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Scheduled Maintenance (June 5, 2014) [Complete]



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    doalxkdoalxk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well, at least the mercy killing of PvP is finally being carried out. It has been left to suffer for too long as it is.

    Also that 2k fleet mark project is at least a start, but the 50% is completely nonsensical. They shouldn't even be trying to restrict access to fleet credits since you need the fleet credits to buy fleet things with the real money-maker currency dil, and the limited ability to donate fleet credits just means people within a fleet compete with each other to fill those as fast as possible.
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    tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    like how long it takes to complete maters, its only reason to exist is to give a credit input for completed fleets. you get half the credits you are due to receive from the marks you submit. 50 cents on the dollar. the dev in charge of the fleet system must be Mr Potter himself

    It does matter, because at present if I want to aim for the same amount of credit I have to run a 30 minute project. This is great because we can throw many more out and that means more people making dead easy credit, so yes it has everything to do with it.

    I welcome this project with open arms, fleet marks are too easy to get as it is anyway.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    1) Can I get a refund on my Valdore?
    2) Can I get a refund on my Valdore?
    3) I never owned the torp, but I sympathise. Nerfed-Upgraded-Torp? That equates to status quo torp. This is just stupid.
    4) Can we just stop pretending PvP ever existed in this game? (Make some REAL rewards for tournaments. Is it that difficult?)
    5) Read 1-5.

    ^ I concur.

    Cryptic: No Refunds! -Borderlands Style, shoots the player in the rear*
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And thus...the Patch to End All Patches began...
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    mrlizardomrlizardo Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Quick! Break out the Cataclysm Kits! This poo-storm is going to be magnificent!

    "You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Our weekly scheduled maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 2.5 hours and I’ll post again once it is complete. Thanks ya’ll!

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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    mrlizardo wrote: »
    Quick! Break out the Cataclysm Kits! This poo-storm is going to be magnificent!

    Here, take an official Ba'al Enterprises, LTD Disaster Kit (tm). All of the supplies that you need to withstand anything from a freak space-hurricane to a slave rebellion! Minions sold separately.

    Hail Ba'al!
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Our weekly scheduled maintenance has begun! We expect downtime to last for 2.5 hours and I’ll post again once it is complete. Thanks ya’ll!


    Here, have some Baconcat while we wait!
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    rollthorrollthor Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Repost from tribble subforums since it still fits here and was announced a week ago:

    C'Mon Dev's!

    you can't be serious, right? you create this thread in the 1st place you even make it possible for the playerbase to voice their questions/concerns and THEN you don't even care to take just a few seconds to answer the simple questions the people might have?

    Could you please explain what sense does it make if you don't reply?

    there are numerous questions you haven't even thought of answering so far. you say you have community managers? is it so hard to make em reply to some of the questions people might have?

    as for me i am very interested if you could explain what you mean by a 20 hr cooldown for pvp?

    i am totally not sure if i understand it correctly! are you goin to take away the only reward that makes pvp viable atm? do you want to say that you force me and others to play your so highly praised PVE content to get my dilithium?
    Honestly: can u say how often have you yorselves played your own content until you realized that it got boring? You seem not to understand that a lot of players find it boring to play the same PVE content over and over and that they prefer the dynamics of playing against another living beeing (so called humans).
    PVP is already in a bad shape and now you take away what was probably the last thing that made it attractive. have i mentioned that any PVE content you have created in the past grants more dilithium than any availabe PVP content there is? you don’t believe me?

    well look at some of the players running an ISE in under 5 minutes? got more toons? rinse and repeat. every run you will get almost 1k in dilithium. compare to pvp? not even gonna talk about the dyson ruunners. just one out of many possible examples. well see u have two opposing teams that fight against each other, of which all competing players will need at least 3! runs to get a mere 1440 dilithium in let’s say quadruple the time if not more. an average pvp match (space) will take around 15 minutes as some people have already stated. now that by 3 and you have 1440 dilithium. can you see my point? no?

    well you punish every player that still likes PVP (i wonder why), while every other player who plays your all so shiny PVE content gets rewarded with masses of dilithium, that is basically copypaste of what you ever created. granted you created new maps enemies graphics and stuff. i’ll give you that. but you will NEVER EVER beat the dynamics of HUMANS AGAINST HUMANS.

