I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
You are a very angry, angry person, it is so sad to see you meltdown in such a way. I will pray for you my child, as the anger in you is consuming you. Remember:
"FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE, FEAR leads to ANGER, anger leads to HATE, hate... leads to SUFFERING." - Grandmaster Jedi,Yoda
Truth is, this is the funniest thread ever, and the players love it!
I have never seen such an awesome thread that makes me laugh so hard. All the sigs in this thread are instant classics. Satire humor that is well thought out and expressed. Thank you people for all the laughs, keep it going.
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
Over the course of this thread, people have often changed their signatures, thus the future reader's experience of it is full of repetition, with people seemingly showing off the same signature and always receiving comments unrelated to that signature.
I would have recommended future readers watch voporak's video collections instead of reading the entire thread, but at the time of this writing, YouTube tells me the channel doesn't exist.
I would have recommended future readers watch voporak's video collections instead of reading the entire thread, but at the time of this writing, YouTube tells me the channel doesn't exist.
Got a very sinister thought, all of a sudden. What if he got banned for it, or they slapped him with a DMCA for copyright violation, or some other dipsh*t, and and erased his vids as a result of it?!? (Honestly, I'm still reluctant to believe Cryptic would stoop this low; but who knows)
Voporak, please report in, and tell us everything is awesome!
I was told I could come here to complain... is this the right place?
Right place, wrong time. Complaints take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Today and Thursday is sycophantic dev praise days, and the weekend is the downward spiral depression special.
Seeing as you are here, would you like me to book a place for you tomorrow sir? I have a spare spot near the fires?
Last night waited nearly ten minutes in queue for the Cure.
Queue Finally popped, I get in the map, and my power tray's all gone.......... Best expansion EVA !
Ah, and it all makes sense now. Look man, if you're as intelligent as you want to claim you are , you should probably know better than venting at a bunch of people for your RL issues that none of them had anything to do with.
:rolleyes: Seriously?
I know getting a job/another job in today's economy can be a massive PITA almost anywhere in the world, but if your job leaves you feeling like this maybe it's time for a new career move? Whatever it is, it can't be worse than losing the will to live, can it?
And yet you find the time and will to enter and argue some points in a silly thread for posting random sigs because you don't like it, probably knowing just how much of a minority you'd be around here.
Take it from me - I, for ex. hate the news in the country I live in. They seem to be on almost non-stop, on all domestic channels and are purposely only sad and depressive to make people feel better about their own problems and seem that things home are better than they actually are. So what do I do? I don't watch the news. Easy as heck. Watch Animal Planet or something nice and relaxing like that. I don't phonecall all of the local TV stations and argue with them about their programme and reporting choices. If you dislike it so much, just ignore the thread. Easy as heck.
And for the record - the company just lost over 150K of their Chinese MMO players, so it seems that the Chinese are not much fond of their business practices and game development as well.
And here we are at the end, to the essence. For someone seemingly so compassionate for the company's employees, you sure seem to underestimate the intelligence and sense of the CMs and mods if you think they'll kill the buzz because of what you're trying to accomplish here.
You talk of me being "the minority", which is ironic, considering the bulk of negativity on these forums represents a minority of the game's general opinion. Probably because the average player avoids these forums like the plague. I don't know for certain if my own opinion about the state of the game is popular.
And again, though I doubt there's any point in my reiterating, I was using a relate-able visual aid to describe what it feels like to have something you put your time and enthusiasm into, only to feel blatantly slapped in the face by the people who put your services to use. If I was one of the developers, I'd likely feel very hurt by the response epitomized by this thread.
In this case, the people here demonstrate far less of the "satire" than people here seem to claim. I'm not sure where humour in America went wrong, but if YouTube's parody video infestation is any hint, it seems that insult humour is the way it goes now.
You are a very angry, angry person, it is so sad to see you meltdown in such a way. I will pray for you my child, as the anger in you is consuming you. Remember:
"FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE, FEAR leads to ANGER, anger leads to HATE, hate... leads to SUFFERING." - Grandmaster Jedi,Yoda
Two questions. How do you derive a state of anger from someone being critical of others' behaviour? And of all things to quote... Episode I?
