Nexa: This station was actually made by Cardassians, even though it's not part of the Federation. They had a very different design philosophy. Still seems cozy in a way.
Nova: So many different species here. It feels more diverse than home. *she follows as Nexa leads them to Garak's*
Nexa: So, don't be afraid to pick out anything you like, I can afford the latinum.
Janri: I'm not sure I'm gonna go all out... but I want to try out some new outfits! *she has a slight skip in her step as she enters*
*A Cardassian tailor waits to help them, showing them some of the displays*
Reina: I'm glad my family didn't have to deal with him... we left earth around the time of the augment wars to flee some issues with vampire hunts rising, which ended up with us eventually stranded in the Delta Quadrant years later. *she shakes her head*
T'Lera: *as she puts the cheesecake in to bake she begins to set plates for everyone with Reina's help with the food they cooked* I just missed that resurgence then, though I doubt I would've been directly involved in it had I been there it's interesting to think about.
Clea: *she blushes profusely, getting into the water to hide*
Reashe: It will be fiiine Jorin. *she gets close to Kenzie and begins to relax in the warm water.*
Rin: Maybe you should get changed. *she hugs Seku gently* Look, you're better off without him. You were never suited for his moral expectations, and he was always a contrarian. Things will get better.
Cunningham: Hold on, hold on. how the hell did that happen?... Pike found him in my time, nobody marooned him, he was put on trial, and briefly... rehabilitated.. at least as best as one could with him... with the war, he was offered a commission. is the big turn really pike finding him instead of Kirk?... one decides to let him face justice and try to see the best in people while the other just... abandons him and never checks in?.. I'm gonna need that next drink...
Bri: are we not gonna question the spock part from before?
Seku: *she blushes, awkwardly hugging back, burying her face in Rin's shoulder to hide the tears* I should uhh... yeah I should do that... I guess if everyone else is uhh.... dressing that way so to speak... I don't know if i should... think you can give me a hand with my armor regardless
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
val: oooh *she looks at a black longcoat* i wonder if i could get this custom tailored.
lythe: im not sure what sort of clothing is fashionable around here...
kara: my mom lived thru a lot of early human history, shes got so many stories.
jorin: *silently looks around at everyone awkwardly*
kenzie: wow she really is shy.... *she says hugging raeshe* still this is nice. those two are hitting it off at least. *she motions to seku and rin* they look like their about ready to pounce on one another.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Cardassian: Of course Madame. *the Cardassian man gives a very professional smile* That is precisely what we do here. If you see any designs you like I would be happy to fit them for you.
*Janri is eyeing an outfit that has a low cut top. It looks almost like what a pirate or explorer might wear...*
*Nova is staring at some of the more functional clothes, ones that seem more militaristic*
Nexa: Don't be afraid to browse their catalogue Lythe. Really, most things are fashionable, there's dozens and dozens of species that come through here, so a lot of things count as stylish.
Reina: Perhaps your timeline diverged earlier than it seemed.
T'Lera: I wonder what triggered the war with the romulans for your people...
Reashe: *She coughs looking at Kenzie as she leans into her arms* Hey now, don't tease Seku too much...
Rin: *She starts to help Seku remove her armor for the hot spring taking her to a changing room* Hey just dress how you feel okay? This is just to relax.
Clea: *she gives a wave to Jorin to try and calm her down, currently sitting low in the water herself*
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Kirk took command of Enterprise in the 2260s after Pike suffered a near fatal accident while saving the lives of several cadets on a training cruise.
And Kirk tried to be respectful to Khan, only for Khan to turn around and try to kill him and take his ship by force. Ceti Alpha V was actually an M class planet with everything they'd need to survive. Until Ceti Alpha VI blew up anyways. No one saw that coming. I still question how Starfleet missed the fact that the Ceti Alpha System was short one planet.
If Pike wasn't on that training cruise... he'd still be in command of Enterprise through several major events. Khan, the Organians... the Romulans...
Wait... was Pike in command of Enterprise when the Romulans were testing their new Bird of Prey with a Plasma Torpedo?
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Cunningham: Yes. We discussed that I believe. before Romulans attacked earth and I went on my attack run, before you brought me and the John Paul Jones here. Romulans attacked a series of outpost on the edge of the neutral zone. Captain Pike and the Enterprise Responded, eventually joined by Captain Kirk and the Farragut. Farragut was destroyed, the Romulans crossed the Neutral Zone with their praetor, faced off with Captain Pike, Captain Kirk leading a fleet of automated mining ships to cover The Enterprise's retreat, and a declaration of war was sent out.. I still remember that broadcast, I was Captain of the New Jersey at the time, they took her from me for a museum eventually in trade for the John Paul Jones, but that's a different story... I remember being brought into all the briefings. seeing the look on Chris' face. Reading all the after action reports, the records and simulations recreated from flight recorder data... *she laughs slightly, smiling as she looks at her empty cup* All the looks Kirk got for his gambit, that I don't think I'd ever forget in a million years... and trust me, I'm gonna live it. y'know Lanthanite and all...
Anyways, to address the other comments.. First, what accident and training cruise? Second, Khan still tried to take the Enterprise. Pike just... didn't maroon him? he thought he could be better.. was maybe.. a bit awkward with one of Khan's living descendants... it was an intense trial... Now he's a Captain under a very close eye. Well not as close as one would like because of the war. but he's been given a second chance. even with the Federation's distaste for augments, mainly brought on by him and others like him. but the argument that was used for Commander Chin-Riley in her trial centered around Illyrian augmentation, had precedent to be used for him... Third and lastly *she turns to Kara* Is... Your mother a Lanthanite as well? someone I know maybe? world's a small place... and I'm part of the Younger Generation of Lanthanites that were born on earth. around 1130AD or so. not one of the older ones that were ambling around with the greek and romans. *she says, continuing her lie of being Lanthanite. in actuality, being her universe's version of Nick. (just in case Rattler or anyone forgot) and for some reason female*
Freeman: *he sighs and slips into the water* well no Mira
Seku: What do people wear into a hotspring anyways besides... y'know... nothing? *she sits there in her clothes and great coat, her armor and boots off, doing her best not to stare at Rin in her current state. keeping her leather headdress and goggles on as well*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
val: i like the design but... can it be made ballistic, energy, heat and blade resistant?
lythe: i would prefer functionality over style tho.... *she ponders for a moment looking thru the catalogue*
kara: i mean im from a different universe then these guys *she motions to everyone* except for bri. no my mom is trill, she has some... abilities that she was trying to test out in her youth and it ended up getting her stuck on earth from the 14th century all the way to the earth romulan war before she could fix it. all tho i have no idea who her counterpart would be in your universe, if shes not trill shes probably either trying to pass as a lanthanite. you ever hear of a seras victoria?
kenzie: its not seku you need to worry about *she says with a grin. she kisses her forehead while purring softly* i haven't said it as much as id like to but i love you rae, more than anything in the world.
jorin: hmm..... so since you already know the future do i change all that much?
