We need to spend more time watching movies and television shows to find inspiration for new memes... this thread is becoming like the South Park episode with the phrase: "Simpsons did it!" It's tough to come up with new funny when we've already covered so many bases. :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
We need to spend more time watching movies and television shows to find inspiration for new memes... this thread is becoming like the South Park episode with the phrase: "Simpsons did it!" It's tough to come up with new funny when we've already covered so many bases. :P
I have become happy with mine.... for now.... I may alter it.
I have become happy with mine.... for now.... I may alter it.
Pray I do not alter it further...
Oh, I'm quite happy with mine as well, and it was one of my earliest. That said, making new ones is a wonderful creative outlet and source of amusement... oh, and in addition to movies and television, there are also other art forms to serve as inspiration...
Neither expansion was utterly perfect nor completely bereft of value; the scales just tend to balance more towards one side than the other... thus the humor and memes. :P
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
i need one with 2 Royal Guard standing outside the door while the Emperor playing sto and he says out loud the Empire will enjoy DR or they will be destroyed
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
sorry, from the devs i expect only one thing: to do what they are paid for. From you i expect more than random insults: if you have such a developed sense of humor, please enlighten us and make a sig / post a link which makes us laugh. If you are not able to do this or to contribute something constructive in this thread, GTFO.
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
Why, if the Devs have a sense of humor, YOU, for certain, wouldn't be able to recognize it! :P
Truth is, this is the funniest thread ever, and the players love it!
Their one mistake with DR is making the advanced queues too hard for too little reward. And its so easy to fix!
Have faith, be positive!
I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
I read this thread and I imagine the dev team members at a desk with a headset, their faces slowly draining of the will to live. Last year, they gave out slippers and bathrobes for Secret Santa.
This year, it's going to be hard liquour and Mexican ganja.
sorry, from the devs i expect only one thing: to do what they are paid for. From you i expect more than random insults: if you have such a developed sense of humor, please enlighten us and make a sig / post a link which makes us laugh. If you are not able to do this or to contribute something constructive in this thread, GTFO.
I refuse to take part in the process of horribly demeaning a group of people that could just as easily shut this game down on you and tell you "thanks for being a gigantic bellend for four years, we're going back to making games for the Chinese".
I'm specifically here to be a buzzkill, and I take excruciatingly little pleasure in being a bully. Nor do I respond to bullying. So if you want me to GTFO, I eagerly look forward to seeing how you plan to go about forcing me to.
sorry, but your initial post here is more a sign of random venting because of the stuff people tell you in your job.
in other words: nobody forces you to read stuff here. If you dont like it, move along. But if you start insulting the people here, you behave no better than those people who call and abuse you in your job.
sorry, but your initial post here is more a sign of random venting because of the stuff people tell you in your job.
in other words: nobody forces you to read stuff here. If you dont like it, move along. But if you start insulting the people here, you behave no better than those people who call and abuse you in your job.
just my 2 cents
Canada decirculated the penny, so you may keep them.
As for "random" venting, I find myself unable to do much of anything at random. Perhaps a failing. And as for the "venting" part, I believe you are mistaking it for "judging". I'm judging you. And my criticism is honest, forward, and not shrouded in juvenile trolling behaviour.
I challenge any person here to do the same. Maybe if anyone here had a legitimate grievance, and could articulate it without acting like they were still admiring their first underarm hairs, they would be taken a little bit seriously.
I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
I read this thread and I imagine the dev team members at a desk with a headset, their faces slowly draining of the will to live. Last year, they gave out slippers and bathrobes for Secret Santa.
This year, it's going to be hard liquour and Mexican ganja.
I refuse to take part in the process of horribly demeaning a group of people that could just as easily shut this game down on you and tell you "thanks for being a gigantic bellend for four years, we're going back to making games for the Chinese".
I'm specifically here to be a buzzkill, and I take excruciatingly little pleasure in being a bully. Nor do I respond to bullying. So if you want me to GTFO, I eagerly look forward to seeing how you plan to go about forcing me to.