And again, though I doubt there's any point in my reiterating, I was using a relate-able visual aid to describe what it feels like to have something you put your time and enthusiasm into, only to feel blatantly slapped in the face by the people who put your services to use. If I was one of the developers, I'd likely feel very hurt by the response epitomized by this thread.
Really? Stuck it up.
The fact of the matter is that WE are the people keeping this game going. WE pay the salaries, grind the missions, and buy the new shiny of the month; in desperate hope that they will return on that investment with content that is actuality enjoyable and not punitive.
You may be dealing with a minority of the total player base here, but we're the ones who matter. We're the die hards who stick it out long term, we're the recruiters and the whales who keep fresh blood and income stream flowing into STO.
So drop your self righteous one way consideration, and ask yourself: how do you think it feels to work a tedious job just so you can earn a little extra income to devote to a product you believed in, only to find it punish you for running content, raising costs exorbitantly, basically annihilating the ability to alt, and diminishing rewards for increasingly difficult content, then to top it all off: to have the developer who wrecked it all, blame YOU who pays his salary, for the incompetence in the game's direction, all while laughably and patently lying through his teeth about the reality of the situation.
You want to talk about feeling hurt? You want to talk about a slap in the face? Get real.
This thread is the most healthy expression of the pain this playerbase is feeling that I can imagine. In a perfect world, the developers -one Lizard in particular- would be accountable to read every one of them.
i don't understand 1 thing; thus you hate this thread but you read it and write stuff?
don't you see a problem somewhere? just a question
oh! btw; delta rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it
Your reaction suggests you don't believe it's possible for someone to read or view something they don't like. I think it would be impolite not to read the responses from others to my comments and respond if warranted. But maybe I'm the weird one. That's definitely not impossible.
The fact of the matter is that WE are the people keeping this game going. WE pay the salaries, grind the missions, and buy the new shiny of the month; in desperate hope that they will return on that investment with content that is actuality enjoyable and not punitive.
You may be dealing with a minority of the total player base here, but we're the ones who matter. We're the die hards who stick it out long term, we're the recruiters and the whales who keep fresh blood and income stream flowing into STO.
So drop your self righteous one way consideration, and ask yourself: how do you think it feels to work a tedious job just so you can earn a little extra income to devote to a product you believed in, only to find it punish you for running content, raising costs exorbitantly, basically annihilating the ability to alt, and diminishing rewards for increasingly difficult content, then to top it all off: to have the developer who wrecked it all, blame YOU who pays his salary, for the incompetence in the game's direction, all while laughably and patently lying through his teeth about the reality of the situation.
You want to talk about feeling hurt? You want to talk about a slap in the face? Get real.
This thread is the most healthy expression of the pain this playerbase is feeling that I can imagine. In a perfect world, the developers -one Lizard in particular- would be accountable to read every one of them.
Now *this* is an angry person.
Here's a question. If you're that badly jaded, why do you keep paying and playing? I played World of W*rCraft for 5 years, dumped hundreds of dollars (at a time when hundreds of dollars was a lot of money to me) into it, only for Cataclysm to turn me right off.
Instead of insulting the developers for their choice in changing the way the game is played, I stopped paying for the game. Every dollar you spend on a game you already know you don't like, isn't a slap in the face from the developers. It's you slapping yourself.
It would be one thing for the player base to voice their frustration and proceed to stop paying to play. The developers would sure notice that. But people keep paying for stuff. So either the game really isn't that bad, or the players have a spending addiction and don't care where the money goes.
I'm inclined to believe the game just doesn't bear as deep a set of flaws as the overblown reactions are implying.
Perhaps you yourself could do well to "stuck it up", or at least talk with your pocketbook. If you don't like it, don't pay for it.
The fact of the matter is that WE are the people keeping this game going. WE pay the salaries, grind the missions, and buy the new shiny of the month; in desperate hope that they will return on that investment with content that is actuality enjoyable and not punitive.
You may be dealing with a minority of the total player base here, but we're the ones who matter. We're the die hards who stick it out long term, we're the recruiters and the whales who keep fresh blood and income stream flowing into STO.
