Thank you Capt Smirk for the info, hope you and everyone at STO/Cryptic/PWE as well as all the players worldwide have a safe and Blessed New Year.
Thanks! I am actually working from my phone while I enjoy the holiday at Disneyland
I hope you all enjoy the New Year!
Oh and PS thank you for the rerports about all the systems that were down after the game servers came back online. We are aware of the myriad of issues, including the Server Down indicator and chat/mail/exchange/foundry issues We hope to have these all back up and running asap once all our staff returns from the holiday break! Thanks again!
Thanks! I am actually working from my phone while I enjoy the holiday at Disneyland
I hope you all enjoy the New Year!
Oh and PS thank you for the rerports about all the systems that were down after the game servers came back online. We are aware of the myriad of issues, including the Server Down indicator and chat/mail/exchange/foundry issues We hope to have these all back up and running asap once all our staff returns from the holiday break! Thanks again!
My wife wants a picture of that place and how it is decorated.
I saw there were some issues with charging Zen with paypal. I'm trying to take advantabge of the ship sale and I can't add zen to my account because Star Trek Online isn't in the choices for games to add zen to. The sale ends tomorrow morning and is doesn't look like any fix has take place yet. Any chance the sale will will be extended until this glitch is fixed?
wow.. a death knell.. I tried to throw $10 through payapal via the charge button.. Star Trek Online does not exist in the list of games.. we may see star trek offline very soon I fear...
EDIT: so I used my steam acct for a $5.00 zen purchase.. got the fraud lock.. so I guess supporting this game is now a punishable offense???
Steam sucks thats price you pay for using that TRIBBLE:eek:
I don't know if my bug is from the current batch, but my Romulan made level 11 and the game opened the DOFF center, but did not give me my starter batch of DOFFs. I already submitted the ticket. Kind of hard to do DOFF assignments with DOFFs. I started those missions in the academy that do not require Dill or DOFFs.
"General Server Stability" means they are bolting the servers to the floor, right? Wouldn't you be upset if Branflakes were to go stumbling into the server room, knock a rack over, and bring the game down for a DAY? SO, they aren't scrwing it up, they are bolting it down.
Its the North Koreans! The CIA just confirmed that this is an extension of the Sony hack. They were supported by covert missions undertaken by Oompa Loompas in retaliation for an increase in world chocolate prices.
I'm playing STO and the above url says it's down?
That's actually why I haven't failed Korfaz, CCA, ISA, and a few other space stf's.
"Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
This would have been the last 40 of my 1000 pictures. :mad:
Thanks! I am actually working from my phone while I enjoy the holiday at Disneyland
I hope you all enjoy the New Year!
Oh and PS thank you for the rerports about all the systems that were down after the game servers came back online. We are aware of the myriad of issues, including the Server Down indicator and chat/mail/exchange/foundry issues
.. I mean.. Druk level people even!
I saw there were some issues with charging Zen with paypal. I'm trying to take advantabge of the ship sale and I can't add zen to my account because Star Trek Online isn't in the choices for games to add zen to. The sale ends tomorrow morning and is doesn't look like any fix has take place yet. Any chance the sale will will be extended until this glitch is fixed?
Steam sucks thats price you pay for using that TRIBBLE:eek:
Ha! That made me laugh.
Plus, I see you, Miles. You've been spied by another errant member of the Credit Union. On the forums even. :P
Tell your wife I will be posting pics on my Twitter account if she would like to see
I have already started while I was at the Lego store....
Omg my toy OCD kicked in soooo hard....
Link to twitter = @PWECaptainSmirk web page (no Twitter account needed to view)
@#$^%$!! North Koreans again.
And SECONDS later spam guy/bot is back spamming his site! Truly impressive!
And Smirk, that party scene, epic!