All that takes is a moderator to solve that issue!
I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
I read this thread and I imagine the dev team members at a desk with a headset, their faces slowly draining of the will to live. Last year, they gave out slippers and bathrobes for Secret Santa.
This year, it's going to be hard liquour and Mexican ganja.
I refuse to take part in the process of horribly demeaning a group of people that could just as easily shut this game down on you and tell you "thanks for being a gigantic bellend for four years, we're going back to making games for the Chinese".
I'm specifically here to be a buzzkill, and I take excruciatingly little pleasure in being a bully. Nor do I respond to bullying. So if you want me to GTFO, I eagerly look forward to seeing how you plan to go about forcing me to.
Yeah, no. Honestly. Sorry about the verbal abuse you're apparently unable to shake off in your real life job, but I think you're horribly projecting here. I bet you 17:1 that the Devs are having just as much fun reading this thread as everyone else. Memes are simply harmless fun. They always are.
I challenge any person here to do the same. Maybe if anyone here had a legitimate grievance, and could articulate it without acting like they were still admiring their first underarm hairs, they would be taken a little bit seriously.
We did. About a hundred time. When DR was in beta, and after the release.
You missed the posts, doesn't mean we didn't make them.
And what did we have for our serious grievance ? Geko said we were ungrateful whiner, and Smirk said the expansion was a success (so we could STFU). And I can't remember which dev said they didn't cared about the forum opinion, and instead relied on metric and the like. Basically saying whatever we said they didn't care.
I'm sure if you did that in your job, you'll have to find another one quickly enough. I know I would.
So yeah, sorry for venting, since our opinion is no longer needed.
We did. About a hundred time. When DR was in beta, and after the release.
You missed the posts, doesn't mean we didn't make them.
And what did we have for our serious grievance ? Geko said we were ungrateful whiner, and Smirk said the expansion was a success (so we could STFU). And I can't remember which dev said they didn't cared about the forum opinion, and instead relied on metric and the like. Basically saying whatever we said they didn't care.
I'm sure if you did that in your job, you'll have to find another one quickly enough. I know I would.
So yeah, sorry for venting, since our opinion is no longer needed.
Actually, ironically, humor is actually far more healthy than any other, usually negative-sounding, complaint voiced. Too bad captainzhei doesn't realize that. The Moderators apparently do, as they keep this thread open. And as long as people dont post images of Hitler, or Jesus hanging on a cross, I can't fathom any reason why they would even consider closing it.
Yeah, no. Honestly. Sorry about the verbal abuse you're apparently unable to shake off in your real life job, but I think you're horribly projecting here. I bet you 17:1 that the Devs are having just as much fun reading this thread as everyone else. Memes are simply harmless fun. They always are.
I was using the image of my horrible job as a visual aid. But apparently siding against the tide of trolly nonsense means I must be subjected to intentional misinterpretation. You're welcome to believe I'm projecting if you wish, but that doesn't make this thread any less "dirtbag" in style.
And if you think the odds are that good, 17:1, that the devs are chuckling, then here's another quote for me to reply to.
We did. About a hundred time. When DR was in beta, and after the release.
You missed the posts, doesn't mean we didn't make them.
And what did we have for our serious grievance ? Geko said we were ungrateful whiner, and Smirk said the expansion was a success (so we could STFU). And I can't remember which dev said they didn't cared about the forum opinion, and instead relied on metric and the like. Basically saying whatever we said they didn't care.
I'm sure if you did that in your job, you'll have to find another one quickly enough. I know I would.
So yeah, sorry for venting, since our opinion is no longer needed.
Thanks, Erei. Meimeitoo, this hardly seems like the response of developers who find the community's bullyish sense of humour to be particularly funny.
Otherwise, perhaps what you perceive to be a greivance, isn't. Or at least doesn't appear to be, based on reaction from other people.
If I missed the posts, that could just as easily mean that they were swept away by people having discussions that mattered more.
Truth is, this is the funniest thread ever, and the players love it!
