*the inquisitor stands taller and with much different body language then val. her hair ears and tail are also noticeably blonde instead of vals raven black color. her coat is still covered in the blood of multiple different species.*
cass: val? oh right, got done with my thing too, she had a... sensory overload so shes taking the back seat for now. im the other one that you both hate so much, the inquisitor or you can call me cass i dont really care. nexa, janri, this blue eye sore is nora or nana i dont really remember, she comes from the same place i did. her species are called tau, pencil necked little f*ckers that couldn't even take on the most back water guardsman in a fist fight. *she says typing on a padd then puts it away* ok im ganna go get cleaned up. knife ears should hopefully be here in a moment buuuut. *she grabs janri's arm practically dragging her behind her as she walks away* i need to borrow her for a bit, it wont take long.
lythe: *sitting her her room meditating, she sighs checking her padd* from cass? *she groans* tau are the last people i would expect to see here.....
kara: back when i was in starfleet i turned mine into a play room for the kids. then again the captains mess on a Colombia refit was about as big as a utility closet.
jaessa: the sith empire never really took taste into account, at least if you weren't a noble or on the dark counsel. no i was just the rank and file within the empire. dad barely scrapped by and well she left not long after popping me out. *she motions to cerys* life was hard growing up in a society that values strength above all else... leaving the weak and broken to die in the dust. he was one of the countless failed sith but he managed to survive and build a life cerys before she left. his time in the academy left him crippled and not many would give work to a cripple let alone a failed acolyte. i mean he could've lived like royalty selling me off to korriban with how strong i was but he didn't, instead he did everything in his power to hide me from it all and give me the best possible life he could.....
jorin: maybe the holodeck then?
kenzie: *lets out a sad meow* i think i can understand a bit of what you're going thru.... rae is the light of my life and i cant imagine it with out her.... theres an old human playwright that once said "tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all" love is a fickle thing so fragile and delicate.... losing that is like losing a piece of your soul. sure you may never fully recover but going forward you can learn and grow stronger as a person.
jorin: *looks at kenzie with a surprised expression*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: I don't really know if hate is the right word... um... I guess you can get caught up with Nova, Nexa? *she gives a wave to Nexa willingly following along Cass, not quite aware what she intends just yet*
Nexa: Cass? I didn't really know you had a separate name... well... I guess it's alright? Stay out of trouble you two? *she looks over at Nova who stands much taller than her with her battlesuit* Pencil necked my TRIBBLE...
Nova: Perhaps we can share cultural information while they are busy? I'm very curious to hear about your worlds, you are so different from any other people we tau have met.
Reina: So... shall we go then? *she scratches he's her head looking to the others*
T'Lera: I wouldn't be against some cooked food.
Samaia: My mother taught me how to cook, so I suppose I valued food a lot. I didn't really... eat well while I was... *she gestures to Jaessa, referring to the time Samaia was a slave* So, when I got a bit of freedom I tried to enjoy it where I could. It's a small thing, but its something nice.
*Clea gives a nod and Reashe watches Kenzie, looking slightly surprised but smiling*
Bri: Also since i forgot to bring it up, starfleet special services does exist still. not everyone on a ship can be a scientist, engineer, or tactical officer/enlisted... they use like a grey colour for their "Division" mostly... who do you think runs the officer's lounge or the mess?... but yeah fun lesson, food time sounds good to me. *she stands behind Reina, ready to follow*
Cunningham: It sounds fine to me if it's fine with you Admiral. maybe we can go discover the unknown Captain's Dining observation room another time. of course when my ship is back in my hands you're welcome to see mine after i see yours... Damn it, Phrasing...
Bri: damn, I whispered that... *she looks to kara* also it was a bit bigger than a utility closet. like a small studio.
Donovan: I've been alive a long while. I didn't think one could live a Millennium and not pick up some sort of cooking skill. cooking was easier before the war, but after? was lacking but still made due with what i had to get some flavor into it. I was living in the NCR, i coulda opened a restaurant. but then they'd try to tax me... or conscript me into the army to cook. and if I'm being conscripted, its to fight not cook.
Seku: what am i supposed to learn from this? Don't help the people close to me steal my own ship. lest i be named a pirate once more?... not a chance. you needed me and you needed this ship. so i don't know what I wanna do right now besides just sit here.
Freeman: Feel free to go use the Crusader's Holosuite... not really a deck but same difference.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: *rolls her eyes* And I thought the Ghost we had was weird. Alright. You guys win.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
cass: *walks into her room finally letting go of janri as she stares at her with an intense expression* i wanted to evaluate your progress, val is a sh*t teacher but as your progenitor its hers... and my job to make sure you are a vampire worthy of our lineage ... even tho i know you weren't turned by me specifically but that doesn't matter because i turned that b*tch into a fine red paste anyway, i want to test your strength, durability, reflexes, and your polymorphing. and that ice magic too and if i find it satisfactory then i will continue to teach you aaaand we can have some fun. first off strength. *she pokes janris forehead causing her to fall flat on the ground with a heavy thud, moving her body is incredibly difficult as if an immense weight has been put on her*
kara: *lets out a childish laugh* phrasing... *after a second she looks over at bri* eh yeah i suppose.