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Kirk didn't have La'an aboard the Enterprise at that time. She was serving on another ship, I believe the Farragut as First Officer. So Khan was just straight up hostile and couldn't be talked down. Kirk tried to be hospitable, but the minute Khan tried to kill him and take Enterprise... all bets were off.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Cardassian: We do have some more durable materials on offer, though it will affect the cost. We also accept offers to work with more unusual materials if provided, sometimes we have engineers or travelers who wish for something custom. *he waves his hand* For this we do offer a variety of options depending on what weight you're comfortable with, and the level of protection desired.
Nexa: functional clothes can be stylish.
Nova: I like this one. *she points at an outfit with a semi coat, one that only goes partially past the hips. Considering her body it would probably look more like a jacket on her*
*Janri seems to be settling on the outfit she's looking at*
T'Lera: *She sighs at the mention of Seras, digging into her food and quietly eating*
Reina: *she offers another drink to Cunningham, before taking her own seat* Khan wasn't willing to change his ways here... maybe things would've turned out similarly if Kirk had the right people there, but I think he made the best choices he could with what he had.
Reashe: I love you too Kenzie... truly. *she gives a soft smile, blushing and closing her eyes as she rests against her, pressing against her more firmly*
Clea: Well... I can't spoil too much because you know, temporal shenanigans can change the timeline and all that. Though of course that's a bit moot... you do make a pretty good aunt, I looked up to you at times. Now things are a little different. I can remember my original history, and a different better one, since Mother decided to be better.
Rin: Hmm swimsuits, towels are common in some cultures. *she tilts her head, giving Seku a wink when she realizes she's staring*
Cunningham: oh La'an was a part of the trial, not the initial take over attempt. I believe it may have gone down like it did with kirk, except as you can tell, the ending wasn't marooning.... but all that aside. *she nods as she's given the new drink, taking a swig* its strange living through some of what he did then seeing him found and given a chance. hearing what happened here? kinda a pity. *she shakes her head and looks to Kara* The name... does sound a bit familiar? but, trying to pass as a lanthanite? why would she need to do that...
Bri: *she sits down next to Kara and T'lera*
Freeman: Just be careful with what you say. even that could have a big impact with the right person
Seku: *she has an embarrased look on her face after Rin winks* uhh... swimsuit works, why not. how do we actually, get one? Freeman didn't tell us how this works.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Technically speaking I have a sister who was assimilated at Vega Colony. More time travel shenanigans trying to stop the Iconians. We tried to alter history by removing something from the timeline. While it had saved Romulus... the results were worse overall as the Borg were much stronger and had actually assimilated the majority of the Star Empire. In this timeline, I was able to save lives at Vega Colony and escape, earning my first Command as an Ensign. In the timeline we created... I wasn't so lucky. A phase variance in our temporal shielding ended up merging me with the new timeline, and... they found me on the USS Cerberus as a Borg Drone. She would be liberated and help find out what happened so that we could try to reverse what happened. During an attack by the Borg at Romulus, she plugged herself into Deflector Control, and unintentionally adapted Temporal Shielding while trying to help save the ship.
Next thing we know... I'm on the Bridge wondering what the hell happend because we're being told to abord the test, and she's down in Deflector Control. Oh and I got a formerly evil clone as well who is basically a smuggler queen. She helped ferry supplies around during the war.
Like I said... Interesting Times.
But I suppose that is also normal for Lexington. We get all the weird, and Temporal Investigations has a whole file cabinet dedicated to us. *chuckles*
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Val: something durable, weights not much of an issue as long as I’m able to move decently. I want it to last awhile and be easy to clean.
Lythe: honestly I don’t know… I’ve been wearing robes since I was a child….
Kara: hmm how to explain it… *she ponders for a moment* my mom is a being from outside the universe, dimension or what have you. Originally it was just her she didn’t have any multiversal counterparts until she integrated into it. There’s still only one of her technically the others are like lesser copies. Same with me since I came from the same place as her, if any of that makes sense I guess….. anyway since she’s immortal she usually hides it by lying about her species or what my mom does is drop of the galactic stage for a few hundred or thousand years. *she looks over at t’lera* you ok over there?
Kenzie: *pulls her onto her lap hugging her gently as she purrs* you’re the best thing to ever happen to me
Jorin: hmm. Given how complex temporal mechanics are it wouldn’t surprise me if somehow it’s now a mix of both. Jaessa is and always will be a cruel and sadistic person, just less so with samaia around to keep her in check. I’m sure you’ve seen it tho… *she looks at clea with the smallest hint of fear thru her stone faced expression* that spark in her eye right before it happens…. Then comes the smile….*she stares thru clea with a haunted look for a few minuets before shaking her head* I’m sorry we’re supposed to be relaxing….
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Cardassian: *He nods, taking a moment to look at her as if trying to judge something* I think we can manage that without much issue. There are some more rugged materials and fibers that should accomplish what you wish while retaining some flexibility, if a bit on the heavy side. I will need time however, and your measurements, we can scan for them, take them the "old fashioned" way, that some prefer, or if you have them readily available I can work with the numbers. As for your friends, I believe I can fit the attire they are currently looking at during this visit, unless they request a custom order as well. Except for... them. *He gestures politely to Nova and Lythe* Their unusual height will require a bit more time, though if you are willing to wait longer that could still be finished within the duration of your visit.
Janri: No, I think the material on this should be fine.
Nova: I would like it a bit more durable... I'm stronger than I look.
Nexa: They do have robes on offer, if you want to try a new one. Or I could help you find some functional clothes. *She tilts her head as she thinks, looking through clothes that seem somewhat elegant while also still retaining things like cargo pouches or other functional tidbits*
Reina: I think Jess knows someone like that... but I don't think its your mother. I've never really asked her about them though, they sounded really esoteric.
T'Lera: Just... thought about what happened. *She gives a bit of a sad, but trying to seem reassuring smile, referring to the white abyss she was trapped in for millennia.*
Reina: So... I believe I mentioned we knew your counterpart in this universe, and that he was a man... so... *She glances to Cunningham* You know... if you're not a lanthanite, you don't have to hide it. I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the immortality shenanigans and such.
Reashe: *She coughs, closing her eyes and leaning into Kenzie, still bashful but mostly staying out of the other conversations going on* I'm glad that everything lined up so that we could meet... I don't know what I would do without you.
Rin: Well there's this thing over... I think it might be for that? *She gestures to a device that is probably a replicator, either for food, sake, etc, or clothing*
Clea: Someone should probably explain to them how to use a replicator... *She shakes her head* Just tell it exactly what you want it to make, and it will produce it, I can explain to you the science behind it later.
