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To Boldly Dance....like a puppet on a string^^



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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    kapla1755 wrote: »
    Question still unanswered:

    Why an Event hosted by a DJ in a public space..... would you not expect to be seeing dancing, or is it that this is a ERP dance party of some sort?

    Well, to be fair, it may not just be a dance party.....or there are supposed to be speeches before the dancing begins.

    Not every social gathering needs to continually evoke the spirit of John Travolta in tight white pants.

    I was thinking the other day that there is a version of the party amp I'd be totally up for.

    Imagine one that makes all around sit in a circle, sing happy clappy tunes and give out flowers, while any Vulcans suddenly play Vulcan Lyres very seriously.

    Extra marks if anyone dies after sniffing a flower.
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    tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We already had someone equating it with torture and murder in this thread. You can't go further downhill from there.

    Yes, I'm sure The Spanish Inquisition Fleet which no one is expecting uses that in their repertoire of torture techniques.
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    +1 to client-side opt-out button, as I've said before about them.

    That's all.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Well, to be fair, it may not just be a dance party.....or there are supposed to be speeches before the dancing begins.

    Not every social gathering needs to continually evoke the spirit of John Travolta in tight white pants.

    I was thinking the other day that there is a version of the party amp I'd be totally up for.

    Imagine one that makes all around sit in a circle, sing happy clappy tunes and give out flowers, while any Vulcans suddenly play Vulcan Lyres very seriously.

    Extra marks if anyone dies after sniffing a flower.

    lol, I like this idea!
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    tovahktovahk Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I am against the DB, of course, especially in this overuse, as is the case at hand. Your freedom ends where mine begins and that is not easy to define in an online game. The most troubling is the lack of response from Cryptic to this matter. Personally, I can handle any DB occasionally but not the heavy rain and annoying by some users who just want to ruin a public event. In fact they only come to annoy, not to enjoy the event. Better they stay in their roofs like crows. :D
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    damienvryce2damienvryce2 Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    13 pages and still going. Impressive. Most impressive. :D
    STO: Where men are men and the women probably are too.
    I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    This is an excellent idea, and I would like the Devs to take note of this and add it to the next patch please, if it isn't too much trouble.

    I like what this thread has become. We started from a very negative place, and we've since moved past the hate, past the names, the bickering, and we're in a much happier spot now. This is why I play STO, guys.

    I know...I am getting the warm tingles from this thread now, ohhhh its so relaxing man.
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    cheesebasketcheesebasket Member Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Look we all know that these are troll threads by now. Everyone knows that nothing is going to be done about it at this point, and quite frankly i'm wondering if the OP wasn't bored and cranky...to go to all the effort of finding or makeing a rhyme just for ye old troll ball arguement.

    I'm not against troll balls or any social item for that matter, could things get out of hand, if it's not a somber formal party, they probably will, because that's how parties roll.

    And yes, i'll admit there's gonna be that one guy who pops one on you because he wants the reaction from it and knows there's gonna be one because he's gotten a rise outta sombody before. See, if you never reacted to it, never raged on the forums about it, just completely ignored it...it whould get old...Fast.

    Cryptic doesn't really care for these threads, they're not gonna just disable an item that some prograqmmer worked hard on to put together and make work, and it's probably got a mod just itching to lock the thread and waiting for it to get out of hand on either side

    Don't like the balls, Change the instance, don't have to run anywhere or hide in a corner, won't bump into any trolls because the odds are they aren't in every instance.

    There's ways around it that make it a non issue. ERP...keep it in local, you go to zone with it and you'll draw all kinds of backlash from peeps who don't wanna hear it. It's not like you're gonna be able to talk to someone that's not in your instance either, from an RP standpoint, someone talking to someone else not visible in the same instance whould be showing some strong issues.

    Long story short, things aren't going to change.
    Bringing this issue up only encourages those who do it because they know they'll get a rise out of you for it.
    Don't feed the trolls.
    The hamster will RULE ALLL....

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    damienvryce2damienvryce2 Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    This is actually a pretty disappointing turnout, as far as these threads go.

    I'm actually surprised it hasn't degenerated into a full blown flame fest by now.
    STO: Where men are men and the women probably are too.
    I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
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    th1rt33nukth1rt33nuk Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I thought that you couldn't get forced to dance if you move/take actions. Why are so many people so determined to stand in one place for long periods of time? And if you're just standing there, why does it matter what your avatar's doing, as blatantly you're not concentrating on it, but something else...?
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    erper vs ebullies.

    I won't take any side, but I will enjoy the show. That's like 2 idiots fighting, none of them are truly right or wrong, but it's fun to watch.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    I was thinking the other day that there is a version of the party amp I'd be totally up for.

    Imagine one that makes all around sit in a circle, sing happy clappy tunes and give out flowers, while any Vulcans suddenly play Vulcan Lyres very seriously.

    Extra marks if anyone dies after sniffing a flower.


    Actually now that I see this...maybe they could start doing Party Amplifiers like the poppers, with new ones released at certain events with certain effects. LOLnut Party Amplifiers that incite "beach surf party barbecue" activities like doing the limbo near a campfire for another example.

    Add that with a client-side opt-out and I think it'd be possible to make both sides so happy it would be dangerous.
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    erper vs ebullies.

    I won't take any side, but I will enjoy the show.

    I didn't know the the disco balls counted as bully items. Well I will just throw them all out of my inventory then :rolleyes:
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    th1rt33nuk wrote: »
    I thought that you couldn't get forced to dance if you move/take actions. Why are so many people so determined to stand in one place for long periods of time? And if you're just standing there, why does it matter what your avatar's doing, as blatantly you're not concentrating on it, but something else...?

