It's not until September 19th...International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
B't yer be misstaki'n! Septober ther 19th is th' day we pirates call: Speak like o' landlubber day!
Thar be no misstaki'n this here fact!
"Better were the days when mastery o' space came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures... but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. Ye all know thi's to be true!"
Lol, I just had my most epic death in forever. Ever since dropping the Beachball and TDDs, I just haven't been blowing myself up like I'm accustomed to...meh. But sure enough, thanks to the magic of FBP...even on my torp boat I managed to help them shred me in the blink of an eye.
There were just so many pets - hangar pets, Nimbus, Photonic - I couldn't help myself...had to fire of the spread, AoE E-Bio, drop out the Scan, and charge in for the R-Tet Cascade...
...I should have paid attention to the players there and noticed the guy with FBP up.
But why...why...lolwhy...did it have to hit him so many times with so many juicy targets there?
Has it's primary focus on FBP but it also has the capacity to contribute to a team. Sure it's not going to make itself a team's primary target but against a FAW team? It'll shred them, or rather, help them shred themselves.
Set the power up right on it and maybe swap over the EPtA to EPtW and you can put a lot of power through the conventional weapons when it's needed adding another feather to it's cap as it were. I know it's not the most refined build ever and there is certainly room for improvement but it isan FBP build that has a useful place on a team, which is the point I'm making.
Clearly, you have not met some of the more creative teams. On teams with a dedicated snooper who is tasked to snoop out cloaked vapers as far as 28KM+ away, the snooper needs protection. The best way snooper can protect himself is to advertise that he doesn't taste good, don't eat him. The other team will figure out quickly who is the snooper and would want to collectively take out the snooper so that vapers can travel freely so FBP will act as a great deterrent against being focus fired. The snooper will also be somewhat a healer / support. The shared CD between FBP and TSS is easily manageable, no more than EPTS and EPTE having a shared CD of 15 sec yet I have never heard of people claiming the different EPTX are incompatible with each other. FBP also does not affect other heals such as HE, ET, ES, ST, A2SIF.
Ideally, the snooper wants to be left alone so that he can do his job of snooping and healing / support, quietly. The opportunity cost of a Commander Sci station - it begs to ask, if FBP III isn't slotted, what else could have been used there for a healer/support? Heals do not use Commander Sci stations, they stop at Lt. Commander Sci stations. Commander Sci stations only have offensive Sci powers and debuffs or CD reduction, there is no heals to be slotted there. In the past, when the threat of vapers wasn't so serious, few teams had a dedicated snooper. Nowadays, I imagine teams without snooper will get decimated by the very fashionable vapers so the FBP not only act as a deterrent against vapers but also act as a mobile Aceton Assimilator of sort against FAW premades. Too many possible justification for using FBP III in team environment, I guess you have only met 2nd tier or 3rd class teams thus far, that's why.
Clearly you didn't get what FULL FBP build means, like Kax's for example.
And I met entire noteworthy PvP player base in combat in team, vs, in 10v10, in 5v5 etc.
I use 1 FBP on my SCI tulwar and on TAC dyson, but i have more then 5 other abilities to kill with those ships.
To repeat myself, best FBP is on otherwise tactically capable ship:
Also here: First and last kill
on a tactically heavy Dyson(first kill is 3x33K feedback with FBP2) and last kill is match decisive in really tight match also while i was attacking.
Yeah, it'll put my TSS on CD, but I can still throw out HE/ET/Aux to SIF/ST without having to be too worried about healing myself for that time. And if they're still nailing me after FBP wears off, TSS will be off of CD so I can use that on myself while still having other heals for the team.
Yeah I was just going to mention, it is probably the most solid skills to have for a healer when it comes to protection.
Not a very worthwhile skill pve wise, but a solid skill used in pvp.
Clearly you didn't get what FULL FBP build means, like Kax's for example.
And I met entire noteworthy PvP player base in combat in team, vs, in 10v10, in 5v5 etc.