I have but... Mother... Jaessa... when she met me for that momentary visit before something in her changed. I don't think she wants to be as she was... she wants to be better. Certainly she did better in my new memories atleast. And its fine Auntie, I don't think its any harm.
Bri: *she hugs T'Lera while answering Reina* Her mom in this universe is from another galaxy. she's on K-13.
Cunningham: Everyone just wait a second! *she sips her new drink before she puts it down, wincing a bit* You're all hitting me with a lot at once and each of you is pulling me in a radically different direction with each comment! give me a moment to go over all of this. So you have a Clone sister along with a Temporal cyborg zombie clone sister?... maybe zombie is a bit much but I'm not sure what else would be comparable... and i mean more like voodoo zombies not eat your brains kind. okay, check. it sounds like a lot to deal with. *she looks to Kara* I'm not even sure how to respond to all that, kinda overwhelming to think about in all honesty. *and lastly she looks to Reina* How do you know whatever strange counterpart I have here isn't lying about not being a Lanthanite?
Bri: Because I'm his daughter kinda and I can confirm he isn't..? well daughter from another universe but I'm trying to be less confusing.
Cunningham: Wait but you're her daugh- *she looks to Krystal then back to Bri* Oh... Lucky him I suppose.. or other universe him... other universe me?
Bri: Yeah... Hell there are two versions of him here. So uhh... You got brothers from another universe if you wanna look at it that way?
Cunningham: I... Haven't had siblings in... forever. *her face turns sad as she utters the last word, reflecting on the past*
Bri: I'm sure its been easier just lying about being a Lanthanite so you could live one continuous and uninterrupted life, at least from first contact and onwards, instead of a few dozen lives like my dad, having to start from scratch in starfleet with each one until... well here until he couldn't deny it anymore, being trapped on a derelict ship for like... 45 years with no food or water and just being saved one day, but mom could tell you more
Cunningham: Whatever you didn't gloss over then
Bri: So do you wanna keep going by a Lanthanite for now, or are you okay just being logged Human Perpetual?
Cunningham: I'm not sure yet.. I've lived amongst and as a Lanthanite for centuries. some of them know what I really am but they don't care. I'm like them in the long life way, so its close enough, even if i can just come back and don't age at all rather than just super slow... *she picks up her drink and downs the rest of it even though it was just refilled* Either way, I am what I am, Starfleet since even before archer and captain of a dozen ships from my NX, to my Shangri-La. I don't have to pretend I'm not either way.
*its a replicator for all of the above*
Seku: Should I just go like you or with a towel? I don't wanna waste too much time figuring out how its sizing works or it just giving me a random gaudy or ugly style or something
Freeman: *he sighs and lays back in the hot water* I feel lucky I'm from now and not the future seeing any of that sorta stuff. my head is like an iron box for that. In a way, I'm temporaly shielded. but since the change was made by someone in the future coming back, I haven't experienced it yet. I'm sure future me could know what you mean exactly since he wouldn't forget... but it gets into paradox because eventually I'll be him and remember just suddenly even though I never experienced what he did. confusing right? that's why I prefer messing with Temporal Mechanics head on so I know what I changed, because I remember changing it and what it was like before I did.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Val: alright measure away then. *she holds her arms open waiting*
Lythe: I suppose I will defer to your judgment then as I have no clue what I’m looking for….
Kara: sorry social nuance isn’t one of my strong suits…. *looks at reina* did she look short, pretty thick with bright blond hair emerald green eyes and an eyepatch on her right eye? If so that’s her. *she the then looks at t’lera* if it’s that bad I know someone that can help thru that trauma… it was my fault after all……
Kenzie: *whispers in raeshe’s ear as she shifts slightly*
Jorin: what….. *she looks extremely confused as she tries to process what freeman said* that doesn’t make any sense….. *she says then looks over at clea* I guess we’ll have to see when it comes to jaessa….. I hope she’s capable of change.
Mira: *walks into the holosuite with her arms crossed in the traditional hot spring attire* when did seku and rin get here? *she also notices jorin* and whos this?
Post edited by hoan113 on
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Well... a LOT has happened in a short amount of time.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Cardassian: Right away Ma'am. *He retrieves some measuring tape and begins to get to work, it doesn't take too long so long as Val is good at sitting still, he's clearly professional about it*
Nexa: How about these? *She shows lythe a few sets of outfits, mostly with pants such as jeans or other bottoms meant for travel in rough areas and some tops with more flowing sleeves.*
*Janri politely waits her turn to be measured*
Nova: *She looks at the ones Nexa is showing off from the catalogue, scratching at her red hair*
Reina: I've met Seras before once, when you were training me. The one Jessica was talking about sounded different, you had to go somewhere special if you wanted to talk with them. *She nods to Cunningham* You can be logged as one if you like, either way I mostly meant to let you know that we kind of already knew.
T'Lera: Hey, I don't blame you Kara. I could've been more careful. And you did try to help me out in other ways... *She holds the necklace Kara made for her after a demon tried to feed on her soul*
Reashe: *She nods, opening her eyes with a smile and appearing to stretch*
Rin: If going like this makes you uncomfortable then no... towel is easy, we can just grab one. *She offers a towel to Seku, before raising an eyebrow to Mira* Hey Mira.
Clea: Trouble with portals? *She gestures to Jorin* This is Jorin, there was a... incident.
Cunningham: Like I said, I'll decide that later. How was I supposed to know you knew? How would I know that he was going with a much different story and not do what I did? Saying you know my counterpart here, and saying you know he's what he is are two different things.
Bri: Right fair enough. I'd honestly think the same thing, I'm already living this lie, why isn't he?
Cunningham: Exactly!
Bri: So uhh... Why Cunningham as a last name?
Cunningham: Because its my last name?
Bri: I mean.... is it though?
Cunningham: What's that supposed to mean?
Bri: Its O'Connor. well if you wanna get technical Ua Conchobhair... or even more technical in your case Ní Conchobair.
Cunningham: I suppose he would have kept it, wouldn't he... makes sense. I forsook that name. means nothing to me. I suppose if he was still Ruaidrí's twin like me, he might be up for the throne, might even have some pride or would have even been cared about. I didn't have those privileges. I was just one of 30 something children and unimportant because I was a woman... So i left, ran away even. ended up in Scotland eventually. Ended up adopted by... well a Lanthanite couple after they figured out my situation with the agelessness and immortality and all that, around the same time as me. Was dumb luck, or maybe even fate. They got a daughter that somehow was kinda like them, and I got a family that cared. I took their last name and well now here I am... Guess for all intents and purposes they are my ma and pop... met other Lanthanites because of them, they know me as one of them so... for all intents and purposes I was despite the... classification you shot at me of "Perpetual Human." that just... I'm not sure if i wanna throw that away. its like asking me to deny them as my family...
