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To Boldly Dance....like a puppet on a string^^

suzanna3suzanna3 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
To Boldly dance like a puppet on a string...
To mess up the screen, so you can't see a thing....

Is that what this game has become? :eek:

I would like to point out that some individuals and groups are using the "party amplifier"[disco ball] and other devices to flagrantly break some rules in Terms and Conditions that are clearly stated on the site -

f. “stalk,” threaten or otherwise harass or cause discomfort to another;"

They spam the party amplifier [disco ball] and other devices continuously, to the point where any social gathering or event in a public place becomes unpleasant,the screen becomes just a mess, unpleasant to look at, thereby forcing these events to be moved to "invite only"ships or bases. [This is unfortunate as the limit of players allowed on ships is very small compared to a public area, and bases can not invite different factions, thus limiting the players choice]

Of course, one can and does report, but how many reports are needed before it becomes clear that something needs to be done about this? This has been going on for a year approx....:confused:

As it is clear that some of these devices are open to abuse by some, the devs would be wise to address this matter.....

Post edited by suzanna3 on


  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Trolls will arrive on this thread very soon
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I wanted to post in the "Ew" thread about the thing that made me "Ew", but I forgot and I'm too lazy to look for it...but honestly, the only thing in STO that really makes me go "Ew" are the dance emotes. No, they're not the worst I've seen in a game - but they're definitely bad enough to make me go "Ew" as I /facepalm...

    I've wondered from time to time, if the overall effect of the Party Amps wouldn't be as bad on some folks if it were not for the dance emotes being so horrible...
  • suzanna3suzanna3 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ahhh.....but a player can CHOOSE to use a dance emote or not....and dance emotes do not mess up the screen with flashing lights etc., for others......a big difference:)

  • hunterkiller64hunterkiller64 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    they should be erased from the game entirely
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    suzanna3 wrote: »
    ahhh.....but a player can CHOOSE to use a dance emote or not....and dance emotes do not mess up the screen with flashing lights etc., for others......a big difference:)

    Oh, no doubt there's the choice aspect that's being violated. For me though, it comes down to if the Party Amp forced the toon to do jumping jacks - I'd just be annoyed about being forced to do the jumping jacks and think it pretty stupid. The dance emotes, though, man oh man - it takes it to an entirely different level for me...I've uh, said some things in local that I'm not proud of having said; because those dance emotes are just so bad...it massively magnifies my negative reaction to the toon being forced to take some action.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Oh, no doubt there's the choice aspect that's being violated. For me though, it comes down to if the Party Amp forced the toon to do jumping jacks - I'd just be annoyed about being forced to do the jumping jacks and think it pretty stupid. The dance emotes, though, man oh man - it takes it to an entirely different level for me...I've uh, said some things in local that I'm not proud of having said; because those dance emotes are just so bad...it massively magnifies my negative reaction to the toon being forced to take some action.

    Should I have the right to go about my business in game without being forced to dance for someone else's amusement? Perhaps.

    Should someone have the right to use toys put in game by Cryptic? Again, perhaps.

    Point is, we have two sets of rights, both justified to the same degree, but conflicting with each other.

    The solution is one of two approaches. It can either be self governing or cryptic can regulate it.

    Self governing works, and is the preferred option, provided two things happen.

    Those who hate the wretched things avoid areas where they're common, and those who like ghrm stick to avoidable places.

    Problems arise when people insist on going to disco ball hotspots and act surprised when the spirit of john Travolta moves them. They also arise when the throwers seek to bypass someone's option not to dance.

    I hate the wretched things, but some love them. Thus I do my business in K7 and not Drozana.

    As long as K7 remains free of the horrible things then everyone has an option that suits them.
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The notion that, somehow, disco balls will survive as a thing 400 years from now strikes me as unlikely. Armored dinosaurs on starships? That I can accept as Star Trek. Disco balls? That's a bit like us getting laced into our clothes before we head off to the Globe Theatre to watch people saying "prithee, I beseech thee" on the stage while the groundlings cackle. It's a bloody spontaneous Ren Faire, is what it is!

