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Official New Crafting System "Research and Development" Feedback Thread



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    losdoslosdos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    First off I'd like to say that some of the changes are a bit disappointing in that conversation without a slider bar is long and tedious. Second what about the old schematics? Are these to be thrown away like old trash? Or can we convert these too? Third what of the Aegis technologies set is it to be left by the wayside as old and nonfunctional? What about horta crafting if it's not to be part of the new crafting system then maybe we should consider adding it to the ship science officer duty missions. Then there is my concerns about the nanoenergy cells and satellite turrets are these devices to be lost to the new players? My concerns are not just for my sake but also my fleet as many of them use these.

    These are just the beginnings of the problems I've seen with the new system on tribble.

    1. They are adding a slidebar soon or before release to holodeck.

    2. Schematics will be convertible I think but hey will be entirely removed from the game. the caveat is the horta mission reward schematic which for all intents and purposes be left in (not doff crafting but a normal doff mission)

    3. Aegis is in the system on tribble and will continue to be. If you can craft it now on holodeck you will not be able to after the update until you spend ages grinding through the new system.

    4. There are still some items in the dilithium store that will probably stay there (I can't remember which off the top of my head, but you can check on Tribble) the rest are in the crafting system.
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    killdozer9211killdozer9211 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So I've seen stats on the new weapons offered by crafting systems, and if the devs are reading this far...

    If you're going to hand out omni beams and [arc] mods, could we get some UR quads with more practical stats, even if it's only for toons that paid for them?
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    comkiller007comkiller007 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Okay for all the naysayers, myself included. I have to complement the Devs for reading the posts in the official feed back thread. I do this because there were only a few of us that wanted more Omni-drectional weapons added to the game because we didn't want to be limited to just AP/anti-proton and someone else mentioned that they wanted to see the TR-116 Sniper Rifle added to the crafting system. I'm glad to say that both have been added to they system along with some juicy looking consoles.

    Now we are still looking to have other things added/changed Devs! Say for instance a Warp/Singularity core for the Ages set as to make it on par with other four piece sets currently in the system. Maybe even adding in a craftable Borg and Nukara warp/singularity cores. We are all still wanting to see the timers and Dilithium costs go away. And there needs to be further touch ups to the Rep/Fleet equipment costs as in they need to be lower shocker I know. But for casual players some of these things are months if not years out of reach of them getting one ship on one toon fully equipped.

    Again Thank you Dev Team. Looking forward to seeing more up coming changes and improvements.
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    vagiusvagius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The crafting system looked really promising at first glance, but the randomness of it is disappointing.

    I can't see myself spending dilithium on an item that may or may not be of the quality I want, and in the case of weapons, may or may not have the modifiers I want either- especially when I can already get what I want from the rep system, fleet holdings, or from the exchange without leaving it to chance.

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    cojak70cojak70 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    you a sucessfuly killed crafting if i want to craft a purple mkxii item and spent all the time and money to get the stuff and thats what i better get not none of this ramdom quality TRIBBLE yall have killed crafting doing this
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    magneticmoosemagneticmoose Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'm fairly happy with system ( especially after heard about the slider being added to the conversion screen ) A few things would be nice though:

    Common and uncommon materials that are currently bought with Dill.
    * Why not have these item convert over to those modifier components (that aren't currently on trib)

    Drops and mission awarded gear.
    * Being able to reverse engineer these to get modifiers off of them would be nice (I'm assuming this would have to be on new drops/rewards if it's even possible at all)

    * Where are they, or are they ever going to be craftible again?
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I disagree with the first person replying here. Beams need more buffs especially the ones that are underperforming right now. The only beam that's worth it is the proton beam because it can act as either or in PVE. The rest of them are heavily reliant on a rotation proc system which is never good, while cannons just facerole everything. There should be more meaningful choices not less.

    I also would like to see enhancements to the damage types so that those ignored beam types actually have a chance to be special. No more of this 2.5 proc rate stuff.