I use 1 FBP on my SCI tulwar and on TAC dyson, but i have more then 5 other abilities to kill with those ships.
To repeat myself, best FBP is on otherwise tactically capable ship:
Also here: First and last kill
on a tactically heavy Dyson(first kill is 3x33K feedback with FBP2) and last kill is match decisive in really tight match also while i was attacking.
Good videos you got there (not a big fan of the music, but great otherwise).
Good videos you got there (not a big fan of the music, but great otherwise).
Thx, I put some effort when making them, so hearing that they are good is rewarding.
Well, about music, every video has different kind of music, just what i feel it suits the gameplay.
(in those 2 i linked it's Star Trek music ) with SFX from star trek movies.
Thx, I put some effort when making them, so hearing that they are good is rewarding.
Well, about music, every video has different kind of music, just what i feel it suits the gameplay.
(in those 2 i linked it's Star Trek music ) with SFX from star trek movies.
Imo the best one with music was Eye of the Tiger so far, that track literally got me!
You do some amazing job with those vids mate
PS: Tempus fugit is the description I've given to my Federation character when I bought the Mobius :eek:
So, basically, you're dedicating an entire team slot to what is effectively a mobile Aceton Assimilator?
"Holy waste of space, Batman!"
And note that, given the wide distribution of FAW strikes in a target-rich, spam-heavy PvP match, the amount of damage being returned from random hits on a single FBP-wielding target is unlikely to seriously deter anyone.
Sorry, your argument just doesn't hold water. I'd have to concentrate solely on that one target, and do so for an extended period of time, before I'd significantly harm myself in my FAHCR FAW boat. Pressure damage just doesn't generate the necessary feedback unless focused by the originator.
Instead we shall all roll around in FAW spam boats that do nothing other than FAW spam.
Or a Tac escort that does nothing except alpha.
Considering even my lowly sci toon can damage and even kill a group of FAW spammers (1-2 people, the other 2 or 3 get wise), at least it can reflect enough damage to force a disengage.
So no, it's not totally useless.
Stop your crying and let people do something other than a vaper or FAW spam boat.
Instead we shall all roll around in FAW spam boats that do nothing other than FAW spam.
Or a Tac escort that does nothing except alpha.
Considering even my lowly sci toon can damage and even kill a group of FAW spammers (1-2 people, the other 2 or 3 get wise), at least it can reflect enough damage to force a disengage.
So no, it's not totally useless.
Stop your crying and let people do something other than a vaper or FAW spam boat.
Please tell me how cool you are with FBP, love listening to it.
And your arguments doesn't hold water too, as no FAWer ever got killed by his damage and you can be sure I don't disengage in my FAHCR, I can heal faster.
And your arguments doesn't hold water too, as no FAWer ever got killed by his damage and you can be sure I don't disengage in my FAHCR, I can heal faster.
Doesn't that depend upon the level of FBP thrown at you?
I mean, if someone used TT (with doffs), APO3, APA3, GDF, Full Aux power, EptA, FBP3, PH1 (with doff) with high particle gens skill. I think anyone would have to disengage from that regardless of how many heals you have (short of being a healboat, but then you don't have the damage to kill yourself anyway.)
Doesn't that depend upon the level of FBP thrown at you?
I mean, if someone used TT (with doffs), APO3, APA3, GDF, Full Aux power, EptA, FBP3, PH1 (with doff) with high particle gens skill. I think anyone would have to disengage from that regardless of how many heals you have (short of being a healboat, but then you don't have the damage to kill yourself anyway.)
Pretty accurate statement.
The few times I've dedicated myself to FBP, I found it rather easy to make sure that if I did die, that the original damage dealer goes with me. Most sci ships can stack more resists than the attacker and get the reflection over 100%, so if you're killing people through FBP and surviving w/o having to use SNB to get rid of it, the FBP user is doing it wrong. Just ask Kax.
Not cool no.