    I don't like Ren Faires.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Oh man, come on just leave the poor horse alone, you can't kill what's already dead.
  • jbmonroejbmonroe Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    @Rinkster -- to your point, this is a place where I think Cryptic (or whomever instigated this) made a serious error.

    In CoH the disco lights and other appurtenances were limited to clubs. There was no spontaneous disco lighting on the street. If you wanted it, you knew where to go.
  • suzanna3suzanna3 Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ahh, if only it were so simple as to stay away from known areas where those that want to spam the party amplifiers hang out........unfortunately, those that want to continually spam them, come to where an event is being held, to do just that. So then the event has to be moved to an invite only location, as I mentioned in my post.

  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    Trolls will arrive on this thread very soon

    Yeah, one glance at the title and I knew what we had going- "this thread again."

    It's also a bit soon for another, considering how recent the last was. Maybe the anti-disco-ball troops are doing warmup exercises for the LOLnut festival? As I recall the last one was also a "multiple disco ball threads per day" festival.
    suzanna3 wrote: »
    I would like to point out that some individuals and groups are using the "party amplifier"[disco ball] and other devices to flagrantly break some rules in Terms and Conditions that are clearly stated on the site -

    I would like to point out that this has been pointed out so many times there's no possible way the Devs and staff aren't aware of it, and suggest that this having been the case since at least the last LOLnut festival could point to them being content with the situation as it currently stands, making the entire topic eligible for "beating a dead sandworm" status.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yeah, one glance at the title and I knew what we had going- "this thread again."

    It's also a bit soon for another, considering how recent the last was. Maybe the anti-disco-ball troops are doing warmup exercises for the LOLnut festival? As I recall the last one was also a "multiple disco ball threads per day" festival.

    I would like to point out that this has been pointed out so many times there's no possible way the Devs and staff aren't aware of it, and suggest that this having been the case since at least the last LOLnut festival could point the them being content with the situation as it currently stands, making the entire topic eligible for "beating a dead sandworm" status.

    Heres a thought for Risa.

    Make instance 1 disco ball free and have at it for all the others.

    Leave those of us who hate disco balls one haven.

    If you're reading this Nebreeki, how about it?

    One instance for us grumpy people and let the kids have their fun everywhere else.

    Would you support that idea?
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    suzanna3 wrote: »
    To Boldly dance like a puppet on a string...
    To mess up the screen, so you can't see a thing....

    Is that what this game has become? :eek:

    I would like to point out that some individuals and groups are using the "party amplifier"[disco ball] and other devices to flagrantly break some rules in Terms and Conditions that are clearly stated on the site -

    f. “stalk,” threaten or otherwise harass or cause discomfort to another;"

    They spam the party amplifier [disco ball] and other devices continuously, to the point where any social gathering or event in a public place becomes unpleasant,the screen becomes just a mess, unpleasant to look at, thereby forcing these events to be moved to "invite only"ships or bases. [This is unfortunate as the limit of players allowed on ships is very small compared to a public area, and bases can not invite different factions, thus limiting the players choice]

    Of course, one can and does report, but how many reports are needed before it becomes clear that something needs to be done about this? This has been going on for a year approx....:confused:

    As it is clear that some of these devices are open to abuse by some, the devs would be wise to address this matter.....

    Another baby crying about Disco Balls, ah do you have nightmares already off Disco Balls Chasing you, Ah that's terrible, My advice as a Ships Doctor would be shut off your Computer for awhile read a good book. Do this for a weak and the problems should disappear...

    Because there is nothing to do in this god forsaken MMO Grind Fest, that's why people use Disco Balls to at least have some fun round here...

    Watch this tread !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFKy1jfqDWM

    Not in a live time !!!:D

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • raxsis1raxsis1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Honestly the best way to make both parties happy would be if you are in range of a active party ball, cryptic gives you a button option to disable the animation and dancing if you desire. The people who want to see it can and the people who don't can be left alone.
  • charliescot25charliescot25 Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its people the likes of you who ruins the enjoyment of mmo game. In fact, why are you even in this STO if you do not like to have fun and enjoyment? Sure, it's annoying at times, but I get used to it.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Heres a thought for Risa.

