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Official Statement - Tau Dewa



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    coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This whole thing is a mess, can't blame all members and those like me who venture into Tau Dewa and do it solo (without teams) shouldn't have been blamed also. I use those patrols for testing my weapons gear. Now I was taken back myself started to play my favorite online game a bit less. But you know what's happening if there is a drop in players since the announcement was made. SHUT DOWN! That sounds like a clamp down to me. After this now everything suppose to go back to normal. But there are other changes in this game why so many changes to effect the behavior of this game. Like your being forced to play a certain way. Delta Rising would have been such a fun new Star Trek, but as you can see not everyone here is happy about it.

    Time will only tell!
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    derbitburgerderbitburger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thanks for the Delta Sinking
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it!
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    gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Thanks for telling us that we're cheating by PLAYING THE GAME.

    I honestly do not think it was simple Japori runs that were the problem. Again I CANNOT repeat what I heard but I heard indications in Zone last night that there was something much more severe and indeed it was a small number of players. However the situation has been very poorly communicated, and with what I now begin to suspect as a mathematical error that nerfed the XP, it does look very bad for Cryptic.

    How might you do a 70% nerf by accident? http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=20152041&postcount=10

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
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    billdunbilldun Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    How many more times are you going to post that?
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    The Devs generally do not discuss exploits in any detail and at any rate the forum rules definitely prohibit it.

    You guys will have to be satisfied with the answer Trendy gave you.

    Satisfied with the lame answer trendy gave us? no not in the slightest

    However its the only answer were going to get from the devs who so love to communicate with their players (Note my sarcasm)
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    ukomegaukomega Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Please.. it's always been that way..

    THEY Mess up.. WE get punished!

    And they hurt themselves in the process.. 4 of my buddies are ready to leave the game.. one has already quit and un-installed.. These were PAYING members. Tempted myself. Just keeps getting worse and worse... Rather sad really.. was a good game mostly.. then Free-2-play hit.. which had ups and downs.. but since then.. from the dev side.. it's just gone downhill. Delta Rising isn't exactly the great epic expansion that was hyped so much either.. *sigh*
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ukomega wrote: »
    Please.. it's always been that way..

    THEY Mess up.. WE get punished!

    And they hurt themselves in the process.. 4 of my buddies are ready to leave the game.. one has already quit and un-installed.. These were PAYING members. Tempted myself. Just keeps getting worse and worse... Rather sad really.. was a good game mostly.. then Free-2-play hit.. which had ups and downs.. but since then.. from the dev side.. it's just gone downhill. Delta Rising isn't exactly the great epic expansion that was hyped so much either.. *sigh*

    I think F2P saved this game from oblivion due to the cash that it creates but where this game is at and where its going is not because the game is F2P.

    The real reason is the ignorance and incompetence of the cryptic dev team and their utter lack of communication and not even relising that they have alienated players due to thier actions and in some cases lack there of.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gulberat wrote: »
    I honestly do not think it was simple Japori runs that were the problem. Again I CANNOT repeat what I heard but I heard indications in Zone last night that there was something much more severe and indeed it was a small number of players. However the situation has been very poorly communicated, and with what I now begin to suspect as a mathematical error that nerfed the XP, it does look very bad for Cryptic.

    How might you do a 70% nerf by accident? http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=20152041&postcount=10

    Many are reporting losing their specialization points.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
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    ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Lemme get this straight...

    The Devs put out an expansion, where CLEARLY there isn't enough content to hit the new level cap. Numerically, the math don't work.

    Then, the Devs butcher the XP gained from Mission Replays and from Missions that hadn't been completed yet.

    So...how is a person expected to hit the new Level Cap? By design, a person is supposed to Grind. Alot. Even more so now than ever before in any previous incarnation of this game.

    So...then the Devs discover a previously end-game area that was being ground out by players, to maximize their efficiency, and the Devs throw a penalty flag claiming it's an exploit, even though in reality it would simply be an area they forgot to "dampen" with their XP butchering of all the previous areas.