Yes, you know? That word used when someone is entertained?!
Its nice, a change to be in something other than an escort, it's certainly more fun than engineer.
I can still throw smaller heals about, I can still debuff and scrub.
So already more useful than a FAW spam boat.
What do you pilot? A scimitard by any chance?
Would be kind of ironic, someone complaining about a BOff skill used in a defensive fashion whilst they roll around in the most OP, spacebar mashing ship available.
Oh someone died in a 1v1...must whine on forum about it...sigh...
I know the OP, he's a great PvPer and if he came here to talk about it there's something not quite right. Actually, he compliments to someone who can kill him. I swear he felt insulted too as far as I read. Once the first has been wiped out, in rage he called his unskilled friend who could only press FBP button and provoke him. Just get cheap damage.
Really, FBP kills your PvP skills. There's nothing to do, nothing challenging in it, and as soon as enemy will recognize you're not a real threat they'll ignore you. You won't be dealing damage either on your own, doomed to give weaky heals that won't compare to a dedicated Recluse.
It's like FAW on Scimitar. It slowly destroys your fun. It might look exciting at first but after a while you will discover you got worthless, get frustrated because you can't spike and have another Scimitar with DHC that will obliterate you.
As Barbie once told me "FAW [on Scimitar] is like drugs, it's hard to stop and slowly kills your skills". FBP is no difference on any other ship if it's meant to be your only source of damage.
Kills your skills?
That's a laugh right there, no such thing in this game anymore.
He with the most cheese wins.
What about all the pass through stuff?
How a tac vaper doesn't even need to time anymore, just let it crit and pass through shields.
You talk of removing fun yet talk about scimitards in the same sentence.
How about all that shield ignore and pass through?
Gets a little boring getting killed by a space bar masher that just relies on shield pass through.
Yet, the one legitimate BOff skill is being cried about.
The only thing I would change on it, is it shouldn't stack with tac skills or buffs like alpha.
Was there some redeeming quality about this guy's build that I was missing? I believe not, and so far nothing said here has led me to change my original conclusion.
He figured out how to max one sci skill/ability and survive with it. That is the redeeming quality.
Kills your skills?
That's a laugh right there, no such thing in this game anymore.
He with the most cheese wins.
What about all the pass through stuff?
How a tac vaper doesn't even need to time anymore, just let it crit and pass through shields.
You talk of removing fun yet talk about scimitards in the same sentence.
How about all that shield ignore and pass through?
Gets a little boring getting killed by a space bar masher that just relies on shield pass through.
Yet, the one legitimate BOff skill is being cried about.
The only thing I would change on it, is it shouldn't stack with tac skills or buffs like alpha.
Sorry to break your dreams but my Scimitar with dual heavies is much more effective than any other FAW Scimitar when it comes to PvP. Can you tell me the name of a player that 1) uses Scimitar 2) uses FAW smashing spacebar 3) is known for his skills in OPVP?
I can't think of anyone.
What they SHOULD do is COMPLETELY NEGATE THE USE OF BEAM WEAPONS ON THAT SHIP. (small rage over there). TRIBBLE everything else for a moment, it makes no sense for it to use a weapon the original Scimitar wasn't even fitted with.
Not inciding on the boff ability. Do you want to drop a nerf hammer on all tactical cruisers and battlecruisers because of one ship? No thanks.
Maybe removing the tarded levels of skilless crits resulting in 100% pass through to shields would be nice.
Funny you cry about one skill that to be effective needs to be specced into, kitted to and buffed (or target debuffed).
Yet you don't complain about random crits winning the day (requires no skill), or the fact an alpha is no different. Especially this day and age.
Please tell me about your game breaking levels of DPS when you uncloak, or how on top of a near perfect BOff and console setup, high hull strength, big shields, higher crit chance and sev, then a battle cloak to boot. Did I forget about the hanger bay too?
Yes, follow a target, buff up, uncloak, target dead, runaway.