    Q: Does anyone know where I can find a recording of the live stream? I was at work while it was on.

    Kit Modules: I also would like to see kit modules in crafting. Where did that go and when can we see that again? Especially since this seems to be a niche market now where we're seeing a Diablo III/GW2 economy where the prices for some of these modules are just stupid crazy in the Exchange. (RNG for these things are never good especially for the low drop essentials for kits)

    Ferengi Salvage Code: I would like to ask for a deconstruction system that allows us to salvage items we get from the game of various quality so that they can be turned into common and uncommon materials. It would prevent the need of spending more dilithium in an already starved dilithium situation (Fleets for example) for people who are trying to build their fleets up who can't afford to get these materials to level.
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    sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    5 minutes to make a Mk 2 armor? POS Dil grab, Cryptic. I'm done testing this pile of TRIBBLE. TRIBBLE up the crafting system all you want. I'll just ignore it. I've not used crafting since season 3, so I'm sure I'll get along w/o it. I'll just buy TRIBBLE off the exchange from the masochists that use the crafting system and make a fortune selling my converted mats to them. :mad:

    Pretty much what I am going to do. I have a personal fleet bank almost full of samples and traces, so a bumper pay day is incoming.... ;)
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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    mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hmm, I'll trow this idea out of the hat, but how about cutting the Dil requirements on the lvling R&D projects with 20-30% and replace that cut with some ECs cost?

    This way some of the ECs that floats in the game and its causing inflation will be "eaten"/destroyed by the system instaid of been tossed around via exchange between players.

    On a side note, its cool that onmi-beems of more energy types have been added aswell as [Arc] mod to cannons. But the [Arc] Dual Heavy cannons how much firing arc degrees will get?
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    khorinnkhorinn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Does this update mean anyone who has already done crafting and gained research points will have to start from scratch?
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    basilisk1979basilisk1979 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Unique incentives for investing crazy amounts of time and efford could be not only carriere specific sets, kits, pets and so on but other gimics as well.

    Think of a shuttlecraft ( you yould use something like the fleet modules as requirement )

    Or think of carrierpets ( as in the rep system ) I would apreaciate one, more interceptor like fed fighter and one bomber since the peregrine is somewhat of an jack of all trades and excells at nothing.

    Or think of modifications for already existing weapons and gear like changing weapon quirks and procs like drop one inject an other but if it fails you got only the two remaining.

    Or more subtile weapon procs that buffs certain skills ( especially sci skills )
    eg. Disruptor proc that makes more vulnerable to spatial anomalys / kinetic dmg physical dmg,
    a thoron (tetryon) residual debuff that makes more rezeptive for sensor debuffs like jam or scramble
    a phaser debuff that stunns the crew and downs regrate
    a polaron debuff that makes more prone to energy leeching abilitys
    a plasma debuff that makes more vulnerable for radiation / electrical / dmg over time effects
    an antiproton debuff that makes you more vulnerable/targetable for weaponsfire ( def debuff or ACC buff for friends )

    TL; DR: Crafting is fun if the reward matches (maybe a bit overmatches? Come on devs surprise me positively) the efford put in.
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    nishkacmnishkacm Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Not sure if it's been asked before since I didn't have time to read all the replies, but will we be able to craft kits and kit powers in the future too?

    The old system allowed us to craft kits too, and I think it'd be a nice addition.
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    vardariotaivardariotai Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Where are the space gears? Stuff like deflectors, engines & consoles? Engineering? You turn everything into a grind AGAIN! If I'm going to ask why'd you want doffs to involve, because that's a stupid question. You want people to spend zen points on expanding the doff slot for people who haven't. Also to make people spend more time min-maxing. Min maxing isn't fun, because we have plenty of that in rep. You're not making it special.