I think this thread is a healthy outlet for frustrations. Don't know what changes they are planning but you can bet they are thinking of how they can meet player demands and expectations, maintain profit margin, and save face, all at the same time. Until they do these things, I fear that the numbers will continue to fall except for the most dedicated player base. JMHO.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
I hope the devs have a sense of humour, because this thread is full of sh*t. Juvenile, uncreative, directionless sh*t. None of the "Delta Rising" insult signatures have even illicited a chuckle. Boring obvious dumb jokes about a dubiously effective expansion.
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
Ah, and it all makes sense now. Look man, if you're as intelligent as you want to claim you are , you should probably know better than venting at a bunch of people for your RL issues that none of them had anything to do with.
I read this thread and I imagine the dev team members at a desk with a headset, their faces slowly draining of the will to live. Last year, they gave out slippers and bathrobes for Secret Santa.
This year, it's going to be hard liquour and Mexican ganja.
:rolleyes: Seriously?
I know getting a job/another job in today's economy can be a massive PITA almost anywhere in the world, but if your job leaves you feeling like this maybe it's time for a new career move? Whatever it is, it can't be worse than losing the will to live, can it?
I refuse to take part in the process of horribly demeaning a group of people that could just as easily shut this game down on you and tell you "thanks for being a gigantic bellend for four years, we're going back to making games for the Chinese".
And yet you find the time and will to enter and argue some points in a silly thread for posting random sigs because you don't like it, probably knowing just how much of a minority you'd be around here.
Take it from me - I, for ex. hate the news in the country I live in. They seem to be on almost non-stop, on all domestic channels and are purposely only sad and depressive to make people feel better about their own problems and seem that things home are better than they actually are. So what do I do? I don't watch the news. Easy as heck. Watch Animal Planet or something nice and relaxing like that. I don't phonecall all of the local TV stations and argue with them about their programme and reporting choices. If you dislike it so much, just ignore the thread. Easy as heck.
And for the record - the company just lost over 150K of their Chinese MMO players, so it seems that the Chinese are not much fond of their business practices and game development as well.
And here we are at the end, to the essence. For someone seemingly so compassionate for the company's employees, you sure seem to underestimate the intelligence and sense of the CMs and mods if you think they'll kill the buzz because of what you're trying to accomplish here.
As has been suggested previously in this thread, created specifically for the creation of memes celebrating Delta Rising and how we all love it, if you believe anyone is in the wrong, report it to a moderator or create your own thread.
If you want to insult someone, do it in another thread.
If you want to berate someone, do it in your own thread.
If you want to celebrate community spirit, creativity, Delta Rising, our amazing devs for giving us the fodder to create such a meme, our moderators for their even-handed approach and sense of humour, or contribute to the thread yourself then this is the place for you.
If you think it is contributing to throw abuse at the forum-goers, this is not the place for you and I offer you my pity.
To the call centre worker, sad at his plight and trying to equate it to the devs, you have missed the point entirely. We are NOT complaining. We ARE taking what a specific dev/group of devs said and using it, with good humour, to illustrate a point. Does that humour skirt a line in the snow? Perhaps more often than not but we are not hurling abuse or epithets at anyone (except one person did tell you to GTFO which is a poor show from a thread which has thus far shaken off people more rude than you with good humour).
To equate a thread which may or may not be read by any devs (none have posted so far, only volunteer moderators) with a situation where someone is specifically calling to speak to someone and give them a problem to solve (and maybe some direct abuse along the way) is asinine.
Try starting reading the thread from the very first post. I dare you. Start at the beginning and follow the thread all the way through, as many of us have done for its over 100 pages. If you can do that and still fail to see what we are doing, you will have my admiration for going through each and every post and meme and my sympathies because it would then be clear you would never understand the joke.
We need to spend more time watching movies and television shows to find inspiration for new memes... this thread is becoming like the South Park episode with the phrase: "Simpsons did it!" It's tough to come up with new funny when we've already covered so many bases. :P
I have become happy with mine.... for now.... I may alter it.
Pray I do not alter it further...
