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Official Statement - Tau Dewa



  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Dear Trendy,

    You said:

    "While many players participated a little in the exploited maps, very few really took advantage of it to excessively level characters. We identified this small number of players, and we have removed the excess levels from these characters."

    Today I woke up, seeing ca. 300,000 skills point taken from me (7 points). And yet, I was nowhere near Tau Dewa; nor have I been grouping with anyone (outside of PUGs). I feel saddened to be so blanketly accused like this, especially since y'all have the logs to easily prove I'm speaking the truth.

    Please, advise me on how to proceed in a manner that will get my grievance heard, and dealt with.

    Wow. This just entered a whole new level of bad handling.
    They did really take away your XP NOT even earned in Tau Dewa?

    That is just... bad.
    Reality is an illusion.
    The universe is a hologram.
    Buy gold!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Trendy, the folks that identified that small group of players - may want to take another look at those players they identified. There are folks that went nowhere near Tau Dewa that have been hit by punitive measures as if they had.

    There are some high DPS folks out there that can blow through the DQ Patrols in a blink while folks like me might be there for 15-20 minutes and some folks are there for 30 minutes or more...

    ...those folks shouldn't have been punished for being good at the game.

    It's one thing to come down on folks that were obviously exploiting...it's another to have taken such a heavy handed and blanket approach (Hell, it even seems random at that).

    To be blunt, it makes it difficult to point and laugh at some folks...when you guys have tagged so many innocent folks out there as well. It's kind of annoying...

    IMHO, there should be some path where folks know they were unjustly hit by any rollbacks can work with customer service to get the damage undone.

    The folks that exploited...they took their chances...they got burnt.

    But the other folks out there...they didn't deserve this.

    As an FYI, I'm not one of the folks from either group...outside of playing through the story, I spent most of my time sitting in front of the Exchange (I'm only at 11 (L60+1) for spec points)...so it's not a case that I'm complaining for something I experienced - Hell, not even anybody close to me.

    It just rubs me the wrong way that folks have gotten caught up in it in that should not have been...and it's just feeding the complaints of those that deserved to get burnt as if there was some validity to what they were saying.

    Just something that's probably been said, and I'm nobody special to have said it again, but it is something that I hope you guys will consider...

    ^^ Thank you for this! :)
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If I'm reading correctly, some number of player's were actively gaming an exploit of some kind in Tau Dewa Sector Block, who were penalized for having done so. As well as player's who may have unknowingly benefited from the same exploit may have also been penalized by having been caught within the same net?

    As specific moderation of a player isn't up for open discussion, I speculate that those player's considered to be actually guilty may have been told privately as to why they were penalized. At least I would expect to be (told directly) if that were the case. By extension, if I hadn't received a private notification and found my account penalized, I'd feel compelled to open a private GM ticket to inquire. That is the only way to know for sure.
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • coraleccoralec Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So I'm guessing the fact that I'm bugged with no spec points and can't spend any more spec points is my "punishment" for "exploiting" by killing NPC's? Alright then craptic, if you are going to punish me for playing the game then I must obey the TOS and stop playing. It's been horrible doing business with you craptic. It was really hard to watch your lips sticking to the behinds of your Chinese overlords in these final days but at least that is over for me now. I hope you and perfect world burn so someone who is competent can pick up the license and do the game right.
  • currahee320currahee320 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    themarie wrote: »
    Funny how this took priority over EVERY OTHER gosh-darn bug, period.


    I've been quietly leveling up my toon via DOFF missions and running around the Dyson Sphere collecting Dino Turds. Every day I log in, waiting to see if the Devs have nerfed those as well:

    "You the players are not playing the game as we intended, therefore we have shut down ALL THE CONTENT IN THE GAME except for the part we want you to play. Those who fail to play as our internal metrics dictate will face character rollbacks and/or account deletion. Unhappy with this decision? Charge your ZEN. ZEN purchases make game more entertaining."

    Chuckle all you want, but ever since Dan Stahl came on here and pitched a fit about us not grinding properly and the need to punish the audience for not meeting his internal metrics I've viewed this game quite differently. I thought with his leaving we were past that. Apparently not?

    I will NOT be told how and where I can level in order to meet internal metrics.