    If you are really going to take dilithium away from pvp, mind if i ask you what are you going to replace it with? will i have to solo mine your precious dilithium mines to get my dilithium?

    i have an Idea! why not create an absolutely unbeatable single player experience in where we can get our dilithium without having to play with others. now that would be a change!

    Someone once said on a very well know STO podcast that cryptic has more than once proven that you have problems in creating multiplayer games. by killing off pvp (without even taking a few minutes to explain what why and how) you will once more have proven that those people are right in what they said.

    IMHO it looks as if you are failing to create viable PVP action and by destroying it you will destroy all evidence that PVP in this game has ever existed.

    and the last time i tried to enter capture and hold daily i waited until i was kicked 3 times from the queue due to your server telling me no one was playing at all. is this an active PVP community?

    the PVP daily don’t work because they don’t happen at all. because no one plays them! and now you are going to take the rewards away for what was left,...

    thank you for taking the choice away from us, thank you for forcing us to play the content you want us to play, thank you for not beheading us while we are allowed to live in your virtual realm,

    thank you!

    p.s.: i don't even expect an answer since you NEVER answer stuff people are angry about. and while you're at it (your all so evident ignore mode towards the players) keep watching steady streams of players leaving your game. in pvp u had a chance getting more players but u ditched it.
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    lordarathronlordarathron Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I am looking forward to the foundry updates! The other stuff doesn't really affect me too much, so not too worried about the nerfs.
    I really appreciate the work being put into the foundry, and hope for more content (including costumes) in the future.
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    saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,224 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    What i am looking to most is:
    Get That D...mn Loadout System Fixed!

    It was making any episode missions very hard...
    Like - "Boldly they rode" - finished DS9 run
    - got dropped to battle against many Jem'ha dars
    (spelling problems? - well its alien lang.)
    ... and i get killed while looking for my skill buton :mad:

    Maybe i will finish the episodes now for all my toons...:)
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    marthitamarthita Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'm not going to quote that very long post calling out the devs, but I will say one thing. The last Cryptic employee I saw actively PvPing in this game from time to time was BranFlakes. It would be refreshing to see them actually try it out to experience first hands why they get all the complaints they're getting.

    They nerf a dilithium reward that, under non-exploiting circumstances, takes 30 minutes to an hour+ to get. They should have just invalidated matches with an AFKer or a player with no shields counting towards rewards, but that would have been too much to ask. They do this nerf, and they change nothing to compensate for the nerf. Extra EC, fleet marks, or anything at all would have been nice.

    The dilithium reward is nothing compared to what you get for running ISE+CSE+KASE which takes almost no time these days, and you get about 6000 dil worth in one run between marks+prototype salvage+regular dil reward.
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    kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hehe, spent all morning dressing for Risa and putting my Corvette back together.

    I can't wait for the Cruiser, I prefer them to escorts, I might actually fly this one around more often!
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    stee1max wrote: »
    Time to drop this game. The pvp arena was probably the only way of effectively farming and leveling up chars.
    Good job on TRIBBLE it up.

    correction: the pvp arena was probably the only way of effectively using an exploit for diltihum and leveling up chars the people who use pvp to "efficiently farm dilithium" are the reason the rewards got nerfed, when people exploit the system they force the devs to take actions they may or may not want to.
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    marthita wrote: »
    I'm not going to quote that very long post calling out the devs, but I will say one thing. The last Cryptic employee I saw actively PvPing in this game from time to time was BranFlakes. It would be refreshing to see them actually try it out to experience first hands why they get all the complaints they're getting.

