Reports of our servers being down are in. We have our team investigating. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Web hope to have the hamsters back in the Computer Core post haste! We will update you with an ETA as soon as we can.
Hope you all have a great NYE!
it's 4:10Pm right now and my server has been down since 12. I can't even open the launcher. NOW YOU BETTER GET THOSE NORTH KOREANS OFF THE DA*N SERVER
was looking forward to picking up new level 50 ship today since was 1 level off and sever has been down all day hope they extend the sale out one more day.
Ay mon! Me gets one day off from me nasty job, and all me wants ta do is get me new tactical guy to Admiral. Dis be no good, times a wastin mon. Now gets up off ya lazy butts and get me back workin!
was looking forward to picking up new level 50 ship today since was 1 level off and sever has been down all day hope they extend the sale out one more day.
Doubt they will extend it. How do you think they make money.....
Step 1- Offer a sale for one day.
Step 2- Let people buy Zen for said sale.
Step 3- "crash" server for said day of sale.
Step 4 - count all the money we collected.
Cha Ching. LOL
Wow I got lucky, just finished final race, got Breen carrier, switched toons claimed it for the 40 pics on those that needed/wanted it and logged out for a couple of days break. First thing I see on the forums is this thread.
I hope that this doesn't last long for those that are still working towards their carrot.
Is there any word as to whether this is an internal or an external issue?
Although I have finished with the WW I have just bought an Eclipse and am kinda itching to give it a good run out.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I was going to blame North Korea for hacking PWE but wouldn't that be tatamount to hacking China? Would they be so stupid as to TRIBBLE off their only friend (except for Dennis Rodman) in the world?
They were stupid enough to try and tell SONY what they could/couldn't do so...yea, they could be that stupid.
the Crew at Cryptic Are Working Very Hard And Doing their Best to get everything back up and running for all of us that love STO and want to get back on there and Do What We Do lol. Come On Everyone Give Em a Break For God Sakes.... Thanks All At Cryptic For all Your Hard Work
FWIW, there may be more than a server crash causing problems here.
What I have discovered is that: which is the server you use to get Pidgin access to in-game chat is hosted on the same small block of IP addresses as the actual game servers. If there is an issue with connectivity, I usually run a ping to (everything fine there) then I ping but timeouts. so I run a tracert 10 responds in a timely fashion, but the trail seems to just die there. hops 11 and on are just timeouts.
If this proves helpful to a dev, the tracert looks like this
hop 1--my gateway NAT router
hop 2--probably the router at my cable company's head-end
If bos is shorthand for Boston, is that anywhere near where the game is hosted from?
if someone from cryptic PM's me with their @cryptic or whatever work email address, I'll send you the full log if it will help.
I'm only mentioning this because over verizon's 4G network, I CAN ping so there appears to be an issue on the pipes feeding the bandwidth to the server colo. (a couple months ago I was unable to stay logged into STO on my cable modem, but was able to use my phone as a hotspot and play on my laptop. that time there seemed to be a breakdown in the connection between Level 3 and Cogent. (if the lizard squad are saturating chokepoints, that could be the cause of the EA issues, wether they are directly attacking EA or not.)
but anyway, if a dev/network admin sees this, I hope it's helpful, you may want to look into what's happening on your connection as well.
I'm on Wide Open West in the SE Michigan metro Detroit area.
if you want to add info about what tracert reveals feel free to add it in a reply, (unless a dev comes in and says it's not helpful at all)
to open a command prompt press "windows logo key" + r to bring up the "Run" dialog box. assuming you're running win XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10, type "cmd" (minus the quotes) and press enter, or click ok.
the Crew at Cryptic Are Working Very Hard And Doing their Best to get everything back up and running for all of us that love STO and want to get back on there and Do What We Do lol. Come On Everyone Give Em a Break For God Sakes.... Thanks All At Cryptic For all Your Hard Work
Just because we are being forced to take a break, doesn't mean they get one too.
the Crew at Cryptic Are Working Very Hard And Doing their Best to get everything back up and running for all of us that love STO and want to get back on there and Do What We Do lol. Come On Everyone Give Em a Break For God Sakes.... Thanks All At Cryptic For all Your Hard Work
No they need to fix this. Its insane that there stability patch has killed the damn sever. There load-out fixes didn't. The damn Borg snowman fix was a sick joke. I mean only damn thing they have manged to get right was nerfing pets and anything that lets people pl (i don't pl but its only thing that ever gets fixed):mad:
No they need to fix this. Its insane that there stability patch has killed the damn sever. There load-out fixes didn't. The damn Borg snowman fix was a sick joke. I mean only damn thing they have manged to get right was nerfing pets and anything that lets people pl (i don't pl but its only thing that ever gets fixed):mad:
It seems its not their servers but the ISP, Cogens may is been attacked?, dunno... seems the hamsters are ok...