Hell, with the strength you can even stay in the battle, unlike any KDF fitted with battle cloak who are actually balanced.
So yeah, you cry about one BOff skill whilst you swan about in the most OP ship in the game, a ship so OP that coming out of cloak, it requires little skill to use.
Maybe removing the tarded levels of skilless crits resulting in 100% pass through to shields would be nice.
Funny you cry about one skill that to be effective needs to be specced into, kitted to and buffed (or target debuffed).
Yet you don't complain about random crits winning the day (requires no skill), or the fact an alpha is no different. Especially this day and age.
Please tell me about your game breaking levels of DPS when you uncloak, or how on top of a near perfect BOff and console setup, high hull strength, big shields, higher crit chance and sev, then a battle cloak to boot. Did I forget about the hanger bay too?
Yes, follow a target, buff up, uncloak, target dead, runaway.
Hell, with the strength you can even stay in the battle, unlike any KDF fitted with battle cloak who are actually balanced.
So yeah, you cry about one BOff skill whilst you swan about in the most OP ship in the game, a ship so OP that coming out of cloak, it requires little skill to use.
I'm not crying about it. I'm fine when people use FBP like any other ability, and they have other source of damage as well as sharx has pointed out. What I'm not fine with is when someone gives up everything to make such abomination that does not help the team, even less yourself. I'm a team player, used to cooperate to ultimately win the match. This is probably the main reason of hate...
I take as compliment "your game breaking level of DPS", thanks
Yeah Scimitar can take more hits than a regular KDF kitten-like resistant BoPs (way more) but even then, mine is not made for healing. I have only HE1 to clear from cheese, WCE doff to clear more cheese (still no EPtS), Valdore console to feed shields and a set 2 with distributor unit to allow a safe cloaking and passive shield regen even from extends at any time.
Eh, there are a lot of ways to reduce weapon damage. Most of it has to go through shields first anyway (even the stuff that doesnt is small percentage). I mean, you even have the new T4 rom rep passive that will disable weapons on a crit, and there are BOFF abilities that will reduce/disable weapon damage. You could make a build that made the entire opposing team do tickle-grade weapon damage with a FAW Nebula running Voth AP beams and Aceton Beam 2 on full-uptime AtB, throw in a couple of DOFFs for good measure.
On the other hand, FBP takes all damage, amplifies it, and returns half of the final damage directly to the opponent hull. You get hit by anything, multiply it by ~3, then half of that goes back for 1.5x of the original incoming firepower as direct-to-hull on the opponent. It can be countered by subnuc once every 2min and ... thats it. Buffing shields doesnt do anything. Draining Aux doesnt seem to do anything once the FBP has been activated (unlike weapons which have to use current subsystem power).
Kind of getting tired of every broken mechanic being justified as counter to FAW. AA spam, counter to FAW! Pet spam, counter to FAW! FBP spam, counter to FAW! At some point FAW is just handy cover for trolling.
Outside of pure transphasic build, torps wont do anything unless shields are down, and FBP means you cant shoot the shields down. So change that to "pure transphasic torpedo build"
B't yer be misstaki'n! Septober ther 19th is th' day we pirates call: Speak like o' landlubber day!
Thar be no misstaki'n this here fact!
There were just so many pets - hangar pets, Nimbus, Photonic - I couldn't help myself...had to fire of the spread, AoE E-Bio, drop out the Scan, and charge in for the R-Tet Cascade...
...I should have paid attention to the players there and noticed the guy with FBP up.
But why...why...lolwhy...did it have to hit him so many times with so many juicy targets there?
Obliteration Extreme...awesome fun!
Has it's primary focus on FBP but it also has the capacity to contribute to a team. Sure it's not going to make itself a team's primary target but against a FAW team? It'll shred them, or rather, help them shred themselves.