    They nerf a dilithium reward that, under non-exploiting circumstances, takes 30 minutes to an hour+ to get. They should have just invalidated matches with an AFKer or a player with no shields counting towards rewards, but that would have been too much to ask. They do this nerf, and they change nothing to compensate for the nerf. Extra EC, fleet marks, or anything at all would have been nice.

    The dilithium reward is nothing compared to what you get for running ISE+CSE+KASE which takes almost no time these days, and you get about 6000 dil worth in one run between marks+prototype salvage+regular dil reward.

    exactly, but i know of people, and a channel whose name i forget, who used this as their only source of dilithium. This is their fault, not the devs. Adding rewards to compensate for it would kill the whole point of closing an exploit.

    My suggestion to the devs:
    1) Only public queue matches count for the missions
    2) Keep them either daily or on a 4 hour cooldown
    3) Have one PvP daily/4 hour mission for each type of PvP (Capture and Hold, ect.)

    This will not fix PvP but it will close the exploit effectively until they can do a full revamp.
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    loveofpurpleloveofpurple Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thalaron Pulse:
    While charging, this power will no longer instantly trigger if interrupted by offline subsystems.
    This applies to both Player and NPC versions.
    The version used by Donatra in Khitomer Accord is different, in that it cannot be interrupted under any circumstances

    So another question, does this mean Donatra is still going to fire her pulse when she comes out of cloak and not go through the charging sequence first?
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    marthita wrote: »
    I'm not going to quote that very long post calling out the devs, but I will say one thing. The last Cryptic employee I saw actively PvPing in this game from time to time was BranFlakes. It would be refreshing to see them actually try it out to experience first hands why they get all the complaints they're getting.

    They nerf a dilithium reward that, under non-exploiting circumstances, takes 30 minutes to an hour+ to get. They should have just invalidated matches with an AFKer or a player with no shields counting towards rewards, but that would have been too much to ask. They do this nerf, and they change nothing to compensate for the nerf. Extra EC, fleet marks, or anything at all would have been nice.

    The dilithium reward is nothing compared to what you get for running ISE+CSE+KASE which takes almost no time these days, and you get about 6000 dil worth in one run between marks+prototype salvage+regular dil reward.

    STFs are not giving out any type of prototype salvage for more than a year now.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    rollthor wrote: »
    Repost from tribble subforums since it still fits here and was announced a week ago:

    C'Mon Dev's!

    you can't be serious, right? you create this thread in the 1st place you even make it possible for the playerbase to voice their questions/concerns and THEN you don't even care to take just a few seconds to answer the simple questions the people might have?

    Could you please explain what sense does it make if you don't reply?

    there are numerous questions you haven't even thought of answering so far. you say you have community managers? is it so hard to make em reply to some of the questions people might have?

    as for me i am very interested if you could explain what you mean by a 20 hr cooldown for pvp?

    i am totally not sure if i understand it correctly! are you goin to take away the only reward that makes pvp viable atm? do you want to say that you force me and others to play your so highly praised PVE content to get my dilithium?
    Honestly: can u say how often have you yorselves played your own content until you realized that it got boring? You seem not to understand that a lot of players find it boring to play the same PVE content over and over and that they prefer the dynamics of playing against another living beeing (so called humans).
    PVP is already in a bad shape and now you take away what was probably the last thing that made it attractive. have i mentioned that any PVE content you have created in the past grants more dilithium than any availabe PVP content there is? you don’t believe me?

    well look at some of the players running an ISE in under 5 minutes? got more toons? rinse and repeat. every run you will get almost 1k in dilithium. compare to pvp? not even gonna talk about the dyson ruunners. just one out of many possible examples. well see u have two opposing teams that fight against each other, of which all competing players will need at least 3! runs to get a mere 1440 dilithium in let’s say quadruple the time if not more. an average pvp match (space) will take around 15 minutes as some people have already stated. now that by 3 and you have 1440 dilithium. can you see my point? no?

    well you punish every player that still likes PVP (i wonder why), while every other player who plays your all so shiny PVE content gets rewarded with masses of dilithium, that is basically copypaste of what you ever created. granted you created new maps enemies graphics and stuff. i’ll give you that. but you will NEVER EVER beat the dynamics of HUMANS AGAINST HUMANS.