    This is a game. I come here because it is FUN to play. Or at least it used to be. I am NOT a worker who clocks in for a certain number of hours to perform a task to earn a wage. This is NOT a job. It is NOT a second career. I come here WILLINGLY and spend my money because I WANT TO, not because I am FORCED to.

    So, Cryptic. Understand what is being said here: We will play this game how we want to play it, your internal metrics be damned. If there is another incident of "play how we tell you to play or face sanctions" I will delete my account of nearly five years and walk away.

    Bravo! Very well said. +1

    Some of us are paying customers. Respond or lose them. Why would I buy a lifetime subscription to be told how to play??
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    xiaoping88 wrote: »
    Wow. This just entered a whole new level of bad handling.
    They did really take away your XP NOT even earned in Tau Dewa?

    That is just... bad.

    Yup, they did. And I haven't missioned near Tau Dewa in ages (since long before DR even). Nor did I team up with anyone. All solo, all on Elite.
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    Whats the official statement on people (even those that didnt do patrol missions) have been loosing spec points?

    I think many people would like to get an answer on this.

    i think this might be it:
    We identified this small number of players, and we have removed the excess levels from these characters.
    which translates to
    we ran a script that marked everyone with x or above amount of spec points, forced respec on them and gave them a fixed amount of points that's what we think they should have. collateral damage might have happened, but that ain't our problem.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • fauxpasiiifauxpasiii Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd also like to make a request of a different nature.

    You see, I _did_ level-match and run patrols in Tau Dewa for a few hours, and I didn't have any points taken away.

    As it stands, I'm finished with the Pilot specialization track and have 4 points in Commando. If I had to guess, without Tau Dewa patrols I'd only have about 10 points in Pilot and none in Commando.

    I've also completed ship mastery on all the T6 ships in the Delta operations pack. Without Tau Dewa, I would probably have only finished on my Eclipse and Phantom, and started on my Dauntless.

    While I *strenuously* disagree with your characterization of running the Tau Dewa patrols as an exploit, or in any way objectionable, I won't be classified as a cheater. If you don't intend to restore the levels you've removed from other players, then please remove whatever levels you feel are appropriate from my account.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What has me irate... I expected Delta Rising to be as smooth and major-glitch free as the Romulan expansion was. I was expecting the new expansion to have a few minor glitches and a few hicckups as we worked out the new leveling system. I gladly payed my $125 and sat back...

    ...and watched as the Devs applied a 50-pound sledge-hammer to a problem that wasn't really a problem. I have watched as hard-earned gear vanishes in the glitched "Upgrade System." I've had a VERY HARD TIME PLAYING because I have wrist issues and use a special controller I designed -- one that I can't use because someone broke the joystick coding again.

    Delta Rising is a huge step backwards for STO, I had hoped that we were past this nonsense. It's almost like Dan is back in charge: Play the RIGHT WAY or be punished. Silence from up top about game-breaking issues. Thank you for spending $125 now get back to grinding. Oh, and even though you were NOWHERE NEAR T-D, we are taking two levels away from you. It's not a glitch it's your reward for all the money and time you've put into the game over the last four years.

    My mind -- she boggles at the level of regression we've seen the last few days... This needs to be fixed. I'm not asking for free ZEN or in-game currency. No I'm asking for a formal written apology, an extended downtime to fix everything and the reactivation of the missions I enjoy playing. That includes Azura Nebula by the way -- I can't for the life of me understand why you took it away.

    Anyway, I'm done with this thread. I doubt anything will be done.
  • oldlordskull73oldlordskull73 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Whatever heuristics were used to determine who "exploited" and who just grinded new content and STFs.....it is FLAWED.

    I entered Tau Dewa to get to the gate, and that was it. The rest of my grind was either in the Delta Quadrant or the Borg STFs. I was caught in this "blanket punishment" and 8 levels were taken from me.

    I am sure the means to verify this exists on your end. That being said, Cryptic has unfairly taken levels away from many players that EARNED it through playing the content, not exploiting some map I haven't flown to since the Romulan reputation stuff.

    This needs to be fixed.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Got a DR pack, played through new story content and didn't level. Then came some dialogue suggesting I should do sector patrols. So I decieded to kill two birds with one stone and went to Dewa for XP and Rom marks.

    While there I see a bunch of teaming and decieded to tag along figuring it would be easier (my fleet ran Dewa Patrols every so often together for loot and marks). Ship mastery progressed nicely as did my levels, and guess what, I was happy to get to play more of the story missions.