    It's not like the old system was good, why did it took my char. like 5 minutes to unlock Aegis? But at least that 1 is quick & the only grind is finding anomalies. Now you're just making them longer by putting them behind more min maxing. Like 7 more time & with something I can only believe to be 20 hour wait time for each & every single thing you're crafting for? Making it a grind by using doff doesn't add depth, it makes everything more of a busy work, a chore! You keep complaining about making an end-game content. This is not an end-game content, you even stated that a lvl 1 can craft a mk 12! Why can't you just find me something to do in the end game? Why throw all the busywork to doff? Look, I wouldn't be complaining if battlezones or stfs are easy, but they are! Why throw it on doffs? Why not just let "captains" do it? It's not like Star Trek has ever been consistent with their facts, so why should you?

    3 things
    -Make it fast, no waiting hours or day or days just to craft 1 thing. 2 Minute tops!
    -Bucketloads of things to craft with unique cool gears & regular update on the rosters.
    -Get doffs away, let "captains" do it. Make "captains" more involved, the game is too boring. Like seriously, you could turn some of doff missions into PVEs for crying out loud!
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    So I've seen stats on the new weapons offered by crafting systems, and if the devs are reading this far...

    If you're going to hand out omni beams and [arc] mods, could we get some UR quads with more practical stats, even if it's only for toons that paid for them?

    Let us craft the Quad cannons that aren't in game yet. Like Antiprotons.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    blakken1231blakken1231 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Please post here for all feedback and bugs regarding the new crafting system Research and Development.

    Revamped Crafting System “Research and Development”:
    • The new Research and Development system will allow Captains to use materials they’ve gathered throughout the galaxy along with Duty Officers to create powerful gear to use.
    • Captains will craft items throughout a choice of 7 schools using Duty Officers to complete the project as well as increase the change of creating a higher quality item depending on the Duty Officers used.
    • At launch, we will have 7 schools each of which have 20 levels.
      • Tier 1 is levels 0-4, Tier 2 is levels 5-9, Tier 3 is levels 10-14, and Tier 4 is levels 15-20.
      • Your skill at making things depends on your level in the school from which you are crafting, and the difficulty of your task depends on the level of item you are trying to create.
        • As long as you have the materials, you can try to create Mark XII items at School Level 1 but your chance of creating a Very Rare will be nonexistent due to the task’s high difficulty and your low starting skill.
        • As you progress by crafting items, your Skill Rating increases, causing the overall quality of the items you craft to increase on average.
        • By the time you hit the maximum level of any school, you’ll regularly craft Rare and Very Rare items, and you’ll completely eliminate Common items from your potential outcomes.
      • Crafting Schools
        • Beams:
          • Beam Arrays, Dual Beam Banks
          • Beam Consoles – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: On activating Beam skill, gain 2% Beam damage for 20 sec. Stacks x3.
        • Cannons:
          • Dual Cannons, Turrets, Single Cannons, Dual Heavy Cannons
          • Cannon Consoles – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: On activating Cannon skill, gain +1 Turn Rate, +1 Inertia for 20 sec. Stacks x3.
        • Projectiles:
          • Torpedoes and Mines
          • Projectile Consoles – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: Your Torpedoes and Mines penetrate an extra 10% of your target’s shields
        • Shields & Arrays:
          • Shields
          • Ground Shields – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: Activating a Shield Heal gives the target 99% Shield DR for 1 second
        • Science:
          • Deflectors
          • Science Consoles – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: Your Particle Generator skill gives up to 25% bonus crit chance on Science powers (at 100 PartGens)
        • Engineering:
          • Impulse Engines, Warp Cores, Singularity Cores, Ground Armor
          • Engineering Consoles – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: Activating any Engineering Bridge Officer ability gives 100% dodge chance with 20% deflect for 3 seconds.
        • Ground Weapons:
          • Basic Ground Weapons
          • Advanced Ground Weapons – Unlocks at Tier 2
          • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at tier 3
          • Trait: All of your ground weapon attacks penetrate 10 armor rating.
    • Components are required to build items
      • Components are built from Materials.
      • Materials are found throughout the galaxy where harvesting nodes previously were.
      • Materials can also be collected through Duty Officer assignments and PVE Queues.
      • All Components and Materials can be traded or put up on the exchange.
    • The following is a list of each general type of recipe that can be created, and which Duty Officer you’ll need to slot to make that kind of item.
      • All Schools:
        • Energy Credit Components
          • Fabrication Engineer
        • Dilithium Components
          • Matter-Antimatter Specialist
      • Beam School:
        • Beam Weapons
          • Energy Weapon Officer
        • Consoles
          • Technician
      • Cannon School:
        • Cannon Weapons
          • Energy Weapon Officer
        • Consoles
          • Technician
      • Shield/Arrays:
        • Space Shields
          • Shield Distribution Officer
        • Ground Shields
          • Assault Squad Officer
        • Consoles
          • Systems Engineer
      • Projectiles:
        • Torpedoes
          • Projectile Weapons Officer
        • Mines
          • Armory Officer
        • Projectile Consoles
          • Security Officer
      • Engineering:
        • Impulse Engines
          • Systems Engineer
        • Warp Core
          • Warp Core Engineer
        • Ground Armor
          • Security Officer
        • Singularity Core
          • Warp Theorist
        • Engineering Console
          • Damage Control Engineer
      • Science:
        • Deflectors
          • Deflector Officer
        • Science Consoles
          • Research Lab Scientist
      • Ground:
        • Ground Weapons
          • Assault Squad Officer