*after a few minuets a purple rift appears, a tall eldar woman steps out looking around and spotting nova before waving to nexa*
lythe: hello nexa.... *she sighs looking over at nova* i suppose you'll be staying then wont you.... what is your name mon-keigh...
jaessa: i poured all my energy into alchemy... but its not the sort of alchemy you may know about *she looks over to donovan* as for food... i never really needed to eat per say. i could go decades with out eating anything and when i did it was something basic like bread or soup got her to thank for that. *she points to cerys* what ever she is it lets her sustain herself off of the force its self, i can to an extent but i still need food eventually, anyway what i cared about was knowledge, i wanted to push the boundaries of what it was to be a force user and to that end i spent five thousand years scouring ancient ruins and long forgotten planets to find and safeguard various pieces of knowledge, artifacts and other oddities. its my lifes work all locked in a vault that only i know the location of and i will take that to my grave.
jorin: do you need a hug?
kenzie: yeah come on, hug then holodeck thingy.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: Well that's a tempting reward... *there's a slight flirty hint to her tone knowing what Cass means before the weight hits her. Janri has thankfully trained a fair bit on the ice world she was stranded on for a time... though she doesn't believe Val has given her any lessons on polymorphing... she takes a breath even though it's unnecessary and focuses, her eyes shining a brighter blue for a moment as she draws on the strength of her blood. She's so used to suppressing her strength but for once she's letting go of that restraint, forcing herself to stand on her feet and fight against the weight bearing down on her. She has to grit her teeth, but with effort she is pushing through it.*
T'Lera: Wait, a ghost?
*Reina hums, leading the way a little ahead of the others*
Nexa: Oh, hi Lythe. Hmm... I should practice more on my teleporting it seems like everyone else is better at it...
Nova: An Eldar? So there are others from our... universe? *she gives a nod, standing much closer in height to Lythe than any other tau might claim to* I do not know how I would return home, and this place is fascinating. This vessel is so different than the space station I visited and I wish to learn more about these people.
Samaia: Well it appeared our daughter may have gotten into one of mine... I recognized an artifact she had on her as one I had. Unless future me gifted it to her which is possible... but I suspect with her age I had not.
Bri: *she blinks as she follows* wait... Which part of any of this was weirder than a ghost?... *Genuine confusion*
Cunningham: Who knows? Went over my head too. Most of this sounded somewhat normal. Anyways *she says looking to Reina as they walk* thank you for the upcoming meal. Hope you can mix some drinks good too.
Donovan: cooking is still knowledge. It's a bit part of culture. It's the small things that are important sometimes. None of that knowledge survives? That aspect of them dies off, unremembered and unmourned.
Seku: I don't even know what a holodeck is... I'll go for more drinks though... And... I don't care one way or another.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
cass: hmm, your physical strength is at a good place seeing as how i just added two percent of the weight of an Armageddon class battle cruiser, the same class as my old flagship. i kinda miss the old girl none of the ships ive seen here come close to her size they're all really small. *she looks her over* and since you're not crushed into a bloody pulp on the hull means you've worked on your durability. lets see if you can move around like that.
kara: theres a ghost here? where? i wanna see.
lythe: since when did you have the ability to teleport? *she looks over at nova* yes i am farseer lythewae of craft world biel-tan. do you have any desire to return?
jaessa: well most of my vault has to do with the force and documented history of long dead civilizations, im sure somewhere ive got a culinary book or two... but you make a good point. as for clea, im sure my future self will tan her hide when she gets back.
jorin: *hugs seku purring softly as she pats her head and lekku* you dont deserve to be left alone over such a stupid reason, if you want you can join the clan.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: You should see that ship I heard one of the girls from the Mirror universe had a really big ship... *She grunts as she starts to move around. She is able to walk but she's definitely slowed down. It seems to get easier the more she adapts to it, the strain becoming more natural.*
Reina: Hopefully everyone can agree to a single meal, I'm not really sure I'm going to be that great at cooking a bunch of different kinds at once. *She rubs the back of her neck*
T'Lera: *She just looks confused at the mention of a ghost, wondering if its still around*
Nexa: I only did it once, I'm not actually sure why but its really uncomfortable for me.
Nova: Hmm... not yet. Maybe in the future but for now I think it would be better if I stay here. There's plenty to learn, and my people do like learning and... I might enjoy being free from the Ethereals for a time.
Samaia: Oh certainly. I'm curious what long dead cuisine you might have been holding onto now. Its interesting to consider how food and traditions might have changed over the millenia.
Reashe: I'll pick out a couple bottles then.
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Bri: So we're not gonna talk about the ghost?... alright... I feel like I always suggest chinese or japanese food. so someone else can throw their voice in, but uhh... Wouldn't mind something like that... Can help chip in with cooking if needed.
Cunningham: If we're doing appetizers, I'd really kill for some wings....
Donovan: History you can taste is always a good time
Seku: *she blinks, her eye twitching as her lekku are pet* I... I uhh... are you sure?... I'm a jedi master kinda... I did train an apprentice so... counts but. *she hesitantly hugs back*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
cass: i guess it depends on what your definition of big is. from what ive seen the battleships here are about the size of corvettes or light cruisers back home. my old ship the imperatoris voluntas was five kilometers give or take. i have yet to see anything truly big in this galaxy. anyway you're at ten thousand pounds right now lets see if you can handle fifteen. *she snaps adding even more weight*
kara: i could go for a nice steak. *she then looks over at krystal* yeah you just drop the ghost thing with out elaborating... i feel like thats something that should be elaborated upon....
lythe: the inquisitor isnt going to like that but thats her problem not mine. this is an interesting lot tho, ive heard a few things on strange telepaths with glowing swords and a group of heavily armed mercenaries. i believe they are also not from this galaxy but i have yet to interact with any of them, im still trying to get the lay of the land so to speak.
jaessa: i guess if i ever go back i could copy the recipes.
jorin: its an open offer so its up to you. *she arcs back* take some time to think on it.
kenzie: alright lets go! *she walks over scooping jorin, seku and freeman in bear hug as she walks out, jorin awkwardly sandwiched between seku and freeman*
jorin: i can walk..... *she says with a bit of a growl*
kenzie: well yer not walkin fast enough!