    Make instance 1 disco ball free and have at it for all the others.

    Leave those of us who hate disco balls one haven.

    If you're reading this Nebreeki, how about it?

    One instance for us grumpy people and let the kids have their fun everywhere else.

    Would you support that idea?

    No matter who gets more areas and who gets fewer, this is still the "[Disco/Anti-Disco] Ghetto" concept which I will oppose until drawing my last breath.

    How about they add a client-side "No Fun on My Screen, Buddy!" toggle that lets those who wish opt out of seeing any item-induced avatar/NPC actions?

    Then, for those who hate the disco balls, everywhere is a disco-free zone even though they're actually walking through a Disco Inferno of other players.

    Then the disco-ballers can dance 24/7, the anti-disco-ballers can walk right through the same areas unmolested, and nobody is confined to the "penalty instance?"
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    @Rinkster -- to your point, this is a place where I think Cryptic (or whomever instigated this) made a serious error.

    In CoH the disco lights and other appurtenances were limited to clubs. There was no spontaneous disco lighting on the street. If you wanted it, you knew where to go.

    Well if they added an area, instead they removed the Disco on ESD and there is no where else where you can have decend fun in this game....


    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Yeah, one glance at the title and I knew what we had going- "this thread again."

    It's also a bit soon for another, considering how recent the last was. Maybe the anti-disco-ball troops are doing warmup exercises for the LOLnut festival? As I recall the last one was also a "multiple disco ball threads per day" festival.

    I would like to point out that this has been pointed out so many times there's no possible way the Devs and staff aren't aware of it, and suggest that this having been the case since at least the last LOLnut festival could point to them being content with the situation as it currently stands, making the entire topic eligible for "beating a dead sandworm" status.

    These will be the only threads you see come Risa because a certain fleet will be out in force.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    kirk2390 wrote: »

    Thread winner. Disco "Not Trek" my eye... :D
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    These will be the only threads you see come Risa because a certain fleet will be out in force.

    Do you suppose Klytemwhoever will be back? Those videos were actually rather funny, in an eye-rolling "Gawd, get a grip already" kind of way.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There is a really simple solution to all this antagonism that goes on related to this issue. Give players the ability to opt-out if they desire and be done with it.
    That way the ones that conisder the DB fun can still use them whenever and wherever they want, while to ones that consider them an annoyance won't have their chars forced into an animation they don't like.

    And then see how suddenly the rate of these threads that often end with TOS violations come to a full stop. Peace and quiet for everyone....well until the new "Fed needs cloak" thread.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    There is a really simple solution to all this antagonism that goes on related to this issue. Give players the ability to opt-out if they desire and be done with it.
    That way the ones that conisder the DB fun can still use them whenever and wherever they want, while to ones that consider them an annoyance won't have their chars forced into an animation they don't like.

    And then see how suddenly the rate of these threads that often end with TOS violations come to a full stop. Peace and quiet for everyone....well until the new "Fed needs cloak" thread.

    this very much ^^^^^^^^^
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    best way to tick off the trolls and make everyone happy do what they gonna do with the risa swimwear make the disco balls only useable on risa ^_^

  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    The notion that, somehow, disco balls will survive as a thing 400 years from now strikes me as unlikely. Armored dinosaurs on starships? That I can accept as Star Trek. Disco balls? That's a bit like us getting laced into our clothes before we head off to the Globe Theatre to watch people saying "prithee, I beseech thee" on the stage while the groundlings cackle. It's a bloody spontaneous Ren Faire, is what it is!

    I don't like Ren Faires.

    Discoball is a colloquial term used for them on the forum and chat, the actual name of the device is the subspace party amplifier. It' not a discoball in the traditional sense, it's far more advanced.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    And then see how suddenly the rate of these threads that often end with TOS violations come to a full stop.

    Agreed with client-side opt-out 100%.