Bri: *she nods* I... Didn't know
Cunningham: I know you didn't. You're fine...
Bri: I think talking to my dad would help
Cunningham: Later... guess we'll see if I can even end up calling him Brother or not.
Seku: *she quickly turns around* wait when did mira get here?! *she whispers to Rin* she wasn't around for the raid at all. I have not seen her once at all since they all popped up at my house looking for help, now she's here like... like... everyone else is going... oh and Freeman is force sensitive like his brother apparently. Jorin is training him... I figured if I'm whispering I may as well tell you. we could help train him like we did Eli if we wanted. without the moral righteousness getting in the way... just a thought... anyways, towel wins. *she sighs, going to change out of sight*
Freeman: Rin just got her, Seku has been around awhile helping us get to tython... guess she's sticking around because... well who guessed someone with spikes on their head could be a Pr**k.... and yeah, its jorin... more surprised you didn't ask how zander got here.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Val: *sits still as she waits for the tailor to take her measurements*
Lythe: I guess it could t hurt to go with those.
Kara: probly not her then.
Jorin: *looks over at Mira for a moment then seku and rin. Her ears fold down as she stares at the water solemnly*
Mira: a bit yeah. Last time a portaled into a holodeck it sort of exploded… but I’m getting better. I guess the gang is getting back together? As long as that spike headed a*shole isn’t showing up then I’m fine. It’s good to see you guys again. *she looks over at jorin* so I guess the same thing happened to Jorin too. I guess it was probably only a matter of time then.
Kenzie: *softly chuckles* there we go
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
*The cardassian finishes after not too long before getting started with Janri. He has to pause, adjusting his tape when he begins working on her torso to get the proper measurements a slight shake of his head at something*
Cardassian: I'll make a note for extra fabric for your choices Madame. *When he finishes he offers to get started on Lythe, or Nova next, Nexa the only one who hasn't looked for anything herself*
T'Lera: *She whispers quietly to Bri* thank you by the way. *There's a soft smile from the hug*
Reina: Your history likely diverges a bit more than what we're currently aware of, still there's not a whole lot of immortals running around to chat about this stuff with... despite being a vampire I've only been one for around 10 years now, maybe 15, our date keeping was a bit spotty considering it was based on earth time, and being stranded on an alien planet makes tracking time a bit different.
Rin: Maybe... *She nods to Seku, waiting patiently and crossing her arms as she leans against a wall*There's a couple things I was hoping to look into, but I might stick around for a bit so Seku has more friendly faces around. What were you all doing here anyway? No one has mentioned the specifics.
*Reashe taps Kenzie's arm, nodding at something*
Clea: This would've been a really bad time for an explosion.
Bri: Keanu Reeves is still around. I'm not sure if he's perpetual or Lanthanite, but he's still kicking.... Honestly There are more immortals around than one would assume. and that's before counting Lanthanites.
Cunningham: So if you know that and all these other things, was he really Charlemagne or was that just a joke or wild conspiracy theory?
Bri: Wild conspiracy theory.
Cunningham: *she nods* She's not wrong about the whole immortal thing even before counting Lanthanites. at least from my experience back home, here, well apparently that part might not have changed much. How is the Count Saint Germain?
Bri: Still kicking and on the never-ending quest for knowledge.
Cunningham: Sounds like him *she looks over to Reina* so, 10 or 15 years a vampire?... I hope when i mentioned slaying Dracula earlier it wasn't too awkward.. mentioning you got ran off the planet due to vampire hunts sitting near one of the most famous vampire slayers... in my defense he was quite mad. most of the ones I went after were. you should be fine. *she says chuckling awkwardly, sipping her drink* I have an assortment of knowledge on topics of that nature. like i said, i talked about it earlier.
Bri: Well you do have some things in common with dad then.
Freeman: Well come on in. water is just fine. *he says to Mira before saying to Rin* gotta reunite the rest of the clan.
Seku: Wait *she says poking her head out mid change, unintentionally showing off* what do you mean only a little bit? *she says, swaying a bit from the drink still, a hint of disappointment and maybe even sadness in her voice*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Lythe: are you not getting anything? *she says looking at nexa*
Kara: the price of immortality is paid with sanity at least in a vampires case…. *she stares off reminiscing on the past for a moment before shaking her head*
Jorin: *looks around awkwardly her expression is stone faced with a hint of melancholy*
Mira: so you two are staying then? *she says walking over and sitting next to freeman*
Kenzie: *silently sinks underwater*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Nexa: Well... I'm not really sure what to get. *She looks through some of the displays, focusing on an outfit that seems somewhat similar to one one of her past selves wore. Now that they've merged due to the events before she feels different looking at it.* Maybe this...
Janri: *She coughs and whispers to Val* I think he means that I have a bit more "oomph" on me than the outfit was meant for.
*While Lythe and Nexa chat, the tailor begins with Nova*
Cardassian: I do not see many come in here like this, it appears similar to the undersuits I've seen on some of the more militaristic patrons.
Nova: I do not have many options. This was all I had to wear.
Cardassian: Perhaps I'll rush your order then.
Reina: Oh, I'm sure Dracula was every bit as mad as many thought, or was an actual tyrant and monster. No hard feelings. We just wanted to live in peace. We got it I suppose, in the end.
T'Lera: *she decides to get the cheesecake ready from the oven to help cheer Kara up*
*Reashe leans back and sighs contently*
Rin: *To Mira* I would like to. *she raises an eyebrow to Seku, giving her a wink*
Well, reuniting the clan doesn't sound too hard. Could be fun.
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Cunningham: Then you're good. if there are, what did she say, two different counterparts of mine, and they haven't had to do anything by now. You're fine. *she downs the rest of her drink and holds her cup up, swaying slightly, looking over at Krystal* Can i get another please, Admiral?
*she sets her glass down and starts eating, looking over to Kara* I mean that isn't even all vampires. a lot get apathetic as they get older, but sanity loss is more rare. even then, those that go insane are usually are before they're turned or early on. in more usual cases insanity can also be more common due to it being passed down via their vampiric bloodline... but yeah there are plenty of long lived peoples who don't go insane as they age, Myself as a Human-Perpetual whatever, Lanthanites, El-Aurians, Human Augments even when you don't freeze them, Talosians, all two remaining Cheronians, though in their case they might be a little insane as the last two members of their species and won't even talk to one another.... *she trails off, thinking* but you get the point I hope, there are many long lived species that don't go insane.... I'm rambling, what exactly have i been having to drink?
Freeman: *he puts his arm around Mira*
Seku: *she stares at Rin wided eyed and still swaying, nearly falling over just then with the wink*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Val: *looks down at herself and then over to janri and lythe scratching her head* oooh that sort of oomph. I guess I wouldn’t know, I don’t have that problem. *she shrugs*
Lythe: hmm I see. So this fashion is sort of an expression of ones self.