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: The Ghost turned out to be an out of phase crewmember from the 2370s. Last I heard she was doing alright and serving on the Ticonderoga.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Janri: I never actually saw the one I heard rumored, so I can't say for sure but yeah most of our ships don't come close. *She grits her teeth again as the weight begins to increase. This does slow her down further, and she has to push herself to use even more of her strength to counteract the new weight. Her eyes shine bluer for a moment as she draws more of the strength of her blood forth*
Reina: Aww, still interesting but I was curious if it was supernatural. *She smiles as they finally arrive at their destination*
T'Lera: I'm glad they're alright, though I wonder what caused it?
Nexa: I think there were some on the Lexington, but I haven't heard from them in a while. They might be on K-13 still.
Nova: She was... more pleasant than I was expecting though she was quite rude at first. She left me here instead of a space station that was her first choice. I would like to get out of this armor at some point... I feel like most people are not expecting such a battlesuit.
Samaia: *She kisses her cheek* Be sure to let me know when you do.
*Meanwhile on Nar Shadaa someone is looking into Freeman having heard they joined with Clan Krayt*
Reashe: *As she carries some bottles and Clea follows her* Seems they're already off to a good start.
Bri: I hadn't even heard of that. pretty spooky... so lets put this to a vote then. who's gonna nominate food? *she enters back into the Captain's Quarters and sits down on the couch.
Cunningham: Like I said. I want wings. A lot of 'em.
Donovan: Glad I could help suggest it.
Freeman: How did i end up here.
Seku: wondering the same thing myself.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
cass: never heard of a mirror universe.... *she notices janri's eyes glowing* hmm , i cant say ive seen the glowy eyes thing before. might have something to do with your ice abilities. speaking of which hit me with an ice spike.
kara: aw i was hoping for an actual ghost.... i just want a steak i guess. im not worried about specifics. *she says sitting down next to bri*
lythe: you'll get to know valendria and the inquisitor very well if you stay here. the two share one body tho they are vastly different in personality. *she look over to nexa* you mostly stay around that station right?
jaessa: will do. *she says to samaia then looks at donovan* id offer to share some of my knowledge on sith alchemy but im not sure its of much interest to you, it is a passion of mine. *with out even realizing it thru out their conversation she grabbed the brownie pan and nearly eat the rest of them*
jorin: *looks down* kenzie i cant breath damnit put us down!
kenzie: okay fine. *she says stopping and roughly setting them down* just try to keep up alright!
jorin: *lets out a huff*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: Something tells me the Lexington has always been a bit weird. She's an old girl but she's still got plenty of fight in her.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Janri: I can try. *There's a hesitancy because she doesn't want to hurt Cass, but she has the strong instinct that Cass will avoid it or counter it if it's actually a danger to her so Janri focuses and with a quick swipe of her hand a single focused ice spike forms almost instantly launching itself at Cass. Interestingly, she's improved a lot with the precision of her ice powers due to her own practice, it's one of her abilities she can train on her own almost anywhere refining her control. The spike is sharp enough to cause some damage if it hits, though it's still not an all out attempt to damage Cass, simply to do her best to hit her as requested*
Reina: *she scratches her cheek* Well, it would seem that hope is already out the window. Alright, let's get started... T'Lera, why don't you help me out? I could use another set of hands.
T'Lera: I guess I can but I don't have much experience...
Reina: Just focus on preparation, I bet that's simple enough for you. I'll take care of the actual seasoning and cooking. *She gestures for her to join her in the kitchen as they get supplies out*
Nexa: *she nods* I started with a trade contract to help out there and along with the Lukari, but now it's kind of grown a bit since I've gotten so familiar with the others in the area.
Nova: What is... Val like, if she is different than the Inquisitor? And why does the gue'la have two minds?
Samaia: *She raises an eyebrow, wrapping an arm around Jaessa's waist* Hmmm... eating all the dessert. I'm thankful you enjoyed them so much. *she whispers something in her ear then giggles*
Clea: *she blushes a bit after Kenzie let's them go* Well, seems like she gives good hugs.
Reashe: Something like that yeah. *she has a slight skip in her step as she hurries after them*
*Someone hails the ship on holocomms looking for Freeman*
Bri: *she follows Reina and T'Lera* I literally said I would help a minute ago too. So which of what's been mentioned are we making?
Cunningham: I'd still like a cocktail if anyone has the time. *She sits down on the couch and looks to Krystal* so is there Hope for the John Paul Jones to keep serving then?.
Donovan: thanks for the offer but I'm not worried about turning lead to gold. I appreciate it regardless.
Freeman: *he walks to the hanger with the others. His vambrace lighting up* Hello?... What do you mean there's someone trying to get a hold of me.... If it's a recruit just tell them to come to the hanger or put me through... Why me and not jorin anyways?
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: If there's anything I can say about it? Yes. She may have to undergo an extensive refit however. Looked like our Quantum Torpedoes were compatible with your launchers but stressed them pretty good, so those would have to be replaced with modern systems. And our Phaser Arrays do have a wider firing arc than the old Banks...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
cass: *she makes no attempt to dodge as the spike breaks on her chest doing nothing to her* what the hell was that?! i said throw an ice spike at me not a wet paper towel... if you're ganna hit me do it with all you have! next time if I'm not impressed I'm breaking your legs and if you think i wont just remember.... I'm not val. *she give janri a sinister glare as she waits*
kara: i thought lera was ganna bartend... otherwise i can i suppose.
lythe: its nice to know you will be near... even if the inquisitor will be around more often..... *she looks over at nova* i don't quite understand it myself but they are the same person in a way they just have different traits of the whole so to speak. valendria is the softer one, she's far kinder and less xenophobic but she is still prone to violence to a far lesser extent tho where as her other half has the darker traits. anger, pride, hatred, etcetera. val is very pleasant to be around once you get to know her its the other half that is the problem.... she's an unknown variable, a walking landmine. ive peered into her mind and its not pleasant... she's practically insane and sees everyone around her as little more then play things tho i would hope that val keeps her in check.....
jaessa: *looks down* i guess i did have all of them.... and its a different sort of alchemy but i understand. *she snickers looking at samaia* we'll have time for that later.
jorin: whats going on?
kenzie: everything alright there freeman?