    If you are really going to take dilithium away from pvp, mind if i ask you what are you going to replace it with? will i have to solo mine your precious dilithium mines to get my dilithium?

    i have an Idea! why not create an absolutely unbeatable single player experience in where we can get our dilithium without having to play with others. now that would be a change!

    Someone once said on a very well know STO podcast that cryptic has more than once proven that you have problems in creating multiplayer games. by killing off pvp (without even taking a few minutes to explain what why and how) you will once more have proven that those people are right in what they said.

    IMHO it looks as if you are failing to create viable PVP action and by destroying it you will destroy all evidence that PVP in this game has ever existed.

    and the last time i tried to enter capture and hold daily i waited until i was kicked 3 times from the queue due to your server telling me no one was playing at all. is this an active PVP community?

    the PVP daily don’t work because they don’t happen at all. because no one plays them! and now you are going to take the rewards away for what was left,...

    thank you for taking the choice away from us, thank you for forcing us to play the content you want us to play, thank you for not beheading us while we are allowed to live in your virtual realm,

    thank you!

    p.s.: i don't even expect an answer since you NEVER answer stuff people are angry about. and while you're at it (your all so evident ignore mode towards the players) keep watching steady streams of players leaving your game. in pvp u had a chance getting more players but u ditched it.

    See the post i just made: and as for Cryptic responding, how do you know they dont already have a plan in place that responding to you would reveal? This could easily be a stop gap measure until a new PvP system in Expansion 2
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    jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thalaron Pulse:
    While charging, this power will no longer instantly trigger if interrupted by offline subsystems.
    This applies to both Player and NPC versions.
    The version used by Donatra in Khitomer Accord is different, in that it cannot be interrupted under any circumstances

    So another question, does this mean Donatra is still going to fire her pulse when she comes out of cloak and not go through the charging sequence first?

    It means that she will act exactly the same. This was simply a clarification that the changed power is not the same as Donatra's version.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Wish torpedoes would get some love, especially the targetable ones that are always shot down by NPCS.

    Could they get a health increase on non-PVP maps or something please? Or make them destructible only in PVP?

    They're far more likely to get obliterated by spam in PvP than in PvE.

    They definitely need to sort out what they're doing with HY Heavies (as opposed to HY Salvos).

    We've got the majority of them being targetable.
    We've got the majority of them doing splash/self-splash.
    But we've got exceptions...that...don't carry an explanation for the exception.

    I no longer carry any Heavy Torps (well, the Grav - but I do my damnedest not to HY it) because of the sheer saturation of spam in both PvE and PvP at this point.

    Would be nifty it they weren't targetable...and were balanced around that. Cause face it, if they don't make it to the target - that's zero damage.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Forced to agree with this.

    It's a torpedo designed specifically to combat the Undine. It's SUPPOSED to do nasty things to them. That's the whole point!

    Extremely disappointed by the desicion to make it weaksauce and may swap back to the Gravimetric photon torpedo; okay, I'll lose one part of the set bonus but at least I'll have a torpedo that's worth a damn.

    But here's the thing...and...c'mon, I mean it's why it was so blatantly a bug.

    TS3 did 175% of the damage it should have been or a like torp would have been doing.
    Did HY3 do 175% of the expected damage? No.
    Did the standard torp do 175% of the expected damage? No.