Kara: *lets out a depressed sigh as her ears droop* it doesn’t reallly change tho. Civilizations rise and fall… after seeing it countless times it all starts to seem pointless.
Jorin: doesn’t sound hard…. You don’t even know my clan yet you’re trying to involve yourself? You may know freeman and Mira but you’re a complete stranger to me. The situation is vastly more complex than you think….
Mira: I think you struck a nerve there…..
Kenzie: *shifts slightly* there we are *she whispers something to raeshe*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: Well, I'm a bit used to needing to custom order clothes or replicate them... *she winks, though it's less flirty and more teasing* Though I think others would consider it less of a problem.
Nexa: To an extent yeah. Some people only care about the fashion trends, but a lot of people dress more how they enjoy to. *when the Cardassian is finished with Nova, Nexa gestures to the outfit as she chooses it and has her measurements taken. They have changed a bit since the events from before but only mildly.*
Cardassian: *With that he comes to Lythe* I'm a humble tailor of course, but fashion is subjective and it can differ for the occassion. But for something you wish to wear among friends or in casual settings it's best to go with what you feel comfortable with. Though I would be remiss to not point out that fancier occassions may require fancier attire.
Reina: There's always the hope to build something lasting. The federation is doing pretty good, it's survived so much and still keeps on trucking. Oh, Cunningham it's just a whiskey sour.
T'Lera: *she offers the cheesecake to Kara* I got a bit of a taste of what thousands of years can feel like. It was awful, but I was completely isolated. Being here with everyone, you and Bri, is nice. It still haunts me but its... tolerable having people around who I enjoy spending time with.
Rin: I wasn't inviting myself Jorin, I just said I would like to. *she tilts her head seeming confused by the reaction before helping Seku steady herself* I'm used to smaller groups trying to get bigger groups together and the like from the rebellion days, so I'm optimistic about this sort of thing.
Reashe: Is it really so bad? *she looks around, holding one of Kenzie's hand and squeezing it as she leans back against her*
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Bri: *she raises an eyebrow and gets up, walking over to krystal* Everything alright mom? I say something wrong?
Cunningham: I can taste that, it just... I can drink more of these without issue... *she brings a hand to her head* I.. I think I'll be fine. guess I'm drinking on an empty stomach after all... should eat more.... so all this talk of wars and bad things I've missed, is there any good news for the sake of whatever gods are watching?
Seku: I... uhhh *she covers herself in the towel and comes out* I'm inviting her. she's my plus one I guess. *she says blushing as she walks towards the water still somewhere above tipsy, trying to ignore the state mostly everyone else is in*
Freeman: Jorin. they don't have to help unite the clan, but they can stick around. its a big ship and honestly, having them around could be useful for... jedi buisness... maybe we can send them out to go locate my brother, bring him back here.. they helped train him. he's a mando and trained by jedi. we're not gonna leave him.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Just wondering if you slipped anything in as I don't think you can get drunk.
*looks over and speaks up* Two Dyson Spheres, many First Contacts, meeting up with old friends, Stomping a dictator who threatened an entire quadrant, helping the Romulans establish themselves on New Romulus...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Nova: So many different species here. It feels more diverse than home. *she follows as Nexa leads them to Garak's*
Nexa: So, don't be afraid to pick out anything you like, I can afford the latinum.
Janri: I'm not sure I'm gonna go all out... but I want to try out some new outfits! *she has a slight skip in her step as she enters*
*A Cardassian tailor waits to help them, showing them some of the displays*
Reina: I'm glad my family didn't have to deal with him... we left earth around the time of the augment wars to flee some issues with vampire hunts rising, which ended up with us eventually stranded in the Delta Quadrant years later. *she shakes her head*
T'Lera: *as she puts the cheesecake in to bake she begins to set plates for everyone with Reina's help with the food they cooked* I just missed that resurgence then, though I doubt I would've been directly involved in it had I been there it's interesting to think about.
Clea: *she blushes profusely, getting into the water to hide*
Reashe: It will be fiiine Jorin. *she gets close to Kenzie and begins to relax in the warm water.*
Rin: Maybe you should get changed. *she hugs Seku gently* Look, you're better off without him. You were never suited for his moral expectations, and he was always a contrarian. Things will get better.
Bri: are we not gonna question the spock part from before?
Seku: *she blushes, awkwardly hugging back, burying her face in Rin's shoulder to hide the tears* I should uhh... yeah I should do that... I guess if everyone else is uhh.... dressing that way so to speak... I don't know if i should... think you can give me a hand with my armor regardless
lythe: im not sure what sort of clothing is fashionable around here...
kara: my mom lived thru a lot of early human history, shes got so many stories.
jorin: *silently looks around at everyone awkwardly*
kenzie: wow she really is shy.... *she says hugging raeshe* still this is nice. those two are hitting it off at least. *she motions to seku and rin* they look like their about ready to pounce on one another.
*Janri is eyeing an outfit that has a low cut top. It looks almost like what a pirate or explorer might wear...*
*Nova is staring at some of the more functional clothes, ones that seem more militaristic*
Nexa: Don't be afraid to browse their catalogue Lythe. Really, most things are fashionable, there's dozens and dozens of species that come through here, so a lot of things count as stylish.
Reina: Perhaps your timeline diverged earlier than it seemed.
T'Lera: I wonder what triggered the war with the romulans for your people...
Reashe: *She coughs looking at Kenzie as she leans into her arms* Hey now, don't tease Seku too much...
Rin: *She starts to help Seku remove her armor for the hot spring taking her to a changing room* Hey just dress how you feel okay? This is just to relax.
Clea: *she gives a wave to Jorin to try and calm her down, currently sitting low in the water herself*
And Kirk tried to be respectful to Khan, only for Khan to turn around and try to kill him and take his ship by force. Ceti Alpha V was actually an M class planet with everything they'd need to survive. Until Ceti Alpha VI blew up anyways. No one saw that coming. I still question how Starfleet missed the fact that the Ceti Alpha System was short one planet.
If Pike wasn't on that training cruise... he'd still be in command of Enterprise through several major events. Khan, the Organians... the Romulans...
Wait... was Pike in command of Enterprise when the Romulans were testing their new Bird of Prey with a Plasma Torpedo?