Set the power up right on it and maybe swap over the EPtA to EPtW and you can put a lot of power through the conventional weapons when it's needed adding another feather to it's cap as it were. I know it's not the most refined build ever and there is certainly room for improvement but it isan FBP build that has a useful place on a team, which is the point I'm making.
Clearly you didn't get what FULL FBP build means, like Kax's for example.
And I met entire noteworthy PvP player base in combat in team, vs, in 10v10, in 5v5 etc.
I use 1 FBP on my SCI tulwar and on TAC dyson, but i have more then 5 other abilities to kill with those ships.
To repeat myself, best FBP is on otherwise tactically capable ship:
take a look here from 3:39 mark(in PUG vs a premade and good players)
Also here: First and last kill
on a tactically heavy Dyson(first kill is 3x33K feedback with FBP2) and last kill is match decisive in really tight match also while i was attacking.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Yeah I was just going to mention, it is probably the most solid skills to have for a healer when it comes to protection.
Not a very worthwhile skill pve wise, but a solid skill used in pvp.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Good videos you got there (not a big fan of the music, but great otherwise).
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Thx, I put some effort when making them, so hearing that they are good is rewarding.
Well, about music, every video has different kind of music, just what i feel it suits the gameplay.
(in those 2 i linked it's Star Trek music
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
Imo the best one with music was Eye of the Tiger so far, that track literally got me!
You do some amazing job with those vids mate
PS: Tempus fugit is the description I've given to my Federation character when I bought the Mobius :eek:
Instead we shall all roll around in FAW spam boats that do nothing other than FAW spam.
Or a Tac escort that does nothing except alpha.
Considering even my lowly sci toon can damage and even kill a group of FAW spammers (1-2 people, the other 2 or 3 get wise), at least it can reflect enough damage to force a disengage.
So no, it's not totally useless.
Stop your crying and let people do something other than a vaper or FAW spam boat.
Please tell me how cool you are with FBP, love listening to it.
And your arguments doesn't hold water too, as no FAWer ever got killed by his damage and you can be sure I don't disengage in my FAHCR, I can heal faster.
Doesn't that depend upon the level of FBP thrown at you?
I mean, if someone used TT (with doffs), APO3, APA3, GDF, Full Aux power, EptA, FBP3, PH1 (with doff) with high particle gens skill. I think anyone would have to disengage from that regardless of how many heals you have (short of being a healboat, but then you don't have the damage to kill yourself anyway.)
Pretty accurate statement.
The few times I've dedicated myself to FBP, I found it rather easy to make sure that if I did die, that the original damage dealer goes with me. Most sci ships can stack more resists than the attacker and get the reflection over 100%, so if you're killing people through FBP and surviving w/o having to use SNB to get rid of it, the FBP user is doing it wrong. Just ask Kax.
Yes, you know? That word used when someone is entertained?!
Its nice, a change to be in something other than an escort, it's certainly more fun than engineer.
I can still throw smaller heals about, I can still debuff and scrub.
So already more useful than a FAW spam boat.
What do you pilot? A scimitard by any chance?
Would be kind of ironic, someone complaining about a BOff skill used in a defensive fashion whilst they roll around in the most OP, spacebar mashing ship available.
Or are you just being Internet hero?
Yeah he died twice in two different actually read it?
I know the OP, he's a great PvPer and if he came here to talk about it there's something not quite right. Actually, he compliments to someone who can kill him. I swear he felt insulted too as far as I read. Once the first has been wiped out, in rage he called his unskilled friend who could only press FBP button and provoke him. Just get cheap damage.
Really, FBP kills your PvP skills. There's nothing to do, nothing challenging in it, and as soon as enemy will recognize you're not a real threat they'll ignore you. You won't be dealing damage either on your own, doomed to give weaky heals that won't compare to a dedicated Recluse.
It's like FAW on Scimitar. It slowly destroys your fun. It might look exciting at first but after a while you will discover you got worthless, get frustrated because you can't spike and have another Scimitar with DHC that will obliterate you.
As Barbie once told me "FAW [on Scimitar] is like drugs, it's hard to stop and slowly kills your skills". FBP is no difference on any other ship if it's meant to be your only source of damage.
That's a laugh right there, no such thing in this game anymore.
He with the most cheese wins.
What about all the pass through stuff?
How a tac vaper doesn't even need to time anymore, just let it crit and pass through shields.
You talk of removing fun yet talk about scimitards in the same sentence.
How about all that shield ignore and pass through?
Gets a little boring getting killed by a space bar masher that just relies on shield pass through.
Yet, the one legitimate BOff skill is being cried about.
The only thing I would change on it, is it shouldn't stack with tac skills or buffs like alpha.
He figured out how to max one sci skill/ability and survive with it. That is the redeeming quality.
Sorry to break your dreams but my Scimitar with dual heavies is much more effective than any other FAW Scimitar when it comes to PvP. Can you tell me the name of a player that 1) uses Scimitar 2) uses FAW smashing spacebar 3) is known for his skills in OPVP?
I can't think of anyone.
What they SHOULD do is COMPLETELY NEGATE THE USE OF BEAM WEAPONS ON THAT SHIP. (small rage over there). TRIBBLE everything else for a moment, it makes no sense for it to use a weapon the original Scimitar wasn't even fitted with.
Not inciding on the boff ability. Do you want to drop a nerf hammer on all tactical cruisers and battlecruisers because of one ship? No thanks.
Funny you cry about one skill that to be effective needs to be specced into, kitted to and buffed (or target debuffed).
Yet you don't complain about random crits winning the day (requires no skill), or the fact an alpha is no different. Especially this day and age.
Please tell me about your game breaking levels of DPS when you uncloak, or how on top of a near perfect BOff and console setup, high hull strength, big shields, higher crit chance and sev, then a battle cloak to boot. Did I forget about the hanger bay too?
Yes, follow a target, buff up, uncloak, target dead, runaway.
Hell, with the strength you can even stay in the battle, unlike any KDF fitted with battle cloak who are actually balanced.
So yeah, you cry about one BOff skill whilst you swan about in the most OP ship in the game, a ship so OP that coming out of cloak, it requires little skill to use.
I'm not crying about it. I'm fine when people use FBP like any other ability, and they have other source of damage as well as sharx has pointed out. What I'm not fine with is when someone gives up everything to make such abomination that does not help the team, even less yourself. I'm a team player, used to cooperate to ultimately win the match. This is probably the main reason of hate...
I take as compliment "your game breaking level of DPS", thanks
Yeah Scimitar can take more hits than a regular KDF kitten-like resistant BoPs (way more) but even then, mine is not made for healing. I have only HE1 to clear from cheese, WCE doff to clear more cheese (still no EPtS), Valdore console to feed shields and a set 2 with distributor unit to allow a safe cloaking and passive shield regen even from extends at any time.
Snip,snip, snip.
You just answered your own question.
Is that not the point in any game, to survive.
On the other hand, FBP takes all damage, amplifies it, and returns half of the final damage directly to the opponent hull. You get hit by anything, multiply it by ~3, then half of that goes back for 1.5x of the original incoming firepower as direct-to-hull on the opponent. It can be countered by subnuc once every 2min and ... thats it. Buffing shields doesnt do anything. Draining Aux doesnt seem to do anything once the FBP has been activated (unlike weapons which have to use current subsystem power).
Kind of getting tired of every broken mechanic being justified as counter to FAW. AA spam, counter to FAW! Pet spam, counter to FAW! FBP spam, counter to FAW! At some point FAW is just handy cover for trolling.
FBP at Max :P
Try Feed backing on this, Fire all torpedoes!!! :mad:
Uh Oh :eek:
FBP builds + FBP gear (voth ****) like scora's build are useless, but a combination of FBP, skill, and offensive damage is good.
If you're going FBP, be good at healing teammates as well? Torps and rams always get the FBPer though.
and some other stuff as well.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers