The windows being tied to the material is a new bug that we are investigating, thanks for the info.
Quackles, Today I found out that my Beleropheron Class does not have access to the belleropheron skin in the editor, it reverts it back to the intrepid. if I open it in the Editor.
The windows being tied to the material is a new bug that we are investigating, thanks for the info.
Since then, I've been able to edit the ship without a problem of window and material linkage. So I don't know what triggered that or what "fixed" it for me.
I've noticed that the Jem'hadar dreadnought carrier has some off proportions and model inconsistencies towards the model used in the show. I made a fairly quick image to illustrate
The back of the wings isn't correctly modeled, they curve on the show's model as well as taper. The warp nacelles at the end of the wings have fliped detail, the front of them is too wide and their outer curve is too shallow (as you can see on the CGI model, they have a thin front but the sides have a tighter curve into it). There's also a bit more glowy stuff on the innter rear of the warp nacelles too.
The tips of the nose are too fat, the middle body is actually a bit too wide, the brace that connects the bridge-like structure to the body isn't as long as it should be, the 'engines' to the sides of the bridge are too large, the curve on the fore of the wings is a bit off and it's not as smooth of a curve as it could be (IMO), the plate detail under the engines to the side of the bridge goes further back than they do on the STO model, the bit just behind the tips of the noses is lacking the rather distinctive cut, the coloring doesn't match the show's coloring, and a lot of the detail around the middle of the middle section is simply off.
The Jem'hadar dreadnought carrier also strikes me in a similar way as the Breen Chel'gret and the Cardassian Galor do, in that it's a fairly old and fairly low-poly model that (IMO) doesn't quite meet the standards of the newer ship models that have been put out (in terms of meshwork/polycount and texturing.)
Also, Romulan Dyson ships don't even have windows as an available option from which to choose.
Yep found this as well, no window options for the Romulan Dyson SDs. It is nice though to be able to give these ships colors more fitting to their given nation, Kudos for that.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
Nebula impulse engines emit from the wrong hardpoints. This is only visible when Evasive Maneuvers is activated. The red glow emits from the same location as the Galaxy saucer impulse engines, not from the square vents which supposedly are the impulse exhausts.
Also, the Odyssey's Aquarius section becomes white when viewed from afar on low settings.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
The windows of the Avenger can be seen through the drop-down shields when it enters combat.
I can confirm this - the windows glow through the deployed armor in combat. Also - the armor on the section in front and behind the bridge is always deployed still.
The Dyson Impulse Visuals aren't showing on the Nebula Class. I've checked the visuals (to make sure I hadn't had them turned off) and they're on, but not visually on... I was on Tribble yesterday and can confirm that the Delta Engines do have Impulse visuals on the Nebula, but the Dyson ones definitely do not.
I know it may seem petty, but can someone fix this please? I can't yet confirm whether this is just the Nebula, or whether it's an issue with the Dyson Engines.
The Fleet Kamarag refit (K'maj) skin has issues. The command pod doesn't display mat1's windows, so it defaults to the fleet windows skin. The rest of it works, though, and it's just the K'maj head, not the Kamarag default.
The Saber's forward hull is partially blocking a couple of windows on the indent in the saucer. Also, for some reason, the shuttlebays have been moved aft, instead of the indent where they were on the FC model.
Actually, it seems that the devs used the ship designer's original intent.
Do you remember a source for that? Or is it just a feeling. (Personally, I find it unlikely that the ship artist would make this as a mistake - they probably have even better access to model data and examples then we do - so I'd say you could be very well right. ).
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
The EAS page seems to be written under the assumption that the blue orb is the front. Unless otherwise annotated, angled shots always seem to be from the front. Also, Mr. Schieder got the ship pictures off the Drexfiles. But the Drexfiles no longer exists because people pestered Mr. Drexler about the logo stamps he put on pictures...
so yeah, any commentary that Doug made on his blog is gone now.... And the Memory Alpha page doesn't discuss it.
BUT, it would seem that Doug Drexler is the one who made the images on EAS, and that includes the angled shot. Which presumably shows the ship from the front, and puts the big blue ball as the bow.
EDIT: BUT... it would seem the Benthan ship was designed by Digital Muse, And Mr. Drexler wasn't involved in it's creation.
Error: Dauntless nacelle glows when going to warp...
The glows are not aligned with the nacelles. They form an X. Top of left to bottom of right nacelle and vice versa. Seems a very obvious error that should have been fixed way back when. C'mon Cryptic! :rolleyes:
I fly the Aquarius from time to time and love it, but it misses some skin options, like the Veteran and the Update skin. Also unlike the other bug from the skintailor the only way to change skin is by hitting the randomskin button.
Also I would love to se some nacelleanimations on this ship, maybe the should retract in sectorflight? As the do when it docks to the Odyssey.