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Anyways, to address the other comments.. First, what accident and training cruise? Second, Khan still tried to take the Enterprise. Pike just... didn't maroon him? he thought he could be better.. was maybe.. a bit awkward with one of Khan's living descendants... it was an intense trial... Now he's a Captain under a very close eye. Well not as close as one would like because of the war. but he's been given a second chance. even with the Federation's distaste for augments, mainly brought on by him and others like him. but the argument that was used for Commander Chin-Riley in her trial centered around Illyrian augmentation, had precedent to be used for him... Third and lastly *she turns to Kara* Is... Your mother a Lanthanite as well? someone I know maybe? world's a small place... and I'm part of the Younger Generation of Lanthanites that were born on earth. around 1130AD or so. not one of the older ones that were ambling around with the greek and romans. *she says, continuing her lie of being Lanthanite. in actuality, being her universe's version of Nick. (just in case Rattler or anyone forgot) and for some reason female*
Freeman: *he sighs and slips into the water* well no Mira
Seku: What do people wear into a hotspring anyways besides... y'know... nothing? *she sits there in her clothes and great coat, her armor and boots off, doing her best not to stare at Rin in her current state. keeping her leather headdress and goggles on as well*
lythe: i would prefer functionality over style tho.... *she ponders for a moment looking thru the catalogue*
kara: i mean im from a different universe then these guys *she motions to everyone* except for bri. no my mom is trill, she has some... abilities that she was trying to test out in her youth and it ended up getting her stuck on earth from the 14th century all the way to the earth romulan war before she could fix it. all tho i have no idea who her counterpart would be in your universe, if shes not trill shes probably either trying to pass as a lanthanite. you ever hear of a seras victoria?
kenzie: its not seku you need to worry about *she says with a grin. she kisses her forehead while purring softly* i haven't said it as much as id like to but i love you rae, more than anything in the world.
jorin: hmm..... so since you already know the future do i change all that much?
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Nexa: functional clothes can be stylish.
Nova: I like this one. *she points at an outfit with a semi coat, one that only goes partially past the hips. Considering her body it would probably look more like a jacket on her*
*Janri seems to be settling on the outfit she's looking at*
T'Lera: *She sighs at the mention of Seras, digging into her food and quietly eating*
Reina: *she offers another drink to Cunningham, before taking her own seat* Khan wasn't willing to change his ways here... maybe things would've turned out similarly if Kirk had the right people there, but I think he made the best choices he could with what he had.
Reashe: I love you too Kenzie... truly. *she gives a soft smile, blushing and closing her eyes as she rests against her, pressing against her more firmly*
Clea: Well... I can't spoil too much because you know, temporal shenanigans can change the timeline and all that. Though of course that's a bit moot... you do make a pretty good aunt, I looked up to you at times. Now things are a little different. I can remember my original history, and a different better one, since Mother decided to be better.
Rin: Hmm swimsuits, towels are common in some cultures. *she tilts her head, giving Seku a wink when she realizes she's staring*
Bri: *she sits down next to Kara and T'lera*
Freeman: Just be careful with what you say. even that could have a big impact with the right person
Seku: *she has an embarrased look on her face after Rin winks* uhh... swimsuit works, why not. how do we actually, get one? Freeman didn't tell us how this works.
Next thing we know... I'm on the Bridge wondering what the hell happend because we're being told to abord the test, and she's down in Deflector Control. Oh and I got a formerly evil clone as well who is basically a smuggler queen. She helped ferry supplies around during the war.
Like I said... Interesting Times.
But I suppose that is also normal for Lexington. We get all the weird, and Temporal Investigations has a whole file cabinet dedicated to us. *chuckles*
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Lythe: honestly I don’t know… I’ve been wearing robes since I was a child….
Kara: hmm how to explain it… *she ponders for a moment* my mom is a being from outside the universe, dimension or what have you. Originally it was just her she didn’t have any multiversal counterparts until she integrated into it. There’s still only one of her technically the others are like lesser copies. Same with me since I came from the same place as her, if any of that makes sense I guess….. anyway since she’s immortal she usually hides it by lying about her species or what my mom does is drop of the galactic stage for a few hundred or thousand years. *she looks over at t’lera* you ok over there?
Kenzie: *pulls her onto her lap hugging her gently as she purrs* you’re the best thing to ever happen to me
Jorin: hmm. Given how complex temporal mechanics are it wouldn’t surprise me if somehow it’s now a mix of both. Jaessa is and always will be a cruel and sadistic person, just less so with samaia around to keep her in check. I’m sure you’ve seen it tho… *she looks at clea with the smallest hint of fear thru her stone faced expression* that spark in her eye right before it happens…. Then comes the smile….*she stares thru clea with a haunted look for a few minuets before shaking her head* I’m sorry we’re supposed to be relaxing….
Janri: No, I think the material on this should be fine.
Nova: I would like it a bit more durable... I'm stronger than I look.
Nexa: They do have robes on offer, if you want to try a new one. Or I could help you find some functional clothes. *She tilts her head as she thinks, looking through clothes that seem somewhat elegant while also still retaining things like cargo pouches or other functional tidbits*
Reina: I think Jess knows someone like that... but I don't think its your mother. I've never really asked her about them though, they sounded really esoteric.
T'Lera: Just... thought about what happened. *She gives a bit of a sad, but trying to seem reassuring smile, referring to the white abyss she was trapped in for millennia.*
Reina: So... I believe I mentioned we knew your counterpart in this universe, and that he was a man... so... *She glances to Cunningham* You know... if you're not a lanthanite, you don't have to hide it. I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the immortality shenanigans and such.
Reashe: *She coughs, closing her eyes and leaning into Kenzie, still bashful but mostly staying out of the other conversations going on* I'm glad that everything lined up so that we could meet... I don't know what I would do without you.
Rin: Well there's this thing over... I think it might be for that? *She gestures to a device that is probably a replicator, either for food, sake, etc, or clothing*
Clea: Someone should probably explain to them how to use a replicator... *She shakes her head* Just tell it exactly what you want it to make, and it will produce it, I can explain to you the science behind it later.
I have but... Mother... Jaessa... when she met me for that momentary visit before something in her changed. I don't think she wants to be as she was... she wants to be better. Certainly she did better in my new memories atleast. And its fine Auntie, I don't think its any harm.
Cunningham: Everyone just wait a second! *she sips her new drink before she puts it down, wincing a bit* You're all hitting me with a lot at once and each of you is pulling me in a radically different direction with each comment! give me a moment to go over all of this. So you have a Clone sister along with a Temporal cyborg zombie clone sister?... maybe zombie is a bit much but I'm not sure what else would be comparable... and i mean more like voodoo zombies not eat your brains kind. okay, check. it sounds like a lot to deal with. *she looks to Kara* I'm not even sure how to respond to all that, kinda overwhelming to think about in all honesty. *and lastly she looks to Reina* How do you know whatever strange counterpart I have here isn't lying about not being a Lanthanite?
Bri: Because I'm his daughter kinda and I can confirm he isn't..? well daughter from another universe but I'm trying to be less confusing.
Cunningham: Wait but you're her daugh- *she looks to Krystal then back to Bri* Oh... Lucky him I suppose.. or other universe him... other universe me?