Oh, I'm quite happy with mine as well, and it was one of my earliest. That said, making new ones is a wonderful creative outlet and source of amusement... oh, and in addition to movies and television, there are also other art forms to serve as inspiration...
Literature: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2aeqxjs&s=8#.VI-KErItFes
Fashion/Pop Music (can't I posted this yet): http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=8xvar5&s=8#.VI-Kg7ItFes
Neither expansion was utterly perfect nor completely bereft of value; the scales just tend to balance more towards one side than the other... thus the humor and memes. :P
system Lord Baal is dead
By all means
Lol I change mine every week or two. Doesn't feel quite as stale that way
**wish i could say the same about the game**
...but I'm only adding one at a time. We'll use time gates to spread out the content! :P
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Doesn't anyone remember when effort was put into being funny instead of just being mean?
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
Thanks for contributing.
Free Tibet!
This thread is just epic haha, I wanna know what kind of Mission Impossible or Matrix stunts u guys pulled to keep this out of the devs way :P
lets just hope this thread knows the meaning of "Live long and prosper"
prosper 4 sure
long? we ll see
sorry, from the devs i expect only one thing: to do what they are paid for. From you i expect more than random insults: if you have such a developed sense of humor, please enlighten us and make a sig / post a link which makes us laugh. If you are not able to do this or to contribute something constructive in this thread, GTFO.
Why, if the Devs have a sense of humor, YOU, for certain, wouldn't be able to recognize it! :P
Truth is, this is the funniest thread ever, and the players love it!
Now now... tut .. tut....
You KNOW what happens when you feed the trolls past midnight :P
I work at a customer service call centre. My job is to answer telephone calls from people who only call us when something has gone horribly wrong. Regardless of whose fault the problem is, it's my fault (even when the customer says "I know it's not your fault, but..." as if that's supposed to justify the horrible things they had JUST finished saying to me). I endure verbal abuse from people who are also expecting me to turn around and polish their perineum with no hands.
I read this thread and I imagine the dev team members at a desk with a headset, their faces slowly draining of the will to live. Last year, they gave out slippers and bathrobes for Secret Santa.
This year, it's going to be hard liquour and Mexican ganja.
I refuse to take part in the process of horribly demeaning a group of people that could just as easily shut this game down on you and tell you "thanks for being a gigantic bellend for four years, we're going back to making games for the Chinese".
I'm specifically here to be a buzzkill, and I take excruciatingly little pleasure in being a bully. Nor do I respond to bullying. So if you want me to GTFO, I eagerly look forward to seeing how you plan to go about forcing me to.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
in other words: nobody forces you to read stuff here. If you dont like it, move along. But if you start insulting the people here, you behave no better than those people who call and abuse you in your job.
just my 2 cents
Canada decirculated the penny, so you may keep them.
As for "random" venting, I find myself unable to do much of anything at random. Perhaps a failing. And as for the "venting" part, I believe you are mistaking it for "judging". I'm judging you. And my criticism is honest, forward, and not shrouded in juvenile trolling behaviour.
I challenge any person here to do the same. Maybe if anyone here had a legitimate grievance, and could articulate it without acting like they were still admiring their first underarm hairs, they would be taken a little bit seriously.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
All that takes is a moderator to solve that issue!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Yeah, no. Honestly. Sorry about the verbal abuse you're apparently unable to shake off in your real life job, but I think you're horribly projecting here. I bet you 17:1 that the Devs are having just as much fun reading this thread as everyone else.
You missed the posts, doesn't mean we didn't make them.
And what did we have for our serious grievance ? Geko said we were ungrateful whiner, and Smirk said the expansion was a success (so we could STFU). And I can't remember which dev said they didn't cared about the forum opinion, and instead relied on metric and the like. Basically saying whatever we said they didn't care.
I'm sure if you did that in your job, you'll have to find another one quickly enough. I know I would.
So yeah, sorry for venting, since our opinion is no longer needed.
