with this new gear upgrade system and all that jazz it requires alot of dilithium and with the dilithium cap only being 8k a day its gonna suck to try and upgrade everything. Is it possible to to get the cap raised up... say maybe to 16k or something because not only do we have to use dilithium for rep gear and that but now we will need it to upgrade the gear in my opinion it only seems fair
Also NeverWinter can refine upto 24k AD (the same type of thing in STO) but for some reason we cant refine more than 8. now im not complaining about this expansion, seriously voyager was my fave series and i cant wait, but i feel that we are really starting to get streached thin on what we are gonna use our dilithium for.
ive been playing STO for about 1 & 1/2 years now and the cap hasnt bothered me much but now it seems it would be a great time to raise it just a little

Voyager Rulez!!!!! :P
raising the cap would TRIBBLE up far more then it would help. look at the neverwinter exchange it takes week to get zen and it's at the cap all the time. and then they'ld have to up the price on everything like being a to get a VR weapon in a few days cap raise would kill that. and have you seen their zen shop... you think 50 dollars is bad for a ship 3 pack? try that for a mount not even any kind of combat mount just get from point a to point b faster mount.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
However, things may have changed since then. I'll have to check it out again at some point.
im not talking about making changes everywhere just some people like myself cant always put time into this game every seccond of the day. raising the cap would help alot plus i wasnt talking about exchanging it or anything like that for zen, it just would be helpful as most of endgame gear costs dilith. or even better lower the amount of dilith required to obtain these items. Im not asking for the entire game to change or go into a nuclear meltdown ( like u sugested it would) but its gonna help us players who dont have 5-10 hours a day free to play this game.
it hasn't... you can get the daily cao easy enough if you know how but everything.. actually everything not just most end game things cost AD. you can still only get pots and a few starter companions/mounts for gold.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
thats not how any of this works.
everything effects everything. it does matter what you want to happen it matters what will happen. and devaluing the end game currency not TRIBBLE up everything thats never going to happen. and lower cost will do the same thing but it'll be in a pretty wrapper.
there is a reason you can buy dill for zen. for people who don't have the time to grind like hell buy it from those that do. so grinders can get zen things a everyone else can get other things. that is the bases for the end game economy.
you can't do ether accept your too casual and gonna miss somethings or start looking for a game more suited to your playstyle.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
yea well im just trying to help out the "casual" players who have otherthings to do in life other than sit on a video game 24/7. i know it would make a few thing different but it would also help alot too my entire fleet is feeling the same way as me. u are only focusing on the bad things this may bring and clearly arn't looking at the pro's this change could be. I dont know how you play but alot of us want to be able to play Star Trek and enjoy it.
you mathh is off the dil exchance has moved up from it's last stable point recently. which means you get more dil pre zen not less. it use to be around 16o now it's at 180 per zen. this is from people stockpiling for Dr and all the dil thats been dumped into the system lately. anyone who payed attention to it know this already.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
See this is exactly what i mean even this would help out so much. 8k isnt much but if they brought back the rewards it wouldnt be as bad
some of us arn't willing to pay to play this game, but saying that i have bought over half the fed ships. This game is free to play and some of us are sticking to that i dont wanna have to pay 5 bucks every week to get a boost of dilith. and like i said us "casual" gamers wont pay that close attention as we dont play this 24/7
I am casual. I play only a few days a month not counting big grind events like CC event,summer, and winter. and those I only log on to do the 5 minute missions but I also pay attention to what happens around me.
it sounds nice but so do alot drugs till your rehab after royally TRIBBLE up your life and don't know how you got that way. stop worrying about pointless things and just enjoy yourself if thats all you care about. you don't need to upgrade at all much less right now.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
The 'casual' players know what they need to do and this is exactly what Cryptic want - go and buy Zen, sell it for dil. Why do you think they keep the cap? To try and force you to part with real world currency.
The "pro" would be that I would probably get more Dilithium for my Zen. But Dlithium Grinders would need to grind more for the same amount of Zen.
So the net effect is that you may be able to afford more in-game Dilitihium stuff, but C-Store items will be harder to grind.
A long-term consequence could be that Cryptic would also raise all the Dilithium prices for stuff, or at least create more stuff you need Dilithium for, so that people keep buying Zen to turn into Dilithium.
End result is that it will probably look as it does now, except with higher numbers on all sides.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I'm sort of on the fence, I'm somewhat of a dilithium farmer. With reserves of ore numbering into several millions, and roughly about equal amounts of refined dilithium. Whilst I wouldn't overly object to the refining cap being raised, I wouldn't actively support it.
For example the minute the T5 ship upgrade possibilities were announced based on the assumption of a single upgrade costing any where from 500 to 1000 zen I immediately set about converting a small percentage of my available reserves into zen so I can upgrade every ship I have right off the bat if I wanted. So Based on the market at the time, and knowing a portion of my friends in game intended to do the same I traded enough dilithium in at 174 per zen to net over 20k in Zen.
We spent a good few hours looking in on the exchange from then on the dil exchange has continued to climb and I think it will continue to do so up to and including the release of DR.
I've heard and seen people complaining about how high the dil exchange is, even hurling accusations at cryptic. Because they think cryptic is manipulating the market.
Why wouldn't or don't I support raising the dil cap, well simply put if I was allowed to refine all my reserves in one hit, now bear in mind my stock is spread out over several toons. I'd convert the entire haul into zen. And if everyone else did the same, where do you think the exchange would be? Because I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be at the 186 mark it is/was. I think we'd be seeing exchange prices in the 200-300 range and then people would really start complaining.
If you want access to more dilithium refining capacity then roll more toons and make better use of the features that cryptic so kindly gave us in game.
This is getting old like the connie and other threads.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
difference is that connie threads are banned, i sense a dil cap ban being added to the FCT
They need to. Since we have this over and over.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
^THIS !!! ...
Never gonna' happen, END OF DISCUSSION ...
Cryptic's entire mantra is "Make it just annoying enough and just difficult enough so that you'll cave in and buy Zen" ... 'Nuff said!
P.S. After Delta besides Cryptic. We will know how many "whales" STO has. Cause thats all that will be left.
as far as crafting skill, i have 3 disciplines at level 10 right now. i never paid to raise them. i simply did the dailies and a few minor crafting item missions. it's not hard to get your crafting up as long as you don't want it all immediately. i think someone said 95 days just doing the free dailies. if you got time that's not hard for 2 minutes of clicking.
fleet mine dofff mission = 500 more
vet has one for 500 as will
that brings it up to 9k. so even that is extremely limit to keep from TRIBBLE thing up.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
It effectively limits the amount of grinding you can do,
also it ensures that non-paying players can have some hope of affording the zen stuff
However I would like to be able to accumulate the unused refinement allowances to roll over for a few days or so, or be able to bring forward the next few days of refinement so I don't have to log in every day, which has become annoying given the recent log-in server troubles and also not everyone can log in every day as they seem to want