Bri: Yeah... Hell there are two versions of him here. So uhh... You got brothers from another universe if you wanna look at it that way?
Cunningham: I... Haven't had siblings in... forever. *her face turns sad as she utters the last word, reflecting on the past*
Bri: I'm sure its been easier just lying about being a Lanthanite so you could live one continuous and uninterrupted life, at least from first contact and onwards, instead of a few dozen lives like my dad, having to start from scratch in starfleet with each one until... well here until he couldn't deny it anymore, being trapped on a derelict ship for like... 45 years with no food or water and just being saved one day, but mom could tell you more
Cunningham: Whatever you didn't gloss over then
Bri: So do you wanna keep going by a Lanthanite for now, or are you okay just being logged Human Perpetual?
Cunningham: I'm not sure yet.. I've lived amongst and as a Lanthanite for centuries. some of them know what I really am but they don't care. I'm like them in the long life way, so its close enough, even if i can just come back and don't age at all rather than just super slow... *she picks up her drink and downs the rest of it even though it was just refilled* Either way, I am what I am, Starfleet since even before archer and captain of a dozen ships from my NX, to my Shangri-La. I don't have to pretend I'm not either way.
*its a replicator for all of the above*
Seku: Should I just go like you or with a towel? I don't wanna waste too much time figuring out how its sizing works or it just giving me a random gaudy or ugly style or something
Freeman: *he sighs and lays back in the hot water* I feel lucky I'm from now and not the future seeing any of that sorta stuff. my head is like an iron box for that. In a way, I'm temporaly shielded. but since the change was made by someone in the future coming back, I haven't experienced it yet. I'm sure future me could know what you mean exactly since he wouldn't forget... but it gets into paradox because eventually I'll be him and remember just suddenly even though I never experienced what he did. confusing right? that's why I prefer messing with Temporal Mechanics head on so I know what I changed, because I remember changing it and what it was like before I did.
Lythe: I suppose I will defer to your judgment then as I have no clue what I’m looking for….
Kara: sorry social nuance isn’t one of my strong suits…. *looks at reina* did she look short, pretty thick with bright blond hair emerald green eyes and an eyepatch on her right eye? If so that’s her. *she the then looks at t’lera* if it’s that bad I know someone that can help thru that trauma… it was my fault after all……
Kenzie: *whispers in raeshe’s ear as she shifts slightly*
Jorin: what….. *she looks extremely confused as she tries to process what freeman said* that doesn’t make any sense….. *she says then looks over at clea* I guess we’ll have to see when it comes to jaessa….. I hope she’s capable of change.
Mira: *walks into the holosuite with her arms crossed in the traditional hot spring attire* when did seku and rin get here? *she also notices jorin* and whos this?
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Nexa: How about these? *She shows lythe a few sets of outfits, mostly with pants such as jeans or other bottoms meant for travel in rough areas and some tops with more flowing sleeves.*
*Janri politely waits her turn to be measured*
Nova: *She looks at the ones Nexa is showing off from the catalogue, scratching at her red hair*
Reina: I've met Seras before once, when you were training me. The one Jessica was talking about sounded different, you had to go somewhere special if you wanted to talk with them. *She nods to Cunningham* You can be logged as one if you like, either way I mostly meant to let you know that we kind of already knew.
T'Lera: Hey, I don't blame you Kara. I could've been more careful. And you did try to help me out in other ways... *She holds the necklace Kara made for her after a demon tried to feed on her soul*
Reashe: *She nods, opening her eyes with a smile and appearing to stretch*
Rin: If going like this makes you uncomfortable then no... towel is easy, we can just grab one. *She offers a towel to Seku, before raising an eyebrow to Mira* Hey Mira.
Clea: Trouble with portals? *She gestures to Jorin* This is Jorin, there was a... incident.
Bri: Right fair enough. I'd honestly think the same thing, I'm already living this lie, why isn't he?
Cunningham: Exactly!
Bri: So uhh... Why Cunningham as a last name?
Cunningham: Because its my last name?
Bri: I mean.... is it though?
Cunningham: What's that supposed to mean?
Bri: Its O'Connor. well if you wanna get technical Ua Conchobhair... or even more technical in your case Ní Conchobair.
Cunningham: I suppose he would have kept it, wouldn't he... makes sense. I forsook that name. means nothing to me. I suppose if he was still Ruaidrí's twin like me, he might be up for the throne, might even have some pride or would have even been cared about. I didn't have those privileges. I was just one of 30 something children and unimportant because I was a woman... So i left, ran away even. ended up in Scotland eventually. Ended up adopted by... well a Lanthanite couple after they figured out my situation with the agelessness and immortality and all that, around the same time as me. Was dumb luck, or maybe even fate. They got a daughter that somehow was kinda like them, and I got a family that cared. I took their last name and well now here I am... Guess for all intents and purposes they are my ma and pop... met other Lanthanites because of them, they know me as one of them so... for all intents and purposes I was despite the... classification you shot at me of "Perpetual Human." that just... I'm not sure if i wanna throw that away. its like asking me to deny them as my family...
Bri: *she nods* I... Didn't know
Cunningham: I know you didn't. You're fine...
Bri: I think talking to my dad would help
Cunningham: Later... guess we'll see if I can even end up calling him Brother or not.
Seku: *she quickly turns around* wait when did mira get here?! *she whispers to Rin* she wasn't around for the raid at all. I have not seen her once at all since they all popped up at my house looking for help, now she's here like... like... everyone else is going... oh and Freeman is force sensitive like his brother apparently. Jorin is training him... I figured if I'm whispering I may as well tell you. we could help train him like we did Eli if we wanted. without the moral righteousness getting in the way... just a thought... anyways, towel wins. *she sighs, going to change out of sight*
Freeman: Rin just got her, Seku has been around awhile helping us get to tython... guess she's sticking around because... well who guessed someone with spikes on their head could be a Pr**k.... and yeah, its jorin... more surprised you didn't ask how zander got here.
Lythe: I guess it could t hurt to go with those.
Kara: probly not her then.
Jorin: *looks over at Mira for a moment then seku and rin. Her ears fold down as she stares at the water solemnly*
Mira: a bit yeah. Last time a portaled into a holodeck it sort of exploded… but I’m getting better. I guess the gang is getting back together? As long as that spike headed a*shole isn’t showing up then I’m fine. It’s good to see you guys again. *she looks over at jorin* so I guess the same thing happened to Jorin too. I guess it was probably only a matter of time then.
Kenzie: *softly chuckles* there we go
Cardassian: I'll make a note for extra fabric for your choices Madame. *When he finishes he offers to get started on Lythe, or Nova next, Nexa the only one who hasn't looked for anything herself*
T'Lera: *She whispers quietly to Bri* thank you by the way. *There's a soft smile from the hug*
Reina: Your history likely diverges a bit more than what we're currently aware of, still there's not a whole lot of immortals running around to chat about this stuff with... despite being a vampire I've only been one for around 10 years now, maybe 15, our date keeping was a bit spotty considering it was based on earth time, and being stranded on an alien planet makes tracking time a bit different.
Rin: Maybe... *She nods to Seku, waiting patiently and crossing her arms as she leans against a wall*There's a couple things I was hoping to look into, but I might stick around for a bit so Seku has more friendly faces around. What were you all doing here anyway? No one has mentioned the specifics.
*Reashe taps Kenzie's arm, nodding at something*
Clea: This would've been a really bad time for an explosion.
Cunningham: So if you know that and all these other things, was he really Charlemagne or was that just a joke or wild conspiracy theory?
Bri: Wild conspiracy theory.
Cunningham: *she nods* She's not wrong about the whole immortal thing even before counting Lanthanites. at least from my experience back home, here, well apparently that part might not have changed much. How is the Count Saint Germain?
Bri: Still kicking and on the never-ending quest for knowledge.
Cunningham: Sounds like him *she looks over to Reina* so, 10 or 15 years a vampire?... I hope when i mentioned slaying Dracula earlier it wasn't too awkward.. mentioning you got ran off the planet due to vampire hunts sitting near one of the most famous vampire slayers... in my defense he was quite mad. most of the ones I went after were. you should be fine. *she says chuckling awkwardly, sipping her drink* I have an assortment of knowledge on topics of that nature. like i said, i talked about it earlier.
Bri: Well you do have some things in common with dad then.
Freeman: Well come on in. water is just fine. *he says to Mira before saying to Rin* gotta reunite the rest of the clan.
Seku: Wait *she says poking her head out mid change, unintentionally showing off* what do you mean only a little bit? *she says, swaying a bit from the drink still, a hint of disappointment and maybe even sadness in her voice*
Lythe: are you not getting anything? *she says looking at nexa*
Kara: the price of immortality is paid with sanity at least in a vampires case…. *she stares off reminiscing on the past for a moment before shaking her head*
Jorin: *looks around awkwardly her expression is stone faced with a hint of melancholy*
Mira: so you two are staying then? *she says walking over and sitting next to freeman*
Kenzie: *silently sinks underwater*
Janri: *She coughs and whispers to Val* I think he means that I have a bit more "oomph" on me than the outfit was meant for.
*While Lythe and Nexa chat, the tailor begins with Nova*
Cardassian: I do not see many come in here like this, it appears similar to the undersuits I've seen on some of the more militaristic patrons.
Nova: I do not have many options. This was all I had to wear.
Cardassian: Perhaps I'll rush your order then.
Reina: Oh, I'm sure Dracula was every bit as mad as many thought, or was an actual tyrant and monster. No hard feelings. We just wanted to live in peace. We got it I suppose, in the end.
T'Lera: *she decides to get the cheesecake ready from the oven to help cheer Kara up*
*Reashe leans back and sighs contently*
Rin: *To Mira* I would like to. *she raises an eyebrow to Seku, giving her a wink*
Well, reuniting the clan doesn't sound too hard. Could be fun.
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*she sets her glass down and starts eating, looking over to Kara* I mean that isn't even all vampires. a lot get apathetic as they get older, but sanity loss is more rare. even then, those that go insane are usually are before they're turned or early on. in more usual cases insanity can also be more common due to it being passed down via their vampiric bloodline... but yeah there are plenty of long lived peoples who don't go insane as they age, Myself as a Human-Perpetual whatever, Lanthanites, El-Aurians, Human Augments even when you don't freeze them, Talosians, all two remaining Cheronians, though in their case they might be a little insane as the last two members of their species and won't even talk to one another.... *she trails off, thinking* but you get the point I hope, there are many long lived species that don't go insane.... I'm rambling, what exactly have i been having to drink?
Freeman: *he puts his arm around Mira*
Seku: *she stares at Rin wided eyed and still swaying, nearly falling over just then with the wink*
Lythe: hmm I see. So this fashion is sort of an expression of ones self.
Kara: *lets out a depressed sigh as her ears droop* it doesn’t reallly change tho. Civilizations rise and fall… after seeing it countless times it all starts to seem pointless.
Jorin: doesn’t sound hard…. You don’t even know my clan yet you’re trying to involve yourself? You may know freeman and Mira but you’re a complete stranger to me. The situation is vastly more complex than you think….
Mira: I think you struck a nerve there…..
Kenzie: *shifts slightly* there we are *she whispers something to raeshe*
Nexa: To an extent yeah. Some people only care about the fashion trends, but a lot of people dress more how they enjoy to. *when the Cardassian is finished with Nova, Nexa gestures to the outfit as she chooses it and has her measurements taken. They have changed a bit since the events from before but only mildly.*
Cardassian: *With that he comes to Lythe* I'm a humble tailor of course, but fashion is subjective and it can differ for the occassion. But for something you wish to wear among friends or in casual settings it's best to go with what you feel comfortable with. Though I would be remiss to not point out that fancier occassions may require fancier attire.
Reina: There's always the hope to build something lasting. The federation is doing pretty good, it's survived so much and still keeps on trucking. Oh, Cunningham it's just a whiskey sour.
T'Lera: *she offers the cheesecake to Kara* I got a bit of a taste of what thousands of years can feel like. It was awful, but I was completely isolated. Being here with everyone, you and Bri, is nice. It still haunts me but its... tolerable having people around who I enjoy spending time with.
Rin: I wasn't inviting myself Jorin, I just said I would like to. *she tilts her head seeming confused by the reaction before helping Seku steady herself* I'm used to smaller groups trying to get bigger groups together and the like from the rebellion days, so I'm optimistic about this sort of thing.
Reashe: Is it really so bad? *she looks around, holding one of Kenzie's hand and squeezing it as she leans back against her*
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Cunningham: I can taste that, it just... I can drink more of these without issue... *she brings a hand to her head* I.. I think I'll be fine. guess I'm drinking on an empty stomach after all... should eat more.... so all this talk of wars and bad things I've missed, is there any good news for the sake of whatever gods are watching?
Seku: I... uhhh *she covers herself in the towel and comes out* I'm inviting her. she's my plus one I guess. *she says blushing as she walks towards the water still somewhere above tipsy, trying to ignore the state mostly everyone else is in*
Freeman: Jorin. they don't have to help unite the clan, but they can stick around. its a big ship and honestly, having them around could be useful for... jedi buisness... maybe we can send them out to go locate my brother, bring him back here.. they helped train him. he's a mando and trained by jedi. we're not gonna leave him.
*looks over and speaks up*
Two Dyson Spheres, many First Contacts, meeting up with old friends, Stomping a dictator who threatened an entire quadrant, helping the Romulans establish themselves on New Romulus...
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