Actually, ironically, humor is actually far more healthy than any other, usually negative-sounding, complaint voiced. Too bad captainzhei doesn't realize that. The Moderators apparently do, as they keep this thread open. And as long as people dont post images of Hitler, or Jesus hanging on a cross, I can't fathom any reason why they would even consider closing it.
And if I break a rule (for example, by trolling), I would expect to see one. Until that happens, I have every right to post.
I was using the image of my horrible job as a visual aid. But apparently siding against the tide of trolly nonsense means I must be subjected to intentional misinterpretation. You're welcome to believe I'm projecting if you wish, but that doesn't make this thread any less "dirtbag" in style.
And if you think the odds are that good, 17:1, that the devs are chuckling, then here's another quote for me to reply to.
Thanks, Erei. Meimeitoo, this hardly seems like the response of developers who find the community's bullyish sense of humour to be particularly funny.
Otherwise, perhaps what you perceive to be a greivance, isn't. Or at least doesn't appear to be, based on reaction from other people.
If I missed the posts, that could just as easily mean that they were swept away by people having discussions that mattered more.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
I think this thread is a healthy outlet for frustrations. Don't know what changes they are planning but you can bet they are thinking of how they can meet player demands and expectations, maintain profit margin, and save face, all at the same time. Until they do these things, I fear that the numbers will continue to fall except for the most dedicated player base. JMHO.
Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
Ah, and it all makes sense now. Look man, if you're as intelligent as you want to claim you are , you should probably know better than venting at a bunch of people for your RL issues that none of them had anything to do with.
:rolleyes: Seriously?
I know getting a job/another job in today's economy can be a massive PITA almost anywhere in the world, but if your job leaves you feeling like this maybe it's time for a new career move? Whatever it is, it can't be worse than losing the will to live, can it?
And yet you find the time and will to enter and argue some points in a silly thread for posting random sigs because you don't like it, probably knowing just how much of a minority you'd be around here.
Take it from me - I, for ex. hate the news in the country I live in. They seem to be on almost non-stop, on all domestic channels and are purposely only sad and depressive to make people feel better about their own problems and seem that things home are better than they actually are. So what do I do? I don't watch the news. Easy as heck. Watch Animal Planet or something nice and relaxing like that. I don't phonecall all of the local TV stations and argue with them about their programme and reporting choices. If you dislike it so much, just ignore the thread. Easy as heck.
And for the record - the company just lost over 150K of their Chinese MMO players, so it seems that the Chinese are not much fond of their business practices and game development as well.
And here we are at the end, to the essence. For someone seemingly so compassionate for the company's employees, you sure seem to underestimate the intelligence and sense of the CMs and mods if you think they'll kill the buzz because of what you're trying to accomplish here.
If you want to insult someone, do it in another thread.
If you want to berate someone, do it in your own thread.
If you want to celebrate community spirit, creativity, Delta Rising, our amazing devs for giving us the fodder to create such a meme, our moderators for their even-handed approach and sense of humour, or contribute to the thread yourself then this is the place for you.
If you think it is contributing to throw abuse at the forum-goers, this is not the place for you and I offer you my pity.
To the call centre worker, sad at his plight and trying to equate it to the devs, you have missed the point entirely. We are NOT complaining. We ARE taking what a specific dev/group of devs said and using it, with good humour, to illustrate a point. Does that humour skirt a line in the snow? Perhaps more often than not but we are not hurling abuse or epithets at anyone (except one person did tell you to GTFO which is a poor show from a thread which has thus far shaken off people more rude than you with good humour).
To equate a thread which may or may not be read by any devs (none have posted so far, only volunteer moderators) with a situation where someone is specifically calling to speak to someone and give them a problem to solve (and maybe some direct abuse along the way) is asinine.
Try starting reading the thread from the very first post. I dare you. Start at the beginning and follow the thread all the way through, as many of us have done for its over 100 pages. If you can do that and still fail to see what we are doing, you will have my admiration for going through each and every post and meme and my sympathies because it would then be clear you would never understand the joke.
One for today, whilst I'm feeling creative...
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016