So drop your self righteous one way consideration, and ask yourself: how do you think it feels to work a tedious job just so you can earn a little extra income to devote to a product you believed in, only to find it punish you for running content, raising costs exorbitantly, basically annihilating the ability to alt, and diminishing rewards for increasingly difficult content, then to top it all off: to have the developer who wrecked it all, blame YOU who pays his salary, for the incompetence in the game's direction, all while laughably and patently lying through his teeth about the reality of the situation.
You want to talk about feeling hurt? You want to talk about a slap in the face? Get real.
This thread is the most healthy expression of the pain this playerbase is feeling that I can imagine. In a perfect world, the developers -one Lizard in particular- would be accountable to read every one of them.
Really guys, this thread was not meant to be a sparring pit. It's meant to be humorous and a release for our frustrations about the game, in a tongue in cheek and satirical manner.
My name is STO Player. After 5 years in hell, I have come back with only one goal...to save my game. But to do so, I can't be the whale I once was. To honor my friend's memory, I must become someone else. I must be something else...
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
I was using a relate-able visual aid to describe what it feels like to have something you put your time and enthusiasm into, only to feel blatantly slapped in the face by the people who put your services to use.
And that is why you're projecting. You have a miserable job, we get that. People are mean to you on the phone, we get that. But this thread has nothing to do with that. Instead, this is a fun thread, with some of the most hilarious meme sigs I've ever seen.
Again, please stop projecting your own misery onto this thread.
Two questions. How do you derive a state of anger from someone being critical of others' behaviour? And of all things to quote... Episode I?
You're not critical, you're bitter. And hurt because of the way people treat you on the phone. And you're clearly suffering because of it. And from that position you're projecting, and thus lashing out to others. And the fact that you can't see that is what keeps you in your misery. I say, do yourself a huge favor, and find a job that brings you more happiness.
And that is why you're projecting. You have a miserable job, we get that. People are mean to you on the phone, we get that. But this thread has nothing to do with that. Instead, this is a fun thread, with some of the most hilarious meme sigs I've ever seen.
Again, please stop projecting your own misery onto this thread.
You're not critical, you're bitter. And hurt because of the way people treat you on the phone. And you're clearly suffering because of it. And from that position you're projecting, and thus lashing out to others. And the fact that you can't see that is what keeps you in your misery. I say, do yourself a huge favor, and find a job that brings you more happiness.
Saying I'm projecting does not mean I am. Saying I'm bitter doesn't mean I am. I'm not sure if you're deliberately trying to make me angry, but if you are, I'm afraid you haven't succeeded.
I made a lone commentary that compared someone's job to someone else's. And seeing as I have only my own experience to draw upon to elaborate on the point, my job was the one I chose. It just fit the image I had in my mind extremely well.
Oh, and saying "the fact that you can't see it" doesn't validate you when I refute your statements either. Somehow you've drawn this massive conclusion from one comment and just won't let it go.
At least I waited until there was a hundred and fifty pages of this nonsense before I put my thoughts on it.
Saying I'm projecting does not mean I am. Saying I'm bitter doesn't mean I am. I'm not sure if you're deliberately trying to make me angry, but if you are, I'm afraid you haven't succeeded.
I made a lone commentary that compared someone's job to someone else's. And seeing as I have only my own experience to draw upon to elaborate on the point, my job was the one I chose. It just fit the image I had in my mind extremely well.
Oh, and saying "the fact that you can't see it" doesn't validate you when I refute your statements either. Somehow you've drawn this massive conclusion from one comment and just won't let it go.
At least I waited until there was a hundred and fifty pages of this nonsense before I put my thoughts on it.
Yeah, I'm just gonna honor valoreah's request, and not respond any more. Come join us on the fun side of the island!
Right. Angry, hurt, insulted... all the things you want to shield the devs from. Yet no care for the player who is venting their frustration in a healthy and constructive manner.
Here's a question. If you're that badly jaded, why do you keep paying and playing? I played World of W*rCraft for 5 years, dumped hundreds of dollars (at a time when hundreds of dollars was a lot of money to me) into it, only for Cataclysm to turn me right off.
Because I don't want to lose STO. There is a community here that I like. There is a lot of beautiful work put into this game. The environments, the characters, the storyline, the friends I've made. I love STO for that. I don't just throw things away when they start to break. I want to see this fixed.
