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Official Discussion Thread: Season 9.5 Crafting Update



  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Good to know about the needed equipment; I will definitely look into that. Thanks for sharing.

    I guess the other thing is that I wasn't really interested in getting into the hamster wheel that some of my fleet mates get into by running the same PvE queues all the time. I was a happy, no-stress crafting materials farmer in the Klingon nebulas and I guess it stinks having my cheese moved in the game.

    If duty officer missions can provide a consistent, plentiful, and reliable flow of crafting materials, it would be an acceptable replacement for me. Having to learn how to do all these PvE missions is not something I look forward to.

    I have no fleet gear and have run Elite STF's in just dropped gear. I have even gotten as high as second place in Crystal Catastraphe on Elite with dropped gear and the free ships. SO it's very possible to do it with out the best gear.

    I have learned all of the elite STF's by joining one and then watching what everyone else did and listened/read to all of the in mission pop ups. SO you you don't have to study to run an STF, just paying attention will get you through it.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm glad to see them doing this to the STFs. This will give the older players a reason to go back to those older STFs, and encourage newer players to join up. Other games offer this to give them a reason to do those.

    I like the idea of the boxes. Perhaps I might join a STF myself in the future. If time permits.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sisteric wrote: »
    I have no fleet gear and have run Elite STF's in just dropped gear. I have even gotten as high as second place in Crystal Catastraphe on Elite with dropped gear and the free ships. SO it's very possible to do it with out the best gear.

    I have learned all of the elite STF's by joining one and then watching what everyone else did and listened/read to all of the in mission pop ups. SO you you don't have to study to run an STF, just paying attention will get you through it.

    You know...that's absolutely true.

    I said that though because I've run plenty of STFs where nobody says anything ever, not even a GG when you complete it and get the optional, so you can't always rely on that. In my view it's better to have an idea of what you're doing before hand.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • drbiteydrbitey Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    enoemg wrote: »
    I really don't think the C-Store packs are worth the ZEN if people like me, who have been stocking up on these materials, will end up with a few thousand of them to work with right at the start.

    i have collected as a fleet for years, we do not get the super duper rare stuff in exchange you will buy them for zen if you want random chances at getting random chances at what have a chance of being a random top quality item.
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You are correct. As the system stands now it is a more time intensive and expensive system. Wow $3.00 and $10.00 for crafting packs? Ever hear of price points? So far this system is not worth investing any real world dollars into from my perspective or even any dilithium.
    When it comes to investing money into zen, I have already come to terms with the issue. I have spent way too much on "Star Trek: Online". After recently doing a complete system restore, late last night, I decided to hold off on reinstalling "STO". I managed to read two, six hundred page, novels this past weekend. Whenever I read through a series of novels, the world around me becomes logical, solidified, and clear. I haven't felt this way in a long time. I am itching to read more books.

    I want to see if Cryptic will release something entirely new. Unless they release something outside of the grinding mechanic, the chances of me signing into the system are slim. I might be coming to terms with "Star Trek: Online" as a whole. I will have to wait and see.
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is the 'final' nail in the coffin. If the reward packs were given for completing solo storyline missions, I'd go back and redo them all. Contrary to intentions perhaps, but there are some people who don't always want to socialize when playing MMOs.
    venkou wrote: »
    Since low level and new players do not have access to stfs, the addition of the R&D packs will make 'fleet actions' more attractive. ...and, it will inject a nice 'diverse' playing field of options.

    I absolutely agree.

    And more fleet marks than I can offload. Getting 1/2 their value is better than nothing, but not better than just skipping fleet missions and doing something else.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I hear you. I'm much more interested in storyline missions than I am in STFs, which is why the reps with story missions attached like the Romulan and Dysons really appealed to me.

    That said I also like tinkering with my ship so getting the gear works for me. It took me six months and a group of expert friends to get me to do an STF, and it was another three months before I started doing them regularly.

    Fingers crossed that they'll come through and put an exploration revamp in the near future.

    Yes. I liked the Romulan rep storyline and rewards, but grinding the rep was awful.
    I wish we could go back to the Season 2 days, where we actually got new content (via regular featured episodes). Not just rehashing the same dozen every six months.
    The featured eps were something I was always excited to see. Following a small, but multi-mission story arc was great.

