Greetings, Admirals! Youre listening to EPISODE 201 OF PRIORITY ONE PODCAST, the premier Star Trek Online podcast! This episode was recorded on Thursday, December 4th 2014 and made available for download on Monday, December 8th 2014 at!
For starters, we Trek Out advancements in tech that are absolutely Star Trek inspired! In Star Trek Online News this week, Q makes his presence known with this years Winter Wonderland Event. We also have a special guest this week, Thomas TheCrypticCat! He discusses an interesting chart he made that helps players understand power and weapon icons in Star Trek Online, along with taking us through the process of creating the Pathfinder. Later, well open hailing frequencies for your incoming messages!
Topics Discussed
Release Notes: December 3rd, 2014
[*]Qs Winter Wonderland
Breen Sarr Theln Carrier [T6]
Work-Around Fix of Load-Outs
STO Guide to Power Icons, By Thomas Marrone
Pathfinder Starship
Thomas Blog Post -- Pathfinder Starship
Pathfinder Post-It Note SketchThis weeks Community Question:
What are your thoughts on the Winter Event?
Let us know YOUR thoughts by commenting below!
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Also, I want my Nanopulse-Edge Battle Axes.
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Free Tibet!
I'm sorry. Is that news? I'm pretty sure that was the method last year. And for the summer events. Doesn't look like they're going to be changing the method for earning new FREE ships.
Can I ask you a question... because you seem to reply often (last week, you were all up on the thread). Why do you play this game and come on the forums time and again with comments like that?
What motivates you to log in and comment? What motivates you to continue to play the game?
I'm honestly, sincerely curious. Help me better understand the community you're representing.
I love the game. Glaring mistakes have recently been made. Nobody in the know has explained them. Why not ask them what the reasons were?
Free Tibet!
If you want to be a community leader than you have to, you know, work for the community.
So it's real interesting you should say: "the community other represent" as in the one you don't.
How many communities are there? Like you would be high-society up with the developers right, that would be one group correct? What would the other groups be like
I kind of touched in last time in saying that it feels like you lost touch with reality, what malcolm x would call "the house n...." in selling out for "internet prestige" and I type that out laughing at the concept. If you saw samuel l. jackson's character in Django, that's kind of how I see you
Then you question a guy's actual involvement and game time when you based your entire time here, doing stuff outside that game.
It's sort of like the Delta Rising, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
You can't both ruin everything AND have people give you respect so pick one.
ps. To me it's pretty black and white - malcolm x meta communication pun, you either work and stand up for what is right or sell out.
You don't sell out a little or sell out here and there it's either or
And for anyone reading this that disagrees, if you engage either me or Elijah respectfully, without childish insults, THEN we'll consider responding. Or at least I will, I can't speak for Elijah.
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Oh, I do work for the community. I work for the community that dialogues respectfully and conscientiously. I work for the community that wants to engage in constructive dialogue.
I didn't question anyone's involvement or game time. I questioned motivation. What drives players -- like you -- who seem so unhappy -- to continue to play this game. I think it's a legitimate question -- that a community "leader" (like you assume I believe myself to be) should be asking.
So, you can either continue to attack me and try to demean me. Or you can help me.
If I may speak for myself, I enjoyed the game six months ago. I don't enjoy the game now. Free ships are not the issue. The forums are literally covered with people explaining and I feel like you're dismissing valid complaints just because it feels nicer to dismiss them.
I feel like every time you address a complaint, you misread it as something other than what is being complained about. You interpreted complaints about the leveling nerf as being about a much more trivial energy credit nerf. You're interpreting people upset about the skillpoint nerf and Tides of Ice as being about the daily free ship race.
You allowed Geko to straight out dodge the topic of the skillpoint nerf because you didn't research it and, in doing so, spread misinformation about STO and misinformation about the forums.
I think you are very well meaning, Elijah, but I think you're allowing yourself to be very naive. And it really is frustrating from the perspective of someone who wants to see the game improve that you're assisting in what amounts to a smear campaign against people with valid complaints, while supporting flat out lies from Cryptic employees. I don't use that term lightly. All those plans and ideas in the old engineering logs? I accept those were not lies or even promises.
But on the skillpoint topic, we were flat out deceived. And it strikes me that rather than wade through the forums a bit or risk damaging your line of access to developers, you just roll with whatever they tell you. And that does a disservice to the STO community and actively makes the game worse.
Okay I feel it's turning into ben stiller in dodgeball, I am not sure where you-are-going-with-this so I will just say "okay"?
But so anyway those are excellent questions you bring up, or rather excellent questions for the right time and place - like on a podcast you know I mean?
Try asking the developers or some of the people you don't the stream with why they think it's happening
First of all, you have to dig for that here.
Second, you basically just said that you're not willing to consider the validity of an argument unless the tone of voice its expressed in the right tone.
I'm sorry, Elijah. I really think you can do better than to base the validity of an argument based on the tone of voice used to express it.
I can't answer for Elijah, I just wanted to say that. Posts like yours is all we ask for.
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Are the forums to be the be-all-end-all source for community feedback? Are there not other - just as valid - communities of players that don't come on to the forums to express their opinions on the game?
What was there to research? What did I allow him to dodge? The patch came out on the 20th and we interviewed him only a few days later. How much time was there to gather accurate research data?
The game is in flux and they change things with each patch. I know you want me to hold a hot-iron to their eyes but, that's just not going to happen. Not with Cryptic or any other guest we bring on the show.
Forgive us for being Humans... but, we're a volunteer endeavor. I don't have a team of people reading every form post. Actually, we all have day-jobs. We make enough from donations to keep the technical costs at bay. Would you like to join our team as a volunteer consultant? I'd be happy to lend you my ear -- as long as you can provide constructive analysis in a professional and respectable manner.
Tone has nothing to do with it. Content has everything to do with it.
Are you seriously telling us you, whether you stand up for the game's quality or not, depends on how people formulate themselves in posts?
If that isn't taken right out of the developer demi'god manual page 1, I don't know what is.
Nope. That's not what I'm saying at all. But, I think a majority of people are more inclined to engage with others who can construct a concept without immediately jumping to belittling, demeaning, or questioning the intelligence of the other person. Like your comment above.
To be fair... I'm not so sure that you get to choose the parts or pieces of any 'community' that you purport to represent. You either represent our happiness AND discontent - fairly and objectively - or neither. If you voice only the former, then you can expect to be criticised for a studio-bias... and if you voice only the latter, then you may alienate the studio. Tricky, yes... but still... you must represent all of us.
The one thing you CANNOT become is a voicebox for the studio. They are not the community. They are the studio. Just because a developer plays the game doesn't make them a 'player.' They are biased and have an agenda with a paypacket as motivation.
Where the community articulates pleasure... by all means pass that along with smiles and backslaps on our behalf. Where the community voices anger... be passionate and pressing on our behalf. Whether we're excited and happy, or raging and discontent... articulate it all on our behalf.
If the studio will only tolerate (and you will only represent) 'respect' and 'conscientiousness' then they're far too thin-skinned and you're entirely missing the point. Don't you think?
There are those that are fond of aspects of this game... and though they are currently angry and disillusioned (with good reason as I hope you are dispassionate and objective enough to understand) this does not negate their willingness to continue playing and perhaps salvage some fun and enjoyment from the game.
Speaking personally, I am dischuffed. Yet my dischuffedness doesn't turn on a sixpence; it has a wider turning-circle and whether I continue to play the game is dependent upon what PWE do next.
Although I cant say anything about the Winter Event except that Taco and his people did again a wonderfull job, I was surprised by this power button anatomy.
Never knew about this infos (base form, icon,..)
And the Pathfinder is just a masterpiece in my eye, and greatly done by TomCat.
If there was a "Like" button -- I would click it.
A) I speak up and I review because I hope I can help improve things. I am unhappy not because I want to be the whiny crybaby that comments like this seem to suggest, but because I know things can be so much better than they are and I can see potential ways to get there that are being ignored.
I have a great fleet and writers' group that are here in Teamspeak, and on the forum.
C) If you want the fullest idea of what I am after, read my review series and see what you think. It's not just what I wrote there, but what the many commenters who stayed civil and constructive through the whole thing had to contribute. Even with very pointed criticisms, the thread has STAYED CIVIL.
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Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I question if you even play the game based on the information coming out from here..
But so, would you agree that as a want to be community leader your responsibility is the integrity of the game?
And that you per default then by implication HAVE to include all major issues in your podcast?
So what you said that if people aren't polite they should be silenced immediately really has no place anywhere and is an example that you really identify with - and sell out to, the developers?
I will absolutely give it a read and pass it along to my team. The links are the ones in your forum signature, I presume?
I think it may add some depth to the perception you seem to have of the community as well as discussing the game.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I think those are it.
gulberat is an excellent spokesperson.
He reminds me, honestly, of some cross between Nagus, Thomas the Cat (pre-dev), and the better angels of my nature.
I have no clue if he has a radio voice but, for my money, if you were looking for a civil but pointed voice from the community to represent the constructive side of the forums, gulberat would be MY pick.
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You took the words out of my mouth.
Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
Having read gulberat's review of Delta Rising, I can say that most of what he expresses is what I feel also. About the only thing I disagreed with is on the story: I hate Voyager and find the story to be boring... it has some barebones that could be fleshed out to be fair. However--storywise--he did have a great point that I thought about during playtime: some of the patrol missions should have been fleshed out into full-fledged episodes.
To answer your question about why players keep playing, stoleviathan pretty much made my answer for me. There are parts of the game I still enjoy... but Delta Rising and all its attendant cruft are nowhere on the enjoyment map for me. I can honestly say that having played through it, I will not be repeating any of those missions anytime soon.
That's exactly what I was thinking. The press is always completely silent about these things. Remember folks your completely valid serious concerns for where the game is going is pretty much all in your heads officially. smh
"Earning free." Isn't that an oxymoron? I mean, log in and a message says, "There's a new boxed ship waiting in your inventory!" Now that's free. Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine.
The tides of ice should happen more often, maybe every 20 minutes
The rest of it is good to go
I would ask you to actually cover something that is bothering many players (as opposed to just petending to for a few seconds): the rewards nerfs and the slower than advertised advancement, but it seems that you are not interested.
first of all thank your work on your work on the P1 pod casts. It is somewhat interesting to get an insight into the Devs view of current conditions in game. Is it possible to relay the following questions to the Dev team in one of your next interviews?
- Why are skill point rewards for casual endgame activities like PvE queues or fulfilling seasonal contend (mirror invasion/fighting snowmen) so very low compared to monotonic patrol duty in the delta quadrant? I really fail to understand that.
- Why have the classic Borg STF, one theme of the game I was under the impression that it was enjoyed HEAVILY by a majority of players, been penalized in that fashion? There is no elite version so no elite rewards. There is a 60 minutes CD after a successful run on those while other queues only have 30 minutes.
Answers given so far on the matter have not been satisfactory and leave the impression that cryptic endorses claustrophobic game experiences and lacks the ability fill new contend with players any other way than actively making older contend less appealing.
Thank you.
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