    ok here is my thoughts on the whole crafting system: it has a LOT of great potential and i'm very pleased with the direction it's going. some things are a little buggy (R&D items not going into the R&D bag automatically and having no way to put them there without having to go to a bank first). i'm hoping that you will be able to pool all the resources you collect towards one character (transferring them between accounts). and my biggest concern is the time limits. i think that excluding the exceptionally rare items (360 beams, aegis, and so on) there shouldn't be such a high time limit on regular very rare MK X and down items.

    Piece of Advice: it has been my experience that with most crafting systems in almost every game i have owned to date that there is a type of upgrade system/forging/enchanting. it would be nice to see some kind of incorporation of already owned equipment in the process of crafting new equipment. maybe upgrading a mk II to a higher quality (only as high as your character can equip it) and being able to have a chance at selecting ONE [modifier] to appear in crafted equipment so as to alleviate the drawback of having to use so much dilithium in the crafting process. and to deter a huge farming base for being able to select a modifier, they could be character bound and have a set amount of times that it can be upgraded.

    this could effectively bring a sort of personalization and attachment to a characters equipment (making a character choose carefully on the timing of using an upgrade and putting an emphasis on the modification of ship systems akin to those made by Geordi in TNG) and also allowing characters to effectively keep a set of equipment for a duration of the game from the beginning to the end.

    Please if any of this sounds feasible or desirable, let me know. i'm very interested in knowing if my feedback has any sort of impact.
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    miroexinmiroexin Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tribble patch notes 24.6.2014.

    It is really nice to see that you have to mention Odyssey uniform and everyone forgets that our crafting will be based on crit chance.

    Captains do you maybe play Barbie online? Try the new crafting system and than speak.

    The majority of the people who tried new crafting on Tribble wrote that crafting is not about critical chance and that we want a normal crafting system.

    You do not start build a mention with a pool and end up with shaky treehouse.

    For God sake our crew and we are professional and we are going in schools. What kind of school teaches you too crit? None, they all teach you to build.

    Yeah odyssey uniform is free… I bought it for fix amount of dil and don’t care if there is no plan to give us a new Fleet uniform for free.

    But I care about the crafting system.

    I can’t express my disappointment that all the devs say that they listen to feedback and the one and only thing we do not want crit chance they do not mention in any capacity.

    I feel shame already that I am writing my 3rd post about crafting yes, no to crit chance gambling.

    Do we need to beg?
    After 21 crafting assignments and burning 1575 dil to bypass 2h building time to build MK II dual cannon I got:
    0, yes zero very rare AP MK II dual canons
    p.s. I will execute my rare Jam’hadar who is serving under me for 1,5 years for incompetence it’s just a MK II dual canon, he is Energy Weapons Officer not a Doctor.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well having watched the tribble timewarp on the subject and had a short play with the system I agree with virtually everyone here in that the implementation is bad, it would have been better to use the new kit system as the base for the new crafting as this would allow people to choose their own mods thus making the dilithium cost worth it.

    I can live with a measure of randomisation in the rarity, after all one is asking a doff to do it and doffs can never be trusted to do things properly, but I don't think the mods should be random. That said, one could sensibly make the mods based on components that once built into the item are given the [Fused] mod themselves, this would force a player to make a new weapon and mods if they wanted to use different mods so the dilithium cost could be brought down per item because between mods and random rarity chances are people are going to make a lot of each item.
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    dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Getting item as random loot from enemy is OK for MMO.

    Getting item as random craft reward is one BIG EPIC FAIL!

    I craft in MMO because I want get specific item for sure, not to rely on luck. If I'd like take chances with luck I'd go and try to loot it as random drop.
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    miroexinmiroexin Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    After 21 crafting assignments and burning 1575 dil to build cannon MK II I got:

    7 common AP MK II canons
    7 uncommon AP MK II canons
    7 rare AP MK II canons
    0, yes zero very rare AP MK II canons

    I’m a lucky guy!

    This school boy is now canon school lvl 2 far, far away from school lvl 3 with lot of junk already and millions of light years from lvl 20.

    And there are 6 more schools to attend.

    I feel so stupid that I can’t learn to make a VR canon.

    See picture in attachment… https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2ocejxps9x3967/Screenshot%202014-06-25%2013.50.38.png

    p.s. I will execute my rare Jam’hadar who is serving under me for 1,5 years for incompetence it’s just a MK II canon.
    After 21 crafting assignments and burning 1575 dil to bypass 2h building time to build MK II dual cannon I got:
    0, yes zero very rare AP MK II dual canons
    p.s. I will execute my rare Jam’hadar who is serving under me for 1,5 years for incompetence it’s just a MK II dual canon, he is Energy Weapons Officer not a Doctor.
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    sythkainynsythkainyn Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Because as we all know, what was wrong with the crafting system before was that we could make rare and very rare gear On Purpose whenever we wanted, all without relying on

    having a specific type of duty officer, a duty officer mission available, and with a high chance of wasting resources by getting a common or rare version with traits we didn't


    I had started to suspect that what was wrong with crafting was the fact that it took so many types of resources, some particularly hard to find since they were only found on

    crits and (on scanning annomalies) somewhat random and that we had to spend our precious refinied dilithium on 'extra' matrierals for a lot of the high end stuff out of a very

    narrow (comparitively) list of items. Thank you for reminding me what was really wrong with the system and giving me the random quality and item trait, doff requireing mess of

    high probabilty wasted materials (as I get exactly the item I already had, or worse, instead of the very rare Damx2 CritH or whatever I was aiming for) crafting system we all

    actually wanted.

    Oh, but if we do the crafting we get some shiney new traits that have really no relevance to crafting and only hold a loss connection to the 'school' it's in. There really

    have no reason to be there other then to try and get people to use the crafting system since almost no one wants to craft random items they actually put resources into. Yes,

    beams need a boost... [if the developers had really paid attention to star trek (in almost any of it's incarnations, tv, movies, previous games...probably books...didn't read

    most of them) Beams are the the big non-mauler energy weapon (excepting special things like Hellbores, arguably plasma torpedos, etc.) not cannons...those are defensive

    weapons. Also, if they'd paid attention to Star Trek and actual military ships... in order of general offenive and defensive power... Frigates, Destroyers/light cruisers,

    cruisers, dreadnaughts/Battleships/carriers. (you could argue carriers are more powerful, but it's mostly a matter of anti-air defense and the amount/quality of the fighters.

    The ship is actually pretty weak without them).] but a trait added by way of a crafting tree level to add to all the other non-rep traits that you can rather aimlessly change

    around in any social zone, really isn't how they should get it. Also, most beam skills aren't good, Fire at Will is too random for anything but defense, and the system drains

    rely on science skills and take up scarce Tac skill space. No matter how much I like them, Torpedo skills and Tac team will always win first, with cannons skills following

    that if in an escort.

    I'm sorry...that was rude... It's just that sometimes it feels like the developers are trying to make me not enjoy their new things and revisions. Like the undismissable

    bridge officers (namely Toven), I liked the new tutorials, and that you gave us a shiney very rare boff, but the forced choice of their gender and name along with the lack of

    being able to dismiss them really makes many people unpleased, souring the accomplishment. This new crafting systems seems to be following along more in those footsteps

    instead of really being a fresh and improved crafting system.

    So saying...as long as we're actualling going to be using less type of resources for crafting, I appreciate it. Not just for the saved space (yay) but for the lower amount of

    hunting and collecting the damn things. I would be happy about the theoretically larger amount of things I can make...but with this 'chance' of rare and very rare, I greatly

    suspect that I will have little or no choice on the item's rarity traits, which to me was half the point of crafting. To get the item I wanted with the traits I wanted of the

    quality I wanted without spending days or weeks grinding dilithium to get them. Hardly anyone enjoys grinding. If you can't get it as a by product of an hour or two of casual

    playing. It's generally a 'grind'. Most people do not want to 'grind' they want to play. If you were really worried about getting things too fast, then it would be the levels

    and the change of ships that would slow down, not getting gear. One day I changed ships twice, and I wasn't even trying hard to level. That was meant to be positive... let me

    try again... Yay lower inventory usage!

    And this is why I don't post often... I tend to take off on kind of a small rant...and fill up lots of space...
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    kasrakenkasraken Member Posts: 213 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    mosul33 wrote: »
    Hmm, I'll trow this idea out of the hat, but how about cutting the Dil requirements on the lvling R&D projects with 20-30% and replace that cut with some ECs cost?...

    I wrote a couple proposals about the dilithium and randomization requirements of crafting, as well as the need for a confirm button so you don't accidentally spend it.

    Anyone interested can read them at the links below.


    I even used "paint" to point out my thoughts on some screenshots (included on those posts).
    Operational Support Team
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Could we possibly retain some factional flavor to crafting.

    Like KDF gets to do bat'leth
    FEd the vulcan thingy
    and rommies finally get a factional melee weapon

    what about horta, non-combat pets, ... something to make it worthwhile to interact with the system on multiple toons?

    It doesn't have to be the old phaser /disruptor split, but still some kind of falvor showing that fed, republican, and klingon research and development is no identical? The show often displayed the techonologies used by the different galactic players as quite different in war and in peace. Why is it all the same here? Doesn't feel very trek to me.

    Maybe even doff, capatain or player race should influence the odds. Like humans are good with phasers. jem'hadar are good with anti-proton because

    <RP_argument> they have been working with these techonolgies much more in depth then the other cultures in the star trek universe, hence they are better at developing, disassembling etc them </RP_argument>

    Seperate note,the new Doff UI/ RnD UI causes CTD on mac clients quite reliable. Not good!
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    tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    lowestlvl wrote: »
    there needs to be quality control from the players side, none of this chancing gimmicks. (...)

    There are many good ideas in this official feedback thread, but that is a KEY point. As lowestlvl said:

    "none of this chancing gimmicks."

    It's obvious that crafting is leveraging the DOff system, which has randomization based on the DOff(s) types used. Personally, this is a major turn-OFF -- and I will (likely) not be participating in the new crafting system if this is implemented.

    It's too bad, too: I enjoy crafting. I've actively crafted this week on the Holodeck server. I plan to generate some additional crafted items next week on Holodeck, too.

    I wonder if the test codebase (on the Tribble server) allows for specific DOffs (purple) to 100% generate Rare/Ultra-Rare crafted items, etc. As a player, lifetime subscriber and customer (meaning I buy Zen), I'm NOT interested in a "spin the wheel, take a chance on my hard-earned materials being wasted" game play*.

    I don't mind earning better DOffs within the regular gameplay.

    When I craft, I want to generate the exact items I've worked hard to pull together (e.g. gathering materials, etc.) and construct.

    From a usability perspective, the current crafting revamp on Tribble is a fun killer.

    *After listening to the recent Priority One Podcast interview, I understand how the crafting system can be augmented to enhance a crafting recipe (e.g. accelerators). IF the economics aren't enormous, then I don't mind this approach -- but it's still going to make me think twice before touching revamped crafting after Season 9.5. From the interview, I feel the feature sets are locked/loaded. This is what we're getting. Maybe minor tweaks to the economics, e.g. "spitfire numbers". :P

    But I do NOT like the randomized crafting results, regardless of upleveling one's crafting skills within the Season 9.5 revamped crafting system.
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    robynsrobyns Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My only concern with this new system after having spent real money (buying deletium) to get the previous crafter version to max level is that how is it going to be compensated for someone like me when the previous version is wiped and new one implemented? Can I start from the level that I had or will I get the deletium back that I had to spend to level the crafting?
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    dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Wait seriously?
    First you nerf reputation system to lower Power Creep and now you introduce with crafting new Power Creep items? http://i.imgur.com/WVTcf97.jpg

    Instead new shiny must-have items you should give alternatives for current items. Not get-this-and-forget-about-everything-else items. Why can't we get +/- sets, which gives bonuses in one area but lower other?
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    admirala1admirala1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ok we can exchange traces and particles for new ones what happen with schematics? i have a lot of em on one of my chars and i am sure many ppl have them also.

    I Sugest give options for the exchanging 1 by 1 and 10 by 10 ( i have 589 of one of the traces imagine the amount of clicking)

    And somehow the entire UI of the crafting system seems hard even for someone like me i have been here since 2011 its both unfriendly and unintuitive in my opinion
    "Jolan tru, from the Mirror Universe"
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    dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    admirala1 wrote: »
    Ok we can exchange traces and particles for new ones what happen with schematics? i have a lot of em on one of my chars and i am sure many ppl have them also.

    I Sugest give options for the exchanging 1 by 1 and 10 by 10 ( i have 589 of one of the traces imagine the amount of clicking)

    Mass conversion is coming.
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    ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    After having played around with it; and after having heard Geko's podcast, I am not as cranky about this crafting system as I was when I first heard it. I think the numbers on it are all wrong (XP needs to come at twice or quadruple the current rate; VR chances for high level items need to be buffed), but the idea - yeah, having dilithium costs and a bit of randomness - is not awful. That said, I think there are some game flow issues with the system as currently presented I hope get altered. Most of these would be petty if making one item at a time; but when making dozens to thousands, they become irritating.

    1. I dislike the fact that the crafting system always wants to plug in my blue fabrication engineers as the "default" DOFF versus my purple fabrication engineers. If I am mass-manufacturing components, I want to have the doff with the best chance of success - and manually changing the doff is a small but significant time consumer. Given how many thousands of components I need...well, it stops being petty and becomes a significant QOL issue.

    2. Another petty QOL thing that becomes a bigger issue: the component selection screen lists a number of the "locked" components before the components I can craft. This means the components I need to craft in order to build vendor trash to unlock the "locked" components requires me to scroll down. Doing this several times is irritating.

    3. When I finish starting a project, the UI takes me to a screen where all I can do is click away from it. I wish that when you started a project, the UI screen automatically redirect me to the doff window where I could start another project with fewer clicks. However, this may not always be the case. I hope the new UI system allows for custom or changeable UI redirects.

    My big question:

    Would people feel better about the "gambling for mods" aspect of this crafting system if the [Dmg] mod was removed entirely from the random pool? I consider it a useless/flabby mod, versus something that can produce some *real* damage results. The possibility of always getting something good for a green/blue/purple would make taking the gambling plunge a bit easier.
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