    Now instead of a five-week stint of ep releases; we get a single one, every six months at the earliest.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    You know...that's absolutely true.

    I said that though because I've run plenty of STFs where nobody says anything ever, not even a GG when you complete it and get the optional, so you can't always rely on that. In my view it's better to have an idea of what you're doing before hand.

    Yup, and if that happens to be the first time you played it, you get screamed at by some jerk for being a noob. While at the same time, he never tries to help.
    adwynyth wrote: »
    Not until some of them *coughHIVEcough* get fixed so players don't get endlessly one-shotted while trying to just complete the damn thing. Otherwise, items based on those materials will simply not be made.

    I still can't believe they haven't fixed that yet. It's been broken since release.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    That's part of the equation, another part is that the rewards aren't worth it. For instance I pretty much dropped off playing the Dyson Sphere Space Battle zone when they dropped the rewards to nothing and removed the dilithium reward. It ceased to be worth the time.

    They've put the dilithium back for 9.5, which is good and will probably get my time back.
    They removed the Dil from the Undine battlezone? That must have happened after I stopped playing it.
    I don't even have the rep completed on all my chars, but I took a break.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    Yes. I liked the Romulan rep storyline and rewards, but grinding the rep was awful.
    I wish we could go back to the Season 2 days, where we actually got new content (via regular featured episodes). Not just rehashing the same dozen every six months.
    The featured eps were something I was always excited to see. Following a small, but multi-mission story arc was great.
    I built a Romulan Tactical officer. Once I completed all of the episode missions, the thought of working through the reputation system was a turn off. So, I deleted the avatar. Romulans have some great episode missions. I just dislike the endgame content.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So a quick hop over to Tribble...

    ...and never mind. Cause you can't even see what you'll need before hand now. The L10 crafting projects aren't there unless you're L10 or higher.


    There is now a check box on the top of the window that gives you the option of seeing the higher level projects. Check it and you can see EVERYTHING!!!!

    Well, no, not everything, but at least all the projects.

    Rest of this is my analysis, incoming wall of text. TLDR here:

    From how the blog read, I don't think fleet actions are getting this, I think is the borg STFs, then CE, The Undine stuff, and the two Voth queues. Those are the only queues that are labeled elite, so the way I see it, those are the only ones that will get the very rare material chance. Unless I miss something.

    Also, play to have a chance to get very rare, or pay to get a chance at the right kind of very rare. The c-store boxes aren't worth it for that.

    Also, Cryptic, are you going to tell us which queues give a chance at which very rare materials?

    And now the log version.


    So, reading this, the only way you are guaranteed to get very rare materials is the buy from the C-store. Elite queues only give you a chance to get very rare, rare is guaranteed. And you only get three rare or very rare.

    Oh and for everyone thinking that the old fleet actions or the big dig are going to get some love, based on the wording of the blog, I don't think so. There are six types of very rare materials. Of all the various queues, only Borg, Undine, Voth, and Tholian have an elite and normal queue, and only Undine and Borg have ground and space queues, so, based on my pitiful logic, it looks like Borg and Undine will get two vary rare drops, one each for ground and space, and Tholians, and Voth will get one each, since they only have space queues.

    Again, that's guess work based on the blog saying that vary rare materials will only drop from elite queues. Those are the only enemies that have elite queues, and it just so happens that it works into an even split. I could be wrong, but based on what little I know, and what I can guess, it makes an attractive guess.

    If I am right, I hope you guys like C.E. since its the only one for Tholian and whatever material you might get from that.

    Okay, back the the crafting. There are 4 common materials, 2 uncommon, 5 rare, and 6 very rare. These make 2 common components (from common materials), 2 uncommon components (1 from common materials, and 1 from the two uncommon materials), 2 rare components (from 2 of the rare materials) and 2 very rare components (from either 2 or 3 of the very rare components, plus 1000 or 5000 dilithium). This is all per school, the components you make may be different, but they always follow this formula.

    What do we learn from this? First, hope that Magnesite drops like rain, you need three of it to craft any common component in any school or one of the uncommon components in every school besides Science and shields. Those two schools use Duranium and Trionium Gas to make their their uncommon component from common materials.

