have the sense to know it has not in fact loaded things properly, yet every attempt to load will always fail in the same way.

    Edit the second: So after like an hour, hour and a half of ad-hoc bug testing, tinkering, and attempts to fix I finally noticed that my Hierarchy BOFF had glitched at some point and reset its Ensign space power from Hazard Emitters 1 to Jam Sensors 1. Now this BOFF is literally used on one secondary loadout for one ship out of the 9 or so I was cycling between trying to fix. Yet fixes wouldn't readily stick before fixing this borked power, but anything fixed AFTER fixing that did stick and so far seems to have fixed. Yay?
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    It has been happening for me on occasion entering CC, but I accidentally found a way to quickly fix it (hope it hasn't been posted already).

    1. Open your character window and select your ship.

    2. Click the button for your desired loadout (can't remember which tab it is on).

    3. Immediately click on the stations tab. Your desired Boffs will repopulate.

    Your tray powers should be back.

    Hope this helps. :)

    PS. As of late, I only enter space queues while in space, seems to eliminate tray clearing/boff-awol.
    i was gonig to post this so ill just Quote it so it gets a little bump .
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    quepan wrote: »
    i was gonig to post this so ill just Quote it so it gets a little bump .

    Everyone is well aware of all the various fixes and work arounds and old wives tales. The bug persists regardless
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 03/14/15 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/15/2015 Loudouts are still bugged.
  • jaydenomega812jaydenomega812 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    makeflux wrote: »
    As of 3/15/2015 Loudouts are still bugged.

    yup. I especially like the new feature where when switching characters then que for stf and get in stf...your boff stations go blank. fun times.
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/17/2015 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • stupidconversionstupidconversion Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Still happening at random (sometimes more than once an hour), and loading a loadout doesn't always fix it.
  • brantregarebrantregare Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sigh... just logged on... everything was fine. Went to do CE and bam... no flropleingasd boffs.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Once you've got your ship prepared, boffs, doffs, and equipment, save your loadout !
    Then if it ever gets cleared you simply need to click on the loadout you saved to restore everything as it was.
    If you change consoles often.. save your loadout often.

    Actually this doesn't always work.

    I've had saved loadouts fail repeatedly.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've been trying to reproduce this, but I'm just not seeing it. Nor did I see it while playing over the weekend on my personal account. So I've got some questions to try and track this down.
    2-3 times a week is how often I see it.
    Do you see this on every map transfer? If not, how often and on what type of transfer? e.g. beaming up from ground to space, loading into space queues, etc.

    Logging into a character is when it happens most often for me.
    Are there any particular maps that seem to cause this to happen more than others?
    no random
    Do you change ships and/or Boffs often? If so, how often after a change of Boffs do you see this happen?

    Sometimes but not always the case. Have had it happen first time logging in.
    Does this occur from the moment you log in, or do you have to be playing a while first? If the latter, approximately ow long before you see it happen?

    Do you experience the same issue on Tribble? If so, is it more frequent or less?
    No idea, don't have Tribble.

    Side note, reloading a loadout doesn't always call back everything either. I've had loadouts fail to bring up proper Boff and bar setups.

    And I suspect this has something to do with my missing Kobali Deflector and Engines. As they disappeared in the process of changing a loadout. I switched from a loudout with them in, to one without, then back to the one with them in and they were gone. Not in any banks, or on any other ship. Just completely gone.
  • richardcranium63richardcranium63 Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Happened to me earlier transporting from Kobali Prime up to ship. All of my tray slots were empty.
    Then again when doing CCA. It was an easy fix for me to just hit one of my saved loadouts but none the less still annoying when I had to take the time to fix it thus losing time in mission.
    Fed/Vulcan: T'jar Voltek Fleet: Section 31
    Fed/Andorian: Lissan Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa Fleet: Section 31
    KDF/Cardi: K'Im Qah da Sian Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
    KDF/Reman: R'Chras Jonzor Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
  • dllmmodllmmo Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Have happened to me for quite some time now. Every 'Fix' seems to solve it for a while, but it re-appers with another patch.

    It's completely random.
    Some times I can run the game for several hours without any issues, other times I can only jump from one instance, map, sector or whatnot to the next, without having to rearrange everything.

    Most times I can load my setup, other times nothing works.
    Everything must be manually added and rearanged to my previous settings I want. It however 'only' affect the Boff's and other skills. Doff's never gets affected.

    Some times I enter in a state of battle jumping into an instance. Makes it impossible to rearrange or pull any skill, Boff or like to a useable slot.
    Just to clarify; I'm not actually in a battle, nor my team.

    The latter are extremely gamebreaking and highly frustrating, both for me and my team, as I cannot do anything to contribute and are forced to leave with a penalty.

    *It happens on all my characters*
    *I'm not on Tribble, as the function of the game coming from there, makes it useless*
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