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: I don't exactly want to hurt Nexa's ship you know... *She sighs, and decides to do as Cass says, channeling her power as she remembers from the ice planet and this time stomps unleashing a massive ice spike that erupts upon the deck towards Cass with significantly more power and speed than before, the sound of the ice filling the air*
T'Lera: Oh, I can bartend if Bri is going to help her. *She rubs the back of her neck before starting to get the stuff for the drinks ready*
Reina: *She pulls out a datapad and jots down what everyone wanted, gesturing to Bri to help her with the ingredients* I'll start preparing the steak it will take a bit to get it right, can you prepare some rice? I'm thinking of trying a spanish dish tonight.
Nova: Why does she have these two minds?
Nexa: She's mostly good about keeping Cass from causing trouble... mostly.
Samaia: *She sticks her tongue out to tease her* Changing one mineral to another is not really the focus of Sith alchemy, though... It is amusing to think about.
Bri: we didn't even get a chance to try to agree on anything.. anyways yeah let's get to it *she starts replicating ingredients and prepping them* pretty sure your help may still be needed T'Lera. More people working makes it go faster. But if you wanna play at bartender, go ahead.
Cunningham: I thought I saw a Crossfield class when I was pulled in. Was just a glance though. If you've got that rolling around in its old configuration then any upgrades can keep the look and feel of my ship the same then, right? Just more powerful and efficient.... As for the Joined Trill part, I am familiar with the situation. I met a handsome diplomat from Trill named Curzon Dad. Remarkable man. I had the privilege of ferrying him around for a few weeks... Maybe it was a month. I learned a lot about trill during that time. I think I played to hard to get with him though. He helped open the door to the Klingons... At least the empire proper, joining us in our fight.
Donovan: that's what passed for Alchemy in theory on earth hundreds of years ago. Lead into gold, theorizing about making immortality in a bottle. Stuff like that.
Freeman: Control tower said someone wanted to speak to me. I just told them to land. If it's a recruit, then I'll be wondering why ask for me... If it's a bounty hunter or imperial spies... There are enough of us here to make 'em down. *He says, walking into the hanger and approaching the ship*
Seku: *following along with the group*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: USS Takao. Yea she's got modern tech. So it is possible to retrofit your ship but keep the look. Hell the Miranda class is STILL in service even today.
Curzon Dax... *chuckles* After Curzon, Dax was Joined with a young woman named Jadzia. She... died during the Dominion War. Dax survived, but had to be Joined to an inexperienced, untrained young Trill named Ezri. She would eventually become Captain of the USS Aventine.
I... was joined in a similar circumstance. Although with an... older style. Ijoula's a veteran as well. Brexan was Ijoula's previous host. Fought in the Dominion War, served aboard the USS Incursion... died during the Iconian War. I was the only other Trill present and things were going sideways.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Cass : *again she makes no attempt to dodge as the spike stabs into her chest, not going very deep.* better…. *she walks thru the ice as if it wasn’t there at all. The small stab in her chest regenerates as she stands in front of janri* but that was nowhere near your all. I do understand we’re on a ship so I’ll give you that but that excuse won’t work planet side. When next I see you there better be improvements or I will break you. *she gently lifts janris chin to match her eyes and gives her a very sensual kiss for a moment before pulling back with a wry smirk* in more ways then one. *she steps back as her eyes glaze over and her body shrinks down to Val’s height of 5’9. Her hair slowly shifting to a raven black*
Val: *groans* never ganna get used to that…. Anyway uuh I think she has the hits for you…. Which puts me in an awkward situation with cass liking you but I love nexa….. *she sighs* life can never just be easy can it…..
Kara: damn lotta stuff happened differently in yer timeline.
Lythe: this is the first time she has manifested since they fought awhile ago to my knowledge. Whether she can keep cass in line or not remains to be seen. *she looks quizzically at nova* as for how the two came to be I have no idea. This is the first I’ve experienced two fully sentient consciousness’s with in a single body, tho make no mistake Val is the original. It’s her mind and body which is why cass has trouble taking control by force.
Jaessa: I guess in this regard it’s not in the traditional sense. Sith alchemy is more so raising the dead or enhancing ones body thru dark rituals stuff like that.
Jorin: *looks a bit annoyed* I understand everyone has their own business to deal with but this isn’t a public vessel and I’m not expecting any new recruits… I can’t claim it’s my ship cuz it’s technically seku’s. I’m still head of this clan tho last I checked unless that changed somehow…
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Janri: *she leans into the kiss, matching the passion behind it though her cheeks faintly shift a shade as she blushes. A sigh escapes her when their lips part, longing for more until she notices Cass shifting back into Val* I guess there's an irony that you both fell for green aliens?
*She gives an empathetic smile trying to lighten Val's mood* Of course it also seems you share similar tastes... *she crosses her arms under her bust* are you alright Val?
T'Lera: I don't get it would people rather I help with the food or with drinks... *she looks confused and a bit anxious, her eyes shifting colors unintentionally.* Well... if anyone wants a drink I can take care of those quick and then come back to help with the food.
Reina: *as she works on preparing the meat* Jessica I think helped with that situation from what I remember, it was in part to her they rediscovered that joining method that shares experiences rather than absorbing or combining the symbiont and host.
Nexa: We'll see...
Nova: So far she's been somewhat amenable. Hopefully that holds true. So, you have spent some time here Lythe. What do you think of this place as a non gue'la?
Samaia: It can be applied to metals as well, ancient Sith shields were made of alchemized metal, but it was not with the intention of making them more valuable, more so more durable. It's certainly rarer to apply it to non organic items.
*The starfighter seems to be a blend of Jedi starfighter and what seem to be imperial designs? But not modern imperial...*
*The cockpit opens up to the surprisingly expansive cabin for the design and out pops an extremely pale woman with white hair and white irises wearing big black armor that strangely seems perfectly fit to her body.*
???: Freeman? I take it this is either your Clan's ship, or you've been up to some piracy?
Cunningham: Dominion war? *She asks questioningly, concerned* I need some more clarification on that... *She shakes her head* why tell me this?
Bri: *to T'Lera* yeah just drinks quick than back here! *She continues prepping*
Donovan: Fascinating.
Freeman: *to Jorin* gonna look a gift horse in the mouth? They came with their own fighter an... *He looks out at the ship closer* oh kriff, I know them... *He activates his jetpack and flies over before he lands on the hull of the fighter near the cockpit, looking down at his old friend* well it's certainly our clan's ship now either way. Belonged to another friend before that.
Seku: *to Jorin, very drunk* huh? I said the ship is yours. The only price is me tagging along. Think I can run a whole ship like this on my own with no crew or credits? *She returns her attention to the ship, squinting as she tries to figure out who it is*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Val: I’m fine just sore. The whole shifting thing is a bit painful. *she looks at janri with a serious expression* be careful with cass… I mean it. Dealing with her is like playing with a live grenade…. You never know when she’ll go off and I don’t want her to hurt you… knowing she was around nexa was already enough to set my blood boiling and now she’s taken an interest in you…. *she grunts trying to calm herself down*
Lythe: I haven’t been here long enough to say much.
Jaessa: morally it’s also questionable.
Jorin: hmm I suppose not…. wait you know this person? *she says to freeman following him*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Krystal: If you're going to be here, you need to know the history. In the 2370s the Federation made First Contact with a Gamma Quadrant Superpower known as the Dominion thanks to the discovery of the only known stable wormhole in the galaxy in Bajor System. The Dominion... almost instantly began trying to pit Alpha Quadrant powers against each other in a prelude to invasion. The Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire eventually banded together to push back the Dominion and their Cardassian and later Breen allies.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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Janri: Well, so far she hasn't attempted to truly harm either of us though she did just threaten me moments ago. I'll be careful, but I have to get stronger just in case... *She comes over and pats Val's shoulder to try and reassure her* Atleast it went better than the last time she appeared right? I'm not really sure how this will turn out... but there's not much we can do about it for now.
Reina: Fortunately, we won that conflict, and subsequently in recent times the Dominion is something of an ally to our people. I wasn't actually there for the war itself... my Clan and Family had long since left earth and ended up in the Delta quadrant thanks to an incident decades ago... *She sighs at the thought, focusing on cooking*
T'Lera: *She prepares a few drinks based on what the others usually get or have specifically asked for* Likewise, I also missed the war because I was temporally displaced.
Nova: Really? No opinion on the er... hew mans? How different they are compared to the Imperium from home, etc, etc. *She tilts her head* I suppose I should get to learning...
Nexa: I could ask K-13 for one of their introductory sets for the modern galaxy. Its meant for temporally displaced people which happens far more often than you might imagine, but I'm sure it would be a good start for you.
Samaia: *She chuckles* That's putting it lightly. I've got more thoughts on the matter, but it might be better to save them for later... I don't want to get into a long winded discussion on ancient and other forms of alchemy right now. Too heavy of a topic.
Rin: *She climbs out of the ship, a lightsaber on her belt double ended* I am Rin Saltarn, I've got a title, but its not necessarily great for introductions. *She gives a bow* Pleased to meet you all. Oh, Seku is here too? Did you call her to help with some Mandalorian business or is it a galactic coincidence? I wanted to check in with Freeman, its been a while especially with the downfall of the Empire.
cass: val? oh right, got done with my thing too, she had a... sensory overload so shes taking the back seat for now. im the other one that you both hate so much, the inquisitor or you can call me cass i dont really care. nexa, janri, this blue eye sore is nora or nana i dont really remember, she comes from the same place i did. her species are called tau, pencil necked little f*ckers that couldn't even take on the most back water guardsman in a fist fight. *she says typing on a padd then puts it away* ok im ganna go get cleaned up. knife ears should hopefully be here in a moment buuuut. *she grabs janri's arm practically dragging her behind her as she walks away* i need to borrow her for a bit, it wont take long.
lythe: *sitting her her room meditating, she sighs checking her padd* from cass? *she groans* tau are the last people i would expect to see here.....
kara: back when i was in starfleet i turned mine into a play room for the kids. then again the captains mess on a Colombia refit was about as big as a utility closet.
jaessa: the sith empire never really took taste into account, at least if you weren't a noble or on the dark counsel. no i was just the rank and file within the empire. dad barely scrapped by and well she left not long after popping me out. *she motions to cerys* life was hard growing up in a society that values strength above all else... leaving the weak and broken to die in the dust. he was one of the countless failed sith but he managed to survive and build a life cerys before she left. his time in the academy left him crippled and not many would give work to a cripple let alone a failed acolyte. i mean he could've lived like royalty selling me off to korriban with how strong i was but he didn't, instead he did everything in his power to hide me from it all and give me the best possible life he could.....
jorin: maybe the holodeck then?
kenzie: *lets out a sad meow* i think i can understand a bit of what you're going thru.... rae is the light of my life and i cant imagine it with out her.... theres an old human playwright that once said "tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all" love is a fickle thing so fragile and delicate.... losing that is like losing a piece of your soul. sure you may never fully recover but going forward you can learn and grow stronger as a person.
jorin: *looks at kenzie with a surprised expression*
Janri: I don't really know if hate is the right word... um... I guess you can get caught up with Nova, Nexa? *she gives a wave to Nexa willingly following along Cass, not quite aware what she intends just yet*
Nexa: Cass? I didn't really know you had a separate name... well... I guess it's alright? Stay out of trouble you two? *she looks over at Nova who stands much taller than her with her battlesuit* Pencil necked my TRIBBLE...
Nova: Perhaps we can share cultural information while they are busy? I'm very curious to hear about your worlds, you are so different from any other people we tau have met.
Reina: So... shall we go then? *she scratches he's her head looking to the others*
T'Lera: I wouldn't be against some cooked food.
Samaia: My mother taught me how to cook, so I suppose I valued food a lot. I didn't really... eat well while I was... *she gestures to Jaessa, referring to the time Samaia was a slave* So, when I got a bit of freedom I tried to enjoy it where I could. It's a small thing, but its something nice.
*Clea gives a nod and Reashe watches Kenzie, looking slightly surprised but smiling*
Clea: The holodeck might be nice.
Cunningham: It sounds fine to me if it's fine with you Admiral. maybe we can go discover the unknown Captain's Dining observation room another time. of course when my ship is back in my hands you're welcome to see mine after i see yours... Damn it, Phrasing...
Bri: damn, I whispered that... *she looks to kara* also it was a bit bigger than a utility closet. like a small studio.
Donovan: I've been alive a long while. I didn't think one could live a Millennium and not pick up some sort of cooking skill. cooking was easier before the war, but after? was lacking but still made due with what i had to get some flavor into it. I was living in the NCR, i coulda opened a restaurant. but then they'd try to tax me... or conscript me into the army to cook. and if I'm being conscripted, its to fight not cook.
Seku: what am i supposed to learn from this? Don't help the people close to me steal my own ship. lest i be named a pirate once more?... not a chance. you needed me and you needed this ship. so i don't know what I wanna do right now besides just sit here.
Freeman: Feel free to go use the Crusader's Holosuite... not really a deck but same difference.
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kara: *lets out a childish laugh* phrasing... *after a second she looks over at bri* eh yeah i suppose.
*after a few minuets a purple rift appears, a tall eldar woman steps out looking around and spotting nova before waving to nexa*
lythe: hello nexa.... *she sighs looking over at nova* i suppose you'll be staying then wont you.... what is your name mon-keigh...
jaessa: i poured all my energy into alchemy... but its not the sort of alchemy you may know about *she looks over to donovan* as for food... i never really needed to eat per say. i could go decades with out eating anything and when i did it was something basic like bread or soup got her to thank for that. *she points to cerys* what ever she is it lets her sustain herself off of the force its self, i can to an extent but i still need food eventually, anyway what i cared about was knowledge, i wanted to push the boundaries of what it was to be a force user and to that end i spent five thousand years scouring ancient ruins and long forgotten planets to find and safeguard various pieces of knowledge, artifacts and other oddities. its my lifes work all locked in a vault that only i know the location of and i will take that to my grave.
jorin: do you need a hug?
kenzie: yeah come on, hug then holodeck thingy.
T'Lera: Wait, a ghost?
*Reina hums, leading the way a little ahead of the others*
Nexa: Oh, hi Lythe. Hmm... I should practice more on my teleporting it seems like everyone else is better at it...
Nova: An Eldar? So there are others from our... universe? *she gives a nod, standing much closer in height to Lythe than any other tau might claim to* I do not know how I would return home, and this place is fascinating. This vessel is so different than the space station I visited and I wish to learn more about these people.
Samaia: Well it appeared our daughter may have gotten into one of mine... I recognized an artifact she had on her as one I had. Unless future me gifted it to her which is possible... but I suspect with her age I had not.
Reashe: Maybe a few more drinks too...
Cunningham: Who knows? Went over my head too. Most of this sounded somewhat normal. Anyways *she says looking to Reina as they walk* thank you for the upcoming meal. Hope you can mix some drinks good too.
Donovan: cooking is still knowledge. It's a bit part of culture. It's the small things that are important sometimes. None of that knowledge survives? That aspect of them dies off, unremembered and unmourned.
Seku: I don't even know what a holodeck is... I'll go for more drinks though... And... I don't care one way or another.
kara: theres a ghost here? where? i wanna see.
lythe: since when did you have the ability to teleport? *she looks over at nova* yes i am farseer lythewae of craft world biel-tan. do you have any desire to return?
jaessa: well most of my vault has to do with the force and documented history of long dead civilizations, im sure somewhere ive got a culinary book or two... but you make a good point. as for clea, im sure my future self will tan her hide when she gets back.
jorin: *hugs seku purring softly as she pats her head and lekku* you dont deserve to be left alone over such a stupid reason, if you want you can join the clan.
Reina: Hopefully everyone can agree to a single meal, I'm not really sure I'm going to be that great at cooking a bunch of different kinds at once. *She rubs the back of her neck*
T'Lera: *She just looks confused at the mention of a ghost, wondering if its still around*
Nexa: I only did it once, I'm not actually sure why but its really uncomfortable for me.
Nova: Hmm... not yet. Maybe in the future but for now I think it would be better if I stay here. There's plenty to learn, and my people do like learning and... I might enjoy being free from the Ethereals for a time.
Samaia: Oh certainly. I'm curious what long dead cuisine you might have been holding onto now. Its interesting to consider how food and traditions might have changed over the millenia.
Reashe: I'll pick out a couple bottles then.
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Cunningham: If we're doing appetizers, I'd really kill for some wings....
Donovan: History you can taste is always a good time
Seku: *she blinks, her eye twitching as her lekku are pet* I... I uhh... are you sure?... I'm a jedi master kinda... I did train an apprentice so... counts but. *she hesitantly hugs back*
kara: i could go for a nice steak. *she then looks over at krystal* yeah you just drop the ghost thing with out elaborating... i feel like thats something that should be elaborated upon....
lythe: the inquisitor isnt going to like that but thats her problem not mine. this is an interesting lot tho, ive heard a few things on strange telepaths with glowing swords and a group of heavily armed mercenaries. i believe they are also not from this galaxy but i have yet to interact with any of them, im still trying to get the lay of the land so to speak.
jaessa: i guess if i ever go back i could copy the recipes.
jorin: its an open offer so its up to you. *she arcs back* take some time to think on it.
kenzie: alright lets go! *she walks over scooping jorin, seku and freeman in bear hug as she walks out, jorin awkwardly sandwiched between seku and freeman*
jorin: i can walk..... *she says with a bit of a growl*
kenzie: well yer not walkin fast enough!
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Reina: Aww, still interesting but I was curious if it was supernatural. *She smiles as they finally arrive at their destination*
T'Lera: I'm glad they're alright, though I wonder what caused it?
Nexa: I think there were some on the Lexington, but I haven't heard from them in a while. They might be on K-13 still.
Nova: She was... more pleasant than I was expecting though she was quite rude at first. She left me here instead of a space station that was her first choice. I would like to get out of this armor at some point... I feel like most people are not expecting such a battlesuit.
Samaia: *She kisses her cheek* Be sure to let me know when you do.
*Meanwhile on Nar Shadaa someone is looking into Freeman having heard they joined with Clan Krayt*
Reashe: *As she carries some bottles and Clea follows her* Seems they're already off to a good start.
Cunningham: Like I said. I want wings. A lot of 'em.
Donovan: Glad I could help suggest it.
Freeman: How did i end up here.
Seku: wondering the same thing myself.
kara: aw i was hoping for an actual ghost.... i just want a steak i guess. im not worried about specifics. *she says sitting down next to bri*
lythe: you'll get to know valendria and the inquisitor very well if you stay here. the two share one body tho they are vastly different in personality. *she look over to nexa* you mostly stay around that station right?
jaessa: will do. *she says to samaia then looks at donovan* id offer to share some of my knowledge on sith alchemy but im not sure its of much interest to you, it is a passion of mine. *with out even realizing it thru out their conversation she grabbed the brownie pan and nearly eat the rest of them*
jorin: *looks down* kenzie i cant breath damnit put us down!
kenzie: okay fine. *she says stopping and roughly setting them down* just try to keep up alright!
jorin: *lets out a huff*
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Reina: *she scratches her cheek* Well, it would seem that hope is already out the window. Alright, let's get started... T'Lera, why don't you help me out? I could use another set of hands.
T'Lera: I guess I can but I don't have much experience...
Reina: Just focus on preparation, I bet that's simple enough for you. I'll take care of the actual seasoning and cooking. *She gestures for her to join her in the kitchen as they get supplies out*
Nexa: *she nods* I started with a trade contract to help out there and along with the Lukari, but now it's kind of grown a bit since I've gotten so familiar with the others in the area.
Nova: What is... Val like, if she is different than the Inquisitor? And why does the gue'la have two minds?
Samaia: *She raises an eyebrow, wrapping an arm around Jaessa's waist* Hmmm... eating all the dessert. I'm thankful you enjoyed them so much. *she whispers something in her ear then giggles*
Clea: *she blushes a bit after Kenzie let's them go* Well, seems like she gives good hugs.
Reashe: Something like that yeah. *she has a slight skip in her step as she hurries after them*
*Someone hails the ship on holocomms looking for Freeman*
Cunningham: I'd still like a cocktail if anyone has the time. *She sits down on the couch and looks to Krystal* so is there Hope for the John Paul Jones to keep serving then?.
Donovan: thanks for the offer but I'm not worried about turning lead to gold. I appreciate it regardless.
Freeman: *he walks to the hanger with the others. His vambrace lighting up* Hello?... What do you mean there's someone trying to get a hold of me.... If it's a recruit just tell them to come to the hanger or put me through... Why me and not jorin anyways?
Sorry... Ijoula's previous host was an Engineer.
I'm a Joined Trill.
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kara: i thought lera was ganna bartend... otherwise i can i suppose.
lythe: its nice to know you will be near... even if the inquisitor will be around more often..... *she looks over at nova* i don't quite understand it myself but they are the same person in a way they just have different traits of the whole so to speak. valendria is the softer one, she's far kinder and less xenophobic but she is still prone to violence to a far lesser extent tho where as her other half has the darker traits. anger, pride, hatred, etcetera. val is very pleasant to be around once you get to know her its the other half that is the problem.... she's an unknown variable, a walking landmine. ive peered into her mind and its not pleasant... she's practically insane and sees everyone around her as little more then play things tho i would hope that val keeps her in check.....
jaessa: *looks down* i guess i did have all of them.... and its a different sort of alchemy but i understand. *she snickers looking at samaia* we'll have time for that later.
jorin: whats going on?
kenzie: everything alright there freeman?
T'Lera: Oh, I can bartend if Bri is going to help her. *She rubs the back of her neck before starting to get the stuff for the drinks ready*
Reina: *She pulls out a datapad and jots down what everyone wanted, gesturing to Bri to help her with the ingredients* I'll start preparing the steak it will take a bit to get it right, can you prepare some rice? I'm thinking of trying a spanish dish tonight.
Nova: Why does she have these two minds?
Nexa: She's mostly good about keeping Cass from causing trouble... mostly.
Samaia: *She sticks her tongue out to tease her* Changing one mineral to another is not really the focus of Sith alchemy, though... It is amusing to think about.
*A strange starfighter lands in the Hangar*
Reashe: It seems we have a visitor?
Cunningham: I thought I saw a Crossfield class when I was pulled in. Was just a glance though. If you've got that rolling around in its old configuration then any upgrades can keep the look and feel of my ship the same then, right? Just more powerful and efficient.... As for the Joined Trill part, I am familiar with the situation. I met a handsome diplomat from Trill named Curzon Dad. Remarkable man. I had the privilege of ferrying him around for a few weeks... Maybe it was a month. I learned a lot about trill during that time. I think I played to hard to get with him though. He helped open the door to the Klingons... At least the empire proper, joining us in our fight.
Donovan: that's what passed for Alchemy in theory on earth hundreds of years ago. Lead into gold, theorizing about making immortality in a bottle. Stuff like that.
Freeman: Control tower said someone wanted to speak to me. I just told them to land. If it's a recruit, then I'll be wondering why ask for me... If it's a bounty hunter or imperial spies... There are enough of us here to make 'em down. *He says, walking into the hanger and approaching the ship*
Seku: *following along with the group*
Curzon Dax... *chuckles* After Curzon, Dax was Joined with a young woman named Jadzia. She... died during the Dominion War. Dax survived, but had to be Joined to an inexperienced, untrained young Trill named Ezri. She would eventually become Captain of the USS Aventine.
I... was joined in a similar circumstance. Although with an... older style. Ijoula's a veteran as well. Brexan was Ijoula's previous host. Fought in the Dominion War, served aboard the USS Incursion... died during the Iconian War. I was the only other Trill present and things were going sideways.
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Val: *groans* never ganna get used to that…. Anyway uuh I think she has the hits for you…. Which puts me in an awkward situation with cass liking you but I love nexa….. *she sighs* life can never just be easy can it…..
Kara: damn lotta stuff happened differently in yer timeline.
Lythe: this is the first time she has manifested since they fought awhile ago to my knowledge. Whether she can keep cass in line or not remains to be seen. *she looks quizzically at nova* as for how the two came to be I have no idea. This is the first I’ve experienced two fully sentient consciousness’s with in a single body, tho make no mistake Val is the original. It’s her mind and body which is why cass has trouble taking control by force.
Jaessa: I guess in this regard it’s not in the traditional sense. Sith alchemy is more so raising the dead or enhancing ones body thru dark rituals stuff like that.
Jorin: *looks a bit annoyed* I understand everyone has their own business to deal with but this isn’t a public vessel and I’m not expecting any new recruits… I can’t claim it’s my ship cuz it’s technically seku’s. I’m still head of this clan tho last I checked unless that changed somehow…
*She gives an empathetic smile trying to lighten Val's mood* Of course it also seems you share similar tastes... *she crosses her arms under her bust* are you alright Val?
T'Lera: I don't get it would people rather I help with the food or with drinks... *she looks confused and a bit anxious, her eyes shifting colors unintentionally.* Well... if anyone wants a drink I can take care of those quick and then come back to help with the food.
Reina: *as she works on preparing the meat* Jessica I think helped with that situation from what I remember, it was in part to her they rediscovered that joining method that shares experiences rather than absorbing or combining the symbiont and host.
Nexa: We'll see...
Nova: So far she's been somewhat amenable. Hopefully that holds true. So, you have spent some time here Lythe. What do you think of this place as a non gue'la?
Samaia: It can be applied to metals as well, ancient Sith shields were made of alchemized metal, but it was not with the intention of making them more valuable, more so more durable. It's certainly rarer to apply it to non organic items.
*The starfighter seems to be a blend of Jedi starfighter and what seem to be imperial designs? But not modern imperial...*
*The cockpit opens up to the surprisingly expansive cabin for the design and out pops an extremely pale woman with white hair and white irises wearing big black armor that strangely seems perfectly fit to her body.*
???: Freeman? I take it this is either your Clan's ship, or you've been up to some piracy?
Bri: *to T'Lera* yeah just drinks quick than back here! *She continues prepping*
Donovan: Fascinating.
Freeman: *to Jorin* gonna look a gift horse in the mouth? They came with their own fighter an... *He looks out at the ship closer* oh kriff, I know them... *He activates his jetpack and flies over before he lands on the hull of the fighter near the cockpit, looking down at his old friend* well it's certainly our clan's ship now either way. Belonged to another friend before that.
Seku: *to Jorin, very drunk* huh? I said the ship is yours. The only price is me tagging along. Think I can run a whole ship like this on my own with no crew or credits? *She returns her attention to the ship, squinting as she tries to figure out who it is*
Lythe: I haven’t been here long enough to say much.
Jaessa: morally it’s also questionable.
Jorin: hmm I suppose not…. wait you know this person? *she says to freeman following him*
The Romulans took some convincing though.
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Reina: Fortunately, we won that conflict, and subsequently in recent times the Dominion is something of an ally to our people. I wasn't actually there for the war itself... my Clan and Family had long since left earth and ended up in the Delta quadrant thanks to an incident decades ago... *She sighs at the thought, focusing on cooking*
T'Lera: *She prepares a few drinks based on what the others usually get or have specifically asked for* Likewise, I also missed the war because I was temporally displaced.
Nova: Really? No opinion on the er... hew mans? How different they are compared to the Imperium from home, etc, etc. *She tilts her head* I suppose I should get to learning...
Nexa: I could ask K-13 for one of their introductory sets for the modern galaxy. Its meant for temporally displaced people which happens far more often than you might imagine, but I'm sure it would be a good start for you.
Samaia: *She chuckles* That's putting it lightly. I've got more thoughts on the matter, but it might be better to save them for later... I don't want to get into a long winded discussion on ancient and other forms of alchemy right now. Too heavy of a topic.
Rin: *She climbs out of the ship, a lightsaber on her belt double ended* I am Rin Saltarn, I've got a title, but its not necessarily great for introductions. *She gives a bow* Pleased to meet you all. Oh, Seku is here too? Did you call her to help with some Mandalorian business or is it a galactic coincidence? I wanted to check in with Freeman, its been a while especially with the downfall of the Empire.