    Something about it interfering with their right to studiously do absolutely nothing. Mucks with rp-ing someone doing the "human mannequin" thing.
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    suzanna3suzanna3 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    @ cheesebasket......ahhh you noticed the rhyme!.....was no effort I assure you, just jumped into my mind when I posted....

    It may well be that nothing gets done about the excessive use of these devices, but at least the devs can't say they did not know this has negative effect on many players, for a year approx....

    This issue is not just concerning radio shows or events but it concerns anyone that walks into a public area and is then spammed with party amplifiers etc. and the perpetrator refuses to stop. That is harrassment... against the rules as stated and is detrimental to the game. One would think that asking someone to stop would be sufficient but clearly it is not:rolleyes:

    As has been stated by others in this thread, it could be solved simply with an option to turn it off.:)

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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    suzanna3 wrote: »
    It may well be that nothing gets done about the excessive use of these devices, but at least the devs can't say they did not know this has negative effect on many players, for a year approx....

    They weren't able to say that 9 months and 30+ of these threads ago. :rolleyes:
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    I didn't know the the disco balls counted as bully items. Well I will just throw them all out of my inventory then :rolleyes:
    When they are used to annoy people that clearly doesn't want you to use them, and ask you to stop, yes they are.
    I'm merely stating the obvious. You don't have to take the others for imbeciles, you might be surprised.

    Anyway, as I said, I'm not taking any sides. It just remind me the emo gang vs bullies fight at school.
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    hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Cryptic added using the party amplifier devices as a piece of the final objectives in the big party at the end of the latest FE. Optionally, but it's now in a "official" mission. One that a whole lot of people (including some of the anti-party folk on this thread) seemed to really enjoy.

    So. Cryptic has put the Party Amplifier as an official part of the objectives of a featured Episode.
    I don't think they could be more clear.

    Let this horse die.
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    They weren't able to say that 9 months and 30+ of these threads ago. :rolleyes:

    That is kind of where I stand. I used to be part of "Group A" in my original post here. But after such a long time period and after so many of these threads, I've made my peace with the fact that Cryptic is perfectly satisfied with how things currently are.

    And if Cryptic is satisfied with Subspace Party Amplifiers in their current incarnation, if they are satisfied it bothers so many people (for whatever reason), then what more can be said?

    They made their mind up on it. For whatever their reasons may be, they aren't saying for fear up setting either Group A or Group B.

    Or from where I sit, they openly endorse Subspace Party Amplifiers to be used in their current incarnation. Which means it is up to Group A to react in an adaptive fashion. Just like I did.
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    rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Devs, lock these stupid threads as soon as they are created. Cryptic has made it clear the balls are allowed.

    To Cryptic, either shut them off or keep them on and tell EVERYONE what your stance is on these balls.

    I'm in favour and im sick of these do gooding fun killers squealing every five seconds over it.

    Time to put everyone out of their misery.

    Balls yes, balls No

    then lock these threads and end it. :rolleyes:
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I'm in favour and im sick of these do gooding fun killers squealing every five seconds over it.
    That's exactly what the other side is thinking.

    Who's right ? Who's wrong ?
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    suzanna3 wrote: »
    As has been stated by others in this thread, it could be solved simply with an option to turn it off.:)

    It's been a suggestion since they were first introduced. It's a suggestion that's been ignored much like the behavior of those using it in game as well as their behavior on the forums is ignored.

    One can only conclude that Cryptic/PWE fully supports the initiative of a few players with their "if you do not like it, then leave" campaign.

    It would only be speculation, but perhaps Cryptic is tired of supporting STO - all the complaints - the lack of appreciation - and would be more than happy to have everybody leave the game. They could say they tried - they gave it their best shot - but other games have fallen before...dookie happens. They could put STO behind them - move on with their lives...
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    To Cryptic, either shut them off or keep them on and tell EVERYONE what your stance is on these balls.

    I hosed my monitor with soda and couldn't stop laughing. :D
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    To Cryptic, either shut them off or keep them on and tell EVERYONE what your stance is on these balls.

    It wouldn't be very cryptic of Cryptic to do such a thing...
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It wouldn't be very cryptic of Cryptic to do such a thing...
    Cryptic taking a stance ? Oh my...
    Only if there is money involved. Otherwise, no. They are too busy working on the next gamblebox.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    Only if there is money involved.

    Which kind of begs the question, eh?

    Are the few that abuse the Party Amps pumping in more money than the folks they have chased off would have?

    One could speculate that's the case, since they have a tendency to thrive in games with smaller populations while they are barely even regarded as a minor nuisance in games with larger populations.
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    arcjetarcjet Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its people the likes of you who ruins the enjoyment of mmo game. In fact, why are you even in this STO if you do not like to have fun and enjoyment? Sure, it's annoying at times, but I get used to it.

    Would you like to elaborate?
    Last time I checked disco balls were not a part of the Star Tek movies or TV shows.
    Do you want to dictate what's fun and what's not?
    Do you want Cryptic to do that?
    Do you think that would be good business practice? Last time I checked, anoying your customers wasn't.

    But yeah, whatever. I don't really care. I just switch zones. and not much later I switch the game, since there's not much to do anyway.
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    rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well I think everyone who read the thread 2 days ago knows where I stand here. :o
    daan2006 wrote: »
    make the Disco Balls attackable by players or just NPCs its a win win but to the one getting their DB killed bet my life Disco Balls would die out after a month

    That is a good idea, maybe attach an accolade to it. Kill 1,000 disco balls for some sort of bonus.
    I'm afraid it's a case of "there will be no peace as long as the disco ball lives.

    I am afraid you are very correct sir!
This discussion has been closed.