Instead of insulting the developers for their choice in changing the way the game is played, I stopped paying for the game. Every dollar you spend on a game you already know you don't like, isn't a slap in the face from the developers. It's you slapping yourself.
Not all dollars are created equally. I reward content that I fine interesting and appealing. I chastise content that I feel fails to meet my expectations.
I don't like the current direction of this game. But there are still a lot of things I do like and want to support. I'm not interested in throwing out the baby with the bath water.
We criticize the direction of this game exactly because we care about it. Because we want to fix this.
It would be one thing for the player base to voice their frustration and proceed to stop paying to play. The developers would sure notice that. But people keep paying for stuff. So either the game really isn't that bad, or the players have a spending addiction and don't care where the money goes.
If we walk away STO dies and PWE moves onto some other property.
We don't want that.
Understanding that a thing can simultaneously be good and bad is key.
You are a very angry, angry person, it is so sad to see you meltdown in such a way. I will pray for you my child, as the anger in you is consuming you. Remember:
"FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE, FEAR leads to ANGER, anger leads to HATE, hate... leads to SUFFERING." - Grandmaster Jedi, Yoda
I have never seen such an awesome thread that makes me laugh so hard. All the sigs in this thread are instant classics. Satire humor that is well thought out and expressed. Thank you people for all the laughs, keep it going.
Haven't seen him in 2-3 days, his Youtube channel disappeared...I'm wondering if the Devs finally caught up to him and banned him as retribution.
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
I would have recommended future readers watch voporak's video collections instead of reading the entire thread, but at the time of this writing, YouTube tells me the channel doesn't exist.
Got a very sinister thought, all of a sudden.
Voporak, please report in, and tell us everything is awesome!
I second this motion!
Right place, wrong time. Complaints take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Today and Thursday is sycophantic dev praise days, and the weekend is the downward spiral depression special.
Seeing as you are here, would you like me to book a place for you tomorrow sir? I have a spare spot near the fires?
Queue Finally popped, I get in the map, and my power tray's all gone.......... Best expansion EVA !
You talk of me being "the minority", which is ironic, considering the bulk of negativity on these forums represents a minority of the game's general opinion. Probably because the average player avoids these forums like the plague. I don't know for certain if my own opinion about the state of the game is popular.
And again, though I doubt there's any point in my reiterating, I was using a relate-able visual aid to describe what it feels like to have something you put your time and enthusiasm into, only to feel blatantly slapped in the face by the people who put your services to use. If I was one of the developers, I'd likely feel very hurt by the response epitomized by this thread.
In this case, the people here demonstrate far less of the "satire" than people here seem to claim. I'm not sure where humour in America went wrong, but if YouTube's parody video infestation is any hint, it seems that insult humour is the way it goes now.
Two questions. How do you derive a state of anger from someone being critical of others' behaviour? And of all things to quote... Episode I?
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
don't you see a problem somewhere? just a question
oh! btw; delta rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it
Please do not allow trolls to derail the thread, guys. We've said our piece and it will go away, or not, without our help.
Keep the creativity up.
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
A expansion that might lose more players then LOR and DR combined. Awesomeness!
Good job with the lockbox money. Its the Best expansion Ever !
:eek: very nice picture; and perfect after some posts not very friendly
btw; yes players are all not from US; personally i'm from france
Really? Stuck it up.
The fact of the matter is that WE are the people keeping this game going. WE pay the salaries, grind the missions, and buy the new shiny of the month; in desperate hope that they will return on that investment with content that is actuality enjoyable and not punitive.
You may be dealing with a minority of the total player base here, but we're the ones who matter. We're the die hards who stick it out long term, we're the recruiters and the whales who keep fresh blood and income stream flowing into STO.
So drop your self righteous one way consideration, and ask yourself: how do you think it feels to work a tedious job just so you can earn a little extra income to devote to a product you believed in, only to find it punish you for running content, raising costs exorbitantly, basically annihilating the ability to alt, and diminishing rewards for increasingly difficult content, then to top it all off: to have the developer who wrecked it all, blame YOU who pays his salary, for the incompetence in the game's direction, all while laughably and patently lying through his teeth about the reality of the situation.