    I like to PvP casually, so I decided to do what I thought was the new grind in order to get ship traits and specializations. I ended up getting through all 5 Fed ship's mastery levels and earned 26 specialization points over the past week.

    Why was I not touched by this punitive measure used against some players, while others who never even ran Dewa patrols were? I don't feel I cheated, but if you're going to roll back some, you should really roll back all. But then, everyone would blame the Devs. And instead of taking responsibility, scapegoating is the path of least resistance.
  • dracondarknightdracondarknight Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Whatever heuristics were used to determine who "exploited" and who just grinded new content and STFs.....it is FLAWED.

    I entered Tau Dewa to get to the gate, and that was it. The rest of my grind was either in the Delta Quadrant or the Borg STFs. I was caught in this "blanket punishment" and 8 levels were taken from me.

    I am sure the means to verify this exists on your end. That being said, Cryptic has unfairly taken levels away from many players that EARNED it through playing the content, not exploiting some map I haven't flown to since the Romulan reputation stuff.

    This needs to be fixed.

    The problem is that we don't even know their cirteria.

    I had 16 Specpoints in total, and 3 were deducted, so I wasn't even near the point where I would get dilithium for it, yet I miss 3 points.
    So I as well as a great number of people might be collateral damage, otherwise I'd really be interested in getting to see those heuristics, as there are already dozens of people on reddit on other platforms claiming they kept all their points gained through power leveling.
  • venser1000venser1000 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My characters were not affected by this particular debacle. However, As Someone who has been playing STO for several years now and spent a fair amount of money on this game. I am wondering if cryptic takes any pride in their product, Or value their CUSTOMER'S time.

    I know you value my wallet. You have no problem whatsoever taking my money. Why is it a problem to create a quality product? Why do newer more expensive ships have fewer variants or customization options, why don't my skills sometimes activate when I click them?

    Seeing how cryptic handles these types of actions, and taking into account that the overall quality of the game is...lacking...I think its time to give Cryptic and Pwe a kick in the metrics...:cool:

    that is all
  • varekraithvarekraith Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This is looking worse and worse.
    And I haven't even started DR content.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    WoW just WoW ... punishing players for excessive playing ... isn't that what DR is all about ...

    ... would love to know how they identified those evil Exploiterinos ... probably with some lame algorithm ala "More than 100,000 XP / day = you loose" ... like they actually would've bothered to check who was using TD-Patrols ...

    PS : Funny how they didn't care about Foundry/Dil - Exploits for years ... but THIS is a problem, now ... ROFL
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    themarie wrote: »
    Funny how this took priority over EVERY OTHER gosh-darn bug, period.


    I've been quietly leveling up my toon via DOFF missions and running around the Dyson Sphere collecting Dino Turds. Every day I log in, waiting to see if the Devs have nerfed those as well:

    "You the players are not playing the game as we intended, therefore we have shut down ALL THE CONTENT IN THE GAME except for the part we want you to play. Those who fail to play as our internal metrics dictate will face character rollbacks and/or account deletion. Unhappy with this decision? Charge your ZEN. ZEN purchases make game more entertaining."

    Chuckle all you want, but ever since Dan Stahl came on here and pitched a fit about us not grinding properly and the need to punish the audience for not meeting his internal metrics I've viewed this game quite differently. I thought with his leaving we were past that. Apparently not?

    I will NOT be told how and where I can level in order to meet internal metrics.

    This is a game. I come here because it is FUN to play. Or at least it used to be. I am NOT a worker who clocks in for a certain number of hours to perform a task to earn a wage. This is NOT a job. It is NOT a second career. I come here WILLINGLY and spend my money because I WANT TO, not because I am FORCED to.

    So, Cryptic. Understand what is being said here: We will play this game how we want to play it, your internal metrics be damned. If there is another incident of "play how we tell you to play or face sanctions" I will delete my account of nearly five years and walk away.

    Amen to that, although I personally have hit my threshold. No more second, third, fourth or fifth chances for Cryptic.

    I am done. And I'm betting heavily, I'm not alone.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    what a joke.
  • alaerickalaerick Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So Cryptic you've decided that;

    Players working together in an MMO
    Playing officially made content
    On an Elite difficulty setting applied by you
    With only the restrictions/rules you set yourself.

    Is an exploit.

    Immediately I ask myself how much is too much? 1xp a minute too much? 1 minute or 1 mission too many times? This tells the community that what we do could be exploitative behaviour and will be penalised.

    I blame this solely on you for not knowing your own game. I will laugh when the day comes if or more likely when you penalise everyone because logging in refines all their dilithum or something stupid. I expect more of this to continue to happen until people simply give up because whatever they do you could decide it affects your profit margin and rather than admit your failings you blame the players instead.

    Shame on you Cryptic. Utter shame you're jst as bad as those that were intentionally looking to exploit.

    QFT Mega-fail by cryptic. If it was april I'd be expecting to hear "April Fools" because I refuse to believe any company could actually be THIS stupid.
    A beautiful death awaits you...
    Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
    Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So the people that used this exploit to lvl to get through the story missions have been reduced in Lvl that fine. However it is not a exploit until the game says it is iMO a grind is a grind and if something give more experience than it should that is Crytics fault not the players they should not be penalised. But then you decide to punish the rest of us by removing the dil rewards after we reach the last lvl of the spec trees something you want to do untill you realease a new one.

    Me and many others are on the verge of saying TRIBBLE you Cryptic and walk away for good there is only so much TRIBBLE customers will take. DR has not made me want to stay anymore than season 9.5 did.

    IMO LOR was a more successful expansion only decent thing at the moment is the story missions and even then the patrols bring a downer to that,
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • mavryck999mavryck999 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hello all, I have played only since F2P so don't know how the game was before that. I went through the ups and downs of the game, ran a rainbow build, found out about slotting space doffs 6 months into the game, lost millions of ec before learning of the ec cap, I mention all these because we have all done at least one of those. (I hope I am not alone). Having said all that I grew in knowledge of game mechanics and opened my wallet to min/max and now run top end ships with the best equipment, I co-lead a fleet, and have spent countless hours helping our members to understand the game, and they in turn opened the wallets and spent to get ec and lobi etc too run very good ships.
    I understand in general the exploit issues the playerbase is dealing with today, and I will say our small fleet did suit up and do group runs in Japori, too my knowledge none of us has lost anything, and I guess we should be happy. But alas, we are not, and the general feeling is maybe we find another game to play to have some fun.
    From my start in the game I have seen that what seems to happen, rightly so, is new content and new equipment is trotted out to keep us engaged and spending or grinding, so be it. Delta has changed the game way too far and way to fast in my opinion. In a matter of a week, the ships I built so lovingly are useless against most pve content I used too roll over. I wanted Delta too be harder, I wanted a challenge, but this??.
    If the challenge part had been like two times harder, I could see spending/grinding to keep up but wow 5 to 10 times harder just boggles my mind, now I sit here thinking about any new person our fleet invites, the road from noob too where I am is hard enough, the road from where I am now to where I am going to need to be to do the elite content, I feel more like telling the noob to save themselves and find a different game. Top it off with the supposed exploiters and loosing time and work put into the game? This game had a similar issue where we could do ground levels and farm dilithium a year or so back (no rollback), now this where we could get experience fast, I did both. I am somehow supposed to police myself and say hmmm this is too easy I better stop doing it, except the purpose of the game is to buy stuff to make me kill faster, fly faster, level faster, which I did, was that an exploit?
    I hope over the next week or so, the game levels out and becomes enjoyable again, and I think the rollback should be removed, exp given back, and fences mended, its not the players fault here, its a fishbowl, we are fish, if you dump in too much food, your fault, not mine for eating it.

  • soundwisdomsoundwisdom Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    JI love how there have been at least 30 posts deleted here , not even mod edited, but straight deleted. Seriously Cryptic you can't manage your game, or your forums without some backlot shady dealings? What a joke.
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    OMG Cryptic...

    Aye well. I dunno what to say... I mean wow. Just wow. If people wanna stay in one area and grind-- You let them... It wasn't even a new area... I'm sure it's some more missions people play over and over and over. I guess NPC's will just stop re-spawning or Cryptic will add cool downs on missions-- oh, wait.... LOL.

    So much justified QQ/outrage threads going on these forums... Seems everything is going downhill. Players are not happy. This is not a good sign. Personally I don't even feel like playing anymore. At least not for a while. I'll be back around winter.

    (Speaking of Exploits... Devs I have some information you will want, but you have to do something special for me first. PM me for more details... Seriously... It's good. Don't worry. We'll all be happy in the end.)
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • lordbukkitlordbukkit Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This post has been edited due to content that violates our Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Welcome to the paywall folks.Most of my fleet left last season because they were sick of Star Trek flavored Farmville.

    I can guarantee they won't be coming back to this tragic mess of the IP.
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The development team became aware of a potential leveling exploit on Wednesday morning, and after initial investigation decided to shut down access to the maps that were being used by the exploiters in order to perform a deeper investigation.

    We uncovered some bugs in the game that were definitely not intentional and that could be used to level at a rate significantly faster than anywhere else in the game. Fixes to these bugs are going live today that should remove the exploit. Details of the changes can be found in the release notes.

    While many players participated a little in the exploited maps, very few really took advantage of it to excessively level characters. We identified this small number of players, and we have removed the excess levels from these characters.

    We apologize for the inconvenience of closed maps during the investigation and for the bugs that led to the scramble around those maps.


  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The fact that there has been no official response in regards to this specific issue is just mind blowing to me.

    I posted not only in the general forums but also in the bug forums about the specialization point issue. Not a single Dev has checked either post and responded. But upon looking at other posts in regards to animations for a ship and a boff outfit, those posts got responses, but for an issues that is obviously effecting people outside of the "exploiters" as Cryptic wants to call them, not a thing.

    I was not involved in the Japori fiasco, I earned the majority of my points solo, just playing the Argala patrol and running the occasional PVE elite queue. Last night I did group up and farm the Argala system, just to gain a few more points so I could test out the ground intel mods from the reputation.

    Upon logging in today, I have lost somewhere between 12-14 points if not 1-2 more.

    Not only is the silence shockingly bad customer service, but the fact that this base clear for a lot of people I know is basically telling the customer "Your time invested in the game is meaningless, please insert more coins to continue"

    And based on the reports that I have been hearing about the reduction in xp, I not only do not want to grind out xp for points that I already earned but should not have to do it.

    They have turned off the dil reward for capping all of the trees, there was no reason for them to blanket wipe tons of people.

    For the first time in a very long time with this game, I'm actually considering if it's worth it anymore.

    Someone needs to fix this and at least let us as the player base know if this is a bug or working as intended.
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    stoutes wrote: »
    Thank you for the update... Unfortunatly not actual something we didn't already knew :( .

    At least we have bacon.

    Be careful. They may want to take away our bacon as well.
  • potencethe1stpotencethe1st Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So you are calling me an exploiter and took 2 of my 13 total specialization points for groupng a Carreya run at level 56 last week while doing the Tau Dewa sector block with friends who need rom marks? Thanks. That is completely uncalled for.

    Youll never get a single cent from me, ever again, and the word of mouth I can do this companies reputation will be my reward for walking away from this incredibly abusive treatment.

  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Thank you for the official communication, Morrigan.

    I'll put my pitchfork and torch away unless it turns out there are way more exploiters than you previously let on. Also, if it turns out that these rollbacks are affecting way more players than previously indicated. I am all for taking away the progress of people using the system unfairly, but the benchmark to what deserves a rollback and what does not often decides whether this was a good idea or a bad idea that is ultimately Cryptic's fault.

    If it is Cryptic's fault, then the players should be not be punished for a mistake they made, or the punishment should not be particularly severe as to deserve a rollback of their character(s). Again, to reiterate, this is dependant on the number of players affected.

    A small number is a very vague and non-specific number that can be easily misinterpreted as extremely subjective when you are talking about player numbers in any MMO.

    Small number is relative to what, exactly?
  • mhirtescmhirtesc Member Posts: 581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lan451 wrote: »
    Thanks Trendy.

    Since it looks like it was an issue with the dil and not with people using the patrols to level, I'm largely alright with how things turned out.

    You must be joking! Have you seen how much they have castrated the XP (and buffed up the ships even more)? It's like paying twice as much for something but only getting 25% of what you used to get just 24 hours earlier.

    And the Devs sure seemed to go into Transwarp Drive when it came to closing this loophole, didn't they? Sure wish they put this much speedy effort into fixing things like the Talaxian BOFFs that are supposed to have a Salvage Trait but won't.
This discussion has been closed.