Wasn't there just a server stability patch yesterday? What the hell is going on over at Cryptic?
A botched Delta Rising (I know, most successful, the players love it bla bla bla) with broken T6 ships with Broken T6 intel powers and severely OP and unballanced faction locked T6 traits. Not even going to mention all the bugs.
Get it together guys!
Did you say Delta rising you mean the argala grind right because thats the only place to get xp since they fixed it ..opps
It's funny that every unexpected server outage happens right after server maintenance. Kinda makes you wonder if they know what they are doing. I mean between their idea of fun game mechanics, employment of useless community staff (yes I mean you captsmiley) and inability to keep servers running. Maybe Cryptic is in the wrong business.
Maybe with this server outage people will realize that there are better games that STO and no one will come back to play this garbage of a mmo that always breaks down when Hard working people that have free time can play. I will be glad when Star Citizen will come out I already have plans to get Elite Dangerous. So keep messing up Cryptic make it where I don't want to invest money in this game anymore Please!!!!!
The shielding is down : focus fire on this thread !
but to star trek. hell i have a hampster you can borrow:P. trouble is im 7000 miles away and he might be a bit tired when he gets there:eek:.LOL.
happy new year to all you admirals out there.
Lord Monty
it's 4:10Pm right now and my server has been down since 12. I can't even open the launcher. NOW YOU BETTER GET THOSE NORTH KOREANS OFF THE DA*N SERVER
Doubt they will extend it. How do you think they make money.....
Step 1- Offer a sale for one day.
Step 2- Let people buy Zen for said sale.
Step 3- "crash" server for said day of sale.
Step 4 - count all the money we collected.
Cha Ching. LOL
I hope that this doesn't last long for those that are still working towards their carrot.
Is there any word as to whether this is an internal or an external issue?
Although I have finished with the WW I have just bought an Eclipse and am kinda itching to give it a good run out.
What I have discovered is that: which is the server you use to get Pidgin access to in-game chat is hosted on the same small block of IP addresses as the actual game servers. If there is an issue with connectivity, I usually run a ping to (everything fine there) then I ping but timeouts. so I run a tracert 10 responds in a timely fashion, but the trail seems to just die there. hops 11 and on are just timeouts.
If this proves helpful to a dev, the tracert looks like this
hop 1--my gateway NAT router
hop 2--probably the router at my cable company's head-end
If bos is shorthand for Boston, is that anywhere near where the game is hosted from?
if someone from cryptic PM's me with their @cryptic or whatever work email address, I'll send you the full log if it will help.
I'm only mentioning this because over verizon's 4G network, I CAN ping so there appears to be an issue on the pipes feeding the bandwidth to the server colo. (a couple months ago I was unable to stay logged into STO on my cable modem, but was able to use my phone as a hotspot and play on my laptop. that time there seemed to be a breakdown in the connection between Level 3 and Cogent. (if the lizard squad are saturating chokepoints, that could be the cause of the EA issues, wether they are directly attacking EA or not.)
but anyway, if a dev/network admin sees this, I hope it's helpful, you may want to look into what's happening on your connection as well.
I'm on Wide Open West in the SE Michigan metro Detroit area.
if you want to add info about what tracert reveals feel free to add it in a reply, (unless a dev comes in and says it's not helpful at all)
to open a command prompt press "windows logo key" + r to bring up the "Run" dialog box. assuming you're running win XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10, type "cmd" (minus the quotes) and press enter, or click ok.
useful commands
Just because we are being forced to take a break, doesn't mean they get one too.
No they need to fix this. Its insane that there stability patch has killed the damn sever. There load-out fixes didn't. The damn Borg snowman fix was a sick joke. I mean only damn thing they have manged to get right was nerfing pets and anything that lets people pl (i don't pl but its only thing that ever gets fixed):mad:
Looking forward to grinding? I need whatever you are on... maybe that will make this game fun again.
It seems its not their servers but the ISP, Cogens may is been attacked?, dunno... seems the hamsters are ok...
Did you say Delta rising you mean the argala grind right because thats the only place to get xp since they fixed it ..opps
Yey PWE..
"Looks at Cryptic"
and hope they give us a days worth daily pics... and a few lobi's would be nice aswell
Also note it says under my name i am a Champions Online User, i play Star Trek Online and have no idea how to change that lol
Sure makes it hard to buy ships, too.