You want to talk about feeling hurt? You want to talk about a slap in the face? Get real.
This thread is the most healthy expression of the pain this playerbase is feeling that I can imagine. In a perfect world, the developers -one Lizard in particular- would be accountable to read every one of them.
Your reaction suggests you don't believe it's possible for someone to read or view something they don't like. I think it would be impolite not to read the responses from others to my comments and respond if warranted. But maybe I'm the weird one. That's definitely not impossible.
Now *this* is an angry person.
Here's a question. If you're that badly jaded, why do you keep paying and playing? I played World of W*rCraft for 5 years, dumped hundreds of dollars (at a time when hundreds of dollars was a lot of money to me) into it, only for Cataclysm to turn me right off.
Instead of insulting the developers for their choice in changing the way the game is played, I stopped paying for the game. Every dollar you spend on a game you already know you don't like, isn't a slap in the face from the developers. It's you slapping yourself.
It would be one thing for the player base to voice their frustration and proceed to stop paying to play. The developers would sure notice that. But people keep paying for stuff. So either the game really isn't that bad, or the players have a spending addiction and don't care where the money goes.
I'm inclined to believe the game just doesn't bear as deep a set of flaws as the overblown reactions are implying.
Perhaps you yourself could do well to "stuck it up", or at least talk with your pocketbook. If you don't like it, don't pay for it.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
Because it's mine to waste.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
Really guys, this thread was not meant to be a sparring pit. It's meant to be humorous and a release for our frustrations about the game, in a tongue in cheek and satirical manner.
My name is STO Player. After 5 years in hell, I have come back with only one goal...to save my game. But to do so, I can't be the whale I once was. To honor my friend's memory, I must become someone else. I must be something else...
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
And that is why you're projecting. You have a miserable job, we get that. People are mean to you on the phone, we get that. But this thread has nothing to do with that. Instead, this is a fun thread, with some of the most hilarious meme sigs I've ever seen.
Again, please stop projecting your own misery onto this thread.
You're not critical, you're bitter. And hurt because of the way people treat you on the phone. And you're clearly suffering because of it. And from that position you're projecting, and thus lashing out to others. And the fact that you can't see that is what keeps you in your misery. I say, do yourself a huge favor, and find a job that brings you more happiness.
Saying I'm projecting does not mean I am. Saying I'm bitter doesn't mean I am. I'm not sure if you're deliberately trying to make me angry, but if you are, I'm afraid you haven't succeeded.
I made a lone commentary that compared someone's job to someone else's. And seeing as I have only my own experience to draw upon to elaborate on the point, my job was the one I chose. It just fit the image I had in my mind extremely well.
Oh, and saying "the fact that you can't see it" doesn't validate you when I refute your statements either. Somehow you've drawn this massive conclusion from one comment and just won't let it go.
At least I waited until there was a hundred and fifty pages of this nonsense before I put my thoughts on it.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
Yeah, I'm just gonna honor valoreah's request, and not respond any more. Come join us on the fun side of the island!
yes; because delta rising is the best expansion ever and the player love it :P
Right. Angry, hurt, insulted... all the things you want to shield the devs from. Yet no care for the player who is venting their frustration in a healthy and constructive manner.
Because I don't want to lose STO. There is a community here that I like. There is a lot of beautiful work put into this game. The environments, the characters, the storyline, the friends I've made. I love STO for that. I don't just throw things away when they start to break. I want to see this fixed.
Not all dollars are created equally. I reward content that I fine interesting and appealing. I chastise content that I feel fails to meet my expectations.
I don't like the current direction of this game. But there are still a lot of things I do like and want to support. I'm not interested in throwing out the baby with the bath water.
We criticize the direction of this game exactly because we care about it. Because we want to fix this.
If we walk away STO dies and PWE moves onto some other property.
We don't want that.
Understanding that a thing can simultaneously be good and bad is key.
So I should suck it up because I'm upset and concerned about the direction of this game, but the developers should be immune to critique.
Again with your lop sided logic. You have no standing. Why do you waste your time?
"No matter where you go...there you are."