    But I think your above statement is laughable. I don't doubt for a moment that after about 24 hours of celebration, the people who get so bent about "OMG mah character did something I didn't tell it to do" (you know, like idle animations :rolleyes: ) will find something else to mount a no-compromise jihad over.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't like the disco party balls either, but this loose interpretation of harassment, discomfort, or stalking is so absurdly overbearing and overly sensitive that it subverts any attempt at a reasonable discussion on the topic.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    But I think your above statement is laughable. I don't doubt for a moment that after about 24 hours of celebration, the people who get so bent about "OMG mah character did something I didn't tell it to do" (you know, like idle animations :rolleyes: ) will find something else to mount a no-compromise jihad over.

    Eh, you're probably right - but what I meant was that this specific topic usually always ends with multiple TOS breaches, warnings and infractions to participants.
    True, there are many other dead horses that get annualy beaten and complaint threads about whatnot, but none of which succeeds in bringing so much animosity between the posters as the DB threads. Heck even the mods often tend to close these threads before they get out of hand, because they know it'll eventually get out of hand.
    We won't be peachy afterwards, but we'll be better off without them.
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Take the WoW approach.

    In WoW there was a really annoying toy that made everyone imitate a train for the duration (emote AND a voice clip). Then the devs added another toy that seeks and destroys it.

    Add a "Party neutralizer" where you whip out a phaser rifle and blast that big ball of annoying to smithereens, as well as adding a long CD to the amplifier.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Take the WoW approach.

    In WoW there was a really annoying toy that made everyone imitate a train for the duration (emote AND a voice clip). Then the devs added another toy that seeks and destroys it.

    Add a "Party neutralizer" where you whip out a phaser rifle and blast that big ball of annoying to smithereens, as well as adding a long CD to the amplifier.

    you mean this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atd_535Su-Y i loved both of them toys in wow :)

    but you do got a point very good idea imo
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • arthgon2049arthgon2049 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Terms of Service are pretty clear, I will post them here to provide ease of reading:

    15. User Conduct

    15.1You must observe these Terms, all Rules of Conduct, all applicable laws and all basic rules of etiquette and common courtesy when using the Service. Any conduct that violates the law in an offline, real world community is also a violation of these terms. We will not tolerate any illegal or offensive conduct.

    f. “stalk,” threaten or otherwise harass or cause discomfort to another;

    h. impede or disrupt the Service or the normal flow of game play or dialogue in the Game or in Interactive Areas (defined below) in the Service or use vulgar language, abusiveness, use of excessive shouting (ALL CAPS), “spamming” or any other disruptive or detrimental methods in an attempt to disturb other users or our employees;

    n. take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service.

    Of course there are two sides to every coin, some will find these Discoballs/Subspace Party Amplifiers fun, while others will not.

    It is one thing to walk/jog/run through an area where they are being let off, it's another thing entirely when a person takes it upon themselves to follow your character around and continuously let them off, forcing your character to perform an unwarranted and unwanted action.

    During player-run events, the less-savory people of our community will seek the event out and cause mayhem. When asked nicely and politely to stop, they refuse or use the common child routine of "this is my fun, so I'm going to do it anyway."

    Multiple Discoballs/Subspace Party Amplifiers are not only a disruption to the flow of gameplay but they also can cause serious lag on most rigs.

    In most other MMOs, anything that can affect the actions of the PC is on a short animation cycle and on a heavy cooldown.

    Looking over the previous posts of this topic, I don't believe the issue is putting the pro-discoball/Subspace Party Amplifier crowd into a "ghetto", but a intelligent post bringing attention to a topic that impacts a fair portion of the community in STO. And to compare what is being said in this thread to Germany of the 1940s is not only disrespectful to the people that went through it, but a false argument. I will offer those that are comparing it to such an atrocious event, please go and re-read your history books.

    I'm sure there are some that are done reading these types of threads, but if no one says anything, how will the powers-that-be know what's truly going on?

    Someone above offered a brilliant solution and I will echo it here. The devices should either be restricted to specific locations of the game where they in fact make more sense, or there should be a client side option to turn them off. Same as can be done for the party balloons and the smoke guns and all. I would also throw in they shouldn't override any current player animations.

    This way both crowds can be happy and find some sort of middle ground.

    As we approach the Risa Summer Event, the only thing I can say is these Subspace Party Amplifiers are....so last year.
  • saihung423saihung423 Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    This thread again.

    Good luck.
This discussion has been closed.