    It was obviously a bug...
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    asovanraasovanra Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Does anyone think that this 20hr cooldown on the KDF PvP rewards mean that the trolls will finally leave Ker'rat and the map will be what we all want it to be? Pure farming enjoyment? :D

    I play FED and I don't know of any PvP map that actually gives a reward, for me PvP is completely useless in this game aside from destrorying other players which I always do in a designated PvP que! I really hope that this patch pushes the trolls out of Ker'rat! :P
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    bigpapa2011bigpapa2011 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I will say it kinda stinks about the Fleet stuff, however I am super excited about them finally fixing the load outs...hopefully now whenever i come back from an away mission i won't trying to fix them while being shot at..
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    bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    kimmym wrote: »
    Hehe, spent all morning dressing for Risa and putting my Corvette back together.

    I can't wait for the Cruiser, I prefer them to escorts, I might actually fly this one around more often!

    I'm with you ;) Risa time!!!! Although I never got the ship last year, the pearl floater race was a bit annoying.
    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
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    zathri83zathri83 Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    All repeatable PVP missions for FED and KLG (arena and scenario) are now set to a 20 hour cooldown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_xjBAd5G84
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    protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ahr'viduus idh arhem kivoi etrifvenen. Dhraeu mnek! Khnai arhem. :D

    (I am very happy because of the fixes. Good work! Thank you.) :D
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They're far more likely to get obliterated by spam in PvP than in PvE.

    They definitely need to sort out what they're doing with HY Heavies (as opposed to HY Salvos).

    We've got the majority of them being targetable.
    We've got the majority of them doing splash/self-splash.
    But we've got exceptions...that...don't carry an explanation for the exception.

    I no longer carry any Heavy Torps (well, the Grav - but I do my damnedest not to HY it) because of the sheer saturation of spam in both PvE and PvP at this point.

    Would be nifty it they weren't targetable...and were balanced around that. Cause face it, if they don't make it to the target - that's zero damage.

    Undine and Voth both shoot them down. That's 2 out of the 3 endgame enemies. Borg luckily ignore HY torpedoes most of the time.

    Tholians and Orions also tend to shoot them down, but they arent really in any end game content apart from Crystal catastrope elite.

    Mind, I once one shotted the hull of a very good pvp tank with a HY3 grav torp, so I understand why they need to be destroyable for pvp.

    But why cant they be invulnerable in PVE?
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    asovanra wrote: »
    Does anyone think that this 20hr cooldown on the KDF PvP rewards mean that the trolls will finally leave Ker'rat and the map will be what we all want it to be? Pure farming enjoyment? :D

    I play FED and I don't know of any PvP map that actually gives a reward, for me PvP is completely useless in this game aside from destrorying other players which I always do in a designated PvP que! I really hope that this patch pushes the trolls out of Ker'rat! :P

    The rewards for Ker'rat are based on it being a PvEvP zone...not it being a mindless monster farm as folks obliterate the Borg.

    Besides, there was no change to the KDF PvP missions. They were already like that.

    The change was to the pair of missions where you run 3x Arena/3x CnH and get a dil reward. Had nothing to do with all the PvP missions that were already dailies.

    So folks will continue to go to Ker'rat and blow up folks that are slaughtering the poor Borg.

    Consider them members of the Intergalactic Society to Prevent Cruelty to the Borg. ISPCB for short.

    Speaking of Ker'rat though - though really should either buff the Borg or nerf the drops, eh? ;)
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    spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    zathri83 wrote: »
    All repeatable PVP missions for FED and KLG (arena and scenario) are now set to a 20 hour cooldown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_xjBAd5G84


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    neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Undine and Voth both shoot them down. That's 2 out of the 3 endgame enemies. Borg luckily ignore HY torpedoes most of the time.

    Tholians and Orions also tend to shoot them down, but they arent really in any end game content apart from Crystal catastrope elite.

    Mind, I once one shotted the hull of a very good pvp tank with a HY3 grav torp, so I understand why they need to be destroyable for pvp.

    But why cant they be invulnerable in PVE?

    the coding task to do so would be horrendous which would also mean going through current weapon coding and making a new one entirely not something the devs have time to do
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
This discussion has been closed.