    Ok, my head hurts.

    What is the point of a game? Last time I checked, it was to have fun.

    Fun = People Playing.
    People Playing = $$$$ for the Devs.
    $$$$ for the Devs = Successful Business Plan.

    Yet, it would seem that the entirety of this new expansion has been DESIGNED to be the least amount of fun that it can possibly be. And when a hole is discovered in the DESIGNED Grind, it's plugged and the players are accused of exploiting.


    Are we having fun yet?

    Keep at it Cryptic. In no time at all you'll be able to power down those STO servers and move on to something else. I can only imagine based on the evidence in front of me that this is the plan, to drive of the players so you can shutter STO?

    Oh, and accusing the playerbase of exploiting, because you guys forgot to dampen the XP in Tau Dewa before launch....just a brillant, stellar totally awesome PR move. /fecitiousgolfclap

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
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    ukomegaukomega Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think F2P saved this game from oblivion due to the cash that it creates but where this game is at and where its going is not because the game is F2P.

    The real reason is the ignorance and incompetence of the cryptic dev team and their utter lack of communication and not even relising that they have alienated players due to thier actions and in some cases lack there of.

    Oh.. I never said Free-2-play was to blame. I said it had it's up's and down'S.. and to me that is where things starting falling apart. Game was dumbed down soooo much to lure in the cash cows.. *coughs* i'm sorry.. i meant.. fellow players. It was a big slap in the face for those that needed weeks and months to max out a toon. After free-2-play.. meh.. Casual players are VA's in a week or two.. and then the year of hell where content was a legend of days gone by (Season 4 does NOT count!) and it's just worse now..

    Yet, i totally agree that they are alienating the players.. We.. the guys that pay them.. Just seems so very, very stupid!

    It seems with every patch they release, for every two things they add, they brake a third. And in a lot of cases.. that broken thing is left for ages! Uniforms still clip, although tickets were written 2 YEARS ago.. Other things get removed for "testing and evaluation" and have yet to return..

    What is the point of us testing things on Tribble.. if they are going to ignore half the bug reports and release it anyway cause "Deadline to milk the cash cows!"
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    spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 244 Media Corps
    edited October 2014
    I lost 16 Captain Specialization points today. I did maybe 3-4 Patrols at Japori, but found it quite boring. Instead I cycled through Elite Ground STF's, and did a few patrol's at Argala in the Delta Quadrant.

    Waking up to see days of work lost is disappointing. I feel bad for any others that lost points that they spent tons of time grinding for. Hopefully we'll see a return of these points. I understand nerfing future XP gains if you don't want us leveling up so fast, but messing with what players have already earned, tis not good.
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    azmodeasazmodeas Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    englishnod wrote: »
    Good to know that everything is good now (at least in your opinion) that the exploits have been resolved and that the extremely small number of people who found this exploit have been dealt with (i assume)

    so why was the XP nerfed across the board? this does not really explain that.

    Well at least somone is apologizing for this i suppose!
    what i do not understand here is your rather vague explanation that does not explain at all, please allow me to quote what you just typed above so you get what i am pointing at.

    "I did not want to discuss the details heavily. Now that everything is fixed, I wanted to let everyone know a little more about what was going on. :) "

    so by this definition you actually class this as an acceptable response? i certainly do not, i get that your devs would like to keep exploits a secret etc etc but really what on earth was the point of this post stating you are letting everyone know a little more when you clearly have not.
    Just saying.....

    This Poster in the above quotes. Is bang on correct with how this whole mess stinks in the state of denmark as the phrase goes. The responses from cryptic in this thread is no better then what I've come to expect from real world politicians with there double speak and say many words but tell you nothing. Come on cryptic stop making the presumption the entire community is stupid. If your going to release a statement to explain an action. At least do people the common curtesy of actually explaining in terms the general layman understands. It's this half baked ill thought responses that leave players left wondering if it really is time to spend there hard earned money on something else. This expansion had alot of potential to be something cool and fun. Instead it's a cash grab with a grind that you begin penalizing people for playing your game. Clearly the thread has illustrated how utterly massive a disconnect that exists between the player base and cryptic. I like Sto. I enjoy the ships offered , but to penalize people en masse for some undisclosed exploit is a joke.