    Hydrazine is your next common item, all schools use 2 of it to craft any common and that one uncommon in all the schools but science and shields.

    Duranium, Trionium Gas, Thoron Particles, and Hexafluorine Gas are all going to be less common since they craft the uncommons, and Duranium and Trionium are only used on Science and Shields, as I said above. All schools use Thoron Particles and Hexafluorine Gas to craft the other uncommon component.

    Also, all common and uncommon components use 3 of Magnesite, Trionium Gas, or Hexafluurine Gas, and 2 of the other material, for a total of five.

    Rares are a bit more complex, but you will never need more than 5 of any type for a rare component. Beams and Engineering schools only need two different types of rares, all the rest need three different types.

    And finally very rare components. Engineering school needs only two types, projectiles needs 3 types, the rest take 4 types, except for ground weapons, which need 5 different types, and again the most you will need of any one type is 5.

    Last, on of the finished project. All of the projects that I checked stick to the same pattern. for the normal stuff, be it beam banks, consoles, rifles, any of that stuff, here is the pattern.

    Mk 2
    1 of each common

    Mk 4
    1 common, 2 of one uncommon and 1 of the other uncommon

    Mk 6
    1 common, 2 of one uncommon and 3 of the other uncommon

    Mk 8
    1 of each common, 1 of each uncommon, and 3 of one rare

    Mk 10
    1 of each common, 1 of each uncommmon, and 2 of each rare

    Mk 11
    2 of each common, 2 of one uncommon and 1 of the other uncommon, 2 of one rare, and 1 of the 1000 dilithium very rare

    And Mk 12
    2 of both commons, 1 of both uncommons, 1 of both rares, and 1 of both very rares

    And then the special items, the TR-116B, the Aegis set peices, all of that is the same formula
    4 of both commons, 2 of both uncommons, 1 of both rares, 2 of the 1000 dilithium very rare, and 1 of the 5000 dilithium very rare.

    So, what do I know from all of this?

    First, I'm leveling up with Mk VI items, and hoping that I can find lots of Magnesite.

    Second, while I might level up a few schools a few levels to get more slots open, With all of this, I'm going to focus my efforts on one school, because I don't want to hunt down tons of queues.

    Third, once I know what school I am focusing on, while I level up I'm going to be running the queues that have my materials like crazy, since the rares are all random and there are 5 of them, I'll have to run them a lot to get the right ones. I'll also have to run then a lot for the chance machine to give me my very rare materials.

    Fourth, the packs are a rip off. Not for the price, but because they seem to be random. So yes, you can get 3 very rare materials, but they don't tell you which three. Might not be the ones you need. Same with the rares. And even if you get lucky and you get the exact ones you need, you'll still need to buy 2 to 3 packs to get all the very rares you need. Slightly saved because you can sell them I suppose. But you want me to spend money on those boxes? Tell me what is in them. Theme them for each school, so there is a shield crafting box, with only the chance for materials used in crafting shields and so on. Then its worth it.

    Fifth, someone wants me to craft stuff for them? Sure, just give me the materials. I'll do the dilithium, That's not a problem. The materials are what is going to be the problem. By design.

    Oh yeah, and Cryptic, are you going to tell us which queues give a chance at which materials? Or do we have to play them all once to find out? It would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    End of wall, thanks to those who read it all.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sisteric wrote:
    I have no fleet gear and have run Elite STF's in just dropped gear. I have even gotten as high as second place in Crystal Catastraphe on Elite with dropped gear and the free ships. SO it's very possible to do it with out the best gear.

    I have learned all of the elite STF's by joining one and then watching what everyone else did and listened/read to all of the in mission pop ups. SO you you don't have to study to run an STF, just paying attention will get you through it.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    You know...that's absolutely true.

    To back up those statements with a "me, too!", I managed 1st place (in CC Elite STF) last week with a FED SCI retrofit (Nova-class) on my lvl 50 FED SCI toon -- and only Mk XI plasma and tetryon weaponry. No fleet or elite gear. And I was healing others during the battle while still managing to survive much of the time. I'll say I do have the Red Matter Capacitor, but I wouldn't consider it the decisive factor in winning. Like I said, no elite or fleet gear on that ship build.

    It is possible. Elite Fleet gear is not always required.