When using the Reman Prototype shields on an Obelisk Carrier there are large sections of ugly low-res hexagons and striped purple and white parts at the end of the impulse engines. To simply fix this just increase quality of the hexagon textures and remove those stripes entirely.
as much as i think the skin is nifty its annoying how it cant be edited or removed,tried using the templates and randomizing it to no effect,i need help if possible.does anyone know of a work-around or fix for this?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
edited February 2015
Looks like you have the Reman Shield equipped. The visuals can't be edited, but you can disable them. Go to your ship status screen, right click on the Reman Shield, and select "Disable Visuals" to revert to the default appearance. Works with impulse engines, deflectors, and other shields that have visuals as well such as MACO, Omega, Nukara, ect.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Looks like you have the Reman Shield equipped. The visuals can't be edited, but you can disable them. Go to your ship status screen, right click on the Reman Shield, and select "Disable Visuals" to revert to the default appearance. Works with impulse engines, deflectors, and other shields that have visuals as well such as MACO, Omega, Nukara, ect.
ahh thank you,i'll try that.thank you very much.(update)yes that indeed worked,thank you.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Do you remember a source for that? Or is it just a feeling. (Personally, I find it unlikely that the ship artist would make this as a mistake - they probably have even better access to model data and examples then we do - so I'd say you could be very well right. ).
BUG Scanning graphic is emitted from the center of the model
BUG Window styles are not correctly applied; one section is stuck with Type 1 windows no matter what
I think the Heavy Raptor is also suffering from the window style bug. I just got one, and noticed the saucer section windows are stuck permanently on Type 1. This applies to both the Qin and Birok saucer. I did submit a ticket.
33.33% of the STO Ship Art team.
100% of the new guys on the STO Ship Art team.
Quackles, Today I found out that my Beleropheron Class does not have access to the belleropheron skin in the editor, it reverts it back to the intrepid. if I open it in the Editor.
Also, Romulan Dyson ships don't even have windows as an available option from which to choose.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
Since then, I've been able to edit the ship without a problem of window and material linkage. So I don't know what triggered that or what "fixed" it for me. (sorry for the loads of empty space!)
The back of the wings isn't correctly modeled, they curve on the show's model as well as taper. The warp nacelles at the end of the wings have fliped detail, the front of them is too wide and their outer curve is too shallow (as you can see on the CGI model, they have a thin front but the sides have a tighter curve into it). There's also a bit more glowy stuff on the innter rear of the warp nacelles too.
The tips of the nose are too fat, the middle body is actually a bit too wide, the brace that connects the bridge-like structure to the body isn't as long as it should be, the 'engines' to the sides of the bridge are too large, the curve on the fore of the wings is a bit off and it's not as smooth of a curve as it could be (IMO), the plate detail under the engines to the side of the bridge goes further back than they do on the STO model, the bit just behind the tips of the noses is lacking the rather distinctive cut, the coloring doesn't match the show's coloring, and a lot of the detail around the middle of the middle section is simply off.
The Jem'hadar dreadnought carrier also strikes me in a similar way as the Breen Chel'gret and the Cardassian Galor do, in that it's a fairly old and fairly low-poly model that (IMO) doesn't quite meet the standards of the newer ship models that have been put out (in terms of meshwork/polycount and texturing.)
Nebula impulse engines emit from the wrong hardpoints. This is only visible when Evasive Maneuvers is activated. The red glow emits from the same location as the Galaxy saucer impulse engines, not from the square vents which supposedly are the impulse exhausts.
Also, the Odyssey's Aquarius section becomes white when viewed from afar on low settings.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I can confirm this - the windows glow through the deployed armor in combat. Also - the armor on the section in front and behind the bridge is always deployed still.
I know it may seem petty, but can someone fix this please? I can't yet confirm whether this is just the Nebula, or whether it's an issue with the Dyson Engines.
The Saber's forward hull is partially blocking a couple of windows on the indent in the saucer. Also, for some reason, the shuttlebays have been moved aft, instead of the indent where they were on the FC model.
edit: bump.
Why is this thread not stickied?
At least based on the limited footage from Voyager. Was that intentional, because it looked better this way?
My character Tsin'xing
Who designed it? Doug Drexler? Maybe we should ask him...
so yeah, any commentary that Doug made on his blog is gone now.... And the Memory Alpha page doesn't discuss it.
BUT, it would seem that Doug Drexler is the one who made the images on EAS, and that includes the angled shot. Which presumably shows the ship from the front, and puts the big blue ball as the bow.
EDIT: BUT... it would seem the Benthan ship was designed by Digital Muse, And Mr. Drexler wasn't involved in it's creation.
My character Tsin'xing
The glows are not aligned with the nacelles. They form an X. Top of left to bottom of right nacelle and vice versa. Seems a very obvious error that should have been fixed way back when. C'mon Cryptic! :rolleyes:
Also I would love to se some nacelleanimations on this ship, maybe the should retract in sectorflight? As the do when it docks to the Odyssey.
as much as i think the skin is nifty its annoying how it cant be edited or removed,tried using the templates and randomizing it to no effect,i need help if possible.does anyone know of a work-around or fix for this?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Here is the Drex Files Starship Layout for the Bentham ship
As is standard with these layouts (Akira, NX) the bow of the ship is facing to the right in the topmost image.
Cryptic has the ship right, the episode they appeared in is in error, or has them flying in reverse for some reason.
I think the Heavy Raptor is also suffering from the window style bug. I just got one, and noticed the saucer section windows are stuck permanently on Type 1. This applies to both the Qin and Birok saucer. I did submit a ticket.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"