    It's a disgraceful joke that people will not tolerate and you will be left with a dwindling player base which leads to a lower income which effects the bottom line in the grand scheme. I suppose until cryptic's bottom line actually takes a hit by the nerf bat. Cryptic will continue this lack of transparency. Last year bioware made a horrid mistake with it's Star wars mmo. That game wasn't even five months old and it went from a 1 million + subscription base to less then 200K subscriptions. Why ? Because they failed to listen to the community . they felt they were the smartest person in the room. the result nearly killed that game. they had to make quick and sweeping changes in order to remain operating. Which today they have allegedly begun to listen to the community and are slowly turning things around.

    Perhaps that's a lesson cryptic should look at. Doubtful tho and i would not be suprised if this post was deemed too inflammatory. But People have feelings and people who enjoy a mmo like this one have passion and when it's felt like the company is gutting the players of that passion. that strong emotions will arise. I would like to be positive but I just do not see it. When people who were not exploiting are losing signifigant progress because of some whimsical move. I tend to lose some optimisim.
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    grimlyonegrimlyone Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    The Devs generally do not discuss exploits in any detail and at any rate the forum rules definitely prohibit it.

    You guys will have to be satisfied with the answer Trendy gave you.

    Well, guess what, I'm not.

    These patrol missions were in the game for the very long time, mind you. How is doing in-game content considered an exploit?

    I'd like to know that, because next day, I wake up without all my R&D mats gone, without a ship I grinded for, and character without any specialisation points.
    It's only logical people would love to level fast. And, of course, they did find the fastest way to do it.
    And got punished for it. FOR DOING INGAME CONTENT. Unless they did use an exploit, which, I repeat, they did not, they are punished for actually nothing wrong.

    If the devs can just come in a splat an "EXPLOIT" sticker on virtually anything, I'd say we have some severe issues showing, right over here.
    The beast at Tanagra.
    Kadir beneath Mo Moteh. Kiteo, his eyes closed. Chenza at court, the court of silence. Darmok on the ocean.
    Shaka, when the walls fell.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm glad they explained what happened. And got it sorted out. Granted it made many players mad, but at least they fixed it before it got out of hand.

    I been using those maps, but for my Romulan. Who is currently in the area working on the Romulan Rep. She hadn't even set foot in the Delta areas yet. So I'm glad they got those maps back up. Since I use them for gear and Tier progression.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Think i speak for allot of people when I say **** YOU to PWE in general and whoever thought they had any right to steal the levels we earned.
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    gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thank you Trendy. I would prefer more information, as I still have concerns about this, but understand you cannot comment on 'exploits' as a matter of policy.

    Nonetheless the fact that you guys have released an official statement is welcome, even if as a gesture.
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    jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Lemme get this straight...

    The Devs put out an expansion, where CLEARLY there isn't enough content to hit the new level cap. Numerically, the math don't work.

    Then, the Devs butcher the XP gained from Mission Replays and from Missions that hadn't been completed yet.

    So...how is a person expected to hit the new Level Cap? By design, a person is supposed to Grind. Alot. Even more so now than ever before in any previous incarnation of this game.

    So...then the Devs discover a previously end-game area that was being ground out by players, to maximize their efficiency, and the Devs throw a penalty flag claiming it's an exploit, even though in reality it would simply be an area they forgot to "dampen" with their XP butchering of all the previous areas.

    Ok, my head hurts.

    What is the point of a game? Last time I checked, it was to have fun.

    Fun = People Playing.
    People Playing = $$$$ for the Devs.
    $$$$ for the Devs = Successful Business Plan.

    Yet, it would seem that the entirety of this new expansion has been DESIGNED to be the least amount of fun that it can possibly be. And when a hole is discovered in the DESIGNED Grind, it's plugged and the players are accused of exploiting.