    On the flipside, I entered into an ISE Elite STF soon after and got reduced to atoms repeatedly.

    And I haven't repeated that CC Elite STF 1st place victory... yet.
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    malkarris wrote: »
    Rest of this is my analysis, incoming wall of text. (...)
    Remarkable job there. Very, very well done. :) Yet more things to contemplate about whether (or not) to craft...
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tucana66 wrote: »
    Remarkable job there. Very, very well done. :) Yet more things to contemplate about whether (or not) to craft...

    He did a good job. And that still doesn't hold me back as much as the time needed just level one school in R&D.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Arrgghh..all my searches come up with stuff about the older system, not about the new "R&D Materials" and Fleet Holding Projects.

    I been collecting "Data Samples" for Fleet. Is everything converted to the new "R&D Materials"?

    Will it be just White "R&D Materials" usable for Fleet Holding Projects?
    I can be safe trading off, or sending to the Exchange, all the other colors???


    Never Mind. I don't think one can see anything on Fleet holdings until it goes live.
    Thanks for the time to read.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sisteric wrote: »
    He did a good job. And that still doesn't hold me back as much as the time needed just level one school in R&D.

    Yeah, that's my other peeve with the system, which I talked about on one of the tribble patch threads. Hawk responded, saying that it takes 350 hours to level a crafting school to level 15, when you can craft everything. That part I can see. He also said that you can do this without running a project every hour or two, that you could run projects overnight or something like that. That I don't see. He then said that they were looking into making the projects longer so that you wouldn't have to get up and log in every hour to start a new one, which seems to contradict what he said before. So, I don't really know what is up.

    I and a few other people suggested either having a queue you could load up with projects and then walk away and let them all run, or creating a new type of project that runs for 20 hours, rewards a larger amount of xp, but doesn't craft anything, it just takes the materials in, like a rep project. I don't think there has been any word on something like that.

    where2r1 wrote: »
    Arrgghh..all my searches come up with stuff about the older system, not about the new "R&D Materials" and Fleet Holding Projects.

    I been collecting "Data Samples" for Fleet. Is everything converted to the new "R&D Materials"?

    Will it be just White "R&D Materials" usable for Fleet Holding Projects?
    I can be safe trading off, or sending to the Exchange, all the other colors???

    When the change comes, all the data samples will be converted to white and green R&D materials. The rarer particle traces will, I think, be converted to the rare R&D materials, but nothing above that will come from conversion. Anything that takes data samples now will take materials after the change. And the conversion is random, you will get a white or green or blue material, depending on what you are converting, but there is no control over which one. When I did the conversion on Tribble, it seemed to come out pretty even. So, up to you.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    This is the 'final' nail in the coffin. If the reward packs were given for completing solo storyline missions, I'd go back and redo them all. Contrary to intentions perhaps, but there are some people who don't always want to socialize when playing MMOs.
    I'm becoming more social, but I can take it or leave it truthfully. But I love the solo. Especially since I'm the Captain that means that my ship is the one that the only one in the sector when it goes down.
    And more fleet marks than I can offload. Getting 1/2 their value is better than nothing, but not better than just skipping fleet missions and doing something else.
    My virtually solo fleet would be more than happy to take any of those off your hands.
    Yes. I liked the Romulan rep storyline and rewards, but grinding the rep was awful.
    I wish we could go back to the Season 2 days, where we actually got new content (via regular featured episodes). Not just rehashing the same dozen every six months.
    The featured eps were something I was always excited to see. Following a small, but multi-mission story arc was great.

    Now instead of a five-week stint of ep releases; we get a single one, every six months at the earliest.
    The multi episode arc features are some of the best content in the game. They're standard basically. It must be pretty nice for new people coming in to just play them all through fresh for the very first time.

    Maybe they're improving it was about three months between Sphere of Influence, Step Between the Stars, and Surface Tension. It's odd they haven't mentioned any new episodes for 9.5 though. Then again if what's next is the next expansion pack then they're probably saving new missions for the fall then.
    Yup, and if that happens to be the first time you played it, you get screamed at by some jerk for being a noob. While at the same time, he never tries to help.
    I didn't want to say it...but yeah.
    They removed the Dil from the Undine battlezone? That must have happened after I stopped playing it.
    I don't even have the rep completed on all my chars, but I took a break.
    No no no. I'm referring to how they got rid of the wrap around mission that offered that sweet 50 Dyson mark and 960 dilithium reward.

    malkarris wrote: »
    There is now a check box on the top of the window that gives you the option of seeing the higher level projects. Check it and you can see EVERYTHING!!!!

    Well, no, not everything, but at least all the projects.

    Rest of this is my analysis, incoming wall of text. TLDR here:

    From how the blog read, I don't think fleet actions are getting this, I think is the borg STFs, then CE, The Undine stuff, and the two Voth queues. Those are the only queues that are labeled elite, so the way I see it, those are the only ones that will get the very rare material chance. Unless I miss something.

    Also, play to have a chance to get very rare, or pay to get a chance at the right kind of very rare. The c-store boxes aren't worth it for that.

    Also, Cryptic, are you going to tell us which queues give a chance at which very rare materials?

    And now the log version.


    So, reading this, the only way you are guaranteed to get very rare materials is the buy from the C-store. Elite queues only give you a chance to get very rare, rare is guaranteed. And you only get three rare or very rare.

    Oh and for everyone thinking that the old fleet actions or the big dig are going to get some love, based on the wording of the blog, I don't think so. There are six types of very rare materials. Of all the various queues, only Borg, Undine, Voth, and Tholian have an elite and normal queue, and only Undine and Borg have ground and space queues, so, based on my pitiful logic, it looks like Borg and Undine will get two vary rare drops, one each for ground and space, and Tholians, and Voth will get one each, since they only have space queues.

    Again, that's guess work based on the blog saying that vary rare materials will only drop from elite queues. Those are the only enemies that have elite queues, and it just so happens that it works into an even split. I could be wrong, but based on what little I know, and what I can guess, it makes an attractive guess.

    If I am right, I hope you guys like C.E. since its the only one for Tholian and whatever material you might get from that.

    All the Dyson queues have elite versions. The Vault Ensnared also has an elite queue, which makes you wonder if it will matter if you choose Romulan or Tholian marks if you will get a different set of materials?
    Oh yeah, and Cryptic, are you going to tell us which queues give a chance at which materials? Or do we have to play them all once to find out? It would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    End of wall, thanks to those who read it all.
    Exactly what I was thinking.
    tucana66 wrote: »
    To back up those statements with a "me, too!", I managed 1st place (in CC Elite STF) last week with a FED SCI retrofit (Nova-class) on my lvl 50 FED SCI toon -- and only Mk XI plasma and tetryon weaponry. No fleet or elite gear. And I was healing others during the battle while still managing to survive much of the time. I'll say I do have the Red Matter Capacitor, but I wouldn't consider it the decisive factor in winning. Like I said, no elite or fleet gear on that ship build.

    It is possible. Elite Fleet gear is not always required.

    On the flipside, I entered into an ISE Elite STF soon after and got reduced to atoms repeatedly.

    And I haven't repeated that CC Elite STF 1st place victory... yet.

    The healing counted towards your placement. And CC is built for sci ship love.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • xraiderv1xraiderv1 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    so..does this mean what I think it means? we're getting mats for doing pve runs now?
    Murphy's laws:
    1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
    2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
    3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    xraiderv1 wrote: »
    so..does this mean what I think it means? we're getting mats for doing pve runs now?

    I don't know but when it's live. I'm so taking advantage of it for my EC profit and play the exchange.

    Forget about the crafting part and since Cryptic will not put exploration back to the game just another grindfest.

    Might as well take whatever EC I can profit.
  • rickdias5500rickdias5500 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Pfff, lmfo.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    suaveks wrote: »
    Because do you really need the new grindy shinies to enjoy what you've been enjoying for the past several months/years in STO?

    Also, pity that some people - like me - actually enjoyed playing Star Clusters... But no, *poof* they're gone, because they'd be too good of a crafting farm. Thanks Cryptic...

    Yeah, you can get crafting material for free from exploring and that's not good.

    "For those looking for a leg up on their competition, Research and Development Booster Packages are available in the C-store for 300 ZEN. A bundle of 4 R&D Booster Packages is also available at a discount, for 1,000 ZEN. "

    The above is what they want us to spend $$$ on. Not getting the a leg up by actually playing the game.

    I'm so appalled of all these changes to crafting and exploration that I find it difficult to think of ways to express myself without swearing.

    Can't wait for the release of the new game No Man's Sky.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    there have been a lot of complaints recently about not enough the people playing pve`s and how players have to wait hours sometimes to get a team together, I see this as a good way to entice players back to the pve queues so the inclusion of R&D materials as rewards for this is a good idea indeed.
    the high use of dilithium in the crafting procedure is also a good idea in my opinion as it will help to bring the zen<>dil exchange rate down or at least help to keep it from going much higher, there have been a lot of complaints about the high exchange rate recently, this together with the inclusion of R&D material packs in the c-store will also help to bring money into the game and help keep the game alive so this is also a good thing.

    I was a bit disappointed about the removal of the exploration cluster missions as although they weren't of the highest quality sometimes there were some of them that were quite good and I enjoyed playing them from time to time so I hope you have a good look the missions within the clusters and perhaps weed out some of the poorest or perhaps replace some of the poorest ones with some better ones and perhaps put them back in at a later date, I am glad to see that anyone who is a bit concerned about the cluster accolades will be able to complete them with the cluster doff missions.

    I look on this next season and the update of the crafting system as a good thing for the game overall.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Check out the last of our 3-part Crafting Blog where Lead Content Designer Charles Gray reveals details about the new Research and Development Material Packs. For more info, read here.

    The Advanced pack, on the other hand, is given as an additional reward in elite queues and contains a random assortment of 25 R&D materials (5 common materials, 10 common, uncommon, rare or very rare materials, 7 uncommon, rare or very rare materials, and 3 rare or very rare materials). ]

    Does this mean that even an Advanced Queue R&D Material Reward Package (Trellium-K) does not necessarily reward us with Trellium-K? What are the relative odds of getting the various qualities of materials for the 10-roll, 7-roll, and 3-roll sets?

    While restricting the Very Rare materials to specific queues might be a good plan to get them played more, there are a few limiting factors that are going to keep them from being used in spite of this... factors that turn an incentive for underused queues into another disincentive for the crafting system, as follows (and in my opinion, of course):

    Over-monetization: the new system uses too many monetization mechanics all at the same time, giving the impression of high costs and a "cash grab"; the coming "normalization" of EC and dilithium costs does not exactly counter this impression
    1. Base dilithium costs: increasing sales of Zen->Dilithium Exchange purchases; better than the old system's costs anyway, but it also has the rest added
    2. Timer/bypass dilithium costs: copied from Neverwinter (praise Beshaba), with greatly expanded crafting times to incentivize dilithium expenditures for additional Zen->Dilithium Exchange purchases
    3. Variability: probability of repeating all of the above expenditures, with below expenditures being leveraged to limit this chance
    4. Doff integration: Increasing use of General Recruitment and Exchange Underperforming Officers for additional Zen->Dilithium Exchange purchases; more doff pack purchases, doff Roster space purchases, lock box mini-packs and specialized doffs (Elachi Survivor, etc.) demand; further adds new doff-type requirements in addition to existing doff types, to add more salable items
    5. C-Store crafting packs: It's crafting materials, in a box, in the C-Store
    6. Unknown (but highly probable) costs for the promised [Mod] customization: highly probable that there will be additional dilithium costs to customize outcomes that should have been specified in the first place, for increasing sales of Zen->Dilithium Exchange purchases; no [Mod] customization will be available at launch, so while this is highly probable, we could be pleasantly surprised...
    While most of these forms of monetization would be just fine, utilizing so many techniques within a single system is likely to reduce overall participation in that system.

    Time-gated progression: As outlined in these previously quoted posts, it will be a long journey before most players are capable of crafting end-game or specialized gear. This is, of course, a side-effect of needing the timers to be long enough to provide an incentive for folks to actually pay the Finish Now dilithium cost.

    "Clunky" UI: The new tiled UI, requiring a "Confirm" selection to fill sections that should auto-calculate based on the dropdowns, lacks the ability to quickly select and filter your options for inputs, etc. This is likely a side-effect of attempting to make crafting/doffing feasible from a smartphone, something I would consider a mistake to use in-game when we cannot play STO on a smartphone (tablets are big enough that you should be able to read the old UI). Some folks do prefer the new UI; I do not as a matter of personal taste.

    Unnecessary steps: Conversion from a {materials->items} system to a {materials->components->items} system requires multiple additional steps to make any given item, with some projects requiring the assembly of 19 components to make a single item. There is as of now no pre-slotting, batch assembly, or direct manufacturing option, meaning you must make or buy the components before getting around to making the items. Oh, and higher tier Ground Armors and Impulse Engines now require a Warp Field Regulator or two... I kind of like the idea of Ground Armor made with an Ejection System, though.

    Loss of progress: You will gain no benefit for completing the prior system beyond a special doff and a pair of Titles. Rewards for "R+D - Dabbler" and "R+D - Genius" do not provide bonus crafting XP nor grant an improved starting point. Everyone starts at 0 Crafting XP. In addition, items that you can make now will require regaining crafting levels to unlock things that are already unlocked (Nanoenergy Cells, for example, require Ground Weapons 5). I suggest making Nanoenergy Cells prior to S9.5, and/or using the Defera consumables instead.

    So, in addition to all that, now you also have to run queues that are otherwise unimpressive or unrewarding. If the crafting system were more approachable, I'd expect to see those queues come alive as a result of it, but at this stage we are unlikely to see a huge change in the behavior of the queues, especially since only those queues with "Elite" variants are going to reward a chance of Very Rare materials. At the very least, I'd suggest changing one of the 3 Rare or Very Rare rolls into a guaranteed Very Rare, to provide a real incentive.

    Just my two cents thus far, based on reviewing Tribble as I posted.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • coppershinecoppershine Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This new system is bullcrap, plain and simple, smell it, love it, flush it.
  • racerexiaracerexia Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This new system is bullcrap, plain and simple, smell it, love it, flush it.

    LOL, I agree. I wanna rant but honestly I am so sick an tired of all this that I will let others do it for me.
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I knew the c-store would be involved....

    (yeah yeah,go ahead....delete the post like you did all the others.)
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    malkarris wrote: »
    When the change comes, all the data samples will be converted to white and green R&D materials.

    I am not so concerned about converting the "Data Samples" or "Particle Traces" and how many I get from said conversion.

    I am wondering about Starbase Fleet holding and will it end up requiring use of specific (Green, Blue or Purple) "R&D Materials" for Starbase "construction". Or is it open ended? As in: use any color.

    What I would like to do is to be able to profit from the sale of Green, Blue and Purples for EC to fill the "Commodities" requirements. We are just starting Tier 3.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • fatherofathero Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well you've done it. With the laugh-able roster of crafted items and their stats (no better, or worse than normal looted items), you have made crafting in this game completely worthless.
    If all you can get with the new rare/uncommon materials are the Mk XII items listed in the
    Dev Blog or a "random chance" at a minor stat boost, it is not worth the time invested, let alone spending money (real or in game) to obtain the needed materials.
    In order to have a healthy crafting system/community, you need to have a decent market for your crafted products. With the added expense in time and new materials, you have eliminated any possibility of that.
    Crafted items, to be percieved as valuable and thereby creating a potential market, need to compete with the best items in the game at every level and category of crafted item for a reasonable price. From what I've seen so far, you are headed in the opposite direction.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Have to wait for the noobs to reach crafting lvl and they won't have the ec you'll charge :D

    Plan to milk every EC I can get out of it. This is a crappy system and frankly I'm surprised if someone tell me they didn't see this coming.

    It seems Cryptic wants to be the problem and solution on their own wheel going in circles... Enticing people to play PVE content although people are tired of playing the grindd.
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I wonder how expensive and time consuming to craft the DBB mk xii with [acc]x3 and if the effort worth it compared to buy it in exchange.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tmassx wrote: »
    I wonder how expensive and time consuming to craft the DBB mk xii with [acc]x3 and if the effort worth it compared to buy it in exchange.

    Last time I checked it took my friend 250 tries to get a CtrlDx3.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I knew the c-store would be involved....

    (yeah yeah,go ahead....delete the post like you did all the others.)

    This is funnier. You cannot comment on Star Trek Online Facebook post anymore. I guess they was getting too much negative feedback on Facebook.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    300 zen for TRIBBLE stuff that originally was FREE
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