    Are we having fun yet?

    Keep at it Cryptic. In no time at all you'll be able to power down those STO servers and move on to something else. I can only imagine based on the evidence in front of me that this is the plan, to drive of the players so you can shutter STO?

    Oh, and accusing the playerbase of exploiting, because you guys forgot to dampen the XP in Tau Dewa before launch....just a brillant, stellar totally awesome PR move. /fecitiousgolfclap

    ^^^^ This 100%
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    dichtbringerdichtbringer Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I have not been personally affected by stolen spec points, but shame on you Cryptic. To punish players that use a game mechanic exactly as intended because of your own shortcomings and incompetence is beyond reprehensible.

    3 of my mates have already uninstalled the game, many will follow.
    STO Voice Control Tutorial Video: WATCH
    ELITE STF SPEED RECORDS (time on optional remaining):
    S07: KASE: 12:54 | CSE: 13:20 | ISE: 12:38 All held personally, my POV
    LOR: KASE: 13:19 | CSE: 13:47 | ISE: 13:34 None held personally, other player's POV
    S08: coming soon
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    grayfoxjamesgrayfoxjames Member Posts: 1,516 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    The Devs generally do not discuss exploits in any detail and at any rate the forum rules definitely prohibit it.

    You guys will have to be satisfied with the answer Trendy gave you.

    I can live with not knowing the exploit but what determination was made to pick some that were "clearly" abusing the exploit excessively to those that might have just been joining the "crowd" to power level?
    Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox
    Fleet Leader of:
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    U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class

    Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
    Website: https://www.libertytaskforce.com
    Armada (STOFA Member Fleet): https://www.libertytaskforce.com/stofa
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    Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
    Email: CSDynamix@Hotmail.com
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    rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    You guys will have to be satisfied with the answer Trendy gave you.

    We don't have to be satisfied with any answer we are given. You should choose your language more carefully. I never participated in those maps (mostly because I didn't know about them) but I am deeply concerned by the way it is being handled by the devs or corporate entities behind STO. I think my return to this game may very well be short lived.
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    rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Do you have any idea how much trust you are going to lose over what you have turned into a debacle? You clearly do not have anyone smart working there.
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    graysockgraysock Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gulberat wrote: »
    Guys, the XP nerf MIGHT be a mathematical error, based on what I read in the patch notes about how XP is determined. Click here for an explanation of one possible way that could have occurred.


    It would be a careless, stupid mistake that should not have occurred. But it is a possibility. How much of one I can't say because I have not run rigorous tests myself to come up with the exact XP loss figures but it is one of about three possibilities and has the "advantage" of being only a one-keystroke error and therefore fairly easy to do.

    I can tell you exactly, I grinded argala quite a while and the xp for killing a cruiser on elite was 945, now its 376.

    If you put this into contrast with how much a cruiser is on normal (189) you see what they did there.

    With my ship (~20k dps) I can vaporize a normal cruiser in 5-10 seconds, on eilte I need 45 seconds.

    Now you can do the math.

    But to make it short, before the nerf normal/eilite xp/h where roughly the same, no eilite is as useless as it was before DR.
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    dracondarknightdracondarknight Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I lost just 3 Spec points but was still annoyed about it.
    Less because they were taken but more that they were taken without any explanation at all.

    I don't even deny that I l have grinded in Tau Deva one time as well SOLO grinded Argala on Elite as well as with friends several times too.
    (Note that the word 1 or two times means several runs in sequence in this context).
    The notable part about this is that I only had 16 spec points in total before 3 were deducted, leaving me with 13 ;)

    Yet, I know of people, who got a lot more than just 3 Spec points yet were allowed to keep them.

    So yeah sorry to be this direct but unless I get even such a thing as a remote answer to what I am accused of doing I can only shake my head, as I have honestly no idea why I am with the ones whose points were taken.

    Edit: Especially considering how I had 16 points in total prior to 3 being taken from me, so nowhere near the point where I would have gotten dil from power leveling. \Edit End

    Note that the above mini rant is assuming the points were taken intentionally, as 'measures taken' is a very vague phrase.

    And you know what the really sad thing about this is?

    While all this effort, that due to reports from people even hit people who never were in Japori, was put into this, the Guardian Cruiser still heals like a T3 ship.

    And the Galaxy /Galaxy X set is also still bugged. (Shows 3 set pieces two of them are Antimatter spread, the first one is probably supposed to be cloak but it neither counts nor is displayed)

    The other thing now that makes me a little sad is that Elite Mode gains are now generally unprofitable, this includes Episode replays on that level.
    To gain 1 Sepc point you need to replay about 2/3 rds of the entire story content (XP gained during missions not included).
    Please at least recognize that doing the same content over and over will get old and no longer fun after a while - the same extends to STFs, since we are already on the topic.
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    grimlyonegrimlyone Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    We uncovered some bugs in the game that were definitely not intentional and that could be used to level at a rate significantly faster than anywhere else in the game.

    These patrols were in-game since Legacy of Romulus came out. Nobody saw any issues with it.

    Are you telling me that you devs suck at your job?
    The beast at Tanagra.
    Kadir beneath Mo Moteh. Kiteo, his eyes closed. Chenza at court, the court of silence. Darmok on the ocean.
    Shaka, when the walls fell.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I can understand the others upset about loosing some points. Also way the game company did handle it wasn't that great. But at least they told what they did. Where they didn't really have to. So you should be thankful they explained it.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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    rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So lets get this straight Dev's (includes Mods and the whole fracking lot of you).

    You know about a way to gain XP fast in Tau Dewa on Tribble, yet do nothing.

    You release content to Holodeck and do nothing for a week as people use that method to level.

    Then you call it an exploit when players manage to breach the 60 spec points and start getting dil.

    All in methods you advocate in the release information stating to do Patrols to get XP to level as the Story doesn't manage it on it's own.

    However because of an oversight on your part you now punish those that did this after redefining what an exploit is?

    Shame on you for acting like cowards and not accepting when you screwed up.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
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    inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Cryptic, your behavior is pathetic.

    Good thing Star Citizen has competent, morally decent devs.
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Funny how this took priority over EVERY OTHER gosh-darn bug, period.


    I've been quietly leveling up my toon via DOFF missions and running around the Dyson Sphere collecting Dino Turds. Every day I log in, waiting to see if the Devs have nerfed those as well:

    "You the players are not playing the game as we intended, therefore we have shut down ALL THE CONTENT IN THE GAME except for the part we want you to play. Those who fail to play as our internal metrics dictate will face character rollbacks and/or account deletion. Unhappy with this decision? Charge your ZEN. ZEN purchases make game more entertaining."

    Chuckle all you want, but ever since Dan Stahl came on here and pitched a fit about us not grinding properly and the need to punish the audience for not meeting his internal metrics I've viewed this game quite differently. I thought with his leaving we were past that. Apparently not?

    I will NOT be told how and where I can level in order to meet internal metrics.

    This is a game. I come here because it is FUN to play. Or at least it used to be. I am NOT a worker who clocks in for a certain number of hours to perform a task to earn a wage. This is NOT a job. It is NOT a second career. I come here WILLINGLY and spend my money because I WANT TO, not because I am FORCED to.

    So, Cryptic. Understand what is being said here: We will play this game how we want to play it, your internal metrics be damned. If there is another incident of "play how we tell you to play or face sanctions" I will delete my account of nearly five years and walk away.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ukomega wrote: »
    Please.. it's always been that way..

    THEY Mess up.. WE get punished!

    I seem to remember something about a time-restricted and Arc-required code for an account-wide Red Matter Device unlock... oh, wait... what? Changed to single-item? Because players were promoting the game on social media? Without mentioning it to the folks live on-camera saying it was account-wide?

    Awesome PR move there! :P

    At least this got some form of apology; I mostly feel bad for the CMs that have to relay